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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. Troy He thinks a GREAT deal about himself and doesn't seem to mind expressing it. Routinely gives himself titles like "King" and "Prince"....lol. But those comments were only a FRACTION of the ones I've heard from him that makes me think he may be Narcissistic. I've seen him speak in real life on several occasions. ProfD Maybe that explains why brothas Umar Johnson and Tariq Nasheed are socially distanced too." Do you mean distant from eachother? Or both are distant from people in general?
  2. ProfD I actually agree. I think he has some sort of personality disorder....perhaps a bit of Narcissism. I don't think he's Autstic or Schizophrenic by any stretch. His social skills are too sharp for Autism and his intellect is too orderly and logical for Schizophrenia. Bipolar? Possible.....he certainly has a lot of energy though I haven't seen him depressed and slow in the over a decade I've been keeping up with him. Remember I did a thread a few weeks (months?) ago questioning whether a professional should be as argumentative and combative as Dr. Umar was with Charlamagne? Getting loud and throwing his hands all over the place. Someone of his size and masculinity should know better than that....unless he gets so heated he can't help it. Which may help explain why he's not married. As far as financial insecurity....... It may be a hinderance for HIM, but I know too many women out there who would LOVE to have him or a brother as intelligent and articulate as him with NO money....lol. Real talk. Brutha got a mouth-piece on him and a lot of women love that. THEY'LL supply the money in exchange for the emotional support and entertainment.
  3. ProfD It seems to be getting worse and worse. The problem with the violence that is going on in so many urban neighborhoods is that it's CONTROLED CHAOS. In other words.... Under normal circumstances, the violence would become so extreme and widespread that like a fire...it would eventually burn itself out after enough people kill eachother. But because it's being CONTROLED....that culmination or coming to a head isn't being allowed to happen. Racists in law enforcement will swoop in and scoop up enough killers and gangsters and get them off the street...to allow a fresh batch to move in/grow up....and continue the torture. ...so it drags on. This is why I say the ultimate human solution is going to be for righteous Black men to eventually step up and step in to these warzone and establish peace and protection because White folks aren't gonna do it and most of the gangastaz aren't gonna do it either.
  4. My question is why are so many 9/11 Conspiracy theorists White.....why aren't BLACK folks just as skeptical? Besides the Nation of Islam and a few other grass roots organizations, how many Black folks are asking questions about ANYTHING that happens in this world now a days.
  5. Troy Lol....what's the other reason? Do you think he may be in the closet.....or maybe have a sexual dysfunction? I'm not married...have no real desire to be at this point...and I've been a political and social activist since my 30s and I'm in my 50s and ain't a gay bone in my body, lol. You didn't say it or even insinuate it, but I'm just saying in THIS day and age, it seems to me if a brutha was Gay or Bi, he wouldn't be ashamed to admit it because there's so much support for him. As far as Dr. Umar goes....he has a huge ego so I'm thinking he may not be able to COMPROMISE enough with most women for a happy marriage....lol. Very argumentative. But that doesn't mean the points he's making are wrong.
  6. Once again, your boy is hitting HARD on the facts: Hey, love him or hate him you HAVE to admit the brutha his right and exact about how a lot of our sisters are practicing polygamy ANYWAY even if so many are CLAIMING to be against it. He also makes a good point about how for too long much of the conversation about polygamy is being dominated by educated financially secure women who don't need a man PERIOD...let alone having to share one. But THEY aren't the majority. The majority of sistaz out there are struggling, have children to feed, and are working long hard hours on jobs they don't necessarily like and would be GLAD to share a GOOD MAN (not some sorry ass bum) with another woman and maybe several other women. Who's speaking for them? LIke the Doc said, don't give me that shit about how it's disrespectful and "sistaz will never go for it" when so many of our sistaz are sharing men ANYWAY by sleeping with men who are already married or already have girlfriends and they KNOW it and STILL want the brutha and beg for his time, his sex, and his love. They ARE going for it! Hell, many of them are ASKING for it! Our community needs to GROW UP and stop being so hypocritical and morally dissonant.
  7. ProfD I think he actually makes a pretty good POINT about the conversation on polygamy being dominated by educated financially secure women. Infact, I'll do a thread on it with that clip.
