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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. Chev I'm sorry, lol. I didn't mean to dismiss the theme of your post....but it's hard to focus on her other achievements when my manhood COMPELS me to take notice of such an attractive and well made sista. To be honest, I didn't read the article you provided too carefully....lol. I pretty much skimmed through it looking at pictures of her and didn't notice until YOU mentioned it that she was married with 5 children. Married since 1980! That was 43 years ago so she must be in her 60s atleast.
  2. Troy Why do you think these white folks are curious enough to impose and ask you what you about what you reading? Because they have an insatiable desire to find out what Black people....especially AfroAmericans....are thinking. They want to know if we pose a threat to their power or not. If you're reading something about sports or some sort of religious book....you're OK. But if you're reading something written by Mao TsaDong... .....NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
  3. ProfD Come on brutha you KNOW I know better than that....lol. I hope my post didn't give the impression that I was suggesting we somehow "link up" with Jews or Italians or with White celebrities to form some sort of Matzah Ball or Meatball coalition....lol. Based in my observations as both a visitor and brief time LIVING on the Eastcoast, I'd say that not only do the Whites on the Eastcoast tend to be just as racist as the Whites elsewhere in the nation....they tend to OPENLY DISPLAY and BRAG about how racist they are....especially the Italians. When I lived in Pennsylvania some White Italian men told me openly how much they loved Black women and in the very same conversation questioned why so many White girls "digged" Black dudes when so many go to jail and don't take care of their kids. The Irish and other ethnic groups of Whites pretty much stayed away from AfroAmericans outside of business/school situations where they had little choice but to interact with us, but the Italians and to a lesser extent the Jews would go OUT OF THEIR WAY to get among Black folks and act a straight FOOL....lol. Either trying to be "down" with dancing and Hiphop, or ridicule it, or just be plain racist and confrontational for their own entertainment. Either way, unlike most White folks in other parts of America....they didn't show a lot of fear or anxiety in expressing themselves and how they felt. Having said that.... Although I said my thread wasn't meant to even suggest that....and actually was meant to go into the ancient history of Jews and their ancestry ....since you mentioned it- Based on my PERSONAL experiences I do know that certain connections CAN be made with certain Jews and certain Italians with AfroAmericans who have GOOD SENSE and know both who WE are and know who THEY are. For example..... My knowledge of Judaism and Jewish history and the conversations I've had has indeed helped me on my current job and other jobs where Jews were in positions to help me. They were impressed to find an AfroAmerican who knew so much of the truth. Same with Italians. I've been told on more than one occasion by some Italians that I knew more about THEM than they knew about themselves....and they weren't being sarcastic either. They said it helped them and explained a lot of the turmoil in their families. So my point is.....no matter how racist White folks as individual can get, INTELLIGENT Black folks CAN find a way to get along with them long enough to get some benefit for ourselves.
  4. LOL....it means you're a RICH woman with a lot of financial connections. You ain't fooling anybody on here. We know you be runnin' with Oprah and 'em! Git it guuuuul....lol. richardmurray If I gain fifty billion dollars tomorrow morning all mine, no tax needed. What will I say. Richard Murray has the most intramultiracial community of black people in the usa. NYC circa 2.5 million black people I am a leader of. and yes, I am also a leader of the black community in the larger usa, over night. Does anyone know me? no. But that doesn't matter. One isn't a leader because people know them or anyone says it publicly. you are a leader in any community when your resources, whether that is fiscal wealth or government position or communal following or other gives you the ability to influence the community you are native to. If I am in NYC and I have fifty billion dollars, I am a leader. Is how I will lead be known? no. People will have the right to do to me what I do to Douglass or others and judge me on my results. If I do nothing then anyone can say I was a poor black leader. if I leave NYC immediately and do things elsewhere a black person in NYC can say, Richard was terrible as a black leader in NYC. There are a lot of Black billionaires from Robert Johnson to Byron Allen....but they are hardly called "leaders" in the Black community. Maybe they'd be considered "financial leaders" in certain circles, but in order to be considered a "leader" you must not only be KNOWN but you must also have INFLUENCE over people. Influence effective enough to motivate them toward some action. Although wealth and leadership are often intertwined (as is the case with @Mel Hopkins...lol), one doesn't necessarily have to do with the other. Both Martin and Malik (Malcolm X) were considered premier Black leaders at the time but neither were very wealthy financially.
