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Blacks commit 60% of ALL violent crime — but only 14% of the population

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17 minutes ago, Chevdove said:


@Pioneer1 No. I don't agree that a racist attack should be ignored. Oh no.


I've never wanted someone banned for simply disagreeing with me. You are putting out a false statement. 

That's a supremacist tactic you are using.


You call it 'White men being disrespectful'!!?


LOL. Like I said, You've got problems! 



I KNOW you don't want them banned....because you enjoy interacting with them.
And it's obvious.

YOU'RE the one with the problem if a man calls you a bitch and you continue to chit chat with him and try to "win him over".

🤔 How can you ignore that which you are attracted to?  You don't.

2 minutes ago, Pioneer1 said:

KNOW you don't want them banned....because you enjoy interacting with them.
And it's obvious.

YOU'RE the one with the problem if a man calls you a bitch and you continue to chit chat with him and try to "win him over".


You know that is a lie.

I've been married for over 30 years. I have no problem with who I am.

You are attacking me because I disagree with you @Pioneer1. You call these racist statements,





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I didn't follow this thread too closely but if I recall correctly Troy TOLD you on one thread NOT TO FEED THE TROLLS.
He told you to ignore them....which you didn't.

And then you end up tussling and wrassling with them and got your feelings hurt.....you start hollering.

This is another issue we have to deal with in our community.......
Some of our sistas are so inlove with these bastids that it creates a SECURITY ISSUE.

We say stay inside and let us take care of it.....yall wanna run yall ass outside and "engage" with these racist demons.
Don't wanna listen to a Black man or let "some nigga" tell you what to do....and end up paying the price.

  • Confused 1
4 minutes ago, Pioneer1 said:

I didn't follow this threat tOo closely but if I recall correctly Troy TOLD you on one thread NOT TO FEED THE TROLLS.
He told you to ignore them....which you didn't.


@Pioneer1 The attack was directed towards @SpeakHerTruth! And NO! She has a right to respond to whomever she chose. I respect Troy's opinions, but if choose to address a racist attack, that is ultimately my right.


You are way out of line here! 

It's not about people's feelings getting hurt here, it's about racist statements being made.



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Fam, it's easy for a racist coward or cyber-bully to show and start typing noise and  nonsense.


We know they wouldn't be as bold and let it happen out in them streetz unless they wanted that azz beat.😁


i definitely understand @Chevdove clapping the drunken fool up to a point. 


But, as brotha and sista, @Pioneer1 and @Chevdove, y'all need to hug and shake hands.🤣😎

  • Thanks 1


But my question is WHY?
WHY are they giving these racists the time of day and engaging in days long back-n-forths with them if there wasn't some sort of attraction or deep down "love" for them and hope to convince and "convert" them.

Take the Indians of India for example....
As dark as some of them are, many of them are plain racist and simply don't like Black people, agreed?
So how many times have you seen them going back and forth engaging in dialog with us and trying to win us over to their culture and religion and way of life?
You almost never saw it.

Because most of them don't respect, like, or care enough about our people to even ENGAGE in a back-n-forth with us like that.  We're not even on their radar.

Now compare THAT example to how Black folks are constantly begging some of these racist Whites for a dialog and always on the defense and trying to explain themselves and our culture to them in hopes that their hearts will melt and they'll fall inlove with us. 
It's because THEY are inlove with THEM and wish for the feelings to be reciprocated!


Thank you @ProfD for trying to bring peace.


@Pioneer1 Again, @SpeakHerTruth I believe, has a right to address the racist comments and so do I.

No, I don't see where she was trying to win these racist over nor was I. If you look at any of my comments, I never ask for replies to racist. Never. I never ask for references either. I just respond to the attack. But you know this.


It is very disrespectful for you to accuse a Black woman of being in love with a racist who makes racist comments. 

I don't go to White forums. I am here. 

  • Thanks 1
4 minutes ago, Chevdove said:


It is very disrespectful for you to accuse a Black woman of being in love with a racist who makes racist comments. 

I don't go to White forums. I am here. 

Well it's even MORE disrespectful to me as a Black man when yall ENGAGE in conversations with these no good demons.
Especially when we've asked you not to.

How can Black men protect Black women when they refuse to listen to him on security matters?
How can a man properly BE a man if he's not allowed to do his duties?

3 minutes ago, Pioneer1 said:

Well it's even MORE disrespectful to me as a Black man when yall ENGAGE in conversations with these no good demons.
Especially when we've asked you not to.

How can Black men protect Black women when they refuse to listen to him on security matters?
How can a man properly BE a man if he's not allowed to do his duties?


security matters?


What are you referring to?


@Pioneer1 You are way out of line, here. This is a human right that women have the right to speak.

No one addressed the comments made to SpeakHerTruth!, initially! I came in later and read the comments, and I did not see where anyone responded!


I don't believe that there are enough Troys or other Black men that can catch everything going on, but yes, it would be good if this kind of Black chilvalry did happen. 


Black women should be able to address these evils too anyway. 

  • Thanks 1
19 minutes ago, Chevdove said:


security matters?


What are you referring to?


@Pioneer1 You are way out of line, here. This is a human right that women have the right to speak.

No one addressed the comments made to SpeakHerTruth!, initially! I came in later and read the comments, and I did not see where anyone responded!


I don't believe that there are enough Troys or other Black men that can catch everything going on, but yes, it would be good if this kind of Black chilvalry did happen. 


Black women should be able to address these evils too anyway. 

