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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. Couple points: 1. The entire anti-abortion movement is being fueled by White racists who are against WHITE WOMEN getting abortions (unless the baby is by a man of color) because their agenda is to increase the White popuplation. They don't give a damn if Black or Brown women get abortions....which is why you don't see them protesting, kneeling to Mary, and burning candles infront of abortion clinics in Black neighborhoods. 2. I'm not necessarily anti-abortion nor do I consider it murder. It's killing...but not murder.....and I think it should be totally up to the woman and the father, not the public. When it comes to the AfroAmerican population and abortion..... I personally prefer QUALITY over QUANTITY. We don't need to produce more Black babies who will just just to grow up and add to the population dope smoking, fighting, and going to jail niggaz. We have enough of them already. I believe we should produce more Black babies who grow up in favorable conditions that will produce positive productive Black men and women. So if a woman is in a fucked up situation and is having a baby by a fucked up man.....perhaps she shouldn't have a child in the first damn place.
  2. Many of our people love to complain about Obama and other presidents not doing anything or enough for the AfroAmerican community, but the fact is....what SOLID AGENDA do we have that we have put to them to act on? AfroAmericans can be so juvenile and even infantile at times in their thinking, believing that politicians are ALTRUISTIC and should just get in office and be nice to them without direction or demand.
  3. How can Obama be a "threat to freedom" when we don't even HAVE freedom in this nation? Are you free nels??? Were you "free" BEFORE Obama came on the scene? Except for the racists who control this nation...WHO exactly is free here?
  4. Chev Yes, the Amorites are the ancestors of the Moors It is also said that the Akan people of Ghana descended from the Canaanites who were originally called "Kena'ani" people. I'm not sure of Jebus was an actual person because often times the people are named after their patriarch. The actual term for the Jebusites are YABUSI btw. Just like the actual term for the Amorite are AMUURI. I realize that the later Amalekites also identified with the Jebusites, and this name became part of Egyptian history too. Just like the 18th Dynasty of Egypt, they had many Mother--son sexual relationships and marriages and offspring... I'm not sure how truthful those accusations are. Because I can't trust the people making them. The Israelites ACCUSED them of practicing evil and sexual immorality, but how can I trust what THEY write in THEIR holy books after slaughtering men, women, and children and stealing their land? Remember that I told you that according to the Bible, Solomon was a White man. It's understood that the Israelites represent a group of Caucasians who stormed into a Black land, slaughtering the people, overturning their temples and relics, and stole and occupied their land. Those who weren't slaughtered became enslaved, along with their descendants.
  5. Makaveli (I know he probably won't respond....lol) My brother, I'd like to correct you on something if I may..... You've frequently used the term "Black women" but I think the more accurate term would be AFRO-AMERICAN (or African American) WOMEN. Because much of what you describe applies for the most part solely to the women of the United States and not to the billions of other Black women globally. Secondly, AfroAmerican women tend to have different values when choosing a mate than most women do because the conditions in which most of them grew up and currently live in are different. Most AfroAmerican women DON'T NEED AfroAmercan men, so when they choose a man they can choose him based on EMOTION SATISFACTION rather than FINANCIAL SECURITY. So they are free to choose men based on how they look, his swag, how good they are in bed, ect......rather than how much money he makes or what type of job he has. In many cases he doesn't even HAVE to work because she'll work and pay the bills as long as he keeps her happy. Sometimes I wonder what's wrong with black women and is it an intelligence/I.Q thing? Yes. But that applies to BOTH Black men and Black women, in the United States atleast The fact is a lot of our people (AfroAmericans) are just plain STUPID and that's why so many make stupid decisions and constantly get in trouble and stay poor and broke. It's not the ONLY reason, but it's a MAJOR reason and probably THEE MAJOR reason.
