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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. They CAN'T live on it which is why they either mooch off relatives, or they engage in illegal activities like drug dealing, theft, and prostitution. Which gives Republicans the excuse they wanted to lock them up in the first place.
  2. K2 Black people COULD HAVE gotten reparations under Obama if we had played our cards right. All we needed was an agenda to present to him like all the other groups. It wouldn't have taken 500 Black professionals to sit down somewhere in Atlanta or D.C. and whip up a plan to present to Obama on his inauguration day about what they expect from him....but they didn't do it. Infact, we could get a whole lot more out of Trump than we're getting....if we were smart enough. Besides nature has its way of weeding out the weak, those unable to survive living a fair life This is true, but the problem is we aren't living under a NATURAL system. We are living in a synthetic system where artifical people and artificial values are elevated and promoted as ideal while that which is natural is often demonized or portrayed as primitive. Also the system is constantly modified and manipulated to produce certain results. This is what happens in most public schools in Western society. Masculine boys who are aggressive, good in sports, and chase girls trying to have sex with as many as they can......as nature intended.....are called thugs and trouble makers and kicked out only to end up dead or in jail. Meanwhile the shy nerdy and effeminate boys who don't want sex and aren't aggressive in any way are praised as "ideal guys" and usually do good in school and go far in the academic world and eventually make a lot of money and marry the women of their choice. I'm no scientist, but I believe one of the reasons autism is so high today is because a lot of "off" men who nature didn't intend to reproduce their genes are getting married and making babies.
  3. The Bible is a "code book". Most of the stories you read in it are what's called MYTHS. A myth is a SYMBOLIC STORY that is used to cover up or conceal the real story which is only known to those with special knowledge to "decode" it and find out the truth. Most of the leaders of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism know the truth of the scriptures and what they really mean. The Pope knows the truth. They just give the common people the myths and religious dogmatism to keep them occupied and under control while they share the wealth among themselves.
  4. K2 I hear what you're saying about letting Black people have the same thing other people are allowed to have and not be too judgmental. However 2 things to keep in mind: 1. We're talking about reparations; something theoretically ONLY AfroAmericans will be getting anyway; so it's not like everyone else will be getting the same benefit we'd be getting. 2. While there are many.....millions.....of responsible mature Black people, too many are SELF DESTRUCTIVE. If you just hand over a million dollars or just 100 grand to them they will not only enjoy themselves but they will DESTROY themselves through their own vices. A crack head will become a worse crack head. A drug dealer will only try to become bigger baller with his windfall. An alcoholic now has PLENTY of money to buy enough liquor to drown himself in On and on, so forth and so forth...... It's not just a matter of denying them what they're due....it's a matter of SAVING THEIR LIFE. Hell, you don't even have a good hand full of BLACK BANKS to put the money in even if you got it. What AfroAmericans as a community will first need is a proper KNOWLEDGE OF SELF. A reasonable amount of our people need to be cleaned up from their self-hatred and their self destructive ways FIRST.....then they will be in proper shape to receive some money. Reparations isn't simply a one time act, it's a process that will take generations.
  5. There's something about this "Black Lives Matter" movement that makes me a little suspicious of it's origin and intentions. First of all, I have no problem with them being women but why are the founders Lesbian and Bisexual? Secondly, from what I see on television more White people are participating in these demonstrations than Black people which makes me wonder how much effort they're really putting into actually mobilizing the Black community. Also, their methods of blocking traffic and causing social agitation seems to do more harm than good because it pretty much pisses off the public. The police are the one's who did the wrong, so why shut down the sports arena and disrupt games or shut down the freeway and keep people from getting home to see their families? I liken THEIR methods to Colin Kaepernick's who thinks kneeling is will be effective....... Not only are you NOT being effective, but you're actually pissing otherwise neutral people off and making more enemies.
  6. K2 You can't "prove" history unless by some Divine assistance you are taken back into time in another realm. The only thing I can tell you on the issue is that not only are the Jews White, the Israelites White, but Adam was White also. That Bible you read wasn't made for YOU, it was made for the Caucasian race and it tells them their history.....not yours.
