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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. Would you say much of your happiness and success was a result of "luck" or because of good decisions you've made? BTW, you don't exactly see and hear the SAME shit around you. Things change....maybe not as drastically at times...but they change every moment. Your body at 50 isn't like it was at 20. Your home isn't exactly like it was yesterday....even if your car keys are laying in a different spot.
  2. frankster That maybe true in the case of some.....but the individuals incarcerated by DEA agents and ICE border Guards may disagree If this is the case for ANY...then it proves my point that illegal immigration and the drug trafficking are CONTROLLED and ALLOWED instead of aggressively and sincerely prosecuted. Please share those reasons? Among many others...... 1. To destabilize the AfroAmerican population. 2. To PARTIALLY and STRATEGICALLY replace the AfroAmerican population in certain areas of the nation and economy. 3. To replace much of the cheap labor force decimated by Covid. I have to admit, I DO like the idea that they want to invent their own currency. This is a step in the right direction. It really doesn't have to be recognized on the international market as long as it will buy goods and services on the African continent.
  3. I've been going to college campuses for decades. I've lived in a huge university town for years. I've been around the internet for over 20 years ....and I PROMISE you, I hadn't even heard of this acronym or term "DEI" until this year. Now all of a sudden it's all over the internet. Every other article is featuring this acronym. Every political argument involves it. Diversity Equity Inclusion This reminds me of "CRT" or Critical Race Theory of a few years ago. Where is this shit coming from? Who's making up these terms and tossing them out for people to wrestle over? And more importantly, what do they have to do with AfroAmericans? We need to be careful and monitor new words and catch phrases being put out in society that we don't know the origins or meanings of.
  4. frankster At Present the US is having Border Issue.....Drugs and Migrants Yes...."issue" is the right word because they aren't problems for the government. Both the drugs and immigrants are being ALLOWED to come in in controlled measures. The U.S. is MORE than capable of not only stopping the drugs but the immigrants pouring across the border as well, if they wanted to. They don't want to for reasons that are obvious to you and me. As far as the food situation in Haiti..... I'm not educated enough on it to agree or disagree with what you wrote. I've been hearing for years about the Clinton's involvement in Haiti.
  5. Troy Several times you've mentioned "this omniscient being". Should I take that to mean you don't believe in God? Where did you learn about the NDE experiences of these people a book, YouTube? Both. I've been studying them for years. All you have to do is ASK some of the people you know who've been in traumatic situations where they've been unconscious for an extended period of time and some of them may have some experiences to share with you too! Did they also explain why people would come back to be beheaded starve to death, die in infancy, and be raped and tortured? Did they explain what these experiences would provide them? Yes. According to many of them, every experience has a reason behind it. ProfD Now I'm wondering if I should feel slighted that I've not been able to participate in the near death experience and jumping around in different realities games. How do you know you haven't? One Multi-Reality theory claims that every single move is part of a different Reality. Their theory claims you're constantly moving through BILLIONS of Realities each moment.
  6. ProfD Gaddafi was definitely on code in how he tried to set Libya up to win. That country hasn't been right since they assassinated him. True. And actually, the same could be said about Iraq after Saddam Hussein was executed. He was called the "butcher of Baghdad" however his iron fist rulership kept down a lot of bloodshed in that nation. After he was taken out, gangs of armed factions been running that nation and warring with each other since. As mentioned in the other thread, Burkina Faso, Niger, Mali and Togo seem to be moving in that direction under young Black leadership Time will have to tell. There are a whole lot of young Black leaders all over the world...but where are they leading the people? I'm not impressed with young brothers picking up arms and talking tough and giving speeches. I've seen it so much it doesn't impress me anymore. I want to see the FOLLOW UP. Once you THINK you've kicked the White folks out, now what are your plans to make the nation BETTER than the way they had it? Will the busses and trains run on time...or will there BE NO busses or trains anymore?
