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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. I touched on this in another thread recently and I went a little more in depth with Mel some years back when I said I don't like and in many cases do not tolerate White men or men of other races "getting their goodies" with the best of our women. I don't believe Black men are jealous ENOUGH. Especially when it comes with seeing our women interact with men of other races. We can get jealous with EACHOTHER and often engage in all types of playa hatin' tactics to throw salt in eachother's game when it comes to the opposite sex. But when it comes to that White boy hanging around trying to start conversations and sneak a giggle or two from our sistaz....most Black men act like they don't even see him. They act like he poses no threat what so ever. You can't mess around with an Arab, Asian, or Latino (even a Black one) woman in the presence of men of that same ethnicity without them staring over trying to see what's going on and some of them even giving the women dirty looks. Check it out and see if I'm lying. That's one of the reasons you see so many Black men with Black women or White women but not too many others. Those men are HIGHLY jealous and HIGHLY protective of their women, and many of their women seem to either enjoy it or not care. When I find a sista who's attractive, intelligent, and knows how to act like a lady....that's a PRIZE. Not trying to see them prance off arm-n-arm with some greasy haired White or "almost" White dude, talking about how "in love" they are with eachother. And if you're a Black man and you don't mind seeing this, YOU are part of the problem. That's right! You don't care enough about your own women to want to keep them, hold on to them, and protect them from being snatched up by other communities. Why? Because you don't prize them or hold them above other women.....so them leaving or being snatched away doesn't matter to you. Now I'm a fair man and I believe in Justice. I'm not going to physically stop a Black woman from being with whatever man she chooses. However I have and I WILL make it crystal clear that I DO NOT like the best of our women even having CASUAL conversations with White men let alone getting into relationships with them and having sex and children with them. Let them find a crack ho or some hood rat if they have a Black fetish, but leave our good sistas ALONE.
  2. -anyone wanna guess how this asshole would explain UKRAINE????? More White folks have been killed, raped, and slaughtered there by other White folks in ONE YEAR than all of the Black gangs have done to eachother in the U.S. since 1970. So many White folks are killing eachother in the Ukraine, it's causing a shortage on bullets around the planet.
  3. Well, who is "ugly" is largely a matter of opinion. And because of that, you can be sure to find PLENTY of "really" ugly people because someone really does find them ugly.
  4. I mentioned this before but as usual, a lot of people didn't take me seriously and thought I was joking about it..... The typical and average form of marriage in the New World will be GROUP MARRIAGES. Not one man with one woman. Not one man with several women. Not one woman with several men. Nor will it be men with men or women with women. All of those will exist to a certain degree, but they won't predominate the marriages of the future. The typical marriage of the future will be MULTIPLE men with MULTIPLE women all raising their children together as one unit. Almost like mini-villages. But this will be the case in urban as well as rural environments.
  5. Yeah, I forgot about Rodney Campbell. For some reason, when I'd read his writings, the name "Rodeny Cambpell" didn't seem to go with the knowledge he was dropping.....lol. Seems like he would have changed his name to something like "Amiri Kunjufu" or something, lol. We need our brutha back. Cynique Do you know how DISRESPECTFUL it is to sit up and fantasize about and long for another man when you have 4 or 5 STRONG BLACK MEN right here on this site already dropping all kinds of knowledge and science?? Naw....I don't think you do. You NEED to learn how to respect and appreciate the blessings you HAVE in your presence already.
  6. Chev You might drop a few points and next thing you know, you'll be hooking up with the Wolfxx in some out-of-the-way coffee shop somewhere.....LOL.
  7. Chev Yeah, Retta isn't a bad looking sista despite her weight. She's got big breasts and a big butt so that offsets the big belly and huge arms.....lol. I'd certainly like to share a bed with HER more than the other 3 women she's sitting up there with.. I don't really watch either of those shows, I think I saw a few episodes of the office. The only thing I really liked about the office was the dark Indian girl in it.....Mindy Kaling. Other than that, I didn't care too much for it.
  8. Well...... I checked out her wiki page and it said her grandmother was African-American.....not necessarily Black. Which makes sense because I don't see a lot of "Black" in her at all. Even that so called "Black" grandmother was probably mixed. You know how it goes around here in America. If you have ANY Black ancestry in you, the public....including a lot of Pro-Black people....will just toss you in the "Black" category and identify you as Black for the rest of your existence. Now speaking of Carols...... If you said Carol BURNETT had a Black grandmother....I would definitely believe that, lol. Looking at her lips, nose, and the amount of energy and talent she had in her performance, seems like she had some Black genetics someone below the surface.
  9. When he's in cuffs and behind bars......for over a week....then I'll believe he COULD end up in prison.
  10. Troy Pleeeze......lol....Pedo-OO7 ain't smart enough to manipulate me OR Chev like that, lol. None of these devils up in this thread really are, to be honest with you. The smartest among them is "thewolfxx" and he's not that smart. No, they don't rely on their brainpower to manipulate Black folks....they rely on THE LOVE many of our people have for them to do it! They hate Black folks...but they know a lot of Black folks like them, love them, and want to be their friend and seek to get along with them and they'll manipulate many of our people through that love. As far as pushing Chev's buttons........... I consider her a good sista, and I don't like White men in general even TALKING to our good sistaz let alone the openly racist ones. I let that be known not only on line but in real life as well. DO NOT TALK to them PERIOD......I don't care what the topic is. It may not seem rational or reasonable to tell grown women who they can or can't speak too but I don't care....RACISM isn't very reasonable or rational. Old generations of White men, Arabs, and other groups are HIGHLY PROTECTIVE of their women and which men they talk to and associate with...most AfroAmerican men on the other hand are so lenient and indifferent to who our sistaz associate with and the result is betrayal, broken families, and broken communities. ANYTIME a White man comes around a Black community my antenna is raised, because he either wants money or sex.
