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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. It all depends on your personal situation and who that "youngin" is! Give it about 20 or 30 years and THEN we'll see if you don't end up changing your mind....lol. A friend of mine used to preach up and down how she could never get with a man younger than her because they were too immature and she needed an older man.....that all changed after she turned 45, lol. When parts of her started sagging and her hair started turning grey....she became less picky and choosy. She end up being the NEIGHBORHOOD FREAK....lol. Pretty soon every young man who came by her house to shovel snow or cut the grass was targeted by her. Even highschool boys ringing on her doorbell to sell candy for the football team better have quick reflexes before SHE opened up the damn door.....lol. She ONLY wanted them young too.....younger than 30!. She started baking cakes and giving them away just to bring attention to herself and trap a young fool....lol. You never know what you'll end up doing in this world.
  2. You're right......lol...you're young as hell. 31 is a baby.
  3. Well the thing is....... Black people had very very few diseases and almost no STD's before contact with the Caucasians. So sex wasn't a problem for those reasons. We also had our own more reliable forms of birth control. Most STD's come from 2 sources: 1. Having sex with animals 2. Not properly cleaning one's self after sexual activity (like taking a shower or douching to make sure all of the bodily fluids are removed). Now when a person has sex with an animal and contracts a disease from having foreign bacteria or viruses in their system....they then spread it around to other humans and this is how STD's get started. But again, it originally came from bestiality. You have others like HIV but it's not really a "sexual" disease but a BLOOD disease often gotten through sex among other avenues. Again, the Original people didn't look at sex the same was as Caucasians did....until the Caucasians came with their anti-sexual and patriarchal religions.
  4. At a certain point.....it no longer becomes about disrespecting your wife or family but disrespecting YOU PERSONALLY as a man. Regardless of what Jada wanted or felt, as a man you're not going to keep on disrespecting my wife and expect me to sit up and laugh at it like nothing is happening. No, we don't want Black men fighting on live television but some things are just a matter of principle. Chis picked the wrong nigga to fuck with that night.....lol.
  5. That's like saying a person shouldn't be rich because it shows a lack of financial discipline.....lol. Would you tell a person who already has one house that they shouldn't buy another one or get into real estate.....because "one house is enough" and buying more than one shows lack of discipline? How about ONE CHILD is enough and having more than one child shows a lack of discipline? See where I'm going with this? Who decides what is "enough" for the next person?
  6. I have to admit that this was ONE of the reasons that attracted me to older women....lol. Less competition from other men. Especially other young men. Most young men find older women attractive to various degrees, but most will not approach an older woman. Especially one 15 or 20 years older than them. They'll just admire them from a distance. And a lot of older men were either celibate, married, or chasing after younger women. So I went for the easy pickin's....lol. When I was younger I dated women around my age too, but I still went after older women who were willing to give me the time of day.
  7. Thanks to Delano's video, I got to see the slap over and over again in full context Not only hasn't my opinion changed.....it's been SOLIDIFIED. The way he smacked Chris for clowning on his wife and then swaggered off the stage straightening up his suit......lol....looked like something out of a Denzel Washington movie. Will earned his respect as a "grown ass man" as far as I'm concerned. Chris can tell all the jokes and talk all the shit he wants, but Will MADE his point. Infact, when Will told him to keep his wife's name out of his mouth, Chris stood up there and said "OK, I will".....showing you the point was made. Now for him to go around on the chit'lin circuit telling crusty jokes about Jada a year after the fact.....that's kinda punkish in my opinion. He should have just shut up and moved on from the incident. Now if this beef starts to escalate.....it's all on Chris.
