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Everything posted by Chevdove

  1. I did not hear about this story until after it was reported that it was a hoax, and then I kept seeing it more and more, just as you say. BUT, I do think that what she did is serious enough to report though. What she did was really crazy. I read that a huge police search was launched.
  2. Yes, this is depressing. It seems like Black Americans need another option.
  3. Yes, I thought about this story when I think about feral humans @Pioneer1 BUT guess what!? This story actually refers to Black, initially! There came about many renditions later leading up to the Roman Empire times. I've read where, this founders story about Rome correlates today to the Santa Claus stories of today because it became an important story to tell around the annual Roman holidays. But again, this story actually goes way back in time and the Romans re-told the story and switched out a more ancient 'BLACK' brother story and replaced it with a cultural and ethnic brother story. In more ancient times, the story of Remus and Romulus was earlier a story about two brothers of ancient Egypt and the legend became known as THE TWO HUNI BROTHERS and became a global story for different ancient people all over the world. They Mayans called it the story of the HUNIWA BROTHERS. Ancient Egyptians told this legend that revolved around the overthrow of the 3rd Dynasty by the TWO HUNI BROTHERS and gave rise to the 4th Dynasty; the first Theban Dynasty, pyramid builder pharaohs. I believe it is a story about Noah and his half brother SENEFERU [i.e. Neferhotep & Seneferu]. At any rate, the story of the founders of Rome was about two brothers REMUS & ROMULUS, and they were actually two ETRUSCANS and so, the Romans migrated from the east into Italy at the time that the 'ethnic' Etruscans actually dominated Italy. The Romans give credit to the Etruscans for being the initial cultures that they soon completely overthrew, but no matter, just like America still gives credit for the Native American Indians being aboriginal and celebrate how the Indians helped them celebrate their first THANKSGIVING, it was only a few years later, that they completely wiped out most of those same Indians with infested blankets they gave them as gifts. SO JUST LIKE THE WONDERFUL STORIES we hear every Thanksgiving of Chief Sitting Bull and Hiawatha, and the Iroquoise that helped fight with the English, etc., credit is given but still the Americans completely wiped out that way of life. This is what happened to THE ETRUSCAN CIVILIZATION. For hundreds of years, around 800 BC, I think, the civilization became known as ROME-ETRUSCA, but then around the 400s BC, the Etruscans were completely attacked and the new government was formed and called ROME REPUBLIC. So the story of REMUS-&-ROMULUS is about the two Black brothers that actually founded the Etruscan civilization that the later Romans turned into a major legend and told to their children this story about how Rome was founded. This story is sometimes sewn in with the Etruscan leader named Tertullus [i.e. I think that was his name, I forget] So now, I will do what the Romans are known to have done during their age of Romance when they developed a distinct script form: I WILL REVERSE THE NAMES so that you can see the actually origin of REMUS-&-ROMULUS is really about two Black males; Remus---SUMER for SUMERIAN ---------------- and Romulus--SULU-MOOR [Moreno] Romulus-&-Remus Do you remember the slave stories hear in early America about 'UNCLE REMUS', Yeah, Remus is a Black name that is coded and its hidden meaning is in reverse. And, one main tribe that were indigenous to ancient Italy long before the Romans migrated down from Turkey Anatolia into Italy was a people known as SULU or LUSITANS OR LUZ. The Lusitanians are a dominant early peoples of both Turkey Anatolia and Italy and elsewhere in pre-historic Europe. So the story of Remus and Romulus is a legend about two Black boys that were said to be wild and raised by wolves. LOL. For some mysterious reason, there were a lot of ancient script about babaric peoples living in the Greek Isles and ancient Greece which is in that very region in the Aegean Sea and the Adriatic Sea before the rise of the Italian tribes and the Romans.