  6. Many people in East Africa, especially Muslim Africans in Somalia and Sudan don't like Israel. I tell Somalis and Sudanese Muslims "I don't care WHAT them Arabs say because they are just as racist against you as the Jews are. So Somalia, Sudan, and other African nations have no business taking sides in that Arab-Jew conflict" Black Africans look silly as hell taking sides with one racist over another when BOTH are working together for their destruction.
  7. The sistaz have lovely faces, but I'm not feeling the muscular athletic bodies. I'm glad they found success in track doing what they do, I'm just saying from a SEXUAL point of view I'd rather be with an obese sista than a slim hard-muscled one. Another thing too is, our sistaz need to chill on so many of them damn tattoos. We already have color in our skin. We were Divinely Graced with the gift of MELANIN....no need to add ink to it. Let the pale people ink up all they want, but let us keep our skin pure and perfect. Italians are Europe's honorary Black people. And the Gypsies are Europe's honorary Native Americans. I didn't know much about them until I visited Europe and saw them roaming around living totally contradictory lives to the rest of the Europeans in their environment.
  8. I would love to dwell closer to the Presence of The SUPREME BEING. No human words can describe the benefit and great feeling I would get from this. If we're talking about on this planet................. There are so many, but I think if I had the money and security.....I'd choose the nation of Haiti. It has so much potential.
  9. Chev The Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites were different "tribes" or branches of the Canaanite people. Who were the original Black people of that land before the Israelites invaded it. The Jebusites are the ones who actually founded Jerusalem when it was called SALEM. Salem/Salim was the name of one of their Deities. They say Salim was one of the Elohim.
  10. It's not ok for the teachers to make your son wear a dress, however when you send them to PUBLIC schools.....you kind of forfeit your right to enforce a strict genderized dress code on your child. When you send them to a PUBLIC school....you're essentially telling the state to help you raise them and give them their values. That's why we need to establish our own PRIVATE schools as AfroAmericans, to enforce OUR values as a community.
  11. Yeah I saw that story. The only "religion" these racist bastards believe in is the religion of White Supremacist Ideology. They believe White people should rule the world. THAT is their TRUE religion. All of these other religions are masks that they wear to infiltrate or deceive the rest of society....especially peopel of color. A racist will wake up a Jew and go to bed a Christian. A racist will eat breakfast as a Democrat and have supper as a Liberatarian. They will claim to be ANYTHING they need to be to serve their purpose...which is domination and exploitation.
  12. Mel Uhhh.....because you CARRY YOURSELF like one! How about that...lol
  13. Richard Murray Like I was telling a brother earlier this morning..... Befor Black folks can control anything in America, we must first learn to get control of OURSELVES. Black Americans are some of the most emotional people on the planet. Quick to get offended, get angry, be petty, cave in to lusts and immediate desires instead of practicing delayed gratification. As a community we need to mature to the point of discipline.' I can even argue maybe too many black adults lie to black children about the past. Absolutely. They lie to them because THEY were lied to by their parents, and that habit probably started in slavery when the slave master started lying to them. But also, they lie out of pure laziness. They don't know the answer, too lazy to find out, so they MAKE UP and answer and lie to their children about it....and that lie is often passed down generation after generation. I will like to add, black entertainers in the usa have another issue. As entertainers they all to often live by salary to whites with money who govern the system. sequentially, black entertainers are simply not in a strong enough space in their individual lives to risk communicating to black betterment without concern to white backlash. I concur that many entertainers in their actions show a lack of knowledge to the black populace, or black culture or black history. But I want to add, most black entertainers live with a mask on. And make their individual profit in the least secure financial place, which is the arts. I concur to your point but we black people tend to forget, real estate/manufacturing/energy sector, these industries are not dominated by whites by accident. And unlike entertainment...which often relies on talent and innate abilities for one's success....those industries are usually developed only through careful study and discipline. Something our people need to learn as a community. Stefan Does anybody really think that if even half the Black people in that Elmwood Village neighborhood in Buffalo, N.Y., owned a gun they would have been able the stop the mass shooter? Nope. One would have had to actually be in that parking lot when Peyton Gendron exited his car or been in the aisles of the Tops Supermarket. And that's assuming they actually knew how to fire their weapon. And could aim it correctly. You make a good point However my question is..... As he was being hauled away in a police car with only a relatively FEW cops around him (less than 12) and I saw a HUGE CROWD of Black folks standing around who pretty much knew what he did....and many of those in that crowd DID have guns on them and in the car because in the inner cities of the United States quite a few Black folks DO pack guns (legally or illegally)....so why didn't THEY do something to him on the spot??? They KNEW what he did and they had the ability to over power the cops and rip him from limb to limb....but they didn't. I didn't see anyone throw as much as a ROCK at him. After seeing the blood of their grandmothers and aunts spilled all over the supermarket...what did this crowd of negroes do? They just stood around staring and let the cops peacebly haul him away. What does THAT say about those people? Does that sound like people of honor or people who deserve respect to you? What do you think goes on in the minds of Black women SUB-CONSCIOUSLY to see that the blood of elderly Black WOMEN can be spilled by some shaggy haired White kid and the Black men just stand around looking confused?
