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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. I drink socially but I don't use any type of drugs. But it's not from lack of effort.....lol. I've actually tried to get high a FEW times but I didn't care too much for the way Marijuana made me feel. I didn't get that "good feeling" people claim to get from it. It made me feel my heart beat more, slowed down my reflexes, and made time pass by quickly......that was pretty much it. So I asked myself why do something illegal and risk being arrested and spend money doing something that isn't very pleasurable in the first place?
  2. Man I looooooooove women! I remember even as a little boy of about 5 and 6 looking at the butts and hips on some women and enjoying the sight. Didn't know what to do with those hips, but I enjoyed looking at them.....LOL But my love is not just sexually, but on a deeper level. I find it so interesting how they think, how they arrive at their decisions, how often times they argue in a way that makes no sense to me. How so many of them can be in joy one moment and depressed the next moment. Amazing. I think we as men like women more than women like men....lol
  3. ProfD You know I was thinking about that very thing when I was typing that post. That traditionally men have went to the military and faced serious injury and death as THEIR role to protect the community. However is getting killed by an arrow, club, or bullet, or grenade as bad as going through 9 months of bodily discomfort to culminate to hours or intense agony having your private organs stretched and often ripped to give birth to another human being? The event is so intense and often traumatic that many times women too die during child birth. I have to shake my head at it and just be glad some ARE willing to do it.
  4. I'm beginning to wonder if unity really IS a solution.....or a problem.. If the White racists are setting the house on fire and most of the people you're in the house with are STUPID and just lay around smoking dope all day.....would you really want to unite with THEM in hopes of saving yourself. Once the fire starts and you try to warn them....them fools are liable to lay on the couch smoking blunts and look you crazy talking about: "Mayne.....cut dat damn alarm off!!! This nigga trippin'.....ain't no damn White folks around heah!" Now would it be best to waste time arguing with and trying to unite with THEM.....or would it be best to be an INDIVIDUAL and bust the hell out of that house before it and them dope smoking clowns go down and you end up going down with them? If so many of our people are stupid or just clueless and can't get it right and protect themselves from these racists, sometimes the Individuals among us who DO have good sense have to do the best they can to survive....even if alone if need be.
  5. You know, I've noticed that since I was a young teenager. Some dudes didn't care too much for pussy or video games or anything else besides getting with other dudes and fighting and intimidating people. They LOVED conflict and fighting. Many of them don't seem to mind going to prison where there are virtually NO women as long as they get a chance to get with their gang and put some work in. I used to go to parties and clubs JUST to meet girls/women but some of these cats would go JUST to get into fights and beat up people and shoot at their enemies. No other purpose. I guess like you said, they have too much testosterone. If there's another place for people like that besides the prison, it would probably be the military if you could get them to follow directions.
  6. Troy If I had lived in New York, I would have found out which classes you were teaching in and enrolled just to sit down and hear what you have to say about various things. Not sure if I'd pass the classes....but I'd keep signing back up each semester anyway....lol. KENNETH One of the reasons there are so many Black Conservatives now a says is because racists have INFILTRATED the Democrat party and Liberal/Progressive circles and corrupted them and twisted them into such ridiculous and unrecognizable institutions with the sillies of ideas to the point that most people with common sense and some life experience would rather align themselves with the Conservatives than call themselves Liberal or Progressive. And example of what I'm saying............... Back during the 50s, 60s, and 70s which was during the Civil Rights Movement.....the rules of being a Liberal were crystal clear. You were for: Black rights, Women's rights, Worker's rights, and anti-Poverty Programs That's it. You weren't fighting for any other causes, movements, philosophies, or special interests. Most Black people....the overwhelming majority were SOLIDLY Democrat and SOLIDLY Liberal Sometime during the 80s that changed. All kinds of other special interest groups started sneaking in through the back door and the White Democrats and White Liberals started giving them a platform to promote their causes and even equate them with ours. Homosexuals. Transexuals. Atheists. Communists Environmentalists Latinos Ultra man-hating feminists Eugenicists ....and many other groups....many of which went directly against the morals and ethics of most Black Americans.....started joining and flooding in the Democrat/Liberal party and changing the direction and goals of the movement and THAT turned a lot of Black people off.
  7. Well, some people claim that what I say is "racist". Some White people have called me racist against Whites. And for the past few years some Black folks have called me racists against other Blacks. I'd like to think of myself as a COUNTER-RACIST.
