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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. Troy Yes, that was MY presumption when he said "experience". But at any rate, I respect his wishes not to divulge. ((shrugs shoulders)) richardmurray I apologize for the confusion. Based on my grammatical comprehension I did not suggest I was the abuser but only the abused aside a witness to others being abused. Lol, I think that statement might have just ADDED to the confusion. Does that mean you were not just a witness but also abused by them too?
  2. It MUST be relevant, you thought it important enough to respond to it....lol.
  3. Cynique Girl you need to be ASHAMED of yourself sitting up there letting all of those messages and notifications pile up like that. If you're that reckless on AALBC, one can only IMAGINE what your porch looks like at home....lol. Do you have a ton of news papers, advertisements, and packages piled up feet high on your porch? Mail spilling all out of the mailbox....lol Too busy online fussing and arguing with people to see about your own business. Maybe once a month you'll slip a robe on and step outside to reach around for the mailbox and look for a check...lol Lazy as hell...........
  4. ProfD Shit......you pretty much summed up the problem, lol. There's no where to go now but the CONSPIRATORIAL route and talk about how they used vaccines like the MMR and others to ill-effect the minds of Black children and especially Black boys and give them autism and other disorders in order to block them from properly developing socially and intellectually. The food is also being used as a weapon as Rodney pointed out. You look at Africans and why they are able to come over to the United States and excel so far and so rapidly in our educational system, perhaps because they weren't bombarded with so many vaccines and so much trash food as children so their minds are still pristine and sharp.
  5. Good character also involves being FAIR and HONEST When you pretend to disagree with something simply for the sake of disagreement and/or maliciousness....you are in no moral position to lecture anyone on "good character".
  6. ProfD I'm adamant about Black people taking back our sexual freedom as well as our morals in general from Caucasians and their religious systems. Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism.....highly regulates sex while many of it's so-called adherents were out conquering land and raping women. They're telling YOU how to have sex, when to have it, and who to have it with but THEY aren't following their own rules! Many of the men who called themselves "prophets" were killing people, taking land, taking women, etc...like a lot of gangsters do today. I'm not going to get into the psychology of why some men OR WOMEN (yes...lol) pay for sex. Whether they're too ugly, too stupid, dick too small, pussy to wide, into freaky shit, etc......it's their business. As long as they aren't forcing themselves on their partners and their partners are 18 and over...it's cool with me. We have more pressing things as a society to worry about than whether or not some woman wants to sell her coochie to make some money or voluntarily give a man a portion of her money in order for him to protect her and promote her trade.
  7. Also, when we talk about forming communities....we also must make sure we all have a "collective mind" to a certain degree. In order for a community to be successful and prosper we need to be on the same page as far as values and ethics. I'm not speaking from a religious point of view. No need for religion but religious differences would be tolerated. However our basic understanding of what is "right" and "wrong" must be clear and agreed upon by all in the community. Can't have one brother who insists on having 5 wives and another brother who thinks polygamy is "disrespectful" to women and should be illegal trying to live together. Can't have one sister who thinks all drugs and alcohol should be banned from the community and another sister who is a weed head and insists on selling weed to make a living residing next to eachother.
  8. Something tells me the intelligence in AI isn't so "artificial". Either humans or some other Entities are behind it.
  9. Rodney campbell Man, I've been saying this for YEARS!!! Black people, especially Black boys usually do excellent BEFORE they get enrolled in school! They develop much faster both physically and mentally than White children before entering public schools. As soon as they go to school you start seeing a decline. Start having social issues. And by the time they hit middleschool around the time of puberty you REALLY see a decline. I really didn't learn anything in the public schools system. My Mother taught me how to read at 3 before starting school. She also taught me how to read, write, and count. The White teachers didn't teach me jack, except how to eat graham crackers and take naps...lol. Like you said, this public educational system was designed to DUMB DOWN and SUPPRESS the true creativity and intellect of Black students. Which is all the more reason we should either homeschool our own children or build our own institutions with our own curriculum. You're also on point about the foods and vaccines. Yet another reason we need to open up more of our own grocery stores, restaurants, hospitals, and laboratories. We can't continue to just trust whatever White folks thrust upon us.
  10. You pay for food. You pay for a place to stay. You pay for service on your vehicle. You pay for health care. You pay for a good time at the movies. You pay for drugs and alcohol so you can feel good. But all of a sudden, when it comes to paying for sex.....people feel some sort of way. It comes from being brainwashed by Caucasians and their anti-sexual religious dogma. Europeans, Aryans, Arabs, etc....have called sex nasty, evil, a "necessary evil", and have heavily regulated it through their religious indoctrinations and the people of color who grew up under their influence also have these same dysfunctional beliefs. Before the coming of the Caucasians, most Black societies not only had legalized prostitution but had big COMMUNITY ORGIES where all the adults in the community would come out and have sex with eachother, often times in public and in the holy temples. WE didn't think of sex as "sinful" until White folks came along and TOLD you it was. It's been said that Kufu (Cheops) one of the Kings of Kemet actually prostituted his daughter out to raise money to help fund the building of one of the Great Pyramids. This thing most men have against prostitution doesn't come from a HIGH MORAL perspective, but actually comes from PRIDE. Most men don't want to think of themselves as being so "lame" or "wack" that they have to pay for sex. They like to think of themselves as so "boss" or "playa" that women THROW themselves at them and offer them sex at no price. In my observations, that's less than 5% of the men out there. Most men....who ARE having sex, because some aren't...lol.... are PAYING the women they're having sex with either directly or undirectly.
