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Everything posted by ProfD

  1. Right. We've been splintered. The common enemy of racism white supremacy doesn't tie us together. We definitely won't get it if there's no demand. The US doesn't seem to have a problem sending billions of dollars from taxpayers to foreign countries. Just today, congress passed a $95 billion foreign aid package to provide money and weapons to Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan. I've heard charity is supposed to start at home. I guess it only applies to certain conditions.
  2. I believe it will take a miracle in the form of a catastrophic event or natural disaster to solve the problems between humans. I doubt that we'll be around to see it happen. In the meantime, for those who still have the energy, we can discuss and debate and offer solutions to anything including lost causes. The record could survive the wreckage of such an event or disaster in the form of our digital footprint. That record could help a future generation. Hopefully they will already be on code in terms of taking care of each other. At best, the record will be unnecessary but they'll know we were thinking about being better humans.
  3. @aka Contrarian, asking for legislation Liberals have passed specifically for Black folks (AfroAmericans) is legitimate and not intended as a smoke screen. I provided the example of the anti-Asian Hate Crime Bill. There are bills specifically for the alphabet soup community covering hate, gender neutrality and marriage. There are bills that allow the children of illegal immigrants to stay in the US. There are no bills or laws on the books that specifically provide AfroAmericans with reparations or anything I've listed. Diehard Liberal loyalists don't want to hold them accountable for anything. It doesn't matter that they haven't produced tangibles specifically for Black folks. To be clear, Conservatives haven't provided Black folks with anything. They don't pretend or pander to us either. I'm not bad mouthing either group. Merely stating facts as it relates to the tangibles I listed above. Dr. John Henrik Clarke brilliantly stated that as Black folks "we have no friends". In that regard, it doesn't make any sense for AfroAmericans to reach out to any other group of people to support us. Brown and yellow and other Black people are trying to assimilate into the fabric of whiteness. They just want to be here and tap into whatever goodies, guarantees and giveaways this country provides. No other group of people have a claim to stake in the US as it relates to the original sin of slavery. Native Americans have their own claims to stake. Taking the reservation deal put them in a box. That is their business to unpack. I don't look at it as a crusade or leading a movement. I've laid out what I think would begin to pay the debt that America owes to AfroAmericans. Realistically, I'm aware that reparations is a nearly impossible lift for two reasons: 1) Old AfroAmericans have given up. They took the bait of Civil Rights and affirmative action as compensation. 2) History is being whitewashed in such a way that the current and future generations of AfroAmericans will be left to settle for the status quo. Thankfully, I'm very fortunate that I personally don't need anything from Liberals or Conservatives. That won't stop me from calling balls and strikes as I see them. It would be irresponsible of me to stay silent and not fulfill my duty as an AfroAmerican spokesman.
  4. France isn't fooling anybody with that BS excuse. Only reason France reinvesting in their military is to crush opposition in their colonized countries. I saw this move coming down the pike when Niger asked the French to leave last year.
  5. @aka Contrarian, I notice you didn't list any legislation Liberals have passed specifically for Black folks. The reparations package would be expansive enough to cover several things but to name a few: Free healthcare Free higher education Zero interest housing loans Zero iinterest business loans Land Stock Repeal unfair sentencing guidelines Repeal laws that disproportionately affect Black folks As two sides of the same coin, both political parties have handed out the similar patronage jobs and other crumbs to Black folks. Conservatives had Condie Rice, Colin Powell, JC Watts, Ben Carson, Clarence Thomas and others. I'm not affiliated with either party so I do not parrot their party lines. I call balls and strikes as I've seen them over the past several decades.
  6. @nels, the Conservatives consist of millions of racists. No way in h8ll they would do anything to help Black folks. @aka Contrarian, I'm not diminishing the fact that Black folks have been elected to and/or chosen to serve in positions of power. That's great from an individual perspective. My contention is that even Black folks in the highest positions do not individually or even collectively wield enough power to overcome any aspect of the system of racism white supremacy. The VP has admitted she wouldn't do anything specifically to help Black folks. She has been reduced to a POTUS side-piece and empty talking head. Liberals used her to secure the Black vote. The Congressional Black Caucus hasn't produced any legislation specifically to help Black folks. But, they sign the anti-Black bills. In the meantime, one Asian congresswoman could introduce an anti-Asian Hate Crime Bill which they all signed. Liberals haven't produced anything tangible for Black folks. Yet, they pander to us when it's time get elected.
  7. Hilarious skit. That sista crushed it.
  8. Please feel free to list legislation Liberals have passed specifically to help Black folks. Democratic POTUS Lyndon Johnson was a tall order racist. Even he referred to the Civil Rights Act as the "nigger bill". IMO, Black folks have made progress in America by default just like white women. Black progress in America did not come from loyalty to Liberals. Definitely not through policies specifically for us. Liberals haven't put forth any bills to adress reparations. They did come up with a 1994 Crime bill leading to mass incarceration of Black folks. Gee thanks. Look no further than the current administration. Black folks helped put POTUS PJB in the White House. Billions of dollars in foreign aid flying outta here as we type. Yet, there's no line item for reparations in any bills. Liberals pander to Black folks during election cycles and leave them high and dry once elected. It's been the same sh8t for 50 years and counting.
