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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. And this is what we should expect in an economy as massive and as wealthy as the United States. If we were to stick to the old fashioned "gold standard" where all of the money HAD to be backed by gold or some other limited resource....it would arrest the development of the economy. In order to fund government the way it should and keep society running, currency limits should be WISELY implemented and not locked in the way a lot of right-wing analysts suggest. They are living in an 1800s fantasy. I don't know if there's enough gold on the planet to back up the money needed to run the Eastcoast alone! It takes trillions a year if you add the Federal, State, and Local industries as well as the financial activity of private companies and citizens. But according to right-wingers like Glenn Beck.....recall all of the green dollars and re-issue them when every cent can be backed by gold or silver on demand.
  2. Well............. I don't know what the hell that is but it certainly doesn't look like a penis to me! Who on here has a peter that's made bent at a 100 degree angle like that? If you do....I bet you aren't too popular with the ladies.
  3. I saw it the other night. EXCELLENT film. It reminded me of one of my favorite films: Glory Nice long action packed movie. Will...as usual...was outstanding in his performance. I didn't get too hyped about it because I expected for it to be good, and I wasn't disappointed. I recommend everyone who hasn't seen the film to go see it. There is violence through out the movie but it has quite a bit of violence in the latter half so be forewarned.
  4. Which is why they WON'T explain the difference. If most American people realized that the national debt could escalate to $500 Trillion and it STILL wouldn't disrupt our way of life and the nation could still function pretty much as "normal"....then it loses it's effectiveness as a SCARE TACTIC. Especially by Republican Conservatives who are always using it as an excuse to cut spending on social programs. Same can be said of the dollar not being backed by gold. Fear of it's "collapse" has been a SCARE TACTIC used by Conservatives for over 4 decades now. If people realized that the dollar DOESN'T HAVE TO be backed by anything for it to still have value and spending power, most of those "gold coin" peddlers you see on late night commercials would go out of business overnight. -Let me guess, give YOU some of those dollars???
  5. The majority of the slaves of North Africa were indeed taken from other regions of Africa.....as well as Europe! Most people don't realize that the bulk of slaves for most of history actually come from Eastern Europe. However, as far as African slaves go...most came from other parts of the continent. However there are a lot of Black tribes who were/are indigenous to North Africa also....there for thousands of years before the Arabs or Amizigh (Berbers) came in as invaders and settlers. Some of them were enslaved too.
  6. Stefan I have not read of any forced sterilization. But if you read about it, post a link to prove your claims. 1. Ethiopian women in Israel 'given contraceptive without consent' | Israel | The Guardian Ethiopian women in Israel 'given contraceptive without consent' 2. Israel Admits Ethiopian Women Were Given Birth Control Shots - Israel News - Haaretz.com Israel Admits Ethiopian Women Were Given Birth Control Shots 3. Israel Forcibly Injected African Immigrants with Birth Control, Report Claims (forbes.com) Israel Forcibly Injected African Immigrants with Birth Control, Report Claims There is little doubt that Palestinians are treated much worse than Ethiopian Jews. I'm not sure if this is true or not, but if it is....it still doesn't absolve the White Israelis for their mistreating fellow Jews of Ethiopian descent, does it?
  7. Excellent observation. I've heard so many accounts of the Israeli government actually STERILIZING Ethiopian Jewish women to keep their numbers low!
  8. Now check this out...... The stupid White criminals may be foolish...but they got enough sense to know that because they are White...they are less likely to be killed by law enforcement. But what about the Black criminals? You KNOW the police are targeting and profiling you! Movies have been done on it. Television shows have been done on it. Classes, lectures, news articles, studies have been done on the cops profiling Black people for arrest and mistreatment. But despite all of that, the nigga STILL rides around in a car with NO LICENSE....an AK 47 laying on the back seat...trunk full of dope....AND he's smoking so much dope the car is puffing like a chimney...lol. Looks like something out of a Cheech and Chong movie. ....oh AND the fool is playing his music loud as hell shaking the entire block when he rolls by getting EVERYBODY'S attention. And he has the nerve to wonder why the police pulled him over and even tries to raise hell about it.
