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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. richardmurray You think most Black people in America have a negative view towards Whites? I tell you what....... Next time you are around a group of AfroAmerican men and a White girl with a big butt or wide hips come around, look at their reaction and you tell me if it's "negative". Same thing with our sistaz.... The next time you are around a group of AfroAmerican women and a little White child.....especially a baby....come around grinning and slobbering, look at how they treat that baby and you tell me if it's "negative". I believe a large portion of our people are IN LOVE with White people.
  2. You three groups of Arabs: 1. Arabs of TODAY 2. Arabs of CLASSICAL HISTORY 3. ORIGINAL Arabs. The original Arabs were White people (Caucasians) who escaped the Caucasus mountains and traveled down into the deserted areas of Iraq and Iran and Syria over hundreds of years. Unlike most of the Caucasians who went to Europe....the Caucasians who went down into the Middle East developed a very tribalistic and savage. These original White Arabs eventually conquered and mixed and mingled with many of the Indigenous Black populations of the land and their progeny producing the CLASSICAL ARABS of history like many of those we read around the time of Muhammad. These were mixed raced Arabs of various colors and shades given their hundreds of years of mixing the Caucasian with the Black indigenous peoples of Iran, Iraq, and Syria. They were primarily made up of 12 Tribes. Those Classical Arabs eventually spread all over the place....especially after the advent of Islam.....and as they spread they spread their seed and culture around and a lot of people ADOPTED the identity of Arab even though they had little Arab ancestry. These are the White and very light and pale skinned people today in places like Lebanon, Palestine, and Iran who may claim to be Arab but are really more "Arabized" and just adopted the culture and identity of Arabs rather than claiming to be a White European or White Asian which would have been more accurate.
  3. Yeah, I remember Cooly High! They were down at the Lincoln Park Zoo skipping class. "Whatchoo mean you ain't got no mustard!!!!" .....lol.
  4. frankster One of the manifestation of Structural Racism in the US is the Lack of Readily Affordable, Accessible, and Available Nutritious Food in Black (Inner city) Communities. I disagree. The lack of readily affordable, accessible, and available nutritious foods in the Black communities is PARTIALLY the fault of racism.....but MOSTLY the fault of AfroAmericans who are either too lazy or too indifferent to build enough supermarkets and grocery stores to feed themselves. Back in the 50s, 60s, and 70s the Nation of Islam had grocery stores and resturants in nearly every Black community in this nation serving healthy and nutritious food. This was during a time when MORE open racism, segregation, and poverty existed as obstacles for the AfroAmerican community. True we concur....On the lack of proper Food Education - Nutrition and Food Preparation Skill. Absolutely. However I believe most of the lack of proper food education in the AfroAmerican community TODAY is not the result of racism, but the result of negro laziness and indifference. Simply not caring enough to educate one's self on the proper growing and preparing of foods.....since they can rely on other demographic groups to do it for them. Cultural Habit in the Black Community is Not a Coping Skill but a Survival Mechanism as a result of Structural Racism. Perhaps. And Yes it was A Marriage....God Considered Himself the "Husband" I don't think you have a very clear understanding of the word "God" in the Bible. Yes.. but not all of us are under contract..... Well, outside of Biblical reference....we don't know that Israel is either. Often Errors seen in the Bible is our lack Comprehension. Well if it's an "error" and is recognized AS such....then that shows pretty ACCURATE comprehension! It's the person who can read the entire Bible and not notice any glaring differences and contradictions who should have their comprehension skills questioned. Do you have a "contractual Relationship" with the individuals you want to "guard or defend" as in Jealous? Not sure I understand your question. You might want to RE-word it. Yes it is a metaphor and should be taken figuratively and literally....We all have a Conscience Again, that's simply not the case. Many people are born WITHOUT a conscience or moral compass for right and wrong. They are known as PSYCHOPATHS. And again, this is one of the reasons I don't do religion. They tend to ignore the realities