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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. Dr. Umar Johnson touched on it a little in the last minute of this video: But it's naive and pollyannish to sit up and think that Hollywood and the entertainment industry that is controlled by White racists aren't using the music and movies to pump messages of self-destruction and negativity into the minds of our youth and most vulnerable populations for the purposes of control and manipulation. Clearly they are....and they've BEEN doing it....and there's plenty of evidence that they have. In the age of the internet all you have to do is Google "mind control through music/movies" and you'll get page after page of the different strategies White racists have been using to manipulate the minds of people. So now that you KNOW it's happening, it's a matter of Black folks simply sticking their heads in the sand like ostriches and pretending that what they clearly are seeing "doesn't exist"
  2. First of all, we need to establish who "we" are and what our goals are before we can talk about uniting with eachother and other groups. Who are "we"? Are "we" all Black people, only intelligent Black people, only FBA Black people born and raised in the United States? Me personally, I'm interested in uniting with intelligent and righteous Black people of all nationalities and ethnicities.....NOT with criminals, fools, thugs, or sexually confused Black people. So once we establish who the "we" are then we should focus on our goals and objectives for which we are uniting around. What kind of society do we want? When most AfroAmericans talk about unity, they are talking about it only as a defense and detrrent against White racism....but it goes no further than that. Once there is no more police brutality or racism on the job......who cares about the other issues. Time to get drunk, get high, raise hell, act a fool, etc.... Which is why I say for ME, it's about uniting with righteous and intelligent Black people from all over so we can not just fight against racism but also build a new world and a new future for ourselves and our progeny.
  3. It's cold and snowy here, but it's not the Armageddon people predicted.
  4. Kenneth Excellent observation and commentary. No, Whites aren't a monolith and are certainly divided among many lines be they religious, political, ethnic, etc.... The difference between them and people of color is that when it comes to conflicts with PEOPLE OF COLOR Whites tend to put their differences ASIDE and unite to do battle with those of color. When was the last time the White Christian took the side of that Black Christian against the White Jew? No...the White Christian may condemn and talk vile about the White Jew all day and night, but will still work with him to redline Black families and keep them out of certain neighborhoods and out of business deals. White folks in the West called the White Arabs of the Middle East "camel jocks".....but still paid them and incentivized them in other ways to come to the United States and open up stores and gas stations in Black communities for racist purposes. So no, Whites aren't unified.....EXCEPT when it comes to practicing racism against people of color....then they come together like Da' Five Bloods, lol.
  5. Most of the United States is snowed in and it's freezing outside. If you HAVE a home, you best be in it, whether alone or with loved (or atleast liked...lol) ones. It seems to me, that during times like these....the AALBC is the place to be!
  6. That's how the quote SHOULD have read.....lol. It could have saved you a lot of time and typing, but I understand. You don't have to give me the flowers, I'll give MYSELF the flowers.
  7. Chev Ogun is also the Deity of war in West African religion. It is said that one of the Deities Who were called upon by many of the Haitians for the Revolution during their ceremony in Bois Caman was Ogun.
  8. ProfD Ofcourse they could catch him. Just like Russia could have won that war with Ukraine MONTHS ago....if they wanted to. They don't want to end it because it MAY be part of a larger strategy to pull the U.S. and NATO into the conflict. In the Art of War, one of the strategies is...when one is strong...pretend to be weak to through your enemy off and give them a false sense of pride and power.
  9. Chev You very statement is extremely DIVISIVE and your kind of thinking is a very good example of one major reason for a continual Black Disunity Good, maybe we DO need more division in our community. But divided along the RIGHT lines. Frankster In his own eyes every man is on the Right side Of Good For the most part, yes. But then again, most people who lie and practice deception have a pretty good understanding of whether God Approves of their behavior or Not. Savagery is a state of Physical Reality from which we Human has yet to totally Emerge... Perhaps savagery isn't a state we emerge from, but deviate too...from the more normal and natural civility. True....even though the old way still seems to work on some of Us Lol, on a LOT of our people. Thank You I enjoy your single minded zeal Not sure whether to take that as a compliment or veiled insult....lol ProfD Before establishing any non-familial relationships, AfroAmerican men and women should have their sh8t together (mental, physical, financial, spiritual) to the highest degree. This sound advice is good for individuals as well as the collective. How can you love others when you don't even love yourself? How can you work WITH (not for...we know how to work for others) others when you haven't even learned how to work with yourself first? People with low self esteem and emotional dysfunction usually get taken advantage of by those who see and recognize their weakness. When people of other racial and ethnic groups start working around AfroAmericans and realize that the ONLY reason some of our people love and respect and revere them is because of their tan skin and wavy hair.....they'll use them up like toilet paper on sale.
