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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. I couldn't log on this weekend. I kept getting some sort of error message saying this site wasn't secure. Probably one of those devils yall love to debate with on here hacking the site....lol.
  2. richardmurray Adams...like most Black mayors....needs to grow a backbone and stop being a flunky for White politicians. Get ready for a New Black Media moment @ProfD....lol. I know the Republicans are bunch of racist bastids, but most Black folks know and understand this already. But as far as the Democrats go....Black Democrats need to start shaping THEIR OWN policies instead of just falling in line like lap dogs in behind the White Democrats and supporting their wacky ass agendas. Eric Adams should stand firm against IMMIGRATION PERIOD until they get the housing and homeless crisis in New York under control. Make sure all New Yorkers have housing or atleast decent shelter and if they are mentally ill...hospitalization. Make sure the rent is affordable in New York and not so high that only billionaires can live a decent life. Solve the crime problem plaguing the city. And after THOSE three issues are solved and brought down to reasonable levels.....then we can maybe talk about helping out immigrants. But take care of first things first.
  3. Chev Yes, just like the Europeans.....the Arabs went down into Africa intermixing with the people and causing mass confusion by taking their mixed offspring and placing them in positions of power and authority over the other Africans. They did this CENTURIES ago and you're still seeing the effects of it. That's why it's best for them to just leave our people ALONE.
  4. frankster NTR/Netjer/Neter or Neteru is Nature and the Divinities are various Forces of or In Nature Are the Neteru the same as Nature, or was the English term "nature" TAKEN from the Kemetic term "Neteru"? The Anunnaki do seem to be Physical beings as the had children with human women called Nephilim. The mistake many Christians often make is in calling the offspring between the "sons of gods" and the "daughter of Adam" -Nephilim. The word "Nephilim" is a plural term (a term that used to be translated as "giants") is actually the Hebrew term for the sons of gods themselves; not their offspring. Their OFFSPRING with humans were called offspring were called the "Gibborim" . Nephilim = Sons of the Elohim Gibborim = Children of the (Nephilim + Adamic women) First off some of them have wings, they all have large strange eyes and final the One kneeling in what appears to be a Chuppah seems to be in mid air. When studying ancient art and heiroglyphics whether it be found in Kemet or Babylon or Canaan....it's understood by many scholars that wings being depicted on a person or object doesn't necessarily mean they actually HAVE wings.....it simply means they possess the ability to FLY and the artist wants to convey that message. For example: The ancient Perian Deity Ahura Mazda is often depicted traveling on a disc or globe with wings. This wasn't to convince you that this inanimate object in which He rode on had wings and feathers, but that it could fly. Yes I believe we are all descendants of Adam Really......interesting. In Genesis Chapter 4 we read: When I read these passages, three questions immediately come to mind: 1. If we all came from Adam.....and Adam, Eve, Cain, and Abel were the ONLY people on the planet....where did Cain find his WIFE? 2. If there were only 4 (now 3) people on the planet, who were the "everyone" Cain was worried about being killed by? 3. They said Cain got a wife and built a city. It takes many people to live in a city. Where did all of these people come from all of a sudden when there was only Adam, Eve, Cain, and his wife??????
  5. ProfD I don't believe NBM is being funded by either political party. But, I'm willing to bet they borh have operatives who are listening Perhaps, but I definitely hear an anti-Democrat slant in most NBM presentations. And they rarely criticize Trump, which also makes me a bit suspicious of their ultimate intentions. Although they're correct that the Democrat Party has been taking Black voters for granted for far too long, the truth is...all they need for the Republicans to win any state or national election is to just get the Black voters to not vote period. They don't have to vote Republican...just don't vote at all. the New Black Media is internet-based and consists of voices like Boyce Watkins, Tariq Nasheed, Jason Black and Professor Black Truth to name a few. These folks are heavily pro-AfroAmerican, FBA, ADOS, etc. They post videos on Y'Tube and do podcasts. @Pioneer1 might be willing to shed more light since he listens every day Sheeeeeyit, you pretty much covered it....lol. Troy Where do you go to get news that is not opinions based, but fact checked reporting? Unfortunately you don't have a lot of AfroAmerican news organizations like that on television OR online. Too many of our people are easily given over to emotionalism and sensationalism. They want strong opinion and a lot of emotion and hyperbole in the information they get. Hard core "true" journalism is often too bland, nuanced, and dull for a lot of our people. Especially those who aren't well educated and can't understand what's being said. Many if not most AfroAmericans don't want to think for themselves on some issues. They want to be TOLD what to think. They want YOU to tell them "this man is good" and "this woman is bad"...then back those accusations up with details. Put a raw natural person out there as they are with the good and the bad....not only is it too boring but it's also too hard to neatly tuck them into a category of like/dislike or support/don't support.