of nature that don't fit neatly within their boundaries of doctrine. It's ASS-umed that everyone knows right from wrong or has access to the scriptures so that they can accept Jesus and do good deeds when that's far from the truth for a LARGE percentage of the Earth's population . True Hence Jesus fulfilled....Both are in application How can Jesus "fulfill" something that is an ongoing process commanded of multiple generations?? The commandments and laws of Moses put down for the Israelites in scripture were meant to be perpetual, not ended when Jesus came. What in yesterday's white women led to today's white women marrying black men at such a high rate? The attraction and desire for Black men's bodies. That didn't change. But the ACCESS to them did. It is a Truism.....Show me where it does not apply? Any institution could serve as an example to disprove that saying. The military, hospitals, universities, etc... The U.S. has the most powerful military of any nation in this world, yet they have plenty of weak people in it who can't fight and must rely on the strength of the group to maintain. Plenty of hospitals with lazy and weak nurses and even doctors but still remain strong because of the strong nurses and doctors who carry the load. We are all One Race One Class one Caste Come on bro, now you KNOW that's not true....lol. Do you prefer a Caste or Class system to the Racialized hierarchical one we now live in??? Yes. Common sense is subject to Culture Time and Place..... True. Yet the fact remains, most religions ask you to put common sense to the side and simply have faith in THEIR doctrine as a means of salvation. Punishment is retributive and not necessarily Restorative or rehabilitative.. Punishment is actually therapeutic and keeps a community from devolving into chaos and savagery. If a person believes that the law will actually PUNISH a person who has done harm to them or their loved one, they are less likely to take matters into their own hands. However if you take away punishment, most people will seek justice by their own hands, which will likely lead to more INJUSTICE and innocent people being hurt. A message like that is not for the mother of someone who has been victimize Agreed, it's absolutely not. She wants to know what will happen to those who violated her baby. The Current punitive and retributive forms of Justice is becoming more and more apparent that its not working as a deterrent to crime. .. Correct. Because it wasn't meant to deter crime in the first place. It's doing exactly what was designed to do....PROMOTE crime and the criminal mindset among certain populations.
  5. richardmurray No, the black community in the usa's public voice is untrustworthy to its true desires I agree, the average AfroAmerican CAN'T be trusted to voice their true desires and opinions of Whites because then they'd have to admit that they really LOVE White folks and wish they would be more accepting and loving of Black people. The truth is....VERY FEW AfroAmericans actually and truly hate Whites, regardless as to how much they may say it and rant and rave about slavery and racism. Deep down....they LOVE and ADMIRE White folks. Think they're the closest things to Angels on this planet. That's why the people you mention can so-called "hate" Whites but yet never wish any harm or raise their voice to them. Yet they don't even have to "hate" another Black man but are ready to shoot him on site over a lady or $50. These negroes don't have Whites....they LOVE them. The only REAL problem as far as most of these negroes are concerned....isn't racism or police brutality....it's why don't Whites love them as much as they love White folks? That bothers them. That depresses them. Their "true desire" is to be accepted by White folks, and not being accepted is the biggest disappointment of a lot of our people.
  6. ProfD that's a h8ll of long time for whites to be running sh8t all over the planet and for Chinese to be 2nd in command. Whites will still actually BE on the planet for atleast a thousand more years, they just won't be ruling. The Asians (yellow Asians) are on schedule to rule for so much time after the Caucasians....then THEY will be sat down.
  7. A lot of people don't understand that Right-wing doesn't always equate to Conservatism. Fox News is indeed Right-wing....but a traditional Conservative like William Buckley would be ashamed of that channel. Even Pat Buchanan had to leave it alone.
  8. Lol...not sure what to say about this one. I'm not surprised though. Neely Fuller Jr. said that a time is going to come when it'll be a regular thing for preachers to have sex with members on the church live upfront and on stage. Church prostitution isn't far away.