  8. This is why I'm so glad I study the teachings of Neely Fuller Jr. SpeakHerTruth You asked questions and made statements, so let me see if I can tackle them line by line. Black people hate Black Christians more than they hate white racists. First of all, you're right that Black people often hate other Black folks more than they hate the white racists. Something I've observed for over 40 years, Second, if Black Christians ARE Black people, how can Black people hate them without hating themselves? What did we do to Y'ALL The best people to ask this question of isn't those online whom you don't know, probably never met, and even could possibly AGREE with you and your philosophy. The BEST people to ask this question of are those who have actually mistreated you because you're a Christian. I've heard them say for Black people to progress they gotta leave us behind Don't Christians teach the same thing? That when the Rapture takes place, THEY will leave OTHERS behind to deal with the consequences? I mean if ya really want. I'm still black at the end of the day, the night, the year. So pls, demonstrate how racial division brings about unity. Sometimes division and DIS-unity can bring about more progress and peace than unity itself. There are a lot of Black people that I REFUSE to "unite" with and simply won't. Being Christian or Muslim or Republican or Democrat isn't a deal breaker, but being a murderer, rapist, pedophile, and other despicable positions in life don't get passed over and smoothed out simply because you're Black. I'm not going to throw morality and ethics under the bus in the name of "Black Unity". I'm for uniting with the RIGHTEOUS and INTELLIGENT of our people.
  9. Lol, well first of all young lady......what is YOUR age?
  10. One of the reasons so many American women....including many AfroAmerican women....are having to resort to injections, implants, and surgeries today just to get a nice shapely ass is because their lifestyle and the food and chemicals in the environment is screwing up their hormones and genes to the point that many of them are coming out "funny made". People from many so-called third world countries who still eat natural food and live a basic life are usually MUCH stronger physically and made much better. Also, Crack and Meth will ZAP your ass right out the frame. I can take you back to Detroit and show you so many women who had nice bodies with high round asses when they were in highschool but as soon as they got on that Crack....5 or 10 years later their ass is flatter than fruit punch. And got the NERVE to wear some spandex. I met a girl one time who called herself wearing a g-string and her butt was so flat, when she stood up you could see the whole string from top to bottom.
  11. I've heard a lot of women say they find confidence very attractive. I don't fully understand the mechanisms of this. As a man, if I find a woman attractive....she's attractive. Unless she's acting like a straight up dude, her personality and attitude has little to do with it. Now if I want to APPROACH her....now other factors come into play. But whether she's confident in herself or totally lack confidence, means nothing to me. On the flip side, I've seen some ugly dudes who pull more women than they can handle. And it's clearly not because of their looks, and in most cases not because of their money......but it's something about their personality.
  12. Exactly. Will Smith MADE him show some respect for his wife, most men around the world would find that admirable. I know most women find it attractive and comforting to have a man willing to check another man on live television for her honor. Troy I'm not talking about the guy who kissed Will, I was actually talking about Chris Rock. If you consider Will Smith a "punk" for hitting Chris.....well hell what do you call Chris who didn't even fight back??????
  13. Men usually gain pleasure and increased social status with polygamy. Unlike women who often (undeservedly in my opinion) get a bad rep from having sex with multiple men, it's the exact OPPOSITE for men where we are seen as highly desirable and socially esteemed by openly having multiple women we are taking care of.
  14. Oh yes, I believe every single word I posted and I KNOW most of it to be true based on observation. Which part of it do you not agree with? Troy As a Black man, why would you argue AGAINST Black men being more masculine than White men?
  15. Since we're quoting stats and racial comparisons............. Don't leave out the fact that White men tend to have a noticeably lower testosterone level than Black men and this has been shown to be the case across national and cultural boundaries. White men simply have less testosterone, which means smaller penises, more impotence, less muscle tone, less bass in their voices, and more erectile dysfunction and at earlier ages. According to some figures, White men on average start getting erectile dysfunction in their 30s as their testosterone rate....already low...plummets. Low testosterone and erectile dysfunction also leads so sexual perverse behavior like pedophilia and bestiality because "normal" sexual relations are often problematic. This explains why the vast majority of pedophiles are White men. It also explains why the White dominated Catholic Church insists on it's clergy to be celibate and abstain from sexual activity, something totally unnatural and not found in religions dominated by people of color and especially Black religions where sex is enjoyed and celebrated.
  16. Notice how these racists have more respect and empathy for NON-AMERICAN drug trafficking murders and gang members than they have for fellow American citizens if they are Black? Reminds me of how the racist Republicans love Russia more than they do America....because Russia is still almost all White.
  17. Troy Your last name is Johnson and you grew up in the Johnson Houses???? How interesting. Were the projects named after your family....lol. Now my question for you is: If Will Smith smacking Chris on live television over insulting his wife was a "punk move".....what do you call the guy who GOT smacked and just stood there looking stupid?
