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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. Troy I tried to PM you but it said you weren't taking any messages. Looks like you're turned yourself into Frank Lucas or somebody and have moved yourself out of reach...lol. "No no nicca see..... I TOLD you, if you wanna talk to ME then you talk to my COUSIN. You don't come to me. Understand? Nobody comes to ME, you go to him and HE'LL let me know......understand?" Anyway, peace and prosperity my brutha! I'll visit the site from time to time to see how the family is doing.
  2. At this point, I think our best bet is to focus on righteous and intelligent AfroAmericans and build a coalition among them. Some will say that that demographic doesn't hold a big enough population to have any political impact. But I'm the type of brother who understands the value of QUALITY over QUANTITY. You don't want a bunch of racist Caucasians in your organization derailing your plans and taking it into a thousand different directions with their own little agendas like the current Democrat party has gone. Nor do you want a bunch of half-retarded poke-chop eating Negroes who can't be relied on to even show up at the meetings let alone understand how local and national policies affect them and their children. We should focus like a LASER on those who are mostly likely to be the most productive among us and build a coalition with them around a set agenda.
  3. Mzuri I think I'll follow your advice and the advice of quite a few others and do more indepth research in this crypto business. ProfD The current safetynets in the U.S have mile wide gaps in them. They allow to many people to fall through. In most places the rent and mortgage is too high and there are too many stipulations and requirements just to get an apartment today. Back about 40 or 50 years ago all you needed was first months rent and a deposit....and maybe a job. They were more concerned about you paying the rent than HOW you made you money. About 30 years ago they started doing more and more background checks and credit checks. Now renting the average apartment is like enrolling to a university...lol. So a lot of people can't even rent a home, many have to end up shacking up with or living off of friends and relatives. Very few people are truly INDPENDENT today.
  4. ProfD Don't worry my brutha....I think you'll hold it down just fine. Infact, we seem to share the same perspective on so many issues..you'd be like another Pioneer...but without so many of the jokes, lol. Cynique According to your biggest fan, Mzuri, you're not supposed to announce your exit if you decide to leave, something she angrily called to my attention when i didn't adhere to her expectations. Did you check with her? Fall back and regroup. 2 corrections to make: 1. YOU'RE my biggest fan, lol....and you know it. 2. I didn't say I was leaving, I said I was taking a break.
  5. I think they've killed more than that. I just read a story the other day about how OVER half the killings aren't even being reported. The U.S. is already in a POLICE STATE and has been in one for many years now.
  6. I'll take a break from the Discussion board for a while. Give some others a chance for a little shine. I need to focus more on making money anyway. I'll finish up a few posts tonight and I might post tomorrow or I might not, not sure.....but I'm gonna step back a while.
  7. Then: Delano Perhaps you should thank Cynique AGAIN for her recent designation....lol
  8. Mzuri I liked that movie as well, but the struggles such as the image you posted of them sleeping in public restrooms were hard to watch. The real life Chris Gardner should have had a better plan. But things happen in life, we all know that, and we deal with things as best we can. It's precisely for THESE type of situations that I support the U.S. having such a strong safetynet. You can make all the plans you want..then something comes out of left field and hits you upside the head and you're sitting there wondering... WTF????? Around June of 2020 I was laid off and collecting more money on unemployment than when I was working! If you remember people were talking about how bad the Winter was going to be, calling it a "dark winter", and how many people were gonna die. I was concerned about society collapsing before I could spend that money I was getting...LOL Now it's October of 2021! Society is still standing, MORE people are actually dying every day than their were a year ago but there's no talk of a shut down. And instead of an over abundance of money, I'm now unemployed. Add to that the concern about being forced to get the jab just to get a job and the increased pressure from society to get it!!! "Get the shot...get the shot!!!" Talk about a fucking twilight zone....lol. Shit happens and we need strong safetynets to catch people and protect them from hitting rock bottom.. You never know WHAT type of situation you'll find yourself in despite your plans. Tomorrow I will take delivery of my very first Crypto miner. I investigated thoroughly until I found a system that will work the best for me. I am super excited about this and will let you all know how it goes. I'm happy for you. I wish I could share in your excitement too, but it's too complex for me to understand how beneficial it is. I have studied a bit more about the "mining" of cryptocurrency and it just seems so complex. I don't see how anyone can take so much valuable time and mental energy let alone invest their money into something so complex. I'd rather play the lottery. It's far more straight forward....lol.
  9. Has anyone accused you of talking to yourself?
  10. Mzuri & ProfD I was already leaning towards it being BETTER for the employees of most corporate jobs if they worked from home, but the examples you two provided help push me further in that direction....lol. Do you know what I kept thinking about during the discussion of working from home? Will Smith and that character he played in Pursuit of Happyness. That movie was so good I decided to go out and buy the BOOK by Chris Gardner himself. And as usual the book is much better than the movie. But I kept thinking about Mr.Garnder and how much easier things would have been for HIM if he had a laptop or just access to a computer and didn't have to rush around looking for a place to keep his baby while getting showered and dressed to go work in an office.
