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Posts posted by richardmurray



    but i ask you, what should the state of white priviledge be ? Why wouldn't a majority of whites in a state, not demand advantages in their favor when that was and is the status quo or what their forebears made the usa for?



    One of the problems I have with so many in the USA is they don't seem to comprehend that many  others in the USA don't  share their view and no true majority exists. Yes, some try to talk about the legal code. But the legal code of the usa was created by people whose actions most cancellers in the USA today will consider worthy of being cancelled. In the black community in the USA the variance between blacks who want equality side blacks who want , to be blunt, superiority has been one of the problems. Not because one is right or wrong but because the goals have no middle ground and that extends into the black people who desire a form of communalism over individual rights in the black community aside the black people who desire individual freedom in the black community over communal function. Unity between goals when one wants to go left while the other right. The two goals are polar opposites. Those who want advantage side those who do not, in all races: phenotypical/gender/age/religion/language/philosophy/financial standing,  or other in the USA is the main battle in the USA or each community in the USA but one that can not be one without violence inevitably. 

  2. now01.jpg

    Leo D. Sullivan, an Emmy-winning pioneer in animation with a career of over 50 years and work on dozens of cartoons, has died. He was 82.

    Sullivan died March 25 of heart failure at Kaiser Permanente West Los Angeles Medical Center.

    Throughout his career, Sullivan helped bring characters to life through his animation, storyboarding, directing and producing. His work spanned numerous television shows, including “Hey, Hey, Hey, It’s Fat Albert,” “The Incredible Hulk,” “My Little Pony” and “Flash Gordon,” along with companies like Hanna-Barbera, Warner Brothers and Spunbuggy Works. Sullivan contributed to the opening animation on “Soul Train” which premiered in 1971.

    The Lockhart, Texas, native moved to Los Angeles in 1952, and soon entered the industry running errands for “Looney Tunes” animator Bob Clampett. In the 1960s, Sullivan joined former Disney animator Floyd Norman to help co-found Vignette Films, a company that created educational films for U.S. students about historic Black figures.

    The pair would go on to found AfroKids, a website and streaming service with a mission of providing “a stellar experience for the whole Black family.” More recently, Sullivan launched his own foundation, Leo Sullivan Multimedia Inc.

    Sullivan has twice been awarded by the Black Filmmakers Hall of Fame in Oakland, Calif. and had his artistic work displayed in San Francisco Cartoon Museum and the Los Angeles African American Museum. He also taught classes in digital animation and 2D animation for three years at the Art Institute of California-Orange County.

    He is survived by his wife Ethelyn, daughter Tina Coleman, and son Leo D. Sullivan Jr.



    Article reference


    • Thanks 2
  3. @KENNETH 


    Ultimately does this go beyond race and extend to class? 

    your first question is provocative, for the work. why? Your first question does three things. These three things are merely displayed for multilog, not to make a relevant point. 

    1) it separates the word race or class in terms of their definition. when I use race or class I use them interchangeably. Race in the usa, for most people is phenotypical race. but religious race/gender race/financial race/age race also exist. Race is an unbounded word for me. So when I use the word race I am not suggesting it refers to the phenotypical only. In parallel, Class in the usa , for most people is financial class. But religious class/gender class/phenotypical class/age class also exist. Class is an unbounded word for me. When I use class or race, I see them equal in value to the words rank , order, classification, status, culture, heritage which all have the same root definition, at least to me; Arrangements based on a value. Yes heritage is what you carry, the value is your forebears way of life. Culture is what you grow, the value is your choice of way of life. Status is a label, the value is how others mark you. But all of said words are arrangements based on a value. 

