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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. ProfD One of the reasons that Jews hold on to the Holocaust and make sure their children know and understand what happened, is because THEY control their own media and educational system. Ofcourse being a branch of the White race for the most part makes that easier for them to do. AfroAmericans on the other hand, overwhelmingly rely on WHITE PEOPLE to educate their children both in the public school system and in the media. Brother Malik Shabazz said that only a fool would trust his enemy to educate his children.
  2. Greg I hate to say it but the majority of the suspects attacking asians are blacks, we need to be honest and admit that. Well if you hated it THAT much, you wouldn't say it. But..... Is it that the majority of attacks on Asians are being committed by Black people? Or is it that of all of the attacks on Asians....those being committed by Black people are the majority of those BEING REPORTED in the media? There's a difference.
  3. I hope our sista DOES make it to the Whitehouse so I can see more and more of her beautiful self. That woman is gorgeous with a knock-out body....and intelligent to top it off. ....with her cute little mouth'd self. Not sure how much she actually did for Black people when she was mayor of Atlanta or what she'll do for us in D.C.....but that's to be EXPECTED from most of these politicians today anyway. As long as she doesn't cause HARM to our community, I see her as just more entertainment and eye candy.
  4. I want to respect the OP's wishes that men refrain from commenting, but as Del alluded to....the women on this thread aren't commenting. Most women tend to be shy by nature, and that shyness or insecurity about doing and saying certain things is part of what makes them attractive. However I personally wish women...especially Black women globally...would be more honest and sincere about their feelings on sexuality It would have made things MUCH easier on me when I was younger if I had known exactly what most women wanted and were looking for instead of having to do "trial and error" with them.
  5. I think too many guns ARE a problem in the United States today. However, since this nation is FLOODED with them and there doesn't seem to be any serious efforts on the part of those in charge to reduce them, then I say RIGHTEOUS and INTELLIGENT AfroAmericans need to acquire them and learn how to properly use them. Remember that we're fighting a war on TWO FRONTS. White racism and Black ignorance. RIGHTEOUS and INTELLIGENT AfroAmericans need protection from the White racist demons as well as the Black criminal element in many of our communities.
  6. Not sure about "we" because I'M not having babies out of wedlock or living an irresponsible lifestyle. If YOU are....I suggest you stop it and atone.
  7. They had an opportunity to give this nation Universal Healthcare back in 2009 and 2010.....but didn't do it. They didn't even talk about it. What Joe Biden SAYS he believes and what he ACTUALLY believes could be as different as night and day. This is why I think we need to grow OUR OWN grassroots politicians and send them to Washington D.C. with a very specific agenda; instead of relying on these established career liars who already have their own agendas.
  8. Stefan I suggest you read the very first post of this thread. Perhaps it would help you to understand MY post better.
  9. And he SHOULD have put him in cuffs because even back in 2015 there was more than enough evidence that he was colluding with Russia to steal the election and there was ample evidence that the Republican officials in various states were actively suppressing AfroAmerican votes.
  10. Sounds like a more sophisticated form of MIND CONTROL, to me.
  11. Stefan The Nazis killed close to six million Jews in their extermination camps. But the Nazis also murdered nine million Poles, Roma, religious war objectors, POWs, LGBT folks and those who helped Jews escape. These are Caucasian on Caucasian crimes. A "family fued"...if you will. It may be sad, but it doesn't apply to our people and we shouldn't lose too much sleep over what White folks do to eachother because they'll put their fighting and differences aside to oppress you. Edgar Hoover was part of the LGBT community...but that didn't stop him from conspiring to destroy Black leaders.
