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Posts posted by Chevdove

  1. 19 hours ago, Cynique said:

    That's the thing.  I haven't really done a lot. I've just watched and commented. Now I kind of regret having not been more active and in the front line with those seeking reform. I'm a summarizer, a narrator, a "pen is mightier than the sword" type.   Whereas you delve right into subjects and thoroughly pursue your interests.  I admire that in you, along with the personal anecdotes you inject into your conversation.


    Thank you a lot @Cyniquefor this! I am so amazed at your genious so, I really value what you have said.


  2. 1 hour ago, ProfD said:

    As I wrote in another thread, living in the melting pot (multicultural)  that is the Unites States is a blessing and a curse. 


    The US offers *freedoms* and access to opportunities that may not exist in other countries. But, the US still has its warts.


    Homogenous countries like China have operated the same way for thousands of years.  The people living in those countries already know the deal from the time they were born. 



    Yes, thanks for commenting.

    I love the man that was interviewed and hope that men like him can make a difference because the fashion in the way the men beat up those women was unbelievable.

    I was so happy to see that the other women were brave and came to the rescue.

    At the end of the video, the man said that right at the time that he was talking, the Chinese government blocked the CNN interview!OMG! 

    They shut down the newscast so the people in China would not see it.


    Then I read on in the article and it said that the men actually continued to beat up the women in the nearby alley!

    The authorities responded that there was a brief time when activity did occur in the alley but they also claim that it was not bad.

    They claim the women were not badly harmed but other videos showed that the two of them were really bad off.


    I am so happy that the Chinese people are not being bullied altogether, but as you have said, they were born into this reality. 





    30 minutes ago, Michel Montvert said:

    China's nasty little secret is that in fact they have a number of minority ethnic groups---not everyone is Han---and those are often severely abused, as we're seeing occur now against the Uighurs. As the Soviet system imposed Russian language and culture on the occupied nations ("Republics"), so the Chinese Communist system has imposed Han identity and culture and Chinese language on the country.


    Thank you for commenting. WOW! Han? What about MANDARIN? Is that different from Han?

    I thought the Mandarin language was the main one being pushed.


    Yes, I have just recently seen newsbreaks about how the Uighurs are being marginalized. In fact, I always hear about them.



  3. 1 hour ago, Michel Montvert said:

    Native ancestry of course was all here before Columbus, obviously. African was not,


    That is absolutely insane @Michel Montvert as if I don't know my own family history.


    But also, I studied science and have a degree in science.

    Without the presence of any African malefactor, there can be absolutely no males in this entire earth.

    The origin of all modern mankind stems from one African individual.

    So without any presence of any Africans in the entire continents of the Americas, then all of the Indians would be intersexed.


    The Mayans you see today do not reflect the genocide of the Mayans when the White Europeans came.

    I have visited the museums in Duke University and also the Fine Art museum near NC State university and WOW, the original Mayans are mindblowing.

    They express many different traits and colors but the dominant presence of black/bronze and very black skinned is the major theme. 


    Oh, and you spoke against the late Ivan Van Sertima, but he is by far not the only historian that shares a lot of information on the early African presence in the Americas.


    I love the documentary by Kevin Cosner of '500 Nations' and in this is presented a lot of 'African-typed' deep dark skinned Native Americans in Alabama, Georgia, etc.

    About 30 years ago, I read a book 'The Morning Star' [?] and the Native American author wrote about how the Europeans killed off about 90% of the Indians in the 13 colonies and the residue they attempted to ship to the Carribeans withing a 10 year timespan. This was all done before 'the Manifest Destiny'.


    I've done a lot of research on the dominant African presence that defines the indigenous native peoples of the Ancient Americas. 

    Oh yes, and the early Chinese presence too, has some fascinating history here as well.





    Male Dominant Cultures? A Viral Video of Chinese Women Victims




    I hope this video is okay to post. Viewer discretion advised. I could only watch it once.

    I think that being in a multi-cultural environment has its' benefits when I hear about these stories. 

    I hope that by the people in China shining the light on this situation will help.

    I feel that when a culture or government allows this sort of horror to go improperly punished, then eventually the whole world will be affected. 









    HERE'S AN ANECDOTE -- THERAPY -- A Short-- of A Powerful Protective Lion With Cubs




    Oops, I meant Powerful Protective Lioness 



  5. 17 hours ago, Michel Montvert said:

    since in California the choice among whites was rednecks, yuppies or hippies and I didn't like any of those 3.




