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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. Question: What's stopping Black people from being patriotic? Answer: It's the victim mentality that so many of our people have been ingrained with that's preventing them from seeing themselves as even EQUAL to White people.....let alone just as American as them. I've said it over and over again, despite the problems and injustices Black people face in this nation....one of the biggest problems is that Black people aren't using the opportunities and rights and priveledges that we ALREADY HAVE to improve our condition and acquire more power. When Black people are mayors, police officers, (even Presidents)....they often times BEND OVER BACKWARDS to be fair to White people and not use their power and authority to make life better specifically for other Black people. Black people become Governors and Sheriffs and don't do mass releases of Black people from the jails and prisons. You have plenty of Black police officers....why haven't they confronted their fellow racist partners? Black politicians get in office and don't re-write the voting laws to allow Blacks who are denied for some felonious violation to vote again. There are plenty of Black people in power in Florida....how many Black officials in that state LAUNCHED an investigation in voter fraud and suppression for the 2000 Presidential election? Thousands of Black votes tossed away.....and Black officials did little to nothing about it despite HAVING THE POWER TO TAKE ACTION. Look at Republicans. AS SOON as they take office they go to work to repeal laws they don't like and push their own agendas.....shamelessly. Negroes get in office and get so quiet you can hear a rat pissing in cotton. Just so glad to be there, better not dare take any meaningful action. What good is being an American and having the rights of Americans if you aren't going to exercise them? The biggest problem Black America faces isn't White facism or racism but BLACK STUPIDITY.
  2. I don't necessarily agree with THIS form of protesting because of the confusion and needless animosity it has brought. If you have a problem with injustice and racism then address those issues DIRECTLY with the guilty parties involved, but I don't think it's a good idea....though it's their right....to diss the flag and national anthem of their own nation. Too much Black behavior is convoluted and half-assed and half-hearted and jumbled up in confusion. Even when many of our people attempt to take a stand for the right reasons, the way they go about it is so confusing, annoying, and basically ineffective that they end up doing 2 things: 1. Instead of just pissing off the racists, they end up turning off a lot of decent well meaning White people who can't figure out what we want or what point we're trying to make besides being a nusance. 2. Further alienate most Black people who are intelligent and/or have good jobs and don't see the benefit in joining into some "protest" that doesn't seem to have any clear goals except to point out racism that most people already know exists. Many if not most Black people are already a little hesitant to join public demonstrations, and just marching around in circles and getting themselves in trouble with the police without any clear and serious goals to accomplish often further drives them away. Because of my personal experiences in political and social activism I've learned that people are most successful when they go directly to the "powers that be" with CLEAR GOALS and CLEAR DEMANDS. Running out into the freeway and stopping traffic or standing around with your shirt off sweating and yelling at police officers doesn't really solve your problems and will often times create MORE PROBLEMS on top of the ones you already have. But I DO love the fact that rich and famous Black entertainers are finally taking a political stand. Something many of us have been demanding of them for decades.
  3. Troy Nope, @Pioneer1, your problem is not syntax, just reasoning Well that means I'm beginning to FIT IN with everyone else.....lol.
  4. This is not a shameless plug. ???? Forgive me for straying away from the subject of this thread, but you KNOW how we do...lol. What's up with the term "shameless plug"? When did it become shameful or less than honorable to promote oneself or one's products? I don't know what Troy's advertising policies are on this site, but if I authored books or had a website to direct people to purchase my books I'd be promoting it EVERY CHANCE I GOT....lol. Infact, I understand in the medical profession it is (or used to be) unethical if not illegal for a doctor to advertise his practice in the media! Nearly 20 years of education and studying intensely to the point you need glasses.....and now you're supposed to sit back and NOT promote your abilities???? This is purely a product of ALTRUISM. A White middle-class social construct not based on any legitimate moral or ethically code. Many Black professionals have knowingly or unwittingly adopted this psuedo-moral concept from White academia (along with other perverted habits) and it has led to confusion and chaos in thier personal lives and especially their relationships with lesser educated Black people who's morals tend to be more literal.
