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Everything posted by ProfD

  1. Ignorance is definitely a cause of unfounded fear. I believe the main cause of fear is not wanting to deal with the punishment or outcome. Folks run away from a fight because they don't want to get beat up or worse. They want to go to heaven but don't want to die. That 400 years of slavery has inflicted a PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) on AfroAmericans that has yet to be fully comprehended. But, the conditioning has resulted in a latent fear. White folks have consistently shown their willingness to kill opposition and die fighting i.e. go to war. There are no Black folks on the planet who really want that smoke from white folks. One could argue Black folks are smart enough to avoid it.
  2. The natural order of things is that folks gotta leave us. The Pointer Sisters made great music. Their legacy has been recorded for posterity. May our sista Anita Pointer RIP.
  3. Facts. Every now and then, the universe will send monsters otherwise known as devils among us. There's no shortage of evil folks of all stripes throughout recorded human history. They are responsible for dysfunctional behaviors. However, the evil that is racism white supremacy is unprecedented.
  4. My brotha, I'm always going to push back on the indictment of AfroAmerican intelligence or the lack thereof. IMO, AfroAmericans aren't lacking intelligence moreso than they are paralyzed by fear. I'm sure you all remember those days when it wasn't cool to be smart. Intelligent folks would tuck their intellect like a chain to avoid being confronted about it. AfroAmericans have to get over their subconscious fear and let their intelligence hang like a pair in order to thrive.
  5. IMO, the media has nothing to do with older folks being alone. It's the natural arc of life. Ideally, human beings find a partner with whom they can grow old. Well, as Biggie said, somebody's gotta die. If it works out, they won't be too far apart. Senior citizens who have invested in family and community should have enough folks around them to avoid loneliness especially if their spouse has passed away. However, as offspring, family and friends have their own lives to live, there's a point at which older folks will be alone. That's why it's important to invest in healthy relationships built on friendship. Getting old isn't all fun and games.
  6. As I mentioned, there are several reasons people end up alone. But, here's one... A solid relationship is built on friendship. Friendship is built unconditionally. Think about folks considered closest friends. There were no conditions, expectations or ulterior motives. Most adults go into relationships with a bag full of conditions, ulterior motives and/or expectations. Really getting to know the other person and building a friendship is secondary to accomplishing the mission whether it is s8x or finances or marriage. The real relationship killer is boredom. Most people will not admit that beyond the surface, they are boring as f8ck. Again, that's the importance of friendship. When physical attraction and s8x and money fade away, there has to be something else to keep a relationship thriving and devoid of boredom. Friendship does it. As people get older and fill their Samsonite with BS, they're less fun to deal with and/or be around. Put two people together with mismatched luggage. The trip will start out with good intentions. Grab a bag popcorn and enjoy the show.
  7. D8mn. A real life Jack-O-Lantern. That n8gglets mouf could be the poster for why people are alone...missing furniture, marbles, money, etc.
  8. Have a short conversation with those folks over 40 years old and you'll walk away knowing exacting why they're alone and/or thirsty. Many folks *waste* their most productive years having fun and BSing. They use up their mental and physical capital in non-productive endeavors. Both women and men wake up over 40 years old wanting settle down after accumulating a few Samsonite bags full of baggage. For some reason, despite the fact that I'm probably one of the least religious dudes on the planet, I meet a lot of religious women. Telling them I sit at the right hand of Satan doesn't scare them away. Those religious women have turned their lives over to God after goofing off the best years of their lives. Even as senior citizens with adult childen and grandkids and a couple failed marriages or widowed, these women have either 1) surrendered their bodies to God and 2) want to be married before getting into a physical relationship. Some folks either haven't grown up or they are just batsh8t crazy. There's no shortage of men and women. But, there's definitely a reason why they're alone.
  9. I believe that perception depends on several factors. Where we choose to live, work and play has to be considered. Age group is another factor. For example, there's no shortage of older women available since they tend to out-live men. Of course, physical appearance and other qualities tend to qualify or disqualify individuals from the available pool. From what I can see, there's never been a shortage especially considering birthrates haven't gone down and kids are running around everywhere. Black men and women are finding each other by any means necessary.