    17 hours ago, Michel Montvert said:

    I will disagree on the notion of Africans here before Columbus. There is no good evidence for it that any anthropologist recognizes. Van Sertima was academically a farce.


    My husband is Native American and he is 'a Negro'.

    And, I definitely have Native ancestry that goes way back before Columbus.


    I don't understand how you can mention the Mayans and not see any connection with Africa.

  6. 12 hours ago, Cynique said:

    I'm just here, dangling under the radar, breathing air that doesn't even belong to me.


    What's wrong with this picture?


    Nothing is wrong with this picture, imo.

    @Cynique You do more than dangle under the radar, you engage in many topics that humanity deals with today and offer much insight.

    I wish I could experience some of the things you have mentioned.

    Although, I don't owe the IRS now, I have endured that in the past and it was so stressful.

    I don't know of anyone that have experience life as you have. I only wish.

    I remember the late Doris Day, saying that she lived a wonderful life, May she RIP.


    I was a longterm Substitute Teacher a while back for a couple of ELA classes [English and Language Arts], and I found it amazing that today, students deal with a semester of learing about the topic, DYSTOPIA SOCIETY. They learn today that it is impossible to live in a Utopian society and only a few brave young Protestant White males have disagreed. 

    • Like 1
  7. On 8/24/2022 at 9:05 PM, Michel Montvert said:

    Did y'all know that there are black people in Guatemala?




    On 8/24/2022 at 9:05 PM, Michel Montvert said:

    Garifuna culture, which also is found in adjacent Honduras.They speak a Native language, since they are essentially an indigenous group with whom so many Africans mixed that the are in appearance "black", though they consider themselves indigenous


    Yes, @Michel Montvert My college Jamaican friends and other Caribbean friends have caused me to know this term.

    It was many years ago when I studied this term, but I think it connects to the East Indian slave trade and also I know of Black Cubans who are associated with this term.


    • Like 1
  8. @Michel Montvert Thank you for the breakdown.


    All of these terms sort of 'give me a headache though'!

    Adding to my confusion of the whole idea of whatever the complete meaning of socialism is, you then brought up other terms that I usually see in these topics too, such as 


    Liberalism and Leftist, etc.


    OMG! What do they mean to the point where I can understand!?

    What in the world is a 'leftist, a 'rightist', etc. 


    What in the world to Black people in concentration bend towards, if any?

    It sounds like some kind of movement that occurred in association with politics. 

    Oh yes, you said a new one, I have never heard of 'demosocialist'. WOW! What in the world!


    12 hours ago, Michel Montvert said:

    So it is confusing and one has to be skeptical.





  9. 4 hours ago, daniellegfny said:

    We aren’t talking about White people. The purpose of this post was to focus on our mindset and what we were willing to tolerate. This is a Black issue that Black people have to come to terms with. Many Black fathers have driven Black women to have abortion because of their pride.


    @daniellegfny Yes, due to our origins here in America, I absolutely agree in that Black people have a terrible and unique situation pertaining to this subject. 

    And I agree to, with this statement very much 


    "Many Black fathers have driven Black women to have abortion because of their pride."


    But also, many Black fathers hit and run too, leaving the Black woman alone to deal with her babies.


    But this statement, I have much frustration:



    4 hours ago, daniellegfny said:
    17 hours ago, Chevdove said:

    how can a baby thrive if the mother does not want to give birth and is then forced to do so?

    The way millions of orphans and adopted children have.


    Black foster children are not adopted that often and grow up in group homes of which, imo does not help to build healthy black individuals that even know how to build a healthy family environment. How can they, if they haven't been structured in one themselves.


    So orphaned Black children only perpetuate the problem, as you stated, of coming from broken family structure. 

    In the story I gave, the father would not allow the mother to give the child up as well, as you also said, due to pride. So the woman was stuck and the poor child was stuck.


    Thank you for posting this topic. It is a tough subject, but one that all Americans should deal with if we want to repair past mistakes. 





    AfroAmericans dealing with Police Brutality Incidences & and Now This! --

    The FBI Raided A Black Organization in Connection With Russia & Russian Propaganda


    Why in the world would African Americans start a minority socialist party today!?


    This video topic, two of them, kept popping up into my channel and although I kept deleting it, it still continue to pop up.

