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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. My focus isn't on the ENTIRE continent of Africa but on Black African nations specifically. One of the first things Black African nations can and should do is throw off the shackles of colonialism by getting rid of their religions and laws. 1. Go back to their traditional African spiritual systems and codes of morality. 2. Disavow most of the laws and ethics and societal/legal structures that have been set up by Europeans and Arabs who came down there to impose them on the population and exploit them....and develop THEIR OWN laws and ethics and social, legal, and government structures. Infact, many of the national boundaries in Africa need to be RE-DRAWN to establish a more harmonious order that respects tribal and ethnic boundaries and rites.
  2. Stefan That was an EMBARASSINGLY weak come back. Seriously. Even Cynique is probably somewhere shaking her head...lol. If you went to a Black school....I take it you didn't win any cappin'/snappin'/dozens contests.....lol.
  3. When it comes to suicide....it's usually more of a mental health issue. But when it comes to these mass homicides....it's more of a societal problem because anytime you have THESE MANY people going off like that, something is wrong with society itself. One of the reasons the "founding fathers" of the United States and early legislators introduced bills and acts like Posse Comitatus and others that forbade the government from using the military on it's own citizens was simple: Everybody can't be wrong. It's one thing if one or two people get out in the streets breaking glass and starting fires and raising hell. They could be criminals, drug addicts, just plain crazy as hell....the police can take care of them. But when ENTIRE COMMUNITIES are out burning and looting and shooting.....all of them can't be stupid or crazy. Something clearly went wrong to set them off. So the military shouldn't be sent out against them but rather their voices should be heard to find out why they're so angry. And it's the same with these mass shooting incidents..... WHY? WHY are there so many angry and hopeless people out there today? There is too much of a DISCONNECT between those making the laws and the average citizen who has to live under them.
  4. I too believe that aliens are already living among us....and have BEEN here among us for thousands of years. Infact, many of our religions have been formed around encounters and communications with them.
  5. Stefan Lol....thanks for proving to us that men too can have periods. Now take a couple of these Pamprins, and call it a night.
  6. Everything in space has an effect on this planet to a certain degree. Stars, moons, planets, meteors, comets.....ALL of them have an effect or magnetic pull or radio influence on this planet even in a miniscule manner. Not saying this was the case with the Earthquake...all though it's possible. I'm speaking in general however. Infact, that's the essence and scientific basis of Astrology. The gravitational and magnetic effect that start and how they are aligned at a given time has on the thoughts and behavior of the people as well as geological changes. Most police officers, EMT workers, hospital workers, and psychologists will CONFIRM that humans become more aggressive during full moons. Just like a full moon has a gravitational pull on the waters of the ocean, they also have a gravitational pull on the cerebral fluid of the brain and affects the thinking of people. But so do the stars and other planets.
  7. Stefan I don't believe conspiracy theories because many are just plain stupid or implausible. Have you considered that sometimes things don't make sense TO YOU or may SEEM implausible...simply because you don't have all of the facts or factors of a particular incident to come to the proper conclusion? The spy balloon was Chinese. The country admitted it, but lied and said it was a weather balloon. 1. Why would a nation that is truly an enemy or adversary to the U.S. "admit" to anything they did that was subversive in nature? 2. You have yet to realize that China essentially WORKS FOR the United States. You really DO believe they are an adversary or possibly an "enemy" nation when this is obviously not the case. If the U.S. wants to monitor its citizens, then U.S. intelligence agencies would not use a spy balloon when there is so much intrusive surveillance software. Why use a balloon when satellites are available? This statement shows you your naivety. It's against most laws for the U.S. government to spy on it's own citizens. So if someone in the government (not the ENTIRE government but a malicious few INSIDE of it) wanted to do surveillance on the population they would have to literally go OUTSIDE of the law to do so. Working through another nation to do it is just one of many tactics. Before I set out to write anything, I make sure my facts are correct. I don't make chit up or author wild and unsubstantiated statements. Well first of all, that's a redundant statement. If they are facts...they WILL be correct. The question is: Do you know ALL or even MOST of the actual FACTS of a particular incident? Or do you simply go by what is reported in the mainstream media and accept that as gospel truth?
  8. Kenneth Is it that we have NO leaders in the AfroAmerican community....or is it that the WRONG people are leading?
  9. ProfD When I first heard him talk and saw him, he reminded me of Bubba from Forest Gump....lol. But I sometimes wonder if he takes his role as a Civil Rights attorney so seriously that he is starting to channel the essence of Martin Luther King and Malcolm. Look at the way he dresses sometimes....... Most people don't dress like that anymore.....with the hat and the ascot tucked up under his coat. Straight up out of the 50s or 60s. He's clearly trying to deliver an image of himself to the people.