  9. Another issue with Tunisia as well as the other North African nations that needs to be addressed is the anti-Black RACISM that is so pervasive there! The light skinned Arabs and Berbers who run that nation have a hell of a nerve crying about the imperialism and injustice that Europeans are putting on them when THEY have been enslaving and mistreating the Black population and darker skinned Arabs and Berbers for centuries. Infact, it can be argued that neither the Arabs nor the Berbers actually belong there. Both came in and conquered that land and began to occupy it.
  10. richard murray Most AfroAmericans are CONFLICTED. They are being pulled between two extremes. 1.One extreme are Black folks telling them that race and racism doesn't exist and they can be and do anything they want with hard-work and focus so they should strive to "be all they can be" in America. 2.Another extreme are Black folks telling them this is an inherently racist society and the racists have conspired to keep this system rigged against them. They teach there is a limit to Black success and the only solution is to escape out from under the shade of White racism in America. The average Black person sees a little truth in both philosophies but still wants to rise as high as they can in life despite the obstacles.....but Extremist #2 has planted seeds in their mind that prevent them from going full throttle. Subconsciously, they see it as a "waste of time and energy" to buck a system already rigged against them....so they don't try their best for success. So the anti USA segment of the modern black community is a minority in the black minority. Ofcourse. Too many Black people are PART of the U.S.A. for us to intelligently see it as an adversary. More accurately is to see racist White Americans as the true opposition. But the IRA prove it can work, nothing is easy but it can work. The IRA was only a few hundred people but their actions got 3/4 of ireland free from the english after two thousand years of all of ireland being dominated by the english. So Black militants, go for it. Most irish didn't plan or had a part in the bombings. But the bombings of the ira which are counted more than the bombings in vietnam, which is amazing, led to the english saying, we will make a deal. And comprehend the modern irish live as two people's. They lived as two peoples during the troubles. Many irish stooged <my term choice> for the english, it is that simple , against the IRA and their cause. What is northern ireland really? by your words Pioneer, the northern irish are the smart on the ball folk who stayed with the remnant of the english empire. But communities are complex. As ProfD already pointed out, we can't really use the IRA as a viable example for us be it fighting for our independence or just living next to and getting along with White Americans. For several reasons.......... 1. And most importantly. BOTH SIDES OF THE CONFLICT ARE WHITE. The Brits and Irish are both White Caucasians and respect eachother as such. Beause of this, there are LIMITS as to how much force the British were and are willing to use to put the Irish back in line. I've been to Europe before and used to go to Canada a lot. White authority will ALLOW their White citizens to riot, mash windows, burn cars just to blow off steam and get it out of their system. They don't allow Black folks to do the same! No matter what, the British have no plans to genocide the Irish like so many White Americans have had plans to do with AfroAmericans. 2. The UK isn't the world's Superpower. There are atleast 5 other nations MUCH stronger than the UK so even if the English DID try to genocide or stomp a jack boot down on the Irish...other European nations like Russia or France or Germany are likely to intervene and come to their rescue or even arm them! That's not likely to happen in the United States. We are the global superpower. Other nations aren't likely to bring their ass over here and getting in shit! They'll stand back with their hands over their mouths WATCHING...but they aren't trying to get involved. Hell, before the U.S. was THEE Superpower...back during slavery the other nations didn't bother getting involved. The U.S. had to go to war with ITSELF in over to end the institution! 3. Unlike the Irish who have a long and deep culture to rally around, most AfroAmericans don't have a solid culture of our own. We have a culture....but it's not OURS. It's just various modified forms of White culture and it's too dysfunctional to support and maintain a functioning independent society. You can't have an independent society that is MATRIARCHAL like the AfroAmerican one is today. It won't work. It would either collapse or get conquered. Those two are the only two governments that militaristically are honestly opposed to the usa. You know.... For years...decades now..I've QUESTIONED whether or not Russia actually opposes the U.S. militarily. It wan't until a year ago when Putin invaded Ukraine that my doubt wavered a little because I thought a war between the U.S./NATO and Russia was on the brink. But now....a year later...my question has been resurrected as to whether or not Russia is TRULY and adversary to the U.S. or just a straw man fake opponent who never had any plans to oppose the U.S. militarily to begin with.