  7. Tanny I think this is a noble idea and I salute you for trying to come up with a solution to solve the problems plaguing so many of our young people but I'm gonna have to side with the others and disagree with the plan for a number of reasons. 1. EDUCATION IS PART OF THE PROBLEM. I'm not talking about TRUE education that teaches people how to read, write, math, and think logically and critically. I'm talking about this cultural brainwashing going on in most of the the schools and universities in the United States that ruins the esteem of Black youth by: -teaching them they accomplished very little as a race and are infereior to White people -teaching them in a heavily left brained manner that most Black people don't learn in -punishing Black males for being male so that most of them drop out from frustration -controlling and limiting the way they think and killing their innovation and training them to think like White people. Even if the educational system were totally free, the way it's structured today would be like sentencing our people to psychological suicide. 2. You want to force the wealthy to pay for this. It's not the RESPONSIBILITY of the wealthy to pay for the eduation of anyone else except their own children. Forget that little 60 billion you're asking for, this government has TRILLIONS of dollars are their disposal. They've wasted 10 Trillion playing war games in the sands of the Middle East since 2001.....let the government do their damn job and pay for this like Troy said. It also makes enemies by pitting wealthy people of all races against AfroAmericans. Everytime a wealthy person of any race sees an AfroAmerican they will feel resentment and some will even feel hatred for being forced to pay of his education. Since the goverment has trillions of dollars for everything else, let them fund this. How old are you, by the way? Troy It's about time I start agreeing with you. I think education should be free from the bottom to the top....from kindergarten all the way up to your PhD if you choose to get one. But one thing is I would make sure you QUALIFIED to occupy that seat you're sitting in. I don't want a bunch of dummies sitting up occupying space just because it's free. Needless to say, if you read what I said to Tanny you'll understand that even IF the education was free I still think it would be disasterous because this educational system wasn't designed by or for Black people.....which is why so many fail even in the free public schools.   Now if people could use the money for anything they wanted, I might be in favor of it, but then I'd want to know who would qualify to get the money. Come on Harlem.......lol. Now you know DAMN WELL you can't put that type of money in the hands of most negroes! Can you imagine the chaos and buffoonery that would break out in the hood if you let just 25% of AfroAmericans get ahold of 100 grand with OUR mentality????? Before you clap back, just sit there and THINK about it for a a couple minutes...lol. Just visualize the Black people from all different sectors YOU'VE known throught out your life getting their hands on $100,000 to do with it as they pleased and what the results would be. Then get back at me......lol. K2 I agree that AfroAmericans need reparations but: 1. It can't be monetary YET. Most Black Americans aren't psychologically conditioned to handle that type of money in a responsible way yet. 2. Not only should it come from the United States government, but the governments of just about EVERY nation in the Western Hemisphere except for Canada....because they all had slavery. Not to mention some of the African nations and the Arabs who helped.
  8. White alcoholics and the gangsters got away (to a great extent) with possession and alcohol use. Blacks were targeted for bootlegging and public drunkenness. When Republicans make laws, they don't make them to protect people.....they make them to TRAP people. The Republican congressman knows that any law he makes will be SELECTIVELY ENFORCED by those on the ground who think like him.
  9. Troy and Del I'm suprised neither of you pledged. I thought most professional Black people pledged for the career connections those organizations offered. You're right, the Black fraternities are just modeled after the Greek ones. Just like the Black "Prince Hall" Masons are modeled after the White "Blue lodge". (are you listening K2....lol)     "My man" K2 I REALLY HIT THE NERVE THIS TIME. I thought you didn't want to stand too close to me......lol. Why are you trying to feel all up on my "nerves"?????? I tried leaving this alone And I KNOW why you can't......lol. why would you post a bare chested gay male to make your point I didn't know Tyson Beckford was gay, lol. But more to your question...... Why would you ask a GAY MAN why he'd post a picture of a bare chested man. What kind of foolish question is that????? Think about that...... The man is gay...meaning likes other men...and you wanna sit up there asking a SILLY ass question like that. Use your....uhhh hmmm....."head".....man....lol. and why do you find it necessary to defend yourself? Another silly question. Why WOULDN'T a person want to defend themselves? Self preservation is one of the first laws of nature and self defense is right up there....lol.     This goes to my argument with (European feature) White Jews, who claim to be the original Israelites. The original Jews ARE Caucasian. And the original Israelites were or atleast represented the White or Caucasian race. But Moses was a Black man from Egypt.