  10. richardmurray I have a question, for clarity. Are you saying the Black American community in the USA needs to 1) make our own laws 2) enforce said laws ourselves? Emphatically YES to both questions! If the answer to the prior question is yes. I ask cause isn't that a very challenging goal? Very. But not impossible. The biggest challenge is MENTAL....having the DESIRE to actually take the responsibility to do it for ourselves. Too many of our people would rather let White folks handle those type of responsibilities while we spend time bullshitting and having a "good time". The USA has many non Black people. nothing is impossible but your goal is quite the challenge , i must admit. It would had been better if more black people adopted the exoduster movement in the past for your stated goal. That wouldn't be very feasible for two reasons: 1. It wouldn't' be wise to give up the land and status we DO have in the United States to go somewhere and start from scrach with basically nothing. 2. Go where? Most of the land outside of the United States is occupied. Claimed already. Go somewhere and likely you're just going to be a second class citizen in another nation. And unlike here....they'll have NO PROBLEM letting you know you're second teir. What you state Pioneer has been the strategy by the majority of black leaders since frederick douglass in the usa. In the end, I argue what you call the next best thing has been and is the primary thing for black people in the usa, rightly or wrongly. True. But who's fault is that? The Black leaders did their job by TELLING the people what to do....do the people DO it? Do they even TRY it? The Black leaders say infiltrate and integrate the power structure of the U.S. to make things better for our people. But the masses don't even TRY to do this. I mean, some do...most don't. That's why it hasn't worked. If the masses had actually FOLLOWED the advice and instructions of the leaders instead of just listening to them and them leaving the meeting only to go to Popeye's chicken and the liquor store forgetting 90% of what was said at the rally....we'd be in a much better off position. The brother went to a Black Power meeting where a Black leader spent 2 hours lecturing on the importance of Black unity and love of self and the community......only to go to Popeye's chicken after the meeting and end up shooting another Black man at the drive-thru because he looked at his woman. This ain't the fault of the Black leader....it's THAT fool's fault for not taking the message he was given to heart. There's only so much you can do with a jacked up brain.
  11. Ain't Yall Whaddup Yo Double Negatives ( like "Ain't Nobobdy") These words have been called "slang" and "improper English" for decades and they have been marginalized from what is considered standard or correct English. Well, perhaps it's time for this to change. Perhaps it's time that the words we commonly use but are considered "Black English" become part of Standard American English! Who made the decision to keep them out anyway? Most of us use the words "ain't" and "yall", so why the hell AIN'T they considered standard or correct??? Typical American English wasn't considered correct and STILL isn't considered correct compared to the English of Britain. It was called "broken English"; but as it evolved into what we have in the U.S. today it became our standard. Most contractions (like here's and that'll) are simply slang words that became standardized over time because most of the population used them to much. If broken White American English can be standardized, so can OUR dialect of English It's all a matter or respect who WHO'S dialects and versions we choose to respect and honor and who's we choose to disregard and hold contempt for.
  12. Cynique ain't yawning. That's her way of letting you know she's ready for another round of cream puffs.....LOL
  13. richardmurray I guess my section of harlem growing up as a child was different. but in defense the black community of harlem in manhattan is significantly older than a number of black communities in nyc, especially queens or brooklyn, or in other major cities Yes, the Black cultural experience in Harlem goes back far deeper than it does in both Brooklyn and Queens and even the Bronx. You have more of a multi-generational FBA culture that stretches back into the 1910s and 20s. Much of the Black populations that settled in other parts of NYC are actually foreign....from Africa and the Caribbean where as Harlem is strongly FBA. The only foreign influence that goes back several generations in Harlem of any significance is the Puerto Rican presence. I never ate by candlelight as a child. That means you never had your power cut off....lol. I went down south many times, but no one waved us away. LOL.... And I never watched soul train till teenage. What??? How old are you?
  14. -Asking yourself a question, is like a broke person asking themselves for a loan.
  15. Stefan What you are ticked off at is that I used calm reasoning to make my points. I also posted links. Few do that in these discussion forums. But some make silly statements such as Pioneer1's claim that the balloon actually belonged to the U.S. because it was operating through the Chinese to spy on its own citizens. Fanciful theory. I think he was trying more to be funny than real. No. I proposed it as a serious possibility for us to consider. But seeing as how you don't believe in conspiracies, I can understand how you couldn't possibly wrap your head around the idea that our own government could or would do that to it's citizens. ProfD I'm also more laid-back than a dead fly in real life too until... Lol....until WHAT?????
