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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. ProfD The thing is..... Most fools and grossly ignorant people don't HAVE a code. The closest thing they come to a code is going where ever their emotions drive them. Neely Fuller is TRYING to give our people a code to live by so that they aren't harmed by what he terms "The System of White Supremacy" but a lot of our people aren't listening. In line with the subject of this thread, Mr. Fuller's "VGQ" idea that allows people to have their own opinion without arguing with them would be great advice on how to deal with "ignorant arguers"
  2. Rule #1 Don't be one yourself
  3. Chev As Stefan alluded to, there are many different kinds of slavery. As long as people are being held in custody (against their will) and forced to work....they're in a state of SLAVERY. It doesn't necessarily have to be as brutal as what our immediate ancestors went through here in the Americas. You're playing into the translator's semantics and word games that they PURPOSELY mistranslate in order to deceive people.
  4. Well, as some of you may have guessed already: I BLAME BLACK FOLKS primarily for that Massacre up there! Ofcourse that Satanic White boy is the one who actually committed the act. But he was EMBOLDED to do so because of the lack of reaction or retaliation from Black folks for the other mass murders like the one in Charleston South Carolina by Dylan Roof. Or even Trayvon Martin. Black folks got all kinds of smoke and heat for eachother when it comes to these devils, they start making all kinds of excuses and talking about what "Jesus" is gonna do to them. When another Black person does them wrong they don't wait on "Jesus" to fix it.
  5. Prof D The funniest thing is that poor white folks are perfectly fine with their station in life as long as they feel superior to and non-threatened by non-white folks. Word! I've repeatedly said that poor White folks tend to be just as if not more racist than the rich ones. They don't mind being poor, as long as they can contribute and play their role as "over seer" inside the system of racism. Stefan There are some Whites....usually the more ignorant and un-educated ones...who strongly desire a "Race War" in this nation because they THINK that it will be the "Final Solution" to getting rid of those they don't desire. The WISE Caucasians (Refined Racists) who really run this nation and the world KNOW BETTER! They are wise enough to know that if there truly WAS an all out war Black folks stand a VERY good chance of winning for a number of reasons. One of which is this........ The main tool of racism isn't weapons, but DECEPTION. Tricking Black folks into thinking everything is alright while they're poisoning the air, food, medicine, using deception in the media, ect... If they were to launch anall out war against Black folks, the mask will be taken off and we'd see them for how racist and evil they truly are and not only would we fight back but offer a GENUINE RESISTANCE. Wise people know that when there's chaos ANYBODY is liable to come out the winner. Naw...the smartest ones would rather keep things the way they are and keep most of our people ignorant and docile. Full of liquor and legalized dope. Asleep. "HmmmmMMmmmmm.... A bottle of Hennessy and some chili and cheese fries. Yummmm..."
  6. I notice you capitalized "hell" but left "heaven" lower cased. @Chevdove You're still standing! But ofcourse...lol Sometimes, we blame issues on God, when it is circumstantial. Sometimes human behavior leads to events whether good or bad and it is allowed. Facts. This is why I don't like it when they say tornados, floods, and Earthquakes that kill massive numbers of people is an "act of God". They don't know WHO is behind these disasters. @Stefan Are you sure your last post wasn't directed at Prof D instead of me?
  7. Chevdove 2 points: 1. Like modern interpreters of the Bible, you're taking the word SLAVERY and switching it for SERVANT. If those scriptures were PROPERLY translated from their literal meaning instead of deceptively translated to make them seem less harsh and more politicaly correct....the word being tranlated as a mere "servant" would have been kept as SLAVE as it originally was. 2. I didn't say God condoned slavery. God certainly allowed it, but whether God condones it or not, I don't know. I said THE BIBLE condones slavery. Not only in the Old Testament but even in the New Testament, slaves are told to OBEY THEIR MASTERS. Stop playing girl.....lol.
  8. For the most part. We also have to understand that killing and wickedness existed among our people BEFORE White folks even came into existence. It was already in us, and the White race is just a more concentrated manifestation of the weaker part of ourselves. But the vast majority of the foolishness going on in our communities TODAY is a product of White racism. Either committed by the racist themselves, or the MONSTERS (thugs, gangsters, fools, ect...) that they produced and set loose in the community.
