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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. @Chevdove If....according to your story...Hatshepsut was the one who started the enslavement of Nubians and Syrians....and Thutmose III (the same one who brought in Caucasian women and mistreated African women) was the one who put an end to her era.....then what I get from this story is that some African leader who had a fetish for White women was the one who brought an end to the works of a woman who was enslaving Africans, LOL. I'm sure that wasn't your intended point, but that's what one would gather from it upon close examination.   I find it hard to grasp though, that you have never been so in love with a woman that would not want some type of commitment. That wasn't your question. Your question was about my willingness to have sex with a woman who has multiple sexual partners, and I told you that I and other men do it all the time in this society. It's nothing new or unusual. Your question mentioned nothing about MARRIAGE or LOVE or POSSESSIVENESS.
  2. Troy If in 100 years half the population of any group was gay, and presumably not procreating, that would likely spell disaster for that group. I don't have to do the calculation to know that is not enough to replace the population and that group would quickly die out. Give that we BOTH agree that this would be a disaster......wouldn't you like to know IF factors were being introduced into YOUR environment to increase the amount of homosexuality?
  3. One of these days I would like a crew of AfroAmerican students to actually go to EVERY ethnic group on the African continent no matter how big or how small and document every single cultural trait from marriage to language to diet and PRESERVE it for OURSELVES. We can't rely on the bias and highly erroneous methods of Western scholarship to organize and preserve data...especially when it comes from people of color. There's a reason why the term "lost in the translation" is so valid at times.
  4. I took a similar position that OFCOURSE Black men haven't done enough to defend Black women but how COULD we when most AfroAmerican men are barely able to even defend THEMSELVES???? It's like a little 4 year old girl looking for her 8 year old brother to protect her from being abused by adults. What can that little boy do? Most AfroAmericans today are in a "child like" where too many lack the confidence to stand up and defend themselves and their community and many lack the knowledge to PROPERLY defend themelves even if they had the confidence ot do it! Further, let us not forget another point I was making in that "defending the Black woman" thread...... If AfroAmerican women want AfroAmerican men to defend them they must COOPERATE with us in that defense. They must listen to those of us who know what we're talking about and obey CERTAIN instructions we give them for their own safety so as to LESSEN the amount of situations that may call for us having TO defend them. You aren't going to hang out all hours of the night getting drunk, cussing out people, wearing mini-skirts with g-strings bending all over and grinding men of all races in the club and on the street and as soon as some man you were rude to or having some crazy relationship with looks at you cross eyed you want trun to a GOOD Black man and snap your fingers at him and say "sick 'em!!!"......lol......noooo. Make sure YOU (Black woman) are righteous and acting properly so that a man is JUSTIFIED and FUELED by something called RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION to defend you!
  5. That was a very compelling story bro. I have a few questions for you. If you were 19 back in '72 that would put you in your 60s today; I used to live in North Carolina......what was it like back in the 50s and 60s especially with regard to the Black community in bigger cities like Raleigh and Charlotte? Also, I'm not going to ask you anything that would incriminate you further but did you experience any spiritual or supernatural events during your criminal or violent activities like a spirit of a victim coming back to haunt you or an "angel" coming to your rescue ?
  6. Troy I admit that I don't know for sure whether it is or not, either. Since neither you or I KNOW whether homosexuality is actually increasing, my question now is how DO we know or find out this information? How would we go about determining whether or not the rate of homosexuality and bisexuality are actually INCREASING in the AfroAmerican community with each passing generation. And if you say (which you haven't yet) that it doesn't matter whether it's increasing or not..... My question would be, IF...again IF....it actually is increasing what if 100 years from now HALF of the AfroAmerican population were homosexual? Would that be a problem, why or why not?
  7. Part of me wonders....... Are these "independent women" actually having SEX with or EVEN ATTRACTED TO these so-called "wives"? And if not, should we even CALL them "wives" in our English translation of this custom? Also, if these other women are "bearing children" they certainly aren't getting pregnant from the "independent woman" who took them in marriage, so a man has to be involved some how..........where do the men who impregnate these women fit in in these relationships? The word "marriage" is an English word. The word "wife" is an English word. Perhaps we should look for more accurate terms to describe these complex relationships that are found outside of our culture rather than trying to force them to fit inside Westernized socially constructed boxes.