  4. Yes, this is crazy. But then, there are some Black people that will say the same thing!
  5. LOL! @Pioneer1 I promise you!--That is not true!!! You know, I reference the GENOME PROJECT a lot in reference to male births versus female births, however, that has nothing to do with sex drive! All males whether they are Chinese, Black, White, Brown, have the ability to have a high sex drive depending on enviornmental factors and how they care for thier bodies like diet, exercise, health, etc. The Hebrew women were not more fertile than the Egyptian women, because at that time, they were both ethnic people. That was the excuse that the Egytian women (nurses) gave to the pharaoh because he went to them secretly and told them to kill the male babies at birth. So the Egyptian women did not want to do it, and therefore they told that evil pharaoh that the women were 'lively' and gave birth before they were able to do anything. That particular pharaoh was AMENHOTEP II and when he was 9 years old, his father, Thutmosis III took him around the city and hacked out all of Hapshepsut's names on monuments because he came to loathe the Original Egyptian women and so, he taught his son from a Black Egyptian Queen, the Dowager, to hate Black Egyptian women too, and of course the Hebrew women as well. Thutmosis III and Amenhotep II suppressed the Black Egyptian women and brought in THOUSANDS OF MITANIAN WOMEN in their Egyptian court and elevated them to be queens in Egypt. He came to hate his own mother! And all of this is well documented in fine arts museums all over the world. So, this is one Black government that soon became infiltrated due to the actions of Black men! LOL! Amenhotep II later banned his own daughter, Bithia, [i.e. Tabitha] and sent her packing to be with the Hebrews and she later married a Hebrew man from the tribe of Judah and have 4 sons, all of which are listed in the Bible. I believe that AFrican people do express certain attributes with regard to energy, muscle rhythm, voice tone, etc, but this has nothing to do with sex drive. And how did Black men become oppressed anyway, by White Supremacy!? It wasn't because Black men were physically overpowered by White humans, however, it had to do with irresponsible sex behaviors and not being respoinsible for the women they were having sex with. The matriarchal government set up due to a lot of angry women, both Black and White that did not like being suppressed under a harem system and dominated due to this kind of irresponsible behavior of the earlier Black kings. There are a lot of stories of queens killing the kings and pharaohs for passing over their sons for another woman's son. LOL.
  6. Have you ever got in a taxi or uber with an African driver? Sheiit... Maybe they are not all crazed drivers, but uh, I had one experience too many when I jumped in a cab at the airport. That man drove extremely reckless while holding his phone and watching the GPS. I was told that they try to drive fast to get back to a detination point to get as many jobs as possible.
  7. Yes, she started on the scene with a lot of controversy, but she has matured. I am hoping to see a more positive persona from her. I heard her speak recently, and she is adorable, IMO.
  8. This is an interesting point! @Pioneer1 And, I agree with it. Ha! @Troy I wonder too about some of this aspect. However, for example, I have read about genetics regarding blood type being associated with types of food that certain humans eat, however, again I believe that 'race' regarding a person's color is arbitrary. Ha! @Pioneer1 White men, meaning genetically, MALES, and their male behaviors; how can you know this? Black African women and Black cultures are in trouble due to lack of responsible Black African males who have sex and then do not provide for their offspring. How can this be dismissed as Black men have more sex drive than White men, and therefore need to have multiple sex partners?
  9. WHOA!!! That is crazy! That person is NOT Black! Now, that is my first reaction, but in all truth, I do realize that, it depends on other factors why reports say that a person is considered Black or White or other. Culture is a huge factor on why someone would be defined to be of a certain 'race'. And, what I mean is that, for example, if a person is White and of the European culture at birth but adopted by let's say someone from India and then raised in that culture, then that person may be defined as being 'Indian' in India or either 'a European Indian', but the issue of color may not be part of the category. However, the rules may change in another country. If a child born in India of Indian parents are adopted by a European family at birth and raised in Europe grows up. that person may choose to be defined as being WHITE in Europe. But if that same person would travel back to India, they may be rejected for that kind of identity. People in India may view that person as an Indian no matter their being cultured as a European. This world is crazy. I believe that there should be a standard that we humans should stem from and that person in that photo, seems suspect to be defined as being Black, unless he/she/they was indeed raised in a Black Cuban culture before going to Greece. Yes, absolutely.
  10. Okay, so, now I will check it out! Thanks for your input. @Pioneer1 Great point @richardmurray YOu know, the little bit of foreign films that I've seen is because of the certain awards programs that I can access that push certain films. Interestingly, a lot of the wone I've watched are insanely good and makes me want to see more. But deep down inside, I believe that some of these films may never make it to my screen because of politics. Some of the foreign films include some controversial issues that I think America does not want to reach Black American minds. But even like in our films, I notice that some of the foreign films depict ancient history in 'non-African' faces, but in reality that is not the truth. So maybe some foreign films make it over here to be shown in the west because some foreign film makers submit to the 'hidden code' of showing history in non-African faces.
