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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. ProfD Lol.... Yet with all of that you mentioned on how so many of our people constantly make the wrong CHOICES......you still push back against the idea that they're suffering from intellectual deficiency? The nigga KNOW dope was brought into the community to destabilize it. We've known this to be a fact for over 30 years now. Yet the nigga STILL sells it and smokes it! What else can explain this paradoxical behavior besides sheer STUPIDITY?
  2. No bro, actually I COULD.....POINT BY POINT. Just one of your statements: "No one can stop the cocaine trade"....I can easily blow that out of the water by pointing at Cuba and Castro's success. Come on man, you give yourself too much credit....lol. It's just not worth it to go back and forth with you like that....for multiple reasons.
  3. My suspicions about Trump being a DISTRACTION for the true right-wing Conservative agenda is being confirmed more and more. They put Trump out as the boogie man.....the joke that he is....so you can focus on him and his goof-ball antics while the TRUE threat from the right-wing is being ignored. They put over the top extremist Republicans on the ballot so you can reject them in favor of more "moderate" Republicans or conservative Democrats who are just going to enact the same policies
  4. A lot of women of color have a secret desire all the way back from childhood to be swept up and married and "supported" by a wealthy and powerful White man. Not sure if you've heard the term before, but in the Black Conscious community....we call him a "Zaddy".
  5. Now Chev..... Do you remember how you jumped all over me the other week for what I said about women of color falling in love with and marrying White men? Uh huh...... Ok...lol
  6. I wonder how much influence did the deaths of Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin and the resulting protests surrounded them which occurred during that time frame, have on the surge of adults buying Black books for their children? I also wonder did the Pandemic and essentially being forced to homeschool your children for a good 2 years also influence this surge.
  7. Know what's funny, I was looking at this Dr. Umar Johnson video the other day and he made a profound statement in it and this read reminded me of that! Check him out between the 14:00 and 16:00 Minute mark: Some of these groups MIGHT be fighting for our Reparations because they know that owning so many businesses in the Black community, it'll make THEM richer too.
  8. As mentioned before, this entire "show" about the state of California granting it's Black residents Reparations is a big trick-bag. An old "banana in the tail pipe" routine! First of all, the ENTIRE NATION owes AfroAmericans Reparations....not just California....so they are in no position as a state to singularly give out Reparations money. Besides, California wasn't a slave state anyway. (it is NOW with the highest prison population of any other state in the nation). I believe it's a TRAP to suck more Black folks from other parts of the U.S. into California to become residents of that state.....where they'll meet their demise. They KNOW if they state passing out Reparations money or better yet PROMISE to pass out Reparations checks....thousands of desperate Black folks from around the nation will come flocking there and set up residency hoping to get a check. That's the trap.
  9. If only they knew how to MEDITATE properly.....they could easily leave this Reality without the assistance of drugs, alcohol, or television!
  10. richard murray This is a little outside of the subject of the thread but...... I like how you titled the thread "NIppon" as this is the TRUE name of the nation we call "Japan". When I hear the term "Nippon" I often think of my Father and the many many things he taught me as a kid but I didn't listen carefully enough. He was a Korean War veteran so he would often talk about the "Nipponese" people and how Japan was actually Nippon. I'd go to school and ask about this and the teachers (White ofcourse) would play dumb or deny only to find out later on he was absolutely right and that Nippon or Nihon IS the actual name of the nation! So much he taught me and told me turned out to be true, even if the "official" history books got it wrong and flat out lied. If you want to know something, ask an older Black person.....they're likely to tell you the TRUE with no spin on it....not some "official story".
  11. Not sure if I follow the symbolism of the photograph in the OP. Was that patient hurt by the Tunisian government, protesting for Democracy or something? Or are they a Covid patient or patient for some other reason besides state sponsored violence? As far as Democracy goes...... The TRUE meaning of Democracy is NOT "rule of the people" but "rule of the devil/demon".....no lie or exaggeration. The Greek term for people is "publus/pluribus" or "public"...not "demo" as so many think. Their term for DEMONS was "demos". Modern dictionaries purposely twist up and confuse the meanings of ancient Greek and Latin but if you get old dictionaries you'll find the etymological truth. Why am I saying this? When White people go around the planet pushing "Democracy".....they aren't promoting rule of "the people". It's sham. The elections are a sham. It really means putting Western interests first BEFORE the people, erasing their native culture, and instituting a more modernized form of anit-Black racism.