  5. Del However i need to stop wasting energy trying to prove myself. I was trying a new technique. Interestingly a very stubborn Astrologer who says weather prediction isn't possible liked the post. Since he realises the difficulty in predicting direction and wind speed. Like most of our conversation I don't expect you to see more than what is currently in your world. Lol...... Trust me, you've "proven" who and what you are a LONG time ago with the other predictions you've attempted. Save your energy....lol.
  6. Facebook serves 2 major purposes: 1. It's making this and future generations COMFORTABLE in having their privacy violated and eventually abolished. Little is "private" today and each generation seems to be more and more willing to publish their private information online. 2. It's doing the same thing ONLINE to this generation of Black businesses that college education did OFFLINE to Black businesses a few generations ago...... Just like generations ago when Black people owned their own businesses and employed themselves, college education came along and convinced Black youth to abandon entrepreneurship in exchange for a degree and a corporate job........ Today Facebook is convincing Black people to stop buying and managing their own websites and just put everything on Facebook. How many Black people actually own their own domain and website today? Everything is on Facebook and Twitter and Instagram. Even Soulfood sites and menus are on Facebook.....so you have to have a Facebook account of your own just to check out the resturant down the street. White people KNOW how to tap into Black laziness and exploit it.
  7. I recently heard somewhere that Floyd Mayweather said that when Trump talked about grabbing pussy he was talking like a "real man". I think a lot of Black athletes like ASPECTS of Trump's personality for the same reason a lot of men in general...and especially many White men.....like him. He seems to be unapologetic in his masculinity. He talks about pushing himself on women, he goes through a variety of women in marriage, he talks tough and violent, he's rich, he flirts with and talks about women's looks openly..... These are things that most men in this society WANT to do but are afraid they'll get in trouble if they do so. This suppressed desire to express their "true" sexuality is a force that Trump and other White conservatives are able to tap into as an energy reserve.
  8. How many people ARE paid what they actually "deserve" male or female? I found out a long time ago that you usually are paid what you either DEMAND or are skillfull enough to hustle up on. Black people need to seriously examine this belief that somehow if they work hard or produce a great product that White people (in Hollywood or elsewhere) will automatically recognize it or their greatness and compensate them for it. White people aren't divine deities.....they are human beings who shouldn't be expected to give people what they deserve. Infact, you should EXPECT them to lie and steal your ideas and claim them as their own and be pleasantly surprised if they DON'T, lol. White people in Hollywood are prone to lying and injustice like everyone else, so expecting them to pay Black excellence what it deserved is naive. We need to just be greater and greater and improve ourselves for OUR OWN SAKE and compensate OURSELVES however we see fit regardless of what White people think or do.
  9. I'm glad MY (relatively rare) typing errors aren't the only ones you're noticing....lol.
  10. Troy and Cynique I've heard both of you say you like Game of Thrones. Infact, I've heard quite a few Black people say they like it. I haven't had HBO in years so I only caught a few seasons of it, but I remember it as being a typical White male ego booster. When I watched it, it was basically White men living out their fantasies of slaughtering their enemies, all types of naked women (many underage) chasing them around and getting naked to have sex with them, and very few of any Black men or men of any color to get in the way of their fantastic fun. Why do so many Black people like a show that basically tells the world how brave and attractive White men are? Does it not promote White supremacy?
  11. Ok, let me get this straight............. On early Sunday MORNING hurricane Irma made landfall and started going straight up the middle of Florida. But late Sunday NIGHTt....YOU....decide to make an obviously WRONG "prediction" about the path it WILL take despite the fact that it has ALREADY taken a path and is even beginning to weaken and whither away. Wanna know MY prediction? I predict that if you don't seek professional help quick.....your imagination is going to carry you to a place you probably won't want to go, lol.