  8. richardmurray Only problem is.....the West literally OWNS the Chinese economy. Much if not most of the Chinese are working for Western corporations like am*zon and Walmart and Microsoft who own companies overthere. The only thing the Communist Party of China does is whip and keep the Chinese people in line and keep them working. But when a Western corporation needs a couple million slaves to do some hard labor for them....they go to the CPC and tell them how many they need and they round up the workers and whip them into action. Talk about a slave-system: The Western corporations are the masters The Chinese people are the slaves The Communist Party of China are the overseers or slaver-drivers
  9. Oh do I love women! The older I get the more I'm still learning about them....lol. I never wanted to BE a woman, but I often wanted to understand how women "think" or what it feels like to be them. For example, why would someone go through so much pain and discomfort to bare children....MULTIPLE TIMES! It has been explained to me over and over again for decades....but still....just don't quite get how some women would voluntarily go through that with a SMILE on their faces....lol.
  10. The older I get the more I've learned to analyze each circumstance to find out exactly what the causes and effects are for conditions and behaviors. To attribute the formation of and violent behavior of gangs to oppression and social injustice is a bit broad. Because most human beings, including males....don't form gangs under oppression to combat their oppressors. They usually go along with it or fight back in their own individual way. But like you said, some of them will form gangs to terrorize and bully EACHOTHER. I'm beginning to realize that many of these bullies/gangsters aren't the way they are because of oppression and injustice....many of them are just NO GOOD and would STILL be that way even if they grew up in decent conditions. The only thing being under oppression does is LIMIT their malevolent behavior and keep it roped in and bound in their own community and away from the oppressor. As a group, the Arabs were violent and tribalistic BEFORE the Israelis took that land and started oppressing them. They just continue that tradition under newwer and more oppressive circumstances.
  11. Seems to me the mainstream media has been going OUT OF THEIR WAY to avoid talking about this. It should be one of the biggest stories of this year, considering the millions of people who have lost their lives from this pandemic along with the hundreds of millions more who have gotten sick from it. Chev I'm not sure where it started but the larger issue for me is that those who DID say it came from a lab were ridiculed and clowned on. They were called nutty and accused of promoting "conspiracy theories". The official story was that this pandemic started as a result of some people eating some "bat soup" made from a bat they bought at a wet market and that was the ONLY story people were allowed to accept as legitimate. Now all of a sudden they break out and just CASUALLY tell people, "Yeah....the virus was probably leaked from a laboratory and spread around the world" ....while they sip on a cappuccino and continue reading the paper. THEN they turn around and claim the FBI came to that conclusion also.....which was NEVER mentioned in the media until now! But hey......... There doesn't seem to be much of a demand for the truth now a days anyway because when I look on the internet where people are relatively free to voice their opinions and talk about what they want to talk about on their private webcasts and Youtube channels.....THEY aren't mentioning it either. I would have thought some of these right-wing pundits and others would be jumping all over this story but even THEY are nonchalant about it and don't seem to care. So my question is....what DO people care about? Besides smoking weed and getting high.
  12. The U.S. has been holding drills with South Korea and Japan for years and years. Every so often they'll bluster up.....then calm down...then bluster up....then calm down. I'm waiting for the action to start.
  13. If the winner is the same young brutha singing in the video....he looks and sounds much older than a teenager.
  14. Wake me up when they actually exchange fire.....lol. They've been woofing back and forth for decades now. When o when will the time come for action?
  15. Yes, I've heard a lot about the "DMV" area and all of the Black wealth there. I had a girlfriend from Silver Springs Maryland. A great deal of gratitude should be bestowed upon the late great Marion Barry because he's the main reason for most of the wealth that Black people in the D.C. and DMV area have! He was a strong and intelligent Alpha male from the old school who didn't pull punches or take shit from the racists. He knew them and what it took to get along with and defeat them if necessary. And like Coleman Young of Detroit....he also knew the White folks he needed to get along with and made sure NOT to piss them off while fighting for his people! Too many of the younger generation of Black politicians are so naive and fall for the ole "can't we all get along" okey-doke. They end up selling out much of the wealth and property the older generations fought for while the young Whites and Latinos and Asians move in to gobble it up. As far as they're concerned, any White man who sits down to smoke some weed with them MUST be a "cool" White man, and they'll sell that devil the family farm.
  16. So do stupid people...lol. With all of the oppression and violence those Palestinians have been facing from Israel, now they want to turn around and gang-bang on eachother? But atleast this is proof and assurance that no race has a monopoly on stupid behavior. Chev I wonder if these gangs are stirred up because of the issue with the judiciary overhaul. I think the gangs over there are fighting for the same reason the gangs here in the U.S. are.....a lot of foolish young men with a lot of testosterone and not enough to do to keep them busy. As unjust as those conditions are....I'm not sure if oppression and being relocated and redlined and the other forms of discrimination the Arabs go through are the cause of the gangs fighting eachother. I think it stems from a violent "macho" type culture where violence is often used to solve disputes instead of reason and intelligence.