  11. KENNETH The United States has ruined things in places like Iraq and Libiya through military intervention. Perhaps DESTABLIZATION was the plan anyway. We need to make sure that support for Ukraine against Russia doesn't escalate into a wider war that involves the US and NATO as well. 1. I think it may be too late for that. Infact... As soon as Russia INVADED Ukraine a year ago, it was too late. 2. If one were to assume it wasn't too late, then how would one go about "making sure" that doesn't happen? I wonder would you be able to articulate it as well as you did concerning averting conflict with Iran.
  12. richard murray @Pioneer1 yes, don't you ever post on your feed in aalbc? No. Not sure why not, I guess I found it easier to just make a new thread.
  13. ProfD Not only is it "politically incorrect" to CALL people stupid or retarded, you're supposed to PRETEND that stupid people and retarded people don't even EXIST. That everyone has the potential to be a genius. Ofcourse, like most "politically correct" fads, when it becomes a medical and legal issue like when the police get involved....PC get's thrown out the window and old fashioned common sense begins to reign once again. Race is a "social construct" that according to PC doesn't exist...until the cops come and have to search for a suspect. Then all of a sudden it's "Black female this" and "White male that"...and nobody questions them on this. They don't even bother using the politically correct racial terms like African American. They'll babble out "Black" all day on that walkie-talkie...lol. Everyone has the same potential....UNTIL it comes time for college admissions as some of the most prestigious private universities. Then all of a sudden ACT scores, IQ scores, and all kinds of other shit are taken into account to see if one "qualifies" to enroll. They aren't gonna let some Forrest Gump dude up in Harvard or Yale no matter what PC says. The stupid I'm referring to in terms of poor decision-making isn't tied to intelligence or a lack thereof. Several factors have to be considered. Then perhaps a more accurate term for what you're talking about, rather than stupid is FOOLISH. A stupid person may not have a lot of sense, but a FOOL often has it but chooses not to use it...lol. A lot of smart people make FOOLISH decisions and engage in FOOLISH behavior for whatever reason. Youth, inexperience, lack of wisdom, lack of proper judgement, etc.. But they often do KNOW better. To answer your question, I do not believe there is a higher rate of stupid people within our AfroAmerican community compared to Caucasians or any other group of people. I didn't put it in the form of a question my brother. Because at this point....I no longer QUESTION whether or not this is the case....lol. When it gets to the point where some of these clowns are so silly they walk up in a liquor store in a white wife-beater and doo-rag grinning and cussing, give the clerk a $50 bill for $20 worth of goods and run out of the store forgetting his change on the counter.....you know it's too late. Salvage those worth saving and HURRY UP and let this shit collapse so we can start a new one.
  14. richard murray The older I get, the more I appreciate both my Mother and Father. There are a lot of people in this world who grew up in terrible households and had traumatic childhoods.....but I wasn't one of them.
  15. ProfD Just like Elijah Muhammad, I love and respect our brother Neely Fuller Jr. but I don't agree with him on EVERYTHING...lol. I think it was a mistake to call the system White "Supremacy". They MAY be the most powerful force on the planet, but certainly not in the Universe. Further, I would ask the question.....if a person really believes that they are Supreme and the most powerful in the Universe....why even waste time and jeopardize yourself challenging them? If believe a group of beings are Supreme in the Universe and there is nothing or no one stronger than them, I wouldn't even CHALLENGE them. Infact, I'd probably try my best to have nothing but NICE THINGS to say and think about them! But despite their recent accomplishments which are impressive, I don't think there's anything "supreme" about White people or their ideology. So I try to have a more pragmatic view of them and their position not only on the planet, but in the Universe all together.
