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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. Why not? The women were feminine and attractive to me. Their ignorance was a little sad, but understandable in the context of things. ProfD The sad fact is, many Africans and Asians don't just get their negative views of AfroAmericans from the media....they get them from their PERSONAL EXPERIENCES living in America itself! All you have to do is go to any major city in the U.S. and see the swarms of homeless Black folks on the street, the vulgar women cussing and fighting eachother in the street, the young men walking around with their pants sagging and quick to fight somebody over the silliest of reasons....and even the most open minded visitor will find it a challenge to go back home with the most positive view of AfroAmericans, lol. I tell people now it's not so much about the media portrayal of us as it's REAL LIFE nowadays. The movies, Gangsta Rap, and talk shows that the racists have promoting over the past 40 year to socially engineer our community has certainly had an impact.
  2. frankster It is nearest truth we have until more compelling information takes us closer to truth In some cases...yes. I've found information (not sure how true it is) hidden away in private physical libraries that SEEMS to be true or closer to the truth than the tons of information I came across on the subject over the internet. Many have ventured into Parallel Universes and Timelines thru Sleep Dream Trance Drugs and Flora (plants) Consumption Sweat Lodge Illness or Meditation etc ...Too much ways to mention all. This is true. However none of it negates the fact that Dreams can also get you there. I already showed you that these are African and Eastern philosophies. You showed me where some of these are ALLEGEDLY Eastern philosophies...not African. I challenged you to show me authentic African writings where these concepts can be found and you failed to do so. BTW, I said "allegedly" Eastern because so often a lot of Hindu and Buddhists from Asian nations claim that the West takes SOME of their religious and spiritual content and perverts it and corrupts it while claiming it's "Eastern". So we must be careful of ANYTHING that passes through the hands of Caucasians. You haved.. Can you show me where I made that argument? They do not take those risks those risk are foisted on them by the very nature of them being alive. LOL....so you're going to argue over SEMANTICS???? Ofcourse you are. I am Not going anywhere or hearing anything....all I am doing is remembering these things in different ways. Perhaps in some dreams. But not in others. I don't think you want to accept the fact that SOME dreams aren't mere memories, but actually different Realities period. That a skill Perhaps.
  3. frankster Pick Your choice...I find meaning in most Bible Stories - Therein lies the Truth Well "finding meaning" isn't the same as confirming or verifying that something is TRUE. You can "find meaning" in the trail of slime that a snail leaves as it crawls across the sidewalk...lol. It's not about "my choice", I'm asking you what stories in the Bible have YOU confirmed as being true? Ok...so let's start at the beginning. What about the story of Adam and Eve and the talking serpent; have YOU CONFIRMED this story as being truth? And if so, how did you confirm it? It is most definitely so if I am also completely made of the same thing. Yes, IF you were COMPLETELY made of the same thing. But you're not....which is why you are different from it. You may have water IN you like the lake, but you also have other things in you the lake doesn't have like Vitamin B, Vitamin E, testosterone, Omega 3 acids, etc....so you're NOT the same thing. We are 70% water....so we are more Lake than flesh and blood Lol....read the above. Also, the lake probably has aligators and snakes it it....you don't. So again, even if you were 99% water you wouldn't be the same as the lake. You're in it...SOME of it is in you....but you are NOT the same as the lake. Show me a Being that is not in part and whole of Nature I'll show you two: A telephone A jet plane What Part of Existence is not Nature??? See my previous response for atleast 2 examples. And there are many many more. If it's the Only it cannot also be the First until there is a second.....Is there a second Supreme Being? To answer your question, to my knowledge NO there isn't a second. First may IMPLY that there is a second but doesn't necessarily MEAN there is a second. Sometimes the first can be the ONLY as well. Karen Bass if the FIRST AfroAmerican female mayor of Los Angeles and so far she's the ONLY one. Exactly....Objects Only exist by being Observed I don't ascribe to this theory. I don't think "observation" has any impact on the existence of a thing. If This Supreme Being exist in Time and Space them it is a Product of Shared Physical reality. The SUPREME BEING exists both in and out of Time and Space. To Create something from so called Non existence is to be left with Non existence. No, that's not true. If that was the case, then you would have to believe that everything that exists RIGHT NOW has ALWAYS existed. Nothing from Nothing leaves Nothing . A song by a LIMITED human being who can't even MAKE most things, let alone CREATE them. Bought into existence from where? The question wouldn't be from "where" because it's not being brought from a particular PLACE. It comes from a particular B/being....a Creator. So the question would be from W/who??? How do you know that this Being is most effective? Because this BEING is the SUPREME. If there was another BEING more effective then THEY would be the SUPREME BEING. It's not hard if you think about it. Of all the Beings in existence, the most Effective ONE will be the SUPREME. The most Powerful ONE will be the SUPREME. The concept isn't difficult to understand. You said this Being is Supreme....if this Being is supreme there must be Lower beings? Absolutely. Infact all other B/beings are Lower than The SUPREME BEING.
