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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. Hmmmmm.......... Now this brings up more interesting questions. Are we sure this person's lack of preparedness is strictly a result of "bad luck" or do they have a HISTORY of being unprepared through out life? If a person has a history of being unprepared, can we really call that person "unlucky"? Perhaps they are suffering from a lack of intelligence and motivation which is why they are routinely unprepared. I would think a truly "unlucky" person would be one who WAS prepared and made all of the right moves but ended up being hit by something on his way to play those winning numbers OR maybe he DID play those numbers and won but ended up getting robbed on his way home. Either way....he doesn't get the money he should have gotten because of bad luck.
  2. ProfD Would you say being born with a great working brain and high intelligence is "good luck"? A person really can't help what kind of brain they were born with. Can a man help it if he was just born a NATURAL FOOL???
  3. There are quite a few Africans where I live and the African women still have those nice brown cakes bouncing around back there. But something happened to many of our sistaz these past 20 or 30 years. Not sure if it's the food or the chemicals they're putting in the environment but so many of them are coming out not just with flat butts but big husky shoulders, thick necks, and a violent angry disposition. Go to a mall or somewhere where a lot of young Black folks meet up and you're guaranteed to hear a bunch of young girls talking about fighting and "beating a bitch ass" on the regular. Many of them just love violence and fighting. That's totally unnatural for girls of any culture. Not sure WHAT the hell is going on with our girls man. Clearly the estrogen level has been lowered and the testosterone level raised.
  4. KENNETH I can't go by what happened in other parts of the nation or what happened before I was born, I go by what I was around to experience and witness in my neck of the woods. In Detroit THOUSANDS of Black folks owned homes and other properties from working in the factories. Many of them left these properties to their children only for their children to fuck it up and lose them through drugs, laziness, indifference, etc.....not just racism. Listening to Gangsta Rap music like NWA and Dr.Dre promoting a criminal lifestyle, drug use, and violence got a lot of young Black folks in trouble so they ended up losing a lot of what their parents and grand parents fought and sacrificed for. Interestingly enough also, COLLEGE and sending their children off to college instead of encouraging them to get hired in and work those good paying factory jobs like them or better yet open up their own businesses instead of going for useless college degrees was another problem. Thousands of Black children who didn't want to get up early in the morning and go work at a factory for a decent wage like their parents, went off to college to get a useless degree and now they can't even pay their own bills. Working at Starbucks and Target. Meanwhile Ford and GM are opening up plants in Mexico and China and many of THEM are reaping the benefits!
  5. @anonymous50 Lol...you must not be a light skinned Black man. There are a lot of Black women out there absolutely CRAZY over light skinned men. Out there trying to have all kinds of light skinned babies with green and hazel eyes and curly hair by light skinned dudes.
  6. ProfD Lol.....so the resident agnostic believes that luck is purely CHANCE ?
  7. ProfD Not sure what type of hustle they may have been into but whatever they did for a living, they didn't deserve the hellish experience they went through down there. Fox News is doing story after story about the incident but they are sloooooooowly and skillfully trying to raise question about the legitimacy and innocence about the 4 Americans. Testing the waters. Some people are just made with flat butts....it's genetic. No amount of squats, butt squeezes, and exercise or CORN BREAD and BEANS will give them that nice round brown.....lol. Sometimes it takes surgery to get the job done. Most Black women have a naturally round and high ass but something strange has been happening these past 20 years. It seems these past 20 years more and more White girls have been getting round and high butts without exercise or surgery and I've seen more Black girls no matter how heavy or fat they are with FLAT butts and funny shaped butts. I know something is wrong because when I look at Black women from Africa they still have those round high bouncy asses and wide hips that I remember sistaz used to have 40 years ago. And the older Black women seem to still have it too. But many of those born after 1990 seem to be made funny.
  8. This is why I enjoy Tariq Nasheed's Hidden Colors series and his other Black history documentaries. He delivers AfroAmerican history in a way that even most of the major universities don't and will not. I'm glad we finally have the OPPORTUNITY (luck??? lol) to tell our own stories now. In many parts of the world, the history and contributions of their Black population has been suppressed and ignored by society in general and virtually NO effort is made to retrieve it. I was watching a documentary on the oppression Black people face from Arabs in Tunisia which is actually IN Africa!
  9. It was a smart move because he's making money off the incident but...... I guess I just think differently than most people because I still think it wasn't very honorable for Chris Rock to get the shit slapped out of him on stage and did nothing, to NOW start talking shit and running his mouth about the incident. And to go after Jada like that NOW when the coast is clear and Will ain't up in his face to check him again for it??? Come on...how can we respect a guy like that? I don't see how so many Black folks born and raised in the hood can look at that and not call Chris a punk. I said over and over again that through out much of his life Will was called weak, a punk, a this and that.....and when he DOES show some aggression and masulinity he's clowned for THAT. Defending his wife's honor was a "stupid move"??? Black America has a lot of shit twisted.
