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Everything posted by ProfD

  1. Pioneer, I'm new around here and should probably mind my bizness in this debate but Mzuri is correct according to the code.
  2. In "Love Hangover ", Diana Ross sang "if there's a cure for this, I don't want it". I'd imagine that's how supposedly cursed white folks would feel especially if sun burn and skin cancer was the extent of their worries in exchange for dominating the world. As Pioneer mentioned, it's easy for them to live with those conditions so that does not qualify as a curse. OTOH AfroAmericans are predisposed to racism, diabetes, high blood pressure, sickle sell anemia, gout, police brutality, etc., could consider ourselves cursed but we don't. We still believe we're blessed and highly favored.
  3. Yeah mayne, I'm not taking away from your originality. Read the post again
  4. Understood. A man's gotta do what he must for a favorite sammich. Hopefully, the mask mandate is still in effect in Michigan so that while you could smell a quarter ton o'fun, maybe that pungent toxicity didn’t get into your lungs. I'm not much a bread eater. So, when I cook corned beef, it's usually with cabbage.
  5. Unless engaged in a violent confrontation, nobody should fear that their encounter with the police will lead to death or severe injury. In fact, most interactions between police and society do not end up with somebody being dead or severely injured. Unfortunately, there are race soldiers embedded among those who have sworn to serve and protect citizens. Given an opportunity, a race soldier will maim or kill. IMO, police do not have to be re-trained. They know exactly how use restraint when dealing with people who look just like them. There are numerous encounters where police have engaged in hours long confrontations without firing a single shot while the assailant does. The police recently engaged in a standoff with some folks barricaded in a house. The police officer can be seen and heard on his bodycam begging and pleading not to have to pull his weapon. I believe police officers should be a reflection of the communities they serve. It does not make sense to stick a dude with a KKK mentality in a black community. The law enforcement community should do a better job when conducting pyschological profiles in order to determine who should become a police officer. They should keep a record of problem children (bad officers) to prevent them from going from one jurisdiction to another. While I don't necesarily think police need to be defunded, unless they are planning to go to war, I don't see the point in a police department having military hardware (tanks, rocket launchers, assault rifles,etc.). There isn't a city under seige anywhere in America requiring that much firepower. Jacob Blake's life was spared but the quality of it has been severely compromised. I wish him well in his physcial and mental recovery.
  6. These n8gglets have something in common as members of the alphabet soup community. They are heavily backed by big money. As a result, they are given the green light to produce high fructose corn syrup content aimed at black folks that is nothing more than ocular diabetes.
  7. Alright Rev, while I was initially reading some of your posts with a side eye, I see you coming around a corner here. The system (white supremacy) that produced democracy has to be replaced with a system of justice and correctness.
  8. Yeah, I know this is serious subject but in looking at the pic Pioneer put up, anybody wanna tell me what's going on with the hair on the player wearing #13. That head looks like a rooster.
  9. Facts. Regardless of the amount of technology (TVs, radios, books, magazines, etc.) and a shrinking globe, it's amazing that folks either don't see or turn a blind eye. I guess it's like watching a video of someone getting choked or shot. Don't believe your lying eyes. Ain't no such thing as racism and white supremacy. Shiiittte.
  10. Yeah bro, that level of pungent toxicity would have led me to reconsider my food order in that establishment.
  11. Mr. Charlie's ice is colder. Greed. Money. Power. Tools of white supremacy that turn black folks against themselves.
  12. The monument to the Lyons will be a very nice gesture. Thanks to the folks who "dug up" their history as it relates to Central Park. Land has been a primary source of white wealth in America as over a century or so they have gotten paid for owning acres of dirt when public and private developers decide to build any and everything. Folks hit the powerball when Wal-Mart decides to buid a store in the spot where their living room or kitchen currently resides. Whenever I hear black folks talk about their family owning land, my 1st question is always whether or not it's producing passive income. Nope. The land is usually tied up in a warped form of family politics or litigation leading to stagnation as an investment. Yeah, when I think about the fortune the Lyons family does not have in relation to the value of land in New York City, I can only shake my head because I know that wealth has been stolen.
  13. Mel, to be clear, I want 20 candidates on the ballot. When I show up at the poll to cast my vote, I only two choices of POTUS unless i decide to write-in someone else. You're absolutely right. It starts with dismantling the two horse race. We might not need the electoral college either. In a free and fair election, computers are capable of counting the popular vote and declaring a winner.
  14. Yep. After 12 years of war, Haiti kicked the French in the azz. For that effort, Haiti has endured the following: 1) politically unstable 2) ostracized by the international community 3) owes a perpetual debt to France I applaud black countries all over the world for gaining their independence. But, I fault them for not banding together in an ongoing effort to overthrow white supremacy. Instead, most independent black countries become politically corrupt, destabilized and dependent on white supremacy for everything from infrastructure building (roads, bridges, highways, tunnels, etc.), water reclamation, defense, food, clothing, etc. Haiti and Jamaica are just two examples of the French and British leaving respectively but they still have a stranglehold on them. In other words, white folks still run those countries with a remote control. Interestingly, those countries are rich in resources but still considered poor. Africa, the 2nd largest and 2nd most populated continent on the planet has a wealth of natural resources but still does not have a seat at the table of and is heavily dependent on the G8 (Group of 8). The G8 consists of the United States, European Union, Germany, Italy, Russia, France, Canada and Japan. They control everything on the planet. Despite natural resources, advances in tecnnology and globalization, non-white folks are the most populous on the Earth but still live under the thumb of white supremacy.
