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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. Lol....well personally I celebrate the New Year on my BIRTHDAY. Which is in the Spring! But that's besides the point.... Believe it or not some would argue that celebrating the New Year on January 1s actually IS part of a conspiracy! It's my understanding that they celebrated it on different days through out the year but a group of White folks got together centuries ago and decided to establish January 1st THEE DAY for the New Year to start. Similar to how they established December 25th for Jesus' birthday. Check out the first few minutes of this lecture by the good Dr.....3:30mm-5:00mm And we don't want to even GET into whether or not this Earth is only 2023 years old, do we?
  2. You'll get no disagreements from me. My question is WHY aren't most Black folks in the United States building solid relationships with eachother in their youth, like many other demographics? It's kind of like...... We KNOW not eating right will often lead to sickness and poor health, but WHY aren't folks eating right? We KNOW that joining a street gang will often lead to death or incarceration, but WHY do folks join street gangs? In other words, I'm trying to get at the ROOT CAUSES of why so many of our people aren't in solid well functioning relationships to begin with.
  3. White folks have shown their willingness to kill and die fighting for the simple reason that IT WORKS. And they are smart enough to KNOW it works....which is why they have been so successful. Niggas are dying anyway....despite being afraid. Dying at the hands of police. Dying at the hands of eachother Dying from various diseases and drugs put out to drop their numbers. Black folks may fear fighting and dying at the hands of White folks, but they certainly don't fear it from EACHOTHER. Again....gotta point to INTELLIGENCE again to explain this inconsistency .
  4. In reality, the "New Year" shouldn't begin in January...but sometime in March or April. On January 1st, Winter is just getting started and a lot of animals are hibernating and plant life is dying. How the hell is that a "new year"??? Around the end of March is when things start to thaw out, RENEW, and REJUVENATE, and the land turns green again. That's when the "new" year should start, in my opinion. But all it takes is some slim White man in a top hat and a cane to TELL you "Happy New Year"....and you're half drunk spilling drinks all over the damn place celebrating. Some of yall will let these White folks trick you into going along with ANYTHING....lol
  5. Problem is..... Most of our people OVER 40 are either alone or in a highly dysfunctional relationship. We're not talking about old or elderly people, we're talking about relatively young and middle aged people too! They aren't alone because a spouse passed away on them. They are alone because they KILLED their spouse....stabbed the nigga on Thanks Giving weekend over some text messages! Or just bitter as hell and don't trust anyone and can't get along with anybody. Senior citizens who have invested in family and community should have enough folks around them to avoid loneliness especially if their spouse has passed away. Come on brutha, you know better than that....lol.
  6. Chev This is why Black people believe Jesus was born December 25. LOL. This is why so many of them believe in Jesus PERIOD. Because if it weren't for White folks, the name "Jesus" would be unknown to Black people and every other person of color. They introduced him and all of the information about him to us. Absolutely, @Pioneer1 This is where the White Supremacist were able to define Black people as being 2/3rds of an human being. They lie, and many of us have accepted their lies, then they mock us and then made a law about us being 2/3rds human. Crazy! Another lie they promote, and a lot of our people believe in...is the theory of human evolution. The Theory of Evolution is racist in it's conception. It says that humans evolved either from apes or an ape-like ancestor and that Africans are the "missing link" between that ape ancestor and the "more evolved" White folks. Racist as hell, yet a lot of so-called educated Black folks support and believe in it. ProfD My brotha, I'm always going to push back on the indictment of AfroAmerican intelligence or the lack thereof. That's ok my good brutha you can push back all day, you'll meet NO resistance from me....lol. There's an old saying, "Those that KNOW better...DO better" Another closely related old saying, "Those who CAN...DO" I've come to the conclusion long ago that many of our people behave the way they do simply because they don't know any better. If you have another theory, please enlighten me...lol "Uhhhhh..... Na nah na naaaaah!" Can a man do more than what's in his mental capacity TO do? If we were THAT smart, if we were THAT intelligent collectively....wouldn't we be in a better condition than we are today? IMO, AfroAmericans aren't lacking intelligence moreso than they are paralyzed by fear. Well..... What causes fear? There are many different causes, some logical....others illogical...but the main cause of fear is IGNORANCE....not knowing. Not knowing what to expect. Not knowing what to do about whatever problem you're going through. That's where INTELLIGENCE comes in. If we were INTELLIGENT enough...if we had sense enough, we'd: 1. Have advanced technology and weaponry to defend ourselves from anybody individually or collectively who tries to aggress against our community. 