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  1. frank Or What if they are both right... Words do have more than one meaning...Which affects Context and Narrative. That possibility exists. If that's the case, then in MY opinion a good transliteration would put BOTH meanings out side by side instead of only one. Yeah Why? If a person believes the Bible is "God's Word"...what would be more important than making sure you are EXREMELY ACCURATE down to the very minute detail in translating it? Even engineers are extremely meticulous when it comes to the mathematics needed to make cars and airplanes. Shouldn't it be even MORE exact when it comes to texts that a person believes is the Words of God? Also, if a person is trying to deceive me...I'd like to know WHO it is and WHY they are. Get to the bottom of it. Get to the root of it. Because if they are trying to harm me in ONE way, they may be trying to harm me in other ways too. So I need to know in order to properly protect myself. The Translated text is Mistranslated.....Not the Original Text. - One must now render his own understanding given current insights True, but also keep in mind the ORIGINAL text could still contain errors and inaccuracies also. Also, one should ask one's self... If they indeed came from God, why would God present a text to humanity that needs "translating"? Why not present it in a text that EVERYONE can read easily and crystal clearly? No need to pass through the "prone to corruption" hands of another human being. What if its a matter of Cultural Nuances and Personal Bias....then it is Accidental or Negligence - Unintended without Purpose. Good point. Still, my question would be IF the text was sent by God and meant for humanity and it has been mistranslated or inaccurately translated...why did God not protect it from any form of mistranslation or inaccuracy? Find then the Ancient texts yourself a new translation. If I thought it was THAT important, I would. But I don't find it that important because I personally don't believe it came from God. It may make for a good read and interest me for the purposes of piecing together ancient history...but I don't see them as "God's Word". Trust me, if I truly believed it came from God....much of my time would be devoted to finding these texts and trying my best to get an accurate translation or better yet learning the ancient language. But I don't...so I'm not.
  2. frankster Thank you You're welcomed In the Dream Reality it is Memory of sound applied to Create and or Reflect Seeming Shared Reality. In the Dream Reality, the only role "memory" has in making you familiar with the sound you're hearing NOW (in the dream) because you heard it before in the past while you were awake. Same with people. If you're conversing with someone you know or have known in a dream...it's not your "memory" that you're conversing with them. Because most likely you're talking about and doing things you HAVE NOT talked about and HAVE NOT done yet in the waking state. So how is it a "memory"? No...the only role "memory" has is as a reference so that you are FAMILIAR with what or who you are dealing with in the dream state. And some Beings or people you have NOT met in the waking state so there is no "memory" of them. You've been to places in your dreams you've NEVER been to in this Reality...so how can it be a "memory"????? In Dream Reality....You as in your Physical Body, is Not there in your dream, so you as in your physical body is Not Flying in your dream. I would have to differ. Most people who fly in their dreams have observed that they are in A physical body flying. They just aren't in the physical body of THIS Reality. In Dream reality you only appear "Physical" Hence different Rules Applies....Physicality and all its attributes do Not apply. Some mystics would argue that you ARE physical. Similiarily You only seemed to be Hearing Lol. Is the OBSERVATION of an observation the same AS it? Its Attributes are different from the Physical Body's Attributes. I can agree somewhat. Yes.. So Dreams are clearly more than memories since most of the time they are of things that haven't happened before. Dream Reality Has its own Attributes.....One in Which Time and Space do Not Exist - Only its Memory. Time and space DO exist in the Dream Realities. They just don't always necessarily line up with the time and space in THIS Reality. What seems like days in a Dream Reality may take place in 20 minutes in THIS Reality. But it does exist. Memory and Recreated Memory....You are the Dream and all Aspects of Dream are a part of You This is Caucasian/Western theoretical and philosophical interpretation of dreams. Which I don't ascribe to. I think Carl Jung proposed the same assertions White psychiatrists, psychologists, and Philosophists are basically trying to say dreams are strictly creations or concoctions of the dreamer's mind. Ancient wisdom knows better and says that dreams are your Soul literally entering another Reality or Realities while your physical body in this Reality is at rest. Study the concept of DREAM TIME among the Aboriginees of Australia. Oh! I did. Well, there you go! Thank You. You're welcomed The Extent of the Influence is Vast according many Spiritual Leaders and a Few Scientist Very vast. There are a limited number of spices one can cook with...probably less than 500. But the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of different combinations we can come up with to make different dishes is amazing! Everybody has their own mind and most can use the power of their minds to INFLUENCE the world by using the material that already exists in it to reshape the world. Yet they didn't bring any of this basic material INTO existence, it already existed. African and Eastern Spiritual Movements and Systems seems to be way ahead in this regard. Yes, which is why I'm skeptical and for the most part mistrustful of Western psychology and philosophy when it comes to Spiritual matters. Not only are they behind.... Most Western scholars know more of the truth than they actually put out for the public. They actually purposely put out trash and disinformation they KNOW isn't true in order to confuse the masses....while they hold on to the little truth they DO have and try to keep it secret. They knew the truth about Dreams 1000 years ago....but purposely put lies and silly philosophical questions out for the masses to argue over.