  12. No, I haven't seen it yet but...... If Girls Trip is the most successful Black film ever......that says a lot about the quality of Black films, lol
  13. Korea (both Koreas) tends to be a very XENOPHOBIC culture. Which means that their culture demand that EVERYONE conform to the same looks and codes of conduct. There are plenty of Americans who also share this view, but thankfully I think most of them are in the minority. When most Americans see the diversity of the United States....they see beauty or a symphony of various races and cultures who live together to produce a great nation. But when most Koreans see the diversity of the United States.....they see a circus or jungle of different "weird" peoples all doing their own thing. The problem with this type of thinking is that it leads to stagnation, no creativity, and lack of growth because everyone is forced to do the same shit over and over again by culture. As much as they may criticize America and the West, if you notice they try their damnedest to be like the West.
  14. Del You eluded to it when you mentioned black leaders should be more street. Or is that stretching the point to much. ????? Now you got me saying "Black leaders should be more street" ???? Lol....man, where are you GETTING these quotes? I don't recall saying ANY of this. Again, can you please show me the posts? What in the world is HAPPENING to you down there in the down under...lol. You better come back home...lol.
  15. Nubian I often question if we were the same people. What if the Native Americans were Black? The Americas BEFORE Columbus was certainly populated by a large number of Black people ALONG WITH with the dominant race of brown skinned straight haired people most commonly refered to as Native Americans. All you have to do is read the writings of Columbus and other European explorers in their journals about encountering "negroes" among the Native populations as they moved about. You can also look at the Olmec heads of Black men down in Mexico that were build before the 1400s as evidence of Black men being here. Now as to the origin of these Black people...... I'm not sure if they were indigenous to the land but I've heard that Mansa Musa's brother Abu Bakr actually sailed across the Atlantic centuries before Columbus along with a group of his soldiers and settled into parts of the Americas. Even before that we hear of extensive trading between Africans and Native Americans going back millenia. Infact, they have found tobacco and cocaine in ancient Egyptian tombs for the pre-pharoahic nobility with is proof of some sort of contact with the Western Hemisphere! And I don't mean the 5 dollar Indians either. I know what you mean......lol. These blonde haired blue eyed White people CLAIMING Native American ancestry. One of the problems is that there are so few REAL full blooded Native Americans left in the United States that most people don't know what real Native Americans actually look like. Most of those calling themselves Natives are damn near White with only trace amounts of Native ancestry; meanwhile many people who are called "Black" by American standards (one drop rule) actually have more Native American physical traits than African....but arent' recognized as such. Del Thanks Nubian Fellow. Indigenous people of America have a culture a language and a place. That makes a huge difference The indigenous people of this land or Native Americans are in my opinion FAR worst condition than AfroAmericans. Most of the real ones....in the United States....have been wiped out and replaced with White people who've stolen their culture and perverted it. And most of the real ones OUTSIDE of the United States don't even consider themselves Native Americaan but rather have taken on a Spanish identity....calling themselves Mexican or Peruvian ect... Only a small minority are actually reall full blooded Native American and practice their original culture.
