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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. Chev This is no where NEAR an "attack" on you young lady....lol. Trust me, if I ever attacked you...you'd know it. And I DID give you the facts. The facts are, Jesus hasn't come back yet....is that true or false? You speak of disrespect tuf what IS disrespectful is that you keep promoting that false slave making religion. You keep pushing that propaganda off on our people and it has NO POWER in it to save them or improve their condition. It keeps them in a state of confusion and bewilderment. Instead of rolling up their sleeves to build better housing and infrastructure in their communities....these "scriptures" you keep pushing keeps them LAZY and WAITING on Jesus to come back and take them elsewhere. In the middle of the ghetto with buildings deteriorating and collapsing all over the place, these starry eyed negroes are sitting up in some chuch clapping and singing and looking up at a White Jesus. ....unitl a flood or Earthquake comes and wipes what little they DO have away. Or White folks come in, kick them the hell out, and GENTRIFY the neighborhood. Why? Because they were brainwashed to wait on Jesus instead of DOING FOR SELF like many other successful self-sustaining communities.
  2. Chev It's not my site, so it's not my call to make. But MY criteria for banning someone is either they are threatening harm to other individuals or exposing some personal information they don't have permission to expose. Simple and clear cut. Other than that, free speech rules......just ignore them. YOU on the other hand would ban someone for simply disagreeing with you.....which is an even bigger problem in my opinion. It's autocratic like a dictator. Hell....if yall find these White men so disrespectful, why the hell do yall engage with them at every opportunity you get?
  3. I know women who say they don't find light skinned men attractive BUT want babies with them.....lol. I know other women who are dark skinned but can't stand a dark skinned man. Strange........
  4. Why don't YOU stick yours up there first and check for me to see if the coast is clear......lol. I thought I told you to TAKE your cranky behind back to bed. How many times do I have to tell you?
  5. PREACH TO THEM HARRY BROWN!!! Preach to these brainwashed negroes on those POVERTY PIMPS called Preachers! These puppet-mastered Negro preachers of often been the MAIN INSTRUMENTS used by the White racists to keep our community suppressed and in a state of chaos and submission!
  6. Chev You can believe scripture or not, but to insult me on my thread, is disresptectful @Pioneer1. I'm NOT being disrespectful. I was giving you the TRUTH and FACTS....but you obviously can't held them. Like a child, you'd rather be offered the CANDY of lies because it tastes good and is sweet...than be given the vegetables of truth which is more nourishing and life sustaining. Your arrogant, as you said and don't like to be proven wrong. You don't want to accept that Try me by actually PROVING me wrong, instead of giving me a bunch of propaganda that even YOU can't verify because weren't around when it was written. You don't know what you're saying is right and true. You just BELIEVE that it is....no verification what so ever. White people have completely deceived you into believing in what they have propagandized. Wait...hold up.... You believe in a book WRITTEN BY and GIVEN TO YOU BY White folks (because YOU didn't write it) but you want to sit up there and claim White folks have deceived "me"??? ....talk about arrogance. You'd rather agree with America and a racist than say that you were wrong. First of all I AM AMERICA.....and so are you if you were born and raised here. Stop believing in that racist garbage that only White folks qualify as the "real Americans". You don't have land or a home in no other nation on this Earth except for this one....accept it. And again, you haven't proven me wrong YET. All you're doing is quoting a bunch of words and messages that YOU can't verify because YOU weren't around to witness the events nor who wrote them. White folks drilled THEIR religion and THEIR scriptures into the heads of so many of our people and you simply REFUSE to let it go. Bullshit is still bullshit no matter how you season it up and stir-fry it.
  7. And after ALL OF THAT......Jesus still isn't back. You can give all of the explanation and quote all of the scriptures you want but the FACTS are: People are living, dying, living, dying....as they have been for 2000 years....waiting on Jesus to come back. The beat goes on and on and on and on............................. Tap me on the shoulder when the show's almost over.
  8. Well one of the signs of intelligence is EXPERIMENTATION. The intelligent man knows you gain more PRACTICAL knowledge and wisdom when you get out and experience things and experiment with them to find out the best method of doing things. So sometimes intelligent people will do stupid and foolish things simple to explore and expand. The thing about them though...... Although they may do foolish things from time to time, especially in their youth.....if you notice they still retain certain bits of intelligence to back out or change directions or "slick talk" their way out of a situation the way a NATURAL FOOL simply can not do, lol. Then you have other factors like emotional stability and maturity levels that influences a person's behavior BEYOND intellect. Human beings are complex....lol.