  3. ProfD Although brotha Macolm X softened his stance upon his return from Mecca, he did caution that it was unwise and foolish to allow white folks into Black organizations. Especially not in positions of leadership. And our brother Malcolm was ABSOLUTELY correct. And I will make it clear that when I talk about having STRATEGIC ALLIANCES WITH SOME Whites....this doesn't include allowing them into ALL of our organizations (although I would allow them into some) and DEFINITELY not in leadership of ANY of our organizations. Also, keep in mind when I talk about OUR organizations I'm talking SPECIFICALLY about those that I am or will be apart of...not ANY or ALL Black organizations. Why does that make a difference? Because "our" organizations are or will be made up primarily of INTELLIGENT and CONSCIOUS AfroAmericans who know exactly what our Agenda is and what results we want to see whatever we're trying to do. So for example..... If there's crime in our neighborhood and we want to set up a neighborhood watch, it will be MOSTLY intelligent law abiding AfroAmericans...about 90%. The other 10% consisted of 2 Mexicans, 5 Caucasian men and women, and 1 Filipina woman. Except for the Filipina woman....NONE of the other non-AfroAmericans were in leadership positions and we made it CRYSTAL CLEAR that if you wanted to be a part of our neighborhood watch organization you HAD to follow OUR leadership. And they did. As usual and as I've observed for YEARS.....the Caucasian men were so eager to just be IN the group (possibly to keep an eye on what we were doing) that they were willing to accept ANY role just to be inside of it....lol. Some Whites were taking orders from brothers the knew were in the Nation of Islam....lol...and OBEYED THEM....LOL. And it worked out. Crime was pretty much eliminated and even relationships with the local law enforcement was improved. It only took a handful of white folks to colonize Australia and take over South Africa. True. Because that handful consisted of mostly INTELLIGENT people while many of those they ruled over must have been NOT AS intelligent. And perhaps those who WERE intelligent or more intelligent than the Whites...were not united. White folks cannot br trusted and they are too dangerous. If they are willing to kill and maim each other for little or nothing....imagine what they're willing and capable of doing to non-white folks. You're absolutely correct. But collectively they are so smart and so powerful that many of our people have NO CHOICE but to work with or for them ANYWAY regardless of whether or not they know this. So if you have NO or LITTLE CHOICE but to work with them and live with them....the INTELLIGENT thing to do is to work and live with them as BEST you can. Black folks have to be totally on code before they can even think about building strategic alliances with white folks and others. If by "Black folks" you mean ALL or MOST Black folks....I'm not sure that's going to happen anytime soon. I wouldn't advice anybody to hold their breath waiting on niggas to get "on code". If that's what some people are waiting for....might as well forget about it for now and have a pizza..lol. But I do believe SOME Black folks are ALREADY on code and united in pushing THEIR personal Agendas or the Agendas of the group they're in and they have had success working with SOME White folks to get SPECIFIC things accomplished. We can't wait on fools, crack heads, and half retarded niggas who've smoked so much fake weed that their lips have turned purple- to get on code with the rest of intelligent Black folks. They are dead weight holding the community back. Intelligent Black folks with a plan need to WORK that plan in whatever arena or endeavor they are focused on and make sure the Whites they are working with don't DIVERT it. The key is to have a HEALTHY mistrust of the Whites you're working with and stay FOCUSED on YOUR agenda...and you will be successful. Black folks cannot jump from head start to college that fast. LOL. College??? Some of these niggas couldn't make it past Kindergarten. I remember as a kid while most of us were eating graham crackers and drinking those little apple juices...some of these niggas were eating paste and licking their fingers grinning. I remember as a kid how HARD it was for some kids to just stand in line. The teacher would try to line us up in a straight line and some fools would wander in circles out of the line into the walls and stand back looking crazy....just couldn't even stand in line. And I notice some of them managed to grow up and were the SAME WAY....can't even stand in a straight line at the McDonalds and end up fighting over who's next. "You saw us standing there, what the fuck man????" "Fuck YOU dude....I was hungry and you looked like you weren't ready to order yet so...."