Cyber security.

What good is Troy or any other Black man stepping in to help you out if you're not going to listen to them ANY damn way?
They tell you "Please, just ignore them".
And instead, you pull up with some POP CORN and a damn lawn chair ready to dig in for the long haul.

Besides trying to steal personal information, one of the reasons these racists visit Black boards is to incite and instigate what WE'RE doing right now...which is in-fighting and chaos amongst eachother.
It's a tactic almost as old as the Caucasian race itself.
Come among Black folks, engage with them, and get them to arguing and fighting among eachother over how to treat them and how nice we should or shouldn't be to them.

If they are simply banned (which I personally don't agree with unless they're doing something egregious) or ignored from the jump....we wouldn't be where we are today.

The Bible said, RESIST Satan and he'll flee from you.....lol
Don't invite him in your house, pull out the chair, and offer him a cup of tea....RESIST him!

It's totally up to you whether you want to engage them or not.
I was commenting on my observations.
It's not just you, Frankster and Troy have also been engaging in them too.

However like I said, if you want the men to do their job then the women must do theirs.

9 minutes ago, Pioneer1 said:

They tell you "Please, just ignore them".
And instead, you pull up with some POP CORN and a damn lawn chair ready to dig in for the long haul.


Again, that is my right.

There are rules that are suppose to be a guideline.

It's not about men doing there job! This is about guidelines.

If calling someone 'a B@tch' is allowed and etc., then yes, I might respond, certainly if no one else does.

As far as inciting, you are the one that is doing that @Pioneer1.

Here you go bring up the Bible again, yet you say you don't believe in it.

You attack me about my beliefs and call it a White man's script.

You know I identify with NIPSEY HUSSLE'S origins.

You know I connect my beliefs to Ethiopia, Erititrea, Habesha and their staunch belief in Jesus Christ.

White America Separatied Church from State, they don't believe in the Jesus of the Bible

and you know I profess this, yet you continue to believe in your position. 

I don't mind. I believe people should have the freedom to work out their own beliefs.


And I don't know how many times you have openly welcomed racist White men in this very community.

Yet, I still back off of you, and allow you space to work it out. I don't come in and incite you.







As far as inciting, you are the one that is doing that @Pioneer1.


I didn't incite, I simply asked a question.
Why are yall engaging White racists....what do you hope to gain by it?
I still haven't gotten an intelligent answer yet.



I don't mind. I believe people should have the freedom to work out their own beliefs.

Me to, the problem is they aren't being ALLOWED to work it out for themselves.
Instead, they are getting a steady diet of Westernized religious propaganda from White folks and their Black flunkies who keep promoting and rehashing the same ineffective religious mumbo-jumbo that didn't work for us 300 years ago and won't work for us today.

Working it out for themselves would involve them actually GOING to Egypt, Palestine, Iraq, and other ancient Biblical areas to see the scrolls, artifacts, and ancient sites and ruins for themselves instead of thumbing through White literature and calling that "research".




And I don't know how many times you have openly welcomed racist White men in this very community.


You don't know how many times I've done it because I haven't....lol.

The most I've done for them was saying to ignore them.

Infact, the only time I've ever defended ANY White person on here  was the one you got into an argument with and kept calling racist.  You were calling them racist simply because they didn't agree with you.  I didn't think they should have been banned simply for disagreeing or promoting a talking point on evolution that MOST Whites agree with and teach in their universities.

2 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

Working it out for themselves would involve them actually GOING to Egypt, Palestine, Iraq, and other ancient Biblical areas to see the scrolls, artifacts, and ancient sites and ruins for themselves instead of thumbing through White literature and calling that "research".


That is your opinion. White America profess a Jesus that is different from the Bible and you continually profess their mumbo jumbo to Black America to not believe in Jesus altogether--that is their intention. 

You push their views @Pioneer1No one needs to go to Egypt or Ethiopia to know that the Habesha people observe Jesus and the scriptures as they are written. Technology has advanced.


So of course you wouldn't agree with banning a white racist who would attack a Black woman and say,



"You stupid delusional bitch.

 Everything here is just some dumb old black bimbo

making up excuses for why her worthless offspring do nothing but ruin society. Y'all suck!"


2 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

the only time I've ever defended ANY White person on here  was the one you got into an argument with and kept calling racist.  You were calling them racist simply because they didn't agree with you.  I didn't think they should have been banned


He did not like you, yet you defended him!

You are a trip. You are definitely a White Supremacist.


And, no, he is not the only one you embrace quite a few White racist.

You are strange @Pioneer1

  • Like 1



That is your opinion. White America profess a Jesus that is different from the Bible and you continually profess their mumbo jumbo to Black America to not believe in Jesus altogether--that is their intention. 

You push their views @Pioneer1No one needs to go to Egypt or Ethiopia to know that the Habesha people observe Jesus and the scriptures as they are written. Technology has advanced.

No sweetheart, it's not merely an "opinion"....these are FACTS.

Christianity was FORCED on AfroAmericans ancestrally through chattel slavery.
That's how it was introduced to our people, not through Ethiopia or by Jesus himself...but through the White enslavers.

That's a FACT.


Another FACT is that the Bible was not written by God, Jesus, or even Jesus' disciples.
It was written by White human beings!
Look at the book....it's written in ENGLISH.
You have two of them:  Catholic Bible and King James Version.
Both of them were authorized in Europe: England or Rome-Italy.

Those are FACTS.


They didn't come from Africa let alone Ethopia.