    I was SO NOT INTERESTED in certain aspects of it, especially the socialist aspect of it. 

    I'm thinking--Why in the world would an African American want to be associated with a socialist party today!?

    Honestly, I do not completely understand the concept and how it compares to Communism either. 

    Nevertheless and apparently a few weeks ago, a group of African Americans organized a socialist party a few years back and the headquarters 

    is in St. Louis, Missouri, however, this group has other branches too, in certain areas of America and now, they are upset and angry because they have just 

    been raided by the FBI for their apparent association with some Russian person who has allegedly been charged with using this group to feed Russian propaganda 

    into America and undermine American Democracy and mess with Americans to cause them to vote in a certain way that again, undermines American democracy.


    Some of the statements the group, known as UHURU, leaders say is that they were not influenced by this Russian man and that they did not accept any money, and they were surprised and upset that they had been abruptly raided.


    But, I don't know if I agree because, on the other hand, some of the spokespersons did say things like they had been flown over to Russia back when they started this organization!

    Then I heard statements about 'Michael Brown' being shot and Reparations and statements made about the colonial empire, etc.

    IMO, just because some secret group tells you that America has exploited you as an African American DOS and offers you funding so that you will have some sort of 'reparation' and a chance to have money you never had before and then you start a group that is similar to their agenda, doesn't mean that they mean you any good. 


    Darn it--I don't even know if I retained enough about American history in school, why in the world would I embrace another big government like Russia if I haven't even been in a formal class to learn about their government? 







    This the actual video that kept popping up into my channel. The leader 'Omalia' lives in St. Louis, Missouri where the headquarters was set up, supposedly. 


    I don't think he agrees with the Democratic Party either. I heard him say that the Democrats are using principles that are not in line with the past definition of their party. 











  11. 47 minutes ago, daniellegfny said:

    There has been a war against Black Americans Families from the very beginning of the founding of the nation. The diabolic truth is that Black Lives have been devalued as and replaced with false concepts and notions.


    @daniellegfny So true. 


    48 minutes ago, daniellegfny said:

    Babies are not a mechanism to enslave Black women. Black babies are the future and legacy of Black people. We must stand up against frivolous abortion and reserve that procedure to cases of absolute emergencies where the death by medical complications could kill the mother.


    I agree very much however, how can a baby thrive if the mother does not want to give birth and is then forced to do so?

    I know of a Black American who told me that his mother told him that, although she submitted to the man in marriage, however she conceived him in an abusive situation and therefore did not want to have him. 

    She then tried to give him away after birth but could not find any takers, so he lived a terrible neglected, abandoned and abusive life. 




    • Like 1
  12. On 8/23/2022 at 5:18 PM, Delano said:

    A couple of hundred years ago there was a race for America.


    How ironic!

    Most of Europe was racing for America during the colonial days.

    Now America has gotten fat with trade power, then eventually it has gotten a little lean, therefore... off to Africa... again!

    It seems like America and many other countries have turned back and are now racing for Africa.

    But it seems like Africa has endured this racing and competition for control over it before though.

    On 8/24/2022 at 5:46 PM, Pioneer1 said:

    A couple of hundred years ago there was a race for America.


    It still is.
    And guess who's doing the racing to buy up America?





  13. 41 minutes ago, ProfD said:

    Bit, I do believe you two can put the train back on the track and re-engage in your scholarly debate without anyone being offended. 😎


    Thank you @ProfDI don't like comin at the brothas, but some times...


    I love that Dr. Leroche mentioned the Ma'at cross but I think at times, it's hard for many men [all men of different cultures] to accept that women too, can go to school and learn and discuss certain topics like science and math.  

  14. 20 hours ago, Michel Montvert said:

    Afterward, I said to my fellow traveler here, that was weird, I was fearful and moving toward the gun when that truck came in until I saw the black guy and then I relaxed. So... am I racist? (We're both white.) She said, no, that's not racist, we have good reason to fear the whites.


    This can have other deeper meanings too, though.

    I feel that it times, some people don't fear big black men, because of the systematic suppression that have caused many of them to not be a threat anymore in some circumstances. So, it can be sort of like an insult and mockery. So it depends on what type of cultural background you come from that causes you to not be afraid, whereas another person might be.


