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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. I used to post on LSA but I kind of eased off and it's been a while since I've been back there. Perhaps I'm being a little too judgmental but to me Lipstick Alley was too heavily moderated and a bit "anti-male". Most of the posters and moderators are female which isn't a problem EXCEPT for my noticing that most females seem to like HEAVILY moderated sites where they can "flag" posts they don't like and call them offensive. Instead of ignoring a post that they don't like, many will go running to the moderator to "tattle tale" and get it erased. As far as it being anti-male, I just noticed that giving a man's point of view on certain things was often seen as offensive and you definitately couldn't criticize homosexuality and gay men. Some of the posters were calling eachother "trolls" and "agents" over the slightest disagreements. When I look at sites like that..... It's sad that after all the discrimination and injustice Black people face from so many other groups that too often they'll turn around and be unjust and intolerate of eachother's opinions ot the point that they'll try to get eachother in trouble.
  2. Troy When you said "we already saw this movie", what exactly did you mean? As far as experiencing things....... I'm talking strictly about movies and other forms of media, not everything. And again, unless there is a direct threat of hypnotic suggestion or subliminal messaging, I fail to see the HARM in those who are psychologically balanced viewing movies and other forms of media they may or may not agree with so that they can atleast dissect it. Now if a person is prone to hallucinations and delusions and believe what they're seeing is REAL, then perhaps they should be protected from viewing certain films....for their own saftey and perhaps the safety of those around them. But for most people, besides boredom....what harm would it be to drop $10 or $15 at your local theater and check the flick out so you can ATLEAST know what you're talking about when you criticize it. Some of these online review critics and all of their conspiracy theories about the film that only THEY seem to have picked upon sound more like propagandists than the film itself.....lol.
  3. Troy You'll also notice a precipitous drop on the number of Black American-nonbiracial-straight-male novelists who promoted to a wide audience. I don't have firm numbers, but........ Ahhh..... It seems to me you're begining to recognize the convenience of ANECDOTAL examples.....lol. Cynique SMH. No - stop doing that honey. That MIGHT be causing your problem.....lol. Like many of our people, you seem to have this erroneous notion that Booker T. Washington's goal was to condition Black people to be good passive workers for White folks; when in all acuality what Washington wanted was for Black people to be as INDEPENDENT of White people as possible. He wanted the newly freed AfroAmericans to be SELF-RELIANT so that they wouldn't have to go around begging White people do feed, clothe, and shelter them....as many are doing today. Washington didn't object to Black people going to college in the least. But he...like me...recognized that MOST of our people weren't going to go to college or become professionals (no matter how much you push for it) so he advocated for most of our people learning necessary life skills that would allow them to build communities and support themselves.
  4. Lol, the backing of most White liberals is one of the major reasons why it will NOT be effective. Franklin Roosevelt was a wealthy White liberal who was a blessing to this nation, but since the 70s I'd say over 90% of so-called White liberals in the United States fall into 2 categories: 1. Double agents who only PRETEND to support progressive causes but simply seek to gather intelligence and relay it back to right wing organizations like the Republican party and the NRA. Or..... 2. Actually sincere people who are kind hearted and have a decent since of justice but because of their lack of assertiveness are generally too ineffective in actually changing policies or social conditions. This type will get out and march and protest with Black Lives Matter all year long but when it comes to confronting their racist brother-in-law during ThanksGiving and asking him to give up his guns.....they remain silent. Nor will they confront the racist manager at their job. In other words, all they can do is feel sorry and lend an empathetic ear but can't or won't really do anything. I learned this a while back, which is why most of the success I've had dealing with White people were with those I would call moderate and even conservative. I knew that atleast they COULD grant me what I asked for whether they would or not. And I also got along with them much better because I knew the boundaries.