  6. I too believe that the Black races combined are the largest on the planet, though I'm not sure if I'd say we are the "majority". What I mean is......... I believe that the three Black races combined clearly have more people than any other single race, however if all of the other NON-Black races were combined, they would probably out number us. The three Black races being: 1.Asiatic (Dravidian) 2.African 3.Polynesian/Australian (Aborigine)
  7. It's about that time @Troy Gimme a good P.O. Box so I can send you some appreciation for this year!
  8. Speak of the devil, this story JUST popped up on my feed............. *A biracial woman who could easily pass for white is being dragged on social media for calling herself half Black. Monica, known as Summer Bazil on Instagram, has naturally blonde hair, green eyes and super fair skin – all traits she says were handed down from her white mother. However, she says many people don’t believe her when she reveals that her biological father is African American. In a recent Instagram post, she shared photos of both parents. Her father is a light-skinned Black man. According to her, they share specific facial expressions and a lean body type. ‘Yes I Am Half Black': Woman Faces Online Side-Eye for Calling Herself Biracial (msn.com) This girl is clearly a White girl no matter what she's CALLING herself or claims her ancestry is. But this is an example of how a lot of mixed and nearly White folks are now all of a sudden claiming to be Black or being labeled as Black in the media now. And this isn't new, take a look at Michael Jackson's alleged "children": Prince, Paris, and Blanket These are supposedly "half Black" children. Except for maybe the eyes of Blanket (on the right) do you see ANY Black ancestry in these kids????? Too many games are being played.
  9. Jordan Neely was homeless. The CLAIM was that he got on the train acting crazy; asking for food and something to drink and talking about he didn't want to live anymore. Again, this was what he ALLEGEDLY did before a White man snuck up from behind him and put him in a choke hold. ProfD I'm quite familiar with the New Black Media and listen to them on an almost daily basis. But I must admit, I often wonder if they're being funded by the Republican Party in part. Besides being pro-FBA, most of the participants seem to share the same theme of being anti-Black immigrant, anti-Democrat Party, anti-Biden/Harris, and not a big fan of voting and voter's rights. They also seem to be strongly against the "old guard" of Black leadership like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, although they tend to be very careful not to go anywhere near criticizing Minister Farrakhan....lol
  10. Troy See this is when so called "race" becomes a problem. There are, what you described as "near-White people running around wearing the Black identity," because they ARE Black. How can they be Black and "near White" at the same time? This is what makes the system the U.S. uses to categorize the biological fact of race so confusing. Because they TRY to throw everyone who isn't White in the same pot. This weakens our community by causing division....but strengthens theres. My kids have my complexion "brown" but they have folks in their ancestry (on their mother's side) -- that I've met, who can pass for white -- but make no mistake they are 100% Black. But again, how can they be 100% Black if they are so light they can pass for White??? What standard are we using to determine who is Black, if any? Did WE come up with the standard, or did we have the standard FORCED on us? You can't start throwing our family out of the Black community, because how they look. Racist white folks are not going to accept them. Does that mean WE should by default? Power is EXCLUSIVE....not INCLUSIVE. Any group WORTH belonging to is very strict and discriminatory on who they allow in their ranks and who they allow to be members. Whether we're talking about a fraternity, economic club, military alliance, etc.....if it's a group worth being a part of, they don't just let ANYBODY claim membership but you have to QUALIFY. They have to VET you first and ALLOW you in. Except when it comes to being a Negro. We let ANYBODY in our group. Anybody who comes dancing in the door in Black-face and braided up hair can claim Black. "Peace....... On the rizzle my nizzle....fa' shizzle" If he can put on an Adidas suit and a gold chain and any White boy can slide on in and be part of the group and even start filling out his Reparations Application. Speaking of which...... If we DID start embracing anyone who practices Black culture or has SOME Black ancestry but is physically LILY WHITE -as Black, then that means THEY TOO would be entitled to Reparations! Right? Why not? I mean....either they're Black or they're not. If they aren't entitled to what we're entitled too, then you'd be discriminating against your own! I think culture trumps phonotype when it comes to being Black But then that begs the controversial question: What IS "Black" culture? Kind of like, what IS "acting Black"???? Is getting your hair braided and having a big butt being "Black"? I'm telling you, it won't be long before White dudes with fades and Tupac tattoos will be running around in the streets leading Reparations marches and demanding millions of dollars. That's what this entire GENDER identity thing is about. If you can be another Sex/Gender simply by "identifying" as one....then hell you can change your race TOO by "identifying" as another.