Yeah yeah yeah you talk about "ancient scripture".....have YOU SEEN those "scriptures" for yourself?
Do you have them in your possession?

Present them before us.

Present these ancient "scripts" you speak of so that we may read them for ourselves since you have them.
If you've seen them, tell us where we can find them and read them.


I want FACTS....not a bunch of emotionalism and wishful thinking.






So of course you wouldn't agree with banning a white racist who would attack a Black woman and say,

"You stupid delusional bitch.

 Everything here is just some dumb old black bimbo

making up excuses for why her worthless offspring do nothing but ruin society. Y'all suck!"


And neither do YOU because you continued to have a conversation with the fool even after he said that.
So clearly YOU didn't want him bad until he gave YOU some of that same energy too.

He did not like you, yet you defended him!

It doesn't matter if he liked me or not.
I defended his right to be here and express himself UNLESS he posed a threat to the site; unlike YOU who thinks people should be banned simply for disagreeing with you.




You are strange


Lol...I'm a Black man, we can't be "strange".
We're the original.
How can the original be "strange"?


Everything we say and do is cool....lol.

On 3/24/2023 at 10:27 PM, thewolfxx said:

Just like the effects of the Holocaust did not end in the 2nd world war. But the Jewish community is thriving, hmmm wonder why?

Their culture is intact....They did not experience generations of nazi atrocities or on going persecution interference and obstruction


On 3/24/2023 at 10:27 PM, thewolfxx said:

And don't say they are white because most don't consider themselves "white". They consider themselves Jewish.

Today most Ashkenazi(european/khazar) Jews are considered white....Ethiopian Jews however still face Racism.

When you live in a racist society, it matters not whether you consider yourself this or that....The predominant Culture Labels you  and treats you according to the label given  you.


On 3/24/2023 at 10:27 PM, thewolfxx said:

I'm sure you e experienced racism, I'm fat, everyone experiences hurt in their lives weather your over weight, under weight, sick, poor, gay, trans, old, young etc there is a lot of bigotry and that bigotry happens with all races including yours.

Racism and Bigotry are two entirely different things.

Everybody experiences bigotry in one form or the other...

Whites cannot experience Racism in a White  Supremacy Racist Society...as a white person.


On 3/24/2023 at 10:27 PM, thewolfxx said:


Look, life isn't fair, stop licking your wounds and stand up, dust yourself off and march on.


We are Standing Up.....To people who traffic in  stereotypes.

Stereotyping is not something you can dust off.....it is prejudiced held in the minds of others to your detriment.


On 3/24/2023 at 10:27 PM, thewolfxx said:

I don't know what to tell you. Stay positive.

It is okay not knowing what to say...then Listen and Understand thru Reasoning and Research

Thank you.....



On 3/24/2023 at 10:27 PM, thewolfxx said:

Again....246 years, but 400 sounds better, right? If you still insist your enslaved, then let's put the chains back on you. Now where we going to put you? Are you a house n***er or a field n***er? Let's get that Mandingo slave trade going that Quentin Tarantino invented. That looks like some good entertainment.  Who's property are you? Are you mine? People say I'm rough with my property..when there backs give out I usually throw them to a pack of hungry wolves or clock em over the head with a hammer and throw them down the n***er hole. 

Slavery was never abolished by USA.

The Nomenclature of the Victims of enslavement have only been changed....

Today those Victims are called Prisoners

Mass Incarceration is a modern day Peonage - debt slavery or more precisely - Bondage


Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.








On 3/24/2023 at 10:27 PM, thewolfxx said:


Is this what you want? You want to be a slave again? Because that's what America did, but doesn't do anymore..now your free to vote, get a job, and contribute to society.

No one is a slave....One can only be enslaved

America did not enslave anyone......Racist americans did.

Getting a job is not the real problem....getting paid and a living wage is.

Enslaved Africans have made the greatest Contribution to America...

Without African Blood Sweat and Tears Capitalism  and the American experiment would not Be




A primer

Slavery and the rise of Capitalism

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5 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:


He did not like you, yet you defended him!

It doesn't matter if he liked me or not.
I defended his right to be here and express himself UNLESS he posed a threat to the site; unlike YOU who thinks people should be banned simply for disagreeing with you.




You are strange


Lol...I'm a Black man, we can't be "strange".
We're the original.
How can the original be "strange"?


Everything we say and do is cool....lol.



You contradicting. You say I wanted him banned but then you say I defended him! 


You continue to lie because whether or not people get banned is not what I expressed.

You're completely lying.


And that man was NOT banned! 

Yes, you are very strange, defending a White man who absolutely did not like you.

You say that you are a Black man, but you also sais that you are light skinned, so please?

Is you father White @Pioneer1?





12 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

How can a man properly BE a man if he's not allowed to do his duties?

Allowed? You must be joking. 


No man is stopped from doing his duties by a woman. That's either a little boy or a man who never wanted to do that duty anyway. Stop pretending. If you need to be "allowed" then what makes you the man?


Men do what needs to be done. They don't wait for permission. Much less from women.

6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

Another FACT is that the Bible was not written by God, Jesus, or even Jesus' disciples.
It was written by White human beings!

No, it was not. Stop spreading racist white lies!


You are one of the many reasons white people think they are the major authority on the bible. You are the reason they actually believe they created it and it's their religion they shared with the world. They gave black people that lie and now it has been spread many generations down.


White people were the original pagans of the world. They say this all the time. But people refuse to believe that, but will take every lie they spew.