    I also feel that our educational system is behind all of this issue as well and many Black people may not realize that this type of fear goes way back before America, times in history whereby there were predominantly 'Black' armies that did conflict with White force and this has led to deep-seeded hatred towards Black people and many Black people here in America are not aware of it and don't know why some White people seem to hate us so much with no apparent valid reason. 


    I think that sometimes, Black people are victims of the Stockholm Syndrome and at times, may be willing to defend racist even against the kind of White people that have went all out and fought for our freedom and this too, plays into the craziness that is going on today. These few police that are killing Black people would be affectively dealt with, I feel, if Black people would utilize the help from others that agree that this is not normal.


    Anyway, thanks for your comment!





  15. 12 hours ago, Cynique said:

    Black folks aren't the only ones sporting rainbow hair which dates back to Rock and Heavy Metal groups and which has now gained popularity among whites and Hispanics, too. Just like high falsetto voices date waaay back past "Switch" and the DeBarges (who are bi-racial and do not have to "process" their hair).  The BeeGees were examples of white guys singing in high falsettos, and all the lead singers in the Doo-Wop quartets and later the MoTown male groups sang in high falsettos, one of the most prominent one being Eddie Kendricks of the Temptations.  And, of course, Prince, - and Phillip Bailey of Earth, Wind, & Fire, and the Isley Brothers. There was a famous male singing group back during the 1930s and '40s called the "Ink Spots" whose lead tenor sang in a high falsettos.  Men who are secure in their masculinity do not have a problem vocalizing in this style which probably originated in Italian operas.


    @Cynique Last night, I watched an old film, the Tempations!

    It is one of the few films that I can actually get approved in the schools to show because a lot of 'black-centered' films I want to show to my predominantly Black school teens have too much subject matter that the schools will not approve. For my predominantly White and 'other students' I can choose a lot that will be approve though. Anyway, I'm digressing...


    The Temptations, film is one of my favorites and I go back and forth of which actor is my favorite. The actor that plays Eddie Kendricks is awesome. And then I love Leon. 

    And you're right too, about Philip Bailey, there is nothing odd about him having a high pitched musical voice! 

    Switch too, is another of my favorites. Their straight hair is in their DNA! LOL. 




    • Like 1
  16. 2 minutes ago, Pioneer1 said:

    I wasn't expecting THAT response.



    I respectfully ask you, was all of that really ncessary?



    Come on @Pioneer1You are taking my beliefs lightly. You are joking about my research and now, you are trying to act like it's not a big issue.

    You are being condescending. 

    Dr. Daniel Leroche spoke about Ma'at and it was such an amazing video.

    Nick Johnson published a wonderful video and highlighing issues here in America about

    how black people have been marginalized in Floridian communities.

    Then Dr. Leroche says that we need to go back to the earliest civilizations of Egypt and here,

    you post this ugly picture of a White Cave man and say that Moses was born and told by God to help them--

    You are cutting up true history with your beliefs and you know that is very offensive to me due to my tireless effort to share my research on this subject.

    yes, here you are clearly mocking me.

    I am not amused.




  17. 9 minutes ago, Chevdove said:

     Pioneer said: What do you mean a "timeline"?
    Few dates are given in history because different cultures use different calendars and modes of calculating time.


    No. The Egyptians Calendars are based on astronomy. Their Calendars therefore, can be used today to correctly date their historical records. 

    Based on NASA today, the variations given by other modern day scholars and their discrepancies have been well documented and I definitely hope to share more about this as well. In fact, I've already address this several times but, as this 'correct dating' issue is a passion of mines, I believe it is important to address it constantly to show how historical records have been accurately dated to match today's Calendars. 


    All ancient civilizations are defined by 'record keeping' and ancient Egypt is one of the most amazing recorded civilizations of all time; that is why the Bible begins with this civilization. That is why I love this video of Nick Johnson and in how he chose to interview Dr. Daniel Leroche who spoke about ancient Egypt.


    17 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    However the real Moses of history went into the Caucasus to civilize the savages about 4000 years ago.


    Where's your reference @Pioneer1?


    4000 - 2022 = 1,978 B.C. The Biblical Moses was not even born at this time!!!


    17 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Your version of 'Moses' is not Biblical.

    Because the Bible isn't a factual or historically correct book.

    I'm talking about the HISTORIC Moses/Muse, not the Biblical one.


    This is your opinion!!!

    Stop pushing your opinions on others. 