  11. I recall the Cheyenne in photographs with the long and straight hair, however, most of the natives of the 13 colonies were negroes with afro typed hair. The Mohawks, shaved thier heads on both sides and had afro typed hair standing straight up in the middle. Most the depictions in museums show nappy headed Native Americans, however, we have been conditioned NOT to recognize this. The depictions of the California natives have big afros. As a biologist, @Pioneer1 I say that I understand what scientist are now admitting in that there would be no such presence of Native American MALEFACTORS if there were never any African males in ancient North America because all males stem from one male origin out of Africa. That's it. Male YDNA Haplogroups are very stable and 100% accuracy in that it can be determined who is the father if even a woman had sex with two brothers! A man can have two sons, and both will be linked to him through DNA testing. It's just that stable and can be traced all the way back to Africa. So at what point males ended up in India, China, America, is the question. But, I don't know anything about what you say about the Black people from India. Native Americans came over here to ancient America in different waves of migration.
  12. Obama did NOT help with providing sufficient food, clothing, shelter or medical care for Black people on any significant scale. @Pioneer1 And, I am not concered with homosexuals and their activities, however, I am concerned with Pedofiles though in this regard. He neither Trumps time in office helped Black people significantly, imo. I can see this as a benefit!
  13. Do share! @Pioneer1 I think that she is trying to put forth a more positive public profile!
  14. That's an interesting point that you also made about them not writing in cursive! @ProfD touché! imo, It's a perpective!
  15. LOL! Okay, I will agree about the earliest civilizations, that being Black! But as far as this story, she was a child! @Pioneer1 Also, there have been many FERAL HUMANS [i.e. Barbaric humans] in ancient times though and it doesn't matter what 'race', even Black feral people have the same commonality if they are not civilized. Yes, Black feral people can get as bad as any other person! If a human is not socialized or civilized by another civilized human, they will not be able to do anything civilized. The potential is within humans to speak, walk upright, etc. but not a gorilla of the same primate family. No matter how you try to teach a gorilla to talk, or build a house, or drive a car, etc., it will NOT happen!!! But a human has the potential however, they must be taught to tap into this ability. Genie Wiler could not even chew her food!!! She had two sets of teeth and this can be seen in the videos! She had her baby teeth that never fell out because she was not trained to chew food. She would drool continuously for years. She was partially blind and could only see a few feet in front of her, NOT BECAUSE SHE DID NOT HAVE THE ABILITY, but it was because she was kept in the dark and was never socialized. Therefore, even after she was rescued, she would never look at someone directly; just like wild animals won't do, unless they intend to attack you. Genie Wiler, could not walk, but she initally would hold her hands up and hop like a rabbit. This is evident in the video! That wild boy found in Europe walked on all fours like the wolves he lived amongst for many years! Feral humans are a great example of understanding why humans need to exist in a social society to reach a high level of ability to do many things. It has nothing to do with a certain 'human race'! LOL!
  16. Never thought of this reality and commonality in that all three of these countries share. Amazing observation @richardmurray! You know, I would have thought that America would incorporate their history in Europe a little better than they do in our educational system. I find it so fascinating about the earlier people in Europe such as the Celts and Gauls, and so many others long before the Europeans migrated into this country and became unique.
  17. Really!? @richardmurray This surprises me! Well then, I don't feel too bad now, when I realize that I have not seen a great film! Ever so often, I will come across an old film, watch it, and then become amazed that I had not seen it back when it initially came out. So true! But it is frustrating though, when you find out that a certain film that could have been beneficial has been suppressed!
  18. I vaguely remember seeing a documentary about him. I'm interested. The history of France is very interesting and during that time period in gneral, I also like to read about all of Europe. It made a serious impact on America. I'm happy she mentioned it is on HULU.
  19. lol! This is interesting. I have recently read about another category, Sigma males, and I hear they can be more appealing than even alpha typed males. My son thinkgs that I am a Sigma leader and so, I had to research this. He says that a Sigma leader is one that is confident and does not want to be in the forefront, however, if there is a need to take a stance, a person with a Sigma personality will do so. And this does sound like me. But as for males, personally, I want a leader. I do not want a lazy man who thinks that it is okay to sit back and let a woman take the lead. Ha! @Troy I hope that you listen to @ProfD on this one!
