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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1.   Troy the flat butt ones in one I've already placed women with "flat butts" in a category of their own.....lol. I started doing that back in highschool. it makes no freaking sense and only serves as a tool used by the rich and powerful to divide the rest of us against each other. The only problem is, most of those "rich and powerful" just happen to be White Europeans....lol. Even if we stopped using the worl "race", trust me....White people would STILL know who they were and also know who YOU were. And their behavior toward you would still be the same because of certain inherent differences between us and them. For one thing.... They think differently and see the world differently than most of us.....INHERENTLY. White people went around the planet colonizing people based on the belief that THEY were a superior race to the Africans, Asians, and Native Americans.....who didn't see themselves in racial terms at all. The denial or ignorance of the concept of "race" didn't save Africans, Asians, or Native Americans from being colonized, enslaved, exploited, and even slaughtered.
  2. Success is merely accomplishing your goals. If your goal is to own and operate a website.....you're successful. If your goal is to become a millionaire before 25 and you hit that goal....you're successful. If your only goal in life is to survive and stay alive, as long as your heart is beating.....you're successful. Success is less about achieving certain standards that society has defined as success (like being wealthy or getting a family) and more about meeting PERSONAL goals that brings happiness and satisfaction to your life. Troy so you think Jared or Melania are qualified? I don't even think her (his) father (in law) is qualified....lol. But they are certainly qualified to do the job he actually put them IN their positions to do. The problem is............ What the PUBLIC thinks they should be doing in their positions and what HE actually put them in those positions to do may actually be totally different, lol.
  3. Troy Sure White peope practice nepotism, but when they put friends or family in these positions they atleast make sure they're QUALIFIED and PROFESSIONAL when they hold them....lol. Black people too often put their children or cousins or gangster friends in jobs and positions that they....as the old folks used to say "ain't bit mo' " qualified or ready to handle.....lol.   Del Start where you are. You can have degree a skill or can hustle. You can play ib the game or make your own. Shore up your weaknesses or play to your strength. Or you can complain about the game and blame (fill in the blank) for failure. Black America has GDP that rivals many nations. But we own little because we are culture whores. Who sell our own inheritance for a bowl of stew. I have been lucky to attend good schools. And was fortunate to do jobs that allowed me to travel and have a 300 book library. Instead of watching TV i read widely. Words are warming but what's you're plan or where will you be in five to ten years. I'm sure Black America has wealth into the hundreds of billions if not over a trillion. I've HEARD that Black America was worth over a trillion dollars but I'm not sure how they arrive at their figures. But we're looking at how much we make, which is often a mistake. To really determine the wealth potential of Black America or any population you have to look at the amount of DISPOSABLE INCOME they have. Most of the money people get, they spend immediately for necessities and paying the bills and paying off debt. Most Black people don't have the type of DISPOSABLE INCOME that is necessary to generate wealth in conventional ways that White America has done it. And don't even get me started on the education (formal or informal) needed to successful manage large sums of wealth and investments. Most of our people don't have the mind for that. It would be a waste of time and energy to expect most of our people to be successful playing in a game that wasn't designed by or for them. Just listening to Troy and Mel talk about the variety of SEARCH ENGINES and their functions is enough to dizzy some people....lol. I just think the game is TOO HUGE and TOO COMPLICATED for most of our people to thrive in. We need a new...."sub system" of our own that we can carve out of this system to allow us to generate wealth in a manner that's easiest and most effective for the majority of us.
