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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. This prominent South African brother makes it CRYSTAL CLEAR how he feels about White people coming to Africa trying to tell them that their values should be and trying to influence them. Note how he makes the point that I've been making for years, how they never go to the Arabs and try to force the LBGT Agena on them! I also likes how he says morality isn't determined by popular consensus! I'm going to have to use that one in an an argument....lol. It doesn't matter how many people "agree with" or "support" something. Either it IS RIGHT or it IS WRONG. Popularity or contemporary feelings about a subject doesn't change this.
  2. ProfD Black men have to get on code in order to undo the gender role reversal especially among AfroAmericans. Well.... Expecting Black men collectively to get on Code is like expecting prisoners to unite, overpower the COs and take over the institution. It can happen, but not very likely. The most viable and probably thing that will happen is that the Black men WITH GOOD SENSE will get together and organize for a new paradigm and leave the dead weight behind to bury eachother. No other culture has this issue with their to the same degree. Because....like you said....they have CULTURE. Behaviors that are EXPECTED from both the men and the women. With most AfroAmerican men or women, you're not sure WHAT to expect...lol. We don't see or hear any other group of women claiming or having to be the mother & father, breadwinner or boss b8tches. Facts. richardmurray the only issue I raised is a question, is the severity in which black people communicate our troubles fair or unfair based on the activities of others? I used two cases, one of white europeans, concerning violence of men to women in general, side one of white asians , violence of men to women or children sexually, to display how another community has a publicly stated problem that can be deemed worse than the black community. ???? I don't understand the question brother. Could you clarify it a little?
  3. Ok, I'll try to dig up more info on what happened to our brother. Sad situation down there in Mississippi.
  4. If only we had AfroAmerican leaders today who were as intelligent, articulate, and bold.....getting the media attention that he got in those days. I think some of it was that the White media was caught off guard by his intelligence and charm. They under estimated the power that he had influencing the masses AND they were more concerned about using his charisma for their ratings. Today, much of White media could care less about ratings and how charming and intellectual a Black leader is....they will conspire to keep him OFF the air and OUT of the public spotlight if they feel he's a threat to their power. This is one of the reasons you see Donald Trump on television all day long but haven't seen speech by Minister Farrakhan or Jesse Jackson live on television since the 1990s.
  5. frankster I Find them True as in Effective Beneficial and Rewarding. I'm not sure how effective I'll be in getting the type of answer I'm looking for out of this, lol. I'm asking for some examples of events that took place in the Bible that YOU have vetted yourself and confirmed as being true. No. I see what you are referring to as the Supreme Being (Thee Creator) as Nature. Nature is Creation.... I see... Well I personally see Nature as PART of Creation and Creation as SEPARATE from the BEING Who Created It. However you've made your position on the matter crystal clear so I guess we'll just disagree on this point and move on Animism is almost Universal in most if not all African Cultures Religions and Spiritual Beliefs. While the above is true, this is NOT what you said. You suggested that in ancient Africans beliefs, God was synonymous with the "ALL". To MY knowledge....Animism does NOT equate God with the ALL. To MY knowledge and understanding....Animism says that there is a Divine Spirit that exists in all living things. Quite different. Again, I don't know of many (or any as I think about it right now) African philosophy that says God is "all things". I know some AFRICAN AMERICANS who believe that....but no continental Africans. Yes that is the Meaning of the "words".... If we are talking "Beings" like unto the Anunnaki Then it is a "Title".... Beings use Available Forces/Energies in Accordance to the Laws of Nature limited to their Understanding of Nature. It becomes Evident to me That all Beings are subject To Nature. How can the BEING Who CREATED Nature be "subject" to it? That's similar to saying a person who BUILT a house is inferior and subject to the house itself. Or that a person who made a law and has the power to enforce it or abrogate it...is subject to it and inferior to it. ..Hence a Individual Being can not be Highest or Greatest. - except among fellow Beings A Being can be the highest in their CATEGORY. Best/highest HUMAN being. Best/highest Volcano Best/highest School in the country But when we're talking about The SUPREME BEING, you're talking about the Best and Highest of all Beings in Existence. Is this Being akin to the Anunnaki? No. This BEING is before the Anunnaki and most likely Created the Anunnaki. Then explain your conceptualizations of this BEING. My explanation is simple. The SUPREME BEING is the First Being in Existence and started the process of Creating the rest of Existence. The SUPREME BEING is also the most Powerful Being in Existence. I think you're looking for me to provide a specific name, or title, or identity to this SUPREME BEING. I'm not sure that is necessary because the concept is quite simple. Think of all of the Beings that exist. Some are Superior others are inferior. Now when you think of the Superior and Powerful Beings imagine THEE most Powerful of Them. THEE most Powerful of all Beings would have to be The SUPREME BEING. No need to overthink this concept. No Being in Existence that is Higher or more Powerful means This BEING is Supreme.