  9. ProfD I had a long....LONG...discussion (2 days) with a brother the other week over why I thought it was TERRIBLE idea to convince the street gangs to patrol the hood and be the new security force in our community. I used to think it was a great idea. That's because I didn't really grow up in the HOOD hood but in a working-class Black neighborhood so I didn't have a lot of first hand experience on how street gangs operated and the mindset of most gangstaz. I say that to say, although you can turn around the self-hate as a COMMUNITY....I don't see you turning the current self-haters into a security force to protect the community. We need to separate ourselves from these dope smoking, criminal minded, gang banging products of White Racism before they do MORE damage to the community. " "Ahhh, wuzzup bitch ass nigga? Why you ain't talking all that shit now that you wuz talking a wallago on facebook?" "Cuz it wasn't me nigga! But since we here....we might as well buck!" Let the dead BURY the dead and let's move on toward building a safe and progressive society without these morons. "These tomatoes go be gooooooood.....lol"
  10. Stefan I stopped eating caramel popcorn ONLY because I forgot about it..lol...until you reminded me. Now I'm gonna run to the store tomorrow and get some. I used to TEAR UP a box of Crunch-n-Munch. I hope they still make it. But Pioneer1, you hit upon a question that has long vexed me. Why were we humans created if God means to kill so many of us at a future point in time? 1. I wouldn't phrase it as God "killing" humans (not most humans atleast); perhaps ALLOWING humans to die would be a better way of looking at it. 2. Physical death among human beings is only a transition from one Reality to Another Life in this world is usually good, however death is usually a GOOD thing also because as your body begins to wear out and break down or you get problems so terrible you can't tolerate them anymore....you can look forward to an "exit" plan instead of being stuck here.
  11. Stefan Everyone reacts to grief differently, but you can pretty much predict how a FOOL acts in any occasion..and that's INAPPROPRIATELY. Those people's bodies weren't even in the ground yet before you got these flabby mouthed fools running around here talking about how much the LOVE and FORGIVE the killer as a way to hide their cowardice and decision to do absolutely nothing about it. ...and as an aside, you also got others who might have a little more sense (only a little more) who are smart enough NOT to forgive and love the devil but believe "Karma" or "Jesus" will take care of him. Neither group plans on doing anything to TRULY protect the Black community from future tragedies like this, but one is just a little more creative in their excuses than the other.
  12. Don't believe that crap for a second. The same bastards COMPLAINING about "the government" are PART OF that same government. When they complain about "the goverment" they are really complaining about the Black folks and other people of color working inside of it. They don't like the fact that in the United States today you have so many non-White people in positions of authority like mayors, police officers, and especially in Congress. If you look back in history when "the government" was populated by nothing but White men....there were no complaints about it. It was magnificent in their opinion. All of this complaint about "the government" has gone too far and his being oppressive comes from racist White men who only want to see THEMSELVES in power. Like Daddy Love said in Do The Right Thing: And that's the TRUTH...RUTH.
  13. Lol....and here I was thinking YOU were one of them!
  14. Come on bro, of all people here YOU know better than that. Infact.... I bet nearly half of the niccaz in that parking lot at the scene HAD guns in their cars....guns of all types too. They could have executed that damn devil on the spot before the cops were able to haul him off to safety, but they CHOSE not to. Oh they'll use them on EACHOTHER....but when "white jesus" comes knocking through the door and slaughters their own....they all of a sudden turn into pacifists.
  15. Addison To sit up here and deny that the Bible condones slavery is indeed DENIAL itself. It indeed supports slavery starting with Canaan being allegedly being "cursed" to be a slave to his brothers, as well as giving the Israelites permission to enslave OTHER groups of people who were not of their race like the Canaanites and other groups. It may not have been the SAME TYPE of slavery that was instituted here in the Americas, but it was slavery none the less: confining people and forcing them to work against their will. There's no way around it. You will have to abandon that Caucasian's religion and his so-called "holy books" one day, and the quicker you do so the quicker you advance toward liberation.
  16. She'll forgive the no good racist devil in Buffalo who slaughtered nearly a dozen elderly Black women....but she can't forgive her own Black daughter who took some insurance money from her 20 years ago, or the Black woman who USED to be her best friend but stole her boyfriend in highschool 40 years ago. These niggaz are a trip....lol
  17. 1. Black America will "put racism aside" when the White folks COMMITTING THEIR RACISM put it to the side first. Telling Black folks to put racism to the side and focus their attention on something else is like telling a rape victim to stop worrying about the crimes the rapist is committing against her and focus on global warming. 2. I HOPE a deadly asteroid strikes the planet. I HOPE it's powerful enough to destroy this civilization. Maybe this event will be the event that will change the paradigm and get the wicked rulers out of power since so many other attempts have failed so far.