  9. The fact that some Egyptian lawyer wants to file a lawsuit because a MIXED RACED woman is playing Cleopatra just proves how racist and ignorant a lot of these Arabs are. They don't want to admit that the original Egyptians were Black and that the current Arab occupants are INVADERS who came there in mass mostly after the 14th century.
  10. Troy Not sure who keeps telling you that you're light skinned. You're not light skinned OR dark skinned but BROWN skinned....in the middle. I guess it really depends on who you're being compared to though. Compared to some South Sudanese, I guess you'd be considered light skinned because they are so very dark. But among AfroAmericans.....no. Unless you have one of those "two toned" bodies where your head and face are one color but when you take your clothes off your body is 10 shades lighter....lol. I ran into a woman like that a year ago.....LOL. She tried to fool people by putting a lot of make-up on her bosoms....lol....but when them clothes came off....damn. Other than that, you're medium complexioned. As far as Fox News goes....... I only WATCH Fox News....literally with the sound off....for the women. Since the channel is more for entertainment than serious journalism, they have more attractive women in sexy outfits than any other news channel on cable so yes I do watch them from time to time for the sexual aspect. However when I want a TRULY Conservative and traditionally Republican perspective.....which Fox News is not....I'll check out CNBC or get online and hit up NewMax, Drudge Report, or a number of other truly Conservative outlets. Fox News is far from true Conservatism.
  11. I agree that it's usually VERY important to understand how people who disagree with you think. However the problem with most Caucasians is they are so deceptive they usually won't tell you what they REALLY think or the TRUTH about why they disagree with you. Take politics for example......... You have millions of Caucasians in the Republican Party who swear up and down they are against abortion because they find "all" life sacred and believe abortion is murder. Yet you notice they never protest abortion clinics in Black and Brown communities, nor do they object to capital punishment and war which kills millions of lives. It doesn't make any sense from otherwise smart and logical people....... UNTIL you realize that they are lying and being deceptive! It's WHITE LIFE that they care about and see as sacred and are against abortion for WHITE WOMEN...not all women! But they almost never say that, so you wouldn't know they thought it unless you were privy to secluded conversations among them. The Whites who debate with and argue points with you WILL NOT tell you the truth about how they really feel and what motivates them. They'll bash the 'hood and cry about how terrible crime is all day then log off, drive TO the hood to get some dope to use, then come back home and bash the 'hood some more online. They'll talk about how ugly Blacks and Latinos are all day, but go to some of the poorest places on the planet and risk getting kidnapped or contracting HIV just to PAY for some Black or Brown coochie from women they call "ugly"....lol. We can watch them and study them but there's little to be gained by having debates with them unless there's some sort of monetary compensation involved.
  12. Some of the low self-esteem of Black girls.....SOME of it...comes from Black men and men in general not being honest about what they REALLY find attractive. The media and a lot of men in public will CLAIM they want a woman who is.... If it's a Black man: Light skinned, long hair, big titties, big butt, pretty face, etc.... If it's a White man: White, blonde/red hair, blue eyes, big titties, etc... Who these men actually end up sleeping with and chasing after and even killing them and themselves in jealous love triangles -are often women who are FAR FAR from looking like the above. They are inlove with women who look ALL KINDS of ways....including women we may call "ugly"....which shows you that these artificial descriptions mean very little in terms of actual raw attraction; but they'll get up on television or in the public claiming CERTAIN women are the one's they "really" want and portray THAT is the ideal beauty standard and when girls hear this and realize they come nothing close to that, they are often devastated. I had a friend in highschool who was dark skinned and on the heavy side. He used to swear up and down he loved his "red bones" and was always chasing after light skinned women and most of his girlfriends since middleschool were light skinned. But he met this very very dark skinned girl at work.....who he said he's never get with LOL....and somehow they ended up getting involved with eachother and he got so obsessed with her I had to go over to his house one day and calm him down! His mother said he had a gun and was talking crazy about going out and finding her and killing her! Thought she had wanted to break up with him and was trying to leave him.....and she was only 16 and he was only 17. You never know WHO you will find attractive. But even with that aside...... Just like we need to redefine "obesity"......we need to redefine "beauty" and "attraction" as AfroAmericans. We can no longer afford to use Caucasian definitions because it'll have our people confused.
