Chevdove Posted July 2, 2023 Report Posted July 2, 2023 On 6/24/2023 at 2:10 AM, JakeFromNY said: Below are some of the quotes from other posters within this thread. I'll try to be fair as well, some came here not to discuss but bash but some also came with legit points IMO. Emotions often took over from both sides but you have to take responsibility of the statements you make, especially blanket statements about entire group. Also, if you make a negative statement about another group based on personal opinion or hate, I would consider that demonizing, once again the definition "portray (someone or something) as evil or as worthy of contempt or blame". Please don't say "oh you are claiming blacks commit more violent crimes than other groups and that is also demonizing!" as that is backed up by statistics and the whole point of this discussion and not my opinion. "White people: *Maim, rape, kill, torture, deceive every nation they land in and then settle quietly in colonies* " "White people: *Steal land, air, water, food, gold, etc* *hoards everything for themselves* " "That's because you Neanderthals are to blame!" "Neanderthals writing Egyptian script! HILARIOUS!!!" "Of Course you don't.....your conscience will reveal your lying hypocrisy. " "Propaganda to malign Blacks so as to assuage the conscience of those of evil intent..." "Another step in the dehumanization of Black peoples.... " "...Racist whites who refuse to recognize that they are socialize to make judgements based on color..." "...a leech that can't be trusted and will suck your blood if given the chance." "...there has been a guy who decided to kill his whole family...I can only imagine what happens in the trailer parks," WHAT!? I see some of my statements taken out of context here! I completely abandoned this thread for a while, however, someone joined this community and tagged me so, I decided to browse. And What do I see!? Yes, this is demonizing and gaslighting--to take quotes out of context, quotes that were in rebuttal of racist attacks. Now that is also completely racist, biased, and a supremacist spirit! I will say this about this thread; For White people to target statistics to support their racism is NOT MY APPROACH TO REBUT! My rebuttals are based on ancient script! I do NOT give any value to statistics to support racism! So if you don't like it if I refer to this evil system that set up on slavery and if you don't like it if I refer to Neanderthal behavior, of which is the very basis of the ORIGINAL SIN IN THE GARDEN OF EDEN!!!--Then that is your problem! I am basing my rebuttal on ancient script about White Supremacy! If you are not a White Supremacist, then why are you offended!? To say that Neanderthals raped modern humans is not DEMONIZING! To say that this evil behavior is scripted in the Bible, is not demonizing! To set up a system based on child slavery and rape and then run the slave yard and prisons to encourage BLACK VIOLENCE and then turn around and give statistics defines Satan's agenda! DECEPTION. He came to STEAL, KILL AND DESTROY the human race. Don't come up in this community with racism and then say that I said anything about exclusively White people! I refer to White Supremacy. See, that is the problem, Supremacist people have ideals that they try to force on children. Even if Black people are not criminals, they can't accept it, but try to create an environment to fit what they want to believe.
Art Posted July 31, 2023 Report Posted July 31, 2023 (signed up just to respond to this idiocy) OP: Okay, since you clearly didn't bother verifying wherever you got your nugget of misinformation before proudly blasting your drivel on a Black Literature Book Club forum, and you were VERY SPECIFIC in stating "ALL" violent crime, let's take a look at the numbers, shall we? Crime statistics in the US can be gleaned from multiple sources, some better or worse than others, but in general, if there is to be what would be considered "official" numbers, that would come from the Uniform Crime Reports produced annually by the FBI. The FBI collects this data from law enforcement agencies throughout the country monthly. So let's start there. link (2019 is most recent year available): A couple caveats: OP did not specify what he/she considers "violent crime" and types of crime that fall into this category can be debated. In general, though, there are some obvious inclusions, such as murder, rape, and assault. It actually makes no difference as no matter which crimes you stick in the "violent crime" category, the numbers, at least according to the actual, official source, clearly show Whites VASTLY outperforming Blacks in almost every category. Most of the time it's not even close. I could crunch the numbers for you, but I think you could probably, I hope, read and you can see the numbers for yourself quite easily. If you are still too lazy to look at a numbers list or are unable to muster mathematical exercise, the report kindly points out the exact opposite of your original statement. Under Arrests, by Race and Ethnicity, 2019 in the Overview section below the data tables. Items of note that directly relate to your statement: " - White individuals were arrested