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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. Chev @Chevdove This sister is beautiful WITHOUT the blonde and strawberry hair. If she just wore her hair naturally black she would be just as attractive. This is just another of the methods for MAINTAINING the ideology of "White supremacy" by associating those who perform excellently in any field with having blonde hair. Look at Serena Williams and Beyoncé and how both of them are good at what they do but also feel like they have to make their hair blonde. While you're correct that in a race the only thing she needs to be is "fast", if it were uncovered that she was molesting children would this information not matter.....as long as she was "fast"? Now that was a little extreme, but my point is when it comes to atheletes who perform in the public....they have MORE RESPONSIBILITIES to perform than simply just being good at a particular exercise; they also have a public image to maintain. What type of message does it send to little AfroAmerican girls who predominately have kinky black hair to see some of their favorite female role models....some of who they hope to grow up and emulate one day......like Beyonce, Serena Williams, and now Sha'Carri to run around grinning with long blonde straight hair?
  2. Troy A lot of our sisters have a mistaken belief that the reason so many Black men prefer White women is because of the blonde hair or their looks in general. While that is a factor in some cases, I've found the ATTITUDE that so many Caucasian American women seem to have is often more attractive to Black men than that of many AfroAmerican women. A lot of Black men find comfort in the non-confrontational feminine attitude that so many White women have TRADITIONALLY had (that most are actually abandoning for a rougher and more vulgar attitude) to the point that they'd even choose a LESS physically attractive White woman they can boss around and be dominant with over a more physically attractive sister who won't take no shit from him.....lol.
  3. Troy Creoles may not have considered themselves fully Caucasian, but they sure didn't consider themselves the same as the darker skinned AfroAmericans they were living with and around during that time. They were a group of mixed or Mulatto people who maintained their own cultural identity. I'm glad you recognize the "one drop" rule as absurd; now if I can just get you to realize how absurd it is to accept anyone who simply calls themselves "Black" AS Black.....lol.
  4. Chev Those people could PASS for White because they WERE White....lol.
  5. Troy In 50 years all the gun nuts will be dead and fewer people will gunned down over silly shit. Not when they're training THEIR children how to shoot and stock pile guns.   Chev At any rate, it seems like she is being 'promoted' for some strange reason Yeah, And the "stange" reason she's being promoted is because she's WHITE and BLONDE.
  6. He temporarily turned into a Black feminist/womanist for this thread only.
  7. The great AfroAmerican psychologist Dr. Amos Wilson says power is the ability to not only define YOUR reality but also demand that other's accept that definition. For centuries Caucasians in the United States have been successful in this as they have convinced not only other Caucasians in the U.S. but also most AfroAmericans in the U.S. that people who are clearly NOT African but are clearly CAUCASIAN....that these people are somehow "Black". Do you not see how this could lead to localized genetic annihilation? But to answer your question...... This man (Homer Plessy) is CLEARLY not an AfroAmerican but a Caucasian with perhaps SOME African ancestry. According to the history I've read of him he's of Creole descent.
  8. Troy You hit the nail on the head when you say they feel emboldened. The question is who or what is CAUSING them to feel emboldened? Trump? The media? Or is it the lack of an intelligent reaction from AfroAmericans who are in positions to actually punish these men for their actions. Again, we should blame the CORRECT people all the way around. I wouldn't JUST blame the racist criminals who commit these acts but I'd also blame those AfroAmericans in law enforcement as well as the politicians and judges who don't use their authority to go after them.
  9. Troy A woke brother is exactly the type of brother who WOULD say something about it. Only an AfroAmerican man who is unconscious/sleep or unaware of the realities of how brainwashed so many of our people are into accepting Caucasian standards of beauty and how so many dye their hair blonde and put in blue eye contacts in a pitiful effort to look like who and what they aren't wouldn't notice this.
  10. Troy She spells her name with a "gyn" to invoke the feeling of motherhood when you think of her (think "gynecology"). But she's a product of Fox News....what else would you expect from her? False concern? Crocodile tears? What concerns ME isn't her reaction to that man's murder but the LACK of reaction from the negroes down in Florida over it. He killed that man for the same reason George Zimmerman could murder Trayvon and ride around the state a free man pulling out his gun and harassing people afterwards. .....because many of our people are too stupid to demand justice. People are focused on what the White police and judges do but you have plenty of Black police officers, deputies, and state troopers down in Florida who COULD HAVE arrested both of those murderers if they had enough sense to. You had a Black man who recently ran for Governor of Florida...Gillum....who even after it was clear that there was election tampering and voter suppression he STILL conceded to a Republican for the spot. At some point you're going to have to stop getting mad at the White racists who being who THEY really are and getting mad at these silly negroes who embolden them with their stupidity and indifference.