  5. frankster Psalm 68:4 Now....I'm gonna show you something. And you're gonna see why the Bible is so deceptive. In the KJV, Pslam 68: 4 reads: But in the original Hebrew Torah and literal transliteration that very SAME scripture reads: In the original Hebrew the word is clearly pronounced as "Yah" but in the King James Version they pronounce it "Jah" with a "J". In the original Hebrew they say He rides on the clouds, but in the King James Version they translate it as "heavens". Jah is NOT pronounced the same as Yah so they CAN'T be the same name. Clouds are NOT the same as Heavens. Now either ONE of those translations is correct or the OTHER is correct, right? I'm not a Biblical Theologian and even I can easily see that one of those translations is deceptively incorrect. There is a hidden and unpronounceable Name of God....It is "Jah" they say not "Jeh" as in Jehovah. Well if it's hidden and unpronounceable, how did YOU and others find out about it and why was it written down and allowed to be discussed among Biblical theologians and scholars? Also, if "Jah" is the name then were those pronouncing it as "Yah" all of these years in error? Is Yahweh/Jehovah a Neteru Nature(Force of Nature) or Anunnaki (Physical Beings) ? Well as far as what "Group of Beings" He belonged to, according the the scripture He is an Eloh....One of the Elohim (plural). Again, let's look at the original Hebrew Torah.... So according to the LITERAL translation of the Torah, Yahweh tells the Israelites that He is THEIR Eloh, and is named Yahweh. Eloh (singular) Elohim (plural). Are the Elohim the same as the Anunnaki? I'm not sure. But they were/are clearly Powerful Beings and according to scripture Yahweh is One. Now, to the question is Yahweh physical? Well, according to the scripture I provided above, the original Hebrew Torah says that Yah rides in the clouds. Spirits don't ride in clouds, they go where they want without physical assistance. Also, in Exodus Chapter 13:21 of the original Hebrew Torah we find: it says Yahweh traveled IN a pillar of cloud by day to lead the Children of Israel Again, I'm not sure why a NON-physical Being would travel inside that which IS physical. According to Genesis when Lord Yahweh visited Abraham....Abraham saw a MAN with other men. Physical Being....not a spirit. The Anunnaki created human hybrid of themselves.....Adam - homosapiens sapiens Or could this be a Western MIS-INTERPRETATION of ancient Sumerian writings? Instead of being all spooky with spirits and space aliens as many Western scholars may suggest....could it be that the Anunnaki were just advanced PEOPLE (Black people?) who made White folks (Adamites) from themselves through a certain selective breeding process? Gilgamesh was part God...so he was not just any other human being....He lacked Immortality Again, more assumptions based on Western translations of ancient Sumerian text. "God" is an English word...not a Sumerian one. So I'm curious as to what word they ACTUALLY used to describe Gilgamesh being "half" of. As we said, all humans are a mix of Spirit and flesh so they couldn't be talking about that. In order to be "half human" you would likely be half some other PHYSICAL being. Spirits don't go "half" on a body. How does this align with the story of Yakub on the Isle of Patmos? It doesn't. The Yakub Theory takes place hundreds of years earlier and involves the very process of MAKING the White race. This story of Enkidu symbolizes one man's encounter with them after they were driven into the wilderness and went wild themselves. It should be noted also that the Caucasian didn't start off wild and savage. He started off civilized through culture and knowledge passed directly down from his Black ancestors during the breeding process in Atlantis/Patmos. Research the Minoan Civilization and how advanced it was. He didn't go savage until much later on after being driven out of Eden (Africa) into the mountains of Eurasia.
  6. frank If you think those are Risk....then you do not understand the stock market - there is always a "hedge" that the rich can exploit to mitigate losses So are you saying rich people don't lose money in the stock market? Nor do they lose money in real estate or their other investments? The Rich will "straddle" meaning they make money which ever way it goes or do not go.....win or lose they make a profit True. They also take risks in stocks, realestate and other investments where they DON'T "hedge" their bets. You seem to be focused on ONE strategy of the rich and not the OVER ALL stratagem. Again Rich people do not take risk....they rely on Knowledge and Experience When the Rich take risk it is due to desperation or fear.. Seems to me you're contradicting yourself in the very same response. First you said they DON'T take risks, then you say they DO out of fear and desperation. Exactly... So only give Valuables to those who can appreciate them. I agree with this statement. However I must say it doesn't seem to line up with YOUR usual "help everybody, educated everybody" position. Through out this discussion you've been a staunchly against discriminating against persons based on ability or appreciation and in favor of INdiscriminately spreading the love, the money, and the energy evenly around the community like peanut butter on bread. Even the severely retarded are capable of learning....And I have shown that 1. You have NOT "shown" that. 2. SOME severely retarded people can learn and some can't. You hold the extreme position that "everyone" can learn and that's simply not true. I have no problem saying selling drugs is evil.....that does not take away from the fact that it is hard dangerous work. To say it's "hard" work...tells me you haven't met too many drug dealers or pushers in your life....lol. Yes all living beings can be educated ....and that's simply not true. I think you KNOW better than this. Yes....but we are speaking of the revolutionary wars.....Able bodied was the requirement. An able body was A requirement....not THE requirement. There were others. Yes....it was to conceal not necessarily to deceive - slight difference Let me back up a bit and say that after reading the full context of the scripture, Abraham did not actually LIE and say she WASN'T his wife in this case but as you said "concealed" and withheld an important part of the truth for the sake of deception. Which is a typical strategy of White racists. Not necessarily lying outright but withholding key information that would give a better understanding or perspective.