  4.   Troy Pioneer, come on Brother, how many Black women do you see dyeing their hair blonde and bleaching the skin so that they can look like a phenotypical white woman Well first of all I'm not saying ALL or even MOST Black women are lightening their skin. It's a problem, but not the most immediate problem. But I certainly believe that MOST Black women are altering the structure of their hair to make it less African and more European by straightening it, relaxing it, and often times dyeing it colors lighter than it's natural color. They may not CONSCIOUSLY believe they're trying to look like a White woman. They may tell themselves that they're simply "beautifying" themselves or fixing themselves up to look better......but "looking better" to them really means lightening their skin and straightening their hair. And we all know that these features ultimately go back to trying to look White. I often liken this to a Black man who bashes interracial dating and swears up and down that he'll never sleep with a White woman BUT he exclusively dates light skinned women...lol. He'll argue left and right that he doesn't find White women attractive, but he's constantly chasing after "Black" women who LOOK White.....lol. Some Black women have naturally straight hair (you know that "good hair"). I bet you'd assume they are trying to be a reverse Rachel Dozal huh? If it's naturally straight...no. Don't forget that during our discussion on race I said that there were 2 Black races....African and Dravidian (East Indian). So I know there are millions upon millions of unmixed Black people with bone straight hair, even in Africa.   Cynique Except for the hair, you don't look a hell of a lot different today than you did in that picture....lol. And I see you even had that SAME sneaky/deceptive grin on your face back then as you do today.....lol. Mel Actually I didn't do a search and I didn't know about these stores......thank you. I think this is a good start, but it's still not nearly enough. Again, where are the FACTORIES where we're making our or products and tools? Where are the Black scientists and dermatologists who are developing products that work best for our skin and hair. It's going to take more than a few mom and pop corner stores or a sister whipping up batches of relaxer in a mixing bowl in her kitchen to really put a dent in the market. We need to corner the entire INDUSTRY with factories, distribution centers, and store chains.
  5. It would be a shame if the main White actor was nominated and not the Black actors, especially the brother who played Larry Reed of the Dramatics. I don't think the brother who played the security guard did much during the film, he pretty much played a "fly on the wall" which doesn't require much acting skills. But if no one was nominated or even if none of the Black actors were nominated I wouldn't be suprised and I would lay the blame squarely at the feet of Black people because they didn't support the movie as much as I thought it should have been supported. Although it was directed by a White woman, I don't see this as a White movie. I see it as a Black movie with some Whites in it....kind of like Glory or American Gangster. I just can't understand why so many people ignored or bad-mouthed this film. It's not the VERY best film I've ever seen, but it was pretty good and did a good job reenacting atleast PART of the urban Black American experience I remembered as a kid. Man, the people you meet when you live in New York (or California or Atlanta)....lol. Did you get to meet and converse with our brother Spike while he was there?
  6.   Nubian   You nailed it brother and that makes a lot of sense to me. Our people are too indoctrinated and because I don't know everyone's religious beliefs, I will stay away from religion for now. But I agree, under this current system of white supremacy, we are being slowly destroyed - which in a way, is worst than being destroyed quickly where we could at least realize what's happening and fight back. You also make an impressive observation about the iq of a majority of our people which we should stop failing at addressing. the key is understanding and most of our people have no clue of what is being done and how, especially are precious misguided youth Well my religion is TRUTH brother. I believe in and worship The Supreme Being and I believe in truth/facts/logic/what makes sense to me based on experience and observations. But if the BIGGEST religion on this planet....which is White Supremacy....were to be destroyed TOO quickly, it would take MOST of our people with it. Gotta give them enough time to get their minds right and GET OUT (like that movie) before that sinking ship takes everyone down with it. Besides...... They say nature hates a void. Perhaps White supremacy is taking so long to fall and die because we as Black people haven't developed an adequate system to REPLACE it with yet. For example: We KNOW it's not good for Black women to be running around with straighted blonde wigs and weaves, but we haven't found a way to make the natural nappy hair of most of our women look attractive to most of us....yet. Or we know our people shouldn't sell dope or work for White people who exploit them without adequate compensation.....but we don't have enough good paying jobs to offer them