  10. Chev Buck and the Preacher times?????? Gurl are you seriously????? LMBAO! Sometimes I wish I could transport myself back into the Reconstruction Era from say 1870-1910 because things were so promising for AfroAmericans. No gangs. No crack No AIDS There was a clear distinction between the racist Whites who wanted to harm you and the decent ones who wanted to help....so there was less confusion. And ofcourse we as a people were more united and our families, values, and morals were far more intact. Lee Vining I live in Michigan and every winter we get atleast a few days of cold that is so harsh and frigid it makes me wonder what the FIRST people who settled this state were thinking when they came here...lol. I don't even stay in Northern Michigan but in Southern....and it still get's 10 and 20 degrees below zero from time to time! Makes you wonder what the hell were those people trying to escape from that was so terrible that they'd rather put up with THIS cold and snow than go back.....LOL And this was before space heaters and furnaces where you had to rely on wool, animal skins, and old fashioned fires to stay warm! What in the world DROVE those people and motivated them to do what they did....man.
  11. Cynique Interesting photograph of your father!
  12. Haven't watched Fruitvale Station and don't really have a desire too. Is it pretty good? We know what happened to our brother Oscar Grant up in Oakland, but was the entire incident enough to make a whole movie off of?
  13. Well.....NOW is the time and THIS is the place....lol. Wait too long and people will have forgotten about the entire incident. You know you're living in a world where most of the people have ADD....lol Chev One of the problems is that the Mexican government is so corrupt, any laws they pass or any reforms they try to make will pretty much be in vain because the same cartels who are kidnapping and murdering people are the same ones making the laws and wearing the police uniforms. I've been to Mexico a few times when it was much safer than it is today. I'll say this much, if an American wants to go down there NOW....they better bring their own private security because you can't trust the police to protect you.
  14. I'm glad you posted these pics Chev! Chris Rock shooooooo' has a pretty mother. Man, that woman is lovely! Even at her age she's lovely. I could only imagine her about 20 or 30 years ago. And intelligent, sweet, and feminine too! I saw an interview she did not too long ago about the state of education today.....she's some sort of educator. Sweet smile with all of those teeth (not sure if they're all hers but they still look great on her), soft gentle way of speaking.....just a lady. That woman is PROPER.
  15. I find this script quite interesting! What do you think is meant by "thy liquors"??????
  16. richardmurray What you said makes a lot of sense. The more people you have, the more chances you have and the more potential opportunities you have to come up with something good and beneficial. I'd tweak it a little and say the more SMART people you have, the more chances and opportunities you have to come up with good ideas that will benefit the community. You can have a million dumb asses swirling around bumping into eachother and all you're gonna get is a bunch of fights and dilapidation. frankster Luck is perception??? What do you mean by that? Unseen opportunities???
  17. Chev What you said reminds me of a quote from President Obama: "Luck is when Opportunity meets Preparedness" But I also wonder if there is some external Forces that generate luck and providing the opportunities besides mere chance. Some people carry good luck charms and amulets and swear they bring them good luck, so this is clearly beyond merely "chance". Clearly they believe there is some Force or Power generated or influenced by these charms they carry. richardmurray I can provide my answers but I will not. I'm sorry but I'm going to have to INSIST that you provide me with some of your answers, lol. Your answers may possibly be THEE answers! The light of truth is too important for us to hide it under a bushel.
  18. A few days ago 4 Black Americans were kidnapped in Mexico. Unfortunately 2 ended up being killed and a third was shot but survived and was found and rescued along with the fourth victim. Any thoughts on this issue? I think that so far the U.S. media has been doing a pretty good job of portraying that these were indeed Americans instead of simply portraying them as a group of Black folks riding around Mexico getting into trouble. As I expected, a few media outlets were questioning why they were down there in the first place and were trying to blame the victims instead of the perpetrators.....typical racist narrative anytime Black victims are involved. But other than that, I can't really find too much fault in how the media has covered this. It's interesting how the Gulf Cartel has issued an apology over this incident and even claimed to have handed over those guilty of carrying it out. I wonder why they did this? Were they afraid of the response of America, or did they do it out of respect for the fact that the victims were Black and Black Americans are usually left alone when it comes to international crimes.?
  19. Lee Vining Interesting how you can remember a school report from your daughter that was probably done over 20 years ago. I bet SHE probably doesn't even remember that report she did....lol.
  20. There's something about old photographs of Black folks from the 1800s and early 1900s that stirs me up and inspires me to greatness. I wonder what they're thinking. What's going on in their heads. Are they really as successful as they look or are they just dressing up for the camera shoot only to change into some overalls and work out in the fields? Handsome dudes.....if I may say so as a straight brutha....lol. Funny how over 100 years ago Black folks managed to stay smooth, neat, clean, and sharp without the modern appliances and grooming material we have today.
