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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. ProfD A rose can grow up through concrete as evidenced by any number of scholars, entertainers and athletes who've started on the bottom or near it and ascended to another class. These are people who are exceptionally talented; either mentally or physically. People with high IQs, every strong and coordinated so they excell in sports, or have great musical abilities. They make up less than 20% of the general population. Folks can jump and skip classes as they so choose to do. Just a matter of effort. A matter of effort for those with exceptional abilities. Infact, I would say it's less about their efforts and more about their innate abilities they already had. Can those with NORMAL abilities jump and skip classes? Sure it's POSSIBLE...but not likely for most. I'd say less than 10% of those with NORMAL abilities will...for one reason or another..jump to a higher class. Usually people of NORMAL abilities jump to higher classes through: -Marrying someone of a higher class -Hitting the lottery or inheriting a large some of money -The fortune of having a lot of sheer energy to work hard and save and study to climb and scape and climb to a higher status. Something most people don't have. And after all that they still run the risk of falling back down to the class they were born in if they don't play their cards right and properly invest and establish connections while they have the opportunity. Too many things happen in this life today for the average person to just "work hard and save" himself up the economic ladder. Legal problems. Medical problems. High rent Car notes Downsizing Boyfriend/girlfriend Insurance (medical and auto) How many people have the time and luxury of working 80 hours a week for 20 years to get themselves out of one class to the next?
  2. ProfD I'm here for the conversation too but.... I mean... If somebody (a FEMALE...tipsyturv) just WANTS to show off a yellow ass, I won't stop them! I won't turn them away! I won't complain about it! Freedom of expression...lol. And it doesn't have to be yellow.....it can be caramel colored, chocolate, or jet Black!
  3. I've been following this young brother around for a while now. He's extremely intelligent and wise for his tender age of 22.
  4. See....told ya. Yall THINK yall know Cynique....but you really don't, lol. Cynique I wasn't about to leave and make everybody happy Your leaving wouldn't make ME happy. I'd be disappointed. As if one of the toys that I like to play with got lost...lol. you sound like somebody who is using pioneer to make Troy jealous Well if she is....lol...I'll enjoy it while it lasts. I've been used a couple times to make other men jealous. By the time it was over....the women walked away wondering who REALLY got taken advantage of...lol. Maybe the guys will be lining up to kiss your yellow ass. but Don't underestimate what SOME Black men are willing to do to put their mouths on a yellow ass...lol "You wanna do what????"
  5. I was raised in the Working Class (Lower Middle Class). Neither of my Parent's went to college, but they came along at a time when college wasn't necessary to secure good paying long lasting jobs that offered benefits. I was raised in a Working Class Black neighborhood where MOST of the parents had good paying blue collar jobs working in factories. They were able to buy property, send their children to school (often for nothing because the degrees were often useless), and some of the men even had enough money to support mistresses outside of their marriage....like the movie Fences.
  6. Troy As you may know so called Black people die at a disproportionately higher rate from Covid and part of the reason is because people believe the falsehoods being spread on the web. You said that's PART of the reason. What do you think the OTHER part(s) of the reason are that so many Black people are disproportionately dying of Covid?
  7. We definitely need an online presence to stay on top of modern technology. However I don't want to see Black people putting the cart before the horse. Online businesses and investing are careers of REFINEMENT. These are careers you engage in when your INFRASTRUCTURE is already build, solid, and sound. The housing is intact. The plumbing is straight. The roads and fixed. The population is healthy. The basics of society is already established. Now you can go into your nice well built home..sit at your desk....and get online to engage in web-based activities. White men have a full well rounded diversity of men who can do these things. But if you're broke and homeless like a lot of our people are, with no construction or medical skills. You have to PRIORITIZE and focus on what needs to be done the most. Let's keep it real. The reason you, me, and so many of our people can get on the computer RIGHT NOW and mess around....is because White men are keeping things running. They are keeping the lights on, the heat going, the roads fixed, the grocery stores stocked with food, ect.. So Black folks don't feel any need to learn how to do these things. But when they run out...and all you know how to is swap currency on the internet....what are you gonna do?
  8. Troy I didn't take her post as a farewell. I took it to mean she's not going to engage with me or Mzuri any longer....not argue with us atleast. I don't BELIEVE it....but that's how I understood it, lol But I guess she can clarify...if she's still here. If I was Mark Zuckerberg, I would use my algorithm to prevent you from seeing Pioneers posts, but alas that is not possible. Problem is...she WANTS to see my posts, lol. Nobody is forcing her to interact with me or talk about me...she WANTS to do that. You're looking at things like a big brother who is concerned about his little sister going crazy chasing around some abusive dude who mistreats her. But that little sister is 35 years old and a grown woman who knows what she's doing and why she's doing it DESPITE how you feel! *And before Cynique says anything.....I don't mean "chasing around" as in sexually interested. I mean chasing around as in desiring the fun or excitement. Looking for friction....drama.
