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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. However it's also clear that music...especially in the AfroAmerican community....is heavily manipulated by those in power. It's like the life or energy we were discussing in another thread. They may not be able to create it, but they have learned to MANIPULATE it somewhat and control it to their ends and desires. They can look at HIphop and if 90% of it is positive and uplifting while 10% is negative and inspires destruction....they may not be able to control the ratio of that creativity but they CAN control what is played over the air and what gets promoted. So they'll PROMOTE Gangsta Rap as opposed to the more Conscious and Afrocentric rap even if positive rap predominates in reality. They'll PROMOTE the thug-life....sporting tattoos and weed smoking. They'll PROMOTE Mumble Rap that make Black youth sound like drunken apes....as opposed to the smooth and witty rappers that dazzle the world with the eloquence and articulation of Black American vernacular. "Hey, how about promoting Big Daddy Kane?" "Well....the hair cut is nice and creative. The gold jewelry is attractive. His lyrics are crisp, clear, and well composed. He's slim, handsome, and well dressed, but......nahh I don't think the women will find HIM attractive enough to really keep up sales Hey I have a better idea! Let's promote THESE guys: " "Now see....THESE guys have the total package! The tattoos covering up their brown skin... Very little jewelry... Can barely understand what the hell they're saying.... Don't dance....just rock around on the stage like a pack of staggering apes..... Now THAT'S what the people want! The women will SURE go for these guys and increase our sales. And if they don't....well...we'll PAY a bunch of women to PRETEND to find them attractive and hopefully a new generation of girls will be trained into doing so". But the question really is...... WHO BENEFITS from smooth, handsome, intelligent Black men being removed from Hiphop and replaced by ugly, grimey, mumble-mouthed criminals? They certainly don't make BLACK MEN look better and more attractive......so who DO they make look better by comparison????
  2. Concrete? Or down to Earth. Truth always has the final say.
  3. There IS no "Black man's guide to crypo currency" because Black folks don't even have the inside knowledge of how it operates, let alone any CONTROL over it. Because WE didn't come up with it! Once again, silly negroes are just being manipulated into putting their money and faith into crap they know little to nothing about (but THINK they do) so that White folks can take it from them and further enrich themselves. Don't show me a bunch of graphs and digits on paper designed to dazzle the mind. Show me the HARD CASH Black folks have actually made from Bitcoin or any other form of crypto-currency. If some of yall niggaz ain't falling for the White man's false religions....others of you are falling for his fake ass ponzi financial schemes. It it ain't one thing, it's another. Just like I can look out of a window and see that the sun is shining, I could EASILY see that Bitcoin and this other crap are just some of the many scams that White folks have whipped up to trick yall out of your money....like they've BEEN doing for centuries. But some of you still don't "get" it do ya..... "Look! You can't see THAT???? It's been shining EVERY DAY since....like...the beginning of the Earth. But you JUST NOW noticed it rising????"
  4. I thought Youtube had some sort of rule or clause against showing guns and violent acts. Youtube's rules are quite confusing because they seem to pick and choose what is and isn't against their "community guidelines". You can hold shows where you sit around and diss Black women all day long but if you say something against gay people...all of a sudden your video or even the channel is flagged. Not sure who's making these rules.
  5. Chev The reason why God has allowed our people to fall into this prophecy is partly because of 'free will' and due to this free will, our ancestor chose to copulate with a White Supremacist being. Is Divine Prophecy and "free will" contraditing terms? How can behavior that has already been pre-determined to happen be a product of free will???? We suffer for the sins of our ancestors. Is that justice? Not in my opinion. That's why after 430 years, the Egyptian government was judged at this time. Their hidden agenda manifested over a period of 3-to-4 generations and just as predicted Well 430 years (and counting.....because the racists are STILL in power) is far more than 3 or 4 generations. Well....IF is is true that one generation pays for the sends of past generations and it only takes 3 or 4 generations before that payment is received.....a generation is about 30 years. Certainly from the committing of the sins to the consequences and payment of that sin would be no more than 150 years at the most. But certainly not 430. The Bible defines the government of Satan in the Old Testament as the set up of BAAL and ASHTEROTH and this is just what happened in Egypt. As I said many times before, Satan's government is also defined as being MATRIARCHAL. One of the reasons for this is because the invaders occupied their lands and wrote the Bible to justify it were PATRIARCHAL and SEXIST. They hated women and saw them as agents of the devil who's only purpose was to help them reproduce their seed. So obviously having a matriarchal or even an egalitarian system where men and women had equal power was not in THEIR best interests, so they sought to demonize it and call it "satanic". Among the original peoples you had the MALE and FEMALE deities holding power. You find this not only in Africa but also in the Americas and all over the planet. When the Caucasians took over they had to keep close control over their women and who they had sex with so as to keep them from mixing their genes with the original people, so they had lock their women up and oppress them in order to maintain extreme control over them. In places like Iran and Afghanistan....those wild Caucasian tribes were forcing their women to wear veils and cover up CENTURIES before the Islamic religion became the law of the land. It was part of their culture to keep their women covered and tucked away and to condemn the feminine divine.