  11. We have (had?) a few third parties but they just didn't get off the ground. Libertarian Party Green Party Tea Party...lol Then you had people like Ross Perot who got as far as being the third party candidate for President. And that Lyndon LaRouche dude who's name seemed to pop up from time to time over the span of decades....lol. I understand he passed away not to long ago. He had a few dedicated followers.
  12. Mzuri You're right most of our people don't think independently. I misspoke on that one. I meant to say INDIVIDUALLY. I meant we don't think in terms of being united with EACHOTHER. We don't think collectively enough. We think about our own individual needs too much and not enough about the needs of the collective. Which would actually serve our individual needs in the long run.
  13. Delano Buried Where do you find the gold, oil, diamonds, and other precious gems??? BURIED under ground. Lol, and what happens to the man who spends too much time up in the mountains with his head in the clouds? He gets dizzy and lightheaded from lack of oxygen and his perception becomes distorted. He starts babbling incoherently and even his loved ones have to struggle to understand what the hell he's saying. "It takes two rose bushes to eat up the thorns in the ping pong patch. Those who can't think abstractly won't understand! Hee hee..." ProfD Stating the obvious, humanity needs both concrete and abstract thinkers. Some folks can see the big picture (concepts) while it takes others to bring it to fruition (produce). That's how we survive and thrive Absolutely you need both. However more than the abstract thinkers who's poetic utterings do little more than provide CHEAP ENTERTAINMENT instead of actual solutions....... you need practical VISIONARIES can use their powerful imaginations and abstract thinking to solve the problems that society faces. I'm not talking about Del btw, I'm talking in general. You have too many who love to play with the emotions of people....especially vulnerable women who are looking for answers in their lives. People who suffered emotional trauma often have voids and these snakey niccaz come along and attempt to FILL it with their psuedo-intellectual garbage
  14. When you said "Cheddar Man" I thought you were talking about a new Rapper at first, lol. I started not to even bother clicking on to the thread. I'm not surprised at the findings. It must be understood that Black people are the Original people ALL OVER the planet...not just Africa or Asia or even Europe. We're the Original people in the Americas as well when you go back far enough. The people with Black skin and straight/wavy hair and narrow features.....similar to those called Dravidian in India today...are the Original people of the planet. Other races came from them.....including the African race.
  15. Mzuri One of the problems is AfroAmericans as a community don't have an actual AGENDA. We don't have a list of goals that we can can check off as accomplished. I don't know if this will ever be accomplished collectively anyway because at over 40 million people...we are so LARGE, and so many of us think independently. I think one of the BEST moves to make is for the intelligent and decent among us to unite and organize into our own separate little communities around the nation and work from the grassroots level on the agenda that best suits each community's needs. Once you have a CLEAR AGENDA...then you can measure progress. If you don't know where you're going, how will you know when you got there?
  16. In another thread Mzuri wrote: Part of a larger discussion about so much of the workforce is now working from home instead of in an office or building in a more professional setting. Many see this becoming the "new normal" for the U.S. workforce and my initial reaction to this was one of disdain. My response was: Besides this worker-employer relationship being so informal, ghetto, and unprofessional....at the end of the day CORPORATE is the benefactor because they no longer have to provide office space or stationary for their employees and can save BILLIONS of dollars.But how much do the employees get out of this deal? But after thinking about it a little while..... I wonder would it be better for most employees TOO in the long run? -Save money on gas -Save money on buying professional clothes for work -Less conflict with co-workers working in close spaces with eachother -Less incidents of racism and sexism. -More time to take care of personal needs -Even better for those with disabilities who can do their jobs easier at home. Perhaps it WOULD actually be better working from home not just for the employer but for the employee too!
  17. Troy Probably, but it would an interesting stat to know. I think an accurate figure would be VERY difficult to determine because people have VASTLY different ideas of what "making a living" means. Some people will swear ANY income they get from online activities constitutes "making a living" for them. Mzuri Whenever I talk to anyone on the phone lately, at a business or a government agency, I always ask them if they are working from home. And they always say, "Yes." And the sad thing is..... This type of ghetto unprofessionalism will become the norm, we can see it coming. At the end, the corporate wins because they no longer have to provide office space or stationary for their employees. But how much do the employees get out of this deal? I also hear crying babies, barking dogs, doorbells ringing and all the other noises that emanate from inside people's homes. And that's so unprofessional. That's even worse than calling up and getting people from India who's English is so poor you can barely understand what they're saying. And if you ASK them what country they're speaking from they have the nerve to get an attitude and say: "I in Texas. Why ask that sir? What country YOU call from? I from Texas....TEK-SAS I tolded you already sir."
