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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. Oooh so noooooooooow they decide to tell the truth and admit that this Pandemic started from a lab leak? After all of that denial and ridiculing of people who were saying it and claiming it was just some "baseless conspiracy theory"...now they admit it. My question is, how long has the main stream media been sitting on this? And how long has the FBI believed that it was a lab leak? I hadn't even HEARD anyone say this about the agency until I read this article, now they're reporting on it as if it's old news. Man...these people are something else.
  2. I see a similarity between Israel and the United States in how the Arabs form gangs and attack eachother overthere.....despite the racism and oppression they face; like the Black people and Latinos form gangs and attack eachother here despite the racism and oppression we face.
  3. Agency Sides With Theory That Lab Leak Sparked Pandemic Energy Department agrees with FBI's conclusion, for a different reason The COVID-19 pandemic probably began with a laboratory leak, the Energy Department has decided. The agency, which had not expressed a view on the origin of the coronavirus, added its finding to a previous classified intelligence report sent to the White House and certain members of Congress, the Wall Street Journal reports. The conclusion, which is based on new intelligence, is far from being the last word: US agencies are divided on the issue, and the Energy Department said in the document that its assessment was reached with "low confidence." The report says the virus was circulating in Wuhan, China, by November 2019. The FBI also says a lab leak is to blame, rating the strength of its conviction at "moderate confidence." But US officials told the Journal that the Energy Department and FBI reached the same conclusion for different reasons. Four other agencies, plus the National Intelligence Council, attribute the origins of the outbreak, with "low confidence," to natural transmission from an infected animal. The CIA hasn't decided between the two leading theories. A Stanford University microbiologist praised the willingness to reconsider the issue. "My plea is that we not accept an incomplete answer or give up because of political expediency," David Relman said. Jake Sullivan, White House national security adviser, said Sunday on CNN's State of the Union that there are a "variety of views" on the origin among intelligence agencies, adding that President Biden has told intelligence officials to get "to the bottom of this question," per the Hill. As is, Sullivan said, there's "no definitive answer." The Energy Department would not comment on its finding. (Studies last year traced the virus to a Wuhan market.) Agency Sides With Theory That Lab Leak Sparked Pandemic (newser.com)
  4. 2 shot dead in suspected gangland killing in north Story by ToI Staff • 5h ago 95Comments Two residents were shot dead Sunday in the northern Arab town of Dir Al Assad, in a slaying believed tied to an ongoing feud in the criminal underworld. Illustrative: Israel Police investigate the scene of a crime on June 2, 2021. (Israel Police)© Provided by The Times of Israel The deaths bring to 17 the number of Arab Israelis killed in violent incidents since the beginning of the month, making it one of the deadliest periods in recent years. The Magen David Adom emergency service reported its medics attended to two men, one of whom, age 60, was declared dead at the scene. The second man, 57, was taken to the hospital in serious condition but doctors were unable to save his life. Shortly after the shooting, police, with the assistance of a helicopter, detained two suspects. According to police, the shooting was related to a dispute between criminal organizations, Ynet reported. The long-running feud has already cost the lives of 16 people over the years. 2 shot dead in suspected gangland killing in north (msn.com)
  5. A good example to drive my point home is Vice President Kamala Harris' husband. He's a White man and you barely hear about him in the news....but he's confident in his role as 2nd husband. Nor do you hear White men jumping up and down about him playing second fiddle to his Black AfroAmerican wife. Too many images of White men who are IN power to trip over something so trivial.
  6. Well first of all if Rihanna HAD a husband....it would probably be a White man, because Rocky is merely her BOYFRIEND. They haven't even jumped the broom yet....having all these babies...lol. A White man would probably demand that their relationship be more "official". Having said that............. I would say that if Rihanna's husband was a White man standing in the background like that holding a baby....except for a handful of ultra-conservatives....White society probably wouldn't have a problem with it one bit simply because there are ENOUGH IMAGES of masculine White men taking care of business and being Alpha males that that one picture wouldn't pose a threat at all. May get a few laughs at the most, but certainly no insults and charges of emasculation. The position of White manhood is pretty secure in the White community today. If this were the 60s or 70s.....there would have been an uproar probably because the White Feminist movement threatened White Patriarchy......but not today. Black Feminism is much stronger and more vocal in the Black community than White Feminism is in the White community.