  16. Del Pioneer in your own words. I ain't black enough. ???? I don't have the best memory in the world so perhaps I'm mistaken, but I don't recall ever telling you that. But since you say those are "my words" and my words on here are recorded.....I suppose it wouldn't be a problem for you to show me where I've said that. Perhaps you are indicative of other black that can't see another black person as an expert. I can neither partake nor condone Black Whinerys. I didn't ask when will you sit down with PIONEER.....lol. I asked when will you sit down with other Black professionals like Mel and Troy and plan out some sort of viable economic plan for Black America. Are THEY "Black whinerys" too? So i am coloborating with non Black occultist since Black people have either nit taken my scholarship seriously or they don't put in the time. If your work isn't being take seriously by other Black people then that means you haven't demonstrated your abilities to their satisfaction.....so they don't have much confidence in you. The question is: Is that THEIR fault or yours? Mel   "Have you ever worked an economic development program?" Yes Have you even been on a steering committee? No.   Black America can have their own economic plan but if there's going to be any type of economic development for a group of people that aren't centrally located a plan would be a start but it will take money and time to execute. Even with a plan, unfortunately, groups of people will still be left behind. There's ALWAYS going to be people left behind no matter what plan we come up with because there's always going to be segments of the population who either don't have the abilty or the desire for any meaninful success. But HOW MUCH of our people are left behind socio-economically depends upon which industry we decide to focus our efforts on building. I don't have a lot of confidence that focusing on robots and artificial intelligence is going to raise enough interest in enough Black people for it to be a viable market to focus our efforts on. I don't mind if SOME Black people who have a keen interest in it engage. I just don't think it's an industry MOST or even a large minority of us should focus too much time or energy on because it's near useless to us as a people. Our people need to focus on getting the yoke of White supremacy off their necks. They need to be able to feed themselves, house themselves, grow their own food, purify the toxic waters in their environmnet, sustain themselves in general....... Playing around with robots and transistors isn't something that will interest the vast majority and it's really something we shouldn't feel too bad about being "left behind" on because it doesn't satify an immediate need anyway. Look..... I'm not "anti technology" and advancment. I'm all for it. But let us not put the cart before the horse. White people come up with all this crap because they've already established an independent civilization and accumulated wealth. So they can afford to experiement with AI and computer sex and all this other sci-fi stuff. We have more pressing and more immediate needs that the most educated among us should focus their energies and efforts on.
  17. Cynique Lol..... Arab is no more a "generic" term for non-Jewish semites than Japanese is a "generic" term for non-Chinese Asians. I'm sure there are plenty of Armenians in the Chicago area, go up to on of them and call them an Arab and see what happens....lol Better yet..... After they've corrected you about NOT being an Arab, I dare you to give THEM the same explaination as to why they ARE Arabs that you've just given me.....lol. No....don't do that. We like having you around here.....lol.   You're trying your BEST to turn this into a "Black man bashing" and "you better not say shit about another Black woman" b-side thread.....lol.....but I'm not taking the bait. I've said what I've said and I'm standing by what I've said. If you think Serena should let some White man with an accent take advantage of her and steal all of her money because....well....because Black men with money marry White women too....then you're entitled to your opinion, lol.
  18. Troy I agree that a person should have the right to marry whoever they want. But when I look at Serena Williams and how so many Black men objectified her and her body. I mean....she was a little too muscular for me....but most Black men glorified her big butt and curves and I almost NEVER heard any White man talk about how attractive she was. Now all of a sudden some White dude we've never heard of comes and gets with her and she get's pregnant by him? It just raises a lot of questions for me. You probably already know, White men see marriage as more of a business deal than a loving relationship which allows them to marry and even have children with women they don't even find attactive let alone love.   Cynique Serena's fiance is an Armenian, which means he is an Arab ????? Armenians aren't Arabs. They are closer to Iranians (Persians) than Arabs. No, he's not flat broke. But Serena's got a hell of a lot more money than he does and I believe his sole intention is to GET some of it. As far as her being screwed over by Black men......this is the first time I'm hearing about it. Maybe she has been. Still, my point remains that this White man (Caucasian atleast) most likely DOESN'T love her and is just using her to increase his bank account. i don't hear you bruhs complaining about all the money being taken out of the black community by the white wives of rich niggas Didn't I mention that silly ass Tiger Woods? Michael Jordan is another one. Rich Black men who've married White women have BEEN making fools out of themselves. So is it now ok for Black women to try and catch up???
  19. According to the Mayor, having a chief storyteller will help Detroiters and their neighborhoods a stronger voice in the media. Lol.... This is from a Mayor who has focused nearly ALL of his attention and the city's resources on downtown and the entertainment district while utterly abandoning the surrounding neighborhoods. This is a purely PR move..... We have an upcoming Mayoral election and the incumbent Mike Duggan is slipping in his popularity. Duggan is a White mayor of a Black city and his challenger....Coleman A. Young II... is gaining in support because of a recent rash of racist incidents happening around the city that he's been highlighting. This was a pr move done in an attempt to win over the support of some in the Black community.