  7. Delano -and ofcourse you'd say that without detailing HOW.
  8. richardmurray You said Frederick Douglass had an overwhelming majority of Black folks with him....over 90%. I had to question that because I don't think 90% of Black folks DURING THE TIME of Frederick Douglass even knew who he WAS. Sure many of the educated did as well as his family members, but the MAJORITY of the Black population....those down South working in the fields?
  9. Another issue with Italy was that it was too "Black"....compared to the rest of Europe...to effectively colonize and occupy African nations for very long. Italy, Spain, and Portugal were ruled by the Black Moors for centuries but while Spain and Portugal were quite effective in kicking out the Moors...Italy had a hard time doing so and a lot lingered behind in Sicily. So Black people had more time to mix our blood up in the Italian population which developed scisms and tribal/family conflicts between different Italian states and locality. They were too divided among THEMSELVES to effectively rule other nations. On top of that...the high percentage of African ancestry among Italian men makes them VERY hot and horny for Black women. That wasn't meant to be funny....that's the TRUTH. Any Black woman who's worked or lived around Italian men KNOW I'm telling the truth. They can't keep their eyes or hands off Black women. And it was the same in Ethiopia. The men were too busy trying to rape and link up with the African women to focus on fighting and when met with superior military force from the Ethiopian men....got defeated and driven off.
  10. One of the reasons I like New York is because while Whites in the rest of the U.S. were so pre-occupied with oppressing the Black and Native American that they generally put their religious and ethnic differences aside, married among eachother, and blended their blood to form a United Front of racism....the White ethnic groups of New York decided to remain fiercely tribal and for the large part separate. There's been a lot of intermarriage between the groups obviously but New York is so large that it still allows Italians to marry only Italians if they so wish, Irish to marry only Irish, Jews to marry only Jews. As a result.....many of the Jews and Italians in New York look EXACTLY the same as their ancestors did when they first immigrated to that city centuries ago. Which brings me to the actor Pete Davidson He's ethnically Jewish and like many if not most Jews from the Eastcoast although he's White...his distant African ancestry is obvious in his lips and mouth formation and probably other phenotypical characteristics. This was one of the reasons the Jews were mistrusted and mistreated through out much of Europe's history. Because of their distant but obvious African ancestry. So the question you should ask yourself WHERE did they get their African genetics in the first place?
  11. I'm constantly reading books. I believe that's one of the reasons my eyes are so healthy at my age. The interesting things I've noticed through out much of my life is that when I'm reading in public White folks often come up to me and ask me what I'm reading while the Black and Latino people generally don't care. It's little stuff like that that I've noticed that causes me to be so harsh in my critique of AfroAmericans and the intellectual decline of our community. Evidence of it's decline happens to much and over too long a period of time to ignore or be coincidental. I've lived around the U.S. from coast to coast from North to South and the pattern seems to be the same. White folks interested in what I'm reading and ready to strike up a conversation to find out how much I know....most Black and Latino folks not caring.
