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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. Facts! Some of these racist bastids have a long memory. I just read a couple days ago how some of them were planning on breaking Dylan Roof out. Remember, he SAID that he wasn't worried about jail because his racist buddies were gonna free him. ....the shaggy headed fucka. I can see Chauvin's Asian wife (ex-wife?) doing a memoir
  2. Lane Bryant or someplace??? Looks like she got it from a 2nd hands thrift store and freshened it up. That dress looks out dated....lol. But I've seen quite a few women walking around with those "Olive Oil from Popeye" looking dresses on now. I'm not sure if it's a trend or what. Remember back in the day when PREGANT women used to dress in that oversized shit with the large bows and funny collars? Even if she wasn't showing...you knew she was pregnant based on how she was dressed, lol
  3. Ok...I listened to it. The only thing I got out of it as an opportunity to see the speakers chubby legs sitting in that old fashioned dress, lol. Which didn't look TOO bad to me...based on my personal tastes. Was there something about the last 9 minutes of particular importance?
  4. Ofcourse not. I HOPE they haven't offered Chauvin that either.....did they? Please tell me they didn't offer that Nazi a damn book deal!
  5. ProfD Instead of photo-ops with politicians, AfroAmerican leaders should be all business when it comes to getting reparations And that's the difference between a REAL leader and a mere SPOKES PERSON as Neely Fuller Jr. so wonderfully illustrates. Leaders focus on getting things DONE. Spokes Persons are about entertainment, lip service, speaking engagements. "Ahhwah brown bruthaz 'n sistaz NEED dat moneh' cawz' dey got a knee own dey necks too!" Johnnie Cochran was a REAL leader. He was about taking action to get things done. He was actually in talks for AfroAmerican Reparations before his unfortunate demise. Troy Should this mean that anyone the U.S. has ever wronged should never be compensated until reparations are paid to the American descendants of enslaved Africans? I'd take this position for all other groups EXCEPT for the Native Americans, who have arguable had it worse. None of them get compensation until AfroAmericans get OUR just due first. Neely Fuller Jr. said that justice is making sure the people who need help the most -gets the most constructive help, in that order. In any situation..... You start with the person or group who needs the MOST help..and give it to them first, and then work your way down to whoever needs the least help
  6. I listened to 50 minutes of it.....didn't bother with the last 9 minutes. She makes a few good points, however I seriously doubt it will have much impact on changing someone's behavior and how they hold conversations. People are who they are personality wise, and it's pretty much gonna take a MIRACLE to change them. I've found that what works best for me is to learn how a person is, and vibe with them on THEIR level instead of using the same approach on everyone. Some people hate when you interrupt them, other's don't mind. Some people actually love it when you can finish their sentences for them...others don't. Women and men not only communicate differently but actually EXPECT different things from the opposite sex that they don't expect from the same sex. I've noticed that a woman will let ME dominate a conversation in a way she'd never let another woman do. Just like there are certain things I or another man will let women say we'd never let another man get away with. The same thing goes for race, social status, ect..... Some of this stuff is learned from simply LIVING and can't (or it's hard to) be really taught.
  7. Yeah but.....didn't you show APPROVAL of his message by posting it for him since he wasn't able to do it himself? Unless you just posted it as an illustration of your point.
  8. Black churches need to be more like the Nation of Islam and SEARCH everyone coming through their doors to ensure the safety of not just the pastors and the staff, but also all of those who attend. You never hear of events like this happening at a Nation of Islam temple. They catch it before it comes through the door.
  9. Troy Who knows, but the percentage of people who are doing this is probably much higher than you think. Probably. But keep in mind I said MAKING A LIVING on their computers. Not making SOME money here and there or using it as a side hustle, but making it their main method of making a living. I'd say less than 20% of the population is actually making a living from their computers alone. There is also a percentage of people, who would not like this lifestyle and would never do it. True. Most of them CAN'T. They aren't computer literate enough, nor do they have the disciplined to sit down unsupervised and do WHAT must be done WHEN it must be done. The average person can't be relied on to return a simple phone call....let alone teach a class at the same time every day for years at a time online. Mzuri Do you see Pioneer. Troy has grown his AALBC empire whilst traveling all over the place and using his laptop. But Troy has an Engineering degree and also TEACHES college level computer related classes. Are you saying since Troy can do it...any nigga working at Walmart or shoveling biscuits and fries at Popeye's chicken should be able to run down to Best Buy, grab a lap top, and do the same thing? "Bitch I ain't gotta take NO orders from YOU. I got multiple streams of in come...comin' in!" BTW, Pillsbury Doughboy is my favorite thing. You must be psychic Yes...I am!