  5. Troy You're absolutely right. But analogies were meant to be taken on FACE VALUE....lol.
  6. Troy Maybe, but you friend has a point @Pioneer1; sometimes not exposing yourself to propaganda is the best defense. In my thinking, this is EXACTLY what he did when he listened to critics and pretty much let THEM decide whether or not the movie was worth seeing.....instead of seeing it for himself. Some movies are propaganda. But sometimes the propaganda is actually in the CRITIQUE of the movie by critics with an agenda to besmirch it. So I get it when some people actively avoid seeing the film and refuse to expose themselves to Disney's propaganda. There is a part of me that wished I had not paid to see the film. But I'm not going to beat myself up over it, because I'm not nearly as susceptible to the hype as most seem to be. So it is not always best to see things for yourself. There are other ways to acquire knowledge, reading is one. We can probably both agree that even reading the TRANSCRIPTS of a movie carries only a fraction of the effect on an individual than of actually watching it. How much less of an effect would reading the writings....not of the movie....but simply of people discussion it, be? And how much DISTORTION from the actual film itself is produced in the minds of those who have never seen the film but get their only information on it from 2nd and 3rd hand sources? The only reasonable excuse for a person not to actually watch a film is if they suspect some SUBLIMINAL programing going on in the film (seriously). Outside of that danger...... I don't see any harm in an intellectually well balanced individual subjecting themselves to movies that may have had negative reviews in order to atleast make an educated and informed decision. In some cases, the best thing to do IS to see a film that is supposedly harmful and part of a larger propaganda machine in order to study and dismantle it. In most professional endeavors people are taught to study their opponents to not only learn about them but to come up with the best strategies to counter them.
  7. White kids marching will have the same affect as White women marching...... NONE AT ALL. Because the powers that be know that after all that marching and shouting and fist pumping, at the end of the day both the White woman and the White child are still coming home to THEM. The only time mass numbers of citizens change social or political policy is when BLACK CITIZENS changed it.
  8. Troy I think one of the biggest reasons so many wealthy Black people DO NOT support eachother is because the fear pissing off their White benefactors. I've seen this even among some of the well to do AfroAmericans in my community. Most Blacks of wealth aren't generating their wealth on their own, they're getting it FROM White people to perform a service. And they're afraid that if they unite with other Black people and their White support sees this.....it may "spook" them into fearing some sort of Black uprise and cause them to yank their support away. So they figure it's best to stay away from eachother and I also recognize the world has moved on to "diversity." which basically means everyone except healthy, heterosexual, white men. One COULD argue that after the year 2000 there's been a sort of NEO-diversity being promoted in schools and in the corporate world that accepts everyone except HETEROSEXUAL BLACK MEN.       K2 AALBC, participation for me is personal, not economical; offering me insight into in the State of African American affairs level of interest in African American interest in Black literary and related information. As an organization, I believe it can be vital importance to our community. I don't know how long you've been out the country but..... AALBC and the conversations here DO NOT represent the interests and state of affairs of typical African Americans....lol.   Cynique To me, this advocacy harks back to Booker T. Washington who made white people extremely happy by supporting the idea that blacks should restrict their aspirations to excelling at manual labor, and the tilling of the soil. Nooooooo. That's a rather simplistic and frankly MISREPRESENTATION of Booker T. Washington's philosophy of independence and Black self reliance. Would a man who advocated restricting Blacks to manual labor produce great Black scientists like George Washington Carver?????
  9. While not all philosophy is religion, religion falls under the category OF philosophy. Right up there with "creed". One of the ways that philosophy and physics overlap is how the dominant philosophy of a particular society "sets the tone" for the premises and hypotheses of scientific endeavors. For an example OUTSIDE the realm of physics: Say I'm a social scientist or sociologist. And the society that I'm practicing in is predominantly monogamous and promotes monogamy as a general rule. If I observe a group of men who are all divorced and have issues at their jobs because they constantly engage in sex with multiple partners......I'm going to believe that something is WRONG with them. Why? Because the dominating philosophy of my society...the philosophy that monogamy is normal and best...will dictate that something MUST be wrong with these men for going against that which is "normal". Either that analogy is valid OR I'm using that term "philosophy" erroneously, lol.
  10. Man...this thread is all over the place. I had a friend tell me the other day that he hasn't seen Black Panther and WILL NOT go see it. I asked him why, and he said that the conflict between Africans and African Americans in the movie is just contributing to the division amongst Black folk. Now for those who've actually seen the film.....they would no that this African vs African American issue was such a minor aspect of the movie that it's almost not worth talking about. But when you do like my friend and let reviews and critics sway you BEFORE you see the film for yourself.....you end up missing out on a couple hours of enjoyment. This is why it's best to see things for yourself so that you can determine things from your OWN eyes instead of someone elses.
  11. I saw this powerful and "on point" video last night and figured I'd drop it on here. It seems to be pertinent to the disussion we were having in another thread about the value of an academic education.....especially for Black folk. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dr. Boyce Watkins interviewing Dr. Claude Anderson
  12. K2 She's not a bad looking woman.....and seems to have a lot of "free time" on her hands....lol. But I don't mess around with anyone over 72 (except for maybe Ernestine Shepherd if I ever had the opportunity). Women in their 70s and 80s often have hip issues. You can have her! Send a ticket for her to come join you where ever you are. She can be your 2nd wife...(or play thing).....along with that Palestinian nurse....lol.