    Again, if you speak of another HISTORICAL MUSE then, this is not the topic at hand! And give a reference about your version of this historical Muse/Moses.

    You way off target.


    17 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    The Exodus occurred after 400+ years of 'hard bondage', and not about mountain people, savage people eating raw meat up in the mountains.


    Well, most of the evidence points to the "exodus" of the Bible NEVER having occurred period.


    Prove it!

    I have given you references one of which is the late IVAN VAN SERTIMA and the late DR. HIBBARD of whom published topics about this very time period and, I have written extensively about it as well. The end of the 18th Dynasty and the beginning of the 19th Dynasty of the Ramesses have scientific phenomena that absolutely agrees with the catostrophies detailed in the Bible.


    17 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    I know you speak about these mountain people Pioneer but you know, I do not refer to that.


    When you talk about CAUCASIANS in general  at that time, you're talking about "mountain people".


    At that time!!??? No, not at that time in Egypt!

    There are not mountains in Egypt along the Nile river. 


    • Thanks 1
  18. 17 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Please put a timeline to what you are talking about.

    What do you mean a "timeline"?
    Few dates are given in history because different cultures use different calendars and modes of calculating time.

    However the real Moses of history went into the Caucasus to civilize the savages about 4000 years ago.

    Your version of 'Moses' is not Biblical.

    Because the Bible isn't a factual or historically correct book.

    I'm talking about the HISTORIC Moses/Muse, not the Biblical one.


    @Pioneer1 So much for BLACK UNITY, HUh!?

    So much for HIGH INTELLECT FORUM, here Huh!?

    So what @Troyhas provided by starting this community will never be regarded as a place where Black people and others can come and engage in topics that involve scholarship and respectful RULES OF ENGAGEMENT. As a Black person who loves to research and share information based on dates, timelines and references, I cannot do that here because I have to realize that in Black communities we have to tolerate mockery, joinin, and ridicule, etc. 


    Pioneer, we have already had extensive engagement on this topic and now, you are trying to dominate and control me and push your viewpoints with NO reference about your version of what you believe about the Bible, Moses, the EXODUS and Caucasian mountain people. You are attacking my beliefs with no references.


    I started this thread and here, you come into it and post this disgusting picture of a White caveman to reintroduce you ridiculous beliefs about 'a God that would create wild raw meat eating White men in which he sent Moses up into the caucasus mountains to give them the Ten Commandments. If you want to argue this point with @franksterin the other thread that you started then why do it here too!? 


    Here, I posted a picture of this beautiful young man, A White man, Nick Johnson and express my appreciation for all mankind who are willing to acknowledge issue of racism and White Supremacy and you want to push your stupid belief in that 'White men come from a White Adam and Eve and the Bible was written for white people'. 


    I do not believe that. Stop pushing your beliefs on me. @Pioneer1


    Once again, since you have attempted to push your warped beliefs without any references, I will address them WITH REFERENCES [General references] and provide dates in hopes that you can either accept the referenced confirmation of historical records or just respectfully disengage from badgerring me. 


    I believe that you may not receiving my references because you are not willing to let go of your beliefs and therefore attacking me out of this kind of arrogance or gender arrogance. You can't take it coming from a female perhaps. This is one issue that I am frustrated with, even with my husband at times. This I too sometimes believes is the problem with 'the Black Church'. Instead of correcting Black men, other black men will handle each other with 'kid gloves' and as a result, Black women are constantly suppressed. Nevertheless, in this community, you have been challenged affectively by some of us in this community as I read in a recent thread that @Delanostarted about Black women and men:



    @Cynique wrote:


     Posted Wednesday at 08:25 PM

    Suffice to say I don't agree with your OPINIONS.  That's all you're expressing.  Babble on.


    Posted Wednesday at 09:02 PM

      On 8/17/2022 at 8:02 PM, Cynique said:

    We have very little in common because of the huge age gap

    Exactly which is why it's called a generation gap. We are part of the same era but we come from different generations.


    @Delano wrote:


     ...You're using the Western concept of generation and I'm using a universal concept.

    You can't have a productive discussion if you have your own definitions of words.