  6. frankster No Laboratory is needed beyond your knowledge and the Internet. Most of the research has been done already and some of which is available on the Net. Lol...research on the internet can go in ANY direction, and you know that. There is research that supports your assertion that dreams are basically bits and pieces of memory, and there is research that DEBUNKS it and claims otherwise. Personally, I take the approach that Dreams often consist of BOTH memories as well as glimpses into parallel Universes and timelines. It depends on the Dream itself which varies. It maybe if you are Convinced of it. Matthew 21:21 And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive I don't understand this response. How does it prove or even address your assertion that WE as humans create time? I think we can MEASURE time and categorize it, but I don't believe we "create" it. In this article, the author discusses the African view of space-time called “Hantu.” Furthermore, he clarifies the Africans’ understanding of consciousness, which is linked to their worldview, particularly the idea of space and time. This is important because Africans claim that there is an entity called consciousness that is not influenced by space and time and exists in living and non-living beings and in a space less and timeless dimension..... From the discussed definitions of time, Africans understand that contrary to the Western view, that time is an ephemeral concept that exists only in the observer's mind. Time is a mental construct and is derived from our daily activities, and it is something that is inseparably connected to events, activities, daily chores, and objects, which helps us carry out our duties and make sense of the world around us. So the article you provided DISPROVES your point. You claimed that African philosophy asserts that time DOES NOT exist, and yet the article you provided not only admits the existence of time but actually puts it in context. Similar to your claim that the rich don't take risks....only to finally admit that they do...thanks for once again proving MY points...lol. Ok I have explain this already but I will share another view Are they related and share commonness (bleed over or into each other) - Yes.....They all share YOU. In One you are Unconscious and In the Other you are Conscious I think you may be "over thinking" this. There are multiple Realities and you tap into them in different ways. Some by Dreaming, some by imagining, others by "day dreaming", others by having visions and trances. again....this is becoming repetitious. Yes they are Real hence they are called Realities. They are not physical. It will continue to be repetitious as long as you doggedly hold on to your limited views...lol. They ARE real and they ARE physical. Just as physical as in THIS Reality. Have you ever had a Dream where you ate something or drove in a car? Did the food you ate pass through your mouth and come out of the other side...or did it go down and into your stomach as in waking life? Did your butt go through the seat and the car and down through the road.....or did your butt sit in the seat and you were able to use your hands to drive the steering wheel the same as in waking life? If the dream wasn't physical, how were you able to manipulate and maneuver physical objects? Yes we often can't Recall all of what is in our Memory....nor are we Aware of all that we Know True. However there is an feeling that is the OPPOSITE of deja vu that you get when you are introduced to something or someone for the first time. You get that in waking life as well as Dreams when you are introduced to things or people you never met before. If they were suppressed memories, you likely wouldn't get the same feeling.
  7. Before 1990 or so, I believe MOST AfroAmericans saw Africa as sort of one big COUNTRY...not so much a continent with thousands of different tribes/ethnic groups and many races in it. So I'm guessing most AfroAmericans didn't have the knowledge of Africa to tell their children which groups their lineage were mixed with.
  8. Thanks for the old-time flick! I love seeing those old black-n-white films and photographs of how our people lived back in those days. The older I get, the more respect I have for them and the more enjoyment I seem to get from them. I guess because I gain more knowledge and experience to put what I'm watching in proper context and perspective so it makes me appreciate it more. I remember as a kid they used to feature VERY old Black movies at night on one particular television channel. I'm talking movies done in the 1920s and 1930s featuring only AfroAmericans! I believe the above movie was one of them but there was another that I won't forget but don't know the name of it, and this movie actually featured NUDITY! It was an old black-n-white flick that looked like it was done either in the 20s or early 30s about a man who was cheating on his wife and the wife caught the mistress and beat her up and stripped her of her clothes leaving her naked on the floor. Her bare breasts were actually exposed! I was surprised they even allowed that on public television at that time, let alone in a movie. Been trying to find the name of that movie and the movie itself for YEARS.