  10. Just like Conservative Whites will find a useful Black idiot be the new mask of right-wing racism and anti-semitism so as not to tarnish the image of White civility; so-called Liberal Whites will find a useful Black idiot to be the new mask of the LGBT community and sexual perversion in general. If you don't watch them they'll try to make a Black face the face of child molestation too. Anything wicked or perverse that they LIKE to do.....they'll try to ger an unsuspecting Black man or woman involved in it.
  11. That was nice......do you have more pictures???? I love those old fashioned pictures and videos of Black folks from back in the day. I like to compare how we looked and behaved back then with how we look and behave now.
  12. Jesse Lee was around back during the Donahue Show? That nigga's been cooning it up and acting a fool for a WHILE....lol. Now listen, I'll let yall in on a little secret........... Jesse ain't THAT damn crazy. He knows most of what he ways is over the top and does a lot of it for attention and shock value. Like the White History Month project he was promoting for a while...lol. He knows better. Believe it or not Jesse actually has some sense and knows how to use it around the right people who'll check his ass on his foolishness.
  13. Most people with good sense can make the separation; however a lot of young people....a large percentage...DON'T have good sense. They don't have sense enough to look out for themselves. Others have to look out for them to keep them out of danger and trouble. They put out negative and self destructive movies and music knowing that the majority of youth won't be influenced by it but a SIZEABLE MINORITY will....and that's enough to fill up the jails and prisons and funeral homes and give good business.
  14. Chev Pioneer1 Well, now you resort to being insulting. Disrespectful. Ok, then LISTEN SISTA....... Again, you are wrong. This man is not well known for a reason. Just because YOU didn't know about him..... It's 200 years later and we're still talking about him, I'd said he's well known ENOUGH...lol. Sacrificing Black pig, yes, is an ancient custom against Black people and is a reflection of the Black-on-Black hatred that continues to be fostered amongst Black people. What?? These Vodoun practices were way to varied amongst different African and this is the problem today. Whether it was Catholicism or Vodoun, these practices are constantly used against the varied Africans that came from different countries and keeps them divided. Say WHAT???? Where are you getting this stuff from? No. Catholicism in not the same as the Coptic religion. I know that. However Catholicism was forced on the Haitian people by the French to make them more docile and subservient. Again, if religion gives someone the belief that they have the right to force someone to adhere to their religion, then that is the problem. And if those people were gullible enough to BELIEVE it....that also is a problem. But, since you believe that Bookman is the start and reason for Haitian victory then yes, do share. I didn't say he was the reason for the victory, I said he was one of the one's who sparked the Revolution. There are many reasons for the victory, one of the biggest players was Jean Jacque Dessalines.
  15. You make a good point about immigrants usually being the cream of the crop being allowed to come over. I suppose the typical immigrant would be smarter and more hard working and law abiding that the average citizen back in their native nation who didn't make the cut. That, and the fact that many of them are on their "best behavior" anyway because they're afraid of getting kicked out.
  16. frankster How is it Irrelevant.?? We are not questioning whether or not blacks aspire to academic success...that is undisputed. I'm not. Maybe that's the discussion between you and Troy, but I believe Obama had a rather positive impact on Black academic performance. However, it's irrelevant because academic performance and self-moral evaluation are two different subjects for two different concepts. Perhaps they may overlap eachother sometimes, but they are pretty much separate issues. What are you looking at as a significant social criteria as a reflections of Moral Disposition? Crime Violence Family structure Social interaction in society We already discussed crime.... Did the number of out of wedlock births in the AfroAmerican community go down under the Obama Administration? Did domestic violence in the AfroAmerican community go down under the Obama Administration? Did the number of gangster rap songs and violent lyrics decline under the Obama Administration? In other words, did Black folks just become "better people" period and more righteous under the Obama Administration that we can point to and say he had a positive impact in improving the moral self esteem of AfroAmericans? They decline in the crime rate....ACCELERATED under Obama.Well It was already on a downward trend and continued on that trend. I'm not sure about the acceleration part, I didn't see that in the stats I looked at. The downward trend looked pretty steady....I didn't see any steep declines in the graphs. Depends on the Cause... Is it to aggrandize yourself... Is it to feed Your Family... is it to feed the hungry and shelter the Homeless.. Is it to better your community... A couple points: 1. EVEN IF it's to "feed your family" and provide shelter to the homeless....being a gangster or dope dealer isn't "Revolutionary". It's basically playing with the cards one was dealt by an unjust system that neglected those whom you cared about and rebelling against that system in order to help your loved ones. But it's NOT Revolutionary because it doesn't seek to REPLACE that unjust system. 