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Everything posted by Cynique

  1. @Mel HopkinsWhat I was most recently trying to do is to project my dreams into the future where the PowerBall drawing had already been held and the winning numbers drawn. I had a pad and pencil at my bedside so when I woke up after such a dream, I could write the numbers down. Of course, none of this makes any sense to anybody who isn't crazy like me and - I just engage in all of this nonsense to indulge my fascination with quantum leaps. @Delano I think I am more interested in the answer to whether or not time is on my side. And you are right. I do feel as though I'm no longer of this world, and @ProfD I will be drifting in and out of the cave of my mental hibernation to check on my earthly realm while awaiting for my time to run out. I feel very strongly that we are witnessing the beginning of the end of America's failed 200+ years experiment with democracy, and that the fall of the American Empire as we know it is imminent. The Republicans are going to prevail and turn this country into a fascistic hypocritical evangelical theocracy. Elections will become mere formalities and it will all be "their way or the highway". @Troyimo, the Democrats will have mostly themselves to blame for this. They've overestimated not only the intelligence of the American people, but their integrity. Average voters are not really interested in the welfare of their fellow man. They want to be able to discriminate against other races, reject immigrants, make fun of, and sexually harass each other while leading the best life that materialism has to offer. You know; the American dream. Preaching political correctness, imposing the cancel culture and forcing the lbgt and BLM agendas down peoples' throats will be what contributes to the defeat of the naive idealistic Democrats. RIP I think black survival under a Conservative Right regime may have a lot to do with just staying in one's lane. I don't anticipate being around to endure what eventually lies ahead, however. After 90, all bets are off. Of course, i would have nooo problem with being wrong about these predictions!
  2. I'm preparing to go into hibernation, myself. I will spend the winter dreaming about what i would've done with my Powerball winnings and how reassuring a Democratic sweep would've been.
  3. @DelI've been experimenting with some time markers, while choosing my numbers for the billion dollar Powerball lottery. I won a grand total of $8.00 on the last drawing. Experimenting with a different approach for the next drawing. Trying to catch up with the future through dreams... Also trying to decide what time of day to go vote on mid term election day. Democrats need all the help they can get.
  4. Maybe. Maybe not. Depends on if they have the potential to generate profit. The coming generations have a different mind-set.
  5. With Ye, he wants to have his cake and eat it it, too. With Kyrie he can dish it out and but most surely won't be able to take it. And so it goes.
  6. When the smoke clears from the showdown between the white political right and the white political left, black folks may be faced with a dilemma when it comes to the aftermath of what might end up being an out and out civil war. If the right wingers prevail, which they may very well do, then their dismantling of democracy will call for a whole new approach by minority ethnicities. The Millennials and GenZers might decide if they can't whip 'em , to join 'em, compete as individuals, participate in equal opportunity exploitation, and let the chips fall where they may...
  7. My feeling about guys like "Ye" and Kyrie is that if you make anti-semitic remarks, you are aligning yourself with the political right, and have no recourse when whites make racists remarks about blacks. This name calling opens up a whole new can of worms. Bigotry is bigotry.
  8. @ProfD Along with the rest of Chicagoland Bear fans, I am very encouraged by GM Ryan Poles' re-building program. As you say, the addition of Chase Claypool, should make Justin's job easier. I love the name of these 3 young "brothas" making waves for "Da Bears". Chase, Justin, and Ryan. Sounds like 3 alumni from an Eastern Prep School. i suspect they are all bi-racial - the wave of the future? LOL
  9. @ProfDWell, i'm glad i didn't get my hopes up too high. The BEARS have a long way to go before becoming a credible contender but Justin Fields is, nonetheless, managing to give a pretty good accounting of himself!
  10. Congratulations on receiving this award, Troy! It couldn't have been presented to a more deserving person. I am proud to call you my friend.
  11. @Pioneer1Perversion is your middle name. When you get married and father some kids then you'll have room to dispel suspicions about your sexuality. In the mean time, continue to try and mask your down low vibe with pseudo masculinity, braggin about the young women you are supposedly fightin off. Wouldn't be surprised if you swung both ways, and even throw a little pedophilia in the mix. Now go sit your sore ass down and stop smearing your feces all over this board.