  10. A-50 Yes, Mzuri was right. That is what I meant by black Irish. There ancient ancestors were the Silures who are ;thought to originally come from Spain. They were physically characterized as a short Caucasian people having swarthy skin and curly hair, similar to Arabs. The Silures were the original people who were present in what is now Great Britain at the time the Romans invaded. This was before the redheaded pale skinned Celts and Germanic peoples came. Yeah, I figured that. Some White people are so race-conscious and obsessed with keeping their lines "pure" that they'll label ANYONE with known Black ancestry as "Black" whether they actually are or not. These ancient Silures...have you seen any actual paintings or carvings or other ancient images of them? Troy Once you start mixing nationality with geography in the context of the artificial concept of race the topic becomes so sloppy as to be nonsensical. But it is an open forum. Not to me. It's all as clear as a bell to me. I can separate race, from ethnicity, from nationality, from geographical boundaries.
  11. While Derek Chauvin was locked up in the county jail, only White corrections officers were allowed to handle him because they thought the Black and Latino officers may have caused harm. But when was the last time you heard of them affording that same luxury to Black inmates? Especially those accused of high profile crimes?
  12. So........... I suppose all of that talk of yellow asses has pretty much ended, huh? And I REALLY thought it was all eventually heading somewhere....lol.
  13. I think both the Kenosha police department and the sheriff's department need to be investigated by the Feds for why they were allowing those armed racist militias to walk around intimidating people. There are videos of Kyle walking around with the weapon and his hands raised and the cops riding right past him to arrest someone else.
  14. I've heard of SANTA CLAUSE and the EASTER BUNNY too. But that doesn't mean I believe in them....LOL
  15. It's not enough to spend MILLIONS if not BILLIONS of dollars flying racist sexist Afgans to the United States and putting them up in houses and giving them spending money to assault U.S. citizens . Now he's want to give MORE money away to non-Black immigrants to sweeten the deals he's already made.
  16. ProfD Kwame Brown is manhood on two feet. Intelligence, masculinity, a shining example of it. And both him AND King Randall advocate the teaching of skilled trades and other skills to Black boys. King Randall also advocates SEPARATE schools for boys and girls...something I also advocate. Chev Congradulations on your success. Black children can learn EASILY when they have a good and dedicated teacher who can speak their language and is willing to teach them. This is why during Segregation Black kids usually got a BETTER education than they're getting now. The schools may have had inferior books and facilities...but the teachers were SUPERIOR and could relate to the students much better because they cared about them. Black kids who are motivated can learn MUCH faster and MUCH more than White kids. Asian kids are just an EXAMPLE of how much easier children of color can out perform White kids.
  17. ProfD I'm only illustrating that poverty has not increased over time. Yes, I know what you're saying. My point is...I think it actually has, but they're playing with the figures to make it seem like things are getting better. As we have already discussed, there's a reason for more homeless folks on the street. Closed institutions and shelters in favor of prisons. Right. Same people in poverty. It didn't reduce...it just SHIFTED from the streets to the prisons. Job opportunities and lower interest rates and inflated credit scores have allowed more black folks to take out mortgages. I think the lower interest rates and inflated credit scores along with the mortgage loan scandals prior to 2008 deserves more credit than more job opportunities...lol. Good paying blue collar jobs have been outsourced to other countries since the late 1980s. Robotics are taking over here in America. Facts The new blue collar worker is in a warehouse or driving around making deliveries. Otherwise, more folks are sitting in office buildings shuffling papers around. More facts. And both of those blue collar jobs you mentioned require LESS workers than an assembly line. So LESS blue collar jobs available...but the population has increases dramatically since 1990....so how does the poverty rate go DOWN with fewer blue collar jobs? Another reason poverty is down is because many folks who could be classified as such are shacking up and living with family members, friends, relatives, etc . Then I must give the same reasons as was given to the homeless to prison explaination. That means that the population in poverty hasn't gone down...or even remained the same. That simply means it has SHIFTED. From struggling alone....to struggling together. But the poverty rate remains the same. 1) why are there so many people living below the poverty line in a wealthy, developed country Because they need a constant supply of cheap labor. Both on the outside and in the prisons. 2) what can Americans do to lift their brethren out of poverty Another New Deal like Roosevelt had. 3) do people in poverty want a a better life and what are they willing to do in order to realize it Some do...some don't. But it's the government's responsibility to have the necessarily programs in place for those who DO want it to take advantage. The fact that poverty hovers under 10% of the population leads me to believe it's being managed like a business. I personally think the poverty rate is MUCH higher than that. Look at how many MILLIONS of people have recently been evicted for not being able to pay rent, and the millions who were just kicked off of unemployment. I think it's closer to 20% of the population or perhaps more. Mzuri The Census Bureau doesn't even have an accurate method of counting the homeless, they count people who show up for a meal somewhere, and then they try to count the people who live in tent cities and such. Clearly they are missing all the people that are sleeping in their cars and wherever. Then there's all the homeless people who have jobs, who counts them. Exactly! You go to a Walmart in the morning and you'll see so many cars in the parking lot with people sleeping in them. Even many of their WORKERS are homeless and sleeping in their cars! But you have others who are just homeless and living out their cars in the Walmart parking lot and other parking lots. I don't trust most of these government statistics. At all. I don't either. These people are KNOWN liars with a reliable history of lying to the people. It's even worse than we thought, the article I linked below says that half of all American workers made less than $35K. That puts people squarely IN the poor category....even if they have no children. Unless they are living with someone taking care of their bills OR living in a very cheap area...$35,000 a year is BARELY enough to take care of yourself and live independently. Mr. Snarky Lol..... but what makes your arguments weak is that you based them solely on your personal anecdotes. In my opinion....if the person is trustworthy...that makes an even STRONGER argument. I'd trust the information coming from a person who has a reputation for being honest and telling the truth, before I'd trust it from a bunch of numbers and stats that come from who knows where. I'm not gullible enough to believe everything the government tells me. What is odd, to me, is that folks would completely reject the government's numbers in favor their clearly limited personal observations. Because a personal observation MIGHT be correct, or close to it. When the governments numbers might be completely fabricated. They have a habit of lying.