  18. ProfD Even when those right wing Nazis occasionally criticize a fellow Nazi or a party policy....I believe it's merely a game or political strategy...definately not sincere. Sometimes these Nazi bastids just say the right thing or go against a bill so that it's ON RECORD later on in history that they were "against" something or spoke out on something, knowing damn well their little critique wasn't enough to do any damage to the overall agenda they're party is pushing. For example...... Because of the recent massacre in Texas with so many non-Black children being killed, they HAVE to say something against it in order to garner world support. When nearly a dozen Black folks were killed up in Buffalo...they could remain silent because much of the world doesn't care. But MUCH of the world looks like Latinos...even if they're Arab, Pakistani, and even Asians to a certain extent...with their tannish skin and straight hair...so when they saw those children they saw THEIR children. So they felt more compassion....and these racist bastards know this and HAD to come out and condemn it and even say a word or two on gun violence. They know it won't stop the overall agenda the Republican Party is pushing, but it looks and sounds good and it gives them a RECORD to point to of them condemning the violence and speaking out.
  19. ProfD My brutha! Glad to be back too. It looks like there's still quite a bit of traffic on this board, but perhaps I'm looking at it from a perspective of having been gone from it for several months. I can imagine *how* you could suggest other black folks are to blame for the Buffalo shooting situation. Looking forward to reading your thoughts in that regard. Oh you'll get 'em....trust me, lol. You might not AGREE with all of them, but you'll get my reasons why I say it's primarily OUR fault that this mess happened and probably will happen again. Delano You can have a habit that could cause you to steal from your mother. However unless she's severely abusive. There's no justification in shooting her Not sure how that ties into the subject of the thread but.... You say there's no justification for shooting her. What if she's suffering horribly from an incurable disease that either doesn't kill her or will takes many months if not years to kill her?
  20. Addison I haven't read all of the comments yet but to sit up here and deny that the Bible condones slavery is indeed DENIAL itself. Those scriptures that you provided refers to how Israelites should treat OTHER ISRAELITES....not the other races they came into contact with. It indeed supports slavery starting with Canaan being allegedly being "cursed" to be a slave to his brothers, as well as giving the Israelites permission to enslave OTHER groups of people who were not of their race like the Canaanites and other groups.
  21. Like MOST Black Republicans and Black Trump lovers...... You don't believe hate crimes happen unless YOU'RE a victim of one. You don't believe that racism exists unless YOU'RE a victim of it. Like old uncle tom Clarence Thomas who denied racism for much of his career and was against affirmative action until they tried to keep his Black behind off the so-called Supreme Court and THEN all of a sudden he started complaining about "racism" and "high tech lynching". You Conservative Negroes are a trip....lol.
  22. I don't give Paul Ryan or any other of these racist hypocrites for telling the truth about something so obvious that the entire world can see. How is telling us Trump stole the election....something the entire GLOBE let alone just the United States clearly knew...some sort of revelation of truth? I KNOW he stole the election. The Republicans KNOW he stole the election. Hell, Trump HIMSELF knows he stole the election. Infact, President OBAMA knew he stole the election and didn't do a damn thing about it. Until those in power start exerting that power to enforce justice and righteousness....the crap will continue to happen. Just like they stole the election back in 2000 and Clinton didn't do a damn thing about it. I'll start giving these racist bastids credit when they start revealing HIDDEN knowledge about the racist things they're doing to our planet and communities that have yet to be uncovered....and ofcourse stop doing it. THEN I'll give them some credit for repentance.
  23. What's up family! I know it's been a while since I've been here and I miss "most" of you....lol. I'm here now though! I'm gonna spend Memorial Day weekend with one of my favorite online families. Who do you blame for the massacre of those elderly and female Black folks up in Buffalo New York a couple weeks ago? I blame OTHER Black folks primarily, and there's a reason for that that I'll get into later on in the discussion, but as of now I'm curious as to what others of you think.
  24. ANYTHING with Jennifer Hudson on the cover of it is a great look....lol. Sister is as fine as wine.
  25. Stefan What did I say that was a "misconception"? Nothing you said disagreed with my statement. You just provided more detail.
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