  13. I was watching this recently and the last few minutes they went into a little more detail about the point I was trying to make about light skinned privilege. Specifically after the 48 minute mark:
  14. frankster Usually people choose a "less Healthy diet" because Affordability and lack Knowledge of Nutrition and skill of Food Preparation. Constant Exposure to Systemic Racism often leads to dysfunction Are you implying that all Bottled water is Good? Information and Influences also plays a part in an individuals choice "Usually"??? I'm talking about communities in the UNITED STATES, not the planet in general. In most places in the United States even poor communities have markets with fresh fruits and vegetables and water available to those who actually want them. They may be SLIGHTLY higher than the food you get at the dollar menu at McDonalds or Taco Bell, but they are there for people who really do want them and want to feed them to their children. Most of it boils down to education and choice. Most of the time a lot of poor people....because of lack of proper education and cultural habit...CHOOSE to eat foods that aren't very healthy for them simply because these foods are rich in fat and salt and spices and often taste good and can prepared quickly. And no, I'm not implying all bottled water is good.....but generally speaking it's better than soda pop and liquor. And although it's bottled, it's still usually cheaper than soda and liquor; but most people still choose the later because it's an EMOTIONAL decision and not an intellectual one. Then I have proved my point.... God and his People called Israel have a contractual Relationship. A Marriage is Considered a Contract Lol...you mean you proved your point WRONG. You said they had a MARRIAGE with God, I asked you to show me and you couldn't. You just showed me a covenant/contract made between God and Israel according to the Bible. Again, it says nothing about marriage. Yes, marriage is a contract....but not all contracts are marriages. I have a cousin who's a CONTRACTOR for construction. He writes contracts for his customers. But that doesn't mean he's MARRIED to everyone he does business with....lol. Further, what do you mean "God's people"????? Aren't all human beings God's people? It is Man's Understanding Of God. I'd consider it more of an INTERPRETATION by CERTAIN men, more so than an understanding by man in general. But at any rate, if we understand and agree that the Bible is NOT from God....then we can agree that it also contains mistakes and errors, no? No it's Not a contradiction Jealous....also means to Guard and Defend One's Rights vigorously....as in a contract If what you say about the meaning of jealousy is true, then: 1. It's STILL a contradiction because YHWH does NOT mean "guard" or "defender of one's rights". It's a personal Name of the God of the Israelites. 2. If to be jealous means to guard and defend one's rights, then keeping up with the origin and theme of this thread Black men SHOULD be more jealous, right? Moses Laws were written On tablets of Stone...fear Jesus Laws are written in you heart....love That's a metaphor as you know His laws weren't written on a physical heart, but even when taken figuratively....it's not true. The teachings attributed to Jesus are not found among most human beings and some of them (like turn the other cheek) goes against human nature. Clearly his "laws" are not written on the hearts of most humans. And what you're calling "fear" from Moses law...I would call DISCIPLINE and ORDER. Moses was brining a savage and wayward people into civilization and civility and they NEEDED strict law and disciple to keep them moral and righteous. You also need love to balance it out and provide mercy. So you need BOTH....not too much of one or the other. They are exercising their Free Will....where is the harm? Urinating in public poses a health hazzard, especially from people with communicable diseases squiring toxic urine all over the place infecting other people. Walking around naked in public poses a safety hazzard because it significantly increases the risk of people being sexually assaulted. Especially by those with mental problems who lack discipline and other perverted groups like rapists and pedophiles. Sex in public also poses a health risk because of the spread of STDS from bodily fluids. Many laws are in place for a reason, even if we didn't take time to stop and think about it. I based my assumption on the rate at which white women are marrying black men today. But