They had no hand in the Bible's creation. 

6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

I defended his right to be here and express himself UNLESS he posed a threat to the site; unlike YOU who thinks people should be banned simply for disagreeing with you.


Defending a racist til they "pose a threat" is like defending an alligator in your home til it "poses a threat." It is a threat by nature, and waiting til it's real bad is how black people get themselves in trouble.


STOP GIVING THEM LENIENCY AND THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT. They want you eradicated and all you can think about is their right to talk about it as if it helps anyone at all. This is why they run amuck. No one believes in reigning them in. And they will rule the world until REAL MEN know better than to give their enemy breathing room. Something whites never afford to any group they target.


  • Thanks 1



I see you were up late at night typing a whole lot more NONSENSE.

You should have been in the bed sleep, and instead you're going in circles again.

Well guess what?
I'm not going in circles with you!

If you don't get it....you simply don't get it.

You'll be on your own on the late night creep.











Yes, LET him be the man.
Because in THIS society you have laws, rules, and regulations that prevent men from just BEING the men they want to be and doing what they want.  
We need permission for some things.


You want to know where a lot of these "real men" who don't ask for permission and just DO what the hell they want to do, are?

In prison, or dead.


Go to your typical prison and you'll find a lot of "real men" laying on a damn bunk staring at the ceiling wondering was expressing that manhood really worth the time they're doing.


The women must step back and allow men to be men.
It's called COOPERATION and it makes for a more healthy and harmonious society; as opposed to a barbaric one like they have in some parts of the Middle East.

12 minutes ago, Pioneer1 said:

The women must step back and allow men to be men

Excuses. 😪 


Men rule society. It's a man's world. You don't need permission. You just don't wanna do it. Nothing will stop a man from what he needs to do if he is determined; nothing will stop him but himself. 



Yes men rule society, WHITE MEN.
White men make most of the laws and set most of the rules.

Other groups, Black women, Asian men, Black men, White women, etc....have various bits and degrees of authority and power allowed or delegated to them but most of the power in this society is still held by White men and THEY primarily are the ones who make the decisions on what is allowed.
Again, an individual Black man can TAKE charge of his women and children and community if he wants....but he must be prepared for the consequences if that woman decides to call the police on him for doing so.

1 minute ago, Pioneer1 said:

.but he must be prepared for the consequences if that woman decides to call the police on him for doing so.


Oh so black men won't take charge of the community because they afraid of other(white) men. 😭 oh okay. Lemme not even ask anything about this because I'm not a man and will just pretend that makes sense.

12 minutes ago, SpeakHerTruth said:


Oh so black men won't take charge of the community because they afraid of other(white) men.

Sheeeyit, I thought you KNEW that already.....lol


Women want equal rights and equal pay for unequal work. You'd like 45/hr but don't want to get down in the trench with the rest of the men and get dirt under your fingernails.. There are jobs women just can't do physically as well as many, that's not bigotry it's just the truth..I'll point to all the sport records that are held by man, and why there is a second colom for woman.. and now women do t want to cook or clean or do any of the traditional roles of the household, but they also expect the man to change the trash and oil in the her car? Women have made marriage IMPOSSIBLE, so now they quit on marriage, break up the family units...the problem with society is the woman wanting all these "rights and pay" but don't buck up and do the work..they rather play on their phones and sit around getting fat...


Until videos of black men shooting cops, reaching for guns, running from cops, assaulting cops, not listening to cops orders etc, the public will be hard pressed to perceive it's a cop issue. Sure, there are a few videos of whites doing stupid things, but not nearly at the rate as we see from the black community and the white community is a lot larger...you would think these videos on YouTube would be prominently white...and these videos are caught by bystanders not just the cops...


What do you know about white slavery in northern Africa that went on under Sheria Law for more then 300 years? Should we keep this suppressed?

Many of those white slaves were Americans...imagine that...Africans enslaving whites...

9 hours ago, thewolfxx said:

What do you know about white slavery in northern Africa that went on under Sheria Law for more then 300 years? Should we keep this suppressed?

Many of those white slaves were Americans...imagine that...Africans enslaving whites...


LOL. That is a complete lie! You White people are so afraid of the future prophecies of when this will happen. Yes, it is prophecy that Whites will be enslaved by Black Africans but it has not happened yet.


That time period that you mention was during the Arab slave trade and, as far as I have understood from my studies, I didn't see that no where during this time that Africans were in control over enslaving White people. smh. 


My ancestors were stolen from East Africa during this time, so yes, I did study about this time period very well. There is nothing suppressed today about that time period. Jesus Christ! 


I don't believe that anyone ' any race' should ever be enslaved, nor does God. Yes, it is prophecy that it will occur, but to be clear, the Creator does not support human sacrifice at all of no one, wheter White or Black. I would never agree to anyone being enslaved. never. But what humanity set up will occur for awhile before this evil is corrected. 

Black men conflicting with cops again, is due to a deliberately exploitation that began during chattel slavery times. You continue to ignore this. 

Blaming women for the control of marriage is ridiculous, imo. 


Lol blacks will never enslave whites in this country. Slavery is illegal WORLDWIDE. Our 13th amendment protects us in this country. You blacks can try, but that would be genocide. I think it's time to move on don't you? America is a lot better then Africa, if it wasn't why are you still here? Go back to Africa. Your free. 

