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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. There's something I've been noticing about White society and especially the "alternative" and "conspiracy" communties in White society, for some time now.... I've looked at this closely and it appears that the ONLY time they go against the grain, against the establishment, and reveal something "new" is AFTER a Black person reveals it. What do I mean? I'll give a few examples.............. Take Troy's thread on fake news and how so many people NOW acknowledge that the news is fake and manipulative. Well, prior to the 60s you didn't hear any talk. Back then and before it was assumed that everything reported in the mainstream media was "gospel truth" It wasn't until Black activists came along and pointed out the lies in the mainstream media and how they were racist and biased and were trying to manipulate the public- THEN all of a sudden different White people popped up claiming not to trust the "mainstream" media and started doing so called exposes on them. Now they're bashing the mainstream media left and right when THEY are the ones guilty of putting out the false propaganda in the first place. For centuries, White society taught that Adam and Eve were the first people and that humanity is no more than 6000 years old. There is almost no record of them teaching anything else before 1930s. Then AFTER the Nation of Islam came along and said that man is TRILLIONS of years old and so is this planet.....THEN all of a sudden you had all of these different "alternative religions" popping up after the 40s and 50s claiming to have Divine revelations that Earth is millions of years old and man is much older. They started talking about ancient civilizations and who built the pyramids. But BEFORE the 30s they taught that the Hebrews built the pyramids....that was the standard mainstream belief. Yet another example is how for centuries it was thought that the Western diet was the "best" diet. Steak and potatoes will make you strong. Bacon and eggs is good for you and will have you working hard all day. Those were supposed to be the healthiest food to make the healthiest people according to Western tradition. Then Black leaders as far back as the 40s and 50s were saying that Western diet was no good and how it's unnatural and full of toxins, poisons, and preservatives and how we need to go back to a more natural vegetarian based diet without so much meat and preservatives. THEN all of a sudden you started seeing these White gurus popping up with their "alternative health" books claiming we need to eat more grains, more vegetables, no more meat, ect... I can go on and on in terms of subject like religion, the Bible, history, etc....but I think yall get the point. It seems that the ONLY time White folks as a group actually are willing to tell the truth is AFTER we find out and expose it. Then they'll acknowledge it and put SOME of it (not the entire thing) out as if they are the ones exposing it.
  2. ProfD One of the problems with the main stream news is that most of them get the news they're reporting from the SAME source....the AP I'm not exactly sure who the Associated Press is or how they got started but it seems as if they are the ones feeding most major news outlets their stories and opinions and telling them which way to sway their audiences.
  3. ProfD Well brother, looks like YOU have the designated position of "Chief Militant On The Block" now...lol. I'm too busy working and looking for business opportunities to run my mouth on here now a days. I had more time during the Covid lockdowns, but now that Biden has INSISTED everything open back up.....it's back to work. But it seems like you're holding it down pretty good. One of the things I like about you is that you seem to have more formal education so you can articulate much of my ideas and how I feel about certain issues in an educated way without taking up too much space. Now I need to find that devilish @Mel Hopkins....lol. That woman got me all worked up and excited the other day and now she's disappeared on us. Cynique probably got jealous at the attention she was given me and ran her away...lol Anyway...... As far as the race soldiers....you do what you can. I was taught at a young age that when the race-soldiers stop you.....it's all about "yes sir" and "no sir". That actually has worked for me on many occasions. I don't know everything the future may hold.....but I can bear witness that so far in the past it has worked. I wish more of our brothers and sisters would adopt that policy.
  4. ProfD So........ Just when I'm about to walk out of the door....NOW you decide to log on and post....lol.
  5. Well..... Once you START a lie, you don't have too much of a right over how other's will tell it or even modify it. It's like a forest fire. You don't have a right to tell the fire WHAT to burn up or WHO to burn up......because you shouldn't have started it in the first place.