  17. Chev The only reason I kind of doubted it and thought those two may have been serious is because of how she fell. She fell dead on her face. Most average people can't do those type of moves without the risk of getting hurt. To fall face first in the water and dirt like that with both arms stretched is REALLY risky and a bit stupid.....just for a video and a few giggles. You said they've done this before? Unless they are professionally trained, I doubt they did THAT move more than three times....lol
  18. I just have a hard time believing how nonchalant the mainstream media is reporting this as if it's some "the more you know" tidbit of information you ponder over on your way to brush your teeth in the morning after the "main news" is delivered. Millions of people have died from this and hundreds of million have gotten sick.....all from a lab leak? You're telling me this is the BACK story....while the snow storm in L.A. takes the headlines? And then, look at WHEN this story was broken. On a Sunday afternoon where most people aren't paying attention to the news; not during the standard week day. What I DON'T want.....is for Trump and his supporters to take credit for this. I said it a couple years back that they're gonna release the TRUTH about this virus which they've been sitting on all along, and they're gonna give Trump and his minions the credit for calling it.
  19. richardmurray Man you be asking some good and interesting questions....lol. 1)in the usa, are black populaces in cities better off when the black populace is not the majority populace in a city? This may seem a little strange but I've noticed that Black people tend to do better in cities that either have a VERY HIGH Black majority....like over 70%.....or a VERY SMALL Black minority....like under 10%. In cities like Detroit, Atlanta, Memphis.....where we make up a clear dominant majority. There may be a lot of crime and some poverty, but COLLECTIVELY we tend to do quite well. Most Black folks in these cities have money and are either working class, professional class, or rich. The reason being, we tend to be CLEARLY incharge politically, socially, legally, etc....so we can protect ourselves and our wealth better. I also notice that where we make up less than 10% of the population, I notice we collectively do well also though I'm not completely sure why. One guess is that White folks don't see us as much of a threat because of the small population, so they leave us alone. But when we make up the mid-range of say 15%-65%.....conditions for Black folks in most of those cities aren't ideal. A lot of crime, gangs, incarceration, high unemployment, etc.... Black self-hatred is also high in many of those areas. If you look at Washington D.C. for example.....and maybe @ProfD can attest to this..... Although problems did exist, collectively speaking Black people did GREAT in Washington D.C. when it was 80% and even 70% Black and we were clearly in charge. Once gentrification took hold and they started shipping more Latinos and Whites in and the Black population went down to 60% and close to 50%.....regardless as to how well the city itself may be doing....things got much worse for the Black population. Same with cities like St.Louis and New Orleans. 2)in the usa, in cities, are black communities better off with a DOS/FBA majority or with a plurality between DOS/FBA plus Caribbeans<many islands> plus Continentals< many countries>? Hmmmmm.......I can't really say. I want to say that the diversity of Black people makes us better because it broadens our horizons and makes us stronger. However given how Black people get along with eachother, having more Black folks from different backgrounds just gives them another reason to mistrust and fight amongst eachother.
  20. Either this is purely a joke or the lady is a little on the slow side. Like bruh man said, she was supposed to fall BACK.....not forward. She even looked back to see his armed reached out to catch her....so what made her think to fall face first?
  21. You may have grown up in the city with the most Black people but they were still a minority in that city. I grew up in America's BLACKEST major city with a healthy diversity of FBA population along with some Africans and Caribbeans though admittedly not on the scale of New York's. And I've witnessed OVER FOUR DECADES of AfroAmerican culture and the various changes that have occurred within it. Some for the worse...others for the better. I've witnessed how on my block MOST Black families had a father and with each decade the number of families with Black fathers started disappearing. I've also witnessed how the number of fist fights among Black boys started declining drastically as the number of shootings rose. Concerning those doing illegal things to feed themselves............ I didn't grow up in the ghetto or around poverty, but I grew up seeing quite a few brothers (and sisters) selling dope. They didn't do it to feed themselves. They came from families with "some" money (though not wealthy) and weren't hungry. But they wanted nice clothes, nice cars, and money to party and waste so they started selling dope and stealing to get it. Gangsta rap and peer pressure influenced them to do this.....not poverty.
  22. Ok NOW the Wall Street Journal is reporting it: A Lab Leak in China Most Likely Origin of Covid Pandemic, Energy Department Says - WSJ So this is how the truth comes out...huh.
  23. Oooh so noooooooooow they decide to tell the truth and admit that this Pandemic started from a lab leak? After all of that denial and ridiculing of people who were saying it and claiming it was just some "baseless conspiracy theory"...now they admit it. My question is, how long has the main stream media been sitting on this? And how long has the FBI believed that it was a lab leak? I hadn't even HEARD anyone say this about the agency until I read this article, now they're reporting on it as if it's old news. Man...these people are something else.
  24. I see a similarity between Israel and the United States in how the Arabs form gangs and attack eachother overthere.....despite the racism and oppression they face; like the Black people and Latinos form gangs and attack eachother here despite the racism and oppression we face.
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