  12. Greg Why are we as a people so far behind everyone else? Why is it that other people of color from India, china, Japan so much further ahead despite them coming to this country with no money Because our government BRINGS them here...and GIVES them money. ....usually to open up businesses in our neighborhoods. These non-Black people of color that you speak of are being used as BUFFERS by the White power structure. Middle-men. Go-betweens. They are being used to CUSHION the White power structure from the oppressed population of AfroAmericans and help them maintain the system of racism since there aren't enough Whites to do it. and in many cases not able to even speak our language? Its because they have strong family values, family structure, they push education and hard work, Funny how those "family values" and "hard work" didn't do them any damn good when they were starving and living in dire poverty in THEIR own countries. Funny how "hard work" and "family values" only worked for them once they came HERE to the United States...AFTER AfroAmericans kicked the ass of racists in the 60s and 70s and smoothed out the road so that OTHER people of color didn't have to experience what our ancestors experienced from these racist beasts. and they obey and respect the law. Its EXTREMELY RARE for a woman from india, china, or japan to get pregnant at a very young age. That rarely ever happens. Is it that is "rarely" happens? Or is it that in those cultures....especially in India....they KILL the girls and young women who have the misfortune of getting pregnant after they are molested or sexually assaulted by older men which is so common there. India celebrates a RAPE CULTURE and women are chased down and raped in groups and then killed afterwards. Is that the type of "family values" you're referring to??? Our black communities are amongst the most violent in the world, thats our own fault ! Even more violent than the Middle East? Even more violent than Mexico where the drug cartels kill, chop off heads, and stack up the bones as a gruesome joke??? Even more violent than Afghanistan where they have a "fighting season" where so-called God fearing people will go to war shooting and slaughtering eachother ritually and have been doing so for THOUSANDS of years???? I'm willing to wager that more people were killed in the Russia-Ukraine war which is only a few months old...than ALL the Black people who killed eachother since 2020.
  13. An "elderly black"??? Where did you grow up? I don't know a lot of Black people who talk like that. They usually say "elderly Black man" or "elderly Black woman" or "elderly Black people" but not just simply "a black".
  14. If someone throws a rock into a group.....the only one who hollers is the one who got hit.
  15. Stefan It was pure jealousy. It was revealing. And it was quite sad. Even Rev. Jesse Jackson fell victim to envy of Obama. You're right that many AfroAmericans who criticized Obama was jealous of him and his success and ability to climb the ladder so high in this system. However, I personally believe Jesse Jackson would have made a MUCH better president than Obama. I think he's just as smart if not smarter and would have been much more progressive and radical in his policies; especially as they relate to AfroAmerican issues. When Obama was running for office, people are acting like HE was the first AfroAmerican to ever run....completely ignoring Shirley Chisum, Jesse Jackson, or Al Sharpton. "Blowing out someone else's candle does not make yours shine brighter." No....but it DOES eliminate the competition, lol.
  16. Troy why spend hours arguing about something you can just look up? Because I don't trust those stats.....lol. If I use what I believe to be false and inaccurate statistics to smash another person's argument, they may be able to turn around and do the same thing to mine. Under BOTH Trump and Obama, there were FAR more unemployed people than what those stats suggest.
  17. Here's something to think about....... He was indeed an armed Black man, but suppose he wasn't there for malevolent purposes but was there to protect the children? We know what they are saying in the MEDIA, but the media often does lie so much and give out so much false information in these incidents....especially early on. WHAT IF (just a supposition) he was a solid brother who for some reason thought he had to be their to protect the youth and they took him out?
  18. For a long time, I didn't think Russia and the United States would even use the nukes on eachother. I thought the so-called "Cold War" was just a game they were playing and they were really just saving them to use on the darker nations of the world just incase one of them got too powerful. But now it appears there just might be a nuclear exchange between the two as this conflict escalates. Unless it's all a big game.
  19. ????? Man...lol...what the HAIL are you talkin' bout?? I didn't even mention Mel's name.
