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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. Troy I do recall however Harry indicating that the space bar on his key board was busted, but I may be misremembering... A man, obvoiusly....lol. Banging away on a busted computer with some of the keys missing for a long period of time is definitely a male trait. Along with rubber bands and even duck tape wrapped around the mouse to hold it together...lol. Mzuri Oh... Dear,, Should. We. Set. Up: A. Go-Fund-Me? So. That, Harry.. Can/ Type,, His• Harry-Type? Pretty close.... But Harry doesn't ask questions, except rhetorically.....LOL
  2. Daniel Not in their entirety, I've read through a few of them. Why? Is he saying something in his books that's DIFFERENT than that feeble minded garbage he says on television and on his radio show? Is he NOT Tomming and Cooning it up in his books???
  3. Troy & Mzuri Also, Harry makes liberal use of commas and types them in groups of 2, 3, even 4..lol I don't think anybody will be able to nail down exactly how Harry delivers. He's a poet and his style is too unique to easily imitate. Troy have you ever met Harry in real life?
  4. Daniel Well....it's kind of hard to defend a sellout negro who HIMSELF said that the slave masters deserved reparations as compensation after losing their slaves. He spent DECADES cooning it up claiming racism didn't exist and that it was just an excuse for Black failure, but now all of sudden that HE'S a victim of it....he cries foul. Maybe the Universe is showing negroes like him who go around DENYING that racism exists, that it does. As far as racism on the Left.... Racism exists in ANY organization or ideology that is populated by Caucasians. MORE racist Caucasians exist in right-wing organizations like the Republican party and Conservative movements....but they still DO exist to various degrees in certain Leftist and even "Progressive" establishments as well. The problem with being a Black Republican who faces racism is...he's often alone to deal with it, unless he enlists the aid of other Black Republicans to help him...which will draw the attention and ultimately the CONDEMNATION of Caucasian Republicans because of the Conservative and racist nature of the party itself. The problem with cooning and Tomming is it'll only take you so far with Caucasians.....at the end of the day no matter HOW you act you're still a nicca in their eyes and they'll let you know sooner or later. Why? Because ultimately racism isn't about behavior so much as it's about RACE.
  5. Dr Francis Cress Welsing said that Black people shouldn't get married and have children until they were over 30. I have mixed feelings over that but I understand her point. Most Black people in THIS society aren't mentally mature enough to handle relationships and child rearing until after 30....and many aren't ready for it after that. Black people are TAUGHT dysfunction in this society. This is one of the reasons I have so much love and respect for the Nation of Islam. It takes adult Black men and women who have been broken by a system designed to make them dysfunctional...and teaches them responsibility, adulthood, and how to be functional members of society. In other words....they help clean up the mess this system has made of so many of our people.
  6. Mzuri Everybody doesn't want to see a titty But who doesn't though????? Except for Lil Nas X, maybe.....lol I remember after I read it I explained to my husband that if we are out and about somewhere and a woman pulls her boob out, he needs to be quiet. Because he speaks his mind and tells people where to get off in a minute. One time, he told a youngster to pull his pants up and I warned him that he's going to mess around and get shot if he doesn't mind his business. And I find that interesting, because usually it's the OTHER WAY around. It's usually the woman who is speaking her mind to strangers and scolding them on their behavior and the MAN has to pull her away and say "Let it go honey. That's there business". Because he knows where it would lead to if you got in some people's faces. I had a couple girlfriends with big mouths who felt they had to comment on every little thing they saw people doing. I used to tell them, "Don't get ME in trouble with YOUR big mouth, because then if a someone decides to go upside your head you'll be looking for me to protect you." Look at what happened to this poor fellow because he has a partner who couldn't keep her big mouth shut: I'm not really bothered by it, I nursed my baby but I would never do it in public. Back then I was young and free-spirited but I wouldn't expose my boobs, not even to nurse. Now women act like they can't give their baby a bottle. I don' t know what they are thinking. Hmmmmm.... Hard to speak on that one. I'm not a mother, let alone one who's nursed an infant so I don't have a real opinion one way or another.