  20. Left behind? Hell, instead of trying to keep up perhaps that best thing to do is actually go in ANOTHER damn direction...lol. I know you asked Del specifically but I just wanted to drop this quickly......... How should this generation prepare? We should prepare by establishing OUR OWN economy and controling it instead of letting the dominant White economic system and it's ever mutating fetishes and fads (from industrial age....to communications age....now to "artificial intelligence" age) influence our financial destiny. One of the reasons so many Black men and women are on the streets today or locked up in jail or dead is because instead of doing OUR OWN THING and taking control of the farms and factories we had in our possession for so much of the 19th and 20th centuries and being content making our livings through them......like the Amish and Menonites and other "backwards yet self sufficient" groups have managed to do- .....too many of us are obssessed with trying to KEEP UP with White folks and what THEY call "progress". Too many of our people say: White folks are getting rich flipping houses....WE should start flipping houses. White folks are getting rich off Ebay and internet businesses.....WE should get in on it. White folks are getting into artificial intelligence.....WE should get in on it while the getting is good!!! Just following them around like puppy hounds. When will the time come where Mel, Del, Cynique, and Troy along with other Black professionals and thinkers sit down at a conference table and map out THEIR OWN economic plan designed specifically for BLACK AMERICA? Tell White analysts and investors that if they want to play around with robots and rubics cubes, by all means knock yourselves out.....but as for US....we're going to focus on agricultural and industrial development. We MUST CHART OUR OWN COURSE !
  21. Cynique I'm curious. How did i try to deceive you? Like you're doing now..... Playing innocent and acting like you don't know what I'm talking about when you know full well.   If a woman is deceptive, then how do you know she is sneaky? Because I'm able to see through the deception and CATCH her as she's TRYING to be sneaky.....lol.   Troy   I can't begin to comprehend this. "Black" deals with phenotype, "Latino" deals ethnicity, and "Asian" deals with geography. So called Black people can fit into all of these categories and white people can easily fit into the Hispanic and Asian categories. In other words it is impossible to make sense of your statement. Maybe if you cited the scientific proof that will make more sense to me. I'm sorry I posted in a bit of a rush last night because I was in a hurry so let me try to clarify..... Allow me to replace "Black, Latino, and Asian" with "African, Native American, and East Asian" peoples. People of color generally have more taste buds and can taste a wider variety of flavors than White people. This affects our cultures and the type of foods we eat which makes our cultures different than theirs. As for scientific proof, check out this scientific magazine article that backs up the fact that many people have known for decades if not centuries: "Studies have shown that around 25% of people are said to be non-tasters, 25% supertasters and 50% medium tasters. These numbers can vary depending on sex and ethnicity. Women are more likely to be supertasters and so are people from Asia, Africa and South America." http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/humanbody/body/articles/senses/supertaster.shtml As the article pointed out, people of color just have more taste buds than White people, and this affects the differences in our cultures. White scientists have KNOWN this about themselves, but most Black people have no idea that their tongues and taste buds are different. This is an example of important knowledge that has been kept from them that I mentioned months ago and how we need our own scientists instead of relying on White scientists to tell us the truth about ourselves. Alcohol consumption is a GREAT example of the taste buds genetics between the races............... Most people who have experienced a varity of cultures have recognized the alcohol consumption is a LARGE staple of European culture. White people both here in America as well as Europe LOVE drinking and getting drunk. One of the reasons for this is explained by the fact that most of them...especially White men....don't have the bitter taste receptors to to detect the bitter taste of alcohol like most other races.