    2) you dont' mention it explicitly, but you place phenotypical race/class under or less than financial class/race. Personally, I think the emphasis or potency of orders/ranks/races/classes between themselves is based on a given populace to mull over. In the USA many people are fiscal capitalist, not all, but many. But the problem is many people in the USA are socialist, and socialism at its core is a system of one financial race. The worker. The problem with socialism is, the landless vagrant when they have a house may want more. And socialism doesn't have a financial upward mobility. It doesn't have downward, but it doesn't have upward. financial risk+reward is absent. Thus why most in humanity speak in socialist terms, the 1% in every country in humanity is majority fiscal capitalist. So, it financial orders greater than phenotypical orders. In my historical view, no. But, it all depends on the time and place. In the USA many, across class/racial lines want to create a consensus of finance>phenotype. but why?

    3) why does a multiclassist or multiracial community  in the USA accept the concept of financial arrangements being superior to non financial arrangements? They feel it is the solution to peace. The USA is too multicultural in religion, phenotpye, language, gender, age, to use one of those factors for the majority. BUt, many in the USA feel that the commonly called middle class, is a financial race a majority can be a part of in the usa. Sequentially, financial race is superior to phenotypical class for said folk. Now, I argue, the USA has never had a majority above poor and below rich. The majority in the usa have always been poor. Before the war between the states that is unquestionable. After is where statistical assessment comes into play. The USA has been in the business of using statistical assessment, which is arithmetically proven can be used to attest to anything, to suggest a middle financial class has existed and needs to be reclaimed.


    What is the relevant point? None of what I said before. I did say the prior wasn't relevant, just for multilog.  The relevant point is aracial. 

    It is not going beyond race into class. As you alluded to, race/class go hand in hand. But, systems of classification always go hand in hand in any government in humanities history. The reality is, governments are themselves a class or race. Which undercuts why those who try to get away from races or classes ala aracial/aclassist usually fail. To restate, the usa is a fiscal capitalistic country, which demands poeple in it exists in races/clases/orders based on the trading of goods. Those with the most as you said ...


     After all powerful monied whites including the Founding Fathers were rich and waged a war of national liberation against British rule because they hated taxes and government control. Black enslavement and the genocide of Indigenous people were certainly racist, but also class driven economics. The least well off landless and small farmers after the Revolution needed land political leaders opened the West to expansion killing off even more indigenous people than in were exterminated in the original thirteen colonies.


    Jump forward today and if you notice the assault on welfare programs including Social Security and Medicare and union busting in the name of individualism, self reliance, economic growth, and fiscal control are done by those critical even hostile to political reforms that advance freedom and racial equality. 


    Even wealthy and middle class blacks who get over are often opposed to critiques and class based actions challenging Corporate Capitalism because these blacks benefit more from legal and social equality with whites yet poor and working class blacks need material economic equality. 


    When we talk about race and privilege class cannot be denied. It's not just systemic white racism. Uncontrolled Corporate Capitalism and those with money exploiting poor and working people is the other side. The latter can come in blackface just as readily as white.


    ...which I concur to, in the modern usa , maintain the system of inequality, though I add it is also those that do not have who want to be in the advantaged inequal position as well.  But the question I posed to cynique is , maybe the flaw isn't that the have's abuse the have not, but the legal system in the usa, suggests that the have's shouldn't. I think the problem in the USA is the legal system is aracial or aclassist or at its core absent an arrangement. I daresay the usa legal structure allows for global citizenry. But the functional problem is the populace in the usa or the larger humanity is using a system of intermingled races/classes to align itself. which doesn't fit the legal system of the usa, and thus the constant clashes. The legal system is the problem. Most in the USA don't desire it but live under it, don't live by it, but live under it. and that creates problems when it comes to how privilege is approached. 

  4. @Troy well, at some point one has to chose to self or the group with no option in between  and in human history either are chosen but the one not chosen always suffers.


