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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. I think you just KILLED IT right there!!!!! Not sure if anyone online OR in the real world has articulated it as detailed and briefly as you just did! Damn. Not all young men today have a lot of energy though. Many of these young dudes are so full of weed and chili-cheese fries.....they don't have the energy the average 60 year old man had 30 years ago. And on the flip side, just being older doesn't necessarily mean you have more money and are financially secured. Go to any homeless shelter and you'll find a ton of old men and women whose hair has turned White and teeth have fallen out and are flat broke. Haven't gained anything as far as wealth or even wisdom over the years. Troy YOU tell US......lol......shit. You're older than me so I know you're over 55, and just had a baby....lol. I'd have to presume your fiancé is around 40 if not younger. Lol...Is she that same sista with the dog in that photograph advertising the apartments in Oklahoma you showed us a few years ago? Were you finally able to track the girl down? She looked like she was in her 30's. How is your little girl doing BTW.....?
  2. Maybe not, but I wouldn't put it past him later on. Most politicians ARE lawyers by profession. If you look at Congress and most state legislatures....the largest professions are lawyers and I BELIEVE the second biggest profession are doctors. Probably because a lot of the laws and processes for coming up with them are so complex and nuanced that it takes the keen mind of a good lawyer to figure the shit out and introduce more of them. I'm still thinking about his pretty ass wife.....lol. That woman is gorgeous but to think that she's a lawyer too.....man....beauty and intelligence. There's something about an intelligent woman who STILL knows how to talk and act like a lady and is very feminine.
  3. Haven't seen the movie but it reminds me too much of REAL LIFE Karens. Look at that typical arrogant spoiled White girl glare....lol
  4. I haven't seen any of the movies yet either. I'm not sure why. I guess I didn't feel it was important enough to go looking for it.....but I like Michael B. Jordan's movies. Liked the brother since Black Panther.
  5. Man......the plot continues to thicken, lol. She was born in 1893 to a man who fought 30 years ago in the Civil War? I wonder how old was her father when she was born? Now I'm hearing about the 122nd U.S. Colored Troops! I heard of the 54th Regiment but now I find out about another group of Black soldiers! And before that, I hear about a colony established in Colorado by ex-slaves! Damn! What else are they hiding from us?
  6. Lol.... Well, Da Flav is considered ugly by most AfroAmericans because of his extreme dark skin and other features like his teeth.....but in all seriousness he's STILL within the "normal" range of human looks. Go to Jamaica, Haiti, or many African nations and you'd find thousands of men who look like him with little money but married with children living happy lives. Never been called ugly a day in their life. His "ugliness" is more cultural than actual. Now compare him to a Craig Mack Now THAT'S natural.
  7. ProfD As I mentioned above, the main reason people do drugs and/or drink alcohol is to temporarily escape their reality and/or to artificially increase their happiness. Which is what I TRIED to do by smoking weed....lol. Neither goal was accomplished. Same thing with getting drunk. I've been drunk only a few times in my life, and didn't like the feeling. I was about 22 or 23 and was going through some problems and I heard people "drowned there sorrows" with alcohol. So I decided to do the same. So I drunk nearly a 5th of gin..lol. The only thing it did for me was make me dizzy and my speech was slurred. I felt like laying on the couch and sleeping. It didn't make me feel better nor did it make me "forget" what I was going through. I'm not sure how other people's brains are wired where they get joy and elation out of the stuff. Chev LOL. We have been conditioned by big governments. For this reason it seems to me that most people are in a state of confusion about reality and what the future will be like. But all big government seems to care about is population control. Exactly. They keep the people confused and emotionally agitated and afraid...while they push their agenda to reduce and control the population. Covid really targeted the elderly....conveniently eliminating hundreds of thousands of people who were getting old age benefits. This pandemic does seem to be ongoing. Absolutely! People are STILL getting sick and dying from that mess by the thousands. Dozens of people on my job have gotten sick from Covid this year alone! It hasn't gone anywhere, they've just decided to IGNORE it and keep the economy rolling right through it. They won't stop until 90% of the population is dead and the 10% remaining have to resort revolution just to get them to consider their behavior and stop.
  8. Yeah, such a sad story.....I read about it online. Troy did you know the young lady personally? I read where she was allegedly killed by some dude she was employing at the store and actually started dating! Madness...............
  9. One day in my early youth when I still believed in Jesus, I had a dream about him. I dreamed that he was a Black man and that he came down to Earth to take some of us back with him. We were all on some sort of craft going up and up and then the Black Jesus looked at us......AND ASKED US FOR GAS MONEY!!!!! No lie....I actually dreamed that.... If you read the Bible, according to it Jesus constantly spoke of the CHRIST coming. But he didn't call himself the Christ. He said the Christ will come and do this and do that. If I remember correctly, he didn't refer to himself as Christ OR the Son of Man. Infact, in one scripture he said many will come in his name saying that HE is Christ and will deceive many.
  10. Very interesting breakdown on the freedoms or lack thereof on the internet! I know there is no such thing as freedom of speech, no matter where you are your words have consequences. But some nations are less restrictive than others.
  11. Trust me, men are also judged by their looks to a certain extent. Not as much as women, but still. Especially girls and young women.....like teens and early 20s....tend to be very looks oriented. As they get older they realize a handsome face or curly hair don't pay the bills.....lol...so they look for a man who is more financially secure regardless of how he looks......UNLESS...he's too ugly. Most women over 30 seem to have a tolerance or threshold to where even if a man is ugly....as long as he's not HIDEOUS....she'll find him just as overall attractive as the nice looking dude as long as the other factors line up. But if he's TOO ugly.....all the money in the world isn't gonna help too much. Except for prostitutes or plastic surgery.