instead.....yet. But more to your point. Many don't know, but even among those smart enough to know what's happening....many don't care. Being raised in Western society they are too individualistic and selfish to worry about what OTHER Black people are going through. Meaning, if they "got there's" they could care less what type of hell their brother or sister who is less fortunate may be catching and aren't the least bit interested in helping them. But even these type of people can be useful to our community because you can tap into their greed and selfishness and promise them incentives for their cooperation and favors. The Uncle Tom on the school board you've been trying to convince to vote for more Afrocentric schools may not give a damn about the Black community....but he LOVES coochie and if you send a fine sista his way......that MIGHT change his mind and influence his vote, lol. This is why I focus so much on the TRUTH. Because when the truth is told and everyone is honest about there desires and intentions, we can rally around the desires we all have in common and even those who DON'T share the same desires can be used to further certain goals by tapping into their personal desires and finding a way to fulfill them in exchange for that which may be valuable to us. We give so much praise and love to people who look the least like us. I suspect THIS is one of the major reasons Colin Kaepernick is getting so much attention and support from the Black community while others who may have done or are doing the same thing haven't. But I'll leave that one alone......lol.   Cynique If a sista is accomplished and responsible and intelligent and capable of earning a good living, who gives a fuck how she wears her hair? Nobody's perfect. You just can't throw that catch-all term "self hate" around and apply to everyone who doesn't conform to your criteria. In an ideal world she DOES have the right to wear her hair anyway she wants. But we aren't living in an "ideal world"......we're living in a society that is built and operates on a system called White supremacy which is HARMFUL to our people. Because of this, everything that supports and maintains White supremacy much be examined, challenged, and eliminated as much as reasonably possible. She can work for a White company and make money to support herself and be successful at it. That too is supporting White suprmacy....but it's understandable because she has few other choices at this point. But to go ahead lighten her skin, straighten her hair, and dye it BLONDE.....that's not necessary. That's a choice above and beyond her being successful and a choice she's making to PROMOTE the White supremist idea that White is more beautiful and thus perpetuate the ideaology of White supremacy. And to make matters worse...... Is she has daughters, she's sending messages to THEM that success and blonde straight hair goes hand in hand. This is why she should be condemned for dying her hair blonde.   Troy Black women are not the only ones buying straight blonde hair, white women do it too. White women go to the beauty salon get the texture of the hair changed, get the color of their hair changed, but don't have to contend with the same level of grief our Sisters have to. But white women don't have to contend with a lot of things Black women have to...   But the difference is White women dye their hair or even perm their hair generally to LOOK MORE WHITE or atleast look like another aspect of their own race. In other words..... Except for the Rachel Dolezal character.....rarely do you see White women trying to make themselves Black. They may get tans or what not.....but they aren't trying to actually look like someone of another race. When a Black woman uses skin bleacher and dyes her hair blonde....a color totally unnatural to most people of African descent.....that sends a clear message to the world about how she feels about HERSELF.         Mel   Maybe it's the black woman's hair that is the key to black people's success.. And it makes us super smart so we don't have ever worry about being in the bottom 20% of those poverty-stricken folks. Well you shouldn't be worried about that anyway, because according to you and The Atlantic: "The majority (73%) of black people in the innercities of America and the majority (80%) of black people in the suburbs are living above the poverty line. " Remember? https://aalbc.com/tc/topic/4625-naacp-says-avoid-missouri/?page=2 So not only are the majority of Black people doing just great..... Black women out number Black men, so ofcourse the majority OF the majority of these people doing so good HAS TO BE Black women....lol.  But I DO think a major key to Black women's success IS their hair. So many Black females have gotten rich just opening up their own shop and becoming stylists. Madame CJ Walker became the worlds richest woman dealing with the Black woman's hair. I mean..... She made her money showing Black women how to make their hair straight.....but still...I ain't mad at her, lol. I'm not going to sit here and say I wouldn't have done the same thing if I were in her shoes and had the idea and opportunity. The next step in my opinion would be for Black people to start MAKING and DISTRIBUTING our own beauty products instead of Whites making them and Asians (mostly Koreans) distributing them to us.