    Well, you say the wbe wasn't designed to work this way but the web was designed to be flexible. As always people forget that nothing in the usa starts equal. sequentially, it doesn't grow equal. And I argue the people in control comprehend this. Yes, the internet's design is absent manipulation more collaborative, but the internet's design is open to manipulation and sequentially will be manipulated. I comprehend your point but I see the current internet as inevitable. 

    yeah, well you are doing great @Troy the key is to be able to continue. getting the masses requires changes in human community that are not happening at the moment

  5. @Cynique  when i look at the history of the USA. The community of people in the USA who publicly+functionally act aracial + equal in treating every other human being has grown since the time of the thirteen colonies. the problem is, not all blacks , not all whites, not all native americans, not all men, not all women, not all christians, not all muslims, not all anglos, not all latinos, not all elders, not all children,  have embraced the idea of equality for all races. And the reason is simple. the people who have financially profited in the usa the most , always take advantage of others. always.  Now anyone can argue, that happens in human history , anywhere. but the problem is what you allide to in your last sentence in your prose Cynique. You talk of rights. that is the USA problem. The USA is like all other governments in human history , based on one group taking advantage of others, whether internally or externally or both. but, the USA has the oldest legal code among current governments in humanity where equality is inferred as a universal right. So if you look at historical fact aside the usa legal projection, the solution is to end the idea that equality should be a right. The preamble of the consitution of the USA written by white slaveowners  is the problem. the community of people in the usa who adhere by it, while larger than ever before, are not necessarily the majority populace in the usa. 

  6. @Troy i concur that unity of a purpose is a foundation for any organization that wants cohesive members. I know it isn't as straightforward as you said it, but when I think of unity it is a collectiveness about a thing while organization to me is a thing structured about a thing. they are not the same for me, I think both have equal value. Collectiveness + Structure is ideal and rare in most settings.


    To google, being able to print back issues. When Ebony was sold to clearview one wonders what they signed or agreed to. Firms that buy other firms in financial distress have a sell mentality. Clearview wants to break up and sell what it can. It wasn't and isn't looking to grow anything. They are just a fancier shark from the 1970s and 1980s. 



    So more than likely the time ebony was owned by clear view have google the opportunity to show the backlog, let alone anything that happened while Johnson, the original owner was dead and Ebony was owned by his relatives,  I assume. 


    yeah, bridgeman is one of many blacks in the entertainment field who found themselves at the growing fast food franchise industry at the right time.  Bill Cosby was a big bottler. A number of black entertainers invested in the fast food industry in the 70s/80s which was a great time, during the 1980s in particular. Fast food places would explode  all over the place and people like bridgeman who actually had money and was black could afford to start one or two and go from there. Now he is in the Black owned investment firm market, which is relatively hot right now. 


    To the web being siloed, that is the way it should be , shouldn't it? 

    Most human beings are not online. But as the populace grows online, it will make outreach harder, which makes sense to me. Let alone that the social firms online are many and even though some may be deemed small they tend to have millions . 




    I read the article. Franlin leonard said:"when you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression" but he chose the wrong phrase. He talks about feelings but the issue is desires. The equation is simple. Fiscal capitalism in the USA doesn't work on merit or knowledge or erudition or wisdom. It works on inheritance + opportunity.  Whites are accustomed to a greater inheritance + opportunity than any other. That is why their forebears killed the native american for this land and enslaved blacks, no matter where we came from, to till it. This was to provide their future generations greater inheritance + opportunity. But whites comprehend what equality is, beyond what it feels like. Equality financially is a lessening of inheritance + opportunity for those getting the most. It is a simple financial loss. Black people do ourselves a disservice making equality  an issue of feelings, and not a financial loss, for whites. Black people want equality not to feel free, freedom doesn't come from equality. Black people want equality to gain more inheritance + opportunity. 

    Another issue is the word slavery is never mentioned in these sort of articles. I quote the article:"Hierarchy-flattening programs like affirmative action wouldn't be necessary if Black Americans received equal opportunities. "  Black Americans were enslaved to white americans, that heritage is the basis to inequality. The USA didn't start with Native Americans+Blacks+Whites free and equal and Blacks+Native Americans had their equality taken away by whites. The USA was born with Blacks+ NAtive Americans enslaved/murdered/oppressed.  It wasn't like when the war between the states ended blacks+whites were equal. The author makes it seem like the modern era from 1968 to now matters. But it doesn't. The inequality black people refer to is American, is historic, is a heritage. 