  11. Troy So you believe a person can be Black by simply claiming it and on that same idea they can just as easily be NOT Black simply by claiming otherwise? OK, let's play your theory out in real life.................. You wake up one day and CHOOSE not to identify as Black anymore. A person robs a liquor store. The owner tells the police it was a Black man in a red coat. The police put out an APB for a Black man in a red coat. You happen to be in that area and wearing a red coat and when the police stops you and questions you accusing you of fitting the description, do you think you could be released by that officer if you simply said: "Excuse me officer but I'm NOT Black so I don't fit that description" ????
  12. LOl @ Troy Del But the first where the focus was on her looks more than her accomplishments. Or is this an extension of the man are too sexist thread? No, unlike Sha'Carri's hair....this is no EXTENSION (pun intended). This is Pioneer being true to his natural form.
  13. She's an attractive sister.....but that blonde hair's gotta go. What up with all these sisters shamelessly wearing full blown blonde hair today?
  14. Tariq Nasheed is my boy, but we have to be careful calling everyone who doesn't line up with our particular idealogy a "coon". Umar Johnson seems to have the same problem. For me, things aren't always Black or White, I tend to grade things on levels. Just because you aren't pro-Black and willing to speak out against racism at every opportunity that doesn't automatically make you a coon or sell-out. Don Lemon, Kobe Bryant, TD Jakes......I don't consider these men "coons". Jesse Lee Peterson and Pastor Manning....yes, I do. In my opinion you have to actively work with White racism AGAINST the Black community in order to be called a coon or sell-out. Choosing to mind your own business or do your own thing isn't enough to warrant the label.
  15. Troy I've been to all three places in recent years and have seen zero evidence if this. St. Thomas is about half the size of Brooklyn and I was all over the territory so im pretty confident this is not the case. Ok, then I stand corrected. I've heard this was the case all over the Caribbean but if you say you haven't seen any evidence of this in your experiences then I'll accept it until proven otherwise. I know that Gail King is sexy as hell....lol. If you're in the market for somebody (and she's got SOME body).....you ain't gotta fly all the way down to the Islands, just send a few emails to Gail King and get your mack on! If she didn't mind hooking up with an ex-dope pusher like 50 Cent she SHOULDN'T mind giving a book-pusher a chance....lol.
  16. I remember hearing about this incident. I believe the brother's girlfriend was in the car and that White man first confronted her while he was in the store. When he came out the man got in his face and he pushed him out of the way, he fell down, and then pulled out a gun and shot him. Just like the Trayvon Martin case....this has nothing to do with "standing your ground" because like George Zimmerman, this clown STARTED the conflict! Infact he has a history of picking fights with people. They said the week before he was harassing someone else over parking spots and even used racial slurs.
  17. Ofcourse we know who this is REALLY aimed at; but like I said in the Atlanta Police thread, Alabama like Georgia is over HALF Black. The few times I've been to Alabama I've seen FAR more Black people than White. So if those negroes down there are silly enough to just sit back and allow White folks to make up laws to punish and harm them and not do a damn thing about it.....what can I say? A lot of our people act like a bunch of squirrels sitting in a damn park eating nuts. You can give all of them the right to vote, they aren't gonna use it.....just sit there munching on nuts. You can toss tools out there into the grass, but they won't use them......just sit there looking goofy munching on nuts. After while a white man might come along and round up as many as he likes, kills them and either stuff them or fry them up and make gravey out of them......and those still left in the park will STILL be sitting there in the grass munching on nuts with a goofy buck-toof look on their faces.
  18. Troy Are you going to share with us YOUR requirements for you to consider someone Black? Or is it all they have to do is stand up and say "I'm back and I'm Black!" ......and that's enough as far as you're concerned?
  19. FAS Let me get this clear - the portrait(s) of Queen Charlotte are of a "white" woman because the African woman appears to be mixed with European ancestry. I'm glad you're making sure because you didn't get it clear yet, lol. First, she's not African but Caucasian despite the amount of African ancestry she may have. Second, although both of them are supposedly of the same woman one of those portraits are of a Caucasian woman because in it the Caucasian features predominate and the other one in the link shows a Caucasian or possibly MIXED woman because in that picture more of her African ancestry seems to come through although the Caucasian features (light skin, thin nose and thin lips) still predominate. Again, I don't go simply by a person's ancestry because people can lie about their ancestry. I determine a person's race based on which racial features DOMINATE and if they have a close to even mixture of both then they are MIXED RACE....plain and simple. Not complicated at all. Isn't that using the "one drop rule" on your part? One drop of white blood and you're white? No. One drop of Caucasian blood doesn't make you a Caucasian because MOST AfroAmericans have atleast some Caucasian ancestry and most of us....although MIXED...are clearly not Caucasian. But on the other side of the same coin one drop of African blood doesn't make you African either. My overall point is that WE as AfroAmericans should be setting OUR OWN standards of who should or shouldn't be considered Black instead of using standards invented by Caucasians hundreds of years ago to keep their race "pure". Which is one of the reason I usualy use the terms "Caucasian" and "African" instead of White and Black which are also misleading and confusing. Troy Before we continue with this issue, what is YOUR standard and requirements for who should or shouldn't be considered Black?