And I may not identify as black, but I do have descendents that were. My great grandfather was black, his side of the family is related to Benjamin Darling, one of the first slaves to earn his freedom by saving the captain of the ship he was on as a slave during a shipwreck. The captain gave him his freedom and money to buy some land and build a house. The messed up part is he also became a black slave master owning 43 slaves, he kept his wife a slave to keep her in line.


1 hour ago, thewolfxx said:

Go back to Africa. Your free. 


You Whites are so afraid of Blacks enslaving Whites! Yes, it is prophecy, it will happen but not in America.

It will happen in Africa according to prophecy. LOL. 

Scriptures says that you will be sold by the Greeks to the Sabeans for a pair of shoes. 

LOL. That has nothing to do with us Black over here in America! 


My husband is Native American, one of my maternal grandmothers is Native American and etc. No. I don't need to go back anywhere. You Whites will be going back though, so says prophecy. 

On 3/15/2023 at 5:07 PM, real1 said:

I think you're missing other factors of this equation such as IQ.


IQ directly correlates to income (https://www.cnbc.com/2022/07/11/does-iq-determine-success-a-psychologist-weighs-in.html)

Africa is the lowest IQ continent in the world (https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/average-iq-by-country


Black people in the USA also have the lowest IQ of any race. Libs cope about this and cry all day that its mean racist whities but if you look at every Euro country and African country there is a massive IQ disparity. Its not even close. How would US issues make random countries in Africa super low IQ and other random Euro countries super high IQ? It makes no sense. Its just Leftist talking points to bully whites and manipulate them. Race hustling.


Blacks just simply cannot keep up with Euros and Asians in general. Obviously, there's exceptions when talking about hundreds of millions of people. There's smart black people and dumb white people but the on average is what truly matters here.

Black people do not trust police, the legal system, etc. more than any race as far as I know. They also go by the "no snitching" code more than anyone else so if crime stats are underreported its black people underreporting them and so yes black crime probably is even higher than what we see. Deal with it old man. Keep coping and explaining away THE TRUTH!

These are all commonly known statistics. You shouldn't even engage in this conversation if you can't comprehend this.

You are wildly delusional. Most likely thanks to braindead Leftists coddling you and telling you that all your problems stem from mean whities.

You black people are so low IQ and gullible you fall for the Left's brainwashing every time.

I know its easier for you to sit back and cry racism, but stop being so intellectually lazy and dishonest. Deal with reality you delusional boomer.

The only way to deal with these people is to put them in their place, like they did back in the 1920s. The moment you give them leeway and show them basic courtesy, they start acting all uppity being the low IQ narcissistic chimps they are. What is more sad then the fact that most members of this forum are in complete denial of basic statistics, is the fact that this is probably the most intellectual top 5% lot of Black Americans considering they can read and afford internet. 

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......yet she STILL engages with the devil.

((shakes head))

I'm waiting for her to invite him over for dinner with the family.

And I see we got more assholes popping up out of the grass.....lol.


1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

.yet she STILL engages with the devil.

((shakes head))

I'm waiting for her to invite him over for dinner with the family.




@Pioneer1 You are harassing me.

There are others that responded to this thread, yet you mock me. smh.


This kind of Black disrespect is why Black disrespect continues. I have a right to respond to this thread just as you do. This kind of racist comments affect Black people in different ways. 

You have no right to harass me. 

7 minutes ago, Chevdove said:




@Pioneer1 You are harassing me.

There are others that responded to this thread, yet you mock me. smh.


This kind of Black disrespect is why Black disrespect continues. I have a right to respond to this thread just as you do. This kind of racist comments affect Black people in different ways. 

You have no right to harass me. 

Uh......🤨....excuse YOU.
But I didn't know I was even talking to you.....until now.

So what.....you don't even want me to post in this thread anymore?

 I'll leave you alone to conversate with your ultra-Conservative  passively racist White friend.
You can continue to try to win him over.

1 minute ago, Pioneer1 said:

Uh......🤨....excuse YOU.
But I didn't know I was even talking to you.....until now.

So what.....you don't even want me to post in this thread anymore?

 I'll leave you alone to conversate with your ultra-Conservative  passively racist White friend.
You can continue to try to win him over.


@Pioneer1 You are insulting.

You know that my comments are not at all 'trying to make friends with these racist', but yet you try to bend it to believe as such. 


I have no problems with you posting in this thread against these racist and am glad that you are.


But again, the division that you bring in this thread whereby these evil racist comments are being made against Black people are amazing.


Here you are attacking me and I am addressing racist comments as is my human right. 




   Pred007 leans away from his hand-me-down laptop. Interlocking his stubbly fingers across a stomach that reveals far too many trips to the all-you-can-eat buffet. A sly grim creeps across his face. He is pleased. @Chevdove and @Pioneer1 are arguing … mission accomplished,


     Pioneer why push Chev’d buttons? Chev why let anything says upset you?


 Clearly Prof007 is not interested i in doing anything different than what he is doing now. He/She/They is probably having a good time.


I guess there is no place for the like of Pred007


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Pleeeze......lol....Pedo-OO7 ain't smart enough to manipulate me OR Chev like that, lol.
None of these devils up in this thread really are, to be honest with you.
The smartest among them is "thewolfxx" and he's not that smart.

No, they don't rely on their brainpower to manipulate Black folks....they rely on THE LOVE many of our people have for them to do it!
They hate Black folks...but they know a lot of Black folks like them, love them, and want to be their friend and seek to get along with them and they'll manipulate many of our people through that love.

As far as pushing Chev's buttons...........