    I think the inability of Black people to mention fiscal capital context when it comes to the phenotypical racial relationships as well as the inability or lack of desire to connect slavery to the modern situation are dysfunctions. 

  8. @Chevdove 

    well, based on his policies he is no different than any other president. Schrumpf merely continued barack obama's immigration policy. Obama was the one who started separating the illegal immigrant children, not schrumpf. Schrumpf merely continued it. Schrumpf focused on china as an opponent and Biden is continuing it. The wild financial system has been given free reign since Reagan, all presidents since reagan have capitulated to the banks and financial sectors, all of them. 


    Schrumpf differs from all the other reagan era presidents by one thing alone, his advertisements. From Reagan to Biden all the presidents outside SChrumpf don't advertise negativities. 

    Reagan undercut public schools, which public schools never recovered from, but he never said, taxpayers money should go to taxpayers schools.

    Bush jr. went into iraq to continue the war machine to get control of oil but never said, the usa needs to reclaim the global oil supply to make cost of living like it was before 1970s for the usa empire.

    Clinton damaged the labor system with welfare to work and mismanaged the internet allowing the private sector to dictate its elemental structure. But he never said, I am unwilling to curtail the business plan of the private sector for the poor and I am willing to accept this new media outlet be a wild west to the detriment of all who interact with it. 

    Bush jr. made two illegal wars. but he never said, the usa has to have a greater militaristic presence in the arab world whether they want it or not. 

    Obama broke the first rule of fiscal capitalism and insulted every fiscal poor person in the usa giving a black check to the banks and automotive firms and others. but he never said, I don't have the courage or desire to destroy the generational wealth from the time of george washington in the white community and force everyone in the usa and the global economy to start on truly equal footing. 

    Biden threatened the oil industry while wanting the oil industry to help him while financing a war with a country that supported the usa illegal invading another. but is unwilling to say, the usa empire has to spread its wings to show rivals what their place is and  the military will force all including china to the usa's will if need be. 


    Schrumpf said, russia is a friend, cause russia is, a fellow empire that spent from the end of the second phase of the world war to the fall of the soviet union joining the usa in using every other country as a proxy battlefield. Saving the ussr/russia and the usa from any of the war zones that plagued south america/eastern europe/africa/asia and china is an enemy, china is the first non white european country to achieve the military ability to be respected by the usa/the financial ability to be respected by the usa  since the fall of japan. and china unlike the japanese has a much large anti european culture in their modern form. When schrumpf didn't go to the arizona senators funeral that was the correct thing to do, you don't go to the funeral of somebody you can't stand. Russia is willing to join the usa against china. Biden wants russia to join against china too but he also wants russia to allow western europe to dominate it. Cause with russia's help the usa can control the oil conveniently until the USA can control the next major energy technology. 

    Schrumpf advertises his views and ways clearly. he doesn't trick, he uses blunt power and the whites/blacks/native americans/women who have money in the usa are used to forked tongue behavior. The Black church was a large supporter of the war on drugs which hurt the larger black community but couldn't admit their role and still don't admit it now. while many fiscally wealthy black people are part of black church communities designed to merely collate their wealth. Women say they want empowerment but whenever women have a chance to become the dominant owners of an industry, like a woman sport, they don't cause women are afraid to risk their money or believe in themselves. Whites in NYC talk about equality and speak ill of whites who are deemed "conservative" but the white liberals and goodie goods support policies that deny any opportunity in the black community whatsoever. Bill clinton and the white plus black democratic party officials in nyc were huge supporters of the harlem empowerment zone that didn't empower one black owned business in harlem, and led to the death of many of them. 