2. Not fear White folks or any other race, because we'd be just as if not more powerful than them. Secure in the knowledge that they can do us no harm. I'm sure you all remember those days when it wasn't cool to be smart. Intelligent folks would tuck their intellect like a chain to avoid being confronted about it. I remember those school days where it was cool to be a fool and considered not so cool to be "brainy" and smart. THAT was stupid right there. That's a good example of why I question the intelligence of so many of our people because I don't know of any White or Asian community where being stupid is considered a virtue....even in childhood. A LITTLE fool will grow up to be a BIG fool. "Uhhhhhhh......."
  7. I'm wondering if the media has a major role in the lack of FUNCTIONAL Black relationships....especially in old age. You look on television or in the movies how often to you see two Black people....man and woman....actually loving and getting along with eachother in a sexual relationship? It's been said that there are more Black people in interracial and homosexual relationships than straight Black relationships on television now, although I haven't really investigated this claim to see if it was true. They got rid of The Cosby Show and Family Matters back in the 90s. We been missed George Jefferson coming home calling for his wife after a long day at his business............ "Better leave my Weezy alone!" So you have an entire generation or two who grew up without even SEEING a positive Black couple in a relationship on television or anywhere else.
  8. Now look at those sisters performing. Look at the style, the grace, the beauty. No vulgar lyrics, twerking, butt clapping, grunting and growling like men, etc.....just women looking like and acting like ladies. What happened to our community?
  9. ProfD Now that boredom part is really hitting close to home, because when I was younger many people....especially AfroAmericans....considered me boring because I didn't find the self-destructive silliness that a lot of our people engaged in fun or exciting. I didn't mind being seen as boring UNLESS it was by a female I really found attractive. Then I would get so frustrated I'd break pencils in my fist over how so many of our beautiful sisters just loved dysfunction and mayhem. Now I see boring as GOOD. Because boring is SAFE. Boring keeps you alive. Out of the hospital. and out of jail....lol. Check out the Negroes who are always out looking for some excite men and see where they usually end up.
  10. Rest in Peace and Power dear Sista!!! I didn't want to take the thread away from our sista by mentioning them but yeah Barbara Walters just died a couple days ago and Pope Benedict did as well. What I really find strange is they announced that the great soccer player Pele died a few days ago, and I thought he had BEEN dead for atleast a year or two.
  11. Troy That is an interesting interpretation of your dad's allegory. I think it means that if you are feeling sorry for the sheep by shearing it, not shearing it only means we will not benefit from its wool and the briars are going to take the wool anyway -- so it is better for us to take it rather than for to go to waste in the briar patch. Perhaps, I'm not sure if it's about feeling sorry for the sheep or just being plain too lazy to shear them. I took it to mean someone too stingy to share what's valuable. It's funny that as many times as he's said it....even in my adulthood...I didn't have the thought to sit down and really ask him EXACTLY what that old saying meant....lol Actually, this was a massive storm even by Buffalo's standards. Buffalo is well equipped to deal with snow, but this was a massive storm, and if people can't be bothered to stay home when these storms hit. They will get trapped in their cars a die. The national guard can not protect every store, apprehend very criminal, and ensure that every citizen stays home with sufficient provisions. I think you're letting them of the hook too easy. They were talking about this storm for a full week before it hit. And JUST had one almost as bad a few weeks before and had to move a football game to Detroit it was so bad. So it's not like they were caught "off guard". No, this is poor planning and lack of concern for the citizens of Buffalo and the United States in general. Like I said, why didn't they have a contingency plan already in place BEFORE the snow fell? Mass evacuation trains? Subways? National Guard units with medical supplies on every other intersection? Heated streets and sidewalks to immediately melt the snow? Is what I just listed IMPOSSIBLE for the United States to manage or would it have COSTED to much to implement and would have cut into their "foreign give away" money???