  20. Troy And unlike the 70s....instead of Heroin.....the drug of choice for most Black addicts today is so-called Marijuana
  21. Trust me.... Most of the same silly sell-out niggaz who supported Trump for the past several years, STILL support him. It doesn't matter how much evidence you bring or how logical your argument is that Trump is harmful to AfroAmericans and his policies and very presence in the Whitehouse was harmful....they won't listen to or believe it. They are BRAINWASHED. Most Black Trump supporters are literally brainwashed by fake news, fake information, fake statistics, ect.....that tell them how great he was or how NON-RACIST he was even when all of the actual evidence points in the opposite direction. I spent hours arguing with some clown the other week who insisted that Black people had the "lower unemployment rate in history" under Trump. Lower than Bill Clinton I guess.... Lower than Franklin D. Roosevelt with his New Deal and Public Works Projects that put millions of unemployed Black folks to work I guess..... They will ignore history and just spout false stats and propaganda shamelessly with a silly grin on their faces like that cute ass Candace Owens.
  22. You know what gets me scratching my head sometimes is when so many sistaz VEHEMENTLY oppose polygamy and think it's so unacceptable and disrespectful and deman that they have "their man" all to themselves.....but half of them are SHARING men with other women anyway! When you routinely sleep with and spend time with a man you know has a wife or girlfriend....you're SHARING him! And many of these women are gladly doing it. And in some cases....infact most cases....the wife or girlfriend even KNOWS that her man is sleeping around and in some cases even knows who the woman is and puts up with it. But will sit there with a straight face declaring that they would "never tolerate" polygamy.
  23. ProfD I know those questions were directed at Cynique, but if I may... 1) What are the conditions that fuel crime among black folks? Poverty, living in an unjust and confusing system, and for many of our people...low intelligence. A lot of them are not smart enough to know how to LEGALLY make a living for themselves, so they turn to crime. 2) Who created the conditions that lead to crimes among black folks? The White racists for the most part. But in many cases, Black folks made the conditions themselves by producing children in an unfavorable environment and not properly preparing for a more successful live early on in their youth. 3) How did guns and drugs get into black communities? The White racists are the primary ones responsible for bringing them in, and they also use their Black flunkies as well as flunkies from other races (Arabs, Asians, Latinos, ect....). Primarily speaking, the high crime rate in the AfroAmerican community is the FAULT of the White racists but it's the RESPONSIBILITY of AfroAmericans to clean it up and make our community safe. We can't intelligently expect the very same people who CAUSED the problem to come up with the solution. We have to do it ourselves. That's why I say intelligent Black men and women will eventually have to march into these crime-ridden battle zones in the ghetto and drive out the Shaniquas and DeMarios and run them off the block for things to be safe.
  24. We didn't just have a Black Wallstreet in Tulsa..... All over the United States during Reconstruction Black folks built sophisticated towns and neighborhoods from the ground up and flourished economically as well as socially. Many of them flourished right up until the Great Depression of 1929. If you study history, AfroAmericans started progressively getting lazier and lazier from the beginning of Reconstruction in the 1870s to the 1990s. At first we were building cities and towns from the ground up. Then we started just moving into SECTIONS of cities (especially up North) that White folks abandoned and just fixed them up for ourselves instead of building them from scratch. Then after so-called "Integration" the nigga just sold out and started following White folks around whereever they went. Moving into whatever neighborhood was still mostly White, moving out to the suburbs, moving into sub-divisions and rural areas. We need to get back to our ROOTS of building entire communities from the GROUND UP.
  25. I'm hoping this conflict evolves into a NUCLEAR WAR. Perhaps it will do something that needs to be done but AfroAmericans so far have shown an unwillingness to do as a community...which is END THIS UNJUST SYSTEM. This world/society is very corrupt and diabolical and it should have ended many many years ago. I'd go as far as to say that Black people in America are one of the main reasons it STILL exists because we had an opportunity to end it and use America to enforce justice around the planet, but instead many of our people decided to collaborate WITH the devil instead of ending his rule So maybe a nuclear war is the solution at this point. Perhaps when the population is reduced to a few million or a few hundred thousand.....they'll be too busy trying to rebuild and survive that they won't have time to sit around planning and plotting to raise hell, make up diseases, and conspire to exploit people.
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