    Schrumpf does what all his peers do but he doesn't talk like them. He doesn't tell black people he loves them or play the saxophone. He doesn't tell women he wants them to have a seat at the table or be his equal, and pays for women to service him. He doesn't tell immigrants he wants them for anything but cheap labor and he doesn't want to help their kids, knowing that is why many came to the usa. Is he positive? no. he is very negative. but he did nothing others didn't do or are doing. but he doesn't speak like his presidential peers and that is his true problem in the larger usa. 

    The black senator from brooklyn hasn't helped the black community in brooklyn. Eric Adams is not raising the black community. Eric adams is helping a select set of blacks mostly related to black cop families, another 1%, financial black elite in nyc. De Sanctiss don't care about white farmers. He isn't trying to improve the white community, but simply ingratiate himself and his white elected elite stay financially safe, no matter the cost. 

    But none of them say it. SChrumpf is willing to say things that show a level of unconcern to keeping up the lies that are at the foundation  of the usa. This is why he has so many enemies on both sides. Schrumpf isn't a hero or worker or advocate for the common people, but his way of communicating goes against what the majority of the have's in government or the private sector like.


    @ProfD yes , those other presidents are not a threat to the system, everything they do is within a confine. They speak the way they are allowed to speak, they do the things they are allowed to do. Schrumpf loves going off script and that is something the others dont do. so nothing to talk about. 


    The People in the usa need to do ask what will happen to themselves:) I Ask again, what I always ask in these post eventually. what do you want tomorrow for the group to be? I usually mean black people only, here or there. But in the usa context, what do you want tomorrow to be for the populace in the u.s.a.? 

    That is the question, but that question is hard. It is easy to be about yourself alone. Look out for number one, I got mine get yours. I do for me. The problem is, the usa has a populace of over three hundred million people , with tons of hatreds/dislikes/financial inequalities /various criminal acts between them. Any group of a certain size needs management, needs to be governed. A group of individuals is not enough, not satisfactory. 

    Schrumpf realizes that no one in power: the elected officials, the banks, the global firms, the fiscal elite, the military  are interested in anything but an individual mantra. The only problem is, people will cluster until they either make it a public policy or start working towards organizing the group. But the reagan/bush sr or jr/clinton/obama/biden centrist individualism is just not enough for the group. Yes, a minority of whites/blacks/womens/men/christian/muslims/atheitst/latinos/anglos/sinos/native americans are thriving and will thrive, but the majority in every group needs more, needs more. Schrumpf doesn't offer it but he knows said majorities when they get angry enough, will want someone who will tell them how they truly feel , which is a truth his peers are unwilling or unable to do  

  9. On 10/8/2022 at 9:45 PM, richardmurray said:

    @Troy your point is the key. but I Want to extend beyond Schrumpft and go into the USA itself. 

    One of the problems is the USA people in the USA want isn't the same.  Many whites still want the USA that existed before the confederacy or the usa that would had been if the confederacy won. Some people want the usa that never existed. Others do not want the USA of yore or the dream that never existed. A country of over 300 million and growing doesn't have a consensus on what they want the government to be tomorrow. 


    no @Delano because I didn't answer your original question. Whether schrumpf goes to jail or not, to me was less important than the question of the usa population itself. I admit being in the black community has taught me the importance of comprehending the internal multiracial condition of any community. I wish more black people would comprehend the internal multiracial reality of the black community in the usa or under any government. All black people are black, but we do not share the same ideas about tomorrow and that matters. And it extends to all communities. The over 300 million people in the usa don't have a consensus on tomorrow. and that is the real problem. The government of the usa isn't flexible enough to handle it so you get this chaos. I have said publicly many times, i don't like schrumpt, for many things before his presidential era. But, even though I dislike him, the problems surrounding him have little to do with him and more to do with the truth of the usa which sadly, many people in the usa want to ignore or not see or hope to override through a mix of media plus education programs plus peer pressure. 