  9. Troy Your INSERTION of the word "all" in my statements is what turned them into your strawmen to target. "You said ALL Black men like big butts! Yes you did....YES YOU DID. You MUST say this in order for me to win the argument!" Dude you wrote: "Heterosexual Black men of ALL classes tend to like women with big butts and wide hips." Which is a TRUE statement! Rich, poor, or in between....you will find Black men who tend to like women with big butts and wide hips! It's not the ONLY thing they like. Hell....some like OTHER MEN. But what do MOST of them like? Now if you're saying I'm wrong..... Then what you're saying is: There are SOME CLASSES in which none of the heterosexual Black men IN those classes find women with big butts and wide hips attractive. That's LITERALLY what you're saying by disagreeing with my statement. And if that's what you believe, then WHICH CLASS would that be? Do you understand the difference? The first is a declaration that would require support to substantiate, as it can be easily refuted. Then refute it....with proof or empirical evidence please. Your strawman argument is stating that I disputed the 2nd statement, which was not the statement you originally made. If you dispute the FIRST one...you're still in error. In my opinion.... Unless you can prove otherwise. Do you understand? Yes, I understand the problem quite well. I think both you AND Cynique need to enroll in classes together this semester...lol She can take a class in Behavioral Therapy. You can take a class in Logic. ....lol
  10. Troy Dude, again if native Oklahomans disagree with you that should tell you something. It tells me that many Oklahomans...just like many people all over the nation...have been MIS-educated or NOT educated at all. Take a look at these maps: Tulsa and the entire state of Oklahoma is clearly in the South. That's a fact. Facts aren't determined by consensus or HOW MANY people agree with it. A lot of native Oklahomans are anti-vaxxers too...lol...a LOT of them. Do you agree with that? But you can check out this Forbes article on the Brother's company. Forbes i a good white-owned company that you can believe, since you won't believe me. I didn't say I did or didn't believe you. I don't know the brother. My focus was on his mis-statement about Tulsa being in the Midwest. It was inaccurate. My only issue with what he was pushing was a GENERAL issue...not personal....that we need more brick-n-mortar businesses and less web-based businesses. Or a less PROPORTION atleast. Too many of our people have a laziness problem where they'd rather spend time playing games on the computer instead of putting on a pair of overalls and getting out doing some WORK.
  11. ProfD I actually struggled a bit to find something to ADD to what you just said, lol. You summed it up bro.
  12. Well.... Will there be any STEEL RESERVE ...served at the spot? If so, I might roll through there....lol. Don't start pouring the libations until AFTER I've arrived though.
  13. When I was a kid.... The teachers used to CORRECT you when you used words like "ain't" or used double negatives like "ain't got no". By the time I got to highschool they STOPPED doing that and just let the kids talk however they wanted to. Same thing with handwritting. The teachers used to grade you on how neat and legible your handwriting was....then they stopped. I'm seeing a connection between the school system and the police where at a certain point in time they just LET things deteriorate.
  14. You haven't seen anything yet. Stick around a while and watch how threads intended for ONE thing will shape shift before your very eyes and transform to something entirely different....LOL At Troy mentioned on another thread, it is what it is. Often times a thread that sticks strictly with the subject the OP intended...is a thread that contains only a few posts and ends up buried in the backyard. Another thing you'll notice is more people will talk about a subject in a thread it WASN'T intended for...than in a thread you actually MADE to talk about the subject in.
  15. Maybe next time someone offers you an apology you'll ACCEPT it and move on...lol.
  16. Sheeeyit..... If she ain't got nothing better to do she can take her ass back up to her old job at the post office and start braiding some hair again...lol. "Girl hold still.....shit!"
  17. Cynique It's a simple formula that has worked for many people. Selling dope has worked for "many people" too. Prostitution has worked for "many people". Stealing has worked for "many people". We're not talking about what works for "many" people. That's not the focus. The focus is on...or should be on....what works for MOST people. In fact, the graduation rate is up for black kids And? The "graduation" rate is up for ALL kids now a days because they're not flunking them or holding them back anymore. As long as they show up to class and don't drop out, they're shuffling them through the system. You have kids showing up to college who can't even read and can barely count. Graduating from highschool NOW a days means next to nothing. not to mention that today's kids are all computer literate because they have phones and games and the internet and high schools nowadays are geared toward computerization. You mean the same computer literate kids that spell "you" as "u", never capitalize their words, and think emojiis are actual letters of the alphabet? Oh....THOSE kids....lol....gotcha. incidentally i did not lead a sheltered life. Guuuurl you know you was spoiled...shut up, lol Miss "living in a sorority house with White maids" having ass. Gone on somewhere, lol
  18. Troy So here we go again, we arrive back at your REFUSAL to recognize the reality of race. Again, the claim from the article that "a killer pathogen that is specifically designed to kill people of only a particular race." is simply false. It simply can't be done because there is not genetic basis for race! If this is true. If race doesn't have a genetic and scientific basis, then how did doctors/scientists determine the RACIAL differences in hypertension (high blood pressure)? Check out this article from the National Institute of Health Racial Differences in Hypertension: Implications for High Blood Pressure Management (nih.gov) Maybe YOU don't believe multiple races exist, but science certainly does.