more often for violent crimes than individuals of any other race and accounted for 59.1 percent of those arrests. " and (here, Blacks did edge out Whites specifically for murder 51.3% to 45.7%; which is a not- "60% of ALL violent crime"): " - Of adults arrested for murder, 51.3 percent were Black or African American, 45.7 percent were White, and 3.0 percent were of other races. " but now we return to Opposite Land: " - White juveniles comprised 50.3 percent of all juveniles arrested for violent crimes, and Black or African American juveniles accounted for 46.4 percent of juveniles arrested for violent crimes. " and: " - White juveniles comprised 56.4 percent of juveniles arrested for aggravated assault. " which I'm assuming could be included in the "violent crime" category. Now, you ARE correct that Blacks make up around 13-14% of the US population and you COULD have made a better, stronger argument if you used "per capita" data rather than your blanket "ALL" violent crime. When looking at the data "per capita" or per numbers of individuals of each race in the population, ala your "14 percent" crowd, the numbers of violent crime per race per capita data definitely changes the optics. But, your original post didn't do that. It used a blanket, "OMG! The Blacks are gonna kill us all! Git rid of them;" mentality and it's a re-hashed, blindly-kneejerk, racist, mouth-fart (or finger-fart?, idk). My advice to you, or anyone else reading or commenting on this topic that looked at that statement and thought "That's right! Of course those are the numbers! I knew it all along!": Stop posting stupid asshat statements that you never verified, or never understood, or stated it because your dormant racism "just has to get out!" because you're so damn mad because you're letting yourself be a sponge for a-holes who really do want nothing in America but White Christians and hey, Blacks are welcome too so long as they're compliant Christians and don't talk too much. Stop being a gullible idiot, or an idiot racist, or a gullible idiot reposting idiot racist bullshit they make up so they can feel better about their racist beliefs about any non-white or non-"Christian" Americans. America deserves better. Humanity deserves better. - Hope this helps! 1 1
Troy Posted July 31, 2023 Report Posted July 31, 2023 We welcome to forums @Art and thanks for sharing your thoughts. On its face, “Blacks Commit 60% off all violent crime,” is a lie. Keep in mind the crime stats you shared are arrests, not convictions. The data is biased because we know Black people are more likely to be wrongly convicted of violent crime. While we can’t know the percentage of people wrongly arrested the number is not trivial and surely impacts Black people more.
Art Posted July 31, 2023 Report Posted July 31, 2023 2 hours ago, Troy said: We welcome to forums @Art and thanks for sharing your thoughts. On its face, “Blacks Commit 60% off all violent crime,” is a lie. Keep in mind the crime stats you shared are arrests, not convictions. The data is biased because we know Black people are more likely to be wrongly convicted of violent crime. While we can’t know the percentage of people wrongly arrested the number is not trivial and surely impacts Black people more. Yeah I'm aware those data are only for arrests and not convictions. However, with regards to the original post, my aim was mostly to admonish the OP for blabbing out nonsense and to try to showcase that finding "official" numbers isn't that hard. It's not as easy as simply parroting out nonsense they agree with without any critical thinking or verification, but looking at official data and sources really only take a few braincells and about how long it takes for Google to display search results. I know I was rather campy with my post but I found it extra distasteful that a) my Google search for "crime rates per capita by race" returned OP's blaring post title on Google's first page results and b) that such an aggravating and untrue statement was made on a Black Literature book club website. Regarding arrests, convictions, justice, et al., all those numbers are grossly inaccurate anyway because of a thousand factors, not least that the law enforcement agencies reporting the data are all just self-reporting and none of them are required to participate. But, then again, OP threw out a statistic. And since the most "official" data source OP should be referencing are those FBI data, all I did was locate the data he would be referencing and checked his numbers. Like normal, misinformation like OP's post almost always has zero basis in any facts and originated out of thin air or by someone who didn't understand the data, or how to read it or didn't care. To me, the single most aggravating disease we have in America is people intentionally spreading lies and then people too dumb or too lazy to spend 12 seconds to Google and verify stuff before getting riled up, hating their neighbor Americans and spreading the disinfo far and wide. It's how you end up with crap like Qanon. And the idiotic fights against "wokeness", CRT, DEI programs and dismantling LGBTQ and any other peoples' rights. It breaks my heart and it's tearing this country apart.
