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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. Thousands are being evicted around the nation every day. Emergency measures to help people out during the pandemic ended too soon and the Democrats and so-called "Progressive" politicians aren't fighting enough to extend those programs let alone increase them. It was a disaster bound to happen. As more people are getting sick and the deaths are increasing....instead of countering the Republican leadership who wants to just throw Americans out into the workforce and increase as much production as possible not caring how many Americans die in the process....the Democrat leadership are COMPLICIT with this position. Most grass roots Progressives not only support the maintenance and extension of the old moratoriums against eviction, but they also supported an extension of the Unemployment benefits as well as keeping much of the society shut down to slow down this virus. But Biden and the upper echalon of the Democrat Party....who are really Republicans....let them collapse and now you see the result. The virus has sky rocketed and so have the deaths and disabilities.
  2. I'm not sure what to make of CRT as a subject to be studied because I haven't found an actual curriculum to examine. But what I do know is that the TERM "CRT/Critical Race Theory" is being used by racist Whites and Conservatives of all races as a catch-all phrase for both Black history and White racism. Whether a course in elementary, middle, or high school is actually CRT or not (and as most people point out...it's typically a college course) any class that promotes Black historic achievement or details historic racism from Whites is being LABELED Critical Race Theory and targeted to be removed.
  3. If you don't mind my asking, how much have you made from this investment so far? ....and how much have you spent?
  4. Coggins All of what you just said does NOTHING to prove or even justify your point that CRT is a farse or that it is used to regulate Black children into an inferior status. What exactly is it about the CONTENT of Critcal Race Theory that makes it false or harmful to Black children? Let's have THAT debate. Don't say sit up and say "Strawberry ice cream is bad for you" and when questioned as to why, you start talking about how the devil is a liar and is trying to capture souls. Show us some evidence FROM CRT to justify your position.
  5. Not sure if anyone covered this issue since the controversy a week ago but Whoopi got in trouble for claiming that the Holocaust wasn't because of race. They even suspended her for that comment. Well......she's right. Jews...for the most part....are NOT a separate race from the rest of Caucasians. They are part of the same race. There ARE some Black and mixed race Jews, but they are a relative minority. The vast majority are Caucasian (White). Jews are an ETHNICITY...not a race. They are bound together not by blood but by culture and history. The only difference between them and other White folks are their religious and cultural practices, and sometimes THAT isn't even different. The only time race comes into account is in the fact that most Jews have a lot of African ancestry in their distant past....so like Italians and Greeks....they aren't "pure" Caucasians. And that's one of the reasons they were targeted by the Nazis.
  6. .....said the immortal Tony Montana, lol. Just dropped by to see how everyone's doing and let you know I'm still kicking. Been busy working over 60 hours a week and looking at various investment strategies trying to figure out a way to get myself out of poverty. I see there's still a lot of crypto-currency talk going on in these threads lately. When I have time I'm going to have to read a little more deeply into them. If I have time I'll post a few comments today, but in the mean time.....peace family!
  7. Minister Farrakhan has BEEN warning us about vaccines and other medicines from these racist devils, and he's been doing so for DECADES. Other Ministers like Rizza Islam and Wesley Muhammad have also been recent warners. No need to re-invent the wheel.....we've already had decades upon decades of warnings to educated us on the dangers of taking the devil's poisons.
  8. nels You and other right-wingers have been constantly running around on the internet talking about this "global reset" that is supposed to take place. Yall claimed it was supposed to take place way back in 2012...then 2015....then in 2020....now it's 2022. Exactly when is this thing supposed to be RESET? Because I'm LOOKING FORWARD to a Global Reset, to be honest. I don't like the way this world has been ran for the past 500 years and I think it's about TIME for a major global resent and a NEW WORLD ORDER. I'm not only WAITING on it I'm LOOKING FORWARD to it. I wish they'd stop teasing us and BRING IT.
  9. Mzuri It's not that serious. But is that how you look while you're asleep? NO...Miss Lady....that's not how I look when I sleep. Because I don't sleep on my stomach....lol....I sleep on my side. nels "racist devils." ? | The sign of a small mind. And your passsive-aggressive mannerisms are a sign of a small "something else"....lol. Troy True, but surely something can be done about it. The political process is not total useless … is it? Yeah....form OUR OWN political party and abandon both. That's one of the best things we can do about it. If a woman his caught between two abusive men, unless she's alone on a deserted island...she always has the option to LEAVE BOTH and keep looking until she finds a man who'll lover her. As AfroAmericans we need to learn how to be INDEPENDENT and DO FOR SELF instead of constantly running from one abusive relationship to another hoping that one racist will treat us better than the last racist we were with. a lot of young people want to leave America, so disenfranchised, they feel other countries provide better opportunities. It is sad for people have legitimate reasons to feel this way… For a lot of young people, there ARE more opportunities outside of the nation than there are here. That's a sad but true reality. A lot of young educated Black people can just go right over to Canada and find better employment opportunities there than here.