  20. FAS I don't know you or your background but perhaps you're suprised because you're used to people with ANY Black ancestry or ANY type of hue to their skin, kink to their hair, or fullness to their lips being just thrown into the "Black" category. That's the way it's done in the United States. But different cultures and nations have different ways of classifying their populations and if this were Brazil that same woman would be classified as something OTHER than Black and more like an Octaroon. In Spain or Italy she would probably be considered just another White citizen as opposed to the Africans who they call Negro/Black. Only in English speaking societies like the United States, Canada, and parts of the Caribbean like Jamaica are people with ANY African ancestry thrown into the "Black" category ignoring any other racial ancestry they may have. You can be half Native American or half East Asian also but if one parent is Black...in America you're called Black. They ignore the other parts....lol. Now, I hope I'm not just typing just to hear the tapping sound of the keyboard. Rather than posting a few opinions and then disappearing into the ether; maybe you'll stick around a while and contribute further to this conversation and others, lol. Troy Lol, how can a VICTIM of racism be a racist at the same time? Actually -Mr. Engineer- I'm looking at things from a LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC perspective, instead of using artifial rules and social standards (like that "one drop" garbage) that the Caucasian oppressors GAVE our people to further confuse them. Unlike the rules YOU may use (because you still haven't told us how you identify who is Black and who is not) or the rules this society has forced on our people for generations.....my rules are based on NATURE. It's simple....you're only Black (I prefer the term African because there are really 2 "Black" races) if your FEATURES (skin color, hair texture, nose, lips, ect....) are African in nature. Everything doesn't have to be 100%.....but the MAJORITY of your features must be in line with those of African people. There are SOME "high yellow" people I would consider Black and some I wouldn't, depending on how many other African features they have.
  21. Because I believe in telling the truth. I know you don't believe in the concept of race, so I'm not sure what your standard of being Black is......but as for me you must LOOK like a Black person in order to be considered one. I don't care what your parents or grandparents were. You must have the PHENOTYPE. She's just a Caucasian woman with SOME African ancestry, like most Italians and Spaniards. If you want to call HER "Black" then you might as well call most Italians, Greeks, and Spaniards "Black" because they probably have just as much African ancestry in their genetics as Charlotte.
  22. This woman is no more "Black" than Oprah Winfrey is White. Charlotte wasn't Black, Meghan Markle isn't Black, and her baby SURE ain't Black. If this madness of labeling everybody suspected of having just a trace of African ancestry "Black" doesn't end, in a few generations you'll have blonde haired blue eyed people running the HBCUs and getting minority loans and calling themselves "Black" while REAL Black folks will be......
  23.   I'm not sure if I made myself clear but I'm actually looking for OPPOSITION to my argument that accuses Black men of being sexist. If I don't get enough counter-argument in this thread I'll do another one in SUPPORT of Donald Trump. Troy I'm in St. Thomas USVI as I write this and the sisters are kicking butt here -- running thangs! Boy I'll tell ya, for a BROKE brutha you sho' do get around...lol Mainland Americans may be a bit defective... some more than others. Any perceived sexism by men here is a function of the oppression or being the oppressor. Perhaps, or maybe that's just an EXCUSE men use to justify and continue to practice their sexism even after they have been made aware of it. We've heard the same excuses about crime. -that crime in our community was a bi-product of oppression and economic deprivation, but every individual has a CHOICE. The soft-shoe sexism as well as the outright physical abuse that Black men have historically exhibited against Black women in the States as well as in the Carribean is not rooted in THEIR oppression so much as it's rooted in THEIR misplaced agression, substance abuse, and general miseducation about gender roles and what being a "man" means....whatever it means. Speaking of Black women in the Virgin Islands, one thing we know is happening down there as well as in other Carribean communities like Jamaica and Barbados is that many of the Black women are suffering from the negative health effects of using bleaching cream and hair relaxers. Why? Because most of the men in those societies have told them in so many words that to be seen as beautiful or to even be NOTICED you must make yourself look as much like a white woman as you can even if it literally KILLS you.     Del Are there a lot of stores run by Arabs and Puerto Ricans? Speaking as a feminist....... What difference does the ethnicity of these store owners make if they are providing much needed commodities and services to women and children that many local Black men are unwilling or unable to provide? *That was a good question you asked Troy btw. I would have asked him the same question myself because I heard Arabs are running a lot of businesses down in the Carribean.....but I'm not my usual self right now. I'm a feminist...lol.
  24. I'm a little disappointed with the AfroAmerican leadership in Atlanta in general. The Atlanta area is an AfroAmerican METROPOLIS and a power house of Black economic, academic, and political influence....yet those negroes down there sit up and let racist Caucasians in the Republican party RULE over Georgia with an iron fist. I don't understand it. The South itself is nearly half Black in terms of population, yet the racist Republican party wields so much political influence down there it's unbelievable. How in the hell are they STILL able to fly the Confederate battle flag in places like Georgia and Mississippi and even have it in their state flags with all those millions of Black folks down there.....unless many of them are just dumb as hell.
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