  12. A couple points: 1. It doesn't look like White folks are going anywhere anytime soon.....lol. I've been hearing talk about White folks' numbers dropping, getting lower, and going extinct for 30 or 40 years....and it's more of them on the planet TODAY than there were 20 years ago. Hell, they're gentrifying the cities and moving back in....it's so many of them. It's like those Newsweek and Time articles that come out every 10 years or so CLAIMING that blonde hair and blue eyes will no longer exist in the next 10 years....but 10 years later you see more blue eyed blonde hair folks running around than a little bit. Muthafucka got his blonde hair twisted all up in DREADLOCKS staring at you with some blue eyes and asking: "Hey bro....know where I can find some weed man???" Lol....White folks ain't going nowhere....right now anyway. 2. As Neely Fuller and others have pointed out over the years, even if White folks as a race DID disappear from the planet....their "White supremacist ideology" (I hate that term so I rarely use it) that they not only believe in themselves but have also ingrained in most people of color around the planet will remain LONG after they've gone. White folks are almost WORSHIPPED over in India. The lighter, the better as far as they're concerned. Same thing in Latin America. Like the King said in The Black Panther, The Cavy certainly did his job well. Even if it's not now...he knows he WILL die one day because his time on this planet is limited, and he has prepare his legacy for that event. He has thoroughly brainwashed the minds of so many people with the believe of Caucasian superiority that even after he IS long gone, it's going to take nearly 1000 years to rid the planet totally of that poisonous ideology.
  13. Lol....well it doesn't surprise me. What else would you expect to hear from someone who "divorced" herself from the Black race?
  14. Sometimes debts are forgiven. As ProfD already pointed out, much of the debt America claims to "owe" is a mere construction. The United States OWNS the very institutions she claims to be indebted to! Think about this...... The Federal Reserve...which holds the bulk of America's debts....is actually a private institution made up U.S. banks and American citizens! And when it comes to owing money to China, Brazil, etc...... Why would the U.S. "borrow" dollars from China or Brazil when they don't even MAKE dollars but other forms of currency??? U.S. Dollars are LITERALLY made in the United States alone. Any nation that has dollars to lone the U.S. actually GOT them from the U.S.!!!! They are borrowing only the money that they are holding from various purchases and trades or foreign aid. It's a big joke...a game being played to PRETEND that they are in a lot of debt so that they'll have an excuse not to spend the money on the things they need to spend it on like housing, healthcare, education etc... Anytime you ask for Universal Healthcare or free college....they'll just point to the debt clock and say "the nation can't afford it". America's debt is MADE UP.....ARTIFICIAL. It exists only on paper. And even for those who believe it's real and that we really owe other people or countries.....as long as we are THE Superpower nation and no other nation is stronger than us militarily....who's gonna make us pay up? Who's gonna call in the chips? It's a game. The U.S. Constitution gave the U.S. Treasury the right to literally print as much money as the nation needs and even control it's value to prevent inflation.....but she abandoned that system for the Federal Reserve so that they could PRETEND to be "in debt" to avoid it's domestic responsibilities, as I said earlier.
  15. ((shakes head)) Yeah, I could.............point by point. But it would be useless.
  16. ProfD You're right, those blue collar jobs will always be around....however WHO is able to get them and how much they pay is highly variable. In much of America, blue collar and low skilled jobs usually reserved for "low intellect" Americans are now being snatched up by immigrants of various levels of intellect who are happy to get any kind of work to send back home. As far as those who made so many bad choices in their lives... Perhaps those choices should NOT have been there for them to make. Or perhaps the WRONG options were put before them on purpose. Just like drugs didn't "accidentally" come in to the cities....good paying factory jobs didn't "accidentally" leave. When the manufacturing jobs were plentiful and the dope was nearly absent in the inner cities....AfroAmericans had those good jobs, nice homes, sent their children to school, made good living for themselves. Why did drugs even become an OPTION for to avoid and make the good choice not to deal with? You make a good point about little kids....toddlers...being able to use cell phones and computers. However what PERCENTAGE of children are able to do that? Are the majority of toddlers capable of those extra smart talents, or just a gifted few who had the opportunity to show it? There's always been smart kids around, 2000 or 2 million years ago. But look at all of the kids on Ritalin and Adoroll and in special education today who can't read, write, or count.
  17. Troy No, it is not, and that is my point. Our personal experiences are different. Also, you assume your personal experiences are the same universally. I do not. I understand, but I wasn't coming from a position of EXPERIENCE but OBSERVATION....which is vastly broader and more accurate. It doesn't have to affect my sex life to realize there's a shortage of Black women in this society.
  18. ProfD Like everything else in America, AfroAmericans are also guilty of producing the junk food equivalent of literature because just like music...it sells. They're trying to get paid. Economics has that effect on intelligence. People do dumb sh8t for entertainment and in order to eat True. The key difference I see between those other demographics and our people is that when THEY promote trash...it's usually not THEIR trash they promote. But when AfroAmericans promote trash...it's often SELF-denigrating. Jerry Springer recently admitted that he contributed to the moral decline of American society with his shows. But if you'd watch his shows, although there tended to be a multiracial variety of guests....the vast majority were AfroAmericans. Grossly disproportionate.
