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  1. Mel, there are thinks that are simply unknowable. For example, questions like; "What was there before the universe was created?" simply can't be known. We can, and do, speculate, but nothing we dream up can ever be tested, proven or observed. Also trying to use consciousness to understand consciousness is flawed. Even understanding ones own motivation is very difficult, if not impossible because we make up stories to explain much of what we do--creating inherent biases in our understanding. BTW that article you shared from the motherboard website was fascinating.
    2 points
  2. Troy, this is the overall issue with using third party platforms. As I told you I went from making 30-50K a month with Amazon and one change in the system and now I'm driving Lyft as I redesign my website and build it in a way to garner some of the major money being floated around in the sneaker industry right now. People have integrated third party sites so thoroughly into their lives that it's very hard to overcome without considerable consumer education. The consumer/user is the only person that can stop the bleeding and unfortunately comfort and ease of use rules the day. I need to explain how I was wiped out, but I have done videos discussing how I was setting myself up, but I couldn't stop like a junkie and I eventually was forced into rehab. I probably already talked about this, but it has to be presented again. Amazon a month ago decided to make all items over 35.00 bucks require free shipping. If your items did not meet the requirements for how they wanted free shipping presented, your listings were removed. I went from having almost 1000 listings available on Amazon to zero listings showing up. I contributed slow sales to post holiday hangover and I didn't check my inventory. After a week of zero sales I looked into my dashboard and realized that the listings were Active but not active in the buying area. Every listing had to be deleted and recreated. This would take countless man hours and I realized that I'd waited too long to build my website up because I was mainlining Amazon so hard I was shooting up between my toes and in my dick; which I had been cutting off by using third party platforms to reach my customers all of these years. When you talk about being hijacked by Google, it's the same thing Amazon has done by mining data provided by third party sellers and then releasing their own private labels to sell what is hot. Amazon and Google are genius business models and pure capital engines. They exist as a medium providing no inventory of their own until they have mined the data to make sure that success is a certainty. Once they make the decision to replace you or change the rules, you are doomed if you haven't been building up your platform first. I commend you for taking the time to rebuild. It inspired my current work and while the benefits aren't 30000 a month, I will drive Lyft until I work through the process of garnering the revenue that is flowing through the sneaker biz at this moment. My website growth has been tremendous since I've started the work which shows that people are looking for information. In February of last year my ARCH site had 2000 Unique visits. This Feb 2017 my site got over 17,000 Unique visits. I'm selling a few shoes through the online store and the checks are coming faster from Adwords. Ultimately the goal is to garner media sponsorships from Verizon and other sites as I push the Uniques towards 100,000. You know like I know one endorsement could do this overnight, but more than likely like AALBC I will be working towards this on my own.
    2 points
  3. @Delano Full disclosure: As Troy mentioned, IRL means "in real life". The "giggler" part means I giggle a lot. I see pictures and images when I read words. So when I read comments or hear what others say - a movie plays in my head. When You said Cynique was a Magus I saw her walking around in full garb of purple and gold turban and robes, they were heavy because she appears to be petite. Troy going up against google was actually me seeing him spar with the google logogram "Google" and it had eyes. When you mentioned taking 1 percent, I saw you in the McDonald's hamburgler costume .... and you'd appear out of nowhere to get your cut. So that's the rest of the story - I giggle a lot because I don't see words or "letters", I see images and motion pictures.
    2 points
  4. @Mel Hopkins I'm flattered to have inspired a blog post about me. Del keeps implying that I don't realize what I am. He says I'm a "magnus". You say I'm a "hustler". i don't have a problem with either one of these labels. Because this hustling magnus respects the opinions of both of you. (This thread is so long and goes off on so many tangents that I didn't even see your post until just now. ) @Pioneer1 Yes, I do resent the idea of white people harboring the impression that black women are loose, oversexed 'hos and that this behavior comes natural to them. And I'm sure white opinions about black men being over sexed brutes played a part in them being lynched in the past, and is a misconception that persists today among white women leery about being in the proximity of black male strangers. BTW, Did you see the post by Britanny on the Part 1 segment of this long thread wherein she challenged all of your contentions about race and black sexuality. I'm surprised you didn't respond to it.
    2 points
  5. You can derive a proof that no one understands. Versus something that is unknowable. What ishe nature of consciousness may be unknowable. Since we have to use consciousness to answer thr question about itself. Unprovable may be because currently the technology is non existent. The difference is one is a matter if time or knowledge. Although I may have to give it some more thought.
    2 points
  6. @Mel sometimes the game chooses you. Real power starts in the mind and extends and blends from that to this world. Delusions are stunted and only exist in one mind.