  8. Troy Come on man, is THIS the body of a "prepubescent boy"??? For what it's worth, Dr. Umar Johnson also recommends the movie.......
  9. Are you surprised? They're mere Products of a Public FOOL System designed to produce an ignorant ill-informed population that is easier to manipulate. You can blame your beloved Republicans for this, since they are the main culprits responsible for gutting the public education and eroding America's academic status. My favorite interviewee was THIS one: For obvious reasons.....lol. Along with the fact that she was BOLD with her ignorance. She was so confident that she'd be 11 years old and kept insisting on it....lol.
  10. ProfD Well remember, it's a TWO WAY street so it may have been HER choice not to jump the broom with her former "thug-loves"...lol. You know the old saying, "Bad girls love good boys". Being the smart woman that she is....she may have waited until she found the "right one" to cuff her up. She saw potential in Will that she didn't see in the others and was wise enough to....as Michael Jackson would say...."get on it", lol. ....and you KNOW you'z wrong for that "port-a-potty" remark....LOL....be shame!
  11. ProfD Some of these niggas don't need love, they need LAW....heavily enforced. I love you brutha..... "I know...... I gotta make a phone call right quick doe." Savages don't respect or appreciate love. They take advantage of it. But the law and it's consequences? They fear it! Mama is Love But... Daddy is Law The savages of our community need the fear of consequence tattooed on their psyche in order to maintain the safety of the collective. Loving them ain't gonna stop some of them from killing the children of their enemies and shooting up the funeral....but the strong Black Arm of the LAW will.
  12. ProfD Then, that begs the question of why he would wife a woman with another man's tattoo on her chest figuratively. Nothing good would come out that type of situation. He would forever be 2nd fiddle even to a dead man I have an answer..... Maybe her "sweet potato pie" was the best he ever tasted and he couldn't help himself....lol Jada is not only pretty, but she's sexy as hell with her attitude and charisma. I knew something was special about her even back in her Different World days. Trust....if it wasn't Will, it would have been Jamie Foxx, Puff Daddy, or a dozen other Black male celebrities standing in line to wife her up. The only difference is they probably wouldn't have the "soft" label and esteem issues Will probably has.
  13. Troy Man are you serious? You didn't know about Jada and Tupac????
  14. ProfD Many will challenge my criticism and counter it by pointing at the fuck-ups in other races and say it's not just Black folks. While that is certainly true, 2 things must be kept in mind: 1. Like a good Father I focus on ways to IMPROVE my people (AfroAmericans), not excuse or try to put the best spin on their jacked-up behavior which will no doubt make it worse. And more importantly..... 2. I've been saying for years now that while there IS a negative element in almost every human community, it seems that for the past 40 years or so the negative element in the AfroAmerican community has been GROWING faster and sucking up a larger and larger percentage of our people. Outside of maybe the Italian American community, I know of no other community where criminality and gangsterism is PROMOTED as a good and honorable thing. It's certainly THERE, but they don't stand around with evil grins on their faces PROMOTING it in the mainstream. As I mentioned to someone else on here before, in no other group is "being bad" considered good. AfroAmericans have taken the word "bad" and "super bad" and "wicked" and used it as badges of honor! Negativity has become INGRAINED in much of the culture. A clear symptom of low self esteem and feelings of moral worthlessness, a remnant of slave theology. Having said all that, I agree with you and I was just thinking the very same thing 2 hours ago....lol. I started to do a thread talking about how much I love being a Black man and couldn't see myself being anybody else BUT a Brutha.....lol
  15. Wow...terrible news. When it comes to rare and precious books, especially the originals where there are no other copies....they should be kept in some sort of vault protected as best as you can from disasters and natural elements.
  16. For most of his career, Will Smith had a reputation of being "soft"....in the Hiphop/Urban circles atleast. Perhaps this was a subconscious attempt to establish his masculine credentials or release the frustration from years of being called soft. Also, for most of his relationship with Jada Pinkett he was living under the shadows of Tupac and perhaps this was an attempt to show Jada that he could be just as hard and thuggish as the man she formerly loved. Whatever the case.... Coming back on stage crying and sniffling UNDID any effectiveness his smack might have had.