  16. So we SHOULD expect to see massive protests with HUNDREDS of thousands of Black folks in both Austin and Tallahassee demanding the resignation of both of these racist governors. Right? That's what would happen if AfroAmericans collectively had GOOD SENSE. Unfortunately most Black folks in both of those states don't give a damn about the academic curriculum or anything else involved in politics and racial issues. Most of them are so busy wrapped up in their own personal drama that they are as far removed from this issue as any White person and could care less about it. Infact, unfortunately a larger percentage are only concerned with getting high and having a good time....until. It's simply OVER for a lot of our people. Those of us who are righteous and intelligent....those of our people who can be saved....must SEPARATE ourselves and form our own communities and let whatever may...COME...to the masses.
  17. Well, I don't think he's the most eloquent speaker in the world....but I have to admit the brother is sharp and right there when trouble breaks out. I know a lot of Black leaders do NOT like him and call him "mush mouth", an ambulance chaser, a poverty pimp, etc.... But I tell them, if YOU don't like the way Ben Crump is handling these cases of law enforcement abuse and police brutality....then YOU become a lawyer and go out there and show us how it's done instead of sitting back heckling the brother. I think a lot of the dislike of Ben Crump is personal. He's not a very eloquent speaker and not the best looking brother in the world, so they're more focused on the package than the content. The brother is a freedom fighter and I'm proud of him. I personally think there should have been SEVERAL law schools named after the late great Johnny Cochran (Rest in power) But that doesn't take away from the great work that our brother Ben Crump is doing right now. Not to mention, Ben Crump has probably made more Black families MILLIONAIRES while at the same time fighting for justice than a lot of other Black leaders have done in recent history.
  18. So many deep points being made.....I'm gonna have to sit back and analyze this thread....lol.
  19. Delano I'll answer your question when you answer mine: How do you feel about YOUR mother getting wet and sliding up and down on a man's hard penis until he busts all up inside of her? Troy Delano's question for me isn't one based on logic and intellect but one based on emotion. Making any subject personal will emotionally charge it to the point that reason, logic, and even fairness take a back seat for most people. Me: I support the fact that we have prisons and jails to lock up bad people and protect general society from them. Delano: So you're saying you would support YOUR brother being locked up in prison for life???? According to Delano's way of thinking...if we wouldn't want OUR OWN family members locked up in jail then we shouldn't support the idea of jails and prisons period.
  20. richard murray Law enforcement is just that LAW enforcement. These are people who are authorized and equipped to enforce the rules, laws, and policies set forth by high powers both inside and outside of the government. Some of the policies and rules we know about....others we don't. If we really want to change the practices of law enforcement then we need to do 2 things: 1. Make OUR OWN laws 2. Enforcement OURSELVES with our own specially trained enforcers. Until we stop relying on White folks to do everything for us including make the policies and govern us....and take the initiative to feed, clothe, and govern ourselves....the problem will continue. The next best thing is to join the existing law enforcement agencies and try to rise as high as we can through the ranks so that we'll have some sort of power and influence over their behavior and policies. ProfD The masses have been anesthetized and neutered by that social conditioning. Not to mention all of this fake ass "weed" they've been flooding society with. Both legal and illegal....over half of the Black population is smoking this shit. Most of the young people are. And they're addicted to it now. You can't even have a conversation with some of them. They don't care about mass incarceration, racism, police brutality, or anything else. The entire subject will revolve around getting high and the best weed to buy from the best spots.
  21. But unfortunately for you..........you're both. Cynique I believe you WOULD take one of those anytime any day. I've seen some of your pictures...lol. "Hold up Delany baby... Where you goin'... Wait for me!!!!"
  22. What an AMAZING feat! After such an accomplishment......for that reason ALONE she should stay. Rodney campbell Historically. Those higher powers have left humanity text. Instructions, tradition, and culture as the method to not mistake things for random. These designs from higher powers were convoluted by bad people and made into esoteric. The esoteric became cults. The cults became religions. In order to maintain the esoteric the religions used lies and misdirection and are overall negative and useless. Pretty good break down in the DE-volution of spiritual sciences.
  23. Anyone think that Green Comet may have had anything to do with that major Earthquake in Turkey/Syria?
  24. Facts. That's why you have Chinese and other cultures starting to align and celebrate their New Years and other holidays along with America's and the West. The Jewish Calendar is supposed to be different but they manage to line up the Passover and Hannukah seasons up with the Western Christian seasons of Christmas and Easter every year. It they were still following their own calendar then the dates would change....like Ramadan for the Muslims.
  25. Stefan I pissed off people to the point many roundly disliked me. But I didn't care. I don't think you'd have trouble convincing ANYONE on here that you managed to accomplish that....LOL.
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