  19. ProfD There is no benefit to a wealthy woman establishing a relationship with a man of lower status What about sexual benefit? A lot of women of higher status choose men who "ain't got shit" simply because they're good in bed or they provide them with the emotional fulfillment they desire. The lower status man is usually a wealthy woman's eye candy or boy toy. See Only if the pool is restricted to peers. Eligibility increases if an individual is willing to cast a wider net in terms of age, demographic and expectations True. Which is why a lot of AfroAmerican women "settle" for the street dudes and bums as they get older. But less extreme, there's a lot of good brothers who just haven't arrived yet even at an advanced age....but doesn't mean they should be taken off the list. Troy because I and most of the guys i know don’t have a problem finding a woman. But the majority of women will complain about how difficult it is to find a man. That's not too much different than me declaring a shortage of Black women based on my personal observations...lol. Just because YOU and your associates live in mansions and own property, does that mean there isn't a housing or homeless crisis in the community? Besides, being able to find a woman has little to do with whether or not the ratio between Black men and Black women is imblanced because a larger percentage of people in both sexes aren't looking for partners. I think the changes have been even harder for cis-gendered, heterosexual Black boys. These young men, especially those under 30, aren't performing as well as the girls in school and ultimately in the job market. I absolutely agree with this! This modern academic system isn't the best for masculine heterosexual boys to function well in....especially Black boys. Most straight Black males know this and have figured it out early which is most certainly why Dr Umar Johnson gets so much support (deservingly or undeservingly...lol). He's one of the few who dares speak on this issue in public.
  20. Man yall HAAAAAAARD on my man Umar Johnson......LMBAO!!! I don't know what the brutha is gonna do, maybe the school will be ready sometime this year....maybe......that's what he CLAIMED, lol ProfD We have to be more analytic with this...... It hasn't worked for SOME AfroAmericans. It appears to have worked for others. First of all, with some of our people NOTHING appears to work for them. They don't get along with White folks OR eachother. So how much of that can be chalked up to racism, versus just being too fucked up in the head to get along with anybody...not sure. Second, you have people like Troy and Mel as well as more examples who appear to be smart and talented enough to maneuver in White society and extract wealth and success from it despite racism. Not all or even most AfroAmericans will be able to get along with White society on that level, but I think the opportunity should be there for those who can. They clearly accommodated White society and it benefitted them. Now.... Ofcourse as AfroAmericans, we need our own independent society....but we don't have one. So in the mean time if we don't want to be accomodationists....what's the alternative? How many AfroAmericans as individuals are independent and smart enough to live OUTSIDE of the grid without the help of White folks? I'm not talking about Uncle Leotis and Jamar and 'em running the streets hustling and pimping and living in and out of jails and between girlfriends. "Let not the mind of White folks be in you But be ye TRANSFORMED by the renewing OF yo' mind And thoust will be free indeed!"
  21. Chev Yeah, and crouched down with her hands curled looking like a monkey. Barefoot and looking at her hands from side to side like some animal caught in a trap. Looks like something off of Planet Of The Apes. That's what that jumpsuit reminded me of. Maybe they were trying to show support but........I didn't care too much for how they did it. But I LOVE my man GoBlack2Africa! I watch his shows and get a lot of inspiration from his travels.
  22. Little Latino boys ALREADY know and see that they are represented! Latinos and Asians are getting PLENTY of support in California....from the streets to the government offices to the jails and prisons....Latinos have PLENTY of power and resource. It's AfroAmerican power that is diminishing in California....it's been on a steady decline since the 70s. Karen Bass isn't going to change that. To think otherwise is succumbing to a pipe-dream. Tom Bradley was another Black mayor of Los Angeles who was in that office for years.....did HE change anything in Los Angeles for Black folks??? No...things got WORSE for Black Los Angelinos under him. Also, you seem to focus on Whites and White supremacy as if that's the only problem but you neglect to acknowledge LATINO RACISM and how viciously racist many of THEM are towards AfroAmericans, not just in California but across the nation. They pose almost a big of a problem as White folks.
  23. Italians....like Spaniards....have to be "extra racist" because of the common understanding that as a group they tend to have more Black and Arab ancestry than most other Europeans. Not only do they have to constantly "cleanse" themselves of their Black and Arab ancestry by doing things like deporting the darker skinned Italians to the America and keeping the lighter ones.....but importing more "whiter" people in across the Alps from places like the Netherlands and Germany to mix in with their population and produce lighter children. This is why when I hear White folks run around saying "I'm German" or "We're Italian" or "We're Polish" I look at them and shake my head. They don't know WHAT the hell they are because even if their family came from one country, a few generations back their family origins may have been from another. The only thing constant is their Whiteness. Having said all that....... I've met a few Italians/Sicilians who fully embraced the fact that they had Black ancestry and admitted to me how jealous they were of Black culture, how confused they were growing up, how racist other Whites were toward them, and how much they found Black people attractive and being with us was like "coming home". Theirs not too many....but they do exist.
  24. Not only has the number of Black books declined over a 20 year period but the TYPE of literature has also transformed. 20 and 30 years ago there were more Black intellectual books dealing with the economy, social issues, ACTUAL history, science, etc...compared to books about romance, music, fiction, and other forms of entertainment. Today..... Among the AfroAmerican books today, a FAAAAAR higher percentage dealing romance, and pseudo-history (fake origins and speculation taken from bits and pieces of actual history), and race-related opinion/commentary more so than facts. Most of these books don't add to one's wealth of knowledge because they aren't based in facts but on opinions and speculation so they actually lead to more CONFUSION. ProfD Well I know you made it clear some time ago that you'd push back against any suggestion that AfroAmericans are experiencing intellectual decline....lol. So I'd expect you to question that assertion.
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