  11. ProfD Well, Black folks USED TO get out in the streets and riot. That's when as a community we had more pride, masculinity, and refused to tolerate certain things. Since the 90s, the AfroAmerican community has become more confused and "soft" in a way so many of those who were down to hit the streets have either gotten older, died off, or locked up. It's a shame that so many Black youth have gotten so docile that the White power structure can't even trust them to riot anymore and has to resort to sending in White infiltrators to stir things up...lol. Look at what happened in Atlanta a few days ago. A bunch of White kids running around starting fires and throwing rocks.
  12. Cynique And if you DID agree with anything I've said.....I wouldn't expect for you to admit it.
  13. We can save up some money and BUY a small town, or just move there in mass taking up employment, residence, and eventually positions in government like City Hall and School board and in a few years we will HAVE the town. Then expand upon it. So which region do you think would be the best place to do this....in the South or maybe out West?
  14. richardmurray I have been unfortunate enough to see + experience alot of law enforcement abuse. That's sad to hear that YOU have been a victim of a lot of law enforcement abuse! You seem like such an intelligent and well composed brutha, online atleast! May I ask what were the circumstances? If you'd rather not share it...I'll understand. The goal is for Black cops in mostly white law enforcement organizations to exists, for Black presidents in a mostly white country , Black Mayors in a mostly white city to exists, it isn't to deny, black cops in most black law enforcement organizations, or black mayors in black towns or black sheriffs in black counties. But the idea is for an individual allowance to exist in the Black community in the USA that will curtail Black communal strength, will curtail Black communal resilience, will curtail Black communal fiscal profit, but the goal is to get the majority of the Black community to be part of an aracial identity, an individual identity, that I argue has been reached. Seems like I kinda understand what you're saying here, but can you expound upon it a little more? Are you saying that the plan is to individualize Black Americans to the extent that the can no longer relate to what happened to our brother in Memphis?
  15. ((shakes head)) If I were that slow, I wouldn't even TELL nobody....lol.
  16. When you said the "other" Black people, I thought the thread was going to be about Africans or Caribbeans...lol. You make a good point Harry, why aren't these cops this abusive towards the gangsters, thugs, and dope dealers as they were towards THIS dude?
  17. In a racist society such as Western civilization......your race IS your class. Rodney campbell ? Do you have an example of humane slavery that is ok?
  18. What do yall think of this White man's theory of Reality: I'm sure Rodney, Del, and Cynique will find his observations interesting....lol
  19. They wanted riots to occur. The media was all but begging people to hit the streets and raise hell after the video is shown. They wanted Black police officers to be the "face" of police brutality and a good old fashioned uprising would be the perfect traumatic event needed to burn that image into the psyche of society and take the heat off of racist White cops committing most of the murders and brutality. It would also be a good cover to began purging Black cops off of police departments around the nation. After all....who would come to their rescue if THEY are seen as the enemy as well? Outside of a mob in New York who allegedly attacked a police car, nothing major happened.
  20. Fingerprints, DNA, 911 calls, security camera images, etc.....ARE objective as you say. But they aren't necessarily proof in and of themselves but evidence. A lawyer can present all of these and the defendant STILL be found not guilty! They only become proof when they are BELIEVED enough to cause one to believe in person is guilty. You say the evidence and proof are legal terms but that's only PART of the picture. As has been mentioned before, both evidence and proof have MULTIPLE DEFINITIONS and just because ONE of their definitions is of a legal nature, doesn't mean all of them are. Both evidence and proof are frequently used words OUTSIDE of a legal context and have different qualifiers for both.
  21. It's not a matter of ME being cool with it. It's a matter of my Mother or sister having a CHOICE as to doing what they want to do with THEIR body. .......as adults, long as THEY are cool with it and aren't being forced to against their will or PREVENTED from it against their will regardless of my approval of it. I put prostitution in the same category with abortion, it should be a PERSONAL decision without the state forcing archaic and religious dogma on others.
  22. I personally don't see any problem with people buying pleasure/sex. As long as it's not forced. I think both prostitutes AND pimps get an undeserved bad name and reputation in this society. Abuse is wrong, but sex in and of itself isn't.
  23. Interesting back and forth between Delano and Cynique. I was actually rooting for Delano as his position was closest to mine on what was "evidence" and what constituted "proof"....then he essentially capitulated and decided to shake hands with her. Nothing but a cream puff....lol. Like Troy said, words have multiple meanings. Many definitions for the same word. The disagreements among us seem to largely be over WHICH definitions we choose to put weight on. As I've said multiple times and Delano earlier concurred....PROOF is subjective and highly dependent on the acceptance of the person you're trying to convince. It doesn't matter how much "evidence" you present....if the Jury doesn't accept it....then it's not PROOF (not to them atleast).
  24. White people as a group are never going to VOLUNTARILY give up their weapons in this society no matter what laws are passed because they will always fear that a "race war" will jump off and they will be left vulnerable. I personally prefer an gun-free society, but as long as racist and criminals are running around with guns then I think it's the responsibility of most intelligent and righteous Black people to be able to protect themselves and their families by any means necessary. I've said it many times before and I will continue to say it...... It's getting to the point that righteous and intelligent Black folks WILL have to form their our own societies and communities inside this nation and fortify them from the growing evil and violence from the outside. Our own compounds.
  25. What they did to that poor young man was absolutely HORRIFIC. Having said that.... I find it interesting how in THIS case: 1. The 5 Black cops who were involved were fired so quickly 2. The authorities have no problem releasing the video so quickly when it usually takes MONTHS before they release a video of White police abusing people. 3. How the media kept playing up the expectation for violence across the nation last night after showing this video. As if they WANTED something to jump off. The double standards in this nation are so amazingly blatant.
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