  7. Nubian The most technical thing my brothers and sisters got involved with was building music studios which required a degree of technical skills. But we always seem to fall short when technology is involved. I don't like downing my people but I can't just pretend I never experienced what I did. While we were dreaming of making 40k-60k a year, which is chump change now anyway, those white kids were planning on being our bosses. You're right. I also attened a mostly White school as a kid for a couple years and saw a sharp contrast in interest in academic subjects and learning in general. White kids LOVED that "tech" shit and working with computers while me and most Black boys loved physical things like sports and building or making products. I think where we went wrong in the 60s and 70s was FOLLLOWING THE LEAD of White people in their current industries of communications (internet, cell phones, computers, ect...). It's cool for SOME OF US to keep up with that, go to school for that, and build business around that but........ Those skills and businesses are things that add finesse to an ALREADY BUILT civilization! In other words..... White people already have mastered buildings, roads, sewer systems, cars, machines, ect.....so they can focus on interent, cell phones, I-Phones and shit like that because their immediate needs are covered. We as Black people...most of us don't even know how to build the home we live in let alone fix the sewer system or pave the pot-holes in the damn street. The only thing most of us know how to do is ask for work in a world White men have ALREADY BUILT FOR THEMSELVES. So I think what we should have done in the 60s and 70s was tell the White establishment "fuck you but we aren't following your lead". We're going to open up these building and trade schools and learn how to build structures, agricultural systems, housing for ourselves, learn how to build machines, ect..... If Whites and Asians want to play on computers and walk around with cell phones texting eachother....let them. But we should have worked on NATION BUILDING and learning how to repair and advance our own communities with mastering INFRASTRUCTURE CONSTRUCTION. It's the same with BANKING and FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS. We're constantly trying to get in on a game or system White people made up, instead of establishing our own. Even in African nations you have silly negroes who run their own nation...by WHITE MEN'S RULES. Still playing the same damn game White men left during colonialism instead of scrapping the game and building their own governments and financial systems. ......now most of them are in debt. We're just as smart if not smarter than Whites .....but IN OUR OWN WAY. When we do OUR OWN THING we excel and do exceptional things. But when we try to imitate White people in their businesses and fit in with their system, we don't do nearly as well and most of us actually fail.     Troy agreed not everyone is cut out to start and run a business, but Black owned business get FAR more grief and other business for poor service, when I'd argue that we chose get a bit more leeway other Black people. I'm not saying we should tolerate bad service from a Black owned business, but I think we are held to a higher standard than even corporate businesses who benefit investor funding while we have to rely solely on revenue. I hear what you're saying and I often have to examine myself and wonder if I'm being too hard on my own sometimes. Some Black people will go to Arab and Asian businesses and spend their money every day and even tell them to keep the change or leave their change in one of those little tip or take-a-penny plates.....but when it comes to a Black businesses they'll threaten not to even come back unless they get a discount. But experience is experience and far too often I can tell a Black owned business just by walking through the front door of the establishment. Even if there are no employees immediately available to help me, just LOOKING around at the place often lets me know who's running it....lol. I really think NEPOTISM is the biggest downfall of most Black businesses that fail. Instead of hiring QUALIFIED Black employees, too often a Black business owner feels obliged to hire their relatives or close friends to work for them which makes maintain professionalism and discipline in the work place akward and often times non-existant. I remember after starting a few half-ass businesses my aunt and other friends of the family would often try to get me to hire some of my cousins because they may have had criminal records and couldn't get decent jobs anywhere else or they just didn't have good work ethics and couldn't keep a job. It didn't take me long to realize how much of a mistake that was or would be. Most Black people are very family and friend oriented and LOYAL to eachother in a deep emotional way that most White people don't or won't understand so it makes it harder for us to fire or discipline people we know and grew up with if they aren't performing correctly. A white man will fire his own MAMA if she's costing him money! My thing is.....hire qualified Black people.....but not your friends or relatives unless both of you have a CLEAR understanding of the expectations.
  8. I think Black people in general need to get more "serious" with our film making. There's only so many hood movies and comedy movies you can make before it looks like a conspiracy to dumb down the population. If we were on our game like we SHOULD be.....Spike Lee should have started his own school teaching young Black people the art of movie making and directing. Too many of our great and talented people take their greatness and talents to the GRAVE with them instead of passing on the secrets to the next generation. White people have developed entire institutions to pass on their knowledge from one generation to the next COMPOUNDING that knowledge with more knowledge. Negroes don't half way want to pass along their soul food recipes.....lol. Some sisters would just as soone die and take the secret to those "mean greens" to the grave than share it with some younger Black women to benefit the community. Saving our knowledge is key to saving our culture.