  17. Stefan Again.... You said "no one" could stop the flow of cocaine and I told you Fidel Castro DID. Cocaine was flowing in and out of Cuba like water as well as gambling, prostitution, and other vices before he took over. It was a Mafia hotspot before the Communist/Castro Revolution. He ended it, cold turkey. It doesn't matter WHY they allowed him to shut it off or why they didn't put up more resistance against him. There could have been a million different reasons why. As far as THIS conversation goes, what matters is HE STOPPED IT. Now, how many Blacks have moved out of California because you said they should? MILLIONS of Black folks have left California and HAVE been leaving since the early 90s. I met them all through out Arizona, Seattle, even as far away as Atlanta. Some saw the writing on the wall earlier, others later, but most of them saw they had no future in that racist ass state and eventually split. They didn't need ME to tell them to go....they had sense enough to get up and go on their own..lol. How many Haitians have given up their western beliefs to return to worshiping African spirit deities as you demand? Not sure. Certainly enough did it in the late 1700s and early 1800s to win the Haitian Revolution! They wouldn't have won it if they kept on waiting on Jesus to float down and free them...that's for sure.
  18. Don't confuse European NATIONALISM with European IMPERIALISM. Nationalism is POLITICAL in nature and it's focus is REGIONAL. However European Imperialism is financial and more importantly CULTURAL in nature and spreads far beyond the borders of Europe. Every single nation/demographic that speaks English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, or any other European language and believes in traditional Christian values is still under the power and influence of European Imperialism to various degrees. Not to mention that most of the financial institutions and economic structures that most global economies function under are headquartered in Western/European nations like the United States, France, Belgium, and England.
  19. Whether you felt compelled to do a thread on it because it was so popular, or you just found it interesting personally...who cares? That's one of the things I love about America..... Unless you're confined...everyone pretty much has the right to march to the beat of their OWN drum. A little off subject but..... I like older women, often much older than me. Always did. Even in my 20s I was hitting on and sleeping with women in their 50s and older! (yes!) Some would say "that's sick" or "she's old enough to be your grandmother" But in America, as long as they were over 18 and consenting adults...you had the right to sleep with who you want as it SHOULD be. Now things have changed a bit but I'm glad I live in a society where I can do ME and not be harassed or even punished over my preferences by traditionalists who feel men should ONLY be involved with women their age or younger. Infact, speaking OF the Middle East....... If I grew up in some of these Middle Eastern nations I would have probably gotten in trouble because I would have been EXPECTED to ignore women past a certain age....and they'd be the VERY ones I'd be chasing after...lol. No competition and more for me...lol. I bring all that up to say: everyone has their own personal desires and interests. Even if we don't agree, as long as they don't directly harm the next person....they should be respected and protected.
  20. Rodney Campbell @Rodney campbell You said in another thread: "Or how literally every illness disease sickness and negative condition in society is a direct result of the manufactured systemic use of TIME?" I was wondering if you could go into more detail on this. Explain in detailed AND simplistic terms how every illness/disease/sickness is a direct result of the manufactured systemic use of TIME.
  21. ProfD No, I don't think so either. People kept saying it was fake and orchestrated....I don't believe so. The way Will was cussing after he sat back down and the way Chris was skipping words after the incident trying to compose himself while on stage are the typical behaviors of people in emotional distress.
  22. I'm trying to understand why so many people who see the statue see a penis...lol. Is it a Freudian thing??? Maybe because it appears to be female arms and hands holding it up as if to enjoy it.
  23. One of the articles you cite talks about the Afro-Palestinians. While many Black people in Israel were certainly brought there as slaves by the Arabs who THEMSELVES invaded the land thousands of years ago; two things must be kept in mind: 1. Palestinian didn't always equal Arab. Most Palestinians consider themselves Arab TODAY because of culture, but the Palestinian/Filusteen people were there for THOUSANDS of years before the Arabs came in mass under the banner of Islam to conquer the land. 2. Many of the Black people living in Israel are NEITHER Jews OR Palestinians but INDIGENOUS to the land. They are the original Canaanites properly known as Kena-ani people. They built the original cities called "Karjats" like Salem and Jericho which the more modern cities like Jeru-SALEM and Haifa were built off of. This is why we say NEITHER the Jews nor the Arabs are indigenous to that land. It really belongs to the Black man and Black woman.
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