  18. So..... No talk of Universal Healthcare. No talk of free college tuition. No talk of bringing back good paying low skilled jobs with great benefits That type of talk isn't even on the TABLE anymore for most Democrat politicians. Just put them back in office....not so they can turn us in a NEW direction...but just SLOW DOWN in the fascist direction the Republicans are trying to take us.
  19. Troy Not everyone has an analytical mind. You must have the ability to categorize things into groups and recognize when they overlap eachother. I know some people who call all Asian people "Chinese". The concept of various nationalities INSIDE the Asian race is beyond their comprehension....let alone the various ethnic groups that exist INSIDE those nationalities.
  20. OURROYAL BLACKGOLD DON'T KNOW WHERE THE PROOF IS ON THIS ESSENTIAL TOPIC THAT IS A MUST TO ADDRESS AFTER ELECTION NOV. 02, 2021!!! RIGHT NOW THOUGH BLACK PEOPLE WE NEED CANDIDATES WHO ARE WILLING TO WORK FOR ALL PEOPLE IN AMERICA, AND RIGHT NOW THE-DO-NOTHING-republicans-ARE- DOING-WHAT-they-DO-BEST-NOTHING-WITH-A-GREAT-BIG-OLE- elephant-WHIPPIN-OF-gop-01/06/2021-republican-HATE! SO*YES+DEMS+ARE+BLACK+FOLKS+BEST+CHESS+MOVE+CHOICE: You're pretty much telling us the same thing MOST Black advocates of the Democrat party have been saying either directly or indirectly: Listen Black voters; don't demand anything of substance for you vote. Just vote Democrat right now to keep the Republicans out and THEN let's talk about your needs and wants later. Problem is, when we DO that....too often after we vote those suckers in...that promised conversation doesn't take place. Black folk got Biden into office, and what has he done for us or poor people of all races? -Let the Eviction Moratorium pass. -Let the Unemployment extension pass. -Turn the Ayitian migrants around at the Mexican border while flying racist sexist Afgan INTO America by the thousands. -And now he's talking about giving illegal immigrants HUNDREDS of thousands of dollars each. for breaking the law after turning Black immigrants away. That man had done next to NOTHING for us or Black folks in general.
  21. Atleast a solid concrete thinker is well GROUNDED.....he doesn't have his head up in the clouds or in an imaginary world of "theoretical" thought. Who cares about your ability to think in the abstract if you can't even hold a simple conversation? Even your biggest fan Cynique can't understand what you're saying half the time and have to repeatedly ask you for detailed explanation of your riddles...lol. Unless he's an author for novels or movies, a man's thinking should be more SOUND and ON THE GROUND...while he's STILL AROUND. the presumption here was that the maltreatment of Black people is universal. That wasn't a presumption. It was a QUESTION. .....a question you REFUSED to answer because you knew the only HONEST answer you could have given was that you did NOT know.
  22. Mzuri but many people that were working for governments/corporations are working from home for those same entities, especially during COVID lockdowns. And you have probably heard that some corporations are going to keep their employees working from home. Yeah, like ProfD or Troy said they were heading in that direction anyway and the covid crisis just sped it up. We didn't have a REAL lock down anyway. Not like we should have had. The shopping malls and a few stores closed down for a few months, but by Christmas most of them were all back up running again spreading Covid like wildfire. The only thing that RELIABLY shut down were the government buildings. Notice how many of THEM shut down and still haven't opened back up to the public? They didn't stop operations. They just shut it down to the public so you couldn't attend the meetings and see what they were up to. And they started passing all kinds of weird laws while the public were occupied. I'm not saying that anybody can start a business online, work from home, or figure out how to generate passive income or even active income, but they can try to do something because that is the future. If they continue with these covid vax mandates....that's not the ONLY thing I see in the future. There's a hard core group of people who aren't gonna take those shot for any reason.
  23. I'm not sure if the regular internet works the exact same way, but I think the algorithms they're using for social media is heading people into a new form of censorship I've complained so many times to people...many who seem not to "get it"....about how these social media platforms like Youtube and facebook not only have written rules but many more UNWRITTEN rules where they block, censor, and shadow-ban people for not going along with certain programs. It's pretty much getting people to censor themselves. Social media used to be the place for free expression. Now people are hesitating to talk about certain topics, cuss, show women in skimpy outfits, etc....it's more censored than television.
  24. You know I can honestly see that happening. Btw, I've been meaning to ask you for a few days.......... Why don't you spell out the entire cuss word? Trying to be respectful? Or other reasons?
  25. ProfD Our past leaders were thrust into that role due to the circumstances. Yes. Circumstances often make the best and most genuine leaders! That statement spoke DIRECTLY to my heart and mind. Just like circumstances often make for the most meaningful talk. Some circumstances will FORCE you to get the small talk and bullshit out of the way and focus on what we're gonna do in this circumstance.
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