  8. Troy Regardless of who's doing it today, clearly the popularity of injecting dye into the skin isn't something that originated with us. Historically speaking, the primary choice of skin alteration and decoration among African peoples was not tatooing but keloid scarring.   Chev Well, I listened to the video and one of them did say that he was a product of his environment. And rest assured, HE isn't the one controling his environment. Someone else....much smarter than him...is.
  9. Chev I understand your point about people of color needing to take responsibility for their own behavior instead of using the excuse that they were simply "tricked" into indulging in alcohol by Caucasians; however in order for a person to be RESPONS-IBLE (response - able) they must be ABLE to adequately respond. Ignorance (lack of knowledge) often impairs your ability to properly respond to a given situation. Alcohol was unfamiiar to them and because of this they didn't know the dangers of consuming it nor did they initially know or understand the reasons they were being given it. Like handing a child poisoned candy.....how can we hold them responsible for accepting something they are too ignorant to understand is harmful to them? But Karma is something else. Look at how the Opiod Epidemic is destroying Caucasian communities all over North America and Europe today.   LOL. Yes, I do blame them! But why? Why would you "blame" a person who uses sex if that's their only means (so they think anyway) for achieving power and success in life? If a person is good at playing basketball and uses it to gain power and wealth, is that wrong? If a person is good at real-estate and uses those skills to gain power and wealth, is that wrong? And if not, why condemn a person who uses sex (for example a striper or prostitute) in order to secure wealth and power for themselves? Is the act of sex somehow worse than the act of basketball or selling property?     Pioneer, did you ever consider that it may not be 'strong sex drive' that is a cause of discrimination against AFroAmerican men, but that they oppressed Black women and could have controlled their sex drive but just chose not to, that caused them to be thrown down and into slavery? First you actually offered TWO considerations: 1 The oppression of Black women by Black men caused them to be thrown down and into slavery. 2. Black men choosing not to control their sex drives got them thrown down and into slavery. And no, honestly I haven't really considered either. It's very hard to prove history because neither one of us were around to verify the information but if you can provide PROOF or COMPELLING EVIDENCE that the situation Africans went through being enslaved and having much of their lands colonized by Caucasians was caused by their treatment of their own women AND/OR because they chose not to control their sex drive......I'll consider it. One question I have is if Black women's mistreatment was the crime itself, then why were Black women allowed to be mistreated (enslaved, colonized, ect....) as part of the punishment FOR the crime along with Black men?     You wouldn't have a problem with a female sex partner should she tell you that she wanted to have multiple sex partners in addition to you? I am involved with and have been involved with since my teens.....females who have had multiple sex partners besides me. I've met many females who I found attractive who either already had a boyfriend OR were completely single and doing their own thing and didn't want a relationship with anyone but I found them so attractive I was willing to be intimate with them anyway from time to time. And look at how many men are running around having sex with or TRYING to have sex with women who are already married or have boyfriends. As if a woman having multiple partners is really THAT big of a deal.
  10. Troy We have so many things adversely impacting brown people, more profoundly, lesbianism does not even register. Actually, if homosexuality is indeed increasing among people of color then it IS reason to be concerned because it COULD be a method to reduce the population. 3 questions must be asked and correctly answered: 1. IS homosexuality increasing among people of color (not just more people "coming out" but I'm asking is there an actual increase in the percentage)? 2. If so, WHY is homosexuality increasing among people of color? 3. And if the reasons for this increase are environmental, WHO'S BEHIND the changes in the environment that is causing this increase?   Del I cant say i am not a lesbian. If you are indeed a male, then I CAN say...unless you come from the Greek island of Lesbos....then you are NOT a lesbian.
  11. Chev Jesus is just the Greek translation of the Hebrew Yashu or Yashua. Usually when you hear the suffix "us" or "is" on the end of a name....such as Is-IS, Osir-IS, Mos-ES, (or even Atlant-IS) it's a Greek translation of the original name because those stories came to Western civilization through Greece. The name "Joshua" is yet another translation of that same word "Yashua" Also, I liked how you broke down the connection between the words OPIUM, OPS, OPIUM, HEROINE, HERO, HERMES, ...SERPENT. I thought there had to be more of a connection between the words "heroin"and "heroine" besides the sound.