    2 points
  7. Not sure what others mean by "spirituality" because it's such a fluid term..... But when I say spirituality I'm talking about those OTHER REALMS (because I believe there are many) beyond the physical, beyond time, and beyond space. Some believe believe that even the physical realm (reality) that we're living in is also PART of the greater spiritual whole but just on a slower vibratory plane.   Troy But there are people who consider themselves spiritual, who do not believe in a human soul or spirit. I've met people who held similar seemingly contradictory beliefs, but when you really drill them on what they believe you find out a lot of what they object to are the commonly held perceptions of these subjects in Western thought. I've met people who claimed they were atheist, but after interrogating them over a few weeks I find out that it's the Western concept of "god" as an old man with a beard riding a cloud that they object to....not the idea of a Supreme Force or Forces in the universe.
    2 points
  8. If you pay attention to our media you may have concluded that there is a black male crisis in America. We are constantly inundated with images of black men as lazy, irresponsible thugs, deadbeat dads and "playas" who only think about listening to rap music, chasing women and blaming society for their failures. But is this the only reality for black men? Are black men really an endangered species? Contrary to negative media generated stereotypes it is my belief that there is no black male crisis and the future for black men is actually bright with lots of reasons for optimism. For some, this statement is a denial of the challenges facing black men. To which I reply, I recognize all of the challenges facing men of color in this country. I am not blind to an unfair justice system that systematically and unfairly incarcerates black men simply because of the color of their skin. I watch the news as black men are senselessly and unjustly gunned down in the streets by the men in uniform who have sworn to protect them and then walk away scot-free without being held accountable for their actions. I have my heart broken on a daily basis as I watch racists men and women claim superiority and privilege based solely on their belief that their race is superior to my own. I have personally had to deal with KKK members who attempted to scare me out of my position in a building supply center in a city where I was told to my face "we don't allow n%gg$#ers to run anything in our city". As a man who happens to be black, I have first hand experience of the multiplicity of challenges facing black men and yet I still remain optimistic that our best days are ahead of us rather than behind us. The primary reason for my optimism is simple. I choose to be 100% responsible for my life and no one or no thing can keep me from succeeding except me. It is this simple attitude that has allowed me to overcome being a high school dropout with a criminal record who was able to climb the corporate ladder and become a successful mid level manager for a multi-million dollar building supply center at the tender age of 22. It was this same attitude that allowed me to overcome divorce, bankruptcy, foreclosure and a deep state of depression to now being a successful entrepreneur, author (5 books) motivational speaker, radio & TV host. I am living proof of whats possible for black men and I have made it my life's work to share the lessons I've learned to support others in living extraordinary lives. So in the words of Public Enemy, "Don't believe the hype", black men are doing a lot better than the media would have you believe and there is no black male crisis in America. For more info log on to: www.bmracademy.com
    1 point
  9. You can theorize something unknown by the effects it has on the known. Which is how yhe outer planets were discovered. Philosophy, Logic and imagination are useful in navigating the unknown. There's a few questions in philosophy that may be unknowable: Is reality a simulation is one of them. Since it is difficult to think outside of your consciousness. However I like your methodology @Mel Hopkins
    1 point
  10. contemplation allows us to "know" a thing. It's the nature of that thing that is not yet known or as you put it, tested, proven or observed... But lack of these things but especially observation doesn't make a concept or element unknowable. For example, before the quark was a concept - it was an unknown. Then it became a known because of what existed along with the particle - but still no one knew the nature of the particles. Now physicist have figured out its nature but guess what? No one has ever observed it! So how do you know that you aren't observing the very thing you are contemplating. It's like existing in 4th dimension, until you can see it, you can't. What is unknowable may be your perception of the thing. Therefore, the concept of "unknowable" is a mental construct... So my question as always "who does it benefit to create a construct for "unknowable" elements? " I know right? These effing people with their politricks I have another one article that blew me away... It's a subculture , I had no clue existed but is a society unto itself.
    1 point
  11. Ask ... as with every mystery, my approach is to ask questions, seek answers and knock on the door that may contain them. Consciousness is an interesting subject but not one I choose to investigate at this time. If it were though,that would be my approach.
    1 point
  12. I'm in the camp that once we contemplate a concept, it is no longer unknowable. It is the beginning of the journey to understand its nature. Consciousness is not unknowable because we know of it. We've even named it. Now to understand it, takesus to another stage of investigation.