  9. Which is why I likened his response to that of a woman on her menstrual cycle. Overly emotional and a bit juvenile TBH. And THAT reply reminds me of something ProfD would say.....lol. AfroAmericans collectively have had a bad habit of doing shit that clearly DOES NOT WORK to solve many of our problems instead of seeing the problems clearly and focusing on solutions that actually work. Focusing on court decisions and passing one useless un-enforced law after another has proven to be INEFFECTIVE in increasing the Black voter turn out in the United States since 1965. The reasons for poor voter turn out in the AfroAmerican community are two major ones: 1. Indifference/apathy because most AfroAmericans don't see a reason to get up off the couch and vote in most local, state, or federal elections. 2. Felony convictions that deny most the right to vote, which is actually unconstitutional THOSE are the main reasons and THOSE two reasons are what AfroAmericans as a collective should be focused on dealing with in order to increase our political power in this nation. Wasting time and money going in and out of courts and passing one useless un-enforced "voting law" after another has PROVEN to be ineffective in increasing the Black voter turn out. Give our people a VISIBLE and TANGIBLE reason to show up to the votes and vote and they will. The Obama Presidency is proof of that fact. When we have something that we can CLEARLY see is in our best interests, we WILL turn up to vote for it by the millions. As far as felons not being allowed to exercise their constitutional rights...EXECUTIVE ORDERS at the federal and state levels could easily take care of that....not some damn "court rulings" that mean next to nothing.
  10. People think I'm joking when I say Oprah should run for President because she has an EXCELLENT chance to do so. She's loved by over 75% of the population if you combine most AfroAmericans (male and female) with most White and Latina women.
  11. Troy Thanks for the correction. What ROLAND MARTIN has on half the time is an ascot...lol.
  12. Yes, I heard about this sista. Or that when a finger was amputated from St. John of the Cross several months after his death, it was immediately observed that blood began to flow from the wound? They cut off his finger only a few MONTHS after he "died"? Brutha might have been only in a COMA but still alive and they just didn't know it at that time!
  13. Man....look at all them educated sistas on the cover grinning! If they were sitting on a couch together, it would make you wanna just DIVE right in between them, kick your shoes off, and enjoy a good conversation!
  14. -After reading THAT....some of you still believe men can't have menstrual cycles? You don't think Black people needed the Supreme Court during their Civil Rights battles? Sure, but not for voting. We already had that right. What we NEEDED was for the Executive branches of government at the Federal and State level to do THEIR job by engineering the prosecution of anyone who tried to deny our people the rights they already had. Just like today. The Constitution gurantees ALL U.S. citizens the right to vote. So let me ask you a question, genius...... If ALL citizens are guaranteed the right to vote....why are some felons NOT allowed to vote? They are U.S. citizens and most aren't incarcerated anymore, so why are laws allowed to be made that directly contradict the U.S. Constitution which is supposedly the highest law of the land? And stop calling people "stupid".....lol....that's not nice.
  15. Obama and Biden "succeeded" the same way Clinton did......moving closer to the right-wing. Which isn't really a success so much as it's a capitulation. Or as Kwame Brown would say, "Go along to get along".
  16. For example, I just saw this video recently with the AUDIO leading up to our brother's assassination..... After all of these years I did not know there was actual audio footage of his assassination. If you read the comments below the video most people said they had no idea it existed either. Why hasn't it been released until recently? Who has held it? And why does it cut off right before the first shots are fired? Surely nobody will record something and then stop it at it's most crucial time.....especially when it's criminal evidence. And if there's AUDIO....as I said...there might be VIDEO! Strange things going on in this world.
  17. frankster Love the lord with all the heart soul and mind Thou shall not Steal THou shall not Covet thy neighbor These aren't things confirmed and vetted AS being true, these are COMMANDMENTS to obey. It is as I have said ....The Idea of a Supreme Being is too Individualistic. So you don't see The SUPREME BEING as an Individual Who Exists outside of Creation? Nature is Neteru/NTR Nature is All - in whom we move and have our Being Well..... This is your opinion, but OK. Nature is the Sum Total of All Beings Oh... I do not believe a Being Created Nature.....Nor do I believe Nature was Created Oh my.... You would be Surprise how Coherent African Thought is across the Continent. I'd be surprised if you could show me where ancient Africans believed God was synonymous with the "ALL". It is a Title for a Being and not necessarily The actual position or abilities of this Being.....definitely not Thee Creator. Supreme means Highest and Greatest. In my opinion it's quite fitting since I believe the same BEING who is Supreme/Highest/Most Powerful is also the same BEING WHO is the Highest CREATOR. Same BEING.
  18. .....which is one of the reasons SECURITY is needed at most public schools today. Not only is security for the students, but for crazy ass parents who want to come up there and TRIP without hearing the full story.