  12. Oh puleeze. This thread was started by Del and as usual you stuck your nose in and added your worthless 2 cents. And when Chevdove joined the discussion a year later and started expressing her interest in the subject, you got miffed because she disagreed with you and took an interest in what Del was saying, something that frosted your balls. Now you're trying to make everybody at fault but you. You're really a piece of work!
  13. @Pioneer1People like you were among the many other types with whom I have interacted, - and I'm grateful that i didn't "keep encountering" or "attracting " your kind. Those are your words, not mine . As usual you are putting your spin on things, to try and create a scenario that feeds your ego and puts you in a favorable light. Same ol, same ol.
  14. The end hasn't come yet, Dummy. You are stuck in your "everything is a white man conspiracy" mode.
  15. @Pioneer1This from the clueless moron who insists on inserting his irrelevant drivel into Del's thread about Time Markers. As a pathetic wanna-be whose inadequacies undoubtedly carry over into the bedroom you, yourself, need to exit this post since a woman's orgasm is not a something you've ever had anything to do with. ...maybe if I wasn't so tiny, I could make her come.
  16. @Pioneer1Oh put a sock in it. I am not interested in reconciling with the black race which I have divorced. And low hanging fruit like you make perfect targets to pick on. You are the embodiment of the type of person I have encountered and been revolted by all my 89 years. A conceited motor mouth jerk who thinks he knows it all and can't conceive of the idea that he might be wrong about something. An assinine narcissist.
  17. @Pioneer1Ho Hum. Back to concocting the scenarios you come up with in order to convince yourself that you are something other than an ego manical loose cannon who exists in a world of paranoid delusions. A voice wimpering in the wilderness, - a wanna be messiah. And, in the end, a big nothing. zzzzz
  18. @Pioneer1Your response is a typical example of the "distort rather than retort" m/o you embrace when you argue. I said nothing about sex; simply made reference to who happen to be the male contemporaries of my daughters and grand daughters - guys who like to "pick my brain" and elicit my opinions about a variety of subjects. But a drooling lecher like you can't rise can't rise to that level of civility. So resume your self-appointed role of god's gift to the world and immerse yourself in the sweaty audience of dingbats who you contaminate with your fake pearls of wisdom. Ooooo weee, mista pioneer sho is smart. He say da world is a big ol clock. But I hear his thang is real little, and he ain't circumcised.
  19. Right, Del! Why doesn't Pioneer stfu and remove himself from the conversation. He just can't fathom the idea that a discussion can proceed without his shallow input.
  20. @Pioneer1Speak for yourself. We don't all share the opinion that time exists. The closest we can come to a consensus is to acknowledge that time is a hypothetical concept that pits one perception against another. @DelanoTime is an intangible condition incapsulated in a verbal definition as opposed to a tangible entity visible to the eye. @Pioneer1And this is what I mean about you intruding into every post, expressing your unsolicited opinion. if you think the debate about time is nonsense then stay the hell out of the discussion.
  21. Would YOU please show me where I claimed any of the above crap you just cited????. The only thing you are good at is presenting specious arguments that reek with non sequitur straw man ploys. Debating you is a waste of time. Go somewhere and find you an air head to try and impress.
  22. @Pioneer1Blah blah, blah, i'm sure ProfD, in particular, and certain other guys who come here could make the same claim but their egos don't require them to attach a lot of weight to it. Away from this board, even i am approached by younger guys who want to pick my brain and engage me in deep conversation. Get over yourself. I'm not surprised you limit yourself to a certain type. Women like me find you depressingly mediocre. Being knowledgeable about the bible and black phenotypes isn't my idea of sexy. zzzzzzzzzzz. I'm done Gotta go watch "House of the Dragon".
  23. Not so. I didn't sleep with inadequate lovers like you probably are, premature ejaculators who couldn't delivered the goods.
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