  4. ProfD I agree. But you know what.....as racist as a lot of poor and working-class Whites are.....I DO believe SOME of them can be worked with with the right message. A small minority....but they do exist. Intelligent and strong Black mayors like Coleman Young and Marion Barry found a way to work with SOME White folks on all economic levels and made alliances with them to get certain things accomplished. I say this, because I don't believe most AfroAmerican politicans are going about things the CORRECT way. I think most of them are being led around by White Democratic leaders who have their own agendas and not ours and this is preventing them from developing their own agendas that may be able to strategically make alliances WITH some of these poor and working class Whites. I have to stress and stress again....MOST poor and working class Whites ARE RACIST and can't be trusted. However as long as we live in the same nation together we have to find a way to work with and try to get along with SOME of them and I believe INTELLIGENT AfroAmericans CAN find a way.
  5. frankster Thank You You're welcomed. The definition of the word "someone" is typically of a human being. (smile) True. It "typically" is. Yes....But the Physical Body the Conscious(waking) mind remains asleep and there is nothing within earshot that is producing those sounds There is nothing in THIS Reality that is producing the sounds in the dream. But in the Reality of the dream itself...certainly Beings and things ARE producing sounds. If I'm dreaming of a car, the car IN the dream IS producing the sound. True....The Mental censor that curate/create this Waking Reality is in abeyance whilst One is asleep....different Rules now applies. Ofcourse different rules apply. You're in a different Reality. People often FLY in their dreams where they can't fly in this Reality. If You believe its pure mentation/memory then - Thank you If not. ....and I don't, lol. Memories are of something that ALREADY happened in the past. Most dreams aren't about things that ALREADY happened but the person feels they are actively in the situation RIGHT NOW talking to the person RIGHT NOW. Infact...rather than recalling events of the past....some dreams actually foretell the FUTURE! If you believe there was actual people in your dream then go ask them if they also remember the incident or see if the cars and planes are where you left them. This depends if the people IN your dream are also part of THIS Reality also. Sometimes the people you dream about only exist in THAT Reality you are dreaming in. Other times, the people you dream about USED TO exist in this Reality but they died and now only exist in the Reality you dreamt them in. And in other times....yes...the people you dream about DO exist in this Reality and you can often confirm things with them and they can enter your dreams and you can enter theirs. One of worst kind of dreams i have had was that of finding money only to wake up and realize it is but a dream. LOL. Well, you might have to learn how to control your dreams so that you can enjoy IN THAT DREAM the money you had IN THAT DREAM...lol. This Reality is a Shared Reality. I agree. There is no Flower only Pure Potential "With our Thoughts we Create the World" - Buddha I'm not a Buddhist....lol...so I don't mind saying I can't say I agree with this statement as it is. I believe we can INFLUENCE the world with our thoughts but to "create" the world is a stretch. My idea of "creating" means to bring something into existence out of pure nothing. Thus...it can be argued that everything IN this world has ALREADY been created and we are just DESIGNING it and FASHIONING it from material that has already been brought into existence. Thank you. You're welcomed This Our Shared Reality is Pure Undifferentiate Vibration....Once a Potential has been Name(observe) it collapses into a Packet Called an Atom losing its Wave Function and is now a Resonant Frequency in this Shared Reality. Althought I understood what you typed, I don't understand ENOUGH about it to agree or disagree with. Western science is JUST NOW understanding the nature of vibration and the impact it's having on this Reality. They are still in their infancy if not embryonic stage. I won't take their theories and run with them quite yet...lol.