  10. ProfD They're already started doing both 1 and 2. Infact, they started doing both in early 2021. The racists who started the virus in the first place have been dropping little hints here and there all through out the pandemic that people would have to "learn to live with it" which is basically treating it like the common cold or flu. Just learn to live with it and accept it....including the death and disability. They're just getting bolder and bolder with it now. Remember early on in the Pandemic when they kept pointing to Sweden and how Sweden and Norway and other northern European nations were pretty much keeping their society open and ignoring the deaths and disabilities from the virus.....until things got so bad could no longer just "ignore" it. Even back then they wanted America to just "get used" to the death and destruction caused by Covid. Now the mainstreams is pushing this approach out in the open.
  11. You'll get no arguments from me...... I don't even know why Nels brought it up in the first place. His MOUTH is already lubricated for what he wants to do.....no need for additional lubricants, lol "Ahhhhh...... I can take it like a man!"
  12. As long as racist Caucasians are running this nation and this world...don't expect for any ONE mayor to change this and improve the situation. They (the racist Caucasians) MADE the conditions by which there is so much crime, violence, and poverty not just in New York but around the planet. They did this on purpose to cause chaos and confusion and desparation. More crime means more police and more excuses to lock up people and used them for cheap labor as well as an excuse to jack up the prices in certain neighborhoods and make you PAY for your own safety.
  13. I don't trust either party (Republican or Democrat) or either channel (Fox News or CNN). I'm not going to trade in one slave master for another. Or run away from the Democratic plantation just to take refuge on the Republican plantation. BOTH of them are headed by the same racist devils.
  14. Nels (nails???) I should start calling you NAILS because you're grasping and clawing for attention from me....lol Pioneer1, you make absolutely NO sense. Black people who commit crimes ARE criminals, just like everyone else who does. Don't waste your room temperature-level IQ trying to explain away what you don't know. And yes, black people tend to spend a lot of their lives trying to un-black themselves. It is what it is. For someone you claim doesn't make any sense, you sure do understand enough of what I say to challenge and oppose it. Again, my question is WHO TAUGHT them to hate themselves? If Black people hate themselves...as you say...then WHO taught them to????
  15. Then I take it that "talking to yourself" is atleast one symptom of schizophrenia that you don't display....yet, lol
  16. But....I thought you said you wanted to BUY some from me? I'm not all up in your business but.... You told me that you learned your lesson the last time that condom got stuck inside you, lol.
  17. Mzuri I'm still trying to get myself together after seeing at that teddy bear in your post. I'm sure I'll come up with an adequate response after the emotional reaction to that image calms down a bit..LOL Nels Pioneer1, when you finish with that crack pipe, let us know. Why? Are you feenin' for a hit? Sorry, I don't do drugs. I suggest you find someone else to supply your "gots-ta-habits"...lol
  18. People usually ditch their crutches when they are HEALED or atleast HEALING. No one discards their crutches WHILE their mobility is still severely impaired.
  19. Just like when you vote for a known Russian agent ....you get a guy who actually instigates an insurrection and the dismantling of his own country.
  20. As long as you stay out of them. Somebody said that you're the INGREDIENT that turns sweet dreams into bitter nightmares...lol
  21. Ok....I'm suggesting that YOU do it, lol. Let's start there and see how it goes.
  22. You said the police will stop killing Black people WHEN Black people stop committing crimes. That statement raises a number of questions: 1. Does that mean ALL crimes are worthy of death? 2. What "crimes" were George Floyd and the young man in Minnesota who was killed by a cop who CLAIMED she thought she was using a taser...what crimes where THEY convicted of for their deaths? 3. And as far as Black people hating themselves, WHO TAUGHT them to hate themselves?
  23. This may not be a very popular position to take but...I support my brother. When White women cry victim and claim that they were victims of sexual assault, they are usually believed by society until OVERWHELMING evidence is produced that erases all doubt and proves them to be liars. Now all of a sudden that standard is lowers when a Half-Black man claims to be a victim of a racist and homophobic attack. Now all of a sudden the police are suspicous of his claims, checking all of the video tapes, doing everything EXCEPT treating him as a victim of a crime. Did he make it all up? Perhaps But the interesting thing is even to this very moment despite over 90% of the public agreeing that he lied and made the whole thing up....HE still maintains that he was indeed a victim and that he didn't make it up. I find that VERY interesting that he stands so firmly on his accusations despite all of this "evidence" the police allegedly produced that it didn't happen. Another and more broader issue with this case is, if we reject Jussie and his claim.....it opens the door to reject OTHER claims of racial attacks. A racial attack claim used to be as sacred and indisputable as a sexual assault claim. You were almost villified for just QUESTIONING whether or not it actually happened. The Jussie Smollett case has changed that to where now if a Black man claims to be a victim of a racist attack...it's met with skepticism and sometimes open disbelief. How long will it be before people are lynched in the streets again and the claim will be "it didn't happen....they're making it all up"????
  24. Troy The problem starts with assuming that White officers aren't racists UNTIL they prove themselves to be. It should be the other way around. A White cop should be presumed racist UNTIL they have proven themselves to be otherwise....over a PROLONGED period of time. Infact, we should take this position about White people in general. You should presume that they are racist until they have proven themselves....atleast in action....not to be.
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