  7. Troy no I do not think most meaning more than 50% of Black people know how to farm Exactly. So where is the argument? As far as fishing, I would be willing to bet 51% of Black people have some experience fishing. even if they don’t they can learn in 30 minutes or so. I'm not sure about that. Are you including all Black women and all Black folks born and raised in major cities in this demographic? But you never needed “most” people to know how to farm or fish you just need enough people to support the rest. Ok. You're right. Now....do we have THAT? Do we have enough AfroAmericans who know how to farm and fish to feed our community here in the U.S.? I was surprised that you would reject that statement and supported by saying that most Black people don’t know how to fish. I'd agree that we don't need WHITE folks to teach us, but we need SOMEBODY to teach us...even if it's other AfroAmericans who know how. As we've already agreed upon, most of our people DO NOT know how to properly farm or fish to generate enough food to feed our entire community, let alone enough to actually sell food to other communities to help support them and make money for ourselves. The question isn't whether or not we can learn. Most of us were farmers and knew how to grow our own food, build our own houses, and sew our own clothes when we were living down South over 100 years ago. My GrandFather actually built the house my Mother and her siblings were raised in and my Grandmother sewed their clothes. We're not talking about then, we're talking about NOW.
  8. Because it doesn't make sense to you, does that discount it as a possibility? If you study Near Death Experiences and those who come back with messages, one of their explanations as to why people come into THIS Reality and go through some of the hardships they go through is to gain EXPERIENCE. Kind of like how a person appreciates wealth more if they've experienced poverty, as opposed to one born and raised in the lap of luxury and may be easily bored with it.
  9. 1. It is widely known that the ONLY qualification for being a Christian is accepting Jesus Christ as your "lord and savior". So yes...being brought up with Christian parents or in a Christian society and loosely believing in Christianity is sufficient. You don't have to be a fundamentalist. Now whether one is a "good Christian" or not....I'm sure has qualifications based on one's behavior and adherence to the different rules depending on your denomination, but most Christians would agree that simply accepting Christ as your lord and savior is sufficient. 2. Moses, Pharaoh and the others have next to NOTHING to do with Christianity because most Christians only use the Old Testament as a reference pointing to the New Testament. From a scholarly point of view...... These are what could be considered Biblical (some may even argue "fictional") characters, while early founders of Christianity were real historical figures. It should also be noted that Christianity was NOT established by the figure we call Jesus. It was established by Paul. But that's a different argument all together....lol.
  10. Troy How do you think most Christians became Christian? They were BORN into it. As is the case with most religions. Do you think the only people spreading the gospel are white people in Africa? No. There are black Christians going to white countries to proselytize. Yes, but for different reasons than the White Christians. The Black Christians who go to White nations to proselytize are sincere and actually believe in the Bible and in Christianity. Most of the White Christians who go to Africa, Asia, and other nations of color KNOW better and DON'T believe in the Bible nor Christianity but recognize them and use them as TOOL to subjugate the people they come into contact with. As far as the origins of Christianity. Where do you believe is started pioneer? Then tell me which continent that would be? I’ll wait… “And it was in Antioch that the disciples were first called Christians,” Acts 11: 26. Antioch was/is a city in norther Syria.....in what was considered Asia Minor . But the modern form of Christianity most Christians practice today was crafted in Rome under the Vatican.
  11. Troy you clearly don’t live in the south my brother. I can’t even wrap my brain around what you just wrote. It was intellectually dishonest for you to leave off a key word in my statement. I said MOST....not all...MOST. And would you disagree with it? Do you believe MOST Black folks in the U.S. know how to farm and fish? frankster Understand this None of the Great Powers are able to keep any other power from Intervening inside their respective Countries 100%. Understood. But my question is, do they NEED to do this at 100%? If they can secure their borders and the influence and information that flows in and out of their nation ENOUGH, most nations would be satisfied. Show me the Truth in your Analysis....? Look at the current situation in Haiti as a stark example. You have several groups of armed men. The media calls them "gangs". I would call them militias. But all of them are armed and fighting eachother over territory, money, and resources that already exist or is promised to come in. How many of them are talking about farming to be able to feed their population, building new schools to educate the population, and building a new infrastructure for the nation? Any of them building hospitals? Zimbabwe. So, 2 questions: 1. Did the Black population of Zimbabwe forcibly KICK OUT the White power structure that ruled the land or were they GRANTED so-called "independence" from that power structure? 2. Is the nation of Zimbabwe currently THRIVING?