  6. Another interesting bit of information is that those diseases you listed didn't show up in those places UNTIL White folks showed up there either as missionaries, traders, or colonizers. NONE of the diseases you listed are documented in the ancient history of those places. Infact, the Greek historian Herodotus said that the Ethiopians were the tallest, healthiest, most beautiful people in the world! After MILLIONS of years of living to themselves, those diseases ONLY appeared within the past 100 years or so after White folks interacted with them. Now what does that tell you....... "You dumb nigger. Don't you know I just gave you the latest variant of Covid? You've been around us for HUNDREDS of years and haven't learned a fucking thing YET?????"
  7. @Chevdove @Franchesca ((but obviously anyone can chime in)) Why did God allow it? Both of you seem to love quoting the Bible and the prophecies of the Bible and how it relates to the plight and destiny of Black people here in the United States. An often favorite prophecy pointed to is the one in Genesis where "Abraham's seed" is supposed to be oppressed for over 400 years and then rescued. But my question to you two is why did God ALLOW our people to go through that in the first place? I know it's prophecied in scripture, however did it HAVE TO go down that way? What was the purpose of allowing our people to suffer for hundreds of years (and many are STILL suffering) to be saved in the end? Infact...... It seems to me...that in order to teach somebody a lesson or show them the power of redemption...you can do that all in ONE LIFETIME. Take a 12 year old and send them through tribulation to prove their faith and then bring them out of it by the time they're 20. No need to make an entire group go through slavery for HUNDREDS of years with whole generations being born and dying in bondage.
  8. I always did like Jenifer Lewis with her sexy self. But the lady can be crazy as a bat sometimes. She's like fine wine, she ages gracefully.
  9. The question I have is why are these niggaz still out here walking around hollering and slobbering on themselves infront of the same racist devils who KILLED the brother in the first place? For YEARS now we've known that most of the protests are useless. All this protesting CLEARLY ain't stopping the race soldiers from continuing to kill. Just wasting a lot of time and energy running around in circles sweating in the hot sun and acting a fool....until MORE Nazi troopers come along and cuff them and haul them away. Should we just ignore the death of our brother and let it go? HELL NO. But we should do WHAT WORKS....not what clearly doesn't.
  10. Franchesca Ok..... If He works for you, then stick with Him. Don't let anybody mess up a good Relationship if you have one.
  11. Uh huh..... The question was simply ILLOGICAL....and I pointed that fact out. You can dress it up and claim it was just an "exercise in abstract thinking" if you want, but you can't get butter from a duck. You can play that shit all day: "Hey yall. What IF 3 + 3 =17 ??? " "What IF men started growing vaginas and ovaries...would they still be men?" Have fun with these weird ass questions that aren't based in logic. Don't worry about ME disturbing you.
  12. Franchesca Good morning, yeah we're still here....lol. If it's the map you posted....that's not the kingdom of Juda but a map of a portion of West Africa. That is NOT Judah/Juda or anywhere else in ancient Israel or Palestine. 1. We don't KNOW that God told Abraham that. We only know it CLAIMS this in the Bible. 2.We don't even know that Abraham even existed, let alone who "his seed" is. 3.Many people of many different races are claiming to be "Abraham's seed". Christian AfroAmericans are just one group of many. We need to slow down on trying to take the Bible as some sort of history book of facts. No. If you're Black, most likely you're an AfroAmerican and we are descendants of the ancient Egyptians and Ethiopians. Not Jews. No, but you've clearly been influenced by Christianity and the Bible that White folks FORCED on our ancestors when they enslaved/colonized them. It's not like God came to you in a dream and told you about these figures. Most Black folks would know nothing about Jacob, Jesus, OR the Bible if White folks hadn't invaded their lands in Africa and INTRODUCED these concepts to them before exploiting them. The Church doesn't have the Torah. The Torah is a book of Laws that Moses allegedly gave to the Children of Israel. The Old Testament of the Bible is NOT the Torah. It contains portions of it...but it's not it. Sis, if you don't know the full history of your family and lineage...like I and most AfroAmericans don't. It's somewhat sad but it's not the end of the world. We can make a NEW START right now. No need to GENERATE one and FABRICATE one by claiming some ancestry in Paletine or with ancient Jews. We need to slow down on trying to take the Bible as some sort of history book of facts. It's a book written by the hands of man. It's been modified and manipulated over and over again through the centuries and even IF it started off as Holy....it's clearly no longer such. We need to go straight to the Source...The SUPREME BEING! Go straight to God and ask God for the answer. You don't need to search for It in some man-made book designed to confuse you or keep you confused.