  4. richardmurray The orgies and wild sexual escapades don't just go back to the 20s or 1800s but way back pass the Roman and Greek days....lol. There are historical documents of Roman officials engaging in wild sex parties full of homosexuality and even bestiality where they'd bring animals in. Among Africans, it wasn't perverted like it was among the Europeans.....but the sexuality was still far greater. Most African societies before Christianity and Islam was introduced to them promoted sex activities and sex rituals that often involved every adult in the community where people would have sex with eachother in public, in temples of worship, sex by the group, etc.... Nudity was a part of their art. They even had stories of Deities engaging in sex and sexual practices. Right up until the 1970s America was headed in the right direction as far as sex in the media and promoting nudity and sexual activities in the movies. But during and after the Reagan Era....it got perverted. AIDS and the LGBT agenda took things in the wrong direction to the point that natural sex between men and women is becoming taboo while WEIRD and QUEER sex is becoming more mainstream in this nation.
  5. No, I don't have access to IP addresses. But when I do log in I can do things like access people's history, what they're viewing, and their signatures. So being a member DOES give me access to more personal information than just viewing.
  6. This is why I love speaking with Africans.....especially in real life. It gives me an alternative view of looking at the world and a more broad view of what's happening around the planet.
  7. I think I get the gist of your question...........lol. Yes, I do think AfroAmericans vocalize our problems in public more than other groups. For two reasons: 1. The problems our community has tends to be BIGGER than they are in many other groups. Whether you're talking about drug abuse, broken families, high incarceration, homelessness.....these problems exist to a certain extent among ALL races and ethnicities in the United States but the rates tend to be higher among AfroAmericans at this time. They weren't always that way, but in the past 30 years or so it has been. 2. Unlike most Asians, Latinos, and even Africans......English is the ONLY language most of our people know how to speak so when we want to communicate with eachother whether it's about success or problems, we only tend to do it in English. So just about everybody can see and hear what we're talking about even if they aren't part of our group. This is one of the reasons I'm a pretty big supporter of us developing and teaching EBONIC to our children and codifying it. So that we'd have a second language of our own that we can communicate with eachother without the devil SNOOPING in and monitoring us.
  8. I have mixed views on Affirmative Action. On the one hand, the biggest beneficiaries of it are clearly White women and have been for decades. On the other hand, who's fault is THAT???? Actually most Affirmative Action programs allow both sex AND race to be used as qualifications for employment and job placement so AfroAmericans COULD take advantage of it and use it to our benefit just like White women have....but just haven't mostly out of ignorance, division, and indifference. It goes back to the Latino success thing.....I can't blame other demographics for having more sense than the AfroAmerican. If other groups USE the tools that WE actually fought for to benefit us more than WE actually use them....who's fault is that????? Even back as far as being a teenager I noticed that on most jobs White women stuck together and helped eachother FAR more than AfroAmericans did, especially AfroAmerican men. I saw so many Black men sell eachother out and fight with eachother at work over the pettiest of shit! Over pussy, over weed, over who can impress the White co-workers (not the bosses....just the same co-workers!!!!) the most. 2 Black men are cool until a White woman comes over and shows one nigga more attention than the other.....now they ain't talking to eachother anymore. So hey..... I'm not sure how much of a difference Affirmative Action has made or will make as far as our success at this point.
  9. Yes, you overcome power with MORE power. But understand that it's not JUST knowledge that leads to power but as Mel states -ACTION, as well. You have to ACT on what you know. Knowledge + Action -> Power If someone you love has a disease and you want the power to cure it, just opening up a book....reading it....and going back to bed...isn't likely to do the job. You read the book and then ACT on the knowledge the book gave you, to cure the patient. This is why students must become INTERNS before becoming doctors. A period of time for action and doing after and while studying and gaining knowledge. Like the old folks used to say, if you KNOW better than....what???....you should DO better. Acting on knowledge will give you POWER.
