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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. Cynique Fortunately, i don't take myself too seriously, Neither do I. FINALLY....we agree on something, lol. Troy Can one speak about something they are completely ignorant about? I don't think so. But speculation, pondering, and inquiry is what make life interesting. The key to having an interesting conversation about something you're ignorant about is to ACKNOWLEDGE your ignorance and admit you know little to nothing about that subject. When you take that stance, you're usually careful not to let your emotions take you to a place you don't want to or shouldn't go. The problem is, too many people are confused (based on the compensatory definition) and THINK they actually know what they're talking about and will get heated and hyper emotional at others. Religion is an EXCELLENT example of this. If you "know" beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jesus Christ is your lord and savior....that leaves no room for error or doubt. So in your mind....anyone challenging those beliefs or threatening them is "clearly wrong" and quite possibly of the devil, lol. Delano When I used the word "confusion" I'm talking about the COMPENSATORY DEFINITION....not the commonly used definition. What most people call "confused" is really BEWILDERMENT or DISORIENTATION. IGNORANCE = lack of knowledge CONFUSION = lack of knowledge WITH THE BELIEF of actually having knowledge.
  2. 1. People from all walks of life worship a White Jesus too. That doesn't mean it's proper or healthy. It simply means they were CONDITIONED into accepting and practicing something that is not healthy or natural to their culture or very being. 2. Unlike tattoos.....beards are NATURAL. And if you don't like them or they become a problem, they can easily be shaved off. You're not going to "shave off" a tattoo. So they are not analogous.
  3. I don't beat up on just any ole Black man.....but I'll be the BRAKES off of niggaz! I love and respect decent Black men and women. It's NIGGAS that I have a problem with. But like most racists, Greg probably loves a nigga more than he loves anybody else because a nigga will walk around and PROUDLY display all of the negative stereotypes that racists have claimed about Black people. Infact, they will PAY niggaz to act out those stereotypes in movies and in music.
  4. What if the cops ARE the violent thugs of your community?
  5. ProfD Most White thugs wear uniforms and receive training on how to effectively "thug" and abuse people.
  6. Maybe it's just in my imagination but it seems like Staten Island is getting a lot more press and attention than it used to compared to the other boroughs. Years ago Brooklyn was getting all the attention, then Queens, now every other story out of New York is coming out of Staten Island. All the cops and firemen live on Staten Island. The mobsters live on Staten Island. Hits are taking place on Staten Island. The Last Purge took place on State Island. Rappers are repping State Island. Hell....Pete Davidson is from Staten Island...lol.
  7. Interesting that you neglect to put apostrophes in the words you SHOULD put them, but on the word that shouldn't have one....you insert one.
  8. Lovely ladies but....those tattoos gotta go. Black folks already have color in their skin, we don't need tattoos. Don't just sit up and copy what White folks do without UNDERSTANDING WHY they do what they do. Except for a few remote tribes around the planet, tattoos were originally designed as a way for Caucasians to get more color in their skin. LITERALLY.
  9. Bitcoin and crypto-currency in general is a SCAM. People should wake up and recognize this and pull their money out of that house of cards.
  10. Absolutely If we ONLY spoke about that which we knew for sure and never guessed, estimated, or speculated.....things would get pretty boring real quick, lol. Not to mention how SHORT and AKWARD conversations would be. "Hello...how are you this morning?" "I don't know yet. Ask me after Noon after morning's been completed and I'll be able to answer your question!"
  11. ProfD But the wise ones know that it's an INVESTMENT as that money spent on the RIGHT politician is usually money well spent. Politicians are responsible for going to the capital and bringing money and resources back down to the district they represent. You know good and dog-gone well that everybody isn't gonna get the same amount of money issued to them. That politician and his team is inbed with the business owners and wealthy individuals of that district WHO SUPPORTED THEM and THEY will get first dibbs on the dough brought back.
  12. ProfD Well, remember that Neely Fuller Jr. encourages us not to focus too much on "uniting" our people behind anything because it's so hard to do so under this system. Too many individuals have their own agendas and ways of seeing things. There must be a compromise between uniting all Black people and everybody wandering around separated and doing their own thing. I think we should focus on a set agenda and present it to as many of our people as possible and give everybody an opportunity to either accept it or reject it. Those who choose to accept it.....not matter how few....can then move together in unison towards pushing that agenda towards it's accomplishment.