  12. Chev Well the Ancestors are alive and well whether we worship, venerate, or even acknowledge them or not. It's more real on the OTHER SIDE than on this side. I'm not sure how much of an impact our honor and veneration and prayers have on them on the other side. Personally, I don't worship my Ancestors....I honor them. I praise them. I call on them from time to time for help. But I don't worship them. I only worship The SUPREME BEING. I think what European and Arab religions have taught us.....Christianity and Islam. They teach you to venerate and honor Ancestors, but OTHER PEOPLE'S Ancestors instead of your own. Muhammad had children and is an ancestor, he's just not the ancestor of most Black Muslims who choose to honor and venerate him. Moses had children and is an ancestor, he's just not the ancestor of most Black Christians and others who honor and venerate him. Some say Jesus had children and thus is an ancestor as well, just not the ancestor of most Black Christians who honor and venerate him. Perhaps one of the plans of the Caucasian is to get you to stop honoring and venerating YOUR ancestors and start honoring and venerating THEIRS through religion. As far as relationships go........... Let's keep it real, a lot of Black people run around hurting and dogging eachother out because it's often EFFECTIVE in the people they're dealing with. If they were nice and kind, they often wouldn't get that person they were chasing after. But if they act hard, abusive, and cheated on them.....for whatever reason it made the other person find them more attractive. They dysfunctional behavior becomes ingrained in come circles to the point that even a GOOD man/woman will turn "bad" in order to enjoy the comforts of having a mate and not being alone. The real question is, how do we change this.
  13. Chev Well "Black devil" is an oxymoron because Black people by nature can't be devils. They can be MONSTERS....but not devils. However I totally agree that we need to keep our own people in check. I'm not sure if there was a history of pedophilia among the Black population before Caucasians. There may have been some instances but I don't think it was nearly as wide spread as it is today. It also should be noted that although historically and pound for pound Caucasians tend to be more wicked and evil than Black people.....we have the POTENTIAL as individuals to be much worse. Because we are the Original people with much more power and the ability to be more creative and effective in our actions. White folks can be just plain evil, but Black folks can be evil with a STYLE and BOLDNESS unimaginable to White folks. A good example is how violent and crooked the Italian Mafia is compared to other White organizations. Their Black genetics gives them an edge on other White folks in terms of style, grace, and boldness.
  14. Chev Which part? Which part of this conspiracy has led Black people to discard the truth because they have come to believe in the White lie? Some Black folks have discarded the truth, other's have held on to it. And what's even more confusing....everything White folks give us isn't a lie. Despite their history of lying and deception, some things White folks say and give us is true. So we have to be intelligent enough to parse the information we receive. It's about learning to separate truth from falsehood regardless as to who offered it to you. Did the White man conspiracy lie about the Bible being the Word of God? Yes. Or, Did the White man lie about Jesus being White? Yes Or both? Yes, both. Many of us have come to believe in the White man [and White woman] so much, that we believe them without getting any confirmation. FACTS And this is especially disturbing because it says a lot about our intelligence level. It's one thing for children to be deceived, but when adults able to be so easily deceived by other adults and CONTINUE to be deceived over and over again...that says a lot about their intelligence and gullibility.