  21. I have to raise a Black Power fist to @Lee Vining for hipping me to ex-enslaved Black folks who left the South to settle in Colorado and formed entire communities! I had no idea of this! I knew we left the Soutn and went west to places like California, Texas and Arizona but cold ass Colorado? Man...I come to find out Black folks ran up into them mountains and TORE THEM UP looking for gold. This is one of the reasons I call myself the "Pioneer". Because I look at those early Black Pioneers who decided to get the hell out of the old corrupt system, travel to a NEW land, and establish their OWN communities as my role models! This is so inspiring to me, including this story about Clara Brown who I just happened to read an article on while researching my newly found interest: Clara Brown From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Clara Brown Clara Brown (c. 1800–1885) was a former enslaved woman from Virginia and Kentucky who became a community leader, philanthropist and aided settlement of former slaves during the time of Colorado's Gold Rush. She was known as the 'Angel of the Rockies' and made her mark as Colorado's first black settler and a prosperous entrepreneur.[1] Brown was born in Virginia in 1800[2] and moved to Logan County, Kentucky, with her family.[3] She married another enslaved person when she was 18 and together they had four children. In 1835, Brown's family was broken apart when they were all sold to different slave owners. When Brown was 56, she received her freedom but was required by law to leave the state. She worked her way west as a cook and laundress to Denver, Colorado. Brown settled in the mining town now called Central City, Colorado where she worked as a laundress, cook, and midwife. With the money she made, she invested in properties and mines in nearby towns. Known as "Aunt Clara" for her emotional and financial support, Brown was a founding member of a Sunday school, made her home available for prayer services and generously supported the community. At the end of the Civil War, Brown could freely travel and liquidated all of her investments to travel to Kentucky to find her daughter. Although she was unsuccessful, she paid the way for 16 or more relatives and others who were former slaves to move to Colorado. Finally, in 1882 she reunited with her daughter Eliza Jane and Eliza Jane's daughter. In 1885, the last year of her life, Clara Brown was voted into the Society of Colorado Pioneers for her role in Colorado's early history.
  22. @Troy said something in another thread that I found to be somewhat interesting: While I don't disagree with this statement and find it to be quite accurate in many cases, my question is what is meant by "lucky" or "luck"? What exactly IS "luck"? Is it strictly when chances randomly fall in one's favor; or are there Forces and Entities in the background controlling one's fortune and giving one "good luck"?
  23. ProfD This is true. And one of the things I've noticed over the years, most of the Black success in America today is 1st generational! ....as opposed to most of the Black success of the past and the success most other demographic groups enjoy. What do I mean? A lot of people of all races are self-made, but MOST people who are wealthy have actually inherited their wealth and opportunities from earlier generations to various degrees. Whether the money was passed down, the property and house they lived in was passed down, the position at work was passed along to them from a relative, etc.....they had help from older relatives. Today, most Black people who ARE successful in the United States have had to build THEIR wealth and success from scratch because for one reason or another the wealth or positions weren't left for them. This isn't as honorable as it may seem; because it's really saying that many of our people simply don't care anything about their own progeny and would rather fuck up the money and use it up themselves and take it to their grave than leave it to the next generation. So you have thousands of young men and women growing up bitter because they weren't left with any materials to work from. How many other groups do that to their own offspring? Just build up a bunch of money and property only to waste it up or take it to the grave with them while their children an grand children end up going through poverty and haven't to climb out of it over and over again? This is why I say, I often wonder if some of our people exist simply as examples of what NOT to do and how NOT to be. "Hey guys, if you want to be successful in life- Look at THOSE people and do the exact OPPOSITE!"
  24. I think you just KILLED IT right there!!!!! Not sure if anyone online OR in the real world has articulated it as detailed and briefly as you just did! Damn. Not all young men today have a lot of energy though. Many of these young dudes are so full of weed and chili-cheese fries.....they don't have the energy the average 60 year old man had 30 years ago. And on the flip side, just being older doesn't necessarily mean you have more money and are financially secured. Go to any homeless shelter and you'll find a ton of old men and women whose hair has turned White and teeth have fallen out and are flat broke. Haven't gained anything as far as wealth or even wisdom over the years. Troy YOU tell US......lol......shit. You're older than me so I know you're over 55, and just had a baby....lol. I'd have to presume your fiancé is around 40 if not younger. Lol...Is she that same sista with the dog in that photograph advertising the apartments in Oklahoma you showed us a few years ago? Were you finally able to track the girl down? She looked like she was in her 30's. How is your little girl doing BTW.....?
  25. Maybe not, but I wouldn't put it past him later on. Most politicians ARE lawyers by profession. If you look at Congress and most state legislatures....the largest professions are lawyers and I BELIEVE the second biggest profession are doctors. Probably because a lot of the laws and processes for coming up with them are so complex and nuanced that it takes the keen mind of a good lawyer to figure the shit out and introduce more of them. I'm still thinking about his pretty ass wife.....lol. That woman is gorgeous but to think that she's a lawyer too.....man....beauty and intelligence. There's something about an intelligent woman who STILL knows how to talk and act like a lady and is very feminine.
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