  13. Charlene (Michell) Alexander, my father's older sister. You may be familiar with her, she is actually the first woman to ever run for president of the US., (1968) certainly the only Black woman, And all this time I was thinking Shirley Chisolm was the first.
  14. Cynique Science is knowledge gained from trial and error, a simple process that dates back to primitive times, and is still the basis of modern scientific procedures. Science is MORE than knowledge gained simply by trial and error. Like I said, there is an entire regimen involved in getting knowledge through the scientific method. For one thing, in most cases "science" starts with a hypothesis or an assumption. The differences are deeper than just a mere "spin on words".
  15. Cynique Ok...perhaps you're right. What can I say, I'm a Black man...lol. We've had to develop STRONG defense mechanisms and coping skills to survive in this society.
  16. K2 Obama Took over the oval office. Ben Carson caved, for whatever reason. Personally, I'm of the opinion Barack Obama was foolishly brave, Ben Carson was cowardly, a coward I don't think Obama was brave, I think he was just ambitious. He was always a high achiever and wanted to see if he could achieve the highest office in the land....and did. As far as Ben being a coward......LOL....aren't YOU the one who told ME not to be so hard on him and that he wasn't the type to be bullied? Now you're sitting up here calling the man a coward....lol. But no, I wouldn't exactly call Ben Carson a "coward"...but tame and docile he is. With what they have to do and see, would think it's extremely hard to be a coward and a doctor....let alone a surgeon.....at the same time. Neither served in the military and neither knocked the shit out of a Republican. Do think it civility, professional courtesy, or fear I think it's a mixure of foolish (you can be smart and foolish at the same time) professional courtesy along with a good dose of fear. Had he done something unpopular like implement ‘reparation’ for America’s part in slavery he would not have served another term Lol, then why didn't he do it in his 2nd term when he had little to lose? Have you ever been with another woman while with your significant other? Plenty of times, with and without their knowledge. But now a days....with. Because honesty is part of my moral code....but monogamy isn't.
  17. Like Kalexander said...... We'll give Troy 1 hour to respond and if he doesn't.....lol.....he's a WHITE RACIST TROLL!!!!!
  18. K2 Donald Trump is SOCIALLY intelligent. He knows people and how to deal with people, which allowed him to be so good in business. In your assertion you acknowledge the value of college degrees; what people do with advanced knowledge is a matter of moral conduct; survival of fittest, dead by sleepless nights or a guilty conscience. Maybe? Social deviance of the sociopathic kind. Most of the college degrees that Black people are getting allows them to FIT INTO a system that White men have already built. But it doesn't teach them to build one for themselves. I'd go so far as to say that outside of mathematics much of what is taught isn't really KNOWLEDGE but INFORMATION. And the students who can best memorize that information and give it back to the professor the way he wants it on exams are the ones who get the best grades. With good grades they are allowed to pass through to a career where THEN they will receive the actual KNOWLEDGE through practical application.   Again, education is to make our motion better, not get rich, or enjoy material accumulation, those are incidental benefits; I hope people will use not in a deviant manner. Well you must understand that my moral standards are different than most people's. Every behavior fits into the positive, negative, or neutral category. I don't have a problem with people wanting to get rich. I don't even see hoarding money and being selfish or greedy as being "immoral" in and of themselves. They are not good or bad actions....they just are NEUTRAL neither helping nor harming others. Infact, for the person getting rich and stacking up dough.....if that's what they want to do it's actually GOOD. Now when you use your money to actually HURT people or if you steal money from others, NOW that's crossing over into the negative territory. But I don't hate on people for being greedy or wanting to get more and more money as long as they aren't directly hurting others in the process. There is evidence that Christianity purposely introduced the concepts that greed, selfishness, and the accumulation of riches was somehow "wrong" or immoral in order to discourage the masses from seeking to enrich themselves and thus threatening the wealth of those in power.
  19. I just want to know...... Will their be any NUDITY or POLYGAMY? I don't want to fly all the way over to Nigeria for nothing, lol.