  22. Troy My fight is not against white people, but the systems that create white racists. Some racists are born, but MOST are actually made by society. And the reason so many White people BECOME racist is because they look at Black people in this society and see them as inferior. And the reason they see Black people as inferior is because they see so many Black people not being able to function or make it in this society and many often forced to beg, hustle, and live lives of crime just to survive. You may not want to hear this............ But I'm beginning to believe that most of the problems Black people have in this society is not as a DIRECT result of racism but from not being able to function in such a COMPLEX society like this, that has been developed by Whites for Whites. To make it plain and simple, most of our people simply aren't smart enough to manage or manuever their way through out this society successfully and this is one of the main reasons why they keep having problems financially, legally, socially, and otherwise...... Many White people know this and they choose to take advantage of our people because of this. They know they aren't smart enough to understand various financial contracts so they take advantage of them financially. They know they aren't smart enough to understand certain legal things so they take advantage of them legally and they end up in prison. And so on and so on..... I'm not saying this is the case with ALL Black people, you and many others are very very intelligent and probably have little problem achieving success in a society as complex as this, but many just don't have the smarts to do it and that's a sad fact that we're going to have to accept if we want to solve some of the problems we face. The only human solution to this problem is for INTELLIGENT Black people to take the reins of leadership in the community and work on forging a new society for Black Americans that is simple enough yet progressive enough for us to prosper in. The only way most of us can make it is if we build a NEW society and the educated professional Black men and women must us their skills to help do this. Nubian and I am not convinced that the Chinese wouldn't be more brutal with us than white people are now. I've often thought about this also. Especially as they move more and more into Africa. Honestly....... I don't think Chinese would do sneaky underhanded things like AIDS and crack and poisoning the water just to keep control over Black people. They probably would be more open in using force like killing outright or imprisonment....similar to how they handle their own people. Asians make it clear how they feel about you, which in a way lessens the confusion. You mentioned Latinos and how they're treated similarly to Black people. Aside from the fact that many Latinos are actually Black (and many are White); most Latinos from Mexico are actually NATIVE AMERICAN. They are Aztec Indians whose ancestors were enslaved by the Spanish and now call themselves Mexican, or Guatamalan, or El Salvadorian. Native Americans......in my observation....are the closest race to Black people in intellect and temparment and they act more like us than any other race which is probably why they're treated so much like us by Whites. They too can't function in this complex society that was developed BY and FOR Whites and this is why so many of them are alcoholic, in prison, and have a high suicide rate. The only other race that seems to be able to function and do well inside the White socio-economic infrastructure are East Asians.
  23. Black people....especially Black Americans.....just want attention. Most people want attention, that's human. But the difference is many of our people are so psychologically damaged and feel so inferior about themselves and are so desparate for attention that they'll do ANYTHING (including kill other people like the Cleveland killer) to get other people to notice them and pay them some attention. Social media just provides a platform for them to get the attention they crave so much......just like sites like the one Troy's providing is a platform for US to bring attention to our views and thoughts.
  24. Troy Pioneer the differences you are attributing to race are a function of culture or evil. This is true. But as we discussed months ago in another thread, CULTURE is heavily influenced by GENETICS (race). The genetic traits of a group of people (as in a race) heavily influence their cultural practices. For example............... What makes up a culture? Food, language, marriage customs, dress..... Take marriage: Black men tend to have a high testosterone rate than White men, so if you look at Black cultures we have MULTIPLE WIVES and having a high sex drive even as an old man is valued, where as in European cultures MONOGAMY is the norm and celibacy is valued. Take food: Black and Latino and Asian people have been scientifically proven to have more "super tasters"......or have more active taste buds.....than White people. And because of having more taste buds and desiring more flavors, Black and Asian cuisines tend to use more spices and colors in their foods. And the same can be said about language, dress, and other aspect of culture. Race or genetic traits of the majority of the people heavily influence the culture.   Cynique Sneaky and deceptive? Yes....that's right. Have i ever deceived you? You tried Or been anything but aggressive in my arguments with you? Rarely ...lol.
  25. I just have to shake my head at this.......... Hooked up with a White man who probably wouldn't even TALK to her if she wasn't world famous multi-millionaire. And EVEN had the man's baby. I don't even believe that man loves her. I believe he's just playing her along to juice her out of as much of her wealth as he can and then eventually leave her..............like Tiger Woods' wife did him. This is an example of how wealth leaves the Black community. Wealth Black people are so quick to get emotionally and financially involved with White people instead of with eachother and a few years down the line these White people find an excuse to LEAVE the relationship and take most of the wealth with them.....back to the White community.
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