  6. frankster Simply answer is No. but that's not the question I asked. So if the answer is "no" they DON'T mean the same thing....which we probably both agreed upon anyway....then obviously ONE of the translations is wrong. Either then word in the original Hebrew was MIS-translated as "cloud" in the Gateway Bible; or the original Hebrew word was MIS-translated in the King James Bible. ...but ONE of them is clearly wrong and was MIS-translated. So now we need to figure out WHICH ONE is the incorrect translation and then WHY was it mis-translated. Why do we need to do that? Why is it important for us to spend time trying to figure out WHY the word was mis-translated????? For a number of reasons..... 1. If ONE word was mis-translated in a particular text, then it's very likely that ANOTHER and OTHER words were also mis-translated. Which means THAT TEXT can no longer be trusted. 2. If a word was mis-translated we need to find out why to determine if it was PURPOSEFULY mis-translated. Because if it was mis-translated ON PURPOSE....that means it was meant to deceive the reader. And if that's the case, we should try to find out what was the agenda of those doing the mis-translating as to why they were intentionally trying to deceive the readers of their Biblical translation. This thing is deeper than Rap....lol. Fair enough.. I have no photo of him....at this time. My brutha...... Very likely. Exactly. Hence my skepticism on certain translations of ancient texts.
  7. Americans are tipping less often for a variety of services, demonstrating a steady decline over the last few years, according to new data from Bankrate released this week. Also, two-thirds (66%) of the survey's respondents have a negative view about tipping, including 41% saying they feel like businesses should pay their employees better rather than relying so much on tips. And, people are feeling annoyed about pre-entered tip screens (32%), sharing that the present tipping culture has gotten out of control (30%), and noting they would be willing to pay higher prices if they could do away with tipping (16%), and being confused about who and how much to tip (15%), according to Bankrate’s report. Ted Rossman, Bankrate’s senior industry analyst, says in his opinion, what’s causing negative tipping views for the past year is the economy. "The biggest change, within the past year at least, is that inflation is leaving people with less money to go around," Rossman tells FOX Business. "A lot of people seem to feel like things cost enough already, so they’re not as likely to tip on top of that. 6 TIPS TO SAVE $100 A WEEK AND PUT IT TOWARD SAVINGS Also, he says the "groundswell of appreciation" for service industry workers that was evident early in the pandemic seems to have faded. READ ON THE FOX BUSINESS APP "But we were seeing a tipping decline even before the pandemic. It seems like the ‘tip creep’ that’s occurring – being asked to tip for things that didn't warrant a tip – is annoying a lot of people." "Consumers aren’t going to want to pay higher prices, and if you don’t tip generously, you’re hurting the worker, not the business," he says. The tipping acceptance topic with regard to food items often involves the type of service and can include sit-down dining, quick-service stops and delivery services. "I think everyone should be tipping 20% at a sit-down restaurant, unless the service is really bad," Rossman tells FOX Business. "Many waiters and waitresses make as little as $2.13 per hour (the federal tipped minimum wage), with tips expected to boost their compensation." Rossman cites from research that just 65% of sit-down restaurant diners always tip, down from 77% four years ago, and he notes that only 44% tip at least 20%, down from 50% last year. "I think we should always tip for delivery, too. The exact figure depends on the size of the order – for example, instead of a percentage, it might make sense to tip something like $5 for a pizza," Rossman adds. WHAT IS ‘CASH STUFFING’ AND HOW DOES IT WORK? Consumers may not know that a service or delivery fee often doesn’t go to the delivery person. "I don’t think you should feel compelled to tip if you’re picking up takeout. That was more of a thing during the pandemic when sit-down dining was shut down," he continues. Bankrate’s study suggests high inflation and unease about the economy contribute to stingier consumers. "I understand that money is tight for a lot of people, but I’d also note that tipping often involves discretionary expenses," Rossman says. "Honestly, if you can’t afford to tip 20% for sit-down dining, you probably shouldn’t be going to that restaurant. When tipping is customary, like it is at restaurants, I think consumers need to build these costs into their budgets." Rossman does think that sometimes the tip creep goes too far. "I was recently asked to tip by a self-checkout machine at Newark Airport. I also don’t like how Hopper, the online travel agency, asks for tips when people book travel on their website. I’ve