  20. Troy how did the people who built the pyramids acquire the knowledge they needed to construct these architectural marvels? I don't know. Perhaps they experimented.....perhaps the knowledge was BESTOWED upon them from a Higher Power. We do know a series of smaller pyramids were built in the Sudan and I believe also the Congo that seemed to led up to the Greater ones although I'm not sure if they were built before or after. Now....lol....since I answered your question will you answer mine...... Do you or do you not agree with the definitions I provided a few posts ago?
  21.   Troy "African word for Daddy" Surely you did not mean write than did you? Yes....but with an explaination. Ofcourse there are hundreds if not thousands of languages in Africa, however in ALMOST ALL of the sub-Saharan African cultures the children use the words "Baba" for Father and "Mama" for Mother. So by "African language" I'm speaking about the collective languages of sub-Saharan Africa. Actually Chinese also call their father "Baba". As far as blindly following white folks, you know white folks invented Black Panther and he world of Wakanda right? Stan Lee might have invented them but my boy Ryan Cooglar perfected them.....lol.
  22. Troy It being "Western" is a given.....because it was the West that invented it and brought it to the rest of the world. It didn't come from China, or Nigeria, or Arabia, or any Native America culture. But more importantly none of you definitions describe how science is practiced, which is what you don't seem to know. Look up the "scientific method." I already KNOW what the scientific method is. It's what I've been telling you, science is MORE than mere knowledge and information...it's a systematic and methodical way of collecting and organizing data. The knowledge of the ancient cultures who constructed the pyramids, built the ancient cities of the America, build the statues on Easter Island....even the giant Islamic, Persian, Ethiopian, and Chinese civilizations of the past with all of their medicine and architecture didn't use "science" to do it but their own methods of systematically arranging knowledge. I'm not arguing the validity or invalidity of science, I'm arguing that it is NOT the same as simple "knowledge" or even technology. For example, part of official science is RECORDING the observations of your experiments. If you don't record the environmental conditions for what you're doing it's not an official scientific experiment and any information from it wouldn't be officially accepted as science. But we know that much of the techonology of the past came from people who probably couldn't even read or write, let alone "record" anything they were doing while inventing.
  23.   Troy Very good @Pioneer1, I should known better than to quiz people on this site about African history that said... Are you trying to say America is a secular nation -- are you kidding me?! I gave you an example of a man murdering an elder in the movie but you ignored that example which disproves your point and cherry picked on to suit your needs. I didn't IGNORE your point....lol....I just steam rolled over it with more COUNTER-POINTS. There were far more scenes in that movie that displayed the positive relationship between Black youth and their elders than negative. Even the way the movie started off with a little kid asking his "Baba" (African word for Daddy) about the history of his people. Come on man, don't tell me THAT didn't touch you! I can tell you know nothing about science because as soon as your experiment fails you double down in your flawed hypothesis. Maybe the experiments fail because the laws of physics in Wakanda are different than in America....lol. Did you get the inside of your lower lip tattooed yet? You know there are negroes working o doing this right? I think Black people getting the insides of their lower lips tatooed is a lot smarter than getting both their entire arms and legs along with their necks tatooed like so many are foolishly doing today. I'd rather see Black people use their ingenuity to MAKE UP a culture either on the big screen or in real life than continuing to blindly follow White people in a pathetic attemp to imitate their culture (tatooes, piercings, carnivorous diet, heavy drinking, reckless drug use, ect....) which too often leads to the 3D's: disease, disappointment, and death.
  24. Troy where, pray tell, did you get this definition: "Science is a Western method of collecting and organizing information?" We can't have a reasonable conversation on this subject if this is the basis of your understanding of science There are many definitions but this dictionary says: "a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws" http://www.dictionary.com/browse/science   And Wikipedia says: "Science (from Latin scientia, meaning "knowledge")[2][3]:58 is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Science Basically, science...professional accepted science....is a system with specific rules and practices for how information is collected, accepted, and arranged. Do you not agree with this?
  25. K2 I cannot see Ben Carson being bullied by anybody, too intelligent for that and too detailed oriented. Intelligence isn't a substitute for courage, just look at Obama and how smart HE was yet he constantly compromised with and caved into the demands of more aggressive Republicans in a feeble attempt to "make peace" and get along with them. If you go to any school you'll see plenty of smart wimps....lol. I think one of the reasons Ben Carson was able to rise as far as he did as a doctor wasn't JUST because of his high intelligence but also because of his docile and non-threatening demeanor. He also said that his wife was the ONLY woman he'd ever been with. Which also no doubt helped his career since the White men working with him didn't have to worry about him sleeping around with White women....lol.
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