  9. True. Especially as it relates to politics. Black folks haven't gotten anything out of loyalty to Liberals. Black folks wouldn't fare any better as Conservatives. If Black folks do not come up with an agenda/interests pretty d8mn quick to which politicians can be held accountable, once supplanted by other groups of people, Black votes will really become an exercise in futility by 2040 if not sooner.
  10. https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/18/us/nypd-disperses-pro-palestinian-protest-columbia-university/index.html Hundreds of students at Columbia University are protesting the war in Gaza which they have a right to do. Yet, NYPD has been called today. The police have shown up up in riot gear and with buses ready to arrest the protestors. Israel is milking the October 7th Hamas attack against them. They are using that attack as justification to destroy Palestinians and claim Gaza. Apparently, Jews also have enough power to override free speech in the US. Terrorism laws are being used to arrest protestors supporting Israeli opposition. The US is already spending billions of dollars in taxpayer money to finance these conflicts around the world. Right now, a $95 billion dollar package providing additional funds and weapons to Israel and Ukraine and Indo-Pacific support is making its way through Congress. POTUS is ready to sign it on arrival. I'm glad most AfroAmericans remain neutral in these conflicts. Not our fight or issue. However, we should be taking notes. Intel could be used as receipts in the future.
  11. There are public and private sector jobs and entrepreneurial opportunities as well. It really comes down to the knowledge, skills and abilities of the individual and their willingness to relocate and hustle. Plenty folks have already left NYC for greener pastures south of it. I'd be kinda surprised if former NYers haven't sent kites back to the city spreading the word that places like DC, Charlotte, ATL and Houston are popping.
  12. Malcolm X understood that both the fox and the wolf were running around in the same forest. Liberals (Democrats) and conservatives (Republicans) are two sides of the same coin. Neither party is interested in doimg much of anything for AfroAmericans.
  13. Ever since I was a kid, I found it interesting that Black folks didn't see anything *wrong* with that sh8t. Imagine a 7-year-old boy running telling grown-ups they were stupid for trying to sell him on Santa Claus and them believing in that white man on the picture. Of course, that resulted in a few azz whuppings for me but I wasn't broken.
  14. Right. Hopefully, the algorithm won't attract racist trolls. There's no shortage of white folks directing vitriol towards OJ's ashes. It really burns them up to believe OJ got away with murder despite their legal system acquitting him.
  15. There are definitely better financial opportunities for Black folks in places south of NYC. Good luck tapping into the money up there.
  16. Gotcha. I knew you were tracking AI from sides.
  17. @Troy, excellent work dipping into AI. It will be interesting to see how you and AI grow together especially considering some of your concerns.
  18. If the question is directed at me....yep, I believe the continent will wake up in a shorter period of time than *they* predict. It won't be easy for Africa to do this by themselves especially with foreign nations controlling their resources. As relatively peaceful poeple, Africa will be helped in gaining its autonomy and prosperity. Part of it includes collapse within the current empire.
  19. Right. If you think my post above is too provocative we can nuke it.
  20. S Let's hope conspiracy theorists won't keep his memory alive by claiming he was *given* cancer while in prison or during a routine physical exam.
  21. The two monetary system is fine too. As long as the country isn't adversely penalized by the IMF (International Monetary Fund). The key is to become a self-sufficient and autonomous producer. Being able to take care of home is a win. Creating a global demand for those products, goods and services would be a power move. I believe the sleeping giant that is the continent of Africa is going to wake up in 20 years or so.
  22. The obsession with racism white supremacy is calling out the elephant in the room until there is no confusion that it exists; what it is and how it operates. Only then, can we move towards dismantling and replacing it with a system of justice.
  23. Anybody who has to drug another person in order to get it is a lame coward. There's no excuse for bullies and predators. Kill them. That mayor isn't doing herself any favors especially in the way she's handling the situation. Straight ghetto. When I heard that were paying that wannabe dude $300/per hour for that BS, I had to laugh out loud. Plenty men have lost their lives and/or have been brought to ruin over that nappy dugout. Wars have been waged on the strength of a piece of snatch. Guess you'd have to be a man to understand it.
  24. This by a ballistic missile mile. Israel has an iron dome missile defense system. The US has shot down about 200 Iranian drones. All of these countries have the most advanced weaponry to fight with and protect themselves. None of them appears to be using prayer to change a d8mn thing.
  25. Right. But as long as certain items and materials have to be imported, they have to deal with foreigners willing to recognize their currency.
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