  12. frankster The Rich do not take Risk.....least the end up in the poor house. Ever heard of the stock market? Ever heard of venture capitalism? Calculated Risk means the Risks have been Calculated out and Accounted for ......it's now a sure thing. NOTHING in the business world is a "sure thing". Some things are more credible and probably than others, but nothing is absolutely guaranteed. The Poor and hungry take Risk........ not when Rich It all depends on the person bro. Some people take risks, others like to play it safe....rich or poor or inbetween. But most SELF MADE rich people are HUGE risk takers. If you don't believe me, study them and ask the ones you know if you know any. As with anything One must learn it's Value in order to Truly Appreciate and Realize its Greatest Potential. I can't say that I disagree. I would add that developing one's own CREATIVITY is probably the biggest factor in realizing the potential of anything. Being able to look at something and see the value and use of it that most others can't. Look at what George Washington Carver's creativity did for him when the peanut was placed in his hand. You have yet to show a Being that cannot learn. You never saw a person who was comatose? You never saw a person who was severely retarded? You need someone to "show" them to you? Yes he or she is definitely not "lazy"..... Their efforts are just misdirected due to lack of knowledge. Some are lazy....some are not. My point is, selling dope during odd hours isn't a sign of good work ethic. Infact, it MAY be a sign of a poor one displaying lack of discipline and organization skills. Furthermore, perhaps the drug dealer is suffering from lack of knowledge....and perhaps they HAVE the knowledge but CHOOSE to continue to engage in their line of business anyway out of desire. It varies from person to person. We don't want to paint all dope dealers as devils but we don't want to paint then all as victims or saints either. Racism is a Social Construct.... of the Ruling Elite. Who gets to play where is arbitrary capricious mercurial and vacilatating...some time and places Ashkenazi jews are white sometimes and places they are Not I agree. That explains the Jews....who are still pretty much White for the most part. But again...I point to the non-White Latinos, Asians, and even Africans who also own businesses and thrive despite the racism they face. It's not racism or the lack of it, it's their WORK ETHIC and ETHICAL VALUES that produces success for them. Values and ethics that a lot of our people no longer have. I have given you my evidence why I do not accept that idea....present me yours why what you say is correct What do you mean, you don't "accept" the idea? Do you mean to tell me you believe ALL people can educated? True......So educate the Man In THAT instance...He doesn't need further education...he needs and understandably wants JUSTICE. During These War..... all able bodied men were used. An "able body" doesn't necessarily guarantee an "able and stable mind". Even the U.S. military began to realize that after WWI and started giving soldiers psychological tests to make sure they didn't put guns in the wrong hands. Don't expect gang bangers and crack heads to be your best soldiers for any revolution. If they are successful in any endeavor...it will only be for their own personal benefit. Yes....Abraham lied in our understanding....in some understanding a female member of your household is also considered a sister or a daughter. Thanks for that direct answer. Sarah is said to be Haran's child.....Not Terah Genesis chapt. 20:12 Abraham says: And yet indeed she is my sister; she is the daughter of my father, but not the daughter of my mother; and she became my wife. Abraham makes it CLEAR that Sarah is his sister by sharing the same father. There is no wiggling out of and trying to 'splain this one, lol. Proverbs 12:23 A prudent man conceals knowledge -Yeah? Well Proverbs 6:16-17 says: These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
  13. I used to be a pretty decent chess player years ago. But I haven't played in about 10 years. I haven't played video games since I was about 11 or 12.
  14. What a beautiful sista! Look at that face. Look at that figure. Look at that smile. .....and intelligent and well educated too! She's WIFE material....lol. I wouldn't mind waking up and looking at HER in the mornings....lol. I wonder how old she is? Yes, she'd make a good POWER COUPLE (or power TRIPLE -if yall know what I mean) with another well educated professional Black man with his head on straight.
  15. Troy Would you pass the brown bag test? It depends on what was in the bag before they used it. You know how those greasy chicken wings from the 'hood will change a paper bag from light brown to dark....lol. Mel Yes he would! In my mind’s eye he has those freckles too Girl you crazy....lol. No "freckles" this way. Biological evidence indicates all modern humans originated out of Ancient Africa Western scientists claim humanity came OUT of Africa. My research points to human beings originating in Middle and South Asia and branching into different directions including down INTO Africa. richardmurray Frederick Douglass had an overwhelming majority in the black community, over ninety percent, that was truly monoracial in many racial ways Are you sure this was the case? I'd be willing to wager that back in the 1800s most AfroAmericans were so rural and illiterate that the majority probably didn't even KNOW who Frederick Douglass even WAS at the time. Some educated ones did....but most of the ones working in the fields didn't. And probably didn't know who Lincoln was either. Outside of the liberal White class, I'm guessing most of Douglass' human support came from EDUCATED Black society. But not the Black masses in general who were largely local and uneducated.
  16. In some cases, REASON and LOGICAL CONCLUSION can show people where they are in error without being shown through experience.