  10. The Republican Agenda to elimnate poverty: DEATH ,, Their plan is to kill off as many poor people as they can with poor or no health care, orchestra conditions in their environment so bad and overwhelming that many commit suicide, and top it all off with a little assitance from trigger happy police officers who don't shoot to subdue but to kill. (I didn't "lol" at the end of that because poverty and death are too serious to laugh about) To my knowledge, many recipients of goverment assistance across America are ALREADY being tested for drugs so what are they planning on doing that's new? Furthermore, even if a person IS using drugs.....should they be denied the basics of survival?
  11. Prince Hall Wanna Be Man, stop wasting your time trying to explain what you DON'T know....lol.   Freemason's, formed in the middle ages was a secret Jewish society, for Jews. They become so powerful that non-Jews offered support only if they were included. Today, only the most promising, intellectually inspired Blacks are allowed entry. Many are Freemasons in secret, Barack Obama?, Chester Puller, Colin Power, Herman Cain, Candis Rise, and yes, your boy Ben Carson, etc.; True, most are recruited in college fraternities. With their secret hand-shakes, codes, etc. And who the HELL is "Candis Rise".......LMAO. What country do you REALLY come from? You CLAIM you come from Chicago but you write like somebody who just learned English 5 years ago.....LOL. Have you even considered the bowtie? Why, yes...I have. You like?
  12. Del No one alive really has first hand accounts of Native American or African Traditions. Much was this was destroyed like the people of Tasmania. We are losing African and Native American languages along with the traditions that went with them. Islam and Christianity have seemingly taken over most of Africa and the United Stated for that matter. The more I look at history, the more I wonder if this wasn't the TRUE purpose of most organized religions in the first place. ....to destroy or drive underground the ancient traditions that promoted TRUE spirituality and replace them with dogmatic beliefs that promote violence and sexual repression. This is one of the reasons I was so fond of the movie Black Panther. It shows a Black society where their beliefs centered around actually TRAVELING to another realm to meet with their ancestors and communicate with them instead of a religion that simply tells them to read supposedly "holy" scriptures and believe in them without any evidence to support it.
  13. Troy Pioneer, stop thinking like a "Westerner." It is not about cross contamination, it is about cross support. I participate on Lipstick Alley from time to time because people from there come here (they have not posted, but I can see the traffic). If folks from some of the other forums came here from time to time, that would be a good thing. A good thing huh??? Like having Kalexander2 following you around from site to site accusing you of being a gay Nazi transvestite who practices Luciferianism on the side when you're not working for the shadow government....lol. Sounds like a win win situation all the way around.
  14. Troy was actually asking to see if she was available. I need a passive woman who will do what I say, keep the house clean, cook, take care of my needs, and not give me any lip; you know a traditional woman Seriously, I did not think her personality was suited to being in a marriage -- at least not one she was not being walked all over. Is she cute? Actually........ No lie bro, she's FINE AS HELL ! Imagine Erykah Badu with shorter hair......lol. Even as a kid she was fine and slim. Normal height but very petite and "delicate" in the bones. But what makes her even more attractive in MY OPINION is her nervous like behavior which makes her seem even MORE delicate. The way she'll shy away from conflict and act nervous makes men (or me atleast) want to PROTECT her...which is attractive. I don't know if she's be a "traditional" wife but she knows how to act. I believe she was doing the paralegal thing for a long time and she knows how to act around professional people in professional situations. She grew up in the ghetto but she's not hoodish so she wouldn't EMBARASS you if you took her somewhere. I said she was divorced but I actually haven't spoken to her in years so I'm not sure if she's even back with anyone right now, but yeah.....I think you'd like her, lol. See man, THIS is why I can't "cross wires"....lol. For 40+ years she's had no idea her own cousin felt this way about her and if she came on this site she'd find out and knowing HER scared ass she'd probably avoid me from now on out of embarassment.....lol.
  15. Lol..... Will he still be President by the END of this year? Some people have said that if he is impeached and removed, Mike Pence (the Vice President) will be even WORSE than him!
  16. Troy you a gay mason? Talking shit to this FOOL is about as close to gay as I'll ever be....lol. But while we're near the subject...... I'm not sure why I didn't ask you this before but did you or Del actually pledge any FRATERNATIES while you were in school? Most professions seem to have a particular Fraternity or Sorority attached to it. Cutie Pie So, what is it Pioneer1? Gay, Freemason or both. What do you want? Though you answer may be as questionable as your Identification. Notwithstanding the sideburns! Again, as I asserted before "I stand with your right to be as you are," standing NOT TOO CLOSE though. You CLEARLY don't know the TRUTH about Jews and their history NOR do you know the TRUTH about masons and THEIR history, lol. It sounds like all you know is that right-wing conspiratorial garbage you've been hearing from people like Alex Jones. Now stop being silly and come a little closer. How will you EVER find out what I REALLY want if you're standing so far away????? .....with your LONG LEGGED SELF, lol.