even heard of some doctors’ offices asking for tips," Rossman says. "These all feel like overreaches and blatant revenue grabs." According to Rossman, tipping should be more of a reward for service, and is often expected when someone is serving you food or carrying your bags. "It’s not usually for self-service or highly paid professionals such as doctors," he says. And, in his view, pre-populated tip screens can be awkward. "Because the cashier is often looking right at you when you decide whether or not to tip them, and customers behind you in line might be snooping too," adds. The amounts are also very strategic. They typically are 10%, 15% and 20% or 20%, 25% and 30%. SURGING INFLATION: HOW TO TRIM $200 FROM YOUR MONTHLY BUDGET A lot of people tip in these instances out of guilt. "Starbucks, for example, says half of its customers who pay with credit and debit cards leave a tip," reports Rossman. "These pre-entered screens shift the tipping dynamic from needing to actively decide to tip (like putting spare change or a couple bucks in a tip jar) to actively declaring that you don’t want to tip (which isn’t always easy on those pre-entered screens). I suspect a lot of people don’t really want to tip for something like a coffee or food truck order, but they’re guilted into it, and then they feel bad afterward. The survey reports that people said they would tip better during and after the pandemic, but that hasn’t really lasted, says Rossman. "At present, 14% of Americans say they’re tipping more than they did prior to the pandemic, and 9% say they’re tipping less," he explains. "Other components of our survey point to a marked decline in the frequency of tipping for various services. Every single category is down from the recent past." Bankrate’s report outlines that Americans are tipping less often for numerous services, demonstrating a steady decline over the last few years. According to its research, Gen Zers (ages 18-26), millennials (ages 27-42), and men stand out for being the worst tippers across multiple service categories. In general, Rossman says, older Americans tend to be better tippers. "I think this is mostly because they have more money, but also perhaps because they’re more ingrained with the social norms surrounding tipping," he says. This pattern continues across the majority of other services, with differences in how Gen Zers, millennials and men in particular tip hair stylists/barbers, food delivery people and taxi/rideshare drivers, says Bankrate. The study reports that "While 53% of U.S. adults who have a hair stylist/barber always tip them, just 24% of Gen Zers, 40% of millennials, and 46% of men always do so, compared to 60% of women, 67% of Gen Xers, and 70% of baby boomers." Similarly, 50% of U.S. adults who order food delivery always tip the delivery person, but just 31% of Gen Zers, 42% of millennials, and 45% of men do the same, compared to 54% of women, 63% of Gen Xers, and 62% of baby boomers, Bankrate’s study reports. Finally, according to the study, while 40% of U.S. adults who ride in taxis/rideshares always tip the driver, just 22% of Gen Zers, 30% of millennials and 36% of men always tip them, compared to 45% of women, 51% of Gen Xers, and 56% of baby boomers. CLICK HERE TO GET THE FOX BUSINESS APP Tipping culture general feedback, according to the study, says 30% of U.S. adults overall say that tipping culture has gotten out of control, with the tendency to feel this way increasing for older generations and higher earners. Thirty-three percent of Gen Xers and baby boomers agree with this sentiment about tipping culture, compared to 27% of millennials and 22% of Gen Zers. Forty percent of those in the highest-earning households (earning $100,000-plus annually) say tipping culture has gotten out of control, according to Bankrate’s data, compared to 34% of those earning between $80,000 and $99,999 annually, 33% earning between $50,000 and $79,999 annually and 23% in the lowest-earning households (earning less than $50,000 annually). And, benevolence surely still matters, as the study says that 35% of people say they feel good when they leave a generous tip. Bankrate's survey was conducted May 3-5, 2023, with a sample size of 2,437 U.S. adults. Americans are getting tired of tipping, survey shows. Here’s why (msn.com) I noticed this story earlier today and decided to post it NOT because I'm a Conservative or a Fox News fan, because I'm neither. I posted it as an example of how they are taking POPULIST IDEAS and claiming them as their own! Why is a right-wing new source like Fox grabbing an idea like "too much tipping" and discussing it when that used to be a LEFTIST issue concerning poor people who don't have enough money to spend away in big tips? This tactic is one of the reasons the Conservatives have won over so many common working class people. They know how to reach the poor and working class by hitting on ideas and subject WE care about even if Fox and the other right-wing leaders themselves could care less.