  6. ProfD Well cross breeding a human with a monkey or any other animal isn't "creating" life. The life is already there and has been created. It's just being combined or spliced or manipulated. Like they say about energy. They say it's neither created nor destroyed by TRANSFORMED and manipulated.
  7. Not that I'm justifying this attack.....but what I find interesting is how Black women are more likely to unite to attack a White person than Black men are. What I've seen so often is that Black women are often more likely to stick together with eachother when it comes to going against Black men OR White men and women than Black men are. White men can often manipulate Black men into attacking eachother and certainly a lot of White women can do this. But they often have a HARD time trying to convince a sista to go against another sista.
  8. Greg You know what....I won't argue with you there.
  9. Greg This is yet another wonderful illustration of your GROSS ignorance! 1. The United States NEEDS crime and criminals to operate because they need to constantly fill the private prisons and jails that are increasing being used as sources for cheap labor this society thrives off of. 2. The United State IS ALREADY bringing in your beloved Central and South Americans by the millions. What you don't understand and probably don't even realize is that the HIGHER UP racists who are giving you your marching orders actually SUPPORT mass illegal immigration in the United States because it not only supplies the rich White business owners with a constant source of cheap labor but because they aren't legal citizens....THEY HAVE NO RIGHTS. So they are far less likely to complain about their working conditions or demand benefits like regular American workers.
  10. Chev She is absolutely right! The historical basis of what she has referred to his historical. There is an early map and history about that part of West Africa and was known as the land of Judah. I don't know of any LEGITIMATE map that portrays any portion of Africa as ancient "Judah"....lol. But I'm sure some religious people have tried to draw one up. Much like many of the religious original founders of the United States wanted to all America the "New Jerusalem" and ran around the land naming parts of it "Salem" and "Bethel" and "Bethesda" and "Canaan" and other biblical names so that they would line up with their twisted beliefs. Also, my ancestor is linked to this very history as well, on my maternal father's side. In addition, there has been extensive scientific DNA links of Black African people in this region that match the DNA of Isrealite people in East and South Africa. Most scientists question whether the "Israelite people" even EXISTED...let alone have a DNA sample of them to prove who is from what. No, the Biblical prophesy of Moses is exact and has come to past. Refresh my memory please..... What exactly did Moses prophecy? AfroAmericans come from many places from Africa, not just Egypt and Ethiopia. Correct. But almost all Black Africans THEMSELVES came to the rest of the continent by way of Egypt and Ethiopia. Those were the DOOR WAYS to the rest of Africa. ProfD Hieroglyphs was a formal writing system created by the ancient Egyptians (northeastern Africans) over 4,000 years ago. It is the basis for every other writing system (Greek, Arabic, Latin, etc.) Not only that, but most archeologist and liguists will tell you that the most ADVANCED CIVILIZATIONS know that symbols are far more powerful than letters and words. Instead of wasting space with millions of letters, you can convey a thousand concepts using just ONE SYMBOL. For those who doubt this. Tell me if THIS symbol doesn't invoke a flood of information and ideas that need no words to articulate:
  11. ProfD I can't prove it but I'm of the suspicion that the ape is some sort of crossbreed between the human and monkey (tailed little monkey) that occurred THOUSANDS of years ago when human beings (Black humanity) was far more advanced and knew how to so it successfully. Let us keep it mind that Western science is a BABY. It's very immature and just because Western scientists are unable to cross breed certain species today (or won't admit to knowing it even if they ARE doing it secretly)...doesn't mean the ancient Black man/woman didn't have this knowledge before the Fall. But again, this is a suspicion as I have no solid proof of this.
  12. ProfD I often have the same reaction. When I hear a White man/woman spilling the beans on what the rest of his comrades are doing or have done, I get a little suspicious of his motives. Is this some sort of strategy of deception? Did he get fucked over by one of his organizations and is now doing this out of revenge? But at the end of the day, the most important question for me is: Is what he's saying TRUE or not? And how much of it is? I keep saying over and over again that if a White person REALLY wants to help end racism and help us.....then put down those sissy signs and stop all of that marching and clapping and singing and crying fake tears. If you REALLY want to help us....stand up on stage and give us a full run down of the tricks and schemes your people have used to exploit and abuse our people. So regardless of his motives, IF what he's saying is true....and I believe it is even if he's only telling part of the story....I'll take the truth of what he's saying and use it. I'd rather him say it than keep it to himself. Like that book Behold a Pale Horse..... He told a lot of half-truths but he did expose a lot of what White folks were doing to the Black community too. Infact, I think the South African government should PROTECT this man and collect his information for further examination and use.