  16. Ok. I clicked on the link which opened up to Richard's original page and all I saw was the same picture, but I guess I didn't hit the "read more" link for the full story. Sad situation..... Not sure what to say about it besides, very sad. If the man just wanted a way out, seems that dying by a bullet from a police/soldier would have been less painful than burning himself.
  17. Chev Umm Hmmmm.....yeah. Thank you for explaining, lol.
  18. richard murray I'm pretty sure you won't agree with this strategy but in my opinion, I think we are in an EXCELLENT position as AfroAmericans to not only live in the nation with the most powerful military....but even have LAWS on our side (whether they are properly enforced or not) that allows us to not only join but LEAD and CONTROL that military if we so desire! I think we should take advantage of it. Sure the U.S. won't be top dog forever, but while they are....it's better for us to ride that dog and enjoy as many benefits as we can. Infact, if we were smart enough as a community and on the ball like we SHOULD be......we would have had so much power and influence ALREADY over the U.S. military that we'd be protecting Black African nations and keeping peace and stability in Africa like they're doing in Europe and East Asia right now. Why aren't there tens of thousands of U.S. troops stationed in Ghana or Tanzania or Angola helping bolster and build up THEIR economy and technology like we have in Germany and Japan and South Korea?
  19. ProfD Intellectual deficiency and stupidity are not synonymous Somewhat true. Intellectually deficient can range anywhere from "stupid" to "retarded" to "comatose". But stupidity is a FORM of intellectual deficiency. I'm sure you've heard and/or seen smart people doing stupid stuff. Sometimes, it's a challenge to them. Fun and games. Entertainment. Yes, but the reason we know they're smart is BECAUSE they don't stupid stuff on a regular basis; just every now and then. Most of the time they act like they got some sense...lol Stupid people tend to ROUTINELY make stupid decisions. I will never believe AfroAmericans have cornered the market and sewn up intellectually deficient and stupid. I've seen equal amounts of it in all camps. No way am I saying AfroAmericans are the ONLY community with stupid people in it. But what I am suggesting...based on my observations...is that there is a higher RATE of stupid people in our communities compared to those of Caucasians. If you say you've seen "equal" amounts of it in all camps...then you essentially support my assertion because Caucasians outnumber AfroAmericans 3 to 1 so there shouldn't be an equal amount of stupid people in our community as theirs! Their fools and retards should be 3 fold that amount...lol.
  20. Lol, most of what I say is true. I don't always get the credit for it, but.......
  21. Stefan Let's take this slowly..... 1. You said no one could stop the cocaine trade. 2.I gave you an example of someone who DID stop the cocaine trade in his nation. 3.Instead of acknowledging that you were wrong, you proceeded to make EXCUSES to justify you incorrect assertion. And this is just ONE of the reasons I don't care too much for wasting time debating with you. Because you almost never admit when you're wrong, so there is little progress to be made.
  22. I hate the term because it associates White people with being supreme....or the highest and most powerful of any in it's category. Only The SUPREME BEING is The Supreme Power and associating them with anything "supreme" sounds almost too close to blasphemy. I would accept the term "White Superiority" much more easily.....lol. Superior doesn't mean HIGHEST....it's simply a comparison with others. One could certainly make the argument that they are superior to other races when it comes to technology and war, right now anyway. This talk is making me hungry. I still remember kicking with the brothers over cups of coffee and a type of dessert we called the "Supreme Bean Pie"...lol.
  23. richard murray More so than cheating, I'd call it a FLAGRANT DISREGARD for the rules and financial obligations. As long as the U.S. has the strongest military on the planet, it doesn't have to pay or even acknowledge it's debts....and she knows it. Other nations MUST....for the simple fact that when it's time to pay the Piper, they aren't strong enough to intimidate him.
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