  10. I've put bread, oil, hot dogs, and cups of water in microwaves for YEARS with no negative effects. .....so far atleast.
  11. Which is more powerful belief, power or knowledge? The answer lays within the question ITSELF. POWER is obviously more "powerful" than belief or knowledge. What is more powerful than power ITSELF? frankster Belief is most likely more powerful than Knowledge.... I feel that KNOWLEDGE is more powerful than mere BELIEF. Why? Let's say a police officer with his training and KNOWLEDGE of his gun and how to use it is challenged by a schizophrenic who BELIEVES he's a superhero and BELIEVES that he's bullet proof. Who do YOU think is going to win; the one with the KNOWLEDGE or the one with mere BELIEF?
  12. The first step is to weed out the UNDESIREABLE niggas. Black folks who are stupid, unapologetically foolish, excessively violent, drug addicted, etc..... When I say weed them out, I mean leave them alone. Don't include them in our circles. Start with a group of Black folks of atleast AVERAGE intelligence with atleast an AVERAGE sense of morality and ethics. And from there, you can pretty much work any decent policy you'd like to see implemented. But keep the fools and thugs away.....they'll mess you up going and coming. "We doooown We dooooown We doooown fa' something new!!! I need some new RIMS. I need some new Nikes My girl needs some new extensions and highlights. I can do that newness shit all day long! Wooof wooof wooof!"
  13. I work in a factory where the demographics are pretty much evenly divided between Black folks, Latinos, and non-Latino Whites. A few months after working in there I noticed that the machines seemed to "like" some factory workers more than others...lol. One guy gets on a machine to run it and it breaks down constantly, but another guy gets on it and it runs smoothly his entire shift. Being a Black man who's OBSERVANT and is constantly on the look out for the wiles of the racists.....I also noticed that the machines seem to break down on Black workers more, especially the men. I brought this up to a few of my Black co-workers and wondered out loud if somebody back in another location were controlling these machines we run and determining how well they operate. After all, they DO have computers on them. As some of you may have guessed, they laughed at the idea or gave me that "this nigga'z crazy" look. Well, a few months ago it was confirmed by several engineers at that factory that the engineers DO have offices in the back and can monitor the machines we work on. Hmmmmmmm........... And a couple months after THAT...it was finally confirmed by several engineers that they can MANIPULATE SOME MACHINES from their offices, stop them, maker certain sections of the machine run while stopping others, etc...all through their computers at their desks!!! Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm................... I mentioned THIS to some of my Black co-workers.....and they stood there looking crazy and were silent for a while, but then started asking me, "Well....even if they CAN control the machines from the offices that don't mean they izzzzz! Why would somebody waste time trying to make machines act crazy and break down on Black folks???? Where you be gettin' this shit at?????" But I drilled on them to forget about the WHY....the question was CAN THEY? ......and clearly THEY COULD. They admitted they could! Negroes need to stop asking WHY White folks do what they do. That's like asking WHY would White folks put Crack or AIDS in Black communities. Niggaz all on CNN crying with snot running out of their nose asking "Whyyyyyyy" Grown as men with nappy grey chins asking young White men WHY do they hate them so much......STOP IT FOOL. The question to ask isn't WHY but CAN THEY. CAN they do this or that.....because if they CAN....you should assume they ARE and be concerned! But that's not the reason I'm posting this NOW. Why am I posting this NOW????? Because today an engineer was FIRED....forced to clean out his office! Why? Because apparently he was involved with some sort of love triangle. One of the men on the machines was banging his girlfriend so he started INTENTIONALLY fucking with the man's machine MAKING IT STOP AND CAUSING IT TO PERFORM POORLY!!! These were two White men BUT it proved my suspicion that the people in some back offices somewhere CAN manipulate the machines and make them run smoothly for some people and poorly for others. Don't ask me what these silly ass dis-believing niggaz said to me when they heard about this -BECAUSE THEY TOLD ME ABOUT THIS!!!! I didn't hear about it until they came running up to me grinning and telling me how "right" I was and asking me how did I know and this and that and the other.....LMBAO!!! Man it feels good to be an adherent to the teachings of the Honorable Neely Fuller Jr!!!! It feels GOOD GOOD GOOD!!!!
  14. Now you got a group of FBA fanatics who are running around here saying our ancestors DIDN'T come from Africa but were already here....lol.