  8. ProfD And the interesting thing is.....I've seen many Latinos act JUST LIKE this on jobs and in real life. They display an OPEN bias towards one another that is almost intimidating to even point out. White folks see it and just sit back and IGNORE it. Don't even make funny faces at it anymore. But if they see two Black folks standing together talking, they stand in the background staring wondering what's the conversation about. Image if you go to a job and Black workers are just laid back comfortably speaking Ebonics with the Black managers and then they are all sharing Soul Food with eachother at lunch time and promoting other Black folks in different positions to run things totally ignoring other non-Black folks.
  9. Yes. I would say although they tend to overlap on many levels.......friendships tend to be formed over EMOTIONS while alliances tend to be formed over INTERESTS. Me and you can be neighbors who don't necessarily like eachother or share the same religion but we can agree to be ALLIES to protect eachother's property from the thugs and gangstas who are moving in on the block!
  10. You know what's funny? Over the past 10 years, I've seen fights break out and accidents happen in real life and don't remember anyone standing around with a camera or phone recording it. I've seen people stand around and look doing nothing, I've seen other people react....but I don't recall seeing someone knowingly with a phone in their hand getting close shots of the scene. Maybe it's because I was so focused on the incident itself I didn't pay attention to the others what were also watching.
  11. frankster If race makes a difference in either the "gathering" or Interpretation of Facts....Then it Propaganda. Correct How so? Because The SUPREME BEING hears it, other non-human Deities hear it, Spirits that probably were never human hear it, and animals hear it. The Memory of Sound and Ideations The visuals, sounds, and feelings you get in a dream don't give the impression or feelings you get sitting down "thinking" of a memory of the past. You actually EXPERIENCE your dream. For all intents and purposes...your Soul is actually there. When you THINK about a lemon, you have to put forth considerable effort to "see" it and "smell" it and "taste" it to the point your mouth waters. But when you DREAM about one....you just see it and pick it up and taste the full flavor with little or no effort. Its Pure Mentation/Memory of Sound...as there are no actual people(/music/airplanes or cars) talking(making those sounds) in their dream Or are you saying their are an actual people(/music/airplanes or cars) in their dream? Yes, I believe so. Ears turning vibrations into Sound as Eyes turn Vibration in to Sight Do the ears TURN the vibration into sound....or do the ears DETECT the sound that was already there? Do the eyes TURN photons into sight....or do the eyes DETECT the sight that was already there? My understanding is that there is a difference between the object and the vibration the object is experiencing and giving off. Our Observation of the Flower is in a sense its creation(subjective) and another's Observation of the flower is another creation of the same flower - hence changed.. Hmmmm...... I would say that the observation of the flower by another could be a creation of ANOTHER IMAGINATIVE flower in that person's imagination. But not another creation in THIS Reality. In other words...... If I look at a flower and see it one way, then the IMAGE of it has been created in my mind a particular way. If you look at the same flower and see it another way, then THAT IMAGE has been created in your mind in another way. However THAT ORIGINAL FLOWER hasn't change...it still is what it was. Both Observation of the flower is not the same...Personal Bias I agree. The Flower is Pure Potential....That Collective (Un)Consciousness has Projected from its Subjective bias thru Naming(Resonant Frequency) Not sure if I follow, however if I understand this correctly.....I'd have to disagree that it's "pure potential". It's a constant ACTUAL with numerous potentials.