  13. Oh, you're doing video games now???? Don't always agree with your politics.....infact I RARELY agree with your politics....but I'm glad to see you're pushing your own video games. You're a "go getter".....lol....I'll give that to you.
  14. Chev Yeah, I've heard this for years. That immigrants are shown films and given classes on how to conduct themselves safely and successfully in American society. I sure wish they would have shown US some films and gave US who were born and raised here some classes on how to do so....lol. Seems like if you're a citizen born and raised in the U.S.....you gotta figure it out on your own.
  15. Troy you are saying the U.S. is using Covid as an opportunity to covertly kill Black people and that this explains why Americans, and Black people in particular, are dying at disproportionately higher numbers than the rest of the world? Do i understand you correctly? Almost...lol. Allow me to TWEEK it a bit so that it will be more accurate. I believe that RACISTS IN the U.S. are using Covid as and opportunity to TAYLOR/CULL the Black population in the United States so that we don't get too large. This is just one of the MANY methods they have been using. The agenda of the racists (those racists in charge at least) is not to KILL OFF the entire population of people of color. But TAYLOR it and shave it down to a more "manageable" number so that they'll be easier to control. ProfD I got one for you..... A lot of the times, these "diseases" as well as their cures often come from the same source....the Black and Native American so-called "tribal" or traditional people who live outside of Western society who still practice their ancient and sacred sciences. Western scientists fly down to Africa or South America on a routine basis to steal knowledge from the shamans and medicine men/women of those remote communities and use much of it to poison or control the society. "So...you're saying if we grind this leaf up and let it dry it will be a poison strong enough to sicken and kill up to 45, 000 people??? SaWEEET!"
  16. Coggins Don't forget that many Latinos are actually WHITE and most have some White ancestry in them to various degrees....thus they carry the same racist views and inclinations as their non-Latino White counterparts. So that should come as no surprise. Most Latinos in southern Florida...who tend to be White....have BEEN in bed with the Republican party for decades. Since atleast the Reagan Era.
  17. ProfD Now see..... If I were one of these mega-billionaire business people I would think the opposite of the way many of them do in regards to this virus. If there was a virus floating around that threatened to kill off or disable my employees....I would try my best to protect them from it and keep them alive until it abated. Yes I would want IMMEDIATE profits, but I would be wise and strategic enough to know that it would work out well in the long term. I would try my best to keep my property and investments (including my employees) safe and healthy so that I could continue to reap benefits from them for a looooong time in the future.
  18. Troy There is your mistake my friend. There are things that our senses are simply incapable of perceiving. This is why you can't accept the fact there is only one human race. You are going by what you eyes can see and what the culture has taught you and it is not serving you well. See, and that's one of the differences between FREE THINKERS and those who have been CONDITIONED/INDOCTRINATED by the Western Academic system! Common sense DEMANDS that you go by and accept what you observe directly with your own senses. Sight Hearing Logic But schools and Universities in the West train people NOT to go by those senses and their direct observations....but instead go by and believe in "the data". A bunch of information typed up on sheets of paper, or in a book, or figures in a computer that you have no way of verifying to determine how truthful or accurate it is! This is one of the reasons why there are so many well educated people who are suffering from diseases and other problems both personal and social that they "can't" solve. They CAN solve them if they'd use DIRECT science instead of INDOCTRINATION science. As far as AP is concerned, my comment was in the context of Pioneer's dismissal of them as if they were a fake news source along the lines of the stuff we may find in our social media feed. See now Troy, I'm gonna have to do you like I do my bosses at work. I have to find a way to handle you with kid gloves when I disagree...lol. Did I SAY that the Associated Press were a "fake news" organizatioin? Did I SAY that the Associated Press was the equivalent to social media. But for the record...... While obviously not everything on social media is true, some of the MOST FACTUAL images and reporting has been done through social media! For the past several years it's been SOCIAL MEDIA sources like Twitter and Facebook who have brought news and events directly to the public unfiltered where you can see what actually happened live. Something most established media agencies stopped doing long ago. Even "live" doesn't mean live anymore when it comes to CNN and Fox News. They make SURE to edit certain content from the public and give themselves plenty of time to do so. ProfD Human is a species of Homo sapiens. Every person on the planet shares that classification. The concept of race as a social classification was started back in the 1700s...Negroid, Caucasoid, Mongoloid, American Indian and Malayan. Racism has been a by-product of this ideology