2. Realistically speaking, how many gangsters and dope dealers are doing it to feed their families or even ARE feeding their families??? Most gangsters and dope dealers enter that lifestyle of selling poison, harming, and exploiting people in their own commmunity at a relatively young age BEFORE THEY EVEN HAVE FAMILIES to take care of. So they certainly weren't doing it for those reasons. Many if not most of them MAKE children they don't take care of and accumulate women they don't take care of either. The majority of them who engage in that lifestyle did it for fast and easy money and/or the thrill of crime and violence. If a few just happen to use it for good like feeding the homeless or their families in the process...that's good. But they are a minority. Tell Me the Difference? The purpose of rebelliousness is to DISOBEY/BUCK the system. The purpose of revolution is to REPLACE the system all together. See the difference? Yes... You must know Why and What type of force to use.... Gandhi and Martin use Moral Force.... Yes they both used moral force, but the reason it worked was because it exposed the hypocrisy of Caucasians to the rest of humanity. The greatest weapon of White racists is Deception/Confusion. Having people think that THEY are the "good people" and the "moral people". Both Gandhi and King showed the rest of humanity of color that despite their Christian rhetoric, most American and British White people were atheistic hypocrites who only used religion and civility as a mask to hide their savagery. This exposure forced White racist to...not change themselves...but change THEIR TACTICS so as to become effective without looking so hypocritical and demonic as they did in the past. They needed to find a new way to trick people of color since the old way was no longer working after being exposed. Let me take time out to say........ I don't agree with everything you post, but I have to admit I like the fact that you acknowledge the points that you DO agree with me on instead of ignoring them just to focus on points of difference like a lot of posters do. It's well balanced.
  17. What you mentioned starts with SELF LOVE. If you don't love or respect yourself, you won't be able to get along with yourself long enough to get any of those projects off the ground. Black folks arguing and fighting with eachother over the pettiest of issues until a White or atleast some non-Black person comes over with a grin on their face often times SINCERELY puzzled as to what the problem is and why these niggas hate eachother so much and are ready to get violent -calmly settles the differences so we can all get back to work. ((shakes head)) I'm convinced that many of those who keep pushing for alliances with others OVER alliances and unity with ourselves FIRST are really in love with and attracted to these other groups and see them as superior and more worthy of getting along with and working with than their own. I've seen this on jobs, in community organizing, etc....how some of our people won't even come to a meeting or show up unless they think Whites or Latinos will be there for them to smooch and snuggle up to be it for sex or friendship. They don't even seek them out for business and financial gain, which I could understand. I can understand if you'd rather have a "unity rally" with Latinos than with other AfroAmericans because of some financial benefit you stand to gain like getting a bag from them or some sort of business deal. I don't agree with it.....it's selling out....but I do UNDERSTAND why you're doing it. But just begging the Asians and Latinos to come to the meeting or going to there functions ONLY to sit next to them and crack jokes or maybe get a hug and a kiss or some coochie??? That says you think more highly of them than you do yourself. You desire THEIR prensence more than you desire the presence of your own. And truth be told....that's one of the MAJOR reasons this site doesn't do more traffic as far as discussions go. A lot of Black folks don't want to participate in a forum with ONLY other Black folks because they don't think other Black folks are worthy of their time and energy. They'd rather "show off" and run their mouths infront of an audience of non-Blacks whom they feel are superior and more appreciative.
  18. ProfD I like how you said we need more farmers! I've been saying this for over 12 years now....that many of us need to go back to farming. Many of us have gotten the message of how we need more skilled tradesmen and tech workers and learn construction....that's almost a given. But many are still sleeping on how important AGRICULTURE is to any civilization and how we need to learn how to grow our own organic and safe food! Going back to Haiti again on the other page...... Haiti alone....if properly cultivated....could grow enough food to feed every Black man, woman, and child in the Western Hemisphere!
  19. Perhaps they both influenced eachother. The Gangsta Rap of the 90s was influenced by the gang culture and street life of South Central Los Angeles of the 70s and 80s. But then THAT music began to influence the street culture and glorify the gangsta lifestyle in neighborhoods all over America which lead to an increase in drug use, drug dealing, gang banging, and overall criminal activity. During my school days me and my boys would get hyped up on gangsta rappers like Too Short and NWA before rushing and fighting kids from another highschool and it also encouraged us to get involved in other nefarious activities. Yet, here we are as middle-aged men. We weren't motivated to rob, steal, kill and sell drugs as a result of music and movies. I was headed in that direction because of how I admired the gangster lifestyle I heard about and saw not just in real life but on television, in the movies, and in the music! First and foremost, The SUPREME BEING Protected me from going that route. A distant second reason is the Nation of Islam got ahold of me and saved me from a lot of that madness back in my late teens. I realized it was a plan by the enemy for self-destruction.