  11. Chev I have a feeling that in Sudan, the Arabs may also be a part of Sudan and also the Turkish government from the north. I especially am tuned in when it comes to the Turkish White people I also believe this. Infact, it's the racism and the legacy of racism ingrained in the very history Sudan that shapes much of it's culture and policies. Much of those who are ruling and famous are lighter skinned and more "Arab" in phenotype than most of the other Sudanese. It considers itself an "Arab" nation more so than an African one. Infact, Sudan is part of the ARAB LEAGUE. Take a look at the two military leaders: Imagine how people who are PHYSICALLY Black but MENTALLY Arab see and interact with each other on a daily basis. The entire culture would revolve around one group of Negroes trying to "out Arab" and oppress the other group and be the leaders. This is one of the reasons the pure Black people of South Sudan had to break free and independent from the rest of that nation. This is also one of the major reasons I have a problem with mixed and almost White people being THROWN into the "Black" category here in the United States. Because it would lead to the SAME type of conflict. A bunch of near White "Black" folks who claim to be part of us but don't REEEEEEEEALY see themselves as part of us and would seek to dominate and run the show.
  12. Chev I wonder why this would be going on today. I think what's happening is that White people are coming to accept the fact that they are going to be the minority in this nation in just a short while. In order to rule as a minority, you must sow discord and confusion and division in the other groups you're trying to rule to keep them divided and weakened. Taking mixed and almost White people and forcing them to dwell with Black people will cause resentment, confusion, and chaos as a lot of them will see themselves as superior to the fully Black population and will help White folks keep them oppressed. Also taking mixed and almost White people and calling them "Black" is a deceptive way to keep THEIR OWN people in power. Atleast a fully Black person LOOKS Black; but many mixed people look damn near White. When we start accepting "almost White" people as being Black, that's just a small step from White folks who choose to IDENTIFY as being Black also being accepted as Black as well. So when you have a bunch of White and near-White people running around wearing the Black identity....what do you think will happen to the REAL Black folks who've been ignored?
  13. When I was growing up in one of America's Blackest cities I almost NEVER saw homeless Black people. Hundreds of thousands of Black folks, some of them were drug addicts and winos but it seemed if most of them had SOMEWHERE to lay their heads. Somewhere to crash while they were running the streets. There were a lot of mentally ill people back then as there are today, but back when I was a kid atleast you still had a lot of mental hospitals that institutionalized them. I remember as a kid some people could even "check themselves into" some of these hospitals voluntarily. Most of the homeless I DID see were near downtown and were mostly White men and a FEW Black men with dreadlocks. The explosion of homeless Black folks really began after 2007 during that "Housing/Economic Crisis". A lot of AfroAmericans lost their homes and were kicked out or forced to foreclose.
  14. I provided some information for you but it may seem disconnected so let me see if I can summarize it. I've attempted to prove that: 1. Adam actually represents a GROUP of people who "show blood" in the face or "blush" = White people/Caucasians 2. When the Bible says "the daughters of man" the translation literally means "daughters of Adam" FEMALE DESCENDANTS OF THOSE CAUCASIANS 3. When the Bible says "sons of God" the translation literally means "sons of the Elohim" SONS OF MULTIPLE DEITIES So the Sons of these Deities saw the daughters of the Caucasians, found them attractive and had sex with them. This is where the Book of Enoch and other texts base their claims of "Watchers" and "Fallen Angels" having sex with humans from. A MIS-TRANSLATION and MIS-UNDERSTANDING of the original. It's not about a bunch of spirits with wings floating around snatching up human women and flying off with them, it's about flesh and blood Beings of color in a position of power who see these Caucasian women and decide to have sex with them. You have something similar but on a much more minor scale today when Corrections Officers have sex with the inmates and get in trouble for it.
  15. Have you noticed in the media lately, there's a huge push to NOW all of a sudden call bi-racial people "Black"? If you haven't, pay attention. Ofcourse during slavery for the most part anybody with known Black ancestry was considered "Black" in the U.S. according to the one drop rule; but in the RECENT past...like most AfroAmericans accepted mixed people as Black....most Whites would make it a point to call bi-racial people BI-RACIAL or refer to their ethnicity as African Americans more so than their race which would be more controversial. But now all of a sudden that's changing. Now in the news as well as the entertainment media, more and more bi-racial people are being labeled "Black".