for several hundreds years now. I would argue that the belief that human beings are merely a "species" of a larger Homo Sapiens class is also a concept made up by Western scientists centuries ago also. I believe there is a clear and unconnected distinction between human beings and the animal kingdom except for the ape which I believe was manufactured FROM US....not the other way around. While the English word "race" may be relatively new seeing as how English itself is a relatively new language....the CONCEPT of racial categories among human beings certainly isn't new. If you read the history of ancient India as well as ancient Egypt, they clearly saw themselves as distinct from their Caucasian invaders in terms of what we call "race" today. Ethnicity is yet ANOTHER classification system that is usually a SUB-SET of race or in many cases OVERLAPS race but the two can't be compared. The Yoruba and Igbo are two different ETHNIC GROUPS in Nigeria but they are part of the same RACE. However the Yoruba are so different than the Swedes of Sweden that simply calling them a different "ethnic group" does a disservice to illustrating their differences. ETHNICITY has more to do with CULTURE and CULTURAL LINEAGE while RACE has to do more with PHYSICAL TRAITS or PHENOTYPE. Mel Jennifer Lewis and my mother are one in the same lol. It's kind of scary. Oh really..... How old is your mother? Btw. have you seen Chris Rock's mother Rose? She's been doing a series of interviews since her son was smacked on that fateful night. That woman is almost 80 years old but that mother is finer than a MUTHA....lol. AND she's highly educated and very lady like in her demeanor. I think she's a teacher or probably even a professor somewhere. I might be decades her junior but I'd be PROUD to walk into any room with HER on my arm....lol
  19. Greg said yall niggas are gonna ruin Australia like ya did the U.S. Shoulda' stayed in The Bronx....lol.
  20. ProfD It's all scientific. They have sociologists and social psychologists who have been studying this shit for DECADES. They know what causes crime....violent and non violent. And they know how to PREVENT it......if they want to. They don't want to. Just keep it from spilling over into certain communities OR keep certain crimes in certain communities. For the past couple of years you've seen an increase in little children getting shot in inner cities around the nation. That's no accident. They caused that increase because for decades Black folks had been going around TRUTHFULLY but FOOLISHLY bragging about how atleast they did't kill children and old people....so the racists who control society decided to eliminate THAT "good point" and now killing of children has become almost common in the hood since 2020.
  21. ProfD If the FBI knows who's committing violent crimes, they should do a better job of coordinating with local law enforcement to stop it. In the United States, the agenda of most law enforcement agencies is not to STOP crime but to CONTROL it...and keep it in certain areas. Crime and the peripheral services that revolve around it are a MULTI-BILLION DOLLAR business in the United States. If they actuallys stopped crime or reduced it to only 10%....a lot of cops, lawyers, judges, ect...would be out of business and looking for a new career move. Just like the mission of the CDC isn't to STOP diseases but to CONTROL them....the job of most cops isn't to STOP crime but to control it and contain it. There are places where crime is so insignificant that it's negligible. Look no further than Japan. It's not because they have a ton of laws. It's their culture that keeps crime very low The interesting thing about Japan is how INTERNALIZING they are. Rather than reacting violently against others, they often INTERNALIZE their frustration and either commit suicide or harm themselves and torture themselves in other ways. Check out how so many of them set themselves on fire infront of a government building in protest of a particular action. Coggins A lawless society is one where criminals rule unchecked. Actually a "lawless" society is one where criminals don't exist...and neither does crime. If there are no laws, then they simply don't get broken or enforced.
  22. ProfD I really believe that there is a lot of truth to that movie "Get Out".
  23. Clearly that's not the ONLY thing that "disconnected" with a lack of understanding....lol
  24. Coggins Propaganda. I am still here and you are still here. I worked through the entire scamdemic. They are trying to lock us down again. They NEED to lock society down again; and FOR REAL this time. Not just some half-ass closing a few hardware stores and restaurants while the Menards and Targets stay open. I'm hearing from co-workers and friends who say they have family members who caught the virus and are ill. People are STILL getting sick and dying from this mess by the thousands....it's just not being reported on anymore. You are either color blind or can’t count. Those were Black folks tearing up the urban centers. This is a photo of the crowd of rioters in 2020 Minneapolis. Looks like mostly a bunch of young White kids looking for some action, to me. Infact.... According to the feds; a lot of right-wing groups like the Boogaloo Boys and others that I mentioned earlier actually PARTICIPATED in a lot of the civil disturbances around the country trying to instigate a civil war. Feds: Far-Right ‘Boogaloo Bois’ Member Fired AK-47 At Minneapolis Police Station, Yelled ‘Justice For Floyd!’ (forbes.com)
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