  15. frankster Tell me which story you find impossible to be vetted?? I don't find anything in this world "impossible". Improbable....often...but not impossible. Again, can you tell me some stories of the Bible that YOU have vetted as absolutely true? In Animism The Divine exists in the All things animate and inanimate, in words and places......and all things exist in the Divine - Therefore the Dive is the All Just as we are a part of Nature, we exist in Nature and Nature is in us...We are Made of Nature First of all, existing IN something and having it exist IN you isn't necessarily the same as BEING that same something. A person who's drowning can exist IN water and have that same water exist in THEM (in their lungs). That doesn't mean THEY are the water or lake they're drowning in. Furthermore..... Just because Nature exists and we exist and our bodies are part of it...doesn't in any way shape or form cancel out the high probability that a Superior BEING could have and like did create BOTH (us and nature). Nice try though.....lol. I do not accept the idea that a Being created Nature Oh, well that's your right. Not much I can do with that....lol. Beings are in Existence.....Existence is Nature - Nature is the sum total of all forms Realities. Well...those are YOUR beliefs. I believe that EXISTENCE includes the sum total of all Realities....but Nature isn't. Nature is PART of Existence but not the only part. This Being is the First......Implies that it is Of a Kind(specie)....of which they are more Not necessarily. Something or someone can be the first and ONLY. It seems this Being is subject to Existence....Existence denotes Objectivity - All Objects exist in Time and Space. I thought you said "time didn't exist"...lol. But yes, The SUPREME BEING Exists. Objects in Time and Space indicates.....Finiteness - Limitations. Not necessarily. Says who? From what did this being Create Existence? That's the beauty of Creation...you don't have to create "from" anything. Unlike MAKING which often requires that you put together something from material already in existence....when you Create you just bring it into existence from NON-existence. in Existence means it is a part Of existence Ok... Which.... isn't it already In Existence) ? Well just a moment! Not all that exists was always already in Existence. The SUPREME BEING has always Exist....however what The SUPREME BEING Created didn't always Exist but was brought INTO Existence. How do you define Power? Effectiveness. This Being belongs to Hierarchy Of Beings of which this Being is the Supreme. That's one way of putting it. ....Because this Being is The Most Powerful Correct
  16. frankster True...That's how we find TRuth Well... I'll agree that that's how we can find INFORMATION (not necessarily the truth) to support our assertions. True ....wouldn't have it anyother way. Please show the studies that support your Ideas so we can peruse them Scientists Say That Some Of Our Dreams May Be Glimpses Into Parallel Universes https://www.speakingtree.in/blog/scientists-say-that-some-of-our-dreams-may-be-glimpses-into-parallel-universes New Theory Claims We Travel To Parallel Universes When We Dream https://awarenessact.com/new-theory-claims-we-travel-to-parallel-universes-when-we-dream/ Yes dreams consist of Memories.... When you step into parallel Universe and Timelines - you are no longer in the State of Dreaming. Lol...when you're sleep, it's usually the act of dreaming that GETS you there and KEEPS you there. That's like saying when I'm in my car and drive to Montana...once I enter the state, I'm no longer driving...lol. It Supports Buddha's assertion...."With our thoughts we create the World" or "We are what we Think, All that we are, arises from our thoughts" That's not true. Our thoughts can INFLUENCE the world, but they don't necessarily CREATE the Reality we are in right now. This is more New Age philosophy gotten from White folks "alleged" to have come from Buddha. If you were to talk to Buddha himself....he probably wouldn't know anything about that assertion attributed to him....lol. As I said, be careful adopting their unstable and constantly changing theories and philosophies. The Act of being Alive or the Risk of Living is way different from an Calculated Financial Investment taken by the Rich. And no one has argued any differently..... This Risk of Living is not a choice one can take or not take....You have no choice in the matter Every living thing takes that risk...Not only the Rich And? Thanks for re-iterating MY point that you orginally disagreed with -that the rich DO take risks. If you pretend to see "just being alive" the same as making a "calculated financial decision" - Then you are dishonest Again, no one made that argument. Thank You You're welcomed On that we will have to disagree. I know that you know you are defending non-sense. Lol...I suppose it's "non-sense" to those who's senses can't comprehend it. Most times it sits in the seat but sometimes the seat is my sauna especially when i wanted one. So you had a body that sat in a car and didn't pass through....yet you claim the dream wasn't physical? Ok...lol. The eyes of your body in THIS Reality are closed....yet you SEE how to drive and see the car and where you're going. You HEAR the environment and conversation you're having although the ears of your body in THIS REality is limited to the sounds in your bedroom. Oh...but you call all of this "memory". Close your eyes right now and I guarantee that the "sights" and "sounds" you get from any memory won't come close to the vividness that you experience in the average dream.