  9. When I was a kid, you NEVER heard Black women refering to eachother as "bitch" or "that's my bitch". I grew up in a Black neighborhood in a Black city and I'm telling you I NEVER heard them use that term in any type of endearment. It was always a term of insult that no one (including another Black woman) would call a Black woman unless they were looking for a shoe upside the head. Then I started hearing it from a few Black female celebrities in the early 2000s. I forgot whether this was in a movie or during a stand-up comedy routine but I know it was some semi-famous Black entertainers who started using it to refer to their friends and I KNEW right then and there it was going to "catch on" and be a term embraced. For too long racist Whites have been able to.....through entertainment....easily manipulate Black youth into doing and saying almost anything they want because too many of our young people aren't smart enough to realize they're being influenced or made fools out of. Just like many young Black male rappers today.....like Kodak Black and Lil Wayne...are being used to encourage young Black males to look and act like clowns and embrass themselves. Women like Nicki Minaj and Beyonce are being used to promote self hatred in the Black community. They're basically telling Black women that if you want to be seen as beautiful, attractive, and want the men to chase you around then you need to lighten your skin and dye your hear blonde. Getting up in our people's faces and arguing with them about this is too often just a waste of time because many of our people don't have the intelligence to understand...comprehend....what's being done to them. Quite frankly, they're too STUPID to recognize they're being manipulated. The best solution is for like minded Black people to organize themselves and start developing their OWN media networks and entertainment venues where we can begin to promote OUR OWN versions of beauty and attractiveness among our people in it's natural forms. It's going to be hard to take a 50 year old man who grows up seeing long flowing wavy hair as beautiful to accept the kinky hair of a sister who's gone natural. But if we get our people as children and start them off as babies accepting kinky natural hair as attractive.....that will be the key to reversing the hypnosis.
  10. We definately need to push for more Black businesses. But brother I would caution our people not to focus TOO much on entreprenuership. Why? Because someone has to be the worker. Someone has to do the heavy work, hard work, grimey work, mopping the floors, building the buildings, paving the streets, ect..... It takes ALL of this to build a soild Black community. Too often a lot of our brothers and sisters want to own their own business NOT to empower the Black community, but simply because they no longer want to "work" and they figure if they own their own business they could enjoy reaping the benefits while OTHERS do the work and handle the customers. It's sad but true. White folks make the brother get up early in the morning to come to work and forces him to act in a professional manner (all to benefit them ofcourse)....he get's tired of that lifestyle because he feels it's too strict so he quits and gets his own business. He wakes up when he wants to, talks to the customers however he wants to, and then wonder why his business went under. I think only a SMALL MINORITY of any population Black, White, Asian, ect.....are actually fit to be business OWNERS and the vast majority should be WORKERS who are getting decent compensation for their labor. Our people need to be taught how to take pride in their work again and learn how to be good workers and produce good products. For the small minority who actually start their own firms, they need to learn good CUSTOMER SERVICE. That's where a lot of our people fail. They have great products, but when it comes to customer service and managing their businesses efficiently.....they fall short. Too many staff their business with family members and friends instead of qualified employees and then wonder why the business failed. But overall, you're right we definately need to keep it in the family and own our own.
  11. I really think the movie is being shaded in the media. Most Black people I know HAVEN'T seen the movie yet, they're too busy watching Girl's Trip for the third and fourth time....lol. But the Black people who HAVE seen the movie agree with me on how deep and eye opening it is. When I came out of the theater I was puzzled. I kept hearing such bad things about the movie and critics were using terms like "dark" and "pessimistic" and so when I went to see it I was expecting a flop but it turned out to be far better than I thought. But what puzzled me was why the movie got such bad reviews and why no Black talk shows or entertainment sites are really talking about it. This is one of the few movies that admittedly shows the blatant racism and brutality of a major police department.
  12. That is a VERY powerful image. I'm proud of these sisters for that. And I also learned something. East Harlem...... I don't know too much about New York's ethnic neighborhood but isn't East Harlem the same as Spanish Harlem?