  12. A story that I'd love to read or hear! This is the first time I heard a community in Colorado was founded by freed men and women! What they must have endured........ I'm glad your 10 year old daughters school report was a success!
  13. Not only do White immigrants do it, Black immigrants come here and do it too! Often times most immigrants are so grateful to be here in this nation they don't focus on the injustices of it.
  14. Sure I could control the volume on my phone or computer, but it's not as convenient as just clicking on the video and manipulating the sound from there. Youtube is flooded with ads but don't worry......TikTok is headed in the same direction and will be there shortly. Not just with advertisements but with censorship and limiting your content. We see the same patterns over and over with each platform. At first they promote ease, catchy gadgets, and freedom of expression....in contrast to the older existing platforms. And once they get enough people signed up.....THEN the excessive rules and regulations begin and pile on. Then they'll make you pay a special subscription price just to post and view content that used to be free. Watch.
  15. Troy Actually no, my attraction to older women remains! I find a lot of women in their 70s HIGHLY attractive! I was never turned off by a FEW wrinkles and a LITTLE cellulite.....lol. I've actually seen a couple women over 80 attractive though I wouldn't do anything with them sexually out of concern for harming them. Either giving them a hip fracture or a heart attack. Don't get me wrong, I've seen women in their 20s and 30s who are very attractive too, but my preference still remains in the 50 and above range. Menopause is real....lol...but it's more than just sex that I'm attracted to but that "content older woman" vibe.
  16. Troy Man....are those your real teeth?? Anyway..... I'm not sure what's supposed to be so special about TikTok. What does it have to offer that can't be found on Youtube, Instagram, or the other platforms already in existence? And I don't care too much for how the volume on those video shorts either can't be changed or maybe I haven't figured out how yet.
  17. This is nothing new. I've always been attracted to older women, even when I was in my teens. I just think it's a shame that all of a sudden it NOW becomes a trend as opposed to when I was in my teens and 20s and many of the older women would laugh at me when I tried to talk to them. You don't find younger men attractive UNTIL or UNLESS your friends tell you it's OK and acceptable.....then it becomes the "in" thing???
  18. Maybe sending younger men off to battle and getting them killed or seriously injured was a slick way for older men to thin the herd and lessen their competition for the women.
  19. I want to make it clear to everybody here that I'm not trying to sound cold or callus. I understand that nobody is perfect and everybody is at different levels of development. But some people are TOO FAR gone for human intervention. It will take DIVINE Intervention and or a Miracle to save some people from their own destruction. So we shouldn't waste time trying to help those who we can't save and that's what so much of the Black community has been doing for the past 50 years. Going in circles trying to help gangsters, drug addicts, and other dysfunctional and socio-pathic people reform themselves even when a lot of the times THEY don't even want to reform. Too often our people not only waste time trying to help them but often end up falling in love with them, forming relationships with them, and end up being used, exploited, and eventually harmed by them. It's time for the righteous Black men and women to circle our wagons and start helping eachother come up and stay up. Let's build a solid and successful community FIRST and then if we have time we can focus on helping the dysfunctional who are willing to receive it.
  20. Ok.......now THAT makes more sense, lol. I was looking at that brutha singing and said.....you don't get that much meat on your face and bass in your voice in 18 or 19 years LOL. That must have been a very early video because that kid doesn't look like a teenager either. I don't know too many teenage boys still getting piggyback rides....LOL.
  21. Ben Crump The Family Man He's got a beautiful wife. I think I read somewhere he practices law too. Another Barack and Michelle deal......Black power couple.
  22. Reminds me of that movie Posse; when Jesse Lee (not Peterson....lol) was sentenced to prison but they released him into the military instead. The military USED TO take criminals and murderers who would rather due time in the ranks than in the penitentiary, but they soon wised up from that mistake....lol. If a person doesn't want to follow the rules in civilian life, they likely won't follow them in the military either.
  23. I'm beginning to believe that nearly every human conflict on a global scale is already organized and planned. Individuals may fight and kill eachother, but these nations are already controlled and the agendas are well laid out. IF any conflict breaks out, it was probably well planned and orchestrated between all nations involved and even the damage and casualty count has been planned and agreed upon.
  24. KENNETH I agree, our people suffer much more when they DON'T resist. Like that old Civil Rights song Eyes On The Prize: "The one thing we did right was the day we started to fight, keep your eyes on the prize oh Lord" However more to your point about the Black Conservatives............ A lot of Black people who are currently Republican/Conservative and those who have dropped out of politics all together who have that highly individualistic "looking out for number one" mentality probably DID start off wanting to help the entire community but their efforts were not not appreciated or effective. They probably got disappointed and disillusioned and decided the best thing to do was help THEMSELVES instead. I keep saying that there is a lot of stupid and immoral people in many of our communities who will NOT appreciate the efforts you put in to try to help them and appreciate things. They don't have the intelligence or good will to understand and appreciate it. They are simply destructive people who need to be avoided and kept out of our circles of success if we expect to have lasting progress. One of the biggest mistakes so many of our people have made over the past 50 years is trying to help "everybody" and trying to organize the "entire community" and get them on board for any goal. Our efforts should have been concentrated and focused on helping those who are willing, able, and appreciative OF those efforts and have the desire for the best for our people. Not "every" crack smoking nigga strutting down the street with a crazy look on his face who is just looking for someone to take advantage of.
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