    To the case. The first legal fact is , this entire case hinges on the fact that donal trump isn't a new york city resident. if donald trump was listed as a nyc resident the statue of limitations on this case would not allow it, to go forward. which means this case is a witch hunt. The reality is, the district attorney , alvin bragg, could had given this case a pass. He chose not to... but , while I am no lawyer nor do I like schrumpf, i find the basis of this case, a case that would be thrown out if schrumpf lived in nyc, which concerns nothing but a payment to pornstar... people in nyc media are trying to spin this as good law but come on:) this is clearlya witch hunt.  and why does that matter? witch hunts only make more witch hunts. cause the point of any witch hunt is to attack someone deemed undesireable by a group that has the power to take advantage, it is never for the betterment of any community. 

    So will he go to jail, I still don't care, and it may happen, but the legal underpinnings, as a non lawyer, I see as soft. 

  10. homemovies03.png

    Webinar with south side home movie project started by Jaqueline Stewart, my review of elements while experiencing.
    Positive Black life in home movies. 
    Women and History in home movies.
    A 1940s party
    Community tagging using an interaction between Jeanette Forman side Justin Williams
    Oldest Black Home Movie in their collection



  11. @Chevdove yeah, the behind your birth time machine. 

    The problem with people in history like Tituba is all that is known is irrelevant to knowing who she is. 

    this is why I emphasize to all black people, leave a diary. Not for sale, not for making money, for making a record of you by you. This is not about getting an a or making a thesis for review to earn a piece of paper from a school, this is about comprehending that knowing who someone is , does not derive from the paper trail. Their travel log doesn't display who they are. census does not display who they are. a diary displays who you are.


    well, yes, in some ways I find a lot of value in her testimony, not truth in what it says but in truth in what it derives. here is an enslaved woman, unhappy/angry/bitter and she must have realized this is her chance to cause havoc.  I find comfort in the truth of her actions. 

    • Like 1
  12. @Pioneer1 at least from this author's words, tituba didn't start it, not in the least. it was started in a white pastors home. but what the author admits is tituba's claims were the most flamboyant or extravagant. Tituba didn't start it but tituba stoked it better than any other. And it wasn't anger at the white family, it was anger at the white community. One of the tragedies of modernity is black people living today don't seem to comprehend how enslaved black people hated whites. Maybe it is just hard for most modern black folks to accept such hate in the hearts our forebears when we have grandmothers talking about don't hate. 

  13. @SpeakHerTruth I will defend the black community in the usa and say, black people , all age groups, living today have to realize that in the black community in the usa we have many battles of heritage, what we carry, that had very negative legacies in the cultures, what we grow, afterward. 

    When the war between the states ended , while most black people could be considered christian, we were not church people. Remember, black churches were common after the war between the states. Why does that matter? the creation and administration and culture of black churches was a battle in the black community that we don't speak of enough. As always in the usa in the black community , no consensus existed really, but who won the war? 

    Black churches, financed by whites mostly,  who felt the illiterate black people , who were illiterate through slavery not their own means, were a lesser peoples who needed sheparding by the black people more fortunate to have been allowed to learn. 

    We had the black college movement, again mostly founded by white churches, to get the black one percent, the black financial aristocracy to be christian/culturally attuned to the usa- meaning no anti white<get the hate out your heart> - no anti usa<even though you were enslaved and forced to immigrate it makes no difference, which is a clear matter of opinion, not fact>.And in black colleges became a minority in the black community who used their common education as a status symbol to the majority of black people who could read or write, but were not knowledgeable and often used various accents or patuas like geechee, which black people don't like to admit was looked down on by the black one percent. 

    Then you had the NAACP , funded by white jews, who through WEB DUbois believed in the talented tenth, which is another minority in the black community. And this one doesn't like black music/ ala no negro spirituals or jazz, was usually redbone, thus looked down on black people of browner hues in skin, and of course, thought unknowledgeable blacks were lazy. 