  13. Mel I've provided evidence that black people can and ARE doing better than expected and then you throw in your definition of success and tell me I mentioned nothing about what's on your mind. I don't live in your world - I definitely have no clue what's on your mind. I GAVE you a clue of what was on my mind when I told you what MY idea of success was before asking you the question. I said: "When I say successful I mean it in the generally understood sense of being healthy, financially independent, with stable families and homes." Go on back there and read it.....lol...it's still there. But instead of answering the question as posed, you come running out with some paper you got from The Atlantic that talks about how over 70% of Black folks managed to avoid poverty as if we should be happy and thankful. Don't act like I'm making things up as I go along. I told you EXACTLY what I meant by success and asked you if you believe Black folks met that the criteria; instead you ignored it and gave me some unverified statistic that doesn't even touch the question. As far as Black people doing better than expected................... Better than expected by WHOM? Hell, some expected Black people to be EXTINCT by now with all the traps like drugs and AIDS put out to destroy them. So yeah, we're still ALIVE....lol. But it's not enough to simply hold on, hang on, and stay alive. Again, my idea of success is THRIVING with a stable home, good health, strong and healthy social life, and making over $40,000 a year atleast depending on where you live. That puts one solidly in the MIDDLE of Middle Class (between working class and professional class) and that's what the majority of Americans should under normal circumstances.
  14. Troy OK Pioneer I guess I'm getting caught up on your equating "weak" with "recessive." Well Webster's dictionary defines recessive as: producing little or no phenotypic effect when occurring in heterozygous condition with a contrasting allele One of the definition of "weak" is having no effect....no power. But you can just look at recessive's antonym "dominant" which obviously means strong and conclude that it's opposite has to mean weak. Pioneer what is the difference between a light skinned Black person and a dark skinned white person? Technically, the only "light skinned" Black people are those who happen to be albinos. Other than them, the light skinned people we usually CALL Black are those who actually have some White ancestry whose particular genes have influenced their skin color. I'm not sure what you mean about a "dark skinned" White person. There are White people with what are considered dark features like dark hair and eyes that often make THEM appear darker, but if you just look at their skin it's usually just as White as any other White person. But perhaps you can post a few pictures of who you're talking about and I can then eleborate more.
  15. Troy Carriers of the trait are less likely to get Malaria, than people without it, but Pioneer would consider that "weak" since the trait is recessive? Did I explain your position correctly Not really. First of all keep in mind that I didn't say White people were just weak period. There are a lot of strong White people who lift weights or run or are strong intellectually. I said GENETICALLY weak/recessive. Meaning they had weaker genetics. But more to my point..... Having one or two weak or recessive genes doesn't necessarily make a person weak. Having a preponderance or overwhelming number of them would. For example...... There are Black people with ligh skin, but their hair and eyes are brown and curly. There are Black people with green eyes, but they may have dark skin, dark hair. As opposed to someone with white skin, green eyes, and blonde hair having a prepoderance of recessive genes. White people have known this about themselves for a MUCH longer time that most Black people have about them. Why do you think they came up with the "one drop" rule that makes anyone with any Black ancestry "Black"? I don't agree with that rule......but they came up with that rule in part because of knowing how strong Black genes were and how weak their own genes were in comparison.
  16. Del Why do put your motives on other people and say that's how it is. When people here consistently say that's not their experience . Several reasons............... First, with all due respect to you and all of the others on the board, you all and your current experiences DO NOT represent the lifestyle and views of the majority of Black people in America. With the exception of maybe Cynique, you all are highly degreed and for the most part successful professionals, which is good. You've found a way to manuever through this system regardless of it's racism and injustices, which is also good. But unfortunately MOST Black people have not and it is THEIR experiences that actually predominate this society, not yours. Even if you started off poor like Troy, whatever motivated you or him to study and work your way out of poverty DID NOT motivate other Black people of the same potential....which means even what motivates you is different from most. I'm part of that poor and working class which is why my experiences and views don't always line up with yours. Also, because this is the internet and especially this is a board more geared toward authors and others more inclinded toward intellectual pursuits, you're going to get more perspectives from educated Black professionals than from the average poor or working class Black person.