  19. West Texas is MUCH different than East Texas I liked the weather of West Texas better. It's sunnier and dryer...like Arizona. Houston was hot and humid like New Orleans. So was Dallas.
  20. Troy Maybe it is part of human nature on some level. As a resident or a predominantly white neighborhood, I can tell you that white folks do the same thing. I've lived in predominately White neighborhoods and I haven't experienced them playing loud music on a regular basis except during a bar-b-que or outside birthday party. Certainly not every day. And I've lived in places as White as Portland, lol. and continue believing all Black men like big butts But I never said ALL Black men liked big butts. You have a habit of setting up STRAW MEN arguments to jab and stab at instead of dealing with the actual specific statements I make. "But you said EVERY SINGLE BLACK MAN on the planet loves big butts...and that's simply not true!" I said Black men TEND to Meaning: for the most part, not all. It's been my experience and observation that MOST Black men like women with wide hips and big butts. Not all. But you'll toss that "all" in there just to make it sound broad based and sweeping...so you can side-kick it down, lol Cynique who resides in a world of his own making. I thought you said I WASN'T an abstract thinker, lol.
  21. Cynique Middle class values are there for anyone to adopt in the process of doing what it takes to get ahead. These values don't cost anything but good character. They're a state of mind! Do you ever think in the abstract? That's you problem (well....atleat one of them...lol). You keep arguing from an ABSTRACT or THEORETICAL perspective instead of a practical one...a more realistic point of view. Your argument is all a person has to do is dot every "i" and cross every "t" and everything will be alright for them; as if LIFE doesn't happen. It still hasn't occured to you that a large percentage of the population do not have the ability to graduate highschool. A good 20% don't have the ability to read at atleast a 7th grad level. And even if you do everything you "think" is right...you can still fall through the cracks if there isn't a sound and solid safetynet to keep you from doing so. Besides, graduating from highschool and not getting pregnant mean NOTHING if you are pre-disposed to addiction and end up an alcoholic or drug addict which is one of the main reasons so many people end up in destitution. Most people know right from wrong. They just live by their own code. In all of these true crime stories that I watch See... And that's ANOTHER problem right there. You're watching that propaganda on television thinking THAT'S reality. It conditions you into that "good guy vs bad guy" mindset where you blame PEOPLE for all of their conditions instead of spreading some of that blame to the society they were brought up in. And you consider yourself a critical thinker. You could benefit from a class in Sociology. ....and you could benefit from Behavior Modification Therapy. Wanna make a deal to start the classes together? Troy For example of grew up with the "get over" mentality. It was not a mentality that my mom instilled in me, it was one I learned in the street. It encompasses from cheating on tests, beating fares, shoplifting, selling drugs, not paying of lying on taxes, etc, etc. This mentality sees nothing wrong with any of these activities -- in fact you are a sucker if you don't do these things. Exactly. She never HAD to do any of these things and probably never group up around people who DID have to. So in her "sheltered" mind....there is no excuse for not staying the course and completing the assignment. When you're facing not being able to eat or have a roof over your head...these "values" and "rules" go out the window and you do what you need to do to SURVIVE and stay alive. You're not thinking about graduating school when you're in an abusive home where you're getting your butt kicked every other day and watching a loved one get even worse. Education is the least of your concerns.
  22. A Federal holiday is a day declared special by the U.S. federal government. A National holiday is one any nation on the planet may observe to celebrate it's independence.
  23. Chev Ok, I'm sorry Chev........I removed some of the more lighthearted posts! Some of you work seems extraordinarily complicated to understand. I'm still trying to figure out how you came to the conclusion that Jesus was allegedly crucified on Thursday when the Bible doesn't see this.
  24. Mzuri She can identify herself however she wishes but a Black Irish is a type of white Irish person, not one of Negroid descent. I figured that MIGHT be what Anonymous50 might have been getting at with the "black Irish" term, but I'm still not sure. Perhaps she can make it a little more clear. Did you know that the ORIGINAL people of Ireland were small Black folks...very small....and that's where the legend of the Leprachauns come from?
  25. thisbassholery all day Lol...pretty witty. This conversation reminds me of Radio Raheem from Do The Right Thing "Gimme two slices. ...and put some moosarella on that mutha" Troy Race has nothing to do with class In a race-based society such as the United States, your race often IS your class in many settings. As I said in another thread, a lot of characteristics we associate with a certain class are often actually ETHNIC based characteristics that transcend class. For example.... Heterosexual Black men of ALL classes tend to like women with big butts and wide hips. We also like bass in our music regardless if we are poor or rich. Even our sense of humor tends to be similar regardless of socio-economic status.
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