  7. Daniel So your Christian faith allows you to NOT care if Kamala Harris who shares a different political ideology from you is lying? Is that the point you're trying to make? She merely pointed out what was in the released Autopsy. Until you read them you will continue to have a shallow understanding. But WHY did she point out what was in the autopsy report when nearly the entire world saw who killed him? What was her MOTIVATION for bringing it up? During the 9/11 attacks....what would you and most other Conservatives say if all of the bodies of the dead were given autopsies and instead of saying they were killed by a terrorist attack...the autopsy shows they were killed by the drugs or alcohol they may have consumed before the attack? Or that they were killed by obesity and high blood pressure? You'd be crying foul left and right. But here's a man who was obviously killed because a racist cop knelt on him and crushed his neck, and Candace is trying to suggest that this WASN'T the reason he died. Again, that doesn't sound very Christ like. That’s not fair. I think she may have been a bit hyperbolic...lol. Perhaps she just means there are extra laws to protect them from being harassed while nursing their children. I personally think women SHOULD have the right to breastfeed just about anywhere they like. What's so offensive about seeing a titty? This nation has too many sexual hang-ups when they NEED to get the violence and poverty under control.
  8. Mzuri You seem to define the morals of a society largely by it's sexual norms. Judging a society's morals based on it's sexual behaviors a Caucasian custom not found in any ancient society African or Native American. Africans and Natives did indeed have sexual rules but it's moral codes didn't hinge on sexual behavior like Caucasian/European societies. Europeans saw sex itself as a SIN...a necessary sin...but a sin none the less. And they also blamed the woman for introducing sin into the world. That's still ingrained in the psyche of most Caucasians which is why they will tolerate murder, theft, lying, and all other manner of evil in their society but can't stomach sex and sensuality. The very term "missionary position" was developed out of the European's perverted sense of sexual development. Some of these women (not your momma) don't have sense enough to know what is appropriate or not. I agree. But is it their fault if they weren't properly educated on what is and isn't appropriate to begin with? Schools teach that human beings "evolved" from animals....that's taught to people since childhood. So can we blame them entirely if they dress as animals "dress" in public? My husband and I went to a steakhouse three years ago, it was around 2:00 in the afternoon, there was a lady with a baby at the salad bar, wearing one of those JLo dresses (that green one she worewith Puff) that was slit down to the naval and no bra. The woman looked like a complete idiot trying to juggle her raggedy baby and keep her boobs covered with the all open in the front dress, trying to plate her food. If she had a baby with her, maybe she chose that dress not only because of how it looked...but for ease of access to her breast to feed her baby. As silly as she may have looked trying to get food while holding the baby...it may have been even MORE awkward trying to lift up a tight shirt, undo her bra, and pull a breast out to feed the child. I don't need to worry about who makes the dress code rules at the supermarket, since I am properly attired wherever I go. It ain't no joke when I show up. Well, well, well....... Daniel You are confusing leftist and media portrayals of Republicans and Conservatives. It comes from a failure to recognize that a true Christian recognizes their sinful nature is remedies by Christ alone. And you are confusing Christians with Conservatives and conflating Christianity with traditional Conservative ideology. One has little to do with the other. So why even bring Christ and Christianity into the conversation? Have you read Blackout by Candace Owen’s? I am finding people(myself included) are arguing about superficial descriptions of people without learning about what they say about themselves. This is why book sites like this are important. No I haven't. But I have heard her say crazy things about George Floyd after he was murdered in Minneapolis. She even seemed to be taking the side of the police who murdered him and said he died of a drug overdose...not a knee on the neck. http:// https://youtu.be/RYwokUtb2Kg Was that very Christ like?
  9. Abortion itself is really a racial issue in the United States because the only reasons so many White people in the U.S. are REALLY against abortion is they feel too many White babies are being aborted. I've seen a few abortion clinics being protested, and they were all in mostly White communities. I didn't see anybody protesting abortion clinics in Black or Latino communities. There's a reason for that. Because most of those making all of this noise over it are racist and only care about White babies being aborted, not babies of color. It's good the Black church is talking about abortion though....because it's a discussion WE need to have among ourselves as a community.
  10. Mzuri Actually I wasn't even thinking about you reporting it when I was posting....lol. I'm certain you didn't have any evil intentions behind mentioning Michaels drug use, but I believe many of those in the media DO. These racists in the media will use any excuse to assassinate the character of Black folks. They'll take every opportunity...from reporting drug overdoses, to reporting looters, to reporting mothers leaving babies in hot cars to die......ANY excuse they can to show a Black person in a negative light. I heard about Fuquan and almost forgot about him until you brought him up. I didn't know much about him except that he was a comedian out in L.A. Certainly is a lot of relatively young Black celebrities (along with Hank Aaron) dying this year.