  14. In theory, I actually support the 2nd Amendment because it clearly states that NO LAWS will infringe on the right of a citizen to keep and bare (carry) arms. That means even if you have a felony or were declared crazy....as long as you are a CITIZEN of the U.S....you can pack that gat. But as we all know, there are more gun laws out there than you can count....so that Amendment isn't worth the paper it's written on. These racists don't give a damn about the 2nd Amendment or any other Constitutional right. If they did, most of the federal, state, and local laws wouldn't have been enacted in the first place because they go DIRECTLY in contradiction to what is SUPPOSED to be the "highest law of the land". It's just another trick. Element of deception, used by the racists to deceive their victims and make them THINK they have rights they don't in order to trap them. They have all of these "red flag" laws and rules yet time after time you hear about these crazy White men with LONG histories of making threats and talking crazy at their schools and jobs before they did something heinous....yet their guns weren't taken away nor were they even arrested.
  15. Starting a new party? Or just fashioning yet another mask to go over the face of their White racist system?
  16. Troy There's an old saying in the media "if it bleeds it leads". Many people often enjoy looking at tragedies and traumatic events because subconsciously it gives them a sense of comfort knowing that someone else is having a worse time than them. Cynique And what is all this talk about a race war??? In response I have 2 words. Stephan. Nels. Can you picture these 2 black men on the same side, following orders from the same general in a battle to defeat the white forces? It would be the equivalent of Nels firing the duds that hamper Stephan's sharp shooting. Their foe would win in no time because the black army would be in disarray. The common foe of racism is not enough to unite blacks into a cohesive force because black right wingers and black left wingers are not on the same page. Poles apart. Think Candance Owens and Stacey Abrams. Excellent point Black people in America aren't nearly united enough, despite often having the same problems from the same origin.
  17. ProfD I like Stacy Abrams. Very intelligent sista with a lot of good ideas. My issue with her was how easily she conceded the election for the Governor of Georgia to Kemp when it was so obvious that Kempt cheated and that there was massive voter suppression going on down there. We need more than JUST smart politicians in office with good ideas, we need FIGHTERS. Infact, that was one of my issues with Barack Obama. He was smart and charismatic, but he wasn't a fighter and didn't fight the racist politicians to push a more Pro-Black agenda Perhaps he didn't care, not sure. Have you heard of a brother by the name of Gregg Marcel Dixon running for office down in South Carolina???
  18. ProfD It's hard NOT to argue with some of these mofo's on here....lol. They'll keep poking until they PULL the argument out of you. There are people like that at my job, who you can agree with and they STILL find a way to argue with you. The other week, one brother got into it with another even when he agreed with him, accusing him of FAKE agreement because that wasn't his position in the past. I'm asking the brother that couldn't it have been possible that he could have changed his mind? The brother didn't want to accept it. He believed that if the dude took that position a month ago then he STILL holds that position....lol. SMH. Some of these niggaz'll argue with a damn tree. "Why don't yall do some work instead of just standing around swaying in the breeze! I gotta go work for the White man, why can't yall????"