  11. A lot of our people have been conditioned....indeed down right brainwashed....to believe that ANYTHING proper, good, and decent = White. The police = White Proper English = White Law abiding = White Good grades in school = White Reading = White Model Citizen = White Despite all of these goofy ass White folks out here fucking up all day every day; because of their inferiority complex they associate ANYTHING decent and proper with being White. Most Black folks who come from Africa don't have that problem. They are conditioned to try to speak English as properly as they can. Infact, they learn BRITISH English which is supposed to be superior to American English. It's a shame someone born and raised in an entirely different nation can speak English better than a lot of these people born and raised in Chicago or St.Louis. Go to Chicago and listen to how many of the Black folks there speak. It's not the South, yet many of them sound like slaves who just stepped off the damn plantation in 2023.
  12. Notice how when a White person kills OTHER WHITE PEOPLE.....the police don't hesitate to rush in and kill them? But when these demons kill Black and Brown people......they find every excuse in the world to escort them out alive? Look at what happened in Buffalo and how that one clown was able to kill 10 elderly Black folks and get a personal escort out to the cruiser.
  13. This is one of the major reasons why the White people in authority actually WANT plenty of Black and Brown people in this nation. The wise Whites recognize that their desire for violence and murder is so high, if there are no people of color around to kill....they'll start slaughtering eachother in short order. Look at Nazi Germany, Stalinist Russia, and other nearly all White nations and the mass genocide that occurred. The smart Whites have realized that in order to satisfy their blood lust without committing social suicide, they MUST have some people of color around to sacrifice.
  14. Uh..........excuse YOU. But I didn't know I was even talking to you.....until now. So what.....you don't even want me to post in this thread anymore? Ok..... I'll leave you alone to conversate with your ultra-Conservative passively racist White friend. You can continue to try to win him over.
  15. I remember reading about the Salem witch trials years ago and they claimed it was started by Tituba who was a maid from the Caribbean. They said she got angry at the White family she was working for and cast a spell on them using dog pee. They said the first to feel the effects were the girls of the family who started acting crazy. It was probably more myth than reality. Just an attempt to blame everything bad some Black person, like they usually like to do. I heard she was mixed race as well.
  16. Pedo 007 So.....are YOU gonna go visit Mr. Evans in the hospital? Since he's not going to be driving for a while, why don't YOU take his spot.
  17. I'm sorry maaaaan.......lol. I guess I was just thinking more about her position as Lieutenant and how there were so many others in higher authority than her, but I believe she WAS the highest ranking regular occurring female on the show.
  18. Mixed race people have also been used by the dominating race/class to help them maintain control over the oppressed race/class. Just like Mulatto people were used by the Whites to help them oppress the Black masses, Meztizo people were used by Whites to help them oppress the Indigenous peoples of the Americas.
  19. ......yet she STILL engages with the devil. ((shakes head)) I'm waiting for her to invite him over for dinner with the family. And I see we got more assholes popping up out of the grass.....lol.
  20. Troy LOL...if you weren't so busy trying to play Columbo.....or KOJAK..... "Gotcha! "I knew you were lying!!!" .....you would have noticed my previous post when I said MOST people (including me) have basically kept the same body type through out the years from childhood, youth, and even up through middle age. Not ALL people....MOST people. Yeah I know a "few" people who's body types have changed. I had an uncle who gained weight after becoming a type 2 diabetic. He went from skinny to obese. I had another relative who started off skinny but got into bodybuilding and now he looks like the Incredible Hulk....lol. But MOST people I know have kept the same body type.
  21. As soon as I heard it was a woman with multiple husbands...I KNEW it was going to be a Black woman. It's called social engineering. Training our people, especially our women....to do things ass backwards so that the community will stay in a state of chaos and confusion.
  22. Now they're talking about there might not be an indictment against Trump this week OR next.....LOL. This is nothing but a game. First of all, there is no "threat" from Trump supporters that the Feds can't handle. Just like that January 6th thing...... They sit back and LET those rednecks go out of control and attack the Capitol, then turn around and PRETEND to be helpless as if they couldn't have prevented it. Funny thing was, when that brutha from the Secret Service shot that White woman who was trying to break into the Senate floor......THEN they all jumped into action and quelled the situation. Like Neely Fuller Jr. said, White folks LOVE to pretend that they don't know what to do when it comes to problems they can easily solve in 15 minutes.
  23. I'm interested to see what piece Lt. Uhura will be....lol. Knight or Bishop, maybe? .....ha' mercy.
  24. I can see this being the case with Biden and definitely with the Clintons....but what would Obama be afraid of by having his then Attorney General investigate and prosecute Trump? Hell, everything they had on Obama they USED against him anyway. They even made up shit on THAT brutha.....lol. I don't know if Obama can be forgiven for allowing Trump to get away with what he did when HE of all people had the opportunity to stop him.
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