  13. Cynique My assertion can be challenged....but not legitimately by YOU. You actually thought you had an argument by focusing on my saying "believed" until I pointed out that Delano's post IS in the present tense and despite that...my assertion is just as valid -his question is still ILLOGICAL. It's clear you don't have the intellect or emotional fortitude to go toe to toe with me in this arena so bowing out is probably your best bet. You need to stay in you lane....going rounds with your new boyfriend on here, lol.
  14. Well if you wanna get technical about it and dissect words.....he actually said: "What if you discovered everything you BELIEVE is wrong...." That was PRESENT TENSE. So the question is: How can you sincerely believe that EVERYTHING you believe is wrong without simultaneously acknowledging that THAT discovery is also wrong if you believe it?
  15. Gregorious I think it's time for TRUMP to trade places with Brittney; since he's so cozy with Russia.
  16. Yeah...ok. It's become obvious by now to just about everyone on the site....that I "got" you in my pocket. But let's not even go there. Let's focus on something else....lol
  17. It seems that Bill Clinton changed the face of the Democrat Party. The last Democrat President before him....Carter...was a a solid Liberal who promoted Liberal ideas and policies. "Slick Willy" came along and decided the easiest way to get in office on the heels of the Reagan-Bush era is to offer the public a "Republican Light" policy which pretty much amounted to being a Democrat in name only but promoting Republican policies like ending welfare and other social programs, being unfairly tough on poor criminals, and selling out the unions and wage workers.
  18. Cynique Well...... Looks like he's good for getting a rise out of you. And something tells me you probably don't consider that the worse thing in the world.
  19. More White folks have murdered eachother in the Russia-Ukraine War in these past 4 months than ALL the Black people who have murdered eachother both last year and so far this year. About 46,000 have been killed so far and those are CONSERVATIVE estimates.
  20. Delano This is an ILLOGICAL question. If you discovered that "everything" you believed was wrong.....then you would have to doubt that very "discovery" itself also! You would have to believe THAT discovery was also wrong since you would be compelled to "believe" it after discovering it. It's like a person who comes up to you and says everything he says is a lie. It would be impossible for them to be telling the truth.
  21. ProfD Don't tell me Russia has plea deals too. ((shakes head)) I guess the legal systems around the world are looking at the U.S. and seeing how much money they are making off of victimizing and entrapping it's citizens.
  22. ProfD That's the difference between the OLD SCHOOL Black politicians and the new cats who came along after so-called "integration" who grew up confused as hell and don't know who their enemy is. The old school Black politicians spoke directly to the concerns of the Black community and didn't pull any punches. The new Black politicians (those under 65 today) who went to school with White folks, smoking weed and drinking with them at parties, and getting blow jobs from White girls have a totally different outlook. They really believe in this "can't we all get along" garbage that seeks to be friends with and compromise with their open enemy. Most of those born in 1960 or later don't know the full STING of racism and how wicked White folks really are because they usually don't witness it until it's too late. When it comes to mayors like Young and Barry....a lot of young Black people mistakenly believe that THEY are the reasons that so much of Detroit, D.C. or other inner cities controlled by Black mayors are run down or have a lot of crime. What they don't realize is BEFORE these Black mayors took over....the majority of the city may have been clean but the segregated ghettoes Black folks were forced into were run down and crime ridden because of extreme poverty. When these brothers took over, they provided relief for OUR community and expanded the wealth so that it would reach us.
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