  16. Well....... The facts are brutha, maybe Black folks SHOULD be running around being vigil in their communities and protecting them from White racists. Many AfroAmericans don't have a problem with killing EACHOTHER.....so it's not like our community is some peace loving non-violent pacifists who don't believe in stepping on ants and cockroaches....lol. No...niggas PICK AND CHOOSE who they want to kill and who they don't. They simply don't see the White racist as their enemy, too often they see ANOTHER BLACK PERSON as their enemy. Like you said, the racism White "supremacy" playbook remains the same. They are justifying the killing of Black people today as they did yesterday and centuries before.....so they are consistent. Why so many of our people haven't and aren't learning this speaks of a much bigger problem than racism, if you ask me. And no---AfroAmericans AREN'T safe from White vigilantes, which is not a new thing. When WAS our community safe from White people who decided to take the law in their own hands? Our community won't BE safe from them until either a Divine action takes place that protects us and/or Black folks start protecting OURSELVES from them AND the degenerates in our own community (who currently pose a bigger threat in my opinion); which is what we should have been doing for the past 50 years or so anyway.
  17. frankster That was my attempt at using some new technology I found on the web where I THOUGHT I could cut and crop a piece of a youtube video and post it. That way I didn't have to include the entire remainder of the video that is usually irrelevant to what I'm referencing, but I guess something went wrong.
  18. Yeah.....those hoodlums apparently were.
  19. ProfD The sad truth is, even if they were on that train a lot of AfroAmerican men simply wouldn't have intervened for many reasons. Some could have cared less what happened to another person, let alone another Black man. Some would have cared but would have been too scared. Others would have actually thought that's what brutha Jordan "deserved" for getting on the train and "acting a fool" But then there are others who probably WOULD have intervened. From what I saw in the video, there was some sort of dude of color.....look like he had some Black in him....helping the White dude to hold Jordan down and some have speculated that he may have been Latino or Caribbean. In New York.....the percentage of FBA is relatively low compared to other Afro-lineaged groups. Another sad truth is.....you see SO MANY of our bruthas acting a fool in public, you get tired of it. Coast to coast you'll see homeless Black men and bruthas from the streets getting on trains and hanging out in malls and other public areas clowning and acting crazy. Begging for money, messing with women, threatening folks, etc....not that other demographics DON'T do this....but you don't see them doing it at the same rate. It gets to the point that the public starts loosing sympathy for a lot of these bruthas, so it feeds the demand for "White vigilantism". When a White man comes along acting like a superhero or Charles Bronson "Death Wish" type.....the public often takes HIS side because they're fed up with savage behavior. I personally blame the City of New York and the United States Government for this because they are responsible for the well being of their citizens and providing decent housing for those who can't provide it for themselves.....and instead they're giving billions away to Ukraine abroad and giving apartments and hotel rooms away to illegal immigrants here!
  20. Meanwhile, while bruthaz like Jordan Neely are being strangled on subway trains.....you got this shit: New York City plans to temporarily house migrants in hotels in other counties. One county is suing to stop it | CNN
  21. richardmurray Excellent point! Don't make an unnecessary target out of yourself. You know they have locker rooms where she could have changed into civilian clothes. Not sure why some officers choose to wear their clothes outside of duty unless they are trying to show the world that they're a cop or maybe just plain laziness and being too tired to take it off. Whatever the reason, perhaps this tragedy can be used as a cautionary tale.
  22. Like you, I don't know if this is the truth or not and I'm skeptical about the "official" story of authorities who weren't at the scene, but IF this is close to the truth.....then it seems to me that our sista didn't really HAVE TIME to call for back-up. If a person has somebody.....especially a group of people....running towards them shooting, besides ducking and looking for something to hide behind the ONLY thing they'll have time to do is shoot back if they have a gat on them. No time to get on the radio----if she even HAD one in her private vehicle---and call for back-up. She'd have to do that by cell phone. It could be that our poor sista did the only thing she could do.
  23. Brutha GoBlack2Africa breaks it down to the simple truth about what's really happening in Sudan: The only difference is I take it a step further and say Black stupidity is the REAL culprit because if so many of our African leaders weren't so stupid and easily manipulated (which can be considered redundant as "easy manipulation" is a symptom of stupidity) then only a fraction of the current conflicts would actually be taking place there. Brutha GoBlack is too nice to say it.....but I'm not.
  24. Troy I don't believe the young man is claiming to have NEAR DEATH experiences at will, but he can often involve MYSTIC experiences without the traumatic prerequisites so many often have prior to theirs. As far as him "proving" what he experienced. Not sure how he can prove what he was and did in an entirely different realm UNLESS he had a way of taking the person who demands the proof into that other realm with him. But indeed, Oprah HAS had many guests on discussing their NDE's, some of them famous: Mystic spiritual experiences happen to all people in all walks of life.
  25. richardmurray My comment wasn't meant to be an OPPOSITION to yours. I agree that is she had the opportunity, she should have called for back up and probably not even engage with that many if it weren't absolutely necessary.....again....I didn't follow the story. Simply establishing my default position when it comes to matters involving conflicts between Black professionals vs Black criminals.
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