  12. Let me make this simple.......... I've said and STILL maintain that African men and AfroAmerican men in particular tend to have higher testosterone rates than Caucasian and East Asian men. Again, I say ON AVERAGE because there are exceptions. So-called science ALSO backs this up. Most scientific journals will confirm that historically AfroAmerican men have had higher testosterone rates than Caucasian men. Testosterone is the primary chemical that governs a man's masculinity and govern's BOTH a man's and woman's sex drive. This is a biological fact that is also confirmed by science. If AfroAmerican men have a stronger sex drive and masculinity than both AfroAmerican women AND even Caucasian men....on average...then why should we allow either one of those groups tell US how and how often WE should be having sex?? Or with how many partners we should be having sex with? ONLY another Black man is qualified to advise, lecture, or instruct ME (or any other Black man) on my sexuality. I don't need someone who feels that an older man who loves having sex with multiple young women is a "predator", giving me MY morals! Read this loud and clear: In MY book of morals.....as long as he's not forcing himself on them.....I ADMIRE the fact that a 70 year old man CAN STILL HAVE SEX with and impregnate 19 and 20 year old women! Further, I HOPE I'm blessed by The Supreme Being to live, be healthy, and be able to do so too at 70+ years old and older! Black men (including one on this site....lol) should STOP accepting Caucasian's or women's values and morality and start using the brain that The Supreme Being gave them to develope THEIR OWN values and moral codes! As far as these other self-righteous groups who attempt to hold AfroAmerican men to some sort of arbitrary legalist or moralist standard..... When they start holding some of these wicked Catholic priests with their loooooong history of abusing children accountable and actually punish them, maybe THEN they may hold some credibility.
  13. Ofcourse not. (see how easy it was to answer a question...lol....now YOU try it) This may come as a suprise to you based on your personal habits, but most men don't have to use their mouths on their partners first in order to prepare them for futher sexual activity......lol.
  14. Being the heterosexual man that I am.......lol......I seriously doubt it.
  15. Dorothy There is, indeed, a need to respond since you are admitting that you are not an expert on the subject of black sexuality, It's not an "admission" because I never claimed anything to the contrary.   and that all of the past assertions you made about the testosterone-fueled hyper-sexuality of most black men and their proclivity for polygamy, are just BS. Don't remember ever using the word "hyper-sexuality" except in referencing someone else's statement. I don't use terms like "hypersexuality" because what may be normam for AfroAmerican men may be seen as "hyper" to others with a weaker sexuality. Again, this just illustrustrates the importance of AfroAmericans developing their own sexual and moral values instead of adopting and incorporating foreign values from those outside of our community.     Plus, none of your explanations about European values being unnatural for Africans carry any credible authority. If observing the majority of AfroAmerican families that are broken or dysfunctional doesn't provide enough credible authority that imitating European values has led to disasterous results in the AfroAmerican community....I'm not sure what more credible evidence you need.   Bottom line, all of your afro-centric pontificating about the structured culture in this country inhibiting the true nature of its African diaspora is a bunch of drivel and should be disregarded. Glad we got that out of the way. The first thing we need to get out of the way is all of that damn straw and hay you've been dropping all over the floor whilst toiling away constructing your silly ass straw men to practice punching, kicking, and bullying around.......since you clearly lack the ability to challenge REAL opponents, lol.
  16. All these AfroAmerican youth walking around with tatoos and many of them getting tatoos with various symbols even on their faces isn't just some "fad"......it's clearly being instigated and encouraged.
  17. They say SELF awareness is the first step towards enlightenment.....lol.
  18. It could have been MUCH "harder" if I were dealing with any other woman besides YOU.....(if you know what I mean)....LOL.
  19. A reaction IS a response......albeit an involuntary response at times.
  20. Cynique My argument is not a straw man one. You are, and always have been, coming from a place as the "expert" on the sexual behavior of black men which you contrast to that of European men who you claim don't have the hearty sexual appetite of black men. Yes your argument IS a strawman, because you are attributing words and positions that I have not said or endorsed. Can you find anywhere me "claiming to be an expert" or White or Black male sexuality? If not, how can you attibute that claim to me and then proceed to argue on it's validity?   That ongoing attitude is what i keep in mind when arguing with you. You continue to complain how this country's culture stifles the natural sexuality of black people whose African blood makes them polygamous, according to you. So you are focused on white people whose values you don't want imposed on black people in this society, because you assume their sexual habits are different from those of black people. It's more than just an assumption. If Africans and Europeans had the same sexual habits then you would find the same sexual and marital customs independantly between the two respective continents Africa and Europe. However historically before having major contact with eachother history has shown that MONOGAMY and HOMOSEXUALITY and CELIBACY were common sexual characteristics in Europe that were even encouraged in various European cultures and religions. While in Africa POLYGAMY was widely practiced and encouraged among men who could afford to do so and even African religions permitted this.   And, since you are aware of the mixed blood lines are people of color in this country then why do you continue to want to characterize them as polygamous Africans? Why don't you just mind your own business and stop trying to tell these assimilated slave descendants what comes natural to them. You're so busy trying to portray black men as super studs that you can't conceive of the idea of that sexuality varies from person to person and is a human issue. Did I say there was no difference between individuals INSIDE and OUTSIDE of different races and ethnicities or that all Black men were superstuds? Or is these more strawman arguments that you are attempting to pin on me to divert from the legitimacy of my actual focus? No need to answer/respond. That question was rhetorical as I already know the answer, lol. Carry on with your Scare Crow making......