    1 point
  13. @Mel Your definition of spirituality is very profound and provocative. As for how I define spirituality, I agree with the idea that the spirit is the intangible essence of the tangible individual, and I am in sync with the cliche that spirituality is about getting in touch with yourself. To me, this includes listening to your inner voice which is your guide through the external world and a channel for the instincts that remind if it does not feel right to you, it is not right for you. (Which is why I appreciate Shakespeare advising: " this above all, to thine own self be true".) I also think that spirituality is about acknowledging your own divinity and realizing that "god" is comparable to your higher self divested of the ego that reduces you to being human. This is my belief and something I contemplate on my current spiritual journey to seek the truth, keeping in mind what The Prophet Khalil Gibran warns: "say not that I have found the truth, say rather I have a found a truth while walking along my path." Again I can only resort to cliches when I concur with the idea that "the truth will set you free".( Even if it hurts, it is a spiritual wound that heals itself as you meander through a world of deception.) BTW, I do appreciate the necessity and the beauty of language, but on a spiritual level I think words are some times inadequate, and the closest they come to adequacy is when they defer to "reality" and say that "it is, what it is".
    1 point
  14. I had to google "IRL" myself. It means "In Real Life." Pioneer I doubt they teach courses like this in college. In fact, what they teach is more likely to help you fall how to fall prey these problems. I teach a college course in web design and I often find myself biting my tongue in order not to introduce my bias. I will, however, add a lecture to the course to talk about these issues. It will be a precursor to a talk I plan to give at the Sacramento Black Book Festival in June. I also plan to add it to a book I planning on various subjects as it related to the web and Black people. So @Mel Hopkins, going on tour is something I have considered. @Delano, it is not that I'm not interested in taking legal action against Google to get them to cease their monopolistic ways and get them to play nicely. I just don't have the spare bandwidth. Also, if I could not get others who have been hurt far more than I to even care enough to work together to do something about it, I have little faith in being able to mount a class action suit; but that type of activity is not my strong suit either. But if you are willing to work with Craig on our behalf I'd be willing o split my take with our 50-50. @Pioneer1, it would be helpful for me to understand what you do not get about Google's behavior. Over the years I've tried to explain to people with a vested interest what is happening and why it should matter to them. Typically they take no remedial action or they double down on the activities I told them was the cause of the problem--and it never works. Perhaps I'm not explaining it correctly, where are you getting lost? I also understand if this too broad a question to deal with online. Some things require a face to face meeting.
    1 point
  15. @Troy it's called a retainer. Lawyer work for free with the hope of a big payoff. Quite a few cases are settled out if court. Reading the email takes one minute. I am an ideas person. Ya ain't interested cool. Hey Mel the ideas yours just give me a one percent cut of your take.
    1 point
  16. I wrote in the other thread about spiritual enlightenment. Maybe that's a misnomer because it's more like spiritual re-enlightening. Spirituality, for me is simply remembering the ancient energy that animates all things, also resides in me. If I had to describe it, it would be like one eternal flame that lights all the candles on a birthday cake... I honor that flame in all living things. As far as the spirit is concerned since I'm fascinated with the etymology of words, I believe spirit is exactly how its defined: spiritus which means breath. From the Latin word "inspirare” from which we get the word inspire means "to breathe life or blow into"... I like to believe that the spirit is that ancient energy that's not created or destroyed it just changes form and it is that breath which animates our bodies with what many call the soul. When our bodies are worn out or destroyed, the energy that is “us” continues on. The spirit is that thing that's omniscient and has a small voice but speaks with temerity and speaks first in all matters of our daily life.
    1 point
  17. LOL... stop playing... they don't teach that stuff in college! As I'm reading Troy's stuff - I wish he'd go on tour! This is straight lecture-circuit content in the age of Intellectual Property!
    1 point
  18. This comment stayed with me for a week...and today I was finally able to put into words the feeling it left with me with and wrote a blog post called "Hustlers vs Suckers" @Cynique you starred in the post as a Hustler... Here's part of what I wrote : "A woman responded to my post, that in the past, she’s played life another way. She said whatever the person in “authority” believed of her, she went with it and played the hand she was dealt. She called it being “passive aggressive”. I call it being a hustler. A hustler identifies a mark, notices what beliefs he has confidence in and then Wham! plays him like a fiddle! Her actions displayed the difference between a hustler and sucker. The difference is how they see reality. A hustler recognizes that reality is chaotic and in a state of flux. But a hustler also realizes that within chaos, there are patterns. Therefore, she sets a goal. She analyzes her opponent(s), identifies her resources, reviews her options, looks for the angles and plays them as they arise. A sucker has no angle. He just lives in this neat little world of social construction and believes everyone will behave according to the rules of his makeshift world. He becomes an easy mark simply because he thinks his beliefs are real. The woman admitted she didn’t like to work hard and maybe that was her truth. In telling her story, however, she admitted she had patience. For some, patience is hard work. As Robert Greene quoted “Iceberg Slim” in his blog, he noted “Patience and time is the hustler’s creed. “I play for time and see what happens,” says Elizabeth I, the great hustler Queen of England. “ Patience was a virtue for this hustler woman. Playing games for the win takes patience to plot, plan, persevere and ultimately get paid. Hustler, or Sucker? The choice is yours.