Troy Posted July 31, 2023 Report Posted July 31, 2023 This conversation celebrated it one year anniversary about two weeks ago. During that time 150K unique visitors visited this page -- most of those visitors came after March of this year. @Art this this page ranks very high on that and related queries on Google. As a result, this page is one of the most popular pages on the entire site and has visited well over 600 times a day, everyday this year. Why do you think so many people were running searches similar to yours? What prompted your query? The person who started the conversation was probably a sincere, but unfortunately, they were completely duped by the racist narrative. Someone else joined in and suggested that it was Black IQ that was the problem. That comment was just asinine and that poster was clearly racist. The crazy thing was that the data they shared, from a legit source, simply did not support their argument -- which called into question their intelligence Our neighborhood racist-troll-slayer @frankster destroyed each racist remark point by point from time to time -- hopefully benefiting readers. Frank shared a video about mass incarceration the referenced an article from The Atlantic worth reading. Of course the racist trolls really began coming out of the woodwork. @Chevdove called for these vile posters to be removed. I was of the mind, like Mamie Till, folks needed to see how racist trolls operate. At any rate, I think the conversation is valuable for a variety of reasons -- even the troll traffic helps as this conversation alone generates about $1 a day in ad revenue.
Jeffr586 Posted August 1, 2023 Report Posted August 1, 2023 17 hours ago, Troy said: This conversation celebrated it one year anniversary about two weeks ago. During that time 150K unique visitors visited this page -- most of those visitors came after March of this year. @Art this this page ranks very high on that and related queries on Google. As a result, this page is one of the most popular pages on the entire site and has visited well over 600 times a day, everyday this year. Why do you think so many people were running searches similar to yours? What prompted your query? The person who started the conversation was probably a sincere, but unfortunately, they were completely duped by the racist narrative. Someone else joined in and suggested that it was Black IQ that was the problem. That comment was just asinine and that poster was clearly racist. The crazy thing was that the data they shared, from a legit source, simply did not support their argument -- which called into question their intelligence Our neighborhood racist-troll-slayer @frankster destroyed each racist remark point by point from time to time -- hopefully benefiting readers. Frank shared a video about mass incarceration the referenced an article from The Atlantic worth reading. Of course the racist trolls really began coming out of the woodwork. @Chevdove called for these vile posters to be removed. I was of the mind, like Mamie Till, folks needed to see how racist trolls operate. At any rate, I think the conversation is valuable for a variety of reasons -- even the troll traffic helps as this conversation alone generates about $1 a day in ad revenue. Wow that's a lot of traction. People do need to hear other people's opinions especially when their faults so the truth can come out. I don't know how often mines are changed but if you can enlighten one person a day, you're making a difference. 1
Chevdove Posted August 2, 2023 Report Posted August 2, 2023 On 7/31/2023 at 7:02 PM, Troy said: Of course the racist trolls really began coming out of the woodwork. @Chevdove called for these vile posters to be removed. I was of the mind, like Mamie Till, folks needed to see how racist trolls operate. Yes, I agree to a point. @Troy It is like a never ending issue until America is overhauled anyway. Racism needs to be eradicated completely and for you to remove them or not isn't going to solve the problem. Still though, I feel that they should not get away with some of the racist things they say and do in America. At what point should Hate Speech be defined as a Hate crime? I understand freedom of Speech, but to commicate certain derogatory typed speech, I feel should be regulated, but again, at what point should a citation be dealt is the question.