  15. Interesting perspective. The show is not something I would watch but I know folks who are tuned in and enjoying it. Based on your description of the show, i'm not surprised that some black folks would dig it. Escapism under the guise of entertainment.
  16. Facts. The two party system is a shell game. The Dems and GOP are playing both sides against the middle. Money runs American politics. Check out the campaign contributions on both sides. Billions of dollars. In national politics, voters are almost the equivalent of fans in the stands at a sporting event with two teams playing. Remember last year at the height of the pandemic and there were no fans in the stands. They still played the games. We need new political parties that have not been corrupted by special interests...money. I know it won't happen in my lifetime but I'd like to see a national election with about 20 candidates for POTUS.
  17. Unfortunately, a by-product of us getting older is a selective form of amnesia. As the saying goes, there is nothing new under the sun. The times are different and the players have changed but younger folks have been doing some type of dysfunctional sh8t for a long time. Granted, the violence, lack of shame and self-respect seems to have increased. Again, it's just been a slow decline. But, I vividly remember my peers being just as ignorant and uncouth. They are the proud parents and/or grandparents of the current generation. So, I"m as equally heavy handed in preaching to my peers who's offspring are ignorant, spoiled, selfish and don't give a f8ck about life. My message is always the same to our people...we have do better in terms of accountability if we expect to replace the sysem of white supremacy with a system of justice and correctness. Pioneer, you know that weighing in it at 300 lbs and breaking a drug law (azz Crack possession), those two crash dummies and especially the pajama bottoms definitely stank.
  18. Absolutely. As human beings, we have an obligation to take care of each other. There should not be winners and losers when it comes to quality healthcare especially in country as wealthy as America. The US has the strongest defense system on the planet. There is no reason that oru heatlhcare system shouldn't be the same way. A free and robust healthcare system would provide millions of well paying jobs from the construction of medical facilities and clinics throughout the country to the doctors, nurses, technicians and maintenance staff working in them. The ancillary businesses and service providers would benefit too. Why isn't such the case? Special interest groups and lobbyists. They work on behalf of big businesses (pharmaceutical industry) to insure that they get paid. A small group of people controlling a majority of the wealth. The political debates are a smoke screen and diversion (juggling balls in their air). Watch their hands. Always follow the money.
  19. in a non-party situation (bar, club, auditorium, etc.), IMO, loud music is an opiate that allows folks to drown out their own thoughts and problems. Loud music also keeps folks from having to maintain a constructive dialog among themselves.
  20. Yep. As black folks "arrived" and moved on up like The Jeffersons, they started becoming more lax in all areas of human activity. Where we are today didn't happen overnight. It's been a slow decline. Plastic on the furniture was an aesthetic not only keep the furniture clean but also to make it look new indefinitely. There were plastic runners on the carpet and plastic flowers. I know some of you remember that dusty azz fruit bowl too.
  21. While we await being told the truth as requested by brotha Pioneer, I present the following for those playing along at home: The short answer to the question is that a civilization is a complex system (social, economic, political, etc.) of human beings working together in order to produce results. This game is an excellent way of learning how to bulid and maintain a civilization.
  22. It does not matter to me whether a man has a propensity for wearing women's clothing nor if he's attacted. I'm secure within my own manhood. Physically, I'm not the type of dude the average fairy guy wants to "try" unless he's ready to die. Besides, most alphabet soup dudes kinda know who they can either approach and/or take advantage of with that BS. That's why it's important to overthrow the system of white supremacy and replace it with a system of justice and correctness.
  23. The questions you raise are valid. Your signaure line answers it...no more confusion. Regardless of how one chooses to dress and/or accessorize, we should never have to guess and/or be unclear about the individual's gender. Before it comes up, I know Scottish men wear skirts, er, kilts, That's their problem.
  24. Yo bro, I know you didn't ask me but yes, I would make it illegal for men to dress like women and vice versa. Freedom of expression is exactly how we are ending up with more confusion. Heaven forbid i live long enough to take up residence at the Sunrise Assisted Living Facility (SALF). The last thing I want is a Rasputia looking dude with spider eyelashes changing my diaper or bed pan. Thankfully, as an alpha-male, I'd take myself out before that could happen. But, the point remains the same...folks need to present themselves in the image the Supreme Being created them. Tricks are for kids.
  25. I find it amusing that anything can be used for currency (wood chips, bronze, silver, stocks, bonds, bitcoin, crypto, etc.) Gold was the standard for a long time. Now a platinum coin the size of a quarter or silver dollar could be worth a trillion. Just because they said so. For grins and giggles, I would love to see Jeff Bezos ask that $50B (billion) in cash be dropped off in his front yard. I wonder how long it would take to round up and deliver the paper. Of course, I already know the answer. They can't because it doesn't exist. As POTUS GWB Jr. famously said, it's a house of cards.
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