  17. Troy I already have a BASIC (very basic) understanding of how genes and alleles work. I know why dominant genes are called dominant. But again, what you just said doesn't negate or invalidate my point. It just re-enforces it. DOMINANT MEANS STRONGER. Also, what you said about dominant genes being able to produce BOTH dominant and recessive traits while recessive genes can ONLY produce recessive traits is exactly in line with what Elijah Muhammad and the Nation of Islam taught even as far back as the 1930s. They taught that Black people are dominant with dominant genes. He taught that WE are the first people on the planet and that everyone else came FROM us in recessive stages. The last stage would be the most recessive people with the most recessive genes....being the White race. Just like dominant genes can produce both dominant AND recessive, while recessive genes can only produce that which is recessive...... Elijah Muhammad taught....again back in the 30s that Black people can produce people of ALL colors; while white people can produce only other White people. BTW.... No, I didn't learn this in school....lol. I forgot much of what I was taught in school but I know they didn't each us about this. I learned it on my own.
  18. Del What color is the sky in your world. What sky? We build underground in my world.   What i am question is your sanity in thinking that you can receive sex for doing what Man should do. Thats what i find confusing. It's always value for value. Either your sense of self is high or you value others struggle for resources too low. Oh....man "should" do???? I see you still believe that men have roles and women have roles. If you feel men (or even women for that matter) SHOULD do anything "just because" then you aren't as free of a thinker as you THINK you are. Rather than using pure reason and logic, clearly your morals and views have been heavily influenced by the society you grew up in and/or the society you currently reside in. Men have historically done the things traditionally seen as "the manly thing to do" for 2 main reasons: 1. They did it to ultimately earn the right to have sex with the woman/women of their choice. 2. They did it because they were TAUGHT to do it by other men in society....meaning it was a tradition. Being brave and fighting to protect not just yourself but your woman. Working to take care of your woman. Shoveling your neighbor's snow or cutting their grass for free Holding the door open for women These are all considered "manly" things to do but they aren't NATURAL for men to do. They are learned behaviors that were taught to them as boys by older men who themselves we taught to do these things. My point is if you go back far enough, these things were done by men to IMPRESS women or win their FAVOR to attract them and ultimately have sex with them.
  19. with his golf ball-sized gonads. ?????? What's wrong with golf ball sized gonads? Anyway......... I'm not hating on Colin. Again, I'm glad the "young brother" is taking a stand...lol. But again, besides calling attention to a problem that everyone already knows exists, what exactly is the goal or end game to what he's doing? When Kenneth Frazier had a problem with his boss or atleast the man who's team he was on.....he didn't just go into the conference room with Trump and take a knee. Nor did he toss his pen on the conference table and refuse to take notes or give Trump suggestions in some sort of "protest". .....the man LEFT. .....he QUIT. He recognized an injustice and inconsistency that he didn't want to associate himself with and left the entire team all togethe telling the entire world that he will no longer associate himself with a man that racially insensative. Contrast that with Colin who refuses to stand for the National Athem but CONTINUES TO PLAY THE GAME. ....making money for and entertaining the same White people who are causing the problems he's protesting. I think he'd have a bigger impact if he lead Black NFL members on a STRIKE to stop playing all together.
  20. Del I am paying my respects by keeping you in line. Young brother. Lol...... I see you can take a man out of the "boogie down" but you can't take the boogie out of him. Troy do you believe you are senior to Pioneer or was the "young" comment a subtle dig? I won't even address the keeping him in line part. I'm just pointing out the subtle aggression you express toward him, that I was referenced in the other conversation. I actually didn't take it as aggression. I took it as a playful attempt to "check" me on my statement with the added age factor that Black men often use on eachother....as in a sense of "schooling" someone younger or less experienced or pulling their coat. But I believe Del's statement was less about seriously checking me for not paying respects to Jerry and more of a jovial poke. Besides, if you and Del are around the same age then he is INDEED a little older than me anyway.....lol. I've said so many times, the English language is too simple to capture the full meaning of social relations in the Black community so as a language it doesn't have words to describe what Del did...lol. You just have to be Black or grow up in a Black community to completely understand. Like calling someone "bruh" (as opposed to "bro" or "brutha" )today is considered a subtle act of aggression but most people outside of the Black community don't realize that. But one day I believe WE WILL either come up with a language or alter the English language in a way that captures our true emotions and intentions and how we really relate to eachother and be able to put it in words. But it will take BLACK PEOPLE to do that, standard English will not allow it.