  7. It makes me wonder why do they keep building more buildings and populations keep regenerating in areas so prone to Earthquakes? Turkey and Syria and Iran constantly get Earthquakes....not just once every few hundred years but almost every year! I guess it's easier said that done, but to constantly rebuild over and over again only to have your work destroyed makes little sense to me.
  8. "If"??? So, should I take that statement to mean you DON'T believe the U.S. is spying on it's own citizens??????
  9. I wonder will there be another slap, punch or planned assault THIS year......lol. With all that's going on in the world, I'm surprised people are still interested in the Oscars. Just a couple years ago between the Covid-19 and people rioting in the streets....people thought the world was coming to an end and were only interested in survival. Now it's back to business as usual. But then again....things have been going on around the world for DECADES and yet life goes on and new generations are born. It's all new to young people, so they don't care.
  10. Just like there are many innocent people in prison; there are a LOT of cats on the street who need to be locked the hell up for the safety of the community....but they are allowed to walk free. The criminal mindset and criminal world is chaotic and confusing because just because someone got pinched for a non-violent crime, doesn't necessarily mean they ARE non violent. Many of them just didn't get caught for the dirt they did. Now a days....when you're on the streets you're expected to do "whatever"......no boundaries to the crimes you commit. If you sell dope, you're expected to be a killer too. If you a robber, you might turn around and rape the people you're robbing too. No rules. The problem is....there is a VAST negative element in Black society today that has gotten bigger and bigger since the late 60s after the riots. It's gotten so big and lasted for so long that instead of being rejected and fought against....many in our community has begun to EMBRACE it and make excuses for it. The sad part is, there doesn't seem to be enough good brothers willing to stand up together and clean up the communities right now. They exist....certainly enough good brothers do exist....but many of them aren't interested in uniting to clean things up. They don't see much incentive or reward in it. Most men....especially most young men...are motivated by women and money. And most people in THIS society don't think a "good man" should seek much of either. Their idea is that a "good man" should volunteer his efforts and not seek pay and if he gets ANY pussy....it should be from his ONE wife, lol. Until the "good bruthaz" are seen with more beautiful women and money than the thugs and gangstas....you probably won't see a change for the better anytime soon.
  11. Problem is, sexual attraction is so powerful it often OVER RIDES logic and even wisdom. You find yourself attracted to some women no matter how toxic they are. You even know they are manipulative and conniving but they are so attractive you often take chances with them thinking you're smart enough not to get caught up in their drama...lol. Before you know it, you're a good man or good woman who messed around and made/had a baby with some loud ghetto fool you wish you'd never met.
  12. Neely Fuller Jr. touches on this subject for a caller:
  13. ......not to mention some people LOVE being abused. I didn't believe it at first. When I used to hear it as a kid, I thought it was some sort of misunderstanding or exaggeration. But the older I got and the more experience I had the more I realized that some people actually love and seek out abuse and if you don't give it to them, they no longer find you attractive.
  14. Personally, I support an egalitarian society where women really DON'T need a man....nor would men need women. It would all be voluntary. I'm glad this society has gotten to the point where a woman can work and support herself without having to submit herself or her dignity to some asshole who is abusing her and the children every night. However that doesn't change nature. In nature....among humans....men were equipped with testosterone and stronger muscles for a reason. Well this whole "I don't need a man" business comes as a result of living in such a sophisticated well built society that most women (and most men for that matter) take their security and comfort for granted. We have machines to do much of the heavy work and we have police officers and a military to keep security and stability in our society. All it takes is for a natural disaster or some major social disruption to break out to turn all of this upside down and the demand for REAL MEN to step up will be as strong as ever. That "I don't need a man" shit will go right out of the door. Really.....if we want to be honest.......this "I don't need a man" business is really another way of saying I don't need a BLACK MAN. When you hear most Black women say they don't need a man, they are really talking about BLACK MEN. Because most of them definitely feel they need White men to keep the lights on, bills paid, their job to keep a pay check, and the car fixed. For a lot of our women....perhaps even most....the only thing a Black man has been "needed" for in their life is for entertainment (sexual, emotional, etc....) but if he is removed she'll move on and find another or just do without but life will still go on. Remove White men from the picture and the house she live in will collapse, the lights and gas will get cut off, schools will close, crime and chaos will be off the chain......until society rebuilds itself.