  12. Man....is that your favorite word or something? You're the ONLY one I hear using it online OR offline...lol. But to answer your question.....and it actually is a pretty good question..... The simple and straight forward answer is I'M NOT SURE. But to go in more detail, I'll say consider 2 things............ 1. Knowing everything that will take place doesn't necessarily equate to predetermination. It suggests it, but doesn't equate to it. Kind of like programing a computer SUGGESTS that you will know how it operates.....but this doesn't necessarily EQUATE to it. Only KNOWING HOW IT WILL OPERATE equates to knowing how it will operate, regardless of who programmed it and how it was intended to operate. 2. If you consider the MULTI-REALITY Theory that suggests that ALL possibilities exist and are being played out somewhere in existence. Then ofcourse all things are predetermined by the Omniscient BEING because all things and all scenarios exist actually exist! But as an individual you could still have a choice as to which Reality you navigate through. And yes, the Omniscient BEING knows which Reality you'll choose to naviage through. But that doesn't necessarily mean THEY made that choice for you....THEY knew you'd choose it. Like I said about....knowing the choice you'll make may not necessarily mean THEY programmed you to make that choice. It may suggest it, but doesn't hard rock guarantee that this is the case. So perhaps predetermination AND individual free-will exists side by side if you accept the Multi-Reality Theory.
  13. Don't get me wrong....... I'm not saying they were "enemies" of Black people. Not sure about Gaddafi and what all he did for Black people outside of gifting and loaning money to the Nation of Islam, but Castro did MANY magnificent things for Black people around the planet from funding and assisting in revolutions around Africa to sending aid and help to Black and poor struggles around the Americas. I'm just saying that a Black coalition needs to be led by BLACK PEOPLE. Not a White nor almost-White "savior". What does it say about us, that we aren't doing it on our own and need them? That actually defeats the purpose. Replace the French of British colonizer with a White Latino or White Berber colonizer....what's the difference? If I were one of the rich elite White folks who ran the world, that would probably have been my argument to Gaddafi or Castro to attempt to win them over, lol. "Yeah...we're ruling them because we don't think have sense enough to take care of and govern themselves! Say what? You said you're going to help organize them to overthrow our racist White power structure because they should be independent? Well....if they need YOU to do it because they can't do it on their own then doesn't that PROVE a White man should be in charge??? Let the Revolutions go and come and join us in rulership my 'almost but not quite White -but white enough' -brothers! "
  14. frankster True its what they represent...but it starts with Kicking out the french a big part of it.. It's one thing to KICK the French out. It's another thing to KEEP the French out. Well they The AES is spoiling for the fight......David Meets Goliath - My money is on David If I were you I wouldn't conflate Biblical stories with real life current events. It could and often does lead to disappointment and bewilderment when things don't turn out like it did in the book version. That is Pure Unadultered Crap a Pristine Load of Aged BS propaganda spread by the West Even IF what you said about my analysis was correct....lol. Most propaganda has atleast a KERNEL of truth in it. However if I'm wrong, SHOW AND PROVE with a RECENT example of a Black nation that has FORCIBLY removed the White colonizers through revolution and is now thriving. Troy The French have been helpless since WWII, they have neither the military might or the will to come back into Africa. And who’s going to help them recolonize those African nations, the EU the Americans? The Global White Power Structure works as a TEAM. America is the chief enforcer of policies often devised in England, France, and Germany. It doesn't matter which language a White man currently in Africa speaks....the rest of his brothers will benefit from his exploits. ProfD Black folks have never needed white folks to teach them how to farm or do anything else. Never???? Bro, RIGHT NOW most Black folks in the U.S. don't know how to farm or even catch a damn fish. It's been like that for the past 50 years or so since most of our people left the rural South for big cities. Most Black folks in the U.S. totally depend on White folks directly or indirectly just for their daily bread and toilet paper. There's enough intelligence among Black folks to do anything we desire. Just a matter of removing foreigners from our lands and building strategic alliances among ourselves using our collective knowledge, skills and abilities. And how long have we talked about doing this? Over a century now. Will this time in Burkina Faso be different? Time will tell.