  12. It's foreign to YOU too.....as you claim that you have conversations and interactions to exchange ideas. Sounds like part of an "agenda" to me....lol.
  13. Funny to me how you NEVER hear about studies done to determine how much the wars in Ukraine, Iraq, and Afghanistan and all the heat and pollution THEY have been causing over the decades -has affected the climate and environment. They want to yell at you over a damn plastic bag or putting too much gas in your car but they're blowing up bridges and damns in the middle of Europe and testing nuclear weapons every year for the past 70 something years....but THAT apparently has no impact on the climate. You don't see little cross eyed kids with signs hanging on their necks standing up to microphones and yelling at lawmakers over the impact WAR has on the environment.....lol. Man, these damn devils.
  14. Speak of the devil, look at THIS shit: The Daily Digest Follow The ‘Doomsday Clock’ closer to Armageddon than ever before Story by Zeleb.es • Jun 10, 2023 2 of 20 Photos in Gallery The group of scientists has been measuring real and existential threats to humankind through this symbol for more than 70 years. Auto Rotation Off Doomsday clock The group of scientists has been measuring real and existential threats to humankind through this symbol for more than 70 years. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/the-doomsday-clock-closer-to-armageddon-than-ever-before/ss-AA15SWFU?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=d143cdb6114847c38b40c4f0286571bb&ei=13 They got some old dried up devil playing with clocks trying to scare the shit out of everybody silly enough to listen to them. Yet HE and the rest of these "scientists" probably have all kinds of trust funds and accounts tucked away for THEIR children and grand children and GREAT grand children....while telling YOU the world is going to end any minute!!! ....damn devils just playing GAMES with the people, lol. Done set up a damn "Armageddon Clock" they can wind forward or backward whenever they fell like it....lol. Laaaaawd........I'm telling you the truth, lol.
  15. There's a difference between FRIENDS and ALLIES. AfroAmericans would be wise if we learned those differences so that when it comes to building relationships with those outside of our community -we'll focus more on seeking ALLIANCES than seeking FRIENDSHIPS.
  16. Oh, I meant to post this commercial of Pete Davidson: You look at his facial features and hairline and tell me if you don't see a lot of African ancestry in this Jewish man.
  17. frankster "If" so you did not But I'm writing to YOU right now and asking YOU: Do "cloud" and "heaven" mean the same thing? I'd like YOUR answer before running to the dictionary. A Muslim brother it seems of Egypt. He may be Muslim, but I'd have to see him to determine if he's a "brother" or not. You got plenty of racist White and mixed Muslims. No it was not them who unearth the codices... Well did they play any role in translating them or publishing them? If the devil's hands touched them in ANY way, we have to carefully examine them.
  18. Take the day off from work...definitely. Have bar-b-ques, pool parties, block parties.....typical celebrations.
  19. Well, what stood out for ME in the video is why the hell was the sista in the blue sweatshirt SMILING in the incident? Perhaps it was a nervous smile or just the embarassment of the situation, but something tells me if the drunk girl was Black she wouldn't have been smiling. You had two Black women trying to gently control this drunk racist ass White girl, but I'd bet two bits to a bucket of shit that if that was another BLACK GIRL out there acting a fool they wouldn't have been so gentle with her. They'd probably be both beating the hell out of her calling her all types of bitches while pounding and kicking her. ....and another thing. Who was holding the phone recording this?
  20. Well my state is Michigan. We're surrounded by the world's largest supply of fresh water and we can pretty much grow all of the food we need that is necessary for survival. In the northern more desolate parts of the state....we got plenty of deer, moose, and rabbits and shit running around wild. We have so much land and natural resources we can support a population of atleast 50 million people if necessary. ....so we good, lol.
  21. ProfD A lot of THESE youth are so full of that fake weed so many are smoking.....it doesn't look very pretty, lol. As soon as some of them walk past you....male of female...you immediately smell a SKUNK.
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