  21. Troy Pioneer when you say one race is "genetically weaker" than the other, you are actually saying one race is inferior than the other-- that is what your statement means. Well if that's what it means, then it's not what I'M saying but it's what White/Western scientists are saying. Western science makes it clear that blonde hair, fair skin, and blue eyes are RECESSIVE traits while dark hair, skin, and eyes are DOMINANT. The chart showing the different traits as being dominant or recessive does not mean stronger or weaker it just indicates how the traits are inherited. Dominant = strong or dominating Recessive = weak or passive That's why I said they were genetically weaker. Because they carry more genes for the blue eyes, fair skin, and blonde hair than any other group of people on the planet. However if you or anyone else says weakness means inferiority then I'm not saying it but YOU and SCIENCE are whether you recognize it or not because recessive is just another term for weak or passive.
  22. Del Pioneer no Rest in Peace for Jerry Lewis? Ofcourse...... When are you going to offer it to him?
  23. So all the Black men Mel knows are driven, high achieving CEOs who keep up their lawns and are very respectful and helpful to the women in their lives. And all the Black men Del knew growing up in New York...even the hustlers and thugs.....weren't interested in sex and could care less whether or not they got women or even impressed them. Clearly we DO live in different worlds. I need someone to send me a plane ticket out of the twighlight zone....lol. Del I have hung with hustler legit and not legal. However i haven't cone across anyone that gives money or sex away to encourage a person they aren't in a relationship with. Let me know how that's working for you. Since by you reckoning and deeds you should not be lacking for "comforts." I think you're misunderstanding me. It's not the hustler that gives sex for encouragement. The hustler GETS sex and money as an encouragement and reward for his scheming and grinding. The goal of most street hustlers is to get money, power, and sex. The same as most men who call themselves Presidents, CEOs, and world leaders. Most men want the same thing regardless of their social status....but they may use different avenues to arrive at the same goal. Others give money or sex to HIM to influence him or encourage him. Men will give him money to influence him and women will sleep with him to influence him or because they are attracted to his power in the streets.
  24. I went down to see the eclipse too. I went down to Kentucky. I don't know about you Troy but I saw more Confederate Flags up in Ohio than I did down in Kentucky. It seems to me that the White people were friendlier down in Kentucky also because we stopped in both states for gas, food, ect...... I've noticed that since childhood when my parents would take me down South on summer vacation. In Michigan it was segregated. The Whites would live in one place and party one way and Black people lived in another and partied another way. White and Black kids usually went to different schools. The only time they really came together was for WORK, and barely tolerated eachother there. But when I went down South back in the late 70s and 80s I noticed that Blacks and Whites lived together, worked together, went to school together, and partied together. But I saw more racism and segregation in CHICAGO than anywhere I've ever been. The Confederate battle flag has NOTHING to do with heritage. It if does....why are so many White people born and raise in the North and Midwest waving it? It's all about White people pushing the envelope to see how much they can get away with. That's how it starts. One or two will fly the flag and if there's no push back or confrontation, more will do it....pretty soon a Black man or woman ends up getting lynched.
  25. I didn't say Whites were inferior to Blacks, I said they were genetically weaker. This is a scientific fact that most learned Whites will readily admit. We care more of the dominate genes such as for curly hair, dark skin, dark eyes, more taste buds, dark hair, ect....... Take a look at this chart that shows you the different physical traits based on which is dominant (strong) and which is recessive (weak) and you tell me which race holds the most dominant genes for the most dominant traits:
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