  15. Chev Ofcourse. People from India still remember and practice most of their original culture that existed before colonialism and before White folks came through imposing their perversions. Then they come to the United States and see people who LOOK like them (AfroAmericans) but ACT Whiter than White folks....lol. Doing more drinking, dope smoking, killing, disrespectful behavior, etc..... They thought their White colonizers were disrespectful and lacking in culture and taste....until they run into niggas, lol. It doesn't matter which nation you go to, you can tell if it was colonized by the "out of place" and usually perverse customs that White people imposed on the population Customs like: -Heavily alcohol drinking -Eating a lot of red meat -Disrespect of parents and older people. -Treating dogs better than people and keeping them in the house -More gay and lesbian activity These are all tell-tale signs of heavy White influence on a population because these customs are generally foreign and unheard of among traditional societies of color. Now don't get me wrong.....we DID have dogs around before White folks. Having dogs around to help humans didn't originate with White folks, we were using dogs for THOUSANDS of years before White came into existence. But we kept them in their place.....outside. We used them for hunting and scavenging to clean up the land of carcasses etc..... White folks took them and made FRIENDS out of them to protect them from other animals while they were in the caves, and eventually started having sex with them
  16. Well, if Florida DOES turn into a hot-spot for anti-Black hatred, you know who I'll blame for it......BLACK FOLKS. 1. This is OUR country. We have just as much POTENTIAL for power as Whites, Latinos, or any other group.....so if we want to lay around on the couch smoking fake-weed and eating fried turkey legs instead of going to Florida and establishing a political and social machine there that goes to war WITH these Republican (and Democrat) racists and prevent them from establishing a nest there....who's fault is it? Most of us have two arms, two legs, and a brain just like most White folks.....so who's stopping us from making Florida a great state for those who LOVE Blacks? Who's PHYSICALLY holding us back? 2. Andrew Gillum had an opportunity to turn this around and become the first Black Governor of Florida, but the nigga punked out. Figuratively and eventually literally it seems. Just like Stacey Abrams, these Negroes run for office putting all of their trust and faith in White folks hoping they'll be fair and treat them correctly and when they get double-crossed and abandoned....instead of learning their lesson and going to their Black grassroots for support....they just cave in and bow their heads and accept "defeat". That's what Andrew did. And he's still paying the price for it. I read somewhere that a judge ruled that whatever the hell he was charged with was going to stick and won't be dismissed. It's sad, but he could have fought and asked Black Floridians to fight with him to take the office....but he didn't. It's getting harder and harder to blame White folks for having the good sense to do what we SHOULD be doing.....fighting for and expanding political, social, and economic power.
  17. I does seem to me....perhaps because I'm not AS familiar with other communities as I am with my own....that there is a higher level of "aloneness" among AfroAmericans, especially at older age, compared with other groups. Especially among women. It seems like since I was a kid I've seen a lot more alone (I won't call them lonely) older Black women who didn't have a man in the house for one reason or another than White or Asian and definitely Latina women. It's almost rare to see a Latina woman of ANY age, alone. As the Professor pointed out, there's usually a REASON why older people are alone and you'll often find out after a short conversation with them...lol. The baggage, the dysfunction, the bitterness....so many AfroAmericans end up.....as Kevin Samuels would say....."dying alone". Not only is it embarrassing, but it's just downright not natural. It's not natural for males and females to be bitter and angry at each other regardless of age or menopause. Perhaps as a community we need to figure out ways to make ourselves more attractive to each other at all levels so as to
  18. I keep saying, there are enough AfroAmericans in this nation......if we strategically place ourselves in the proper political positions, we can GIVE OURSELVES Reparations. We don't have to rely on begging White folks and counting on their sympathy and sense of morality, we can help ourselves.
