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Everything posted by ProfD

  1. Glad to be at a point in life where I don't need riskier investments or the metaverse. I'll leave that to the younger folks.
  2. It might not be done yet. I'm guessing the crypto network has to rebooted like a cable box.
  3. Yep. She's definitely providing great information. Still relevant even it's old news now. Again, I'm disappointed that despite Africa having over 1 billion people, it cannot keep itself from allowing foreigners to cut it up like a Thanksgiving turkey. @Pioneer1, it's not a lack of intelligence among black people. They are losing to greed and power.
  4. Unfortunately, whether it's her age or immaturity or both, Sha’carri Richardson has over-estimated her greatness and/or importance to the sport of Track & Field. Sha'carri reminds me of young athletes in other sports who have shown some promise but allowed the hype to derail their careers. Richardson won't be the last rising star to fall back to Earth. There is still a window of opportunity to get her mind *right* and back into the game.
  5. The feds aren't going to run around chasing and prosecuting folks for smoking weed. If such was the case, every April 20th they could round up a whole lot of folks.
  6. Absolutely. Divide and conquer and spreading imperialism has been working for hundreds of years. I'm still amazed by how France pulled that sh8t off leaving Haiti indebted to them for over 200 years and counting. The US allows a few Haitians to come here but otherwise...benign neglect. The way border patrol on horseback turned the Haitian refugees away several months ago showed us everything we need to know about what they think of black folks. Meanwhile, 100k Ukrainian refugees show up to open arms; hot cocoa, food, blankets, clothes, housing and a monthly stipend to make ends meet.
  7. The former POTUS took a few boxes of government documents to Florida when he left the White House. That's against the law: https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-mar-a-lago-government-and-politics-9e8d683afe87389407950af7ccfdbdd6 It took a while for the government to retrieve the boxes. No telling what documents were pulled from the boxes before turning them back over to the feds. I would be surprised if the FBI find any documents in that house. If they do find anything, someone was very stupid, cocky or sloppy. For many years, they haven't been able to make anything stick to Teflon Don. Let's see if the FBI comes up with the smoking gun to keep him from running for office again.
  8. These murderers pleaded to serve their sentence in federal prison for safety fearing they will be killed in state prison (back door death penalty). I'm glad the judge rejected that foolishness. They were bold enough to do the crime. Now they have to man up and do that time in the lion\'s den. In reality, once they check in with the Aryan Brotherhood, they will be fine and survive in prison.
  9. Rhetorically, I'm still wondering what makes folks support and vote for a cruel and heartless group of people..
  10. The vote was 57-43 which included 7 GOPers. They were 3 votes short of the measure passing. 43 GOP senators voted against reducing the cost of insulin. Surely, some of their constituents could use the cost reduction. Only GOP voters affected by diabetes in one form or another can answer the question of why they vote for people uninterested in lowering their prescription costs.
  11. Redistribution of wealth and power is the only way for us to move forward. Reparations to ADOS would provide AfroAmericans with the resources to build better communities with everything to include housing, schools, medical facilities, banks, grocery stores and other businesses. Politicians on both sides of the aisle want no parts of such a discussion or plan of action. It's a non-starter. Instead of dealing with the byproduct of America's origin sin, white folks would much rather obfuscate the real issues and jump down rabbit holes that don't have anything to do with the elephant in the room. The whole alphabet movement (LGBTQIA+) has been another great distraction. Back in the 1960s it was white women's rights. Anything to avoid dealing with AfroAmericans has been the modus operandi of white supremacists for many decades and counting.
  12. I understand the dysfunction that plagues Black folks but I'm still disappointed that we aren't doing any better in our own countries
  13. Well, you were right about it...I disagree. Black folks are not less intelligent than anyone else. We don't use it to build weapons of mass destruction. It's not because we cannot. It's not our nature. We use our intelligence for good not evil.