  17. Do some of you SERIOUSLY not see the GAME these wicked devils are playing and have BEEN playing in Washington D.C. for years???? Do you SERIOUSLY believe they were going to let their own economy "crash and burn" out of some petty disagreement? No....I told you guys the other day that this so-called "debt ceiling/ default crisis" was just some STUNT that the leaders of BOTH parties were pulling in order to trick the American people into accepting more austerity. They've BEEN planning to take away from Social Security, Health Care, Education, and other benefits but had to come up with a crafty and sneaky way to do it and more importantly JUSTIFY it. They can't just come right out and say, "Hey guys. Sorry but we're cutting the social safety net programs in order to force you to work harder and for more years. This is needed to bolster the private sector with more desperate workers" No. People would have a fit. Not all, but most. They have to come up with a SNEAKY way to do it to where you believe they "didn't have a choice" but to cut your benefits but had to to "save" the economy. They have BILLIONS of dollars to give away to the Ukraine...just like they had BILLIONS to give away in Iraq and Afghanistan....yet mysteriously the word "Ukraine" doesn't even APPEAR in the so-called "deal" they came up with to target for cuts in spending. Plenty of money for them....no interruption in sending money for them....but can't afford YOUR social security, medicaid, or erase your student loan debt and don't even TALK about money for our Reparations...lol. Infact, they aren't even TALKING about erasing student loan debt anymore.....notice that? Come on yall.....lol. No more falling for the old "banana in the tail pipe". Wake the hell up and recognize that BOTH the Republicans AND Democrats...at the top...are working together to fuck the American people. Especially AfroAmericans. Which is why WE as AfroAmericans need to focus on attaining as much power as we can in this land and change things for ourselves instead of waiting on White folks to do it. They won't. -I'll give you guys another bit of political wisdom...... Ron DeSantis KNOWS he's not going to be President and doesn't plan on it. He's actually working WITH Trump and the Republican Party to be so ridiculously extreme and to the right of Trump that the only "reasonable choice" would be for all Republicans to just go ahead and support Trump. It's a GAME they're playing.
  18. frankster When you get a chance, check out this video of Paul Wallis discussing much of the information I found out about the Bible and the beliefs of the ancient Hebrews: I don't agree with everything he says but he does hit on a lot of good points that I've discovered when I did my research on the Bible and ancient Sumerian/Canaanite studies.
  19. frankster True...that's also risky, many people with money are risk averse - in other words they are looking for as sure a thing as is possible " show me the money" It depends on how they GOT their money. Most self-made wealthy people are HUGE risk takers. They realized that if they wanted wealth, they had to take huge calculated risks in order to achieve and secure it. Risks that the average person would be too afraid to take. And that too have been done Ofcourse. But the question is, is it being doing on a scale LARGE ENOUGH to have a meaningful impact on our community? Here's a recent list that Forbes has compiled of Black owned banks in the U.S. Note than a great deal of them are actually credit unions: https://www.forbes.com/advisor/banking/black-owned-banks/ This list should be MUCH longer than it is. And why does Illinois....with about 2 million Black folks in that state..have only ONE Black owned bank? What does that tell you about the state of the people? The Above quotes simply means if you give swines or dogs pearls and they have no way of knowing how to unlocking there Value hence it will be a waste. Now it is different if they are trained and know to take the pearls to the store in exchange for goods and or services...then you can give it to them. Lol....so can you "train" dogs and swine to appreciate pearls? I believe the person who came up with this parable was wise enough to know that not only shouldn't use waste time giving your pearls to them.....but you shouldn't even waste time trying to TRAIN them to appreciate that which they don't have the capacity to do anyway. Before he had evidence that the earth revolve around the sun.....Galileo believed - Hypothesis/theory. Galileo's beliefs were later confirmed with truth. Your belief that you can help "everybody" will not be, because TRUTH has already proven you wrong. We all must start somewhere....all have their role to play - some as leaders and others as followers. And some should be denied ANY role and kept out of the play all together. Because they are drunk, smell like weed, and do nothing but cause trouble on the set....lol. -SECURITY!!!! ...lol. The 6.4% are dealers not users and most have some type of organizational affiliation. Whether they are "dealing it" or "using it" they are still DEALING WITH IT or INVOLVED with it. I am not talking about users or abusers...just individual who primarily sell as a means of earnings income or lifestyle. Usually on a corner day in night out for hours at a time with life limb and liberty on the line... I know and understand what you're talking about. But still that doesn't translate into NOT being lazy. Being willing to sell dope all day and all night doesn't mean you have a good work ethic. It's a sign you want money. It's a sign you probably have nothing else better you want to do. But it doesn't necessarily mean you are a "good worker". There is one Major Reason - Racism All other reasons are minor in comparison. If racism is the ONE MAJOR reason....how do you explain other Non-Whites like most Latinos and Asians being able to build grocery stores and restaurants and other businesses in dense population in their respective communities? They aren't White. And they are often victims of racism also from Whites. Yet it doesn't seem to stop THEM from doing it...just like it didn't