  11. I just read the news a little while ago....sad. May our brother have peace and comfort on the Other Side. I don't like the way so much of the media reported him having a heroin overdose and reported the drugs he allegedly had around him. That was very disrespectful in my opinion. They don't do this with White celebrities who overdosed. It takes them damn near a month to "determine the cause" of why 20 year old Josh died and even then they may never report his drug use. I'm also wondering could it be something else that may have taken his life...........
  12. Mzuri For me to do that would raise a number of questions: 1. Since you mentioned my Mother and my Sister....both adults Me telling them to put more clothes on suggests that I have better judgement on how they should dress than THEY do. Are you suggesting that I should have better judgement over how these two adult women dress than they do themselves? 2. Going by the same principle that they are adults with no mental problems Me telling them to put more clothes on....unless I was joking...suggests that I have more AUTHORITY over how they dress than they do. Are you suggesting that I should have the authority to tell my own Mother or Sister what to wear? Finally..... 3. Who determine what's proper and under what circumstance when it comes to going to a store? There is a law against exposing your genitals....other than that....who makes the determination of what is proper or improper for grocery shopping besides the individual markets themselves?
  13. Mzuri Do you want your woman, mother, sister, daughter going to the grocery store, restaurant, doctors office dressed with their boobs all out, because that is what women are doing now. If they are adults, and that's what they want to do...I think they should have that right. The only time I as a man would step in is if they are going to a place where I think it would be DANGEROUS for them to do so. But even then, I can only do so much. The Progressive position is not that women SHOULD dress provocatively, but that they have the RIGHT to if they so choose...as opposed to being FORCED to dress a certain way, which is what goes on in many religiously Conservative societies like in the Middle East where women are oppressed and have few choices. Most Conservatives would like to see women returned to their old fashioned roles which as romantic as it sounds to some...would drastically reduce their freedoms to dress as they please and make a living for themselves. Do you want your children/grandchildren’s school teacher coming to the classroom dressed like a floozy? This should not be a partisan issue. No. Like you said, it shouldn't be a partisan issue and I don't think most intelligent people of any party or political affiliation do. Has any political organization that you know of proposed to lower the standards of teachers to allow such provocative dress?
  14. Daniel Pioneer plays the role of scholar, but he either is a deceiver or spiritually blind. He quotes and mimics intelligence quite well, but he gives the impression of being bereft of wisdom. Some would say an educated fool. Lol, how does one "mimic" intelligence??? That's like "mimicking" height or a dead person "mimicking" being alive. Some things can't be mimicked. A stupid person doesn't have the ability to PRETEND to be intelligent and go back to being stupid at will any more than a short person can "mimic" being tall for a while before shrinking themselves..lol
  15. Mzuri Why Cynique accused me of being Owens follower is beyond me. Lol....to get the reaction from you she's getting right now. Women should not be exposing themselves like they are doing now where the entire boobs are out except the nip. And the rear ends too. But I guess you liberals are fine with all of that. There's a time and place for everything. I strongly believe in The SUPREME BEING, however I'm not religious anymore so I don't have a problem with most sexual issues as long as it's consentual, including prostitution and pornography. I see it as more of a biological issue than a moral one. If it were up to me there would be MORE nudity on television and less violence, kind of like how it is in Canada and Europe.
  16. Troy Pappa King???? Lol....sounds like a pizza and burger joint combined. Yes, this is what I don't understand -- why? Surely there is a reason. Probably for the same reason the mainstream media doesn't talk about ML's brother being drowned or his young niece dying... The family was being targeted and many in the media are complicit. Neely Fuller Jr. said that "White Supremacy" is a gangster organization. Most colleges available to the average person in the U.S. don't EDUCATE people...they merely TRAIN them. In most cases...unless you take certain classes in philosophy...they don't teach people how to THINK for themselves or think critically and analytically. They just prepare people for entry level work in a specific FIELD, how to meet deadlines, and how to follow instructions. If you want to know true history...especially Black history...you usually have to do your own research like Henry Louis Gates; or pal around with some older people and ask them a bunch of questions. Old Black folks are some of the BEST sources of history...if you can get them to talk about it....because they were around to see it themselves and are under no obligation to cover it up and lie about it. "They lyin'.....that ain't what happened. I was there. I saw it. They wuz already handcuffed and on the ground when they started beating and shooting 'em."