  14. We have to keep in mind that there are a lot of Americans of average and lower intelligence. Winning them over doesn't take a scholar. That's why so many mocked and ridiculed POTUS Obama when he spoke: Just like in school, some folks are jealous of amd resent those who are smart. They'd vote for stupid just because it makes them feel better about themselves.
  15. Try me. Contrary to sista @Cynique's opinion, I'm open-minded. At least when it comes to certain things. But, my answer to your question is fear. Black folks are afraid to do anything that will p8ss the white man off. Also, contrary to public perception, most Black folks are peaceful. We aren't natural born killers. We work and play. We'd much rather sit around eating, drinking, talking laughing, listening to music and making love.
  16. @Pioneer1, I can understand how Kam's lyrics on tracks like "Down Fa Mine" could be taken negatively. But, artistic license does allow one to flip the script. It still displays the dopeness of Kam's lyricism. Hollywood does it all the time. My favorite actor Denzel Washington played in "Glory", "Malcolm X", "Training Day", "American Gangster" and many other movies showcasing his range and versatility. The *problem* I have with artists is when their content is like McDonald's food...lacking nutritional value.
  17. This has been my complaint about them for decades. They don't go hard in the paint for anything. If it's not handed to them on a silver platter, they'll shrug their shoulders and say I tried and slink away. Meanwhile, the GOP will let proverbial nuts hang when they're steering thr ship. They are like a bull in a China shop when it comes to pushing their agenda. They routinely punk the Dems regardless or who's in charge. That's why I'll continue to beat my drum that these parties are two sides of the same coin. Maintaining white supremacy is the primary objective of both political parties. They've gotten n8gglets to buy into and fight over it.
  18. Raises hand. My parents have always been my *heroes*. That's why I've never idolized anyone else. Great thread. Real parents never get enough credit for what they do.
  19. D8mn bro...what you know about that. Kam is one of my favorite lyricists. There were plenty cats like him who delivered the message with no confusion. Unfortunately , record companies run by white folks weren't going to promote those messages over the stuff that *sells*. Of course, music od substance like any other form of entertainment has to be sought out like books in a library.
  20. The availability of job training programs would help some folks. But, there has to be a stronger desire to work. Mental and physcal laziness are very real conditions. It's evident early when folks don’t work hard enough to get an education. In addition to state and federal government, private investors could establish job training programs too.
  21. Genius is having exceptional intellectual ability, creative productivity, imagination and originality to the extent of being able to achieve new discoveries or advance knowledge. A part of genius is having the ability to recognize or envision patterns, shapes and concepts in order to produce tangible results.
  22. Still true. Right now, they are trying to pass a bill that will put more money into infrastructure improvements. The bill has been carved up from what POTUS originally had in mind. I guess they'll take whatever they can get at this point considering the political gridlock.
  23. The arrogance of the US is that it can sail anywhere it d8mn well pleases and if China wants to get their emperor-wannabe filled Navy wiped off the map, that's on them. I do not advocate violence unless it's for self-defense. The US will not act without provocation. But, once aggravated, all h8ll will break loose. Trust and believe...China does not really want any parts of what the US can give it land, sea and air. I know this factually.
  24. @Stefan, the US doesn't *need* China for anything. It's a relationship built on greed. There was a point in time that Made in the USA meant something. There is no shortage of labor, skill and talent stateside. American companies left factories high and dry. Plenty of well-paying blue collar jobs flushed down the drain. Greed is the only reason the US is sticking its proverbial hand in a lion's mouth that is now China. It's cheaper and more profitable to have goods made in China. Same goes for getting oil from the Middle East. A handful of wealthy white folks are using the US military as a security force. Don't get me started on Africans allowing foreigners to pillage the land and take natural resources.
  25. @Delano, you're absolutely right on both accounts. The biggest nations in the world have been doing this 2 step dance for a half century and counting. Still, I believe all of the posturing, saber rattling and displays of strength is really to keep other countries in check. The US and China and Russia and the rest all know that a world war would be bad for business.
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