  19. Cynique You haven't heard from me in YEARS and when I come back, what do I get? Not a "welcome back". Not a "hello". Not even a dry "how ya doin' " I get an ARGUMENT from you.....lol. Is that how you greet your family when you haven't seen them for a while????
  20. Mr Feynman didn't know what he was talking about because an "idiot" is incapable of earning a PhD.
  21. RichardMurray We don't need all, most, or even half of Black folks to organize and protect our community. When have we ever gotten all or even most Black folks onboard to do something? Not even for the Civil Rights Movement. Many Black folks were tucked away in barber shops talking trash about Martin Luther King and talking about how the White folks ain't never gonna let this or that happen. Yet when those Civil Rights bills passed, they were the FIRST ones to try to buy houses in White neighborhoods and send their children to White schools. I think black leadership is present in the usa, but most black leaders in the usa publicly support an individual agenda in the black community. I agree, we do have Black leaders in the U.S.A. The problem is, most Black leaders in the U.S.A. are ENTERTAINERS. Historically speaking, too many of the most influencial people in the AfroAmerican community have been singers, actors, rappers, ect....many of whom were politically and socially ignorant. Look at Kanye West. Cynique Whoever is in control, would naturally attribute this power to those holding it being better than who could not wrest it away from them. Who's to dispute this? If those in power SINCERELY believed that they were superior or somehow better than those they ruled over...they wouldn't put up so many obstables in the way to keep them OUT of power. I don't have to making up all kinds of laws to keep dogs out of power. I don't have to design special mis-education technique to use in the media and classroom to keep dogs in a state of confusion so that they don't pose a threat to rule. Because dogs are simply intellectually inferior. You can just let nature take it's course and you'd naturally rule. Not so with this system of racism that is constantly making rules and playing games to keep itself in a position of authority.
  22. Remember what Mr.Fuller said about racism and how the racists LOVE and LIVE to dominate and mistreat Black folks??? Well, I'm not sure if you heard them or not but all through out 2020 and 2021 I was seeing and hearing reports about how so many Black employees who were working from home were breathing signs of relief, their health improved, their blood pressure went down, their mental health improved.....why? The reports said that while working from home, they didn't have to do with the stress related to racism they experienced so much at the work place. The nit-picking, snide comments, racist jokes, having your idea ignored, being overlooked, ect....and the other shit so many Black employees have to go through in Corporate America just to keep a job. Infact, a lot of Black folks felt so good leaving "the plantation" they acutally QUIT their jobs altogether and decided to open up their own businesses and work from home. I keep telling folks that this corona mess was actually a BENEFIT for a lot of Black folks. They didn't want thing to "get back to normal". Most of the people hollering and crying for things to get back to "normal" were middle aged White men who were making money off of exploiting people. Many of them couldn't stand the fact that so many Black and Brown people were making a living and getting money and no longer had to take shit from them in a racist work environment. If they couldn't dominate and rule over Black folks at work....many of them would have rather not lived anymore and many White men actually committed suicide, depressed that they couldn't dominate or mistreat the people under them at work.
  23. ProfD I was looking to add something to your commentary but as often is the case, you seem to have covered it...lol. Nothing to do but agree. What gets me is that so many Black folks are FINALLY waking up to the fact that both the Republicans and Democrats are two wings on the same dirty bird and are now pushing a "don't vote" campaign to force these politicians to take us and our concerns seriously and not just for granted. But I think that's the wrong approach..... Instead of attempting to "punish" the current White political establishment for not taking the Black vote seriously enough, we need to run our own candidates from the grass roots with our own agenda. Why bother sending some racist congressman a message when you can just end YOUR OWN woman or man to Washington with a clear agenda that benefits those who voted for them?
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