stop US in the past. Education. Education doesn't prevent stupid any more than opening a bank account will prevent poverty. Just like a bank account is FOR people who already have money, education is FOR people who already are intelligent and have the capacity to learn. It won't help someone who is truly stupid. A stupid person doesn't have the CAPACITY to be educated. To Know and to Understand is two different thing. Everybody knows that cigarette smoking is unhealthy.....few understand/realize its implications and even less has the wherewithal or know how to resist. True Yes....And they will not stop the struggle from continuing. If you don't get enough youth onboard with this movement....it's be JUST THAT.....a "struggle". And for a long time. If enough of our people had enough sense, it wouldn't be a struggle....it would be an easy accomplishment. The reason why it's called a struggle is because it's constantly meeting resistance not only from the enemy but from within. Until he realizes that drugs is the main cause...he will continue to struggle against murders until they are of his own household. Yes, but "drugs" didn't murder his wife and child...a MAN addicted to drugs did. It worked for the American Russian and Chinese revolution I beg your pardon sir but I don't recall reading where pimps, prostitutes, and drug addicts helped form the footsoldiers let alone the leaders and orchestrators of the American, Russian OR Chinese revolution! I know that a lot of drug addicts existed in China DURING the Chinese Revolution...but many of them were killed off. They didn't PARTICIPATE...they were VICTIMS of the Revolution and killed off as their nation was being cleanses and renewed. No....they were fleeing peonage. Call it what you want, but at any rate...most weren't being "dispossessed" as you say but voluntarily LEAVING the rural life and their farms behind to head north. Are we talking about the God of the flood???? There wasn't just one Deity involved in the flood but multiple Deities. The word used for Who decided to rid the land of mankind was the Elohim. Multiple Deities were involved in the decision to bring the flood but Yahweh...the particular Deity worshipped by Israel...was said to have found favor with Noah. It Was ruse.. Genesis 12-13 Say, I pray thee, thou art my sister: that it may be well with me for thy sake; and my soul shall live because of thee. So 2 questions: 1. Are you saying that Sarah was NOT Abraham's sister and 2. Are you saying that Abraham....a prophet...was LYING? Repurpose the prisons....today they are instruments of Racism and Greed I agree You always start where the individual is and proceed at their pace..... Yes some will be faster and further along than others ... work with each at their level and speed. But at the end of the day you must understand and accept that SOME will not move at all and yet others will actually move BACKWARDS and not only retard progress but REVERSE any progress made. Those people must be cut loose. You must pull them OUT of our communities for them to remain strong and healthy.
  20. One of the best things you can do is try your best to find OTHER Black folks who think like you and try to live around and network with them as much as you can not only for prosperity but for protection. Like @richardmurray often says, this Western society has made a lot of Black folks selfish and individualistic to the point that they ONLY care about themselves. They could care less what happens to another Black person, even if it's right next door. You have a lot of Black folks who actually SUPPORTED the January 6th Insurrection and a lot more Black folks who didn't know it happened and could care less about it. They are focused on themselves and copping the next sack of weed or getting liquor to drink over Memorial Day weekened. As long as THEY got a little money in their pockets...."everything" is fine as far as they're concerned.
  21. Mel While I await your great responses...lol............. I too have noticed that among AfroAmericans it's usually the lightest skinned people who tend to shout the loudest about Black power and Black pride and promote Black consciousness. Not only do you have Malcolm but look at Minister Farrakhan. There are many reasons for this but I believe among them are: 1. As I already pointed out, because of the subconscious conditioning of our people....light skinned people often tend to be liked more not just in their families but in the community in general. They grow up being called "cute" and get more attention than the dark skinned children and this high esteem often carries over in life. So they learn they have more power and influence.....if they choose to use it....to get things done. 2. Althought most White folks treat AfroAmericans the same, I've noticed that many Latinos and Asians will treat a light skinned AfroAmerican a little better than the dark skinned ones too! Just adds more to the self esteem. 3. Most light skinned...and especially mixed....people seem to have a constant need to PROVE their "Blackness" so I guess you can say we often go out of our way to show how "Black" we are. I'm not VERY light by the way....more like T.I. or Redd Foxx's color. But I'm light enough to be considered light skinned by most. Today, neanderthals are allegedly extinct. They didn't go extinct....they just got KILLED off or BRED out by the more civilized generation of White folks after them. Neanderthals are just DEGENERATED White folks who turned savage while they were stuck up in the caves and mountains of the Caucasus. When we drove them up into the Caucasus and trapped them in with walls (like the Wall of Derbent and Great Wall of China) and they were deprived of access to civilization they went savage. Started eating a lot of raw meat, lived naked in the elements, and started having sex with their own family members. CENTURIES of this produced a DEVOLVED and malformed people whom we call "cavemen" and "neanderthal" today. Nothing but degenerate White folks who went wild. That's why you can't find traces of neanderthals in the Americas or Africa....only in Europe and central Asia.