  17. Still trippin' off those earlier clips of Gladys Knight! The woman was fine as all GET OUT when she was younger. She doesn't look bad now, but she was SOMETHING SCRUMPTIOUS back then...didn't know it until I saw those clips. So I guess this brother was before Don Cornelius and Soul Train. There was another brother out in Oakland....I forget his name....but he also had a nice little show going on that was getting to be pretty main stream. He had Paul Mooney on the show and Paul had an AFRO...lol...so it had to be pretty far back in the day. I'm thinking late 60s.
  18. Both Kamala Harris and Candace Owens look like two peas of the same pod. Both of them are professional AfroAmerican women who learned to play the game and "act" their way up the ladder of success in politics. Both of them are married to Wht men also..lol. Probably the ONLY thing they differ on is politics.....and I if you take away the labels I doubt they'd differ much from eachother even on that.
  19. I did remember hearing about someone closely connected to DMLK who drowned in their swimming pool but I wasn't exactly sure WHO it was so I decided not to mention it. I thought it might have been Ralph Abernathy...but wasn't sure. I kept thinking of Rodney King....since HE also drowned in his own pool, but I knew it wasn't him.
  20. Chev I agree. I'm a PanAfricanist and believe both groups should come together for the betterment of the Black race. However you have a lot of people in the ADOS and FBA movements who don't like Africans or Caribbeans and a few even go around the internet stirring up trouble between the two.
  21. Chev Lol....sheeeeeyit, are you old enough to SWIM? If you're old or young enough to swim and throw a ball.....then you're old enough to participate
  22. Chev Oh WOW! @Pioneer1 I just read the interchange and I understand exactly was @daniellegfny conveyed! Lol, I understand what he conveyed too....and so far it's erroneous. He said: "Genocide doesn’t have the same meaning to an all powerful being as it does finite beings." I didn't say I agreed or disagreed with the statement. I merely asked The All Powerful BEING tell him that directly and he said yes when he reads the Bible. So I asked him to show me the EXACT scriptures, book, and verse where I could find that quote. Not a similar sounding INTEPRETATION.....but the exact quote since he claimed he got it from the Bible. And so far he hasn't. You can "interpret" and "read into" any scripture what you want...which is why I ask for the EXACT match. As I said previously, those terms are interchangeable, and more importantly, the history of those 3 countries are too extensive to capture in one term. Well if those terms are interchangeable, then technically speaking the nations of Libya, Egypts, and Ethopia were NOT founded in the 19th century! They are much much older. In ancient Egypt, Libya and Ethiopia, there were DEFINITELY time periods where 'nations' formed but NOT AT ALL like the 19th century 'Nations' that were formed under the Western Leagues that carved up Africa for their benefit. I agree. Just like the PEOPLE of the ancient world were not like the PEOPLE of today or even the 19th century. But that's a far cry from saying people "didn't exist" and were "invented" in the 19th century as Troy said. Anyway, you asked me to give you some links to the definition of the word 'Bible' and so, even though you say that you don't believe in the Bible, And thank you for doing so. It just confirms my suspicion that we can't agree on the definition OF what the actual Bible is...so there is no use in arguing over it. No. I meant, that 'like you stated to ; in that I agree with you in that the Hebrew Israelites strongly believe in the Bible'. I definitely did not mean that you believe in the Bible. Ok....thank you for clarifying that?
  23. Daniel Don’t know don’t care. It’s irrelevant. I'm surprised to hear that. Most Republicans DELIGHT to hear when a Democrat is caught in a lie or mistake. But with this one, not only do you ignore it but you declare it irrelevant. Listen.... You're acting mighty "funny" when it comes to Kamala Harris, lol. I think you got a thing for her. I think you got a crush on her and just want to see her in ANY kind of office...lol I think you just luuuuuuuuuv you some Kammy! "My milk shakes bring all the boys to the yard!"
  24. Daniel Lol.... Was she high when she made the comment?
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