I consider her a good sista, and I don't like White men in general even TALKING to our good sistaz let alone the openly racist ones.
I let that be known not only on line but in real life as well.
DO NOT TALK to them PERIOD......I don't care what the topic is.

It may not seem rational or reasonable to tell grown women who they can or can't speak too but I don't care....RACISM isn't very reasonable or rational.  Old generations of White men, Arabs, and other groups are HIGHLY PROTECTIVE of their women and which men they talk to and associate with...most AfroAmerican men on the other hand are so lenient and indifferent to who our sistaz associate with and the result is betrayal, broken families, and broken communities.

ANYTIME a White man comes around a Black community my antenna is raised, because he either wants money or sex.

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12 hours ago, Troy said:



I guess there is no place for the like of Pred007


And that is truth @Troy. Those kind of people are rejects in their own society so they run around looking for trouble elsewhere. 

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I've noticed this since I was a kid.
A lot of White people who are freaks and weirdos who don't get any respect and aren't wanted among their own people will often start hanging out with Black people.
They'll even start adopting some of the slang and mannerisms to fit in more.

It got to the point that when I started seeing a White dude come around us too often I'd ask him was he gay, schizophrenic, what's wrong with him....I knew something HAD to be.  
It's so sick, some of them even have communicable diseases and STD's and they love sex so much, they don't want to give it to other White people so they start hanging around Black folks who end up infected.

I'd tell him to his face,  "Your OWN people rejected you...now you want to hang around us huh?"

But as I mentioned before, a lot of our people are so inlove with White folks that they'll overlook any weirdness or problems these "White rejects" may have and embrace them as their own.

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On 3/17/2023 at 9:40 AM, Troy said:

@jollyrogers that is an interesting post, and one that is hard to believe.  If you did not write you were a 6-foot-tall white guy I would have assumed you were a dark-skinned Black man, a gay man,  or a Brother with a white girl on his arm 🙂     


I've never read any account of a tall white guy being harassed on a regular basis.  Tall white guys lived a charmed life in this country -- phenotypically speaking you have it made -- globally!


Maybe there is something else going on with your appearance.  Do you regularly sport a red MAGA cap?

How would voting for Trump justify black violence?  Is that all you understand?  Do you think it is normal for a group of people to go around dealing with everything violently while not providing any type of path to peace in the world through say an invention that makes life better for people?   Why do you think it is so awful being white?   What makes you think because I'm physically larger than most black guys that there must be a physical confrontation of some sort to sooth the ego of belittled violent black men?   What about Asian people who are KO'd by black people just for being Asian?  I think that kind of violence is very disgusting.. Most civilized cultures do.. 

On 3/27/2023 at 8:22 AM, Chevdove said:


LOL. That is a complete lie! You White people are so afraid of the future prophecies of when this will happen. Yes, it is prophecy that Whites will be enslaved by Black Africans but it has not happened yet.


That time period that you mention was during the Arab slave trade and, as far as I have understood from my studies, I didn't see that no where during this time that Africans were in control over enslaving White people. smh. 


My ancestors were stolen from East Africa during this time, so yes, I did study about this time period very well. There is nothing suppressed today about that time period. Jesus Christ! 


I don't believe that anyone ' any race' should ever be enslaved, nor does God. Yes, it is prophecy that it will occur, but to be clear, the Creator does not support human sacrifice at all of no one, wheter White or Black. I would never agree to anyone being enslaved. never. But what humanity set up will occur for awhile before this evil is corrected. 

Black men conflicting with cops again, is due to a deliberately exploitation that began during chattel slavery times. You continue to ignore this. 

Blaming women for the control of marriage is ridiculous, imo. 

Blacks practice slavery today in black countries where it is not outlawed.. Just google any black country and type in slavery.. You'll find millions of black slaves who are owned by other black people.. I don't like slavery so I googled it and what I found out was shocking...  There are black men who literally groom young black kids to be slaves..  It is where Nestle (a white owned company) gets its chocolate..  but I dare you to look up slavery in say Nigeria..  It goes on today.. Again the slave owners are not white people.. Nwaubani Ogogo was a slave trader who gained power and wealth by selling other Africans across the Atlantic....  Playing the blame game doesn't solve the problem. If you care about the victim acknowledge the root of the problem.. It's not just white people and never has been.. Stop playing like it is..  Also, many neglect the fact that the Portuguese (A Spanish people) owned 10x times more black slaves than the confederates but people act like black slavery what a white southern issue..  While many blacks sold other blacks into slavery..  None of it was good but don't try to act like the only problem was a white face..  Again, millions are enslaved by their own people..  


Anyways I have better things to do than argue about race which some people just live their lives doing while never achieving.. 

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On 4/8/2023 at 10:09 PM, jollyrogers said:

Blacks practice slavery today in black countries where it is not outlawed..


Oh come on! I have a hard time believing that you misunderstood this post. It was clearly not about Blacks enslaving Blacks. 


On 4/8/2023 at 10:09 PM, jollyrogers said:

I don't like slavery so I googled it and what I found out was shocking... 


Neither do I. I do not believe that slavery should be practice no matter what race. But at this time in human history, you should not be shocked about the history of Black-on-Black hatred in the form of violence, slavery, etc. and if you just choose to look at it without going back to it's origin, then you are in self-denial. 


On 4/8/2023 at 10:09 PM, jollyrogers said:

Playing the blame game doesn't solve the problem. If you care about the victim acknowledge the root of the problem.. It's not just white people and never has been.. Stop playing like it is.. 