  22. frankster In the KJV of the Bible that is the spelling used... Yes the letter "j" is said to be a young letter....but is the sound it represent also young???? I don't believe so. I believe all of the SOUNDS that exist today, existed in the past, you that could be a good point. However the question is WAS the name YHWH pronounced with a "J" or "Y" sound? Most Jewish scholars claim the "Y" sound. While some Christian scholars decided to go with the "J" sound and most have since backed away from it. The majority of those what I've encountered so far insisting on still using the "J" sound are BLACK people like Jamaicans and some Hebrew Israelites who haven't really studied the Bible in it's original translations or haven't done much scholarly work and are basing their beliefs on corrupted and mistranslated and long abandoned references from White authorities. Evidence points to THEM being the ones who started this business about YHWH being called "Jehovah" and have now realized their mistake and walked away from it for the most part....but some Black folks still want to hold on to it. I have yet to ascertain the nature of the Hybridism....Mixing You are saying it is a mixture of black and white peoples We are Spiritually Immortal but physically mortal.... Yes, exactly. Which lends more credibility to my assertion that this "mixing" wasn't between Spiritual Beings and humans...but between flesh and blood humans of different races. ALL humans are Spirits housed in flesh and blood bodies...not just Gilgamesh and a few in ancient times. So if the Spirit/Flesh mix is what they were referring too...he would be no different than any other human being. Like I said, in my opinion the "mix" is between two different groups of PHYSICAL BEINGS. Races....in my opinion. The quest is physical immortal....only achieved by a relative few More achieved immortality through either Transmigration/Avatar or Remembering Self/Personality throughout rebirths/incarnations. I'm not sure. However my question is, do you really WANT to remain in the same body forever? Who wants to be stuck with the same car for 20 years when NEW more improved models are coming out every year? In this world, there is always room for improvement. No matter how wonderful you think your body is now...perhaps you may see or even develop one much more superior to the one you currently possess and transport your Soul into that one. It is believed most hominids were hairy. This entire business about hominids and cavemen and neanderthals is just different names and titles for White men who DEVOLVED and turned savage while they were stuck up in the mountains of the Caucasus. There is no history of Native Americans, Asians, or Africans of PURE BLOOD being "hairy". The only time they get hairy is if they're mixed with Caucasians somewhere down the line. They may grow beards, but as far as having hairy chests, bellies, backs, arms, and legs....it's very very rare to find PURE Africans, Native Americans, and Asians who are hairy. If you find them, chances are it comes from some White genetics. White people used to be smooth also UNTIL they were banished to the caves and mountains of the Caucasus where they went wild and grew hair all over their bodies from thousands of years of being exposed to the elements, as well as eating raw meat, having sex with family and animals, and engaging in a lot of other savage and gross behavior. They DE-VOLVED instead of E-VOLVED....another reason for the term "devil". DEVILUTION.....lol. If you haven't....I suggest you watch the movie QUEST FOR FIRE to give you some insight on how White folks really lived in the past.
  23. Another example...................... An obviously NON-BLACK woman being chosen and lauded to represent Black women.
  24. Well the first thing that comes to mind... Who defines what is "pseudo-science" versus presumably "REAL science"? Is it a consensus among scientists? Is there a governing body who decides this? Lol....or is there a big book high up on a mountain somewhere that clearly and neatly separates and categorizes all of the real from the pseudo? The second thing is how OBVIOUSLY flawed the old classification of White people into 3 races of: ....actually is. First of all the Mediterranean peoples are obviously a MIXURE of various races. Not just one. And so are the people of the Alpine to a certain extent. Both of these so-called "races" are simply White folks MIXED with various African and Arab ancestry from centuries of being conquered and occupied. They are NOT races unto themselves. I forgot the name of it...not exactly what I'd call a strawman argument....but her presentation is built off of erroneous and faulty information used to support her assertion that race or atleast the White race was someone "contrived" and has no merit to it's existence. Saying White folks weren't around until the WORD "White" was invented is like saying MEN didn't exist until the word "man" was invented. And as I've said numerous times before.....while RACIAL CLASSIFICATION is man-made and subject to error - RACE ITSELF isn't. RACE is BIOLOGICAL and exists regardless as to how it's classified or categorized. The biological difference between these two men is OBVIOUS....not some man-made "construct". You can name it or label it whatever you like, but the differences exist none the less. Names and titles doesn't decide whether something or someone EXISTS or not. Whether they are called "White people" today, or "Europeans" 300 years ago, or "Aryans" three thousand years ago....we're all talking about the same pinkish people who came out of the Caucasus mountains to dominate the world.
