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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. Nubian In reference to the scriptures that Troy quoted...... This is a good example of what we were talking about. The Pentatauch (first 5 books of the Bible) is basically a playbook for Caucasians on how to go to these ancient Black kingdoms (and then to the Americas), displace their original religions with a new religion that robs them of their spirituality, genocide most of them, and enslave the rest. Now the Old Testament of the Bible is just ONE example of such books and it is specific to the Semitic Caucasians. But if you look at India and the Aryan Caucasians who founded Hinduism, they have several books of their own instructing THEM how to enter the Indus Valley region slaughtering and enslaving the inhabitants. The Mahabharata is one of those books telling how the Aryans were instructed to go in and destroy and enslave the Blacks of that land and if you read it it is remarkably similar to the Old Testament in terms of genocide, violence, and enslavement.   Chev UNKNOWN SOURCES... If Black African people have been made to be so confused so as not to believe that they can understand the ancient Black presence then, that means White Supremacy has been accepted. Many of us say that we believe ancient Black people were leaders, but have NO KNOWN SOURCE to base this upon... SOOOoooo we fell most comfortable with just being Spiritual. Many BLack people have thrown away all script and all sources, and are just SPIRITUAL... and that is why many will always be subjected to being suppressed. Without some script source to adhere to, you will be ruled by THE CONSTITUTION OF AMERICA or some other script source and 'religion', be it the Greco-Roman Idolatry or etc. Although it's certainly not perfect and was written by racists, it makes more sense that many people including many AfroAmericans would put more trust in the U.S. Constitution than in the Bible simply because of what you just said: UNKNOWN SOURCES! We KNOW who wrote and signed the U.S. Constitution and we know atleast something about the intentions and frame of mind of those who authored it; but when it comes to the Bible there are over 60 different books, from dozens of different sources, translated from atleast 3 different languages with an endless number of interpretations. How can you POSSIBLY have so much faith and confidence in such a questionable document? As they say in the streets, it's be "stepped on" too many times. In my opinion, any Divine scriptures or Divine instructions for humanity should be given DIRECTLY to the people or individuals they are intended for instead of "through" other sources (people, books, stones, youtube, ect....), in order to cut down on the confusion.
  2. Nubian Many parts of the Bible made more sense to me once I was able to: 1. Read and understand a more proper translation and understanding of the Hebrew and Greek words that were MIS-interpreted into English. For example instead of the word "god" in the English translation, the original Hebrew word is "Elohim" which means "mighty/high ones" and was applied to a group of beings. 2. Understood that it was a collection of books meant for Caucasians and not to be applied to the rest of humanity. For example, when you read about Adam in the Garden of Eden and realize that Adam doesn't represent humanity but the first White man (as the name "Adam" implies) being driven out of Black civilization, things begin to make more sense. Infact, much of the Old Testament of the Bible....especially the parts after Noah and his sons came down from Mt. Ararat....is about the exploits and wars the Caucasians had with the ancient Black civilizations of Africa and Asia after they were civilized, organized, and came down from the Caucasus mountains.
  3. Nubian I tend to take a more pragmatic approach to the imporance of religion in society. It may be based on myths, lies, and legends, but if it keeps you from breaking into my house or raping the girl next door, then by all means go to church and continue to serve your White Jesus UNTIL your ignorant beliefs are replaced by a truth that is more effective. I would prefer a society that is peacefully controlled and well behaved under lies, over one that has become violent and embolded by the belief that there is no power to stop them from committing any heinous act they wish with impunity.
  4. Now you're on the right track And if you'll take it a step further....... Besides no longer arguing against it but actually ACCEPTING what I tell you as valuable knowledge that will give you more insight into what would otherwise be considered political confusion, you'd REALLY be in good shape! Infact, you could actually have a decent political discussion without the risk of looking like disoriented fool, lol. Nancy Pelosi is a political actress.
  5. When I say "what's new" that's not my dismissing the fact that it actually COULD be an extraterrestrial craft; I'm just of the mindset that if it's not going to come to Earth and help me and other AfroAmericans improve our condition in this world.....what good is it to us? Bill Cosby just got moved to general population in prison....will they beam him out? Lt. Governor Justin Fairfax is being railroaded and victimized by those in his own party....will they come to his support? Innocent Black people have been killed by racist police officers an civilians....will they help prevent this from happening again and/or bring those slain people back to life? We need help! If these beings in this craft aren't coming to help us out or atleast teach us how to help ourselves then why should we be concerned?
  6. Cynique Who planned them? The woman he forced to give him a blow job and the one he raped? I don't know that he "raped" anyone, do you? Were you there? There hasn't been an investigation or due process as Mr. Fairfax is wisely asking for, just a bunch of accusations and allegations that so many are obviously accepting as the absolute truth. Didn't Black men used to get LYNCHED based on simple accusations of rape in that very state? But as far as who planned them, no it weren't those women....they were just being USED by the racist politicians BOTH Democrat (like Patrick Hope) and Republican who are conspiring together to keep a Balck man out of that Governor's seat.