    1 point
  19. We know that billionaires control the electoral process in the United States and they're using social media to help do it. The question is, what are the masses of people going to DO about it? And lately I've found myself asking should we try to take political control out of the hands of the wealthy OR seeing as how wealthy people have always controled the politics of a society regardless of land or time would a more viable solution be for US as AfroAmericans to seek more wealth and power so that WE are among the political elite, as a way of having more control over our own destiny?
    1 point
  20. Mel I did not write, nor do I believe there is "nothing we can do about it." I did ask, however, "who" will stop them? Let me try another approach... Over the past 12 months, I've spent a great deal of time enhancing my coverage of children's books. It is an area of great interest but largely neglected by the mainstream media. Much of the coverage on the subject covers how few Black children's book are published. One of the most popular pages on my website is my Top 120+ Recommended African-American Children's Books. I started the page by asking industry insider and other experts which books they felt should be on a list like this. I have continued to expand and curate this list. In the process, I have added information on hundreds of authors and illustrators of children's books. Now if you run a google search on African American Children's books, my site is likely to come up first. I'd argue it deserves to be. But let's take a look at the screenshot of the results: Now consider the following: Google hijacks the search results by placing book covers and links to THEIR store. Do y'all understand what I'm saying? Do you know what this means? Google is grabbing visitors just as they are about to step into your store and pulling them into their with prettier pictures. Obviously, the sites most like to carry this content Are Black sites. These sites don't stand a chance. Anyone with the gumption to start a great Black children's website--good luck, because you can't do much better than I am and I'm struggling. But here is the kicker: Why is almost EVERY DAMN BOOK cover Google is displaying my MY LIST! Now I've been looking search results on these terms for a very long time and this is something new Google has pulled. I mean I pulled some obscure books for inclusion on my list and now Google is displaying them as if they came up with this shit on their own. Now the implications of this are profound. Not only has Google squashed all the competition, they are swiping content. Of course, one can argue there are a finite number of great books so any lists compiled will necessary have some overlap, but again I've monitored this list and the overlap is alarming. Still, even if I completely conceded point #3 entirely. Point #1 really should be cause for great concern. But because it is not, we are not doing anything about it and we don't have as many quality Black sites as we should. The growth of the sites that remain is constrained by Google. So what can I do? Sue Google for mining the search data for popular content then hijacking that traffic with content they've grabbed from Wikipedia and other sites and putting "their" content at the top of search results? Don't make me laugh. Work extra hard enriching other fantastically wealthy corporations by posting my stuff on their social media platforms, desperately trying to drag folks away to learn about some excellent book for children. Seek the support of people in my community by helping them understand what is happening and why it matters. This is just one small example, in one industry, that will never make the light of day. Sites like mine die in obscurity every single day. Lord only know what could have been, but never got launched because of the hostile environment we operate it. Look AALBC.com should not have been out of business years ago. I'm crazy for continuing to struggle with it. In some alternative universe, I'll be celebrating AALBC.com's 20th anniversary with a nice party, maybe a little press, and the promise of an ongoing legacy celebrating Black culture through books.
    1 point
  21. Cynique your statements are indistinguishable from a Magus. Even though you say you haven't studied Magick. There's a sure footedness to your statements. A Magus seeks to understand the tenets of Magick. While seeking the Philosopher's Stone, knowing that it is inside. It took me about 14 years to see the answers are inside. And that other people in our lives are the external projections of internal states.
    1 point
  22. Gastrointestinal distress is more billable than tummy ache. @Mel Hopkins constructs and symbols have imputed not inherent meaning. Numbers; Language ;Sex Roles; and consciousness and visual interpretation some of theese are not real some may not be real. I leave it to the curious. Are numbers discovered or created? Who knows.
    1 point
  23. Del I think as you immerse yourself into different worlds you gain a perspective that is necessarily more open. I too shared many of the experiences you have. Speaking of being a bike messenger, have you ever heard of Kurt Boone? He writes about delivering packages riding a fixed wheel bike. I worked as a foot messenger for a couple of years--delivering packages to offices wowed me with their grandness, and the I would be working in a few years later. Experiencing other locations is also why I balk at the idea that places like NYC are so cosmopolitan, urbane and sophisticated. In reality, NYC often is very provincial, racist, crude and segregated as any place in the country. Many communities I've visited in the south are FAR more integrated than NYC. Though mainstream media and NYC itself likes to tout itself has been better that other places...
    1 point
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