  20. I agree. @ProfD And, what about the children? I do think they will be more and more confused. I think that in general, every culture on a global scale has had conflicts when it comes to the political process from a gender perspective. As regardomg white women, I do believe that it was an uphill battle for them when it came to getting the right to vote and they used the opportunity to do so during the Civil Rights Movement. But, I honestly don't recall any significant issues like being attacked by police dogs or being hosed or pepper sprayed during their protest as many Black women, men and children had been victimized during the Civil Rights Movement. And, I don't recall White women being abandoned and left to care for their children as single mothers when they were not legally allowed to vote or be in the corporate world. So what it tells me about white women getting the right to vote after Black men, was that they decided at the time of the Civll Rights Movement to start their movement for the right to vote because they perceived that it was no longer trendy to remain in the home. I believe that if they had wanted to be in the corporate world prior to the Civil Rights Movement, then they probably would have also been victorious as well. However, again, I do realize that it was still a challenge for them just as it has been for females in general to be in a lesser position in a patriarchal society in the past. So, I am glad that white women began to campaign because when they did so, I believe that it helped all other women eventually. Thank you! @richardmurray
  21. Sha'Carri Tosses Wig Off At Nationals! WOW! What a Statement! I believe that Sha'carri has went through a major inner transformation! I am so incredibly happy to see her on the track field. What a strong spirit! My heart goes out to her! Sha' Carri is going to have stiff competition from Jamaica with Shericka Jackson who just ran a 10.65 race in the 100m. It was difficult to find a video of the full race without a lot of commentary. For now, I just wanted to share the race with just a little commentary. Shar'carri also competed in the 200m and that is not her race, but guess what!? She did well! However, it was GABBY THOMAS that won that race, and it was an amazing race! The line up for this race was insane!!! Also in the line up for the 200m race was none other than ABBY STEINER and one of my favorites, JENNA PRANDINI. Remember, Prandini was on the Olympic sprint team that won! And there are some new names that I am not familiar with in this race. One amazing participant was a 18 year old girl, a junior in high school named, Mia Brahe-Pederson. For her to be in this race with Gabby, Sha'carri and etc. is crazy! This 200m is insane! I posted the longer version to show the line up as well. You can see at the end of this race Gabby and Sha'Carri support each other and this is one of the best sportsmanship that makes it worth watching. Gabby is awesome! And Sha'carri comes in second place! Abby also placed!
  22. Are Men Instinctively Different Than Women? I am thinking about this topic due to the thread Pioneer posted about male attractivness versus female attractiveness. I think this is a very broad subject that has expanded over time especially due to western civilization. Today, this idea is extremely varied especially amongst the African American culture from past to present. In America, our culture is based upon the set up of chattel slavery but overtime, it has become diverse. But in the Old World, meaning 'the Mediterranean World', I think that the roles of males were much more defined as being distinct from the roles of females. I think that in the Old World, the role of a male was based on being 'an husbandman' meaning, A PROVIDER. A man was expected to be able to provide in various ways, such as shelter, agriculture, sex and reproduction, etc. And women were expected to be supporters in nurturing the offspring, cooking, making clothes, etc. and also sex too. But today, in the western world and due to slavery, I think a lot of Black women have lost trust in men, in general, not just Black men, but men in general. Some Black women are more resentful against Black men though, IMO. But nevertheless, I still believe that there are a significant number of Black women who still respect the presence of males. Even though, too, the standards have been changed today, a lot of the reasons why is positive. Women became severely oppressed in patriarchal societies therefore, the western influence in freeing up women to have better human rights is a positive step in the advancement of humanity. However, we have a ways to go for complete equality. And, all in all, I think that when we completely ignore the naturaly aspect of male and females, it will be a confusion. I believe that, instinctively, there is a uniqueness in males versus females but I can't say that I completely understand it. I think that instinctively, males are going to respond to being providers and protectors, no matter what and even if women don't think they need that kind of persona, it is going to occur. And, I believe that it is the same in all cultures and human 'races' globally. All males tend to act the same in this regard. And so, here are some short videos to show this kind of instinct. Some of them are a little humorous:
  23. I think what attracts women to men varies greatly. I like confidence. I also believe that males should have some form of male behaviors that distinguish them a part form females.
  24. lol! This has already happened especially in Ancient America! Many Natives were shocked when the Europeans began to attack them for this very reason. Many natives were begging 'THE GREAT WHITE FATHER' to help them get rid of the 'Black' natives and so, they were shocked when after this did occur, the Europeans also came after them too! There is much more to what I am alluding to.
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