  15. Troy there are many scholars that would disagree with you. True. And there are many scholars who would AGREE. Scholars who are both Christian and Afrocentrist will cherry pick and point out consistencies between Christianity, the Bible, and Egyptian Mysticism. Afrocentrist scholars who are reject Christianity will ask them: - what part of ancient Egypt did Christians derive the name "Jesus" from? - what part of ancient Egypt is there talk of a Christ figure dying for 3 days and being resurrected? - what part of ancient Egypt did the concept of Popes, cardinals, and nuns come from? Again, claiming Christianity comes from Egypt is just another excuse negroes make to adhere to the "old time" religion that White folks forced on their ancestors. Going back to your original question it was answered. If the roles were reversed, and everything else being equal, Europeans and Arab would’ve converted too it has to do with the way humans behave has nothing to do with the color of the skin. I suppose you have a few examples to prove this assertion?
  16. I've concluded that I've answered your question. Lol....got another one?
  17. One of the problems is under colonialism....much of the ancient culture and ways of farming and doing things to feed themselves were ERASED as the Europeans imposed a new system of doing things on them. After generation after generation of this, the "old ways" have been nearly forgotten. Now it's up to us to discover and invent brand new ways to become independent and self sufficient.....because the way the Europeans taught us certainly isn't working. But I don't think most of them are trying to do that. Many Africans....like many AfroAmericans....simply don't want White folks telling them what to do anymore, but still don't know how to fully take care of themselves and operate a fully functioning society. Kind of like a teenager who is growing up in an abusive foster home and wants their independence from their abusers, but doesn't have a job, doesn't own a car, doesn't know the first thing about leasing an apartment or buying a house.
  18. Christianity did NOT come out of Africa. Nor is it founded in ancient Egyptian/Kemetic belief systems. I've heard and read these claims for years by a lot of quasi-Christian Afrocentrists. Most of them push this belief by CHERRY PICKING certain similarities that exist between the religion of Christianity and a few documented stories attributed to ancient Egyptian philosophy....but not by doing on extensive comparison between the two institutions. Based on my research on religion....especially Christianity and it's foundations and doctrine....there are VERY FEW similarities between Christianity and ancient Egyptian belief systems when both are compared in their "entirety". In my opinion, it's pushed by Black folks who are still affiliated with the church and Christianity and seek to find ways to justify their position and association to it by making it seem as if Christianity is really "our" religion so they don't have to make the difficult choice of leaving it. Similar to how they'll take a White Jesus and paint him "Black" but still hold on to the "white savior" mentality...lol. BTW, my question as to whether or not the Europeans or Arabs would have followed traditional African religion if the roles were reversed and Africans went up into Europe or Arabia to convert them has yet to be touched....lol.
  19. Troy Lol..... They wouldn't be very "omniscient" if they DIDN'T know.....would they?
  20. frankster I think you and are share very similar positions on this subject. I believe SOME things are pre-determined and SOME things are random and based on individual choices. What percentage is which...I'm not sure.