  7. Cynique What federal position has Romney fucked up? Besides running for President twice and losing, he was offered several jobs in Trump's cabinet and I've heard that even Obama offered him some federal positions but after a meeting or two with both he didn't get those positions. But if he managed to snag himself a seat in the Senate then perhaps the "curse" is broken, lol.   I don't trust Fox anymore than I trust the rest of them, I trust what I see and have been observing from Pelosi and Schumer for YEARS. They play games and PRETEND to oppose the right-wing policies of the GOP all the while enabling them through the backdoor. Making baby faces and clapping at him is just her trying to be cute....as usual; but not putting up a REAL fight or opposition to his policies. And again, many of the incoming younger Democrats KNEW this already and this is why they so vehemently opposed her leadership. They knew it would just be more acting and business as usual...which I'm sure is what happened at the SOTU address the other night. Just because most White people MAY have stayed home instead of bothering to vote doesn't mean they don't support Trump or his policies. Look at those Coventing Kentuky highschool boys who were mocking that Native American man a few weeks ago. They weren't old enough to vote but they all had Make America Great Again caps on. You don't have to be a voter to be a supporter of Trump and his policies.
  8. I think Fairfax is making a smart move by calling for an FBI investigation of these allegations. They didn't come up out of "nowhere".....they were planned and I believe racially motivated from both sides to keep him out of that Governor's seat should Northam resigns or is forced out.
  9. The spirit realm IS the spirit realm.....how it "is to you" is irrelevant.
  10. This has less to do with being more "spiritual" and more to do with a change of mindset.
  11. There's a difference between a REASON and a PLAN. Everything happens for a reason, but there doesn't necessarily have to be an organized plan behind it. But Elijah Muhammad taught that "wise Black scientists" got together and PRE-WROTE the events that were supposed to take place at the beginning of each 25,000 year cycle of history. If this were true, then it would add credibility to the concept of pre-destination.
  12. Cynique How is Pelosi kicking his ass when not only is impeachment pretty much off the table as far as she's concerned but she made a concession with him to open the government back up and she was clapping every 5 minutes for him at his SOTU speech? Seems to me she's more eager to work with him than lead the opposition from the "opposition party". There is very real concern among powerful whites in high places that retaining Trump as president is not in the best domestic or global interest of America, and the majority of the population black and white want him gone Here you go assuming what the majority of White people want or feel. He's the same today as he was 3 years ago when the MAJORITY of White people voted for him, so why would you think that now all of a sudden after he's pretty much doing much of what he said he was going to do that his White supporters would change and turned coat? If his election to office taught you anything it should have been that most White people LOVE Trump regardless of his economic policies, because of what he represents which is unapologetic White dominance.   Pence is too wedded to the Evangelical agenda and, because he is a true conservative, there's a lot of talk about him being even worse than Trump considering how he governed the state of Indiana where he invoked a lot of hate. Recently-elected Senator Mitt Romney has a better chance because he is a middle of the road moderate who will appeal to a broader base not only in his own party but in the country at large. The fact that Pence is a clear cut conservative is what makes him so attractive to most real Republicans and conservatives both Black and White. They know where he stands so his policies and positions....like them or not....will be more stable and reliable. People like reliability and consistency. And as far as Romney...... I don't make it a habit of going around using "Trumpisms" but when it comes to federal elections and appointments like even Trump said about him- "the guy doesn't even know HOW to win", lol. Everytime he gets near a federal position he fucks it up.....lol. He best keep his ass overthere in Utah, chill with the Mormons, and be quiet.
  13. Troy I definately believe most men are better at giving and receiving directions as well as judging distances. I've had to many incidents with both men and women to believe any different. Chev When my husband turned it on, and it started talking, I would flip out and demanded that he turn it off. Oh, were you getting jealous and didn't want your husband to get too comfortable? Siri does indeed have a slightly "sexy" voice....lol.   When I would drive from North Carolina to Pennsylvania, I would complain that it would take me through all these little 'Andy Griffith towns' so that I would have to stop and buy gas there, but I came to realize, these routes were much better and faster... Yes, and if there's one thing Pennsylvania has a lot of.....it's little "Andy Griffith" towns. Despite being on the Eastcoast, most of that state is racist as hell. I've lived in both Pennsylvania and the Carolinas and it's amazing that when you get outside of Philly or Pittsburgh you see more plaid shirts and hear more country music than I did IN the Carolinas. The only part of that state I really like is the Lancaster area with the Amish communities because of how clean and peaceful it is.
  14. Troy EVERYONE is spiritual....whether they know it or not. Because everyone has a spirit (atleast one). The question is how IN TUNE people are with their spirit and soul/essence. I'm not as hard on religion as I used to be because I now realize that some people "need" religion to give them a moral compass and structure in their life. Take away their religion and they turn savage, lol. It becomes a problem when it's taken to an extreme and/or becomes externally divisive.