  17. And best believe for every ONE White person who exposes themselves as White and decides to drop a post, there's atleast 5 others LURKING behind the scenes just monitoring the conversations. Troy asked a question months ago why do so many people decide to register without posting. The answer is simple for some people. Registering gives them more access to posts and personal information. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said that the White man is the "Universal Snooper". He loves to monitor what people of color are talking about and thinking not just here but abroad all over the world. He'll keep records on it for decades. Pass them down from one devil to the next. He doesn't want to be caught off guard by what the "niggers" are planning.
  18. Well, the thing about the Arabs is that they are CULTURALLY united. The religion of Islam unites most Arabs and much of their culture has been historically built around this. Sure they fight and engage in wars with eachother from time to time like they're doing right now between Saudi Arabia and Yemen, but for the most part they agree on the BASICS like male/female relations, morals, how one should conduct oneself in public, etc... This lessens conflict and gives them a framework in which to operate from when they DO get wealth in their hands. The same can be said for many individual African ethnic groups like the Ibo of Nigeria. AfroAmericans on the other hand have been so fractured and divided....especially these past 50 years. Divided by religion, gender, class, opinions about Civil Rights, divided by regions of the nation, etc.... This division has a negative effect on us uniting long enough and strong enough to even present a viable argument and demand for Reparations, not to mention how they'll PROPERLY be used once received.
  19. ProfD You know what I've found is better than asking for, demanding, or even TAKING the whole cake???? Making and baking OUR OWN cakes!!!! This is one of the things I admire about Marcus Garvey and Elijah Muhammad. These two great men taught AfroAmericans how to DO FOR SELF instead of begging and relying on White folks to be generous or even fair. Elijah declared that the White man was the DEVIL...therefor couldn't be trusted to be fair ANY damn way. Like you said...."give" you something with one hand while TAKING something from you with the other damn hand! But when you're making your own products and delivering your own services....the amount and costs are under your control. Now ofcourse.....as long as you're living UNDER Caucasian rule there's going to be certain limits and set backs...but we can still do far better attempting to do things for ourselves than relying on them and their "fairness".
  20. Lol...it might take a Miracle to come up with a solid workable AGENDA we can rally around.....lol. Besides Reparations payments, what else do MOST AfroAmericans (and not all of us at that!) actually agree with eachother over?
  21. ProfD I will say that AfroAmericans got quite a bit.....not enough obviously....but quite a bit from Franklin D. Roosevelt. It wasn't SPECIFICALLY for AfroAmericans obviously, but hell... If someone is going around passing out millions of dollars to EVERYBODY....do you want them to stop unless they ONLY give it to Black folks? But since Roosevelt, the others haven't done too much yet. But as you said, where's the agenda? As the book says, you HAVE not because you ASK not. And Frederick Douglass said power concedes NOTHING without a DEMAND. Black folks have begged.....sho' nuff. But when was the last time we DEMANDED anything from this government? I'm beginning to realize that the MAIN reason AfroAmericans in this nation are in the condition so many of us find ourselves in is because of OUR behavior and the lack there of. I can't get angry at the Asian or Arab if they are more united and show more good sense in pushing THEIR agenda to get what they want.
  22. Brothers and sisters in the nation would insist that Mr. Muhammad had DIVINE "help" in doing so...lol. I've maintained that in order to unite Black people as a whole, you'd need a MIRACLE. Miracles do happen. They happen all the time. However my point is....that's what it would take. As humans we have very little if any control over what The Divine does. But what we CAN do is unite with LIKE MINDED individuals for a common agenda.
  23. I found much of the video funny and entertaining, but what I did find a bit concerning was how that one African sista saw Americans as "White people" instead of realizing that Black folks are Americans too.
  24. Lol....oh you'd be SURPRISED at what our sista may do if she ever were to wind up in that seat! Remember, she built a school for girls over in Africa. Worse case scenario, she simply wouldn't be any worse than the White men (and Mixed one) we has in officer before her. She'd just continue the same policies. So essentially her being in couldn't hurt. At mediocre or even better case scenario, she'd so SOMETHING to help our community more than her predecessors. It wouldn't be perfect obviously. And yeah...the White women and LGBT may gain more from her Presidency than the Black masses. However if we didn't focus on what THEY were getting or weren't getting and focused strictly on what WE would get.....you'd have to admit we'd probably get more with her being in there than any White man.
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