    Maybe forget about having a"High Intellect Forum" until you can use standard or widely accepted  definitions of terms. Please note I am not saying you have to change, but doing so would facilitate clearer communication. Unless obscuration is part of your strategy in discussions 



    @Troy Responded to your quote and wrote:


    Posted Thursday at 09:24 AM

      On 8/17/2022 at 8:16 PM, Pioneer1 said:



    I'm sorry man it does not work that way.  You are identified with the generation your were born into.  I, for example, am a young baby boomer.  most of my children are millennials, and kids born this century are Gen Z. Get it?


    And then, @ProfD wrote:


    osted Thursday at 11:29 AM


    … If there is an age difference of 20 years or more, it's a different generation.


    IMO, it's a very cool thing to have generational separation because it gives us a living historical perspective.  



    So, @Pioneer1 I really appreciate this thread and hope that you understand, especially what Delano said:


    You can't have a productive discussion if you have your own definitions of words.

    Maybe forget about having a"High Intellect Forum" until you can use standard or widely accepted  definitions of terms. Please note I am not saying you have to change, but doing so would facilitate clearer communication


    But again, I will address your comments here about Egypt and Ma'at and etc. and if you don't agree, I can accept this but I hope that you will stop badgering me and trying to force you unsupported beliefs on me.



    The Legal Definition of 'A MASS SHOOTING'


    Now I understand the 'legal' definition of a MASS SHOOTING. 

    Prior to this video that came up on my channel, I did not agree with recent reports of mass shootings when only two or three people had been victimized. 

    But in this video it was explained that our laws dictate how a mass shooting is defined.


    There is a recent and very sad event that occurred and although I do not know all of the details, it has caused some people to be angry. 

    The video [of which I refuse to watch the graphic parts of it] appears to show the a young man who initially had a gun, but when he saw the police, he threw the gun away, however, the police shot him anyway. They shot him multiple times. And, other people were apparently also shot.






  20. 6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Moses knew the savages couldn't follow ALL of the laws that make a human being complete because THEY were incomplete themselves.


    Okay, I'm scratching my head! 



    Please put a timeline to what you are talking about.

    Your version of 'Moses' is not Biblical.

    The Exodus occurred after 400+ years of 'hard bondage', and not about mountain people, savage people eating raw meat up in the mountains.

    They were not in the mountains. Egypt is not in the mountains.

    I know you speak about these mountain people Pioneer but you know, I do not refer to that.



    On 8/18/2022 at 9:07 AM, Troy said:

    The 42 Laws Of Ma’at (Negative Confessions)


    This post is so enlightening!

    I believe Dr. Daniel spoke truth when he referenced that the laws of Ma'at came thousands of years before the Ten Commandments.

    What I hope too that people hear is when he said that there needs to be accountability when the few police attack and shoot unarmed Black people.

    I just saw another recent news report about this very horror. 


    But, I also hope that we also show accountability regarding why, after thousands of years the land of the Egyptians was indeed stolen. Today, the people that are 'the Egyptians that are in control of that land' do not look like the Egyptians who wrote the 42 laws of Ma'at. 



  21. 5 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    But I'd like YOU to get the credit for it instead of someone else who discovers it and brings it back into general circulation as "their own" ideas and perspectives.


    @Pioneer1 Me too!

    It would be great to get credit during my lifetime, however, I believe that the primary source of which I love to research has been perfected that my research doesn't even compare. No matter what I write, I feel that the hidden truth scripted in the past is bound to surface sooner or later, and I just hope to be recognized as being a positive part of the whole.



  22. On 8/17/2022 at 2:45 PM, ProfD said:

    Many of them look just as ridiculous. 


    @ProfD LOL

    Keep going... Now I see HOT PINK hair, GREEN hair, Blue hair, etc.

    In the past, I only saw these kinds of WIGS during the Halloween season and in specialty shops where halloween costumes were sold during the season.

    Now, it is like, status quo style. People are going to work in office environments with these hair and wig styles.

    For now, the hair styles are bone straight for the most part, and I wonder if people will start wearing hot pink afros or bright green afro wigs.


    Times have changed. 

    On 8/17/2022 at 11:44 PM, Delano said:

    I saw a light skin black man with natural blonde hair.

    He was striking.


    Yes, I could imagine that is looked natural. That's why I posted the pics of Black children with naturally blonde hair. 

    But the horse hair wigs do not look natural, imo.


    On 8/17/2022 at 4:32 PM, Pioneer1 said:

    The only Black people I know with naturally blonde hair are Australian Aborigines.


    @Pioneer1In Africa too!



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