  17. Del I'm paraphrasing but something to the effect of him not knowning what World War 3 will be fought with BUT he knows World War 4 will be fought with sticks and stones. K2 As is often the case with your posts, I haven't the slightest clue as to what you're trying to say...lol.
  18. You ain't gotta be gay to know what a gay man wants......lol. Why are you so interested in Masonry, are you a "traveling man"? How much do YOU know about the craft? I'm guessing very little....lol.
  19. K2 What do you really want? Didn't you call me "gay" in another thread? Well....lol.....what do you THINK a gay man wants????
  20. Troy Sorry man, I can't "cross contaminate"....lol. And you're right, there aren't many.....but there still are one or two that I enjoy. If it's any comfort to you, I don't talk about this site on other sites but I DO mention this site quite frequently in real life to those I know who are aspiring authors and screen play writers. Infact, you'd be supised how many people I mention this site to and they end up ALREADY KNOWING ABOUT IT...lol.
  21. I tell you what........ Those 48 hours that Trump warned about is almost up. I'm trying to see what the man is gonna do over in Syria, lol. Since the 50s people have been talking about World War 3 and wars with Russia and China. Sometimes I wonder if it wouldn't be better to just hurry up and get the shit over with so whoever is left can focus on REBUILDING the planet and moving on. All this stock piling and war drills and anticipation and the anxiety of it decade after decade can't be healthy for the psyche of the human race.
  22. Troy is your cousin married? She was, divorced now. But if you're asking to see how she dealt with the arguments that come with marriage...... Her husband was a straight up thug. But she liked that because being so scared all the time she felt PROTECTED with a man like that so she didnt' really argue with him about anything EXCEPT for what they divorced over.....lol....his repeated cheating. The type of nervousness and skiddishness that you see with her is rather rare among Black women in America....lol. She grew up in a rough neighborhood but for some reason just didn't learn how to handle conflict in her environment. I worked with another man.....Black man....who was the same way. He was from Philadelphia and left his family and friends behind because he couldn't handle the brashness of the Eastcoast and felt the Midwest was more his style. Didn't have any base in his voice. He married a White woman from Poland because he was too intimidated by even the White women of America and how much they cussed and drank....lol. Some people just aren't cut out for conflict....either engaging in it or being around it. I don't necessarily love conflict but I tend to CALCULATE the risks versus the rewards of engaging in a particular conflict. Even during school days, I remember not fighting a couple people who challenged me. Not out of fear, but simply because there was no audience to watch it if I ended up winning.....lol.
  23. Troy Originally I believed science has, or should, have nothing to do with religion. Now I'm not so sure... Lol, well WELCOME to my side! Glad to have you! Maybe what i really mean is spirituality (as opposed to reigion) spirtuality is not mutually exclusive of science. I don't know if I'd say spirituality is opposite of religion. I think the two are often if not usually interwined at different levels and in different cultures. We know spirituality exists outside of religion, but many if not most religions center AROUND a particular understanding of one's spirituality. It's strange how you talk about reverence for the environment...lol. I was at a city council meeting the other week and argued for 20 minutes with some of the White women in the auditorium because I felt they were taking up too much time focusing on "environmental issues" and not enough on urban issues like the water in Flint, affordable housing, and school funding in the inner city.
  24. Oh come on Del man....lol. You should end the arguments against injustice only when injustice actually ENDS! But I understand how some people HATE conflict and tend to shy away from it, while others....like Cynique....love it. I have a cousin who since I could remember couldn't seem to tolerate any type of conflict between people. Even as a child she'd either sit down and cover up her ears or just run off and hide when adults or kids would argue with eachother. Even now at 50, if we're having some sort of reunion or she visits with relatives and the slightest disagreement erupts....you can see her starting to get nervous and start looking away. I know many of the exchanges we have on the internet won't change anyone's opinions or way of thinking, but that's not why I do it. I like the INTERACTION of other Black people and the exchange of ideas whether I agree with them or not.
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