  18. I thought East Harlem was "Spanish Harlem" populated mostly by Puerto Ricans and Dominicans.
  19. frankster Most men are not attracted to women solely for their looks but rather more likely their sexual accessibility or availability. Well, if you want to talk about who men actually PURSUE....that's a different story, lol. Most men are attracted to women based on their looks, but most men don't pursue every or even most women they are attracted to. Who a man chooses to pursue is based on a lot of factors such as his own self esteem, whether he feels he can actually attain her or not (or "availability" as you say), how strong his sexual desires are, his social status, etc. But as I said, a man is actually ATTRACTED mostly by looks and to a lesser extent by personality. Ugly usually means someone who is unhealthy or damage in some way even malformed/infirmed(unhealthy aging)...a healthy person truly cannot really be ugly It depends on who's using the term. When I use the term "ugly"....I'm talking about someone who is either naturally ugly or is ugly because of "wear and tear". Not someone who is severely deformed or disfigured due to an accident. I think it would be unfair to call such a person "ugly". Kind of like it wouldn't be proper to compare someone who was of normal intelligence but got into a bad car accident and is now a vegetable to a person who's been dizzy stupid since childhood. Maybe they do exist....please post a picture of one such individual if you can?
  20. ProfD I agree that Will probably was taking a lifetime of frustration at being called soft, a bitch, and a cuck all out on Chris that night....but still....he DID smack the dude. It wasn't fake or set up....he had the balls to walk up and steal on him (not really a steal because he saw him coming....lol) on live televison. I agree that it wasn't a good look for Black folks collectively, but in my opinion it did raise Will's manhood by a few points in my opinion. But most Black folks ain't giving him NO pass....lol. Poor Will can't win for losing. Not sure how Chris Rock could come out looking good after having the shit smacked out of him on live television and he did nothing but stand there in shock and tell jokes to ease the situation. Would most of us have done differently? Not sure....but it is what it is. He got smacked and didn't retaliate. Fuck what White folks think....self defense is a natural right. I'm as pro-Black as they come, however if some fools start busting at my house.....I'm not gonna run out on the porch and start quoting Huey P. Newton to them in hope of convincing them to turn their gun on the "real enemy". I'm gonna bust back and try to get as many of them as I can to prevent it from happening again....lol.
  21. ProfD the question then becomes what is the difference between a highly intelligent individual who does little or nothing with their great brain and a natural fool who still manages to take of self. Potential. The highly intelligent person has it IN them, whether they decide to use it or not. I have a cousin who is highly intelligent, but he CHOOSES to run the streets and is an alcoholic and drug user. Whenever he does decide to clean himself up (if he does) his mind will be a force to recon with. I have another cousin who hangs with him and does the same thing, but is a natural fool....I mean NATURAL. So silly he didn't know the difference between the words "cherish" and "cherries" until he was 25 years old...lol. I mean, so goofy he barely passed the test to get into the military and THEN got kicked out because he kept asking people "How do you know who to shoot?" during basic training. And we know this because he ADMITTED to us that's why he got kicked out. A NATURAL fool.....lol H8ll, we just had a natural fool aka clown running the country for 4 years. Are we sure Trump was a fool? Or did he PRETEND to be one for entertainment purposes in order to relate to the fools who voted for and supported him? Most Trump voters are clowns and fools and he would have been wise to stoop to their level in order to relate to them.
  22. Jasmine Guy using her "Whitley" voice and accent....lol
  23. frankster Charisma works for ugly men to attract women, but it would take a LOT of charisma for a physically ugly woman to be attractive to most men. Most women's charm is IN their looks, not their words or swag. When a so-called "ugly" woman is said to attract men with her personality, if you look closely at her.....she's really not "ugly" but just less than ideal based on societal standards. For example, people will often say that Oprah is an "ugly" woman who made herself attractive being a celebrity and billionaire. The fact is Oprah....though not a beauty queen....wasn't an ugly woman. She looked like a typical sista you'd see in the hood. Maybe a little overweight but nothing unusually bad or grotesque about her. Ugliness does indeed exist, but most people being called ugly in this society are actually being MIS-LABELED as such because they may not meet society's ideal standards of beauty.
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