    My point, the black community in the usa since the end of the war between the states had a black financial elite, I call the black one percent, who while a minority represented the people in leadership roles in the black community. and that minority in the black community had public negative biases towards black people based on how they talked, what they knew, how they saw the world. and the legacy of that internal bias which started at the end of the war between the states has only grown or mutated over the one hundred and fifty plus years to modernity, the now. 

    Remember, fannie lou hamer had to fight other black leaders to speak. but why? they didn't feel this country, illiterate, person had the right quality of voice to speak for black people, and the sad truth is, more black people sounded like fannie lou hamer than any of the others. 

    So I say this to you Speakhertruth for you to comprehend, the heritage that has given you difficulty has a beginning in our community. It isn't merely random negative chiding. it comes from black people judging other black people based on the differences of heritage or culture, which only creates more negative biases.  

    As I have said in this forum many times, The village has many tribes in the USA. The black village isn't one tribe, it is many tribes. A tribe is the college educated, A tribe is the illegal financial operators, a tribe is the black militants who want to kill , a tribe is the black christians who chide non violence, a tribe is...one of many and our community in the usa since the war between the states has seen the generation/birth of many tribes, but the cohesion of next to none of them. The 1960s is the proof. if the nation of islam/the sbclc- southern black christian leadership conference/the naacp- even while white finances/the black panthers for self defense could had worked together better things would had been better. but... the nation of islam had a religious dislike with christian, the black christians had limits on how they would self defend, the naacp felt financial integration side whites was better, the black panthers were too segregationist. 

    It isn't fair that some black people in the past wanted to not be black and suggested that the way they talked made them superior to other black folk. but they did and the legacy of such actions requires the future to deal with. if it can

  14. now01.png



    I will try and share what I can from this webinar with screen shots or quotes. And definitely try to regale points. we will see.



    A Webinar with the South Side Home Movie Project
    + Orientation to New Online Tagging Tools

    Hosted by the Chicago Public Library
    6:30pm, Wednesday, March 29, 2023
    Register here before 3pm for the Zoom link
    Home movies capture a range of details about everyday neighborhood life in Chicago, from fashion to food to how people walk down the street. During moments of social change, they also show historic events from a unique perspective, revealing what it was like to watch Myrlie Evers receive a posthumous award for her husband Medgar in Grant Park in 1963, or to visit the Wall of Respect in Grand Boulevard in 1968.

    The South Side Home Movie Project has been collecting and preserving home movies from Chicago’s South Side neighborhoods since 2005, and now holds over 700 of these rare glimpses of South Side life in their local film archive. For Women’s History Month, join the SSHMP team in partnership with Chicago Public Library for a virtual guided tour of the project, featuring home movies with women both behind and in front of the camera, from the 1920s-1980s.

    SPECIAL NOTE: This session will also debut SSHMP’s new Community Tagging Tools, which let you add your own memories to the home movie database and identify the people, places and events you recognize. For the first time, Chicagoans from across the city are invited to try out this custom crowd-sourcing interface so that your stories become part of SSHMP’s virtual archive. Join us for a live demonstration and hands-on orientation to this new way to contribute your memories to Chicago’s history. 

    How to Attend
    This event takes place on Zoom; click here to register by 3:00 pm Weds, 3/29/23. Only one registration per household is needed. You’ll receive an email link to the secure Zoom link before the event. Automatic transcription is included in all CPL events using Zoom.

    Image: Dr. Helen Nash filming at Niagara Falls, 1959, from the Dr. Helen Nash Collection.



  15. I see... @Troy that explains it all, Olayemi defines a hip hop mayor as someone who comprehends the culture of hip hop which she proved adams doesn't. I myself, have no idea, and don't see adams as that. I see adams or dinkins as black mayors. You say it is the swagger. All three definitions correctly applied.  yes, dinkins is from the older black, more DOS than Caribbean or Continental or Modern Immigrant in all earnest, community in harlem. I have gone by where he lived many times. 

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