  25. richardmurray @richardmurray To me the question going forward is, how do you get majority consensus in the black community in the usa when individualism is so beloved and uttered in the black community in the usa. You may not get a consensus among the COMMUNITY as a whole, but you can definitely get a consensus or a definite majority around certain issues. For example.... Among Generation Xer's...support for Tupac is pretty much a consensus. Among Millennials and Generation Zer's....support of Marijuana is pretty much a consensus. You develop unity around certain IDEAS and POLICIES instead of around racial identity or racial loyalty. Mel @Mel Hopkins Or people are labeling themselves. I identify as an American belonging to the African diaspora. It makes more sense to describe myself based on ethnicity, cultural traits, tribe, and even geographical homeland than to say I'm black or white. Black people aren't black any more than white people are white. And the more we identify each other that way, the dumber it sounds. I support people having the right to label themselves if they are PROPERLY EDUCATED on race and ethnicity. However in the U.S....as in much of the world..they are NOT. Most people confuse race with ethnicity with nationality to the point that you have Black Latinos who are heavily discriminated against and mistreated claiming "Latino" as a race instead of Black simply because they don't identify with us culturally. Or Nigerians and Somalis who will tell you they aren't "Black" but African. Race, ethnicity, and nationality are clearly defined and even scientific. The confusion comes from the purposeful MIS-education of the population. So maybe that's the uptick in multi-ethnic people identifying as black. Well as a relatively light skinned man, I can tell you that ONE of the upticks in multi-ethnic and light skinned people in general claiming to be Black and enjoining themselves with the greater Black community of America is the enjoying the PRIVILEDGES that come from being lighter and "whiter" among people where lightness and Whiteness is often revered and sought after on a subconscious and often conscious level. Many if not most AfroAmericans see light skin as superior in not only beauty but also strangely enough in intelligence and morality. Why? Because many subconsciously see WHITE people as superior in beautify, intellect, and morality....and because light/mixed people are closer to them....they see them as one step closer to that ideal. Most light/mixed people pick up on and understand this at an early age as they are often treated better by other AfroAmerican children and even AfroAmerican adults because of their complexion. A treatment they usually DON'T get from White folks. No law says you can't identify yourself as any ethnicity you choose. No, and the interesting thing about U.S. law is that while they allow YOU to call yourself whatever you like, those in authority reserve the right and EXERCISE the right to describe and label you as they please without your consent or even knowledge. When police are looking for a suspect they'll say, "White male, 5 foot 8 inches, wearing a green jacket running southbound on....." They don't stop and trying to find out what race or culture the suspect identifies as or what gender/sex they identify as...they ASSIGN ONE to them. The FBI and other government agencies do the same thing in legal documents. So while they ALLOW identify politics and games to be played among the general population and even in the media....among the government authorities themselves....clear distinctions and differences are not only acknowledged but used. Chev @Chevdove White German women that had married Black men were forced to divorce their husbands and etc. I'm glad you pointed this out! A lot of foolish among our people actually support Hitler and think that the Holocaust and the actions of the Nazis were only against the Jews....and not Black people. You even have some Muslims who believe the Hitler wasn't such a bad person because he went after the Jews without understanding that Hitler and the Nazis were HARD CORE RACISTS who hated Jews BECAUSE of the non-White blood many of them had. It wasn't the religious differences that caused the other White Germans to hate the Jews. It was the fact that many of them had Black and Middle-Eastern ancestry from long long ago that crept up in their physical features like darker skin, bigger nose, and kinkier hair, bigger penis, etc.. You never know where or how the African genetics may display itself in the Jewish population. The Nazi ideology was you must get rid of the entire community to eliminate the risk of the Black/Arab genes from popping up among the White German people. This also brings to my mind another thread where the terms GROWTH RATE and REPLACEMENT THEORY was mentioned. I think that we as Black people need to be careful and not play into these phrases because I think it is White Supremacist people that are playing into an unnatural fear. This REPLACEMENT THEORY of them becoming extinct is the same thing that led to the attempted Black Genocide tha has been blotted out of our educational systems that occurred before slavery. And this REPLACEMENT THEORY is the fear, IMO, that led up to the Halocaust and the killing of many European Jews. And white people are so slick.... They'll sit up and claim that OTHER PEOPLE are trying to "replace" them all the while THEY are the ones practicing GENTFIFICATION and going into Black neighborhoods trying to replace the population. They'll sit up and cry about THEIR population numbers declining as an excuse to lock up Black men and spread AIDS and WAR in Africa to reduce the Black population. Despite all of their talk of declining numbers, when I go outside I see just as many White folks with blonde hair jogging up and down the street and walking their dogs TODAY as I saw 10 and 15 years ago. Old White men all up in the hood walking their dogs and winking at you as they walk by........ "Hey there buddy! Ya think those Celtics are gonna do it this year???" Where's the population decline they speak so much about?
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