  15. I agree with the young sista that mass incarceration is a new modern day form of slavery. It's very unfair and racist and actually is part of a major conspiracy not just here in the United States but through out the Americas. I was looking at an article earlier about gang members around Latin America being rounded up and shipped to some brand new "Mega Prison" down there being deemed as the largest prison in the Western Hemisphere. When I saw the pictures of the men being hauled there....I saw THOUSANDS of brown skinned Indigenous looking men stripped damn near naked and tied up on the floor in a scene reminiscent of Chattel Slavery itself. However this sista IS a yound sista and like a lot of young people, may not have the full understanding of how to PROPERLY correct this problem.... Simply abolishing the criminal justice system and prisons and letting all of the inmates go would be a disaster at this point because there is too much dysfunction and violence in the United States right now. While a lot of innocent people are locked up, a lot of people who SHOULD be locked up are roaming free! This system has made a lot of monsters and Frankensteins that must be locked up for the safety of society itself or else you will continue to see more and more brutality and theft in the community. Black people need to understand this and start keeping law and order in our own communities. It's not enough for us to complain about police brutality and how unfair White folks are enforcing the laws in our community if WE won't take the initiative to do it ourselves and take the lead. We can't have it both ways. You can't sit around eating chilli-cheese fries and smoking blunts all day watching people get molested, shot, beat up, stabbed and grin at it finding it entertaining....but then start having a fit and doing jumping jacks when White folks swoop down and arrest EVERYBODY at the scene. Hell SOMEBODY has to take charge and keep order! If niggas are too lazy or crazy to do it....then SOMEBODY has to! One of the things I love about the Nation of Islam is they have their own police unit where they police themselves and keep order in their own community. Not wait on White folks to do it.
  16. Back then, a lot of people.....a couple on this site I remember....disagreed with me when I criticized Kapernick's methods. I said that they would be useless and a complete waste of time and effort. Even the fact that you want to "take a knee" during the national anthem was suspect to me. Take a knee? BOW??????? That's showing even MORE honor and respect for the flag than standing! Hell, you're better off just walking off of the damn field or turning your back to it.....not taking a knee. Then I found out that the concept actually came from some White dude who used to be in the Marines who had a small meeting with him and asked him to do that instead of something else he was doing in protest that I forgot. But he pretty much got gaffled up and tricked by some White boy and the other Black folks dropping to their knees following in behind Colin got duped as well. Time out for negroes constantly doing meaningless shit that don't work. Symbolism and empty rhetoric. We know what works. And it's not bowing and kneeling and marching.
  17. And did the brutality and killing stop? So what good was all of his sacrifice and financial loss? Like Neely Fuller Jr. said, a lot of our people are GOOD for doing what DOESN'T work. Find the very methods that DO NOT work at all...and double down on them! Sometimes I wonder if some of these niggas were put on the planet simply to do the most ass backwards and ineffective things to demonstrate to the WORLD what doesn't work. Serve as an example of what NOT to do. How NOT to end up. Don't smoke crack or you'll end up like this: Don't run around getting girls pregnant and abandoning the children or your community will end up like this: This is how your community will look if you let the women head the family instead of the men: Just exist as a great example to show the rest of humanity what NOT to do.
  18. Sometimes you have to let SOCIAL DARWINISM run it's course.
  19. Not me. I EARNED these grey hairs. Seems to me if a Black man lives long enough to get grey in THIS society, it should be a symbol of PRIDE and ACCOMPLISHMENT.
  20. My thoughts are.....Rihanna is STILL sexy! I know quite a few bruthaz were heated over the picture because her man (Rocky ASAP?) was in the back holding the baby and they thought the image kind of "emasculated" him....but it didn't bother me. Both of them are millionaires and I consider them a power couple who don't have to necessarily abide by the "traditional" rules.
  21. Exactly. If the players REFUSED TO PLAY....that would have been effective! That would have not only grabbed their attention but would have brought much of this nation to it's knees from all of the money so many people were making from NFL games from the owners down to the tail-gaters! But see..... Somebody.....some White boy from the Marines...got to Colin's ear and TOLD HIM that he should "take a knee" in protest because somehow that would be better....and he listened. And his methods have proven to be absolutely ineffective and useless.
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