  9. Well we must first DEFINE what a Christian actually is. Clearly there are multiple ideas of who and what a "Christian" is...and what qualifies one to be called one. Some believe you must believe in Jesus and live a righteous live to be considered a Christian. Others believe that all you have to do is simply accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and you're automatically saved and a Christian no matter your lifestyle. Who decides?
  10. Colorism is MUCH more prevalent in the Latino community than in the AfroAmerican community! It's to the point where you rarely see 2 Black Latinos together. Many Black and dark skinned Latinos have a Mulatto or White spouse and are producing children who look nothing like them. That's a clear sign of their own self hatred.
  11. SpeakHerTruth That, and the fact that most Black men APPRECIATE the curvy body of a woman no matter what size it comes in. It should be noted that unlike most women.......most men don't have a "type". We find a variety of shapes and looks attractive. A female friend of mine who often goes with me to different events will comment from time to time about how she sees me looking a one woman who is fat and then staring at another who is skinny; then she'll ask me: "So what do you like, fat women or skinny women???? Make up your mind." She'll do the same thing with tall women and short women. I keep explaining to her that a man doesn't work on "one or the other" we often want ALL OF THEM, lol. But the unifying factor is PROPORTION.....not size. I've seen MIDGETS who are very attractive, as long as they are proportioned right...lol.
  12. Lol....what's up with the female Haitian General with the big round butt? She must be giving the troops inspiration. Something more to fight for.....lol. If I had the enough money to do so, I'd gather up my own security and labor team and just GO down to Haiti to help build up parts of that nation. I'd carve out a "safe section" where we would be so progressive and beautiful.
  13. The question is, do we really WANT "Black Unity". I've said over and over again that there are a LOT of Black people I have absolutely no desire to unite with. I'd like them as far away from me and my community as possible. And my rejection of them has little to do with religion, sexual preference, tribal affiliation, or some of the other petty things many Black people argue and fight with eachother over. My rejection of other Black people are over self destructive and strongly immoral activities like being a murder, a rapist, a child molester, a dope dealer, an informant to White racists, etc......characteristics that would destroy any community these people are found in. I do NOT with to unite with those people until or unless they REPENT and REFORM of their wickedness.
  14. The System of Racism is indeed powerful. But it's not the RACISM that makes it powerful, but the amount of knowledge they have gained and utilized for practical purposes that makes it powerful. Go to some parts of the hood and you'll hear niggaz sitting around smoking weed and cussing about the White man all day long and how much of a devil he is and how he ain't shit. Some even throw Asians into the mix and call the "Bruce Lee muthafuckaz". Call Latinos some "taco eating muthafuckaz"......lol. Clearly racist, but they can't do shit about the people they're complaining about....because they have no power and little knowledge. Being weak doesn't let you off the hook from being racist any more than being broke and homeless means you're a "good person". It is what it is. White folks have what they have not JUST because they're racist.....although their racism drives them and it's a heavy motivational factor. They have what they have because they TOOK ACTION to seek the knowledge and build a world that benefits them. If they just stayed up in the caves hating on Black folks down in our civilizations.....they'd still be up there.....racist as hell and savage.
  15. I'll spend time debating with Coggins or Nels or some Black Republican/Conservative. ...not TOO much time, lol...but some. But I wouldn't waste 3 posts on some racist White asshole who has nothing better to do than troll around trying to aggravate people for kicks. And I wouldn't even ban them. I just wouldn't respond unless they said something that begged for my attention. Like you said, it reminds me of some drunk White man staggering down the street and wander into a Black coffeeshop acting a fool and ends up having to be escorted out.
  16. Back when I was religious, I used to look at events like this and it would make my heart tickle. Not because I enjoyed knowing people were getting killed, but because I thought the weather was finally bringing this world to an end. I thought FINALLY Jesus was coming back! Well, 40 years later....he's not back. After having many wars, many natural disasters, viruses and other plagues ravishing the planet.....MILLIONS have died....and he's not back. One of the best things we can do as humans.....and I think the United States "gets it"....is to build strong infrastructures and modes of transportation so that we can protect ourselves as best we can from natural disasters instead of calling them "Acts of God" which is almost blasphemous.