This is the essence of a spirit of White Supremacy. Just like homosexuality was introduced into AFrica by a foreign presence, yes, I do blame the Black Africans for welcoming White Supremacist into their lands. White Supremacy has an origin; Uh--It begins with White Supremacist! You stop playing like it isn't! Smh. 

On 4/8/2023 at 10:09 PM, jollyrogers said:

Anyways I have better things to do than argue about race which some people just live their lives doing while never achieving.. 


You have that privilege! LOL! OMG!  

On 4/8/2023 at 10:09 PM, jollyrogers said:

How would voting for Trump justify black violence?  Is that all you understand?


Talk about creating a strawman.  not even worth addressing as I never write anything close to this .. sheesh!


On 4/8/2023 at 10:09 PM, jollyrogers said:

Anyways I have better things to do than argue about race which some people just live their lives doing while never achieving.. 


What have YOU accomplished @jollyrogers, other than a grand display of ignorance and a penchant for creating strawman arguments?

4 hours ago, Troy said:

So @Pred007 you are proud of the way that man treated that woman?

 BTW don’t describe Black peoples as niggers here.

If you want the world to stop calling you that and treating you as equals, then stop acting like n*ggers!


There is a reason why your community hasn't contributed a single shred to American society since the Reconstruction Era, and hint hint, it is not the White devil behind your ills, its yourselves.  

  • Thanks 1
On 4/13/2023 at 1:04 PM, Pred007 said:

...a single shred to American society since the Reconstruction Era..


Pred, this statement reveals how little you know about American history. 


This is not surprising given our educational system and the way our media work -- especially today.  The really alarming thing is the push back educators are getting, mostly in the former slave states, teaching students about Black history.  In some ways we are taking steps backward.


Back to the video:  Tell me @Pred007, what did that women do to deserved to get decked by a grown man. 


If you ask me, a man who would punch a woman in the face like that is the one behaving alike a nigger.

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On 4/13/2023 at 8:33 AM, Troy said:

BTW don’t describe Black peoples as niggers here.


13 minutes ago, Troy said:



If you ask me, a man who would punch a woman in the face like that is the one behaving alike a nigger.



This is one of the reasons the cycle of racism continues; Ignorant White racist who are themselves encouraged by 'the powers that be' to perpetuate lies about Black Americans not contributing to humanity, when in fact, most of those White racist devils came over to America and could not even read and write their own language. But that could not be said for Africans because the development of script and record keeping started in the earliest of Black African civilizations. Geez.


As was mentioned earlier in this thread, the percentages are completely off because some of the crime committed by Whites are never prosecuted on the same level when Blacks are cited for the same incidences. Case in point:


Just recently a White man was arrested for shooting at the police, but we, as Blacks know that, had that been a Black man, however, the police would have shot him several times.  But then, when the reality of police brutality is looked at in a wider view, I would not be surprised if there are a lot of White people that suffer police brutality too. But because of racist White ignorant devils attacking Black people, therefore, when they do suffer police brutality, their voices may not be heared due to so much concentration on them attacking Black people! It's sort of like 'Intersectionality'. The idiots are close to the bottom of the pyramid 'for the most part' economically, and so their actions against Black people causes them to not be heard. Some of them may get better relief than Black people, but they still suffer. This is why I mentioned the White man that shot at the police.


Even though he was not shot and killed on the spot, however, he was 'allegedly' treated so incredibly bad in the jail that he died after about two weeks of being incarcerated. SO WHERE IS THE LOGIC in not seeing that this American system can easily deprive White people of their human rights as well as Blacks?







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THIS IS A RECENT CASE of a Black man, Lashawn Thompson who died in a jail cell due to an infestation of bed bugs, insects and other vermin. 








A man died at an Atlanta jail after being eaten alive by insects and bed bugs, his family’s attorney told USA TODAY on Thursday.


LaShawn Thompson, 35, was arrested for misdemeanor simple battery in Atlanta last summer, officials said, and taken to the Fulton County Jail where he was placed in the psychiatric wing after officials determined he was mentally ill.



Lashawn was jailed last year for a misdeamenor. A few months later, he was dead. His lawyer says that even though, it was obvious that he needed medical treatment, the police ignored him. The cell pictures show that it was a horrid living condition. 







These two photos are of Anthony 'Tony' Mitchell'. HIs family members called the authorities to get him some help. One source said that his cousin asked for an ambulance but the sheriff arrived first. Tony shot at the police. He was jailed and only a few weeks later, he was dead. A female sheriff leaked a video which contradicted lies. Tony was placed in the jail freezer until he died. The video showed him lying on the freezer floor with no bed. Some police opened the door around 3:00 AM and laughed at him, then closed the door again until about 6:00 AM. Then they told the media that he was responsive but the video showed that he was completely unconcious. The autopsy revealed that he had frozen to death. 


So, who did this to these two men?

Racism is crippling the human race. 




Alabama Man Allegedly Held in Jail Freezer Dies of Hypothermia. Anthony “Tony” Mitchell, 33, died of hypothermia on January 26, two weeks after he was taken to the Walker County Jail in Alabama. A lawsuit filed last week by his family calls this “one of the most appalling cases of jail abuse the country has seen.”Feb 21, 2023


...While officers are seen “clowning and laughing” outside the door, the suit alleges, a nurse spends a couple of minutes with Mr. Mitchell but appears to provide no medical treatment. An officer turns out the light and closes the door.