Troy Posted August 2, 2023 Report Posted August 2, 2023 @Chevdove honestly so much hate speech has been posted on this site I honestly did not remember this particular incident until i started reviewing the conversation. The reason i even knew about it was because you quoted the racist. I looked for the original racist post and i could not find it. Maybe it was ultimately deleted i don’t recall. i will delete racist spam which i view differently than a racist reply or statement like many of the paid in this conversation. i do recall a situation where a poster called @Cynique a “nigger bitch” among other things. This poster was not a “spamer” or “racist troll,” or i did not think so. They just began to exhibit increasingly irrational behavior. I warned the poster and eventually removed that comment. Cynique felt i should have left it; it did not bother her as much as it bothered me. Eventually the poster left on their own deleting all of their previous comments. just a day in the life of forum moderation
Chevdove Posted August 3, 2023 Report Posted August 3, 2023 19 hours ago, Troy said: The reason i even knew about it was because you quoted the racist. I looked for the original racist post and i could not find it. Maybe it was ultimately deleted i don’t recall. Lol! Really!? WOW. He must have deleted his comment! Man, I can't believe that. He was so brazen to write it, then deletes it! 19 hours ago, Troy said: just a day in the life of forum moderation Yes, absolutely. You have to choose battles and make decision for the good of the entire community. That is what keeps this alive, your wisdom and boldness in the way that you deal with forum moderation. Sometimes, I can see that at times you will come into a thread and reply to bad spirited posters and I am like, YES! Troy commented! And, I know I am not immune myself to perhaps getting into the heat of the debate and, I sometimes look over my shoulder, so-to-speak. LOL. I think there are many African Americans like me, who have been burnt so deeply due to racism and discrimination because of being Black so therefore, I just do NOT trust America at all and this causes me to respond emotionally when faced with an obvious racial attack. 1
JakeFromNY Posted September 28, 2023 Report Posted September 28, 2023 On 8/3/2023 at 2:46 AM, Chevdove said: I think there are many African Americans like me, who have been burnt so deeply due to racism and discrimination because of being Black so therefore, I just do NOT trust America at all and this causes me to respond emotionally when faced with an obvious racial attack. First hand witnessing these types of behavior does not help. These are not just anecdotal, my local mall had a couple shootings in the past couple years linked to black gang or "beef". They are likely going to go out of business because they were already struggling and now have an image as a dangerous place. I went to a carnival with my family in August this year, a large group of black youth almost started a group fight and over 30 policemen were called on the scene to stop them as about 10 on the scene already wasn't enough. The carnival almost shut down. Some of these youths literally ran past my children, could've knocked them down if they were closer. I'm sure you have experienced unwarranted racism as well but it is not like all racism came out of thin air.
Jeffr586 Posted September 28, 2023 Report Posted September 28, 2023 27 minutes ago, JakeFromNY said: First hand witnessing these types of behavior does not help. These are not just anecdotal, my local mall had a couple shootings in the past couple years linked to black gang or "beef". They are likely going to go out of business because they were already struggling and now have an image as a dangerous place. I went to a carnival with my family in August this year, a large group of black youth almost started a group fight and over 30 policemen were called on the scene to stop them as about 10 on the scene already wasn't enough. The carnival almost shut down. Some of these youths literally ran past my children, could've knocked them down if they were closer. I'm sure you have experienced unwarranted racism as well but it is not like all racism came out of thin air. Like racism came out of thin air??? It kinda did... Here's the definition of racism. "rac·ism /ˈrāˌsiz(ə)m/ noun prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized. "a program to combat racism" And with one-party committing a insurrection against its own government I really don't think you have any platform to stand on when pointing fingers. 34 minutes ago, JakeFromNY said: First hand witnessing these types of behavior does not help. These are not just anecdotal, my local mall had a couple shootings in the past couple years linked to black gang or "beef". They are likely going to go out of business because they were already struggling and now have an image as a dangerous place. I went to a carnival with my family in August this year, a large group of black youth almost started a group fight and over 30 policemen were called on the scene to stop them as about 10 on the scene already wasn't enough. The carnival almost shut down. Some of these youths literally ran past my children, could've knocked them down if they were closer. I'm sure you have experienced unwarranted racism as well but it is not like all racism came out of thin air. And don't let one of your sports teams win a championship... you burn down the whole city turning over cars and that's when you're feeling good about life...LOL My ancestors lived in Wilmington North Carolina when they decided to burn the black communities down because they were making progress and doing too well without them. This happened to several cities across America so don't tell me how violent you are not when your statistics show how violent you are as a race. These kids are tired of being the bottom of the barrel while white America goes off and does whatever it wants to do for getting them. They're screaming out for help and you're not helping. I bet you if your race was slated to be poor their whole life, all because of the color of their skin, you'd be acting out as well.