White women aren't being killed and threatened with death for the very mention of sleeping with a Black men today, as they were during the days of chattel slavery...so how can you make that type of leap in logic? Men like women and women like men, so ofcourse there was attraction between the Black men and White women in those days, but the actual SEX itself wasn't happening nearly as much as you're implying because of the strong punishments measured out for it. It is the sick that needs a doctor. Yes the sick needs a doctor, but not the DEAD. A lot of the people you're talking about saving aren't merely sick but actually DEAD. Zombies....walking around. .We are only as strong as our weakest link. I don't believe that. So be it unto you. Not to me, because I'm not a murderer or rapist. We shouldn't put decent human beings into the same category of the most evil, vile, and wicked of humanity. That wouldn't be fair nor just. This is the problem with religion and religious people running a society....they tend to have their OWN interpretation of justice and fairness that doesn't always line up with common sense. Such an Organization would lack Mercy and Love of those who need it most. Absolutely not. To the contrary, it would provide JUSTICE to all. The mercy and love would be balanced out with punishment and discipline. Tell a mother who's daughter has been raped by a crack head under the influence that what the rapist REALLY needs is some "mercy and love". You better be in a fast moving car when you say it. A lot of this "feel good" talk doesn't pan out in the REAL world. It just sounds good on paper or on the screen, but in real life human nature takes over. Hell, you wouldn't even convince the average woman to show "mercy and love" to a husband who's been cheating on her...lol. She'll agree with you about loving and showing mercy to crack heads and murderers all day long, but just let her find out HER husband has been cheating on her and she'll ignore everything you wrote and be ready to kill the man....lol. We need PRACTICAL and VIABLE solutions to solve the problems of society, not Dr. Feel Good nuggets of wisdom.
  15. Troy You hit the nail on the head. Whether it was staged or not, it looks like propaganda used by White racists to promote and incite a race war. I don't know of any Black people who are demanding that Whites bow to them or kiss their feet, we want to be treated right and in many cases left alone. All of that extra shit......unnecessary and useless. Some of the dudes look like they could be of the Hebrew Israelite sect. They are good for those over the top street theatrics; cussing out White folks, calling them Edomites, and provoking them for views on their channels.
  16. Delano Oh...so you're NOT gay?????
  17. Troy It might be good for entertainment purposes. A nice read while sipping coffee or killing a little boredom, however don't think for one second anything he says is going to change a racist of any degree into a loving non-racist individual. If someone is a racist already, chances are nothing you, Frankster or Chevdove or the others who've been arguing with them back and forth with them for the past few weeks is going to say to sway them and change them into being a NON-racist. On the other hand, those who agree with his points are likely NOT racist anyway, and don't need the medicine he's offering. If I'm wrong, then I'd like a "former" racist to come on and give us their TESTIMONY of how the arguments we present changed their minds about Black people and now they see us as equal or even superior. So I'm not sure what the goal is, besides practice at debating or just sheer boredom. I like debating too....but I won't waste my skills or time on an enemy.
  18. I'm not surprised at all by this talk. White folks don't change by the decade or century. If they hated you 200 years ago or even 50 years ago.......they hate you now. Cats don't turn vegetarian over time. Cows eat grass today......the same as their ancestors did, their nature doesn't change. It's the same with Caucasians. The same energy that drove their hatred and violence towards people of color 400 and even 4000 years ago....drives it today. Their nature hasn't changed. The only difference is BLACK FOLKS don't expect it. Every generation of Black folks have to start over learning for themselves how hateful Caucasians are.
  19. You and Troy might find frankster's responses admirable, but I see them as an UN-wise waste of precious time and energy from an otherwise intelligent individual.