  19. These are links to the exposé the San Jose Mercury news did back in 1996 called "Dark Alliance" that detailed the CIA purposely funneling cocaine into Black communities in the United States: https://oig.justice.gov/sites/default/files/archive/special/9712/ch01p1.htm https://longform.org/archive/publications/san-jose-mercury-news It think you'll find more evidence that it was done for profit The CIA is fully funded by the United States government, it doesn't generate or operate off of "profit". Any military campaign the U.S. undertakes is fully funded by the U.S. government. No need to sell drugs, open up lemonade stands, or wash cars to "raise money" for funding....lol
  20. ProfD Have a short conversation with those folks over 40 years old and you'll walk away knowing exacting why they're alone and/or thirsty. LMBAO I have to laugh.....because there's so much truth in it! I was up at the fish-n-shrimp shack in the ghetto the other day and ran into an older brother who started a conversation with me out of nowhere about how "these women be acting all crazy and shit" and how "stuck up" they were. Every other sentence was about how cool he was being alone.....which told me he wasn't. Actually, AS SOON AS he opened his mouth I realized one of the reasons HE was alone. Literally as soon as he OPENED his mouth. "Man, deez bitches ain't shit. All dey want is money, a nice car to ride they ass around in. Fuck around and set yo ass up if you ain't careful." His number was called, he got his food, and hobbled out the door still ranting and mumbling about women and I saw him WALKING down the street digging in the bag popping shrimp or something in his mouth still talking and wobbling his head like Dolemite. Bro ProfD.....that's why I had to laugh. It brought that image back.
  21. Troy You know....... Sometimes I think you just disagree with me....not because you TRULY DISAGREE....but simply because you have nothing better to do at the time and are looking to entertain yourself. Like walking by a dog behind a fence poking a stick at him. "Hey....HEY... (tink tink tink) wake up you mutt! Oh I don't want anything.... I just wanted to mess with you. Get you riled up for kicks" Hold tight......
  22. Chev Well, I've read a LOT about it.....lol. And yes, the colorism issues are still pretty big in Haiti but for the last 40 years or so a new twist has been added. Now you have a lot of Lebanese and Palestinians who have been migrating over to Haiti to exploit the people and they have joined the already elitist light-skinned class of Haitians to oppress the dark skinned majority. Kind of like how the Indians and Arabs went to South Africa and joined the Whites and Coloured minorities to help oppress the overwhelming Black majority.
  23. Troy Actually we were invited a couple weeks ago by an associate and his wife to join them on their annual trip down to Florida. They have property down in the Orlando area and go down every winter in their 5th Wheel for about 5 or 6 weeks and hibernate until the weather up here breaks. But they're White.....lol...so I said no. Yeah, I think it was Mobile because if I remember correctly we swept the bottom of Alabama and Mississippi to get to New Orleans.
  24. Because it's not true. Russia's military is second to the U.S. not ONLY because of it's nuclear stockpile but because of it's technology and general military hardware which they have so much of they can afford to sell it and trade it around the planet. The fact that they can afford to PLAY GAMES of war in the Ukraine.....which any military leader can see they're obviously doing....is a testimony to this fact. Don't let the propaganda these people are putting out about how poor and broke and weak Russia is, fool you. Man they're IN THE UKRAINE ALREADY. They've been shelling Kyiv for MONTHS now as well as any other city in the Ukraine they wish to 2 things go keep in mind: 1. They aren't ONLY fighting Ukraine's military but they're also fighting NATO by proxy who constantly supplies the Ukraine with weapons, technology, and even military personnel and mercenaries. 2. They may not WANT to stomp there way to the Ukraine capital city and install themselves in the seat yet. If they are playing a game...as I suspect they are....they are delaying it to try to sucker the U.S. and NATO into a much more larger open conflict.
  25. The term "shortage" is subjective....I realize. A population that some see as healthy and non-problematic....others will see as a drastic decline. Especially when comparing our population with other groups. And most people....as long as they have a spouse/significant other.....generally are oblivious to any "shortages" occurring in the community UNTIL they're single again and have to go out looking....lol. I have several lady friends (all Black btw....lol) to keep me entertained so I'm not thirsty by a long shot. However I can't help but notice, something strange is and has been going on in Black male/female relationships for the past 30 years or so where so many of our people past 40 end up lonely and hungry for a mate but don't have one for one reason or another.
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