  15. I don't just believe everything happens for a reason, I KNOW it does. ...because every event has a cause (reason). The question is WHAT was/were the reason(s) that caused the event? Were they Divine, purely physical, spiritual, cosmic, imaginary, accidental, "other".....or a combination of the afore mentioned.
  16. Sillique "move on"???????? This shows how much you know about politics at the local level and on the INTERNAL level. It's not about forgiveness or some damn apology...... It's about using this as an opportunity to get some sort of benefit. The Black politicians of Virginia should have taken that clown behind closed doors and told him we'll forgive you and keep you in office ONLY IF you do: A, B, C, & D for us! Now there's talk of them trying to force Fairfax (the Black Lt. Governor of Virginia) to RESIGN over a 2nd accusation of sexual assault. This is clearly racially motivated by Caucasian politicians on BOTH sides (Democrat and Republican) to move him out of the way so there won't be a Black Governor should Northam be forced out.
  17. I read this book years ago. Forgot the gist of it but it's quite fitting because years earlier me and some other people were in a panel discussion with some Black people from England and we were discussing the marital and relationship problems that Black people face both in the United States and the United Kingdom and how similar they are and some of the younger ones mentioned a program there that asked "Is marriage for White people". I don't think marriage itself is for White people, but the TYPE of marriage (monogamous) that is instituted and re-enforced in the West IS for White people because it works best for them. Just like the nuclear family structure that is so common in the West works best for them; while I believe the extended family and group family structure is best for our people as AfroAmericans.
  18. Lol @ Del putting Troy on the spot about his expertise. He didn't just put him out there once, but doubled down on it.....lol. Chev I don't trust GPS anyway, which is why I love using MAPS. Good ole fashioned maps. Infact, the SOUND of that GPS talking while I'm driving and trying to figure out where we are is annoying. For whatever reason most women love GPS and hate maps and if I'm driving with one of my lady friends and we're in a place we're not familiar with friction often breaks out in the car because they want to turn on GPS and put their faith in that and I keep making them turn that shit off so I can concentrate on the streets and landmarks I'm looking for.....lol.
  19. If Trump even runs again....because I don't think he even has the desire to do the job anymore.....the ONLY way he'll get the popular vote in 2020 is if AfroAmericans become so depressed, discouraged, and apathetic that they do the same thing they did in 2016 but only in greater numbers. Honestly, if any Republican gets in office in 2020 I think the one most likely to get the spot will be Pence. He's sitting back being quiet waiting for the "process" to play out so that HE can be next in line either due to impeachment or by election. I don't like his policies but I certainly think he's Presidential in terms of looks and demeanor. Kamala Harris is a Democratic joke. She's a woman of color.....which color I'm not sure, lol.....but if most White women weren't ready to get behind one of their OWN women for President (Clinton) what makes you think they would get behind Kamala? They'll get behind Elizabeth Warren before they get behind Kamala. I think Corey Booker has a better chance than Kamala, but I don't think he'll get it either. At this point, I'm really not sure which Democrat will take the lead but it probably doesn't matter because I truly believe that events will transpire to put Pence in the spot as President after Trump either prematurely or in 2020.
  20. He wouldn't have lasted in office THIS long if it weren't for the fact that most of the Caucasian Democrats REALLY are supporting him and helping to keep him in office. .....including Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. That's one of the reasons so many young Democrats of color didn't want Pelosi to regain the position of House Speaker and fought with other Democrats bitterly over this issue; because they knew she's continue to play this "game" with him of merely PRETENDING to oppose him.
  21. You can't equate Black reaction to racism with racist Caucasian behavior itself. If a woman sees a man who raped her in the past and she starts crying and throwing things at him saying "leave me alone you bastard".....would any intelligent person accuse her of being "incendiary" or hateful? Bobby Rush and Rev. Wright were REACTING to the racism they both faced in their lives from Caucasian hostility. No Black person attacked or demeaned Gov. Northam as a child or young adult to push him toward wearing black-face or posing with a Klansman, so his behavior wasn't a reaction to an offense but was a deep desire of his that he felt was "fun" to make fun of how Africans look.
  22. I've decided NOT to listen to his speech. I'm not drinking any Kool-Aid he's offering.
  23. Not sure how well he did as I'm just now getting home and have to check it out for myself but..... All this talk about Black unemployment being at it's lowest in history is a damn lie. I remember myself when far more Black people were working in the late 70s and early 80s. than they are today and that's just the time period I've witnessed. They are using DECEPTIVE unemployment figures that only count people who are receiving unemployment checks....meaning you were actually "laid off". If you quit a job, got fired from a job, never had a job to begin with, or are locked up in jail where thousands of Black men are.....you're not considered "unemployed". The longer he remains in office, the more opportunities he'll have to pull rabbits out of the hat and tricks from up his sleaves to keep his position. One of his strategies is to find SOMETHING each group likes and touch on THAT issue in order to get support from all of them.
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