  10. Let the haters keep moving to Florida. That will make it easier for us to know where they live. The south has never been shy when it comes to racism. Florida is no exception. I experienced it first-hand back in August 1977. The last time I visited Florida several years ago was cool. No racist encounters. Beautiful weather. Of course, neither of the clowns were in Florida at the time that I'm aware..Orange Julius nor DeDumb.
  11. Agreed. D8mn shame ao many folks had to die. For taking the azz whupping, Ukraine will get close to $100 billion from the USA in order to rebuild their country.
  12. First priority is a better choice of words. Indifferent doesn't have to be cold and harsh. Basically, we need to mind own business and get our own house in order before we can speak about and/or on behalf of another group of people. I still contend that getting pulled into other folks' issues is a diversionary trap to keep us preoccupied with something else.
  13. Jews didn't have to beg or be considerate of or concerned with the plight of any other group of people in getting reparations for the holocaust Japan pulled the USA into World War II. Yet, after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Japanese have been receiving reparations from the USA for a half century and counting. AfroAmericans should not have to bend over backwards for a debt America owes us for 400 years of slavery.
  14. Black unity is not about tyranny or marginalizing or mistreating any other group of people. Live and let live. Black unity and power is about being self-sufficient in all areas of human activity and dismantling the system of racism white supremacy.
  15. AfroAmericans should be indifferent about antisemitism and any other issues concerning white folks that have little or nothing to do with reparations for America's original sin of slavery.
  16. Roundabouts have been around for 200 years. That conspiracy theory of yours is a bridge too far.
  17. The main reason stupid sh8t is allowed to happen in a wealthy country like America is be because everything to include dysfunction fuels capitalism. Otherwise, I agree that winter weather preparation and clean up could be planned a lot better in order to minimize disruption. Meteorologist spill the tea a week in advance that 48 inches of snow is coming in on a system. Get the snow plows ready. NY state government could have done a better job of helping Buffalo. Snow removal is a matter of having the right equipment and a deployment and mobilization plan. The state has resources including equipment, food, water, medical supplies, etc. But, they know people are going to do dumb sh8t and some will die during a weather emergency. Acceptable risk and loss to include human beings. It's sad. That's capitalism.
  18. The city of Buffalo got dumped on by 4 feet of snow. Several dozen people have died as a result. While the city is still digging out, some folks have used the bilzzard as an opportunity to loot: https://www.wivb.com/news/crime/four-arraigned-for-alleged-looting-dollar-stores-during-blizzard/ As of one of the volunteers mentioned, the citizens get the short end when selfish people decide to break in stores and steal.
  19. Fear. Black folks think 1) Jews control money and 2) immigrants are going to kick them out of 2nd class and 3) fighting systemic racism and economic injustice will make the white man force them back into indentured servitude.
  20. Think I heard the same thing years ago. It's not getting her Black azz a pass with the Jews.
  21. H8ll naw. Whoopi (born Caryn Elaine Johnson) took on Goldberg for her career.
  22. @richardmurray, I answered the question as presented in the 1st paragraph of my initial response. Again, I'm in agreement that elected officials including Black folks have a responsibility to get as much as they poasibly can to support their districts. This is not the 1st time you've had a problem with my response and/or it didn’t meet your criteria. We're not in class.
  23. There are ways of getting a beloved pet back without going to court. That guy should be ashamed of himself for letting that trailer trash take him there. The judge definitely knew the best way to settle the case.
  24. The mom's sense of entitlement is hilarious. But, dude had to know she was lazy as h8ll before he went into that cookie jar. A fool and his money shall soon be parted.
  25. I find it incredulous that AfroAmerican celebrities continue to let Jew drop from their lips. Apparently, they haven't gotten enough from the backlash. These n8gglets won't be be satisfied until they have been rendered penniless and broke. Then, maybe it will occur to them to keep certain groups of people out of their mouths. At 67 years old, Whoopi probably doesn't give a d8mn anymore.
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