  19. frankster Yes... Can you give me 3/three things from the Bible that you have personally vetted and confirmed as being true? Yes Nature can be a Singularity in which "Beings" Exist. These Beings or Being can express more or less of particular Aspects of Nature. Yes, I agree. Still waiting on why the idea of a Supreme Being is "problematic" for you. The All Pervading and all Encompassing quality of Nature cannot be seen as Individual....... but only consisting of Individuals But we're not talking about "Nature", but the BEING Who Created Nature. Ancient African Scientist simply refer to this as The ......ALL. Perhaps some did...perhaps some didn't. I don't believe there was only ONE school of thought on how to approach or What to call The SUPREME BEING. Further, "ALL/all" is an English word so I'm almost certain ancient Africans didn't use that particular term either even if they maintained the idea it represented. It would seem to me that the INTENT of the word in use...especially when we lack a better or adequate term....carries a certain amount of weight during a discussion....lol I am Not referring in any way to the History or Concept of God or what it represents....but Man's use of the word or the origins of the word God itself. Ok. As you probably already know, the word "God" comes from the Germanic word "Gott". Your observation is one of the reasons I prefer the term "SUPREME BEING" where referring to the HIGHEST MOST POWERFUL BEING and CREATOR of all Existence.
  20. frankster If it's in a dream....I am pretty certain it is a composite of Memories. Well if you're pretty certain about that, there's not much I can tell you over the internet to convince you otherwise...lol Maybe if we were in a laboratory holding experiments.... Time is a part of Physical shared Reality.....The observer influences or creates this Reality. I agree that time is part of a shared Reality. That doesn't mean that those who share that Reality created time or any other component OF that Reality. That may influence time, but to say that "created" it????? Inability to recall "things that happened" is not proof of no memory....Memory can be faulty. While this is true, if a person claims to have had a new observation in their dream then the onus to prove them wrong is on the person who DISPUTES it and claims it was a mere memory. It's not about "what if" or "it's possibly" but proof that this is what you say it is. Why??? Because there's nothing in ancient or recent pre-colonial African philosophy or literature that claims time "doesn't exist". If there is...please show me. Fine by Me Lol...do you have a choice? There are levels to dreaming but One State of Dreaming....Usually denoted by primarily unconsciousness. Having thoughts in Images, Words or Emotion - Daydream(wishful thinking) and exercising your imagination is not Dreaming. I agree. However for the record, some would argue that the same Realities you're tapping into while wishful thinking and "day dreaming" are the same Realities you tap into when you actually dream. Visions are more akin to Trance like States of Consciousness. True All Realities feel Real whilst you are in them. Yes, because they ARE real. Just as real as the Reality you are currently in now. To understand Dreams...one must understand the Structure and Form of the Dream - some dreams need interpretation some do not. I agree. Dream Recall is a Skill....Practise makes perfect(better) as with all skills I agree further. Exactly you do not know all of what you know....you only know about 1% Do you mean we don't REMEMBER or RECALL all of what we actually know?
  21. ProfD Well, perhaps I'm a little too critical of our brothers and sisters when it comes to wealth building....especially since I'M not very wealthy myself, lol. Perhaps at the end of the day, most of our people are just doing the best they know how to do anyway. They're doing what their intellectual limits allow them to. I've observed that most people of ANY race aren't qualified to even be managers of a business.....let alone build one and own one successfully. All they can do IS work....for someone else....and many can barely show up on time and do that properly. Ideally...that "someone" they work for would be another AfroAmerican but if there aren't enough Black businesses that are paying enough money for them to consider, then they do what they have to. Even when it comes to White and Chinese folks running Black countries...... I will criticize it all day long but if I'm the leader of a Black nation in Africa and the nation next to me brings White folks and Chinese in to shape and build their economy and I see some of their people improving their economic situation almost overnight....it will be hard for me to convince MY people that the foreign blood-suckers should be kept out, lol. Just like it's hard for the brother on the block to NOT atleast play around with selling dope for some money when so many on is block ARE and making money doing so.
  22. I believe that EVERYTHING that is done and said and even thought is recorded.....Divinely in the Spiritual world. But wouldn't it be something if we come to find out that nearly everything that has occurred in this society for the past 50 years or so has been recorded by some sort of modern human technology? Just think about that. What if nearly everything we heard about in recent history was actually caught on video even before we THOUGHT that technology even existed? And it existed in some sort of vault or archive somewhere only to be accessed by the elite. I mentioned this idea because it was rumored that the assassination of brother Malcolm was actually recorded on video! We don't know.....the assassination of Lincoln MAY have even been recorded on some ancient camera and kept in some sort of top secret archive.
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