  13. Voting helps, especially in LOCAL elections and even state elections to a certain extent. However it's only a FACTOR in the entire political process. Not only do you have to VOTE your interests and vote the people who promote them into office, but you have to FOLLOW UP your vote by constantly putting pressure on those elected officials to implement your agenda. Most Black folks don't understand that it takes money to keep people in office and you have to continue to fund their elections and political career if you want them to push your agenda. On top of that...... Giving them money will eventually get YOU more money and benefits; so it's more of an investment.
  14. Perhaps it's a good opportunity for Black American to SEPARATE itself from the strong grip that White so-called Progressives and Liberals have on our community. For the past 40 years or so, White people CALLING themselves....first Liberal...now Progressive have been PRETENDING to be the friends of AfroAmericans and PRETENDING to fight for our causes but have been using that as an excuse to not only promote their own perverted agendas (like LGBT rights) but also promote their ideologies to the Black community disrupting our traditional values. For years we've seen how racist and demonic Republicans and Conservatives have been but many of our people have been fooled by the Democratic wolves in sheep's clothing, so perhaps this is an opportunity for a great awakening for us to finally recognize that we MUST form our own political/social movements and promote our own agendas.
  15. Everybody is ignorant about something. However when you're ignorant about something but THINK you actually know it....that's the compensatory definition of CONFUSION. Most people are not only ignorant but also CONFUSED about the truth of this world.
  16. Because I'm 10 TIMES harder on niggaz than he'd even DARE to be! That racist devil would do himself a favor by sitting back and taking NOTES on how I go hard in the paint on these these silly ass niggaz who have been raising hell and embarassing our community for the past 50 years or so. See, Greg don't know how to make 'em cry. I do! "Ahhhhhahaaa....why he don't like uuuus????"
  17. How long has the concept of "race" been around? And what is the source of your answer?
  18. Exactly. The system of racism has been around for ATLEAST 4000 years.
  19. @Greg Oooh I got a question!!!! Would the "Impulse Control Act" apply to cops too?
  20. Why do whites enjoy DOING it? That's even weirder.
  21. Yeah, and how did that end up happening??? You had Clinton and Obama in that Whitehouse for 16 years combined. That's more than enough time to flip that Court and make it more Liberal or atleast balanced.
  22. I'll let everybody in on a little secret...... When Trump was elected as President I was glad! Not because I liked that racist devil or his policies; but because I figured Trump would be so racist and polarizing that he would force Black people to rise up in anger and overthrow the racial injustice they were suffering under for so long. And back in the Summer of 2020 that seemed to be close to happening! But then after the riots....something weird happened. It seemed like after that summer more and more Black folks started endearing him and defending him and claiming he wasn't so bad. More and more his support grew among AfroAmericans and especially AfroAmerican men. By the Fall of 2020 it seemed like ONLINE almost as many Black folks supported that beast as those opposing him! Not in real life...but on social media it seemed that way. So at this point, I would have to say Trump has definitely got to be KEPT OUT of the Whitehouse at all costs because the more damage he does to the nation and especially to the Black community....not only will our people do nothing about it but many will foolishly embrace him even the more for it.
  23. I'm sure them being White also comes in handy when dealing with racism in society.
  24. Stefan As Pro-Black as I am....I understand SOME of the reasons many of our people sell out. For one thing, what "benefit" is it in being loyal to other Black folks when you do reach a higher position of power? Often times it's the WHITE FOLKS who put you in that higher position, not other Black folks. So human nature encourages you to be loyal to and beholden to whoever is giving you the most benefits. Yes, many Black folks who get positions of power "lord" it over other Black folks. But more often than not, it's more like SCOLDING other Black folks for not being more ambitious and SEEKING higher positions in a business or government. I don't know how many times I've asked other Black folks at the various jobs I've had to apply for manager, supervisor, assistant manager and other positions of power and they didn't want the responsibility. A lot of our people are in the subservient positions they're in because they SEEK to remain in them. Power and more responsibility seems to scare them.
  25. richardmurray Facts. I've been saying for years that Black websites like this should be supported and frequented. But too many of our people would rather duck and dodge strikes and bans from social media platforms like facebook and Twitter. When the average nigga is placed in "facebook jail"...they get so depressed they need medication.
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