  21. Cynique And you are making the mistake of thinking that you can speak for married white men inasmuch as you are assuming that they don't desire sex with other women from time to time. Who claimed that married White men DON'T desire sex with other women (or men) from time to time? Did you read where I said that, or are you simply MAKING UP a statement and attributing it to me simply to argue against it, as usual? Despite your strawman assumptions, I'm not focused on what White men do or don't do sexually, as long as they don't try to FORCE it on my community. My focus is on what's best for AfroAmericans.....both male and female. Furthermore, what you refer to as "Afro-American" men are hybrid men of color who have mixed blood as a result of the miscegenation spawned by slavery Thanks for tell us what we ALREADY know. If you would pay attention to what I write instead of just cherry picking points for disagreement, you would have acknowledged the fact that instead of always using the terms "Black" or "African" for our people which suggests a pure racial stock......I usually use the term "AfroAmerican" as an ETHNICITY because it encompasses all descendants of American slavery who are of African descent regardless of the varying amounts of African ancestry they may have. so you aren't qualified to speak with authority on this subject since you insist on applying what you have decided are African customs to these men. And it's not like black men are so oversexed that they are harassing women in the work place more than white ones are. The fact that you call being polygamous "oversexed" is a clear example of the problem with AfroAmericans taking on the Caucasian mindset and moral code. How do we know that men who desire sex with multiple women are the ones who have a problem that need to be fixed? Who's to say that men who only desire ONE woman may infact be the ones with somethin wrong with THEM? ....like a weak physical disposition or imbalanced hormones that may be affecting their sex drive? It' s a known fact that for most men, when they get elderly their sex drive tends to diminish as well as other aspect of their health. So it could be that NATURE says a strong sex drive in which a man wants to run around having sex with multiple women is actually a GOOD thing and a symbol of robust health.
  22. Delano Merry Christmas Thank you. But I don't celebrate pagan holidays; nor do most of the people I roll with. Now will you please and kindly answer my questions. Those being, and I will repeat: 1. Is the Hansel and Gretel story a myth? 2. Is the Oedipus story a myth? 3. And if NOT, can you please share with us some CLEAR EXAMPLES of myths?   Cynique There is no difference between the nouns "response" and "answer" unless an adjective such as "right" or "wrong" modifies them. Wrong again....... Let me give you a COMPENSATORY EDUCATION on these two different words: The fact that "response" and "answer" are TWO DIFFERENT WORDS alone qualifies there being a difference between them. All answers are responses, but not all responses are answers. A response is merely a REACTION to a question, but it doesn't necessarily answer it....while an answer is a response that focuses on RESOLVING the question being asked whether that answer is correct or incorrect. For example..... If I ask a woman if she's married and she puts her hand over her mouth and blushes...that's a RESPONSE but it doesn't answer my question. However if I ask her if she's married and she says "no" then that is an ANSWER.
  23. Cynique Depends on who the person is. In your case, you being yourself is so mediocre that you "wanna-be" something better. But you don't have what it takes. So, the compound adjective "wanna-be" applies to the self who you are stuck with being If that is the case......lol....then there is no need for you to criticize or insult me nor anything I post. Why waste time criticizing and insulting a person who is stuck where they are and can't do any better than what they'e doing? The wisest thing to do with a person like that is to just compliment them and encourage them on any good that they manage to do.
  24. Cynique All you had to say was "they" were either Correction: I didn't "have to" say anything. I CHOSE to respond to you because I know how frustrated you can get when I don't give you enough attention.
  25. 1. You didn't give me an answer, you gave me a RESPONSE.....there's a difference. 2. Librarians "git paid" to help people find books, not to educated them on their findings. Now are you going to answer my questions, or do I have to get Robert Mueller to fly out there and interrogate the answers out of you?
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