  21. The Amish operate INSIDE the world's most militarily powerful nation and are pretty much guaranteed security by them. The island of Jamaica could easily conquer the Amish and snatch their musty asses up by their long grey beards.....if the U.S. government just sat back with their arms crossed and allowed them in to do it. America protect those within her territory....including those without the power to protect themselves like the Amish, Mennonites and other so-called "independent" communities. Think of the Amish as a senile old man living in the attic of his rich son-in-law and daughters well guarded multi million dollar mansion.... He can afford to open the window cussing and shaking his fists at people who walk past his home because it's well guarded and nobody will bother to get to him anyway...lol.
  22. Then the question would be, why do so many of our people keep falling for the same okey doke over and over again? Look at what happened with Jim Jones and the "People's Temple". That shit happened as late as the 70s.....AFTER our community was educated and informed by the greats such as Marcus Garvey and Elijah Muhammad. Over 700 Black folks STILL fell for that devil's hype and followed that fool down there!
  23. I don't think the French are "wurred" about what's going on in West Africa one bit. Know why? For several reasons: 1. It's not about kicking out the French alone. The System of White Racism is global and works as a team. If you kick out France, eventually England, Germany, the U.S. and Russia will get involved one way or another and you'll have to deal with them. 2. Any group of angry young men can pick up gats and declare a Revolution and declare themselves free. The White Power Structure COULD send in a battalion and lay so many of our brothers over there low....it wouldn't even be funny. But they probably won't do that. They'll probably do what they've BEEN doing for the past 50 years and just WAIT. Wait on what? Wait on them to get hungry...... Whether you're talking about Burkina, Niger, Haiti, or any other nation that is in the throws of a coup you find the same story. A bunch of young men who all want to stand around with gats but nobody wants to pick up a shovel and dig a ditch to lay the foundation for a new building. Nobody wants to go to the country side and plant trees, crops, raise animals, learn how to build buildings and irrigation systems. They just want to fight eachother over what already IS there and what's left after the many wars....and ofcourse wait on foreign aid in the form of food and money and fight eachother over that too. And White folks know it. We can see the coup. We can see the plans for armed revolution. We can see military men in uniforms and berets laying across their heads with gats on their hip standing around making speeches with more armed young men standing around looking mean. We see that. Now....show me the people actually FARMING and growing enough food to feed their population so they won't have to keep begging the West for sacks of grain and rice to fight over, and BUILDING brand new buildings and schools and hospitals THEMSELVES instead of asking Whites and Asians to do it for them -as part of this Revolutionary coup to replace the White System! I'm waiting. Like Sofia from The Color Purple said: Just don't keep me waiting TOO long.
  24. During our discussion in another thread about why Africans so easily converted to other outside foreign religions, I forgot to add something....... I could understand if a Spirit or some other super natural Entity actually CAME to Africans and clearly openly declared Christianity or Islam or some other religion to be the correct one coming from God. I could understand if a super natural Entity came performing Miracles in the name of those other religions. In THAT case...I can easily understand how a person seeing this would convert and accept it. I can understand how someone BORN into the religion could just easily accept it as true.....however I'm talking about the FIRST people of those lands who were introduced to it. For another human being who doesn't even look like you to simply come from another nation with a book that you can't even read because it's not in your language and TELL you it came from God or TELL you it's holy and you should accept it and that religion....and you sincerely accept it without any proof or strong evidence....that, I take issue with. I wonder would the Europeans or Arabs so easily convert to traditional African religions as so many Africans converted to Christianity and Islam?
  25. I guess when we say "necessary" we have to qualify it with a description of "necessay for what". If you want to talk about what is absolutely necessary for survival as humans, then you're talking: Food Water Want to extend your life a little further: ...on top of that add Shelter ...and depending on the climate, Clothing...lol. Want to live even longer: ...add First Aid and some form of Healthcare I think you get my point....LOL. If you want a relatively modern and functioning society, at this point wifi internet is a basic necessity. Take that away, the nation won't last long because it will fall into chaos and be conquered.
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