  17. LOL....I knew you were joking. But what you said is usually the perception of most young men when it comes to older women. Many of them think ALL women over 40 are wrinkled up and dry, lol. I thought similarly until I finally had sex with a woman over 40 when I was 19 and realized it wasn't THAT big of a difference....lol. More so than the body, it's the mind....attitude....that I found more attractive than younger women.
  18. Contrary to now popular opinion.....racism has little to nothing to do with power. You can be racist with absolutely NO POWER what so ever. Power is not a factor in whether or not something or someone is racist.
  19. She's too lazy to get up and get the mail from her own MAIL BOX right on the porch from time to time, what makes you think she's going to handle her e-mail any better?
  20. That's some nice funk right there! I clicked on it thinking it would be some 1970s "Rerun type music" that sounds stereotypical but bland. This brutha can get down pretty good though.
  21. Chev Not now. And furthermore, my husband continually thwarts my efforts and sometimes I strongly believe he is being deliberate. Ofcourse. He wants to keep you to himself. He doesn't want you to turn into another Jennifer Hudson. Losing a lot of weight and next thing you know you're all over the place running around in bikinis kicking your legs and grinning. A lot of people change their personalities after losing a lot of weight. Lately, I have finally become 'in love' with water and but I still have a desire for the terrible soft drink. I drink a lot of water myself. I haven't had any pop (what we call "soda" or "soft drinks" in Michigan...lol) in years! I don't even have a taste for it. The older I get the less I care too much for sweet things like pop and candy. I drink a lot of coffee and don't put any sugar in it. frankster ....and don't leave out genetics. Your genes are a MAJOR factor that determines whether or not you'll be obese and how much fat or muscle you produce. Some people can eat whatever they want, as much as they want, and don't exercise a lick and stay skinny.
  22. Why are yall wasting time going back and forth with these assholes? Do you REALLY think you're going to sway them or change their minds? And do you really want to? It's not like they're going to give us some money or donate to the site after being "reformed" of their racist beliefs...lol. I'd only argue with racists if I have something to gain from it, like winning over a neutral audience, or scoring points with a fine sista I'm trying to impress.....lol. Other than that.....fuck 'em.
  23. ProfD An older woman's brain is fading and her box is more Arizona than Seattle. Both of her s8x organs are in distress. Lol... I think you're talking about and OLD woman....not necessarily an OLDER woman. There's a difference. An "old" woman's body has often deteriorated to the point that she no longer gets wet, can have orgasms, or even has a sex drive. But then you have "older" women, which is relative to the man's age. Usually atleast 10 years older in my opinon counts as an "older" woman. I'm kicking it with a woman who's 63 right now, and not only is her body just as fit and her skin just as smooth as most women in their 30s....she gets "almost" as wet (lol) and has orgasms. I've met several women in their 60s I can say the same thing about. Not every woman, obviously. Hell...some women have petered out (pun intended...lol) in their 30s and are in menopause. Every woman is different. Chev And, I get tired of hearing men 'talk' and then afterwards make excuses for underperforming. Girl stop playing!!!! You know them young dudes be in it for themselves!!!! Sheeeeeit..... I used to use my "back" as an excuse.....LOL. Now I can use my age. I'll look a woman straight in her eyes and say, "Well I'm not 19 anymore....what did you expect?????"
  24. I agree, every child is different and what works with one child may not work with another. With boys, most boys....generally at some point they must be spanked or physically punished in some way to instill the proper respect for authority in them. Many Black boys will TEST you to see if you'll punish them or not and just to see how soft or weak you are. Not spanking or physically disciplining or atleast threatening to physically discipline them is FAILING the test....and they'll walk all over you and lose respect for you. If you notice, a lot of the children who DIDN'T get spanked by their parents often grew up some of the most spoiled, selfish, inconsiderate people who often KILLED their parents just to inherit their wealth. Meanwhile the children who grew up constantly getting their tail whooped (in love ofcourse) and disciplined by their parents often grow up LOVING their parents, defending them and their spankings, and will even tell you the spankings were the reason they grew up to be successful. The lesson to learn is, trying to be your child's "best friend" instead of being a good parent never works. It doesn't make them like you more, it actually makes them lose respect and reverence for you and they often grow up resenting you for not giving them the discipline they so needed in life.
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