  20. Man, I wish I had enough money to just go down to Haiti and carve out a little spot...secure it...and BUILD. I'd certainly do it. I don't like swearing and taking oaths but man, if I had a billion AND a good security team. You mean to tell me with all of the Black billionaires we have on this planet, we can't secure Haiti and make it a Black Oasis in the Americas???? Man......
  21. ProfD We use the term White folks generally but our brother the Honorable Neely Fuller Jr. makes a distinction beween the average White person and a White Supremist. White Supremists will throw the NON-White Supremist under the bus in a heartbeat because they aren't going along with the program. Look at Anthony Weiner. The right-wing went after that New York Democrat Congressman Anthony Weiner hard as hell because of a few dick-pics he showed and booted him the hell out of office.
  22. I'm glad our sister is free from Russian confinement and back home. Having said that...... I wish she's stay the hell out of the media. She looks like a man and has a wife. She's NOT who I want representing Black America world wide. Sorry yall, but I decide WHO I accept and WHAT I accept and I will NOT have White folks push their twisted and perverted values on me.
  23. Lol....I know good and well I shouldn't be cluttering up the board with this excess thread but I guess I'm just trying to be cute. To those who feel AfroAmericans NEED to go out of our way to form alliances and coalitions with other groups outside of our community in order to be successful: -We are statistically tied with Latinos for the largest demographic behind White Americans, so we have the numbers -We have more political power than any other demographic except White Americans. -And although it's disproportionate, I "believe" we actually have more WEALTH than any other group outside of White Americans! Asians and Latinos have a lot of wealth and pound for pound Asians may be the wealthiest, but in terms of actual wealth itself I believe we STILL have more actual wealth as a community than anybody else in this nation outside of White Americans. But I stand to be corrected if I'm wrong. So why do we need these other groups? What benefit are they to us? At this point, they are just more competition.....liabilities......not assets. I'm not saying we SHOULDN'T make coalitions and alliances. We can....and it would be nice....but we don't NEED to. The only thing we NEED to do is unite.....as much as we can...with eachother. Unite the Black man with the Black woman. Unite the Black Christian with the Black Muslim Unite the Black Democrat with the Black Republican (who ain't selling out) Unite the Black Blood with the Black Crip Unite the Black Gangsta Disciple with the Black Vice Lord Unite the FBA with the Black American who's immediate ancestors were immigrants THAT'S the type of unity I want to see!!!
  24. Stefan But when it comes to politics, the only way forward for Black America is through political coalition, alliances and cooperation. The Obama Coalition comprised African-Americans, Latinos, women, independents, millennials and those with a college education. Obama recognized coalitions work and win. Why can't you? With all of this Rodney King "can't we all get along and love eachother" wishful thinking.....you're neglecting a few things. 1. Alliances and coalitions can't be ONE SIDED. In order for you to work with Whites, Latinos, and Asians they have to WANT to work with and form alliances with you...and most don't. Most just want to USE AfroAmericans for their own benefit and exploit our community to benefit theirs. Black folks are running around BEGGING for an alliance with others, but they aren't begging....asking...or even wanting an alliance with YOU. They want you OUT OF THE WAY so they can get closer to White folks. 2. Any coalitions and alliances made must be beneficial to US. You don't unite and form alliances with other people JUST BECAUSE. We have to actually GET something out of it. The White folks who supported Obama did so because they stood to BENEFIT from him being in office whether they were politicians who needed his charisma and popularity to help THEM get into office or members of the LGBT community who would benefit from his presidency by him ushering in more LGBT friendly laws. The Latinos who DID support him....many if not most didn't...did it because of the assumed open border policies of the Democrat party. Most Asians did NOT support him because they didn't see any benefit for them. Most people with good sense and high esteem don't go around supporting people JUST BECAUSE but they do it strategically because they see a benefit in it for themselves and their community. You want us to form coalitions and alliances with these other groups just to be "liked" by them even if it benefits nothing for us. What benefit is there for us to unite with these people MORE than uniting OUR PEOPLE with eachother first? What do they have to offer us???? We have the numbers. We have more political power than any other demographic except White Americans. And although it's disproportionate, we actually have more WEALTH than any other group outside of White Americans. Again, what do THEY have to offer US for an alliance???? Like I said earlier, when it comes to these other non-Black groups it seems YOU want an "alliance" with them.....THEY DON'T. They either want to exploit you or want you out of their way so they can get closer to White power.
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