At around 6 am, video shows officers entering the cell with a sleeping mat and sweeping around Mr. Mitchell to remove trash from the cell as multiple people come by to look into the cell, according to the complaint.



39 minutes ago, Chevdove said:

...their voices may not be heared due to so much concentration on them attacking Black people!


Of course this has always been the case. White racists have been dupped into believing the most marginalized people in this country are the problem.


One would have thought after seeing 600,000, mostly poor white people used as canon fodder to defend the wealth of the oligarchy things would be different today.  


White boys are beat by the police too, but that does not work with the narrative, so it is ignored.  White men are frustrated.  The are committing suicide at record rates, addicted to opioids -- their life expectance has gone down in recent years.  


The anger of racists is misdirected.  Again this is by design, but since this is not taught in schools. A poorly educated population is easily distracted, manipulated, and abused.


The protests against the war in Vietnam, in reaction to all the senseless loss of life, was one of the few times white boys recognized they were being abused...  Racists never learn.


It is astonishing white racists continue to believe Black people are their problem.  The same ole tricks continue to work.

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On 3/26/2023 at 9:18 PM, thewolfxx said:

Women want equal rights and equal pay for unequal work. You'd like 45/hr but don't want to get down in the trench with the rest of the men and get dirt under your fingernails..

I concur equal pay for equal work..


On 3/26/2023 at 9:18 PM, thewolfxx said:

There are jobs women just can't do physically as well as many, that's not bigotry it's just the truth..

Name them?


On 3/26/2023 at 9:18 PM, thewolfxx said:

I'll point to all the sport records that are held by man, and why there is a second colom for woman..

True Today....who knows what tomorrow brings


On 3/26/2023 at 9:18 PM, thewolfxx said:

and now women do t want to cook or clean or do any of the traditional roles of the household, but they also expect the man to change the trash and oil in the her car?

Question are these cooking and cleaning Jobs paid work?


On 3/26/2023 at 9:18 PM, thewolfxx said:

Women have made marriage IMPOSSIBLE, so now they quit on marriage, break up the family units...

Originally only the rich got married....as in Arranged Marriages to ensure the security of wealth status and class - Power

Marriage among the common people was is set up to benefit the Male Party in the relationship.....this is rapidly changing.

Today Romantic Marriage is based on a couples love for each other....as women begin to enter the work force the Need for a Man was replaced with the Want for a partner


On 3/26/2023 at 9:18 PM, thewolfxx said:


the problem with society is the woman wanting all these "rights and pay" but don't buck up and do the work..they rather play on their phones and sit around getting fat...

This has not been my experience.


On 3/26/2023 at 9:59 PM, thewolfxx said:

Until videos of black men shooting cops, reaching for guns, running from cops, assaulting cops, not listening to cops orders etc, the public will be hard pressed to perceive it's a cop issue. Sure, there are a few videos of whites doing stupid things, but not nearly at the rate as we see from the black community and the white community is a lot larger...you would think these videos on YouTube would be prominently white...and these videos are caught by bystanders not just the cops...

One of the reasons you do not see so much videos of white doing "stupid things" on youtube may be because it often does not turn deadly or no one is arrested and or charged.....in other words the Officers are more Circumspect and Prudent. - Restrained.



On 3/27/2023 at 4:42 PM, thewolfxx said:

Lol blacks will never enslave whites in this country. Slavery is illegal WORLDWIDE. Our 13th amendment protects us in this country. You blacks can try, but that would be genocide. I think it's time to move on don't you?

I would never support the enslave of anyone.

White Slavery is rampant in America.....It's now call  Sex Trafficking - Pimps come in all colors and sexes.

Those trafficked come in all colors ages and sex.


On 3/27/2023 at 4:42 PM, thewolfxx said:

America is a lot better then Africa, if it wasn't why are you still here? Go back to Africa. Your free. 

We are free to live where we please...afterall we continue to make it better for everyone


On 3/27/2023 at 4:42 PM, thewolfxx said:

And I may not identify as black, but I do have descendents that were.

Were???? what happened to them?!?!


On 3/27/2023 at 4:42 PM, thewolfxx said:

My great grandfather was black, his side of the family is related to Benjamin Darling, one of the first slaves to earn his freedom by saving the captain of the ship he was on as a slave during a shipwreck. The captain gave him his freedom and money to buy some land and build a house.

So you are Black

Why so hostile toward your fellow Blacks?


On 3/27/2023 at 4:42 PM, thewolfxx said:

The messed up part is he also became a black slave master owning 43 slaves, he kept his wife a slave to keep her in line.

Not to worry that still happens today...

Since the Fall of Matriarchy women have been considered property....Misogyny

Many blacks today use the Racist system against their fellow Black......are you one of those blacks?

When you live in a racist system it is easy to be socialize into becoming an oppressor....the system will reward you if you oppress the maligned marginalized and neglected.


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This debate is so silly. One would have to be extremely ignorant to not realize that black males are the largest criminals in the United States. We can debate why, or what caused this, we can debate that they idolize toxic gangster culture, the lack of father figures, low iq, their propensity for crime and violence. We could debate many many things...and that would be a great conversation ...but to argue that black people don't commit more crime than any other race in America is laughable. I don't even care why at this point...and this whole idea that 13% of the population commits 50% of all violent crime is not correct.  When you remove black women, small black children, and black senior citizens the figure is more like 6% (black males aged 15-55) of the population is committing 50% of a violent crime. 

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