  20. frankster What "they" need is accessibility to necessities of Life Some would say they already have them and CHOOSE a less healthy diet. Most supermarkets sell fresh fruits and vegetables....not just pop, candy, and chips. All supermarkets sell bottled water....not just pop and liquor. At some point, a person's CHOICES come into play. Here is the Marriage Contract - Vows Genesis 17:10 - 14. 9God also said to Abraham, “You must keep My covenant—you and your descendants in the generations after you. 10This is My covenant with you and your descendants after you, which you are to keep: Every male among you must be circumcised. 11You are to circumcise the flesh of your foreskin, and this will be a sign of the covenant between Me and you.… I don't see the word "marriage" anywhere in this scripture. Covenant...yes. I'd even give you "contract" since a covenant can be compared to a contract. But "marriage".....that's a stretch. You should... ....and I did. But I no longer do. I now accept it as man-made...no question...lol. Where did I say " misplaced...really should have been"????...... I clearly said it "could and has" So I take it you don't believe the Bible is the word of God either? or you do not bow yourselves to another god—for YHWH, whose Name [is] Zealous, is a zealous God. This is a CLEAR contradiction. First of all.... to my knowledge YHWH does NOT mean "Jealous" or "zealous". Secondly, there is no way to confuse translating the word "jealous" with "zealous" except for deceptive purposes. I'm sure the Hebrew word for zealous and jealous are two different words....no way to confuse them. Moses appeals to the Emotion of Fear Jesus appeals to the Emotion of Love Same Goal different routes....focus on God Moses brought the LAW and according to the Bible Jesus came to fullfill it. ......not absolve people of it and tell them they no longer have to adhere to it. Jails and prison are being misused Military overused But do you support the EXISTENCE of these institutions, or do you think both should be done away with? Remove no .....Repurpose yes - Restorative Justice. Right now it's a money making scheme....Retributive Penal Colonies - PIC Ok, so you DON'T think prisons should be removed. They control people and hold them against their will....including women, yet you SUPPORT THAT type of control over women as long as it's "restorarative" You cannot legislate against Human Nature....Nature is the Neteru Laws against human nature are made and enforced all day long....lol. Laws against urinating in public. Laws against walking around naked. Laws against sex in public. And the list goes on...... That means it failed on both counts....both white men and women visited the enslaved quarters. Come on man, be real....how often were White women running down to the slave quarters to get served up by these bruthaz???? If massa himself didn't jack those White women up for running after the Black penis....surely the other White men working on the plantation would catch her and jack her up over her lusty desires...lol. You haven't seen it so it does not exist. I'm not saying that. I'm saying how did YOU get into a hawk's mind to figure out what he was thinking when he chose not to swoop down and devour a chicken or rabbit? You're saying "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" is a universal law found in nature. I'm saying it's absolutely NOT and I'm asking for proof if I'm wrong. Natures plays a role....but in most cases I suspect it is Nurture that corrupts.....In other words Rehabilitation is possible Sure it's possible. And I support it. I just don't want to waste too much time and resources on THAT as opposed to focusing on building up a brand new society with those who are clean, healthy, and ready to start building RIGHT NOW. Why reward and re-enforce NEGATIVE behavior in people???? Finding the Cause/s may lead to the Eradication of Murder....or at least drastically reduction - Restorative Justice True! But until then........keep them away. That is a Judgement Call for those in the know of the relevant deciding factors. One of whom I plan on being! Mainly my beloved Daughters All Black women are SOMEBODY'S daughters. Which ones are beyond being controlled and disciplined?
  21. ProfD Interesting..... I can't say I disagree with or dispute what you just posted! You certainly have a way of NEUTRALIZING an argument/conversation...lol
  22. No way. Not just for his body but even if you throw in his fame and money I wouldn't want to be him. HIs body looked too frail in my opinion. It may sound cliche but I've been in this body for so long, I like being ME in this world. I don't get called ugly as much as an adult as I did when I was a kid....lol. Perhaps because adults tend to be more "polite" but I'd like to think that maturing has given more definition to my looks.
  23. Lol..... I knew what was going to happen and STILL ended up laughing. What's up with the other grandson sitting on the other side of her rubbing her back but wasn't doing a damn thing but nodding his head in support.....lol.
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