  18. Sounds like some creepy cultish type of shit to me. Looks to me they already had the name ready and wanted to make the change and were just looking for the right excuse and opportunity to make the move.
  19. I've heard of it. But I doubt that 90% of the population can actually make a living that way.
  20. Chev So, these are some of the elements to determine the actual day. But I cannot remember right off hand whether it was Thursday or Friday. I will have to get back.
  21. Troy Here is question for you @Cynique (or anyone). If the police call you in to question you about an illegal activity (say selling small quantities of marijuana) that you know a family member engaged in; is it right or wrong to tell the police about your family member's illegal activity? It depends on the family member. But generally speaking, I think it would be wrong to go to the cops and tell on a family member for such a mild offense. The punishment and problems it would cause would out weigh any harm that came from smoking weed. Especially when they're starting to legalize it all over the nation anyway. ProfD Maybe that mindset along with a biracial population explosion will bring racism to its knees. Well according to the teachings of Neely Fuller you either have White, Non-white, or White Supremacist. Biracials fall into the category of NON-WHITE. The White Supremacists would continue to be just as racist and harmful to them as they are to full blooded people of color. .....again, according to the teachings of Neely Fuller Jr.
  22. ProfD Ok now you're gonna find out why Troy often finds discussions with me so frustrating: I don't trust those statistics because they don't line up with what I see. Those stats may say ONE thing about Black poverty but what I've actually SEEN from living around the nation is a totally different story. I've seen far more homeless Black people today than 30 years ago. Less Black people actually OWN their homes today than 30 years ago. There may be more Black folks with MORTGAGES than there were 30 years ago but how many of them are keeping up with the payments and paying them off? There are FAR fewer Black people with good paying blue collar jobs today than there were back in the 1970s. More Black people are incarcerated in prisons and jails today than they were 30 years ago before the 1994 crime bill also. So it doesn't make a lot of since for poverty to be lower or cut in half. It's like those unemployment statistics. They only COUNT a tiny sector of people who have been unemployed for less than 6 months and actively seeking work and focus on THAT sector, ignoring the millions of long term unemployed.
  23. ProfD Well my brotha, without getting too personal and/or specific, I'll just type that many people have done it especially moving from poverty/low/working class up to middle class. I don't disagree with this. It can happen and does happen. Maybe you're a prime example...I'm not sure. But as with my argument about Cynique's "fool proof" method of improving one's socio-economic status...how many HAVE improved their status by this method? Out of the tens of millions of poor and lower middle class people...how many have the intelligence and energy to work hard, grind, and stay of trouble hoping everything falls in place and raised their condition? Again, I'm not asking how many CAN do it. Ofcourse we know some CAN do it. But how many HAVE done it...what percentage? 10? 20? 50? I'd like to stay away from ABSTRACT and THEORETICAL concepts in this particular post like "potentially" or "they can do it if they try hard enough"...and focus more on what HAS happened. We can argue for 30 years over what people CAN do if all the conditions are met and they try hard enough. What have we SEEN people do and HOW MUCH of the population has been able to do it under those same conditions? As I've mentioned in a few threads, I believe the the middle class in America has been expanded in order to anesthetize the masses. I believe so too. I believe this was a TARGETED expansion. They took away much of the good paying factory and other manufacturing jobs that poor people would get to bring themselves up out of poverty into the lower part of the Middle Class. But they made access to college more accessible through student loans as well as producing more corporate jobs. But this changed benefited Caucasians and Asians FAR more than it benefitted AfroAmericans.
  24. Nor does what you consider edible..........according to rumors, lol.
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