JakeFromNY Posted September 28, 2023 Report Posted September 28, 2023 31 minutes ago, Jeffr586 said: Like racism came out of thin air??? It kinda did... No, most people born in the modern era don't hate black people just because they're black people. Some yes, born in white supremacist families, but vast majority don't. But some definitely will build up stereotyping and prejudice based on personal experience, like getting robbed, stolen, their business looted, starting fights, getting jumped, some of these I personally experienced as well. Just saying it goes both ways.
Jeffr586 Posted September 28, 2023 Report Posted September 28, 2023 57 minutes ago, JakeFromNY said: No, most people born in the modern era don't hate black people just because they're black people. Some yes, born in white supremacist families, but vast majority don't. But some definitely will build up stereotyping and prejudice based on personal experience, like getting robbed, stolen, their business looted, starting fights, getting jumped, some of these I personally experienced as well. Just saying it goes both ways. Yeah, like I haven't been tormented by white folks??? That doesn't make me put every last white person in the same category. The last 23 years I've lived in an area where me and my family or one of about five black families. The undertone that comes along with that on a constant basis is tremendous. Ensure nobody jump me because I can handle my business, but they sure did try to torment me. No, they didn't rob my store because I don't have one, but the mental suppression is just as bad as if they did. The constant scrutiny how did he get a Mercedes? How did he get Audi? How did he get a land rover in the smug look's from people that don't even know you might as well have been physical because they were definitely mental. Calling the police and asking them to investigate me because I have nice things and the police doing it... So let's not talk about who's calls and people anguish, whites, nowadays have always had a hand up and determine peoples outlooks. 1 hour ago, JakeFromNY said: No, most people born in the modern era don't hate black people just because they're black people. Some yes, born in white supremacist families, but vast majority don't. But some definitely will build up stereotyping and prejudice based on personal experience, like getting robbed, stolen, their business looted, starting fights, getting jumped, some of these I personally experienced as well. Just saying it goes both ways. And yeah, you might not be running around, breaking into stores and stuff of that nature but the economic suppression is pretty much, the same as if you would break into our communities and steal everything we got. You're just doing it with the law backing you.
Jeffr586 Posted September 28, 2023 Report Posted September 28, 2023 And I'll be honest with you, the bigger the economic divide the more you are gonna see these type of things happening. All of these unions picketing because people are tired of being left behind and these are people with jobs. This whole trickle down economics thing is not working for everyone. It's only working for the top one percent and people are fed up.
Sappire Posted September 29, 2023 Report Posted September 29, 2023 Well I fact checked and this was wrong as heck. The FBI adult and youth. The numbers are staggering in the USA on who commits the most and what crimes. The youth that are not black are worse. With black peoples having smaller population the number will be higher. That’s how percentage and fractions work. So basically you have the same criminals committing multiple crimes. However a high population with these numbers it frightening. That means most of the population are committing crimes old and new criminals. Even when in the back population the crime is high, a particle race is only a few hundreds to 1000 off. If blacks people are doing it from struggle, what is the other race excuse? Just search in google, “crimes by race” there will be a juvenile one and an adult one. Then tell me why are the number for white people so high and there are more of them then us? Then let the realization kick in on what you might be. Thank you. 1
Chevdove Posted September 30, 2023 Report Posted September 30, 2023 On 9/28/2023 at 4:07 PM, JakeFromNY said: I'm sure you have experienced unwarranted racism as well but it is not like all racism came out of thin air. Yes, I've heard about this recent looting. The recent news reports that it was about 100 looters and for now, it is also stated that these looters piggy backed on a court hearing which sparked a peaceful protest. I hear about Black gangs and violence a lot and no, this does not help in the cause to fight against racism at all. I no nothing about the recent court case though and perhaps more information will